Jewish Ritual Murder

von Hellmut Schramm, Ph. D.


a Historical Investigation

a translation by R. Belser of

Der jüdische Ritualmord Eine historische Untersuchung


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[1] Several hundred ritual-murder cases became well-known. Dr. Martin is speaking only of the child-murders at Easter time. -- See also Abbé L.A. Chiarini: Théorie du Judaïsme, I, page 356, notes.

[2] See Stauf von der March, 1933, page 166.

[3] See also the Summary of Historical Events.

[4] Jacob Brafmann: Das Buch vom Kahal; published by Siegrfried Passarge (Leipzig, 1928).

[5] Taken fron the Golden Bull of Frederick II of July 1236, published by R. Höniger in die Zeitschrift f. d. Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland (1887, p. 137/144) [Magazine for the History of the Jews in Germany].

[6] Further Jew-protecting bulls were issued in time to come by the popes Gregory X, (October 1272), Martin V (20 February 1422), Paul III (12 May 1540), Clement XIII (9 February 1760/21 March 1763); Clement XIV (1769-1774) declared that not a single pope had given recognition to the blood-charge.

[7] Tisza-Eszlár, page 75.

[8] Histoire des Juifs, p. 1838 (cited by Géza v. Ónody, p. 76).

[9] These three cases are likewise according to Matthias Parisiensis, Grande Chronique (translation by Huillard-Bréholles, IV and V). -- Matthias Parisiensis, one of the most important historians of his time, was born at the end of the 12th century at St. Albans in England. His Große Chronik [Great Chronicle] must be regarded even today as a treasure-house of the first rank!

[10] Concerning the tearing out of the bowels on the occasion of the symbolic hen-sacrifice, see page 381.

[11] Aronius: Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden im fränkischen und deutschen Reich [Collection of Documents for the History of the Jews in the French and in the German Kingdom].

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[12] See Joh. v. Leers in Weltkampf, [World Struggle]

[13] Der Orient, Number 45 (7 November 1840).

[14] The important disclosures which the accused made about the far-spread use of the blood in the cult actions of the Jews will be treated in a special chapter (see page 398 etc.)

[15] According to the statement of Jakob Burkhardt, in the year 1423, the state debt of Venice had already reached the enormous sum of 6,000,000 Ducats!

[16] B. Freimut: Altjüdische Reliogionsgeheimnisse usw [Ancient Jewish Relgious Secrets, etc.] -- Münster, 1893, p. 127.

[17] In the Hungarian National Museum at Budapest there is a [document printed in] block letters of the same text. The Hungarian University-Professor Aladar Bellagi published the same in 1882, in the year of the Tisza-Eszlár ritual-murder, in a Hungarian translation.

[18] Tisza-Eszlár, p. 65.

[19] Géza von Ónody, Tisza-Eszlár (1883), p. 113

[20] Contained in the court documents of the Komitatsgericht[Comitat Court] at Zilah (Hungary).

[21] v. Ónody, p. 116.

[22] Grätz: Geschichte der Juden[History of the Jews], Volume II (1870), p. 368.

[23] Jüdisches Lexikon [Jewish Lexicon], Emancipation, Sp. 385.

[24] D'Israeli: "In Germany, nearly the entire monopoly of professorship positions has fallen to the Jew" -- and that was over 100 years ago! [And proof positive that we are experiencing once again but another episode in what Nietzsche called the 2000 year-old struggle between "Rome" and "Israel"].

[25] guésira (from the Syrian = égorger = schächten!) [schächten = to butcher according to Jewish ritual law].

Copyright 2001 by R. Belser. Reproduction in whole or in part without express written permission of the translator is not permitted. All rights reserved.