Jewish Ritual Murder

von Hellmut Schramm, Ph. D.

a Historical Investigation


a translation by R. Belser of

Der jüdische Ritualmord
Eine historische Untersuchung

Damascus: footnotes

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[1] The psychologist and naturalist Heinrich Schubert mentions the Father in his Journey to Palestine as a great friend of mankind and scholar.

[2] A. v. Morell: "The Arabic files concerning the murder of Father Thomas and his servant in Damascus, translated into German according to the literal version in 'L'Univers' ", Nuremberg, Leonhard Schrag 1843. This German translation still exists only in single copies!

[3] See page 400.

[4] The statements concerning the use of the blood shall be dealt with in a chapter of their own. (see page 400)

[5] "Outside the religion": they have placed themselves outside of Jewry through their statements, they are free as birds. One should compare the hors de loi of the French Revolution!

[6] Reported by A.v. Morell, page 26

[7] This translation from the year 1840 agrees completely in its contents with the translation of shorter passages of the Schulchan aruch (compare Choschen ha-misch-pat 388, 10 and Hagah 388, 15) by E. Bischoff: "It is also at the present time allowed, to kill the man who makes the declaration. He has abandoned himself by his own action to death." -- "It is a command, to kill him, and anyone, who is first to strike him dead, is in the right." -- "If a Jew provably has already denounced Jews three times already, so the means are to be sought to remove him from the world... "

[8] This Rabbi was therefore present at both slaughters! In both cases he delivered to the Head Rabbi Antabli the blood collected in bottles.

[9] Gčza v. Önody, page 133

[10] Tax-collectors, usurers, and deceivers!

[11] Loewenstein: Damascia, page 203.

[12] A.V. Morell, page 63/64.

[13] Damascia, page 118.

[14] Der Orient, Numbers 21, 23. May 1840, page 159.

[15] "Dedicated to the progress of the Jewish spirit in history and literature".

[16] Der Orient, Number 34, page 264.

[17] Der Orient, Number 34, page 264.

[18] Leipzig with Adolf Frohberger, C.G. Naumen printing, Leipzig.

[19] This Jewish "trick" shall be dealt with in a special section.

[20] Emanuel Baumgarten: Die Blutbeschuldigung gegen die Juden [The Blood Accusation against the Jews], 1883.

[21] Dresden with Julius Naumann. [22] see page 176. [23] One should compare the treasury reports of the numerous mission organizations, as they were published in the "mission pages"!

[24] From the "Mission Song" let only the following passage be cited:

"... Come, put down your mite, too, for the blessing, which shall bring to the heathens the joys of the savior." According to E. Bischoff, who knew these gentlemen like no other knew them -- and saw through them, Delitzsch himself was born a Jew (1813), who was baptized in the Leipzig church of Nikolai and was active all his life as a "fanatic friend of the Jews."

His brothers had preferred to remain unbaptized (E. Bischoff" Schulchan aruch, page 138 in the place cited.). Delitzsch's father was a junk-yard Jew [this is the closest English rendering of "Trödeljude" I could think of; the noun der Trödel means "junk, second-hand articles" etc.], who conducted "a trade with old things, a so-called merchandise store".

"My benefactor from youth onward was a Jew by the name of Levy Hirsch, who lived with us in one house and dealt with books... "

("Franz Delitzsch -- A short picture of his life, composed by himself" in Peace over Israel!, 10th year, Number 1, Leipzig, 1913).

-- In the same tract another Missionary to the Jews, P. v. Harling, makes this judgment about Franz Delitzsch as "friend of Israel":

"... no one has felt the pulse beat of Jewish life like he has and understood the spiritual type of this remarkable people. It was his glowing love for Israel, a mysterious trait rooted in him for this people from childhood onward... He was revered in Israel like a saint... "

-- It would seem to us that these connections are not so very mysterious!

Also according to the Anti-Semitic Correspondence from the year 1893 (page 458) Delitzsch was a Jew.

In 1910 Elisabeth Delitzsch dedicated among others the following "Memorial Page" (in: Franz Delitzsch as Friend of Israel, page 10/11) to her grandfather: "As in our own day, so in Professor Delitzsch's day the Jewish people was accused of ritual- murder. Full of holy indignation, the scholar stood up for Israel and fought with the weapons of Talmudic knowledge against the 'blood-liars', who had dared to raise such unjust charges. The grateful mind of the Jews has never forgotten the courageous support of the great friend of Israel for the truth and for Israel's innocence and honor."

[25] This book, numbering over 400 pages, according to its entire layout is a commissioned work inspired by the highest Jewish-diplomatic circles, which at any rate permits extremely valuable insights into the cosmopolitan machinations of the Jewish Internationale. -- Appeared 1840 published by Lehrberger at Rödelheim. (Rödelheim near Frankfurt-on-Main was since the middle of the 18th century the preferred place for Jewish publishing.)

[26] Article by Johann v. Leers in the Weltkampf, volume 190, October 1939, page 449.

[27] The Orient, Number 34, page 264.

[28] Stauf v. d. March, page 135 (1933)

[29] Nuremberg, 1939

[30] A. Fern: Jüdische Moral und Blutmysterium. [Jewish Morality and Blood-Mystery] -- 5th edition 1926.

[31] Walter Freund in the Hammer, Number 853/54 (1940).

[32] Der Orient [The Orient or The East], Number 44.

[33] see page 174 and following pages.

[34] Der Orient, Number 34, page 264. -- The Protestant Bishop Dr. Dräseke, Magdeburg, was a Freemason. (Compare F.A. Six: Fraumauerei und christentum [Freemasonry and Christianity], Hamburg, 1940, page 661).

[35] Der Orient, Number 35, page 272.

[36] Damascia, 1840, page 104.

[37] According to Emanuel Baumgarten: Die Blutbeschuldigung gegen die Juden -- Von christlicher Seite beurteilt[The Blood accusation against the Jews -- evaluated from the Christian side], page 45.

[38] Damascia, page 104.

[39] Damascia, page 109.

[40] Achille Laurent in his work, subsequently bought up by Jewry, Affaires de Syrie, Paris, 1846, II, pages 355/356, cited by Gougenot des Mousseaux.

[41] Der Orient, Number 35, page 272.

[42] 1939, page 389

[43] Damascia, page 74.

[44] Der Orient, Number 22, page 168.

[45] Der Orient , Number 22, pages 168/169.

[46] Der Orient, Number 34, page 272.

[47] Damascia, page 52 (from the Archives Israélites of Herr Cahen).

[48] 1840 annual, page 1142, and page 1216 respectively.

[49] Der Orient, Number 35, page 272.

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[50] Der Orient, Number 34, page 257.

[51] Der Orient, Number 32, page 248.

[52] Tisza-Eszlár, 1882, see page 168.

[53] Der Orient, Number 30, 1840,, page 225

[54] page 153.

[55] Loewenstein: Damascia, page 225.

[56] Der Orient, 1840, Number 35, page 272.

[57] Damascia, page 189.

[58] His son Nathaniel, born in this eventful year, achieved a Lordship!

[59] Der Orient, Number 35, page 271.

[60] ibid.

[61] Damascia, page 191; Sir Robert Peel was the former Minister-President.

[62] Damascia, page 241.

[63] Der Orient, Number 40, page 311.

[64] Ibid., Number 35, page 272.

[65] The building seems to have become the traditional locale for every Jewish ballyhoo. An assembly was held there again in 1882 thus: "In a meeting held under the chairmanship of the Lord Mayor of London on 1.2.82 in the Egyptian Hall of the Mansion House, may England lend its expression according to protocol in the form of a resolution of its displeasure and its disgust over the outbreak of the Russian persecution of the Jews and its sympathy for the poor, innocent, persecuted Jews" (Géza von Ónody, Tisza-Eszlár, page 8).

[66] Father Thomas had formerly been on friendly terms with his murderers!

[67] Der Orient, Number 40, page 310 and following.

[68] Damascia, page 225 and "Der Orient", Number 40, page 311.

[69] Der Orient, Number 43, page 332.

[70] Damascia, page 142.

[71] Der Orient, Number 36, page 273.

[72] Ibid. Number 37, page 282.

[73] An "address" was delivered which because of its historical content is added in the appendix -- see page 419.

[74] Der Orient, Number 38, page 290.

[75] According to a report of the Temps; cited in the Orient under the date 30.8.1840.

[76] This decree, on account of the better wording, was taken from another publication which appeared in the same year.

[78] Paul Nathan: Tisza-Eszlár. page XXVI

[79] According to Rohrbacher Histoire de l'Église, Paris, 1852, Volume 28, page 684.

[80] Hamont, L'Égypt sous Méhémed-Ali I, page 171, cited by G.D.Mousseaux.

[81] Gougenot des Mousseaux [82] Crémieux took on the obligation of remitting yearly to the Jewish school in Cairo founded by him 6000 Francs.

[83] Der Orient, Number 46, page 353, 14.11.1840.

[84] In his valuable essay in the Hammer (Number 853/54) Walter Freund points out with justice that (political) Zionism did not first begin with the infamous Theodor Herzl. [This part of the chapter even the author at the time -- 1942/43 -- sensed was very important.]

[85] Israelitische Annalen [Israelite Annals], Number 51 from 18.12.1840. -- This deals with the Firman of 6.11.1840. "The Jewish nation shall be protected and defended; to this end we have issued certain commands... "

[86] See the expositions to follow.

[87] Israelitische Annalen, Number 51 (18.12.1840), page 423.

[88] see page 420 and following.

[89] Even the reports of the stop-over stations between on German territory are added in the appendix.

[90] Letter from 13.10.1840. Der Orient, Number 47 (21.11.1840).

[91] Motto of the Order: "B'nai Brith has made it its mission to unite the Israelites in such a way that the development of the highest interests of Jewry is made possible as early and as generally as possible." (General Handbook of Freemasonry, volume I.)

[92] Compare W. Freund: USA. --Die Großen Unbekannten der amerikanischen Weltpolitik [USA. -- The Great Unknowns of American World Politics], 1942.

[93] American Hebrew, New York (30.XII.1938).

[94] Hamont, l'Égypte sous Méhémed-Ali, Paris, 1843.

[95] The paper Trompette in Alexandria of 2.4.1881 as well as Civiltŕ cattolica of December 1881.

[96] Civiltŕ cattolica, December 1881.

[97] II, page 412 (Paris, Flammarion, 1894).

[98] Henri Desportes: Le myst. d. sang chez les Juifs de tous les temps. -- Paris, Savine, 1889, page 98.

[99] From a letter, published in the Volk. -- The writing of H. Desportes: Tué par le juifs -- avril 1890 -- histoire d'un meurtre rituel (Paris, Savine, 1890, 60 pages, 8°), which apparently treats this ritual murder of Damascus in detail, unfortunately could not be taken into consideration at the composition of this section, since despite thorough searching in libraries it cannot be found -- it has disappeared! We ask, however, private possessors of this letter to make this accessible to us for inspection.

[100] Kreuzzeitung, Number 323 (15.7.1891).

[101] Both cases according to report of the Osservatore Romano of 21.4.1892.

[102] Österreichische Wochenschrift, Number 30, page 563 and following.

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Copyright 2001 by R. Belser. Reproduction in whole or in part without express written permission of the translator is not permitted. All rights reserved.