Jewish Ritual Murder

von Hellmut Schramm, Ph. D.


a Historical Investigation

a translation by R. Belser of

Der jüdische Ritualmord
Eine historische Untersuchung

Tisza-Eszlár: footnotes

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[1] Géza v. Ónody in his work about Tisza-Eszlár, which will be plumbed in detail.

[2] Horodezky (p. 180): "In general, Galician Hassidism represents the most conservative direction" (Religiöse Strömungen im Judentum [Religious Trends in Judaism] -- Bern, 1920).

[3] Otto Glaglau: Kulturkämpfer [Culture-Fighters], Berlin, 1880. -- The Hungarian press, for the most part, held back the speeches of Istóczy, heaped abuse and insinuations upon him and sought to portray him as "mentally disturbed," according to their time-tested pattern. [This was before Freud, of course -- whose work was the pure distillation of the ad hominem tactic, super-charged with the scatological preoccupations of the shtetl, and sifted through the devious and tortuous capillaries of Talmudic argumentation.] In the Hungarian parliament, Istóczy was seen as the "enfant terrible, who blabbed out the most dreadful and dangerous things." All possible effort was expended to block his speeches or, if this did not succeed, to make his speeches unintelligible by means of tumultuously loud interruptions.

[4] See page 50.

[5] Compare this with the case of Marie Pernicek (p. 273), who was in service with the Polna Rabbi Goldberger.

[6] Paul Nathan (1857/1937) came from a many-branched prolific Jewish banking family, whose unbelievable climb represents the epitomizing example of Jewish emancipation politics. Nathan's father, "a merchant with artistic inclinations and with strong speculative interests," was the type of Jewish stock exchange swindler who, however, had speculated so strongly, that he -- if one is to believe the Jewish biographer -- deprived himself of "his" fortune.
His son Paul was born in Berlin, at 18 Unter den Linden, in the same house from which -- genius loci! -- 21 years later the Jew Nobiling shot at Kaiser Wilhem I. Paul's life as "historian, politician, journalist" was that of the eternal Jew. To his intimate circle belonged (besides the entire group of "leading" Jewish politicians) the German scholar Mommsen, in more recent times the Jewish "poet" Ernst Toller. After the collapse of Germany in 1918, P. Nathan was offered the post of envoy in Vienna. Nathan declined, however, "since in Vienna the anti-Semitism would be too strong!"
The Jew Feder dedicated in 1929 a biography of Nathan to him, which bears the title: Politik und Humanität -- Paul Nathan, ein Lebensbild [Politics and Humanitarianism -- Paul Nathan, a Life Portrait]. We will still have opportunity to get to know the "humanitarianism" of this "Sage of Judah"!

[7] Budapest "possessed," according to the statement of Ónody, 7721 Jews in the year 1840, and in 1848 it already had 16,512 Jews, an increase of over 100% in just a few years! Concerning the present Judafication of Hungary, the Weltkampf [World Struggle], issues (Nr. 173 and 188) gives revealing details. According to this, the main press is 80% Jewish, all branches of trade are 80-90% in possession of Jews, by which the percentage figures given relate only to the Jewish race! In fact, one can no longer speak of a Hungarian economy or press. As for the latter, the new Hungarian press law of 1939 seems to want to effect a change -- if the government is in a position to do so.

[8] Contained in Brafmann's Buch vom Kahal [Book of the Kahal], published by S. Passarge, Leipzig, 1928.

[9] Another ritual-murder victim, the 18 year-old high school student Winter, of Konitz, was also slandered -- as a pervert. (see p. 296). In the further course of this trial, the 14 year-old Esther was described as a prostitute!

[10] In fact, Hungarian girls disappeared without a trace -- if one recalls the cases mentioned above [this case].

[11] see p. 311.

[12] Statement of the sitting judge on the 9th day of the hearing.

[13] Statement of Frau Josef Pásztor.

[14] Third day of the hearing.

[15] 26th day of the hearing [1883] .

[16] Protocol I, taken at night in Nagyfalu and sent to Bary with the comment: "most urgent."

[17] The Betteljude [Beggar-Jew] Wollner!

[18] Protocol II, in the Appendix, see page 426.

[19] The entrance hall of the synagogue was an unfinished, large surface which faced the Theiß, and which therefore could not be observed.

[20] Published by Paul Nathan, page 61.

[21] What is meant here is the "court" of the Jewish pen-pushers!

[22] See p. 311.

[23] v. Ónody, page 172.

[24] Georg v. Marcziányi, page 22.

[25] v. Ónody, page 172.

[26] v. Ónody, page 180.

[27] See Theodor Fritsch, Handbuch der Judenfrage [Handbook of the Jewish Question], 1938, p. 526.

[28] Willi Buch, Fünfzig Jahre antisemitische Bewegung [The Anti-Semitic Movement -- Fifty Years], Munich, 1937.

[29] In the assembly hall were to be found busts of the Kaisers of Germany and Austria, as well as of the King of Saxony. Nathan wasnot charged with lčse majesté.

[30] Rohling: Polemik und Menschenopfer [Polemics and Human Sacrifice], 1883, page 4.

[31] See Walther and Apolant, Berlin.

[32] Georg von Marcziányi, Esther Solymosi, Berlin, 1882, p. 30

[33] See the case of Moses Abu-el-Afieh in Damascus in 1840!

[34] Paul Nathan, page 385, Ahn.-Protokoll.

[35] Ibid., page 393, Anh.-Gutachten.

[36] Ibid., page 415, Anh.-Beanwortung.

[37] Paul Nathan, p. 54.

[38] Georg von Marcziányi, p. 27. -- For "purposes of support" the Jewish community at Frankfurt a. M. alone had sent 80,000 Marks, that of Berlin remitted 23,000 Marks; Paris and other French cities sent 55,000 Fr. (According to H. Desportes, p. 25)

[39] Paul Nathan, p. 64.

[40] Ibid. p. 104.

[41] Paul Nathan, p. 238.

[42] Moritz had been degraded to [the status of] a dog, therefore of a non-Jew.

[43] 2nd day of the hearing.

[44] 8th day of the hearing.

[45] Also after the blood-murder in Konitz a light was burning in the synagogue! -- See p. 310.

[46] Ónody made these discoveries. -- Paul Nathan wisely ends [his writing] without a word about them.

[47] Otto Glagau, "Kulturkämpfer", Volume X, 1885, p. 1. -- In the Jewish Berliner Zeitung (Nr. 149 from 1893) Virchow was slavishly flattered as the "Prince of Science" in the most nauseating manner. It reads; "Virchow alone embodies the scholarly figure in its most complete form. In these transparent features is reflected the work of wakeful nights of research. And how gentle and expansively the words flow from the wisdom-filled lips, the sarcastic smile which constantly plays about them clearly says that from here, too, the sharply-pointed arrow meets the [target of] the opponent, however great and strong he might be." -- "Prince" Virchow, together with his "enlightened" party colleague Rickert, to whom we will still have to return in another connection, founded in the year of Judah's Grace 1893 the high-political "Verein zur Abwehr des Antisemitismus" [literally: Union for the warding-off of anti-Semitism].

[48] Paul Nathan, page 362.

[49] Paul Nathan, page 363.

[50] The knight Georg von marcziányi in Esther Solymosi, Berlin 1882.

[51] According to the report of the Reichsbote [Reich Messenger] of September 1883.

[52] Paul Nathan, page 366.

[53] Quo usque tandem = how long yet?

[54] The loan is meant!

[55] See p. 318 and 435 etc.

[56] Deutsche-Soziale Blätter, published by Max Liebermann von Sonnenberg, 10. Jahrg., Nr. 374, Lpz., 17 Okt. 1895. [German-Social Pages, 10th Annual, Number 374, Leipzig, 17 October 1895]

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