Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Protocol 10

Tue, 10 Oct 2006 05:19:34 GMT
Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion

Protocol Number 10 : Preparing For Power


1. To-day I begin with a repetition of what I said before,
and I beg you bear in mind that governments and people
are content in the political with outside appearances.

And how, indeed, are the goyim
to perceive the underlying meaning of things
when their representatives
give the best of their energies to enjoying themselves?

For our policy it is of the greatest importance
to take cognizance of this detail;
it will be of assistance to us
when we come to consider the division of authority of property,
of the dwelling, of taxation (the idea of concealed taxes),
of the reflex force of the laws.

All these questions are such
as ought not to be touched upon directly
and openly before the people.

In cases where it is indispensable to touch upon them
they must not be categorically named,
it must merely be declared
without detailed exposition
that the principles of contemporary law
are acknowledged by us.

The reason of keeping silence in this respect
is that by not naming a principle
we leave ourselves freedom of action,
to drop this or that out of it
without attracting notice;
if they were all categorically named
they would all appear to have been already given.

2. The mob cherishes a special affection and respect
for the geniuses of political power
and accepts all their deeds of violence
with the admiring response:

"rascally, well, yes,
it is rascally, but it's clever!
... a trick, if you like,
but how craftily played,
how magnificently done,
what impudent audacity!" ...


3. We count upon attracting all nations
to the task of erecting the new fundamental structure,
the project for which has been drawn up by us.

This is why, before everything,
it is indispensable for us to arm ourselves
and to store up in ourselves
that absolutely reckless audacity
and irresistible might of the spirit
which in the person of our active workers
will break down all hindrances on our way.

4. When we have accoplished our coup d'etat,
we shall say then to the various peoples:
"Everything has gone terribly badly,
all have been worn out with suffering.
We are destroying the causes of your torment
- nationalities, frontiers, differences of coinages.

You are at liberty, of course,
to pronounce sentence upon us,
but can it possibly be a just one
if it is confirmed by you before you make any trial
of what we are offering you."

... Then will the mob exalt us
and bear us up in their hands
in a unanimous triumph
of hopes and expectations.

Voting, which we have made the instrument
which will set us on the throne of the world
by teaching even the very smallest units
of members of the human race
to vote by means of meetings and agreements by groups,
will then have served its purposes
and will play its part
then for the last time by a unanimity of desire
to make close acquaintance with us
before condemning us.

5. To secure this,
we must have everybody vote without distinction
of classes and qualifications,
in order to establish an absolute majority,
which cannot be got from the educated propertied classes.

In this way, by inculcating in all a sense of self-importance,
we shall destroy among the goyim
the importance of the family
and its educational value
and remove the possibility of individual minds
splitting off, for the mob, handled by us,
will not let them come to the front
nor even give them a hearing;
it is accustomed to listen to us
only who pay it for obedience and attention.

In this way we shall create a blind, mighty force
which will never be in a position to move
in any direction without the guidance
of our agents
set at its head by us as leaders of the mob.

The people will submit to this regime
because it will know
that upon these leaders
will depend its earnings,
and the receipt of all kinds of benefits.

6. A scheme of government
should come ready made from one brain,
because it will never be clinched firmly
if it is allowed to be split
into fractional parts in the minds of many.

It is allowable, therefore,
for us to have cognizance of the scheme of action
but not to discuss it lest we disturb its artfulness,
the interdependence of its component parts,
the practical force of the secret meaning
of each clause.

To discuss and make alterations
in a labor of this kind
by means of numerous votings
is to impress upon it the stamp
of all ratiocinations and misunderstandings
which have failed to penetrate the depth and nexus
of its plottings.

We want our schemes to be forcible
and suitably concocted.

Therefore we ought not to fling the work of genius
of our guide to the fangs of the mob
or even of a select company.

7. These schemes will not turn existing institutions upside down
just yet.

They will only effect changes in their economy
and consequently
in the whole combined movement of their progress,
which will thus be directed
along the paths laid down in our schemes.


8. Under various names
there exists in all countries approximately
one and the same thing.

State Council,
Legislative and Executive Corps.

I need not explain to you
the mechanism of the relation of these institutions
to one another,
because you are aware of all that;
only take note of the fact
that each of the above-named institutions
corresponds to some important function of the State,
and I would beg you to remark
that the word "important"
I apply not to the institution
but to the function,
it is not the institutions
which are important but their functions.

These institutions have divided up among themselves
all the functions of government
- administrative,
wherefore they have come to operate
as do the organs in the human body.

If we injure one part in the machinery of State,
the State falls sick,
like a human body,
and ... will die.

9. When we introduced into the State organism
the poison of Liberalism
its whole political complexion underwent a change.

States have been seized with a mortal illness
- blood poisoning.

All that remains
is to await the end of their death agony.

10. Liberalism produced Constitutional States,
which took the place
of what was the only safeguard of the goyim,
namely, Despotism;
and a constitution, as you well know,
is nothing else but a school of discords,
fruitless party agitations,
party whims

- in a word, a school of everything
that serves to destroy the personality
of State activity.

The tribune of the "talkerics" has,
no less effectively than the press,
condemned the rulers to inactivity and impotence,
and thereby rendered them useless and superfluous,
for which reason indeed
they have been in many countries deposed.

Then it was that the era of republics
become possible of realization;
and then it was that we replaced the ruler
by a caricature of a government
- by a president,
taken from the mob,
from the midst of our puppet creatures,
or slaves.

This was the foundation of the mine
which we have laid under the goy people,
I should rather say,
under the goy peoples.


8. Under various names
there exists in all countries approximately
one and the same thing.

State Council,
Legislative and Executive Corps.

I need not explain to you
the mechanism of the relation of these institutions
to one another,
because you are aware of all that;
only take note of the fact
that each of the above-named institutions
corresponds to some important function of the State,
and I would beg you to remark
that the word "important"
I apply not to the institution
but to the function,
it is not the institutions
which are important but their functions.

These institutions have divided up among themselves
all the functions of government
- administrative,
wherefore they have come to operate
as do the organs in the human body.

If we injure one part in the machinery of State,
the State falls sick,
like a human body,
and ... will die.

9. When we introduced into the State organism
the poison of Liberalism
its whole political complexion underwent a change.

States have been seized with a mortal illness
- blood poisoning.

All that remains
is to await the end of their death agony.

10. Liberalism produced Constitutional States,
which took the place
of what was the only safeguard of the goyim,
namely, Despotism;
and a constitution, as you well know,
is nothing else but a school of discords,
fruitless party agitations,
party whims

- in a word, a school of everything
that serves to destroy the personality
of State activity.

The tribune of the "talkerics" has,
no less effectively than the press,
condemned the rulers to inactivity and impotence,
and thereby rendered them useless and superfluous,
for which reason indeed
they have been in many countries deposed.

Then it was that the era of republics
become possible of realization;
and then it was that we replaced the ruler
by a caricature of a government
- by a president,
taken from the mob,
from the midst of our puppet creatures,
or slaves.

This was the foundation of the mine
which we have laid under the goy people,
I should rather say,
under the goy peoples.


11. In the near future
we shall establish the responsibility of presidents.

12. By that time
we shall be in a position to disregard forms
in carrying through matters
for which our impersonal puppet
will be responsible.

What do we care
if the ranks of those striving for power
should be thinned,
if there should arise a deadlock
from the impossibility of finding presidents,
a deadlock which will finally disorganize the country? ...

13. In order that our scheme
may produce this result
we shall arrange elections
in favor of such presidents
as have in their past some dark,
undiscovered stain,
some "Panama" or other

- then they will be trustworthy agents
for the accomplishment of our plans
out of fear of revelations
and from the natural desire
of everyone who has attained power,
the retention of the privileges,
advantages and honor
connected with the office of president.

The chamber of deputies will provide cover for,
will protect,
will elect presidents,
but we shall take from it
the right to propose new,
or make changes in existing laws,
for this right will be given by us
to the responsible president,
a puppet in our hands.

the authority of the presidents
will then become a target
for every possible form of attack,
but we shall provide him
with a means of self-defense
in the right of an appeal to the people,
for the decision of the people
over the heads of their representatives,
that is to say,
an appeal to that some blind slave of ours
- the majority of the mob.

Independently of this
we shall invest the president
with the right of declaring a state of war.

We shall justify this last right
on the ground that the president as chief of the whole army
of the country
must have it at his disposal,
in case of need for the defense
of the new republican constitution,
the right to defend
which will belong to him
as the responsible representative
of this constitution.

14. It is easy to understand them
in these conditions
the key of the shrine will lie in our hands,
and no one outside ourselves
will any longer direct the force of legislation.

15. Besides this we shall,
with the introduction of the new republican constitution,
take from the Chamber
the right of interpolation on government measures,
on the pretext of preserving political secrecy,
and, further,
we shall by the new constitution
reduce the number of representatives to a minimum,
thereby proportionately reducing political passions
and the passion for politics.

If, however, they should,
which is hardly to be expected,
burst into flame,
even in this minimum,
we shall nullify them
by a stirring appeal and a reference to the majority
of the whole people ...

Upon the president will depend the appointment of presidents
and vice-presidents of the Chamber
and the Senate.

Instead of constant sessions of Parliaments
we shall reduce their sittings to a few months.
Moreover, the president,
as chief of the executive power,
will have the right
to summon and dissolve Parliament,
in the latter case,
to prolong the time for the appointment
of a new parliamentary assembly.

But in order that the consequences of all these acts
which in substance are illegal,
should not,
prematurely for our plans,
upon the responsibility established
by use of the president,
we shall instigate ministers and other officials
of the higher administration about the president
to evade his dispositions by taking measures of their own,
for doing which they will be made the scapegoats in his place ...

This part we especially recommend
to be given to be played by the Senate,
the Council of State,
or the Council of Ministers,
but not to an individual official.

16. The president will, at our discretion,
interpret the sense of such of the existing laws
as admit of various interpretation;
he will further annul them
when we indicate to him the necessity to do so,
besides this,
he will have the right
to propose temporary laws,
and even new departures
in the government constitutional working,
the pretext both for the one and the other
being the requirements
for the supreme welfare of the State.


17. By such measure
we shall obtain the power of destroying
little by little,
step by step,
all that at the outset
when we enter on our rights,
we are compelled to introduce into the constitutions of States
to prepare for the transition to an imperceptible abolition
of every kind of constitution,
and then the time is come to turn every form of government
into our despotism.

18. The recognition of our despot
may also come before the destruction of the constitution;
the moment for this recognition will come when the peoples,
utterly wearied by the irregularities and incompetence
- a matter which we shall arrange for
- of their rulers, will clamor:

"Away with them
and give us one king
over all the earth
who will unite us
and annihilate the causes of disorders
- frontiers,
State debts
- who will give us peace and quiet
which we cannot find
under our rulers and representatives."

19. But you yourselves perfectly well know
that to produce the possibility
of the expression of such wishes by all the nations,
it is indispensable to trouble in all countries
the people's relations with their governments
so as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension,
and even by the use of torture,
by starvation,
by the inoculation of diseases,
by want,
so that the "goyim" see no other issue
than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty
in money and in all else.

20. But if we give the nations of the world a breathing space
the moment we long for is hardly likely ever to arrive.

[ZioNazi, Zionism, NWO, Illuminati, Freemasons, Lucifer, satan, 666]

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NonJews have been drenched with propaganda that the sixpointed
"Star of David" is a sacred symbol of Jewry, dating from David
and Solomon, in Biblical times, and signifying the pure
"monotheism" of the Jewish religion.

In actuality, the sixpointed star, called "David's Shield,"
or "Magen David," was only adopted as a Jewish device in 1873,
by the American Jewish Publication Society, it is not even
mentioned in rabbinical literature.

MAGEN DAWID ("DAVID'S SHIELD"): "The hexagram formed by the
combination of two equilateral triangles; used as the symbol of
Judaism. It is placed upon synagogues, sacred vessels, and the
like, and was adopted as a device by the American Publication
Society in 1873, the Zionist Congress of Basel, hence by 'Die
Welt, the official organ of Zionism, and by other bodies. The
hebra kaddisha of the Jewish community of Johannesburg, South
Africa, calls itself 'Hebra Kaddisha zum Rothn Magen David,'
following the designation of the 'red cross' societies... IT IS
IN RABBINICAL LITERATURE. The 'Magen Dawid,' therefore, probably
did not originate within Rabbinism, the official and dominant
Judaism for more than 2,000 years. Nevertheless a David's
shield has recently been noted on a Jewish tombstone at
Tarentum, in southern Italy, which may date as early as the
third century of the common era.

The earliest Jewish literary source which mentions it, the
'Eshkol haKofer' of the karaite Judah Hadassi says, in ch. 242:
'Seven names of angels precede the mezuzah: Michael, Garield,
etc... Tetragrammation protect thee! And likewise the sign called
'David's shield' is placed beside the name of each angel.' It
was therefore, at this time a sign on amulets. In the magic
papyri of antiquity, pentagrams, together with stars and other
signs, are frequently found on amulets bearing the Jewish names
of God, 'Sabaoth,' 'Adonai,' 'Eloai,' and used to guard against
fever and other diseases. Curiously enough, only the pentacle
appears, not the hexagram.

In the great magic papyrus at Paris and London there are
twentytwo signs sided by side, and a circle with twelve signs,
but NEITHER A PENTACLE NOR A HEXAGRAM, although there is a
triangle, perhaps in place of the latter. In the many
illustrations of amulets given by Budge in his 'Egyptian Magic'

ARRANGING THE TEN SEFIROT, or spheres, in it, and placing in on
AMULETS. The pentagram, called Solomon's seal, is also used as a
SEMITES [Here is another case where the Jews admit they are not
Semites. Can you not see it? The Jew Henry thinks it was
derived originally FROM THE SEMITES! Here is a Jew admitting
that THE JEWS ARE NOT SEMITES!], although the name by no means
proves the Jewish or Semitic origin of the sign. The Hindus
likewise employed the hexagram as a means of protection, and as
such it is mentioned in the earliest source, quoted above.

In the synagogues, perhaps, it took the place of the
mezuzah, and the name 'SHIELD OF DAVID' MAY HAVE BEEN GIVEN IT
IN VIRTUE OF ITS PROTECTIVE POWERS. Thehexagram may have been
employed originally also as an architectural ornament on
synagogues, as it is, for example, on the cathedrals of
Brandenburg and Stendal, and on the Marktkirche at Hanover. A
pentacle in this form, (a five pointed star is shown here), is
found on the ancient synagogue at Tell Hum. Charles IV,
prescribed for the Jews of Prague, in 1354, A RED FLAG WITH
century showed two pentacles with two golden stars. The
pentacle, therefore, may also have been used among the Jews. It
occurs in a manuscript as early as the year 1073. However, the
sixpointed star has been used for centuries for magic amulets
and cabalistic sorcery."

(See pages 548, 549 and 550 of the Jewish Encyclopedia).

[Zionism, chabad, Nazi, ZioNazi, Judeo-Nazi, racism, fascism,
Illuminati, Freemason, NWO, Lucifer, Satan, 666]