ZioNazi Quotes

Leon Trotsky

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Listen to the sermons of the Jewish communist leader, Leia Davidovich Trotsky (Bronstein) during the revolution:

"We have to transform Russia into a desert populated with white niggers, to whom we shall give such a tyranny, that even the worst despots of the East have never even dreamed of ...

"This tyranny will not be from the right, but from the left, not white, but red.

"In the literal sense of the word red, as we shall shed such rivers of blood, before which shall shudder and pale all the human losses of the capitalist wars ...

"By means of terror and blood baths, we will bring the Russian intelligentsia to complete stupor, to idiocy, until the animalistic condition ...

"our boys in leather jackets ... know how to hate everything Russian!

"What a great pleasure for them to physically destroy the Russian intelligentsia - military officers, academics, writers"

Compare the words of Trotsky's bloody texts with those of the Torah. You will see that the revolutionary Trotsky was a worthy disciple of Moses, David and the Jewish God, the Devil - Yahweh. Let the leading psychiatrists read the Old Testament and the various statements of Trotsky's, and the diagnosis will be the same - sick psychopaths and sadists.

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Leon (Lev) Trotsky (1879-1940)

Leon Trotsky's real name was Leiba Bronstein. He was under the training of Alexander Parvus (whose real name was Israel Gelfand) during high school. Parvus was a Russian Jewish freemason. He not only taught Trotsky in the Talmud but he also introduced him to the Kabala, Zionism and Marxism/Socialism. Trotsky became a member of the freemasons and the B'nai B'rth.

The Russian police arrested him twice, each time he was sentenced to exile in Siberia but escaped both times. Together with Lenin, Trotsky and Parvus helped arrange the Russian revolution. Trotsky was finally deported to the United States where he lived under the protection and payroll of Jacob Schiff.

In an interview with the publication, "New American Journal," on February 3, 1949, John Schiff, the grandson of Jacob Schiff told the interviewer that his grandfather had given 20 million dollars to start the Russian revolution. Other American Jews and Gentiles who also donated to the cause of the Russian revolution were Paul Warburg, Harriman, Rockefeller, and J. P. Morgan.

In 1917, Lenin and Trotsky started the process of taking over Russia. Joseph Stalin joined the group as a double agent, working also for the Russian government. Some 8,000 Jewish revolutionaries joined at St. Petersburg to form the core of the emerging communist party. These men took leadership in the Red Army and in the terrible "Cheka" later renamed to NKVD and then renamed again to KGB.

The Russian revolution was in reality a Jewish takeover of Russia in the midst of WWI, in preparation for the formation of the state of Israel and the coming Jewish Messiah. American Jewish Committee (AJC)

The AJC was started in 1906 by Jacob Schiff and 60 other well-known influential German Jews to forward the Jewish cause in the United States. The majority of the Eastern European Jews were not happy with the AJC. The AJC considered itself the upper class since they were very rich and the majority of the Eastern European Jews were not Marxist/Socialists but were simply trying to survive in a hostile world. But the Jewish leadership had an agenda of creating a homeland for the Jews in Palestine. Russia and the United States would be used to force the creation of a homeland for the Jews in 1948 when they forced a positive vote at the United Nations.

Jacob Schiff and his friends lived a life of luxury in the United States as did the Marxist/Socialist leaders in Western Europe while young Jewish activists were sent into Russia to stir up trouble. Most of them ended up sacrificing their lives. WWI had been planned for some time and was ready to be implemented.

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The names of Trotsky and of Rothschild mark the extent of the oscillations of the Jewish mind; these two limits contain the whole of society, the whole of civilization of the 20th century."

(Kadmi Cohen, pp. 88, 156;

The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon de Poncins, pp. 194-195)