ZioNazi Quotes


Supremacy 001

"We belong to the One mastering God: you belong to the republic of playful gods."

(Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles, p. 36).

Supremacy 002

"At first sight it would seem as if the economic system of North America was the very one that developed independently of the Jews ...

"Nevertheless I uphold my assertion that the United States (perhaps more than any other land) are filled to the brim with the Jewish spirit. This is recognized in many quarters, above all in those best capable of forming a judgment on the subject ...

"In the face of this fact, is there not some justification for the opinion that the United States owe their very existence to the Jews? And if this be so, how much more can it be asserted that Jewish influence made the United States just what they are - that is, American? For what we call Americanism is nothing else, if we may say so, than the Jewish spirit distilled."

-- Werner Sombart, "The Jews and Modern Capital," pp. 38, 43.

Supremacy 003

"According to Jewish belief, the Jewish People constitutes a species of their its own. ..i.e., a special, separate act of Creation by the Almighty. 'The thought of creating the Jewish People preceded every other thought' of the Almighty when creating the Universe according to the teaching of Rabbi Samuel bar Isaac."

(Bereshith Rabba 1,5)

Supremacy 004

"According to Jewish belief, the Jewish People constitutes a species of their its own. ..i.e., a special, separate act of Creation by the Almighty. 'The thought of creating the Jewish People preceded every other thought' of the Almighty when creating the Universe according to the teaching of Rabbi Samuel bar Isaac."

(Bereshith Rabba 1,5)