Website note! Honsik uses Wiesenthal's real name 'Szymon Wizenthal' throughout this document. I have changed a number of instances to the alias 'Simon Wiesenthal', just to accomodate the search engines. I hope Gerd will forgive me.. |
Fiend and Felon
America's Idol - a Crook!
Power, Perjury and Murder in Simon Wiesenthal's Footsteps
Gerd Honsik
I wish to express my gratitude to my staunch friend
Ernst Zündel
for providing the documents to the Walus case.
Gerd Honsik
Title of the German original:
Schelm and Scheusal
Photos and document
Expecting to find fraud, the author found murder. And the Israeli-American Imperium.
Simon Wiesenthal |
A man whom the statesmen of the western world inundate with decorations and honorary degrees, who is praised as just for his life of injustice, as humane for his life full of hatred, and as "moral authority" for a dozen demonstrable perjuries, is unmasked in this book as a common crook on the basis of numerous documents, some of which have never been published before.
When Gerd Honsik began writing this book, drawing on Wiesenthal's personal data and a precise analysis of his autobiography Justice Not vengeance, he believed that he was merely documenting the history of a crook of international stature.
But the author came across a multitude of criminal offenses, all of them apparently growing out of one and the same ignoble tendency, namely the desire to gain advantages or even a living through cunning and deception.
Honsik believed he was exposing the true face of a hateful old man, but what he found was the head of the worldwide anti-German agitation of the American Imperium in Austria, who is evidently able and authorized to act cold-bloodedly and with the collaboration of American and Israeli offices in world-wide endeavors.
At first, the following details strike us as confusing, and may be new even to people who have long been familiar with Wiesenthal.
It begins with the fact that the man whom you know as Simon Wiesenthal is not truly called Simon Wiesenthal at all. To save himself the bother of formally changing his name, he chose the approach most closely suited to his nature: in his pertinent affidavits he lied to the authorities in question so long and so persistently that eventually they no longer opposed his longed-for Germanization of his Polish-Yiddish name.
Simon Wiesenthal, of whom you believe that he "miraculously" survived twelve or thirteen concentration camps, was spared harassment during the time of the great persecution of the Jews, during the so-called "Holocaust", from spring 1942 until summer 1944. While Wiesenthal himself claims that first 12, later 6 and now still 1.5 million of his ethnic brethren were herded into so-called "gas chambers", his personal files prove that he himself was excused from such a fate by Hitler's
Germany. What is more, his personal documents show that the Reich's Employment Office, knowing of Wiesenthal's Jewish ethnicity, assigned him a job with the
German State Railway, as German wage-earner - a fact which work-shy Wiesenthal cannot forgive or forget to this day.
His German superiors during that time were two men by the names of Günthert and Kohlrautz. Immediately after the war he tried to denounce them by means of perjured testimony; today he describes them as his saviors, and according to his current account they "strictly" ensured his "fair treatment".
So while our soldiers starved, froze and bled their lives away at the front, and while Jewish families were torn apart when members of either sex who were able to work were interned in concentration camps where they were then subjected to the terrorism of Polish overseers and the raging of terrible typhus epidemics, which the SS physicians were only poorly equipped to deal with, the figurehead of the "Holocaust" collected his Reichsmark from the Reich German payroll, Friday after Friday.
His lady wife also found employment in the same office. The somewhat feeblesounding claim which turns up all too often in Wiesenthal's discourses, namely that he "is ashamed to have miraculously survived" while his religious brethren did not, takes on a deeper meaning when one sees the evidence for that dispensation which blessed him and his wife with a more pleasant existence during those worst years than that enjoyed by the vast majority of German soldiers or the men and women in
the Jewish labor details in the concentration camps.
The reasons for which our Galician figurehead did eventually get to make the acquaintance of some concentration camps were the advance of the Red Army and the hasty evacuation of Lemberg (Lvov) by the German military administration. However, documents irrefutably show that in the course of his evacuation Wiesenthal was put up, not in twelve, but rather only in two German concentration camps, and for a comparatively short time only.
His alleged stay in the concentration camp Auschwitz - which he later tried to explain as the stop which his train made in the train station of the city by that same name - is a blatant lie. He never passed through the gates to that camp.
He claims the title "academically accredited engineer" (Diplomingenieur, or Dipl-Ing.) wrongfully, persistently, and with impunity.
In Austrian courts he enjoys the privilege of giving false testimony and submitting forged documents without being called to account for these transgressions.
In the spring of 1992, with the aid of false titles such as "Representative of Constitutional Law", and covered by the Austrian Minister of Justice
Nikolaus Michalek in abuse of his office, Wiesenthal wormed his way into the Austrian Parliament where he and several other biased Jews combined forces to effect a special law against the author of this book, Gerd Honsik, as well as against Honsik's books, articles and poetry.
But that is not yet the extent of this man's secret.
Between childish vanity, tale-telling and boastfulness, between the falsification of his personal data, of his place of birth, of his surname and given name, even of his ethnicity and mother tongue, between his wrongful assumption of an academic degree, the falsification of his personal history and even the submission of perjured testimony and forged letters in court, the author's researches turned up yet another sordid discovery: the frightening abyss of a human soul, and the enjoyment and pleasurable lingering over human suffering.
The study of Wiesenthal's own words reveals to us a voyeur of misery and horror - a voyeur who hangs on every word of his victims' spouses and documents their first despairing, stammering, sobbing words following the conviction of their loved ones, and who mocks and scourges the loyalty of the next-of-kin with acid scorn.
I believe that Gerd Honsik has succeeded, in this book, in proving not only that what we are dealing with in the historical phenomenon of "Szymon Wizenthal" is a personality with criminal tendencies, but also that Wizenthal is a sick man; a man who derives pleasure from other people's suffering and who avails himself of anti-German incitement - which fits in so well with the American world power's post-War political concept - as a niche in which he can indulge his morbid tendencies
unchecked, without being exposed and ostracized by society, and even with their approval to further enhance his satisfaction of his morbid drive!
In this way it has become possible that, from Wizenthal's own perspective, his life must be considered a happy and fulfilled one. He, the man who only ever faces the cameras of the media with deadly serious mien, laughs often, long and maliciously, when he feels unobserved, as Gerd Honsik proves in this book with impressive photographs gained in the course of extensive research in many different archives.
Almost as a by-product, as it were, the author's many years of investigative research also yielded indications pointing to the gravest crime of all: murder.
At first it turned out that those victims who were made responsible for the "Holocaust" did not all "confess", as Wizenthal has always claimed. Rather, the reverse is true:
In not one of twelve cases which Wizenthal himself has called "typical" can he prove that such a confession regarding the existence of "gas chambers" was ever made. Obviously this even goes for the Eichmann case, since otherwise it is not likely that the Austrian legal subject expert Professor Dr. Jagschitz would have been denied all access to the relevant files in Israel (Honsik case, May 1992, Hv 5720/90).
On the contrary: Honsik even proves that the majority of those hunted by Wizenthal firmly disputed the "Holocaust".
And in this context, the author made yet another shocking discovery:
Ten of the twelve fugitive "deniers of the gas chambers" died under mysterious circumstances.
In the case of Alois Brunner (Georg Fischer), a treacherous attempt on his life was made from Austria by means of a letter bomb, and Honsik found concrete evidence for Szymon Wiesenthal's complicity:
The author shows that Wizenthal knew, verbatim, the contents of the letter that was enclosed with the bomb - a detail known only to the perpetrators themselves, and to the Syrian homicide squad.
Based on the fact that after 1945 Wizenthal had already worked closely together with the head of a Jewish murder squad, the author accompanied the publication of his book with the institution of legal proceedings against Szymon Wizenthal under the Austrian Criminal Code, for murder and on suspicion of murder in twelve cases for the time being.
Unintimidated by Wiesenthal's power over western politicians, by the awards that have been heaped on him, and by the worldwide cooperation between the international press and the powerful secret services of the Israeli-American Imperium, and in the awareness of the mysterious deaths that came upon the Holocaust-doubters that crossed Wizenthal's path, the author exposes the levers, the chief players, and the command structure of the world-encompassing power which, though barely even
still trying to conceal itself, has remained largely unrecognized by most people.
But Honsik does not disclose all:
He shows the reader the Israeli-American power's eerie world only as far as Wizenthal himself exposes it. But the very fact that the author contents himself with training the reader's eye for that which Wizenthal himself feels he can reveal is what gives this book its fascination and its power.
For me it was also interesting to learn in a conversation with Gerd Honsik that when he first began his study of Wiesenthal he was inclined to attribute the many patently false Jewish witness statements regarding the so-called "war crimes trials" (which have been restricted to German
defendants) to the influence of the Jewish religion. Honsik based this belief on a Federal German court report from 1953 which confirmed that religious Jews are permitted to perjure themselves in testimony against non-Jews. In the course of his investigations, however, Honsik came across a whole host of brave Jewish witnesses for the defense - the vast majority of whom were not granted a hearing before German courts.
For Honsik, discovering Jewish honesty and love of truth was the heartening experience which, I believe, gave him the strength to finish this painstaking study. From the distressing view of the intellectual life and customs of the western world, which this book reveals to us, we realize with consternation that political deceit and political crimes have been ever-present in our lives all these years, disguised behind the masks of democracy and freedom of the press. And that is the message of this book:
That mankind has never before been this much at anyone's mercy. Never this badly deceived. And never in the hands of a more evil power.
Against such a mighty enemy, however, a book seems to me to be no more than a book, a weapon with little bite.
Only a tiny light against an immense darkness.
Hans Strobl
This book does not question the so-called "Holocaust", as our semiofficial historiography and our justice system have come to call the "mass murder of human beings during the Third Reich, by means including gas". After all, according to the spring 1992 decision of the Austrian Parliament, such questioning would be a criminal offense.
This book does, however, point out the harm which the "figurehead" of this "Holocaust" has done to this semi-official and legally enforced view of history through his lies, perjury, falsifications and fraud which are documented here.
I appeal to the Austrian and the German Ministers of Justice as well as to the American and the Israeli justice systems to break with the machinations of Szymon Wizenthal.
At the same time I request the reopening of proceedings in the following cases: Demjanjuk, Weise, Rauff, Eichmann, Stangl, Wagner, Mengele, Roschmann, Heim, Braunsteiner, Kutschmann and Gogl, as well as the cases of all persons convicted since 1945 by Austrian, German, Israeli, Russian, Czech, Dutch, Belgian, French, Polish and Yugoslav courts for "war crimes" or for "murders of Jews".
At the same time I would also warn the politicians, the representatives of the justice systems and the news media of the aforementioned nations:
Any continued collaboration with this person, who is exposed here as highly criminal, will at some point in the future result not only in immeasurable political consequences but probably also in criminal charges against those who made the phenomenon "Szymon Wizenthal" possible in the first place.
A man who commits perjury 14 times in the course of 14 inquiries into his and other people's past will eventually become insupportable despite the position and power of his backers. Any measures henceforth taken to artificially prolong this criminal's political and moral role will inevitably reflect on his protectors.
Our remembrance of the efforts of Dr. Bruno Kreisky, perhaps the last great humanist among German Jewry altogether, places this obligation on us!
The memory of the monster in human form known as Wizenthal must be kept alive for all the world:
Wizenthal must not die!
Before the Austrian, German, American and Israeli judiciaries, and on the basis of the facts and documents I have submitted in this volume,
I hereby bring criminal charges against Szymon Wizenthal for the following crimes:
1. perjured testimony
2. falsification of documents
3. membership in a criminal organization
4. submission of false evidence in court
5. acting as accessory to kidnapping
6. common fraud
7. unlawful pretense to an academic title
8. fraudulent exercise of a public office
9. incitement to race hatred
10. disparagement of the memory of persons deceased
11. suspicion of incitement to murder in twelve cases to date
12. attempted assassination of Alois Brunner.
At the same time I ask that Wizenthal be stripped of his Austrian citizenship, which he obtained through a wealth of perjured statements.
Gerd Honsik
Restitution Fraud
Wizenthal sells his Jewishness for 30 pieces of silver. He turns his dead mother into an ethnic German. Instead of being abducted by "the Germans", he claims he was expelled by the Poles. As for his mother tongue, Yiddish, he denies that entirely. To do so, he repeatedly lied under oath. For money. As shown here. And in doing so he fraudulently diverts into his own pocket part of those relief funds provided by the West German state for the 14 million genuine ethnic Germans who really
were expelled from their homeland by policies substantially determined by Jews - 14 million Germans, of whom 2.5 million old men, women and children lost their lives to the Jew Ilya Ehrenburg's call for genocide.
In 1949, four years after the end of the War, the reconstruction of Austria is in full swing. But one person would rather not work: our vagabond friend Szymon Wizenthal of Galicia. Even though "architects" are badly needed and he allegedly earned this title, and even though he is as healthy as a horse, so that even in those days any doctor could have told him that he would live to be over 90, Szymon prefers to become perhaps the first social assistance freeloader in the Second Republic.
And at that time he probably never thought that in doing so he became the founding father of an entire profession. The first time he begged for social assistance (cf. Document p. ), he still states his nationality as "Polish"; as yet he doesn't speak Yiddish. In later Restitution campaigns he remembers that his mother tongue is Yiddish, and at that point his German and Polish mother tongues have lost their prominence (cf Document p. ).
But this miscreant is insatiable. A short time later he needs more money, and now his nationality changes. In 1956 Wiesenthal feels the need to harvest some more: the German "economic miracle" enables West Germany to satisfy not only Jewish demands, but also to make compensatory payments to the expelled ethnic Germans; now Wizenthal suddenly claims to be an ethnic German, and as evidence to support his claim he cites having attended a German school for two years in Vienna.
Bu this line of reasoning, all Austrians who ever attended grammar school in France would be French, and the children of the Japanese Ambassador in Bonn who attend the English school there would be British. The Basques would be Spaniards since there are dual-class public schools even in the heart of the Pyrenees, the South Tyroleans would be ethnic Italians for the same reason, and the Palestinians would be Jews.
Wizenthal doesn't mind alternating his ethnic affiliation between the "criminals" and the "victims".
His claim for compensation contains a particularly audacious lie at the point where a false witness statement is appended. This testimonial was obligingly issued by one Dr. Alexander Rybaczewsky, who eagerly confirms that the language spoken in Wiesenthal's parental home was always German.
No-one who has ever heard Wizenthal speak German can doubt for a second that what he is hearing is not a German speaking German, but a Polish Jew trying to make do in the German language. The Yiddish dialect, which formed the basis for countless Austrian jokes of the inter-war years and which also became part of underworld jargon ("thieves' cant"), is marked by an odd kind of sentence construction which is no less characteristic of Wizenthal's style of speaking than is the unmistakable
tone of his speech per se, which gives him away as a person whose mother tongue is Yiddish.
Aside from that, in an October 16, 1958 letter to the Red Cross he gave his Jewish, not his German ethnicity as the reason for his imprisonment in the concentration camp. In my files I also have documents in which he lists the languages he speaks, with German mentioned either not at all, or in last position behind Polish, Yiddish, Czech, Russian and English.
In this, Wizenthal probably stands apart from all other Jews: that he found the depravity of character to deny his Jewish ethnicity for money - to use false pretenses, in the intent to defraud for the sake of personal gain, to collect money as "German expellee".
Lies in lieu of oath.
The documentation of a common fraud.
To prove his German ethnicity in his November 12, 1956 application for restitution, Szymon Wizenthal affirms in lieu of oath that his mother tongue is German (cf. p. ). From page 11 of the January 16, 1949 "Application of Assistance" (cf. facsimile p. ) we can see clearly that Wizenthal and his family listed Yiddish as their mother tongue, mentioned Polish in second place, and put German third - the language which Wizenthal does not master without an accent to this day. This is also
a statement which he made in lieu of oath.
This man obviously does not take oaths very seriously.
The documents shown here prove that Wizenthal - by claiming two different mother tongues to two different authorities, depending on
whichever was most useful to him at the time - resorted to false pretense for his personal gain.
This clearly constitutes fraud. But Szymon Wizenthal made false, fraudulent claims under oath in other respects as well. He also lied to the Federal Republic of Germany with respect to the real reasons (which could be objectively verified at any time) for his move from Poland to Austria. While alleging to West German authorities that he was expelled by the Polish for his German ethnicity, in the aforementioned "Application of Assistance" he stated in Section ad24, in stumbling German
and with Yiddish sentence construction:
"Abducted by the Germans from Polish territory in the year 1944. As forced laborer."
So now Wizenthal was not expelled by the Polish, but abducted by the Germans. (In actual fact he was evacuated when the Red Army advanced in 1944.) When he was asked whether he wanted to return to Poland - which was an option available to hint, in contrast to the genuine German expellees - Wizenthal answered (ad26):
"No. - I lost everything in Poland, I want to go to Izrael."
Because he did not wish to accept Communist expropriation and the Communist living conditions, he chose not to return.
So the Poles did not consider him a German, but a Polish Jew. Well, of course. The reason why Wiesenthal did not then really move to the land of his dreams, but rather discovered his "Austrianness", maybe found in his passionate declaration of love for the German nation (a love affair lasting precisely as long as it took him to apply for restitution) and in the immense opportunities which that nation offered him for its financial management.
Analyzing Wiesenthal's profession of German ethnicity - a temporary one, dictated by material interests - is quite revealing. On page 2 of his book Justice Not Vengeance he writes, for example:
"While most Jews grow up in a predominantly non-Jewish environment, or, conversely, in a ghetto, Jews represented the majority population in Buchach. There were 6000 Jews alongside only 2000 Poles and 1000 Ukrainians."
So according to his own statements, there was not even a German ethnic group in his home town, Buchach.
In context it is evident that Wizenthal counted himself among the ethnically Jewish. It is readily proven that the mother tongue of the Jews in Galicia was always Yiddish, regardless how fluently they may have spoken German in this case or that. Therefore, if one considers ethnic or even racial factors - which were standard in the Third Reich and are still used as a basis
for relevant decisions by the Israelis today - there is no more basis for accepting Wizenthal's German ethnicity than there is for using nationality or the principle of professed ethnicity as sole criterion.
To summarize:
1. Under the laws of the Third Reich Wizenthal was not an ethnic German, he was an ethnic Jew.
2. Wizenthal was also not considered an ethnic German by the Polish state, and for this reason was also not expelled. Rather, according to his own statements, he voluntarily dispensed with returning to his home due to the expropriation of his possessions by the Communists. Thus, he lied when he passed himself off as "ethnic German expellee".
3. If one establishes Wizenthal's nationality by those criteria which are generally applied today to negate ethnic factors - i.e. if one judges by citizenship - then Wizenthal could not have been certified anything but Polish in those days.
4. If, on the other hand, one were to judge on the basis of the generally undisputed principle of professed ethnicity, then Wizenthal, who loudly proclaims his Jewishness time and again and who frequently speaks in derogatory terms about "the Germans" and "the Austrians", can also not be considered an ethnic German.
5. This book will show that Wizenthal repeatedly abused the memory of his late mother to further his evil machinations. The document on page proves that he turned this old lady into an ethnic German to assist in his concrete restitution fraud. That he also falsified his wife's nationality follows from the fact that his daughter was allowed to emigrate to Israel. In this context it is necessary to point out that the strict Israeli race laws, the most stringent in the world, acknowledge
only such persons to be Jewish (i.e. entitled to immigrate) who can prove that they are the child of a Jewish mother.
Since it is not likely that the Wizenthals' daughter was able to deceive the Israeli authorities by mendaciously turning her "ethnic German" mother into a Jewish one, I think it more plausible that Wizenthal also falsified his wife's ethnicity in the Application of Assistance at hand.
To summarize, we can say: Wizenthal betrayed not only his own Jewishness for money, but also that of his own mother, his own father and his lawful wedded wife by mendaciously alleging their German ethnicity.
At this point one must really wonder whether this crook from Galicia truly believes in the "Holocaust" himself. Given all the charges laid at the
Germans' doorstep by semi-official historiography, and thus by Wizenthal himself as well, it would be hard to imagine that a human soul could harbor a chasm so deep that it would allow him to falsify the ethnicity of his own mother, who allegedly died in a German concentration camp, and to turn her into a member of the "criminal nation", for the sake of a monthly Restitution check.
Perhaps official Israel can forgive him by pointing out that his profession of German ethnicity lasted only the half-hour it took him to draw up and submit his fraudulent application, and that after all it was only the German state and the German expellees whom he defrauded.
Any honorable Jew, however, will surely turn from Wizenthals activities in anger and disgust.
Jews in Austria are welcome to declare themselves Germans, as Friedrich Adler, Dr. Michael Stern and Benedikt Kautsky have done - in other words, when they are people who grew up in the German ethnic and cultural sphere and are demonstrably tied to the same. Wizenthal, however - the itinerant preacher of Germanophobia and professional slanderer of the German Wehrmacht and the Waffen-SS - cannot possibly be, nor become, German. His false professions cannot slander our good people; they
can only bring disgrace to Wizenthal himself and to those who made him possible.
A few brief vignettes of Wizenthal, the "ethnic German":
"Though Wiesenthal's work has time and again focused the attention of the world public on Austrian and German war criminals, he has always refused to brand those two nations as the chosen people of evil."
The person who wrote this on p. 6 of the Foreword to Justice Not vengeance is none other than Wizenthal's confidant Peter Michael Lingens (Wizenthal's former secretary), embellishing his master's image. Wizenthal's "refusal" to brand "those two nations as chosen people of evil" must have taken place behind closed doors, and so quietly that 100 million Germans and the rest of the world heard none of it.
But it is interesting that Lingens, just like his master, describes "the Austrians" and "the Germans" as two separate and different nations. In light of this, how can Wizenthal's two years at an Austrian school - which he cites in his Application of Assistance - serve as proof for his belonging to the German nation, considering that a profession of German ethnicity is considered in Austria today to be proof of Nazi connections? Considering that the official claim, today,
is that the Austrians are not members of the German nation? Under these circumstances, two years' attendance at a Chinese village school should also guarantee Korean ethnicity!
On page 6 of Justice Not Vengeance (JNV) Lingens quotes Wizenthal verbatim:
"Wreisky' - Wiesenthal thus sums up his essential feelings in a single sentence - `has severed himself from the Jewish community of destiny. And, in my eyes, anyone who does that is a deserter."'
Correct! But the deserter's name is not Kreisky, it is Wizenthal. And he diligently collects his pieces of silver for it, month after month and year after year.
Jews that are still respected and esteemed in Austria today have Dr. Bruno Kreisky's work and honesty to thank for that. Kreisky knew no split loyalties; he only had one allegiance, namely to Austria.
Admittedly, Wizenthal too is not one of those Jews whom split loyalties cause pangs of conscience. His allegiance is exclusively to the IsraeliAmerican Imperium and to satisfying his sick drive, to which we shall return elsewhere (see chapter "Sadism").
On page 298 of his book Wizenthal comments:
"Bruno Kreisky threw the whole weight of his personality on to the scales in order to turn public opinion in the direction which, in a sense, was the predictable one: `There's got to be an end some time - and why is that man Wiesenthal still allowed to live here... ?'More than anyone else, this Jewish Chancellor, who had to flee from the Nazis and whose relations were murdered by the Nazis, set the definitive yardsticks by which the Austrian public measures its
own past ."
This reveals an interesting aspect of Wizenthal's views on ethnicity: he calls Bruno Kreisky, the Austrian Chancellor, a "Jewish Chancellor", even though he knows full well (we refer the reader to the previous quotation from p. 6) that Bruno Kreisky no longer considers himself Jewish. Evidently Wizenthal believes that one cannot escape one's Jewishness even if one chooses to do so. And with that crass Old Testament theory of blood and soil, his own 30-minute profession of German ethnicity,
limited as it is to the creation of his fraudulent Application of Assistance, is revealed as malicious deception.
The following quotation from page 30 of JNV is also of interest regarding Wizenthal's attitude towards the German people:
"For the first time in my life I saw what enormous cowards these people were; how, instead of dealing with their guilt, they tried to deny it, to suppress it so far that in the end they couldn't see it themselves. We didn't feel like talking to these people, but we realized one thing: the Germans and the Austrians would not simply acknowledge with shame what we had experienced -they would dispute it."
There can be no doubt that this allegation of "enormous cowardice" represents a castigation, on Wizenthal's part, of the national character of "the Germans" and "the Austrians" and thus constitutes a criminal act classified by our justice system as "incitement", or "hatemongering". Here we not only have proof of Wizenthal's anti-German mission, we also see that he embraces the concept of collective guilt, which he has repeatedly tried to deny in recent years. For
the "cowardly people" who "tried to deny their guilt, to suppress it so far that in the end they couldn't see it themselves" refers to the Germans as a people - as is clearly apparent in context.
It also proves that Wizenthal considers himself to be neither a German nor an Austrian: he juxtaposes the action of the Germans and the Austrians with "what we had experienced", and he certainly cannot have meant "we" to mean the ethnic Germans.
On page 159 Wizenthal writes:
"In eastern Europe there was scarcely a spot where the Germans had not committed some crime."
This quotation also clearly constitutes incitement. Aside from that, this claim is an outright falsification of history even for the reason that the popularity of the Germans in the East during the Second World War was so great that three times as many Soviet citizens fought on the German side as partisans had taken the Communists' side against the Germans. Further, recent opinion polls have leaked out, according to which the degree of popularity enjoyed by the Germans in the Baltic,
in Russia and in the Ukraine greatly outdistances that of all other western European nations - and any traveler can convince himself of the correctness of these polls.
The only worrisome poll results are those concerning anti-Semitism in the Eastern nations today.
Instead of airing this hateful tirade against the Germans, Wizenthal (the "ethnic German") should perhaps have said:
"In eastern Europe there was scarcely a spot where the Bolshevists (among whom the Jews were particularly numerous) had not committed some crime." (cf. Lew Kopelew, Und schuf mir einen Gotzen, Munich: dtv.) The mass graves which have recently been found "in the East" contained the bodies of people murdered not by "the Germans", but by the Bolshevists, which further emphasizes my advice to Wizenthal.
Moreover, our Galician storyteller states (p. 216):
"The Polish anti-Semites forget that... even a Jew brought up in the Polish language and the Polish cultural tradition could never feel a fully integrated citizen."
I ask Szymon Wizenthal, who in truth actually spoke Yiddish at home and who, furthermore, was a Jew brought up in the Polish language and the Polish cultural tradition, how two years in a Viennese public school could have integrated him into the German nation, if such an integration into the Polish nation was not possible even after half a millennium of coexistence?
To summarize:
As this chapter has shown, Wizenthal has clearly committed fraud: he has made false claims for personal gain by mendaciously stating that he was expelled by the Poles from Polish territory on the basis of his German ethnicity.
Wizenthal's disparaging remarks about the national character of "the Austrians" and "the Germans", as quoted here, clearly constitute the crime of incitement to race hatred.
Instances of Wizenthal's Forgeries
In 1989 a document which Wizenthal had submitted to an Austrian court was exposed as forgery. Yet the old forger's halo as upholder of moral standards remained untarnished.
The expert report which university professor Dr. Gerhard Jagschitz drew up for my jury trial in May 1992 (Hv 5720/90) after five years of work showed for the first time that not a single document which has been used to support the criminal charges against National Socialist Germany (including the charges pertaining to the "Holocaust") was ever allowed to be examined forensically. Thus it had the left up to the representatives of semi-official historiography - such as Professor Jagschitz
- to confirm accepted data "by means of textual criticism".
The technologically highly specialized criminological institutions of the Western world, first and foremost the Federal Criminal Police Office in Wiesbaden, have never been consulted to examine the foundations of our existing view of history, or of the penal legislation that shores it up. They very well could - but they are not allowed to! With two exceptions: in the Demjanjuk case (cf. the relevant chapter) and in engineer Rainer's libel suit against the magazine Basta such
forensic examination was enforced for the first time:
In both cases, the forgery in question could be clearly and readily established by means of simple scientific methods.
It makes one wonder why the Federal Criminal Police Office in Wiesbaden is not permitted to clear up, once and for all, the grave doubts that have been raised about the authenticity of the key documents of the "Holocaust" - mainly the "Wannsee Protocol" and the " Gerstein Statement", which the Revisionists call fabrications and for which even the historians of the Establishment have now admitted to doubts (cf. the Jagschitz Report, Hv 5720/90).
One of Wizenthal's attempts backfires.
In an attempt to discredit the Austrian politician J6rg Haider, Wizenthal resorted to the pattern approach described in this book ad infinitum. He summoned a journalist, Wolfgang Fellner, who then launched the attack in tried-and-true Wizenthal style in his magazine Basta (November 1986).
The liberal party representative Haider had received some forested land from a family friend, Wilhelm Webhofer, whose father - so Wizenthal's story went - had come into its possession through the unlawful intervention of Carinthian Gauleiter Rainer with the Reichsführer-SS, Heinrich Himmler. The article in Basta stated:
"Initiated by Wiesenthal and the Roifer family, the affair has now expanded. In the meantime, documents have turned up in Vienna which are said to prove that the enormous forest landholding in the Barental was actually a secret source of funding for the Nazis." (Incidentally, the secret documents have since vanished into the nothingness whence they seemed ready to emerge at that time.)
"Simon Wiesenthal has already primed this election bomb. Last week the prominent Nazi hunter got hold of the entire 1939 correspondence surrounding the present Haider property. According to Wiesenthal and his colleagues, the correspondence proves conclusively that Webhofer's father Josef was only given the entire Barental because he was a reliable Nazi bigwig'.
"What is especially embarrassing for Haider is that Wiesenthal discovered that the transfer of the huge forest property... had been personally arranged between the two infamous Nazi leaders Rainer (the Gauleiter of Carinthia) and Himmler.
"A letter from these two, in which the Barental is awarded to the 'reliable' Webhofer, exists."
Engineer Friedl Rainer defends his father.
Engineer Emil Lachout arrives on the scene.
At this stage of the attack, Wizenthal and his syndicate met with unexpected resistance. The man who caused the offensive to backfire was not Dr. Haider, the politician under attack, but the son of the Gauleiter named in the incriminating document. Engineer Friedl Rainer knew that his father, who had been murdered by the Allies after 1945, had been a man of irreproachable character and that in his capacity of Gauleiter of Carinthia he would never have done such a reprehensible thing
to the detriment of any person, Jewish or otherwise.
This emotionally-based admiration for his father, whom he had lost to Allied brutality when he was just a boy, was strengthened further by the respect and sympathy expressed for the murdered man to this day in
Carinthia by members of all political factions and also by members of the two ethnic minorities, the Slovenes and the Windish.
On the basis of these considerations, engineer Friedl Rainer turned to an expert of an unusual kind: engineer Emil Lachout.
In 1987 engineer Lachout had made many people sit up and take notice when he presented a document which proved that an Allied investigative committee, which had been charged in 1948 with investigating the torture of SS men, had concluded that in the concentration camps on German soil (these were the only ones examined in the investigation) there had been no "gas chambers" where people were murdered. In other words, there were none in Hartheim and Mauthausen either.
Ever since then, engineer Lachout, who does not fit into any particular political camp and is not a member of any political party, has been pestered with preliminary proceedings lasting for more than half a decade already, for "the resumption of National Socialist activities". I shall just mention as an aside that on the order of the Viennese Public Prosecutor's office and the examining magistrate Dr. Roggla, this trial is now supposed to be concluded in good old anti-Fascist manner
by certifying the accused psychologically unfit. (Just as political psychiatry is to be used against the Revisionists Franz Radl and Ewald Stieber in Austria and Tjudar Rudolph in Germany.)
With the aid of a magnifying glass and a so-called typewriter atlas it took engineer Lachout only a few minutes to expose the clumsy forgery provided by Szymon Wizenthal.
To restore his father's honor, engineer Friedl Rainer went to court and filed charges against the publication Basta (Ref. 9dE Vr 14826/86 Hv 3141/87). When engineer Rainer named engineer Lachout as expert witness in court, Wizenthal's side protested, so that the court commissioned the Criminal Investigations Department of the Vienna police to perform the investigation. Detective inspector Dietmar Junker conducted the forensic testing and came to the same clear and scientifically replicable
conclusion as engineer Lachout had - namely, that Wizenthal had submitted an amateurish forgery as incriminating document.
While the Wizenthal Syndicate subsequently lost the case and had to retract its allegations, the Austrian media saw fit to hush the matter up.
The old crook Szymon Wizenthal got off scot free. May my book put this anti-German, anti-Austrian hatemonger's armor to its first serious test!
From Major to First Lieutenant: an Informant is Born
The "architect" who was promoted from "Major" to "First Lieutenant":
Wizenthal's battle in the hay loft. He lied nineteen to the dozen.
Our scoundrel Wizenthal already began his career as professional perjurer in 1945, when he offered himself to the Americans as interrogation specialist for captured SS men who, according to his own claims, were generally brought in to his body searches "trembling all over".
An astonishing document from May 27, 1948 proves his readiness to serve as liar and perjurer: the American National Archives in Washington, DC contain an affidavit given by Wizenthal to the American secret service officer Curt Ponger which demonstrates Wizenthal's morbid craving for admiration as well as his penchant for lying and his unhesitating readiness to bear false witness against his neighbor.
Since I have a transcript of this document (Interrogation No. 2820) in my possession, I can share with you, my reader, the fact that Wizenthal has kept a heroic aspect of his war activities from us for decades: his role as partisan Major.
To Question 17 of the aforementioned protocol our scoundrel replied:
"I had a high rank. I got it directly due to the high degree of intelligence I showed as Lieutenant, then I was promoted to Major, and in the end my commanding officer told me, 'if you survive all this you'll be made a First Lieutenant."
In the thirteen weeks of his flight from the railway repair shop to Lemberg (Lvov) Wizenthal claims to have rushed up the career ladder from Lieutenant to Major with the aid of his self-diagnosed degree of intelligence. But the case of Szymon Wizenthal may well demonstrate that intelligence need not always go hand in hand with all-round education, since evidently he didn't know that a Major cannot be promoted to First Lieutenant; this change in rank can happen through demotion at best.
Not to mention the fact that Wizenthal, in his meteoric rise up the career ladder, simply skipped the rank of Captain. It seems that Wizenthal did not become familiar with military rank order until later, in his capacity as organizer of incriminating testimony.
While Wizenthal claims today that German is his mother tongue, the German original of his report readily shows that he did not quite master this
language at the time, and his sentence construction is marked by Yiddish turns of phrase more so than is the case today. He continues:
"I helped a lot with the construction of the bunkers and the fortification lines. We had fantastic bunker constructions.
"My rank was not so much that of strategic expert as technical export."
Military historians can confirm that no Polish partisans anywhere within the German sphere of influence were able to engage the German troops in positional warfare (making bunkers unnecessary). We may readily agree with Wizenthal that he is no expert on strategy. However, we can also doubt his technical expertise for lack of any subject qualifications on his part.
One thing is for certain: he lied. This is proven by a considerable number of affidavits which he has sworn since then, to other effects.
In the statement at hand, Wizenthal continues: "From October 6, 1943 until mid-February 19441 was a partisan. "
Unfortunately our criminal hoaxer's American backers prevented him from maintaining this adventuresome invention. Regardless how much the OSI's Nazi-hunters may have appreciated Wizenthal's willingness to fib and lie, they forced our pompous peacock out of his officer-and-partisan dreams and back to reality, which appears in another one of the perjurer's sworn affidavits (August 24, 1954, Linz) as follows:
"On October 17, 1943, just before the Lemberg camp was dissolved, I escaped from the camp and hid in the barn of some acquaintances near Lemberg. On January 13, 1944, when the SD and the Gestapo combed the area, I was discovered and put into the Gestapo prison `Lacki' in Lemberg..."
So Wizenthal lied under oath in 1948 and deliberately gave false information about the time of his persecution.
Wizenthal's "flight" did not last from October 6, 1943 until mid-February 1944, and it also did not lead him to the romantic camp fires of Polish partisans, but rather directly into a Polish peasant's barn - without any meteoric military career or promotions.
A hay loft, therefore, was our heroic wannabe-Major's hiding place - but he did not have to bide there until mid-February to be discovered by the Gestapo; he was already apprehended on January 13 of that same year.
But to return to Wizenthal's statement from 1948, where he states (in the original document in Yiddish-German hodgepodge):
"In February our group was surrounded. It would have been hopeless to stay there, for the Germans came closer on all sides. One night we decided to divide into as many groups as possible, by splitting up. I commanded 80 people. We managed to get through, and we got to Lemberg in groups of
four." (In actual fact Wizenthal spent that time snuggled down in the hay loft of the town that was not Lemberg, and he commanded Wizenthal and no-one else.)
"We entered a Pole's residence, with pistols drawn, where we took some civilian clothing and went on, for safety's sake only two at a time, and 40 m back, the next two." (Wizenthal cannot actually be charged for the armed robbery described here. After all, he really was elsewhere at the time. In the hay loft.)
In Interrogation 2820 Wizenthal reports on his apprehension by the German authorities. Stylistically speaking, this sentence is reminiscent of a Karl May novel:
"Our situation was such that we couldn't even use the weapons. We were underneath the floorboards, squeezed like into a coffin. When the Gestapo was in the front yard of our house it was already too late to make any sort of preparations."
If he had been discovered armed in his hiding place it would have taken a miracle to save him from legitimate, on-the-spot execution - regardless which of the armed powers of the Second World War had discovered him in this condition.
Wehrmacht War Crimes"
Interrogation 2820, Szymon Wizenthal's affidavit examined here, was recorded by the American secret service at that time with the intention of obtaining statements regarding the "criminal deeds", not of the SS (they had already collected enough "eyewitness testimony" in that regard), but of the German Wehrmacht as a whole. Question I 1 was thus quite unambiguous:
"As I already told you at the start of our first interrogation, we are interested first and foremost in things pertaining to the Wehrmacht."
To which Wizenthal replied with a simple "yes" - whispered with a modest blush, for all we know. Interrogating officer Ponger thus pressed on with Question 12:
"That's why it is important that you tell us things primarily having to do with the Wehrmacht, and we can have a separate talk about run-ins you had with the SS."
Wizenthal had already understood: he knew what it was they wanted to hear from him. The aim was now to run down the Wehrmacht as much as possible and to impute to it - not to the SS - those crimes that fit the American strategy of that time. Of course Wizenthal had no way of knowing
that only shortly following this protocol, American policy regarding Germany would dispense once and for all with the Morgenthau Plan which had guided American strategy up until then.
And he probably also failed to consider that his testimony might one day become public and be compared with his later statements.
Wizenthal launched into his recital with gusto: to make the accommodating nature of his response to the American officer's wishes more visible, I have taken the liberty of capitalizing his subsequent references to the German Wehrmacht:
"On June 29-30, 1941, Lemberg was occupied by the GERMAN WEHRMACHT.. Many GERMAN SOLDIERS participated in the persecutions, which I observed from the window of my home... We went to the window and saw how MEMBERS OF THE WEHRMACHT, along with civilians,... accosted Jews in the street... and severely abused then..
"...Later I saw a group of Jews... coming from a side street, being abused by the WEHRMACHT..
"Just at this time a car drove up, MEMBERS OF THE WEHRMACHT were in it, I think it was a Mercedes, an open-top car in which a GERMAN GENERAL stood, he had golden epaulettes and beside him stood a cinema operator with a camera, and he filmed these scenes...
"The Jews mostly died in the first few days when the GERMAN SOLDIERS visited the streets where the Jews lived..
"During this work the Jews were beaten most bloody by the MEMBERS OF THE WEHRMACHT who supervised the work.
"... We continued slowly down the street, because again, more Jews were brought out of all the houses by the WEHRMACHT.
"We had to go through a line-up and almost every one of us was kicked or whipped.
"QUESTION: That was also by the WEHRAlACHT? "
(Of course Wizenthal later had to amend these orgies of violence which he happily imputed to the Wehrmacht here; on page 8 of his book Justice Not Vengeance he truthfully attributes these massacres to the Ukrainians and cautiously paraphrases the restoration of order by the German troops by describing them as a little less trigger-happy.)
Like every informant, Wizenthal is fond of the phrase, "Please, sir, I know something!"
"... I also know something about the role the WEHRMACHT played in 1943...
"Where a senior paymaster... from Tyrol very often carried out executions on his own initiative...
"QUESTION: Do you have any first-hand knowledge of how the WEHRMACHT combated guerrilla warfare?"
(And without hesitating, our perjurious liar told of his "experiences" in this matter, made during his imaginary stint as partisan.)
"ANSWER: One time we had two men, that was in January 1944, one of them was Tannenbaum and the second man's name was Schwindel, he was sent into the neighboring town... These two fellows were picked up, and we found them two days later, their eyes had been gouged out and their tongues cut out, and one of them, you know, his private parts had been treated, probably with wire...
"... a... group of us once freed three hostages who had been taken prisoner by a GROUP OF WEHRMACHT MEN... and this chamber had a temperature of more than 50 C [120 Fl. We found these three in a state as though they had been boiled One of them still lived for five days...
"QUESTION: Did you have any further contact with the WEHRMACHT after that?
"ANSWER: Not after that. Only on the transport.. the soldiers abused us. "
When the American Imperium decided to introduce a currency reform in West Germany and, under pressure from the escalating Cold War, to mobilize the western part of Germany against Communism, the need for false witnesses against the German soldiery as a whole evaporated. Wizenthal realized this immediately and proceeded to focus his accusations, with few exceptions, on the SS and the Gestapo instead. However, the perjurious crook made an embarrassing faux pas. In the transcript here
at issue, Interrogation 2820 from the National Archives in Washington DC, 20408, he replied to Question 15:
"We were hauled out of our hiding place, taken to a car, and slapped. "
"QUESTION 16: By the SS?
"ANSWER: No, by the Security Police. I immediately slit my wrist. "
In his eagerness to witness to "German crimes" for the American secret service officer, Wizenthal obviously did not consider that political developments might deprive this account of its usefulness so quickly. In 1954, in his "Affidavit About the Time of My Persecution", our anti-German calumniator had already adapted his account to these new developments: it was no longer the Wehrmacht, nor even the Security Police, but rather the SS whom he accused of mistreating him. He now describes
the same event thus:
"On January 13, 1944, when the SD and the Gestapo combed the area, I was discovered, and put into the Gestapo prison `Lacki' in Lemberg, where I was tortured terribly by Unterscharführer Waldtke. To put in end to these tortures I slit my wrists. Although it was somewhat unusual.. "
Indeed, what Wizenthal expects us to believe here is rather unusual.
Now, all of a sudden, Wizenthal - after being discovered as armed partisan - was no longer slapped by the Security Police or the Wehrmacht, after which he slit his wrists; no, he was now "tortured" terribly by an "Unterscharführer ".
It is quite clear that the orders of his American superiors had been changed to exclude the German Wehrmacht (whose exemplary conduct in war was also known to large parts of the German population in Austria and the Federal Republic of Germany) from false claims of criminal behavior, and to focus such claims instead on the SS.
But Wizenthal forgot that in his Interrogation 2820 of May 27, 1948 (see above) he had clearly denied being tortured by the "SS", and had made the Security Police responsible instead. That the Security Police never included the rank of "Unterscharführer", and that this rank was restricted to the SS, is something which any child would have known in those days. The fact that Wizenthal was unclear on the rank and wholly ignorant of the name of his alleged tormentor when he assigned
him in 1948 to the Security Police, but that he suddenly "remembers" his name and rank several years later when he transfers him to the SS in compliance with propagandistic necessity, is a feature characteristic not only of the satanic old liar himself, but - as we shall see repeatedly in this book - also of the entire troop of false witnesses under his directorship: the professional false witnesses Rosenberg and Epstein - who, half a century after the end of the war, in the course
of the Demjanjuk trial (see chapter The Demjanjuk Case), "identified" a man whom they had not even known, or had declared dead 40 years earlier - also testified to events and "positively identified" defendants with whom they had had no acquaintance at all in 1945, and displayed such retroactive "knowledge" or "recognition" whenever trial tactics required it.
Wizenthal incriminates his saviors: False affidavits against Ganthert and Kohlrautz.
In Wizenthal's book Justice Not Vengeance, analyzed here, Wizenthal informs us that two German Nazi Party members repeatedly saved his life. In the foreword, on page 9, Peter Michael Lingens writes:
"The eastern railway repair shops came under the control of a German railway official called Heinrich Guentherl. Wiesenlhal's immediate superior was likewise a German, Chief Inspector Adolf Kohlrautz. Both of them were Nazis .... Within their own sphere... they saw to it strictly that the Jews were treated fairly."
If Wizenthal was constantly treated and hospitalized and operated on correctly by the Germans in whose sphere of influence he stayed, one must ask oneself where in the world he could have found his inspiration for the murderous deeds he describes? It can't have been during his stint as partisan Major!
Wizenthal was not always as full of praise for the two men and their "strict" maintenance of order as he was in his latest book. In his aforementioned "Affidavit About the Time of My Persecution" of August 24, 1954 he incriminated his life-savers severely. He wrote:
"My immediate superior was senior inspector Adolf KohlrautZ... The head of the repair works was senior Reichsbahn councillor Günthert. While working in these repair shops I was hit several times... by senior inspector Arnolds, as well as by inspector Lindner."
We do not know what may have prompted Szymon Wizenthal to correct the patently false picture which he had painted in 1954 of the conditions in the eastern rail works of Lemberg and the "abusive German rail officials". The fact is, however, that as early as 1965 the role played by senior inspector Günthert had become positively transformed in Wizenthal's recollections, to such a degree that he even deemed it appropriate to invite Günthert to his daughter Paulinka's wedding (JNV p. 10).
Faced with the choice of accepting the invitation to the wedding at Wizenthal House, or risking prosecution for "crimes against humanity" on the basis of the 1954 "Affidavit About the Time of My Persecution", the exsenior inspector of the Reich German Railway probably considered the former to be the lesser of two evils.
And it wasn't a bad deal for Wizenthal either, since he needed to ensure Günthert's silence to uphold his legend of having spent the years from 1941 to 1944 in concentration camps.
Wizenthal not in concentration camp until 1944.
Here too, the old charlatan gives himself away. In his Linz "affidavit" he stated:
"Already on July 10, 1941 the Labor Office (Jewish Employment) had forcibly assigned me to clearing operations with the railway in Lemberg.. Later I and a group of about 150 Jews... were assigned to work on the Eastern railway... Our meals were brought to us from the concentration camp... In mid-1943... our group was transferred back into the forced-labor camp Lemberg, which had meanwhile been converted into a concentration camp."
So if we chose to believe at least these details from this affidavit, Szymon Wizenthal had not been in concentration camps ever since 1941 (as he had avowed in numerous other sworn statements), but rather was put maliciously to work by the Labor Office.
That, of course, is something this sluggard can never forgive and forget.
In this document Szymon Wizenthal confirms it himself: up until the time where, according to official accounts, the "gassing of the Jews" had already been stopped and the "gas chambers" were blasted, he had been at relative liberty (placed by the Labor Office, and paid in accordance with Reich German social legislation), and the only thing he got from the camp kitchen was food. One wonders how such a fate agrees with the theory of National Socialist genocide.
One wonders this all the more since Wizenthal was not the only Jew to enjoy such special treatment: in fact - as he himself points out - the majority of the laborers with the eastern railway were Jews, who were thus able to spend the worst years of the war in safety and with job security, in an area where Wizenthal himself states that "strict" care was taken "that the Jews were treated fairly".
It would be difficult to imagine a worse land mine against the "Holocaust" than that which Wizenthal set with his Linz "affidavit" of 1954. (See Document, p. )
In a matter of love's labors lost, Wizenthal's lackey and ex-secretary Peter Michael Lingens, author of the preface to the book Justice Not Vengeance, invents a concentration camp "Janowska" (p. 11) as setting for Wizenthal's 1941 "fate of persecution", evidently in order to allow his lord and master to take at least a sideline part, as it were, in the Jews' fate and the horrors of their alleged genocide. But the very attempt is pathetic; all we are told is that the Wizenthal
couple remained together and was even posted jointly to the same place of employment - a boon which real concentration camp inmates were not granted.
The March 1, 1945 document from the International Tracing Service at Arolsen, reprinted here on p. , tears down Lingens' house of cards and shows clearly that the "Nazi hunter" had never seen a concentration camp, much
less an "extermination camp", from the inside prior to the evacuation of Lemberg, in other words during the time of the alleged extermination of the Jews.
It goes without saying that Wizenthal cannot have made the acquaintance of any of the 12 concentration camps which he expects us to believe in, and for which there were only 14 months (March 1944 to May 1945) left for him to visit. He would have had to tour a new concentration camp every five weeks.
Szymon Wizenthal's statement of May 27, 1948 (Interrogation 2820, copied on May 28, 1985 by the Chief of the Reference Service Branch of The National Archives, Washington DC 20408) was made under oath, as per the transcript:
"I swear by God the Almighty and All-Knowing that I will tell the truth, without exception and without addition, so help me God."
Bound by this oath, Wizenthal proceeded to testify to a number of severe German war crimes which he claims to have witnessed in the course of his 13 weeks' partisan activity in the forests of Poland - even though in his sworn affidavit of August 24, 1954 he had abbreviated his "fate of persecution" to a nine weeks' flight that led him, not into the tents of Polish partisans, but into a Polish peasant's hay loft.
All the war crimes of the German Wehrmacht to which Wizenthal attests on the wishes and urging of the American interrogation officer in 1948 are exposed by Wizenthal's 1954 Linz affidavit as perjurious lies.
Anyone is free to call Wizenthal a perjurious liar. In fact, that seems to me to be a general public obligation.
What is more, the 1954 Linz "affidavit" discussed here shows clearly that Wizenthal escaped the Jews' "fate of persecution" in the Third Reich, in the sense that up until the time where the alleged "gas chambers" were blasted he had not been confined to any concentration camps, but rather had worked for the eastern railway, posted there by the Labor Office and remunerated accordingly by the Reichsbahn. This idyll was destroyed only by the advancing Red Army and nothing else.
The "Holocaust" suffers its most devastating setback precisely through this: the exposure of the lies and dishonesty of its most efficient advocate.
4 Case Study: Eberhard Waechter Photo and documents The rogues' gallery of professional informants: from Wizenthal to Neugebauer and Weinzierl. The Waechter case is a matter of a small mistake made on April 2, 1992. A harmless case, since it did not end fatally, like other cases in which Wizenthal is involved - but it may be "harmless" in this sense only because the innocent victim, Director of the State Opera Eberhard Waechter, had already died of cardiac arrest before Wizenthal and his accomplices struck. But the methods that were applied here - the principle of collective responsibility that blames innocent sons for their fathers' alleged guilt - the principle of original sin, in other words - were used in this case, just as were the other characteristic elements of Wizenthal's criminal "hunting methods". To summarize the case briefly: on April 2, 1992, two days after his sudden death, the late Director of the Vienna State Opera, Eberhard Waechter, was accused in the periodical Wirtschaftswoche of having been the son of a murdered National Socialist named Baron Waechter. In fact, the late Director was no relation to the Baron in question, but rather a member of a family that had opposed National Socialism. This seemingly trite attack on a just-deceased and his grieving kin might be dismissed as a minor gaffe on the part of Austrian pack journalists - if it were not so highly significant in terms of the exposure of methodology and below-the-surface interconnections. For one, the first thing we find when the shine a light into this rats' nest of manhunting and fabrication of history are all the itinerant preachers of anti-German hate, of the "Holocaust" and of German sole and collective guilt, in happy harmony with their silent interconnections: First in the line-up is P.M.L. who, writing in Wirtschaftswoche of April 15, 1992, urged the journalist Khittl (who had acted on P.M.L.'s orders in researching against the deceased and then launching the political strike) to please explain his embarrassing error and to extricate himself and his backer (P.M.L. himself) from this dirty slander affair. Hiding behind the modest abbreviation P.M.L. we find an old acquaintance from Wizenthal's slander team, namely the Jewish journalist with Austrian citizenship, that venerable voice of Israeli Near-East politics in Austria, Peter Michael Lingens. Since what is at issue here is a case of slander, it's no great surprise that this P.M.L. is the same as Szymon Wizenthal's ex-secretary P.M.L. He is also the same P.M.L. who authored the preface to Szymon's last book Money And vengeance - pardon me, I 61 moant Justice Not Vengeance. And here we have already arrived in the thick of Szymon's Viennese "one-man office", since Mother Lingens is one of Szymon's most assiduous witnesses; in countless trials she knew exactly what testimony was desired (after she "miraculously" survived, of course), and in Wizenthal's book Justice Not Vengeance she is also called upon time and again to grace the witness stand of Szymonean False News. In the case at hand, however, the flunky P.M.L. sacrifices his backers by permitting his henchman, the journalist Khittl, to name the wire-pullers behind the Waechter campaign. Admittedly this resulted in voices being raised in warning, such as that of the "colleague from the Standard' - a paper published by the Jewish newspaperman Oskar Bronner and repeatedly praised by Szymon; this "colleague" suggests that it is an extremely "touchy" matter to make reference to the "anti-Fascist institutions" and "personalities" (that stand behind them), since doing so might endanger their work (i.e. their professional lying). From the accounts of the Wirtschaftswoche it then follows that the "colleague from the Standard, in her own account, twists the facts to shove all the blame into the shoes of P.M.L.'s henchman, the journalist Khittl. And he, bitten by the dogs from every side, bites back. In this way we learn the path of the Lie - and this path is identical to the "interconnections" of Szymon's hunting party: 1. The Jewish editor-in-chief Professor L. O. Meysel, ex-chief of the Wirtschaftswoche, claims that Director of the State Opera Eberhard Waechter is the son of Baron O. Waechter (who had been murdered by anti-Fascists while trying to flee). This leads to accusations against Eberhard Waechter in matters of "the climate and politics of culture". Of course! After all, sonnyboy must be punished for daddy's beliefs. Or so restitution fraud Wizenthal says. Meysel bases his claims on "research" and discussions with 2. Szymon Wizenthal, and thus the trail leads directly to our Restitution Fraud. Oddly, this is not enough for Khittl. Instead, he refuses to rest until he has exposed all the accomplices in this campaign of incitement and lies to the shocked eyes of society: and since neither the Communists nor the CIA may be lacking in this brew, the so-called "Documentary Archives of the Austrian Resistance", which may be considered a link between the KGB and the CIA (cf. pages , f.), must also be dragged in - and indeed it is, 3. in the form of the Communist "Professor" Herbert Steiner, an alleged "expert" in "matters of contemporary history", who insists tirelessly that Director Waechter is identical to the son of Baron Waechter, the National Socialist murdered by anti-Fascists. 62 And to complete the rogues' gallery of informants against the people, Fatherland and fellow man, it is also necessary to mention Steiner's successor in the ranks of the Documentary Archives of the Austrian Resistance, namely 4. Dr. Wolfgang Neugebauer. This degenerate son of a very decent former soldier of the Waffen-SS has personally brought about 600 criminal charges against his fellow citizens for their political convictions. Beyond that, he has written numerous letters behind the backs of "offensive" persons in order to discredit them with their employers and cause them to lose their jobs. Like his predecessors and colleagues, he is deaf and dumb to the crimes committed by the Communists and Western Allies, and his loyalty to the policies of the American Imperium is obvious. We have Neugebauer to thank for the fact that we are aware of the racially motivated anti-German hatred espoused by this clique: after all, Neugebauer's "Documentary Archives" (cf. p. f.) retrospectively approved Morgenthau's planned genocide (the so-called Morgenthau Plan, which provided for the political destruction of Germany and the physical destruction of the German people) and expressed regrets that this plan was not in fact implemented, considering the economic power of the current Federal Republic of Germany. Similarly, Neugebauer still supports the cession of one-third of Carinthia to the partisan regime of the Communist dictator Marshal Tito, and has no regrets for all the murderous consequences of that cession. When the mendacious campaign of Wizenthal's minions began after the State Opera Director's passing, and the grieving kin protested and pointed out that there was a mix-up, Khittl turned to 5. Professor Weinzierl of the University of Vienna's Institute for Contemporary History. Where bias and the misrepresentation of history are concerned, this Institute - established by the victorious Allies and originally named the Institute for the Prosecution of Nazi War Criminals - is second worldwide only to the Institute for Contemporary History in Munich, which has similar objectives. Both "Institutes" have been unable to discover even one American or Communist crime in the time period which they were created to embellish with serviceable tales. In an article published in the Wochenpresse (Vienna, January 1, 1988), Ms. Weinzierl actually portrayed herself as a liar and forger, and has had to bear these labels meekly ever since. As usual in Austria where anti-German incitement is concerned; she was also able to indulge in this little pastime with impunity, claiming that the "Sudeten Germans" had only themselves to blame for what happened to 63 them after 1945 (the bestial murder of 300,000 innocent men, women and children and the expulsion of three million of them). Her tendency towards lying, her criminal Germanophobia, and her support for collective guilt and the bloody vengeance exacted on innocent women and children marks Madam Professor Weinzierl as a true daughter of the Wizenthalian Mind-Set. So let's summarize: with the aid of his ex-secretary, Wizenthal has instigated a campaign in whose course defamatory claims were made against a deceased. This campaign drew support from persons and organizations which advocate and approve the doctrine of collective guilt and the collective responsibility of innocent persons, Germanophobia, and our country's population with foreigners (a la the Morgenthau Plan's "alteration of the German national character"), and all of which also are utterly uncritical of the human rights violations committed by the Israeli state and the American Imperium. The Waechter case opened the doors on a continent-spanning, eerie landscape of fraud and a worldwide manhunt whose vanguard consistently takes the form of a "media campaign". The clear and definite aim of these activities is to criminalize, and to portray in propagandistically one-sided and negative fashion, the history of the German people in their struggle for their economic and moral place in the world, from the beginning of the First World War to their heroic battle to realize their right to self-determination - in other words, the German people's revolt between 1914 and 1945 - as well as, concurrently, to work towards their present-day physical eradication by advocating a policy of forced "compensatory immigration" coupled with the simultaneous approval of a below-threshold German birth rate. 5 Discipline - or Public Murder Just for Fun? Photos and document Why the individual murders are fictitious. In the time immediately after the Second World War, the prosecutors from the Allied Inquisition as a rule avoided imputing individual crimes to members of the German camp guards. Such charges were more likely to be brought against the so-called "Kapos" (overseers), in other words inmates who had been assigned by the camp administration to a special position with certain powers. And in fact I am aware of reliable accounts (Dr. Benedikt Kautsky) showing that in many cases this Kapo system resulted in inmates (criminals in particular) misusing such a position to commit violence against fellow inmates. Imputing such crimes to the SS was considered inexpedient because it was well known that, on the one hand, the German laws prohibited such excesses and that, on the other, the proverbial discipline within the National Socialist state and its executive branch, particularly the SS, by far exceeded that of all the armed formations of the other nations involved in the Second World War. This is also why the charges in the so-called "gas chamber trials" focused on this essential aspect: namely, that the German recipients of the genocidal orders had obeyed these orders out of a mistaken sense of obedience and participated in an "industrial-style genocide" sanctioned by these orders, and that they had subordinated their human concerns to this obedience and military discipline. Numerous trial files had also been found which proved that the Third Reich punished excesses committed by SS camp guards - and by members of the SS as a whole and the Waffen-SS in particular - with merciless severity such as no army or armed formation from the other warring powers was prepared to apply to similar violators from their own ranks. As case in point, American soldiers in Dachau (see illustrations, pp. ff.) were allowed to take hundreds of SS guards who had surrendered with a clear conscience, line them up along the wall, mow them down with machine gun fire and hand the wounded and dying over to the concentration camp inmates for lynching, without the perpetrators (who were known by name) ever being taken to court or even reprimanded. National Socialist Germany acted very differently: in this context I refer first to the orders issued by SS-Standartenführer Glücks and concentration camp inspector Eicke (see illustration, p.) who repeatedly reinforced this for 68 the units under their command by means of examples of the punishment of violators, and who stressed the consequences of any such violation. Wizenthal strikes a blow against the "Holocaust". Nazi hunter undermines genocidal intentions of Hitler's Germany. Wizenthal himself tells us of a strange incident which rules out any tolerance of attacks on inmates in the Third Reich and which, moreover, also casts doubt on the "officially decreed extermination of the Jews". He repeatedly tells us (for example in his affidavit of August 24, 1954) that the middle toe of his right foot was crushed when a fellow inmate threw a rock. Wizenthal reports: "Coincidence would have it that a high-ranking visitor was in the camp, and so I was taken to the sick-bay where... I was operated That saved my life." The fact that the high-ranking visit was not someone from New York but was rather an inspection conducted by the highest leadership ranks follows from the context as well as from other accounts Wizenthal has given of the same event. If we are to believe him in this instance, this would mean in any case that the National Socialist leadership had insisted on the proper treatment and medical care of the Jewish inmates. Not on their extermination. SS police tribunal punishes acts of violence. Wizenthal has thoughtfully provided us with an account (JNV p. 261) of a court decision whereby one Max Taubner was sentenced on July 9, 1943 to a ten-year prison term for excesses he had committed against Jews. Naturally, given Szymon's propensity for lying, and faced with the necessity of making the Third Reich's severity in dealing with individual crimes seem less than above-board, Wizenthal does not quote the SS police tribunal's verdict against Max Taubner verbatim, but rather, as he himself puts it, "almost verbatim": "Especially as.. he had allowed himself to get swept away `into atrocities unworthy of a German and an SS leader.' Germans murdered cleanly." That the last sentence is not a quote from the police protocol in question, but rather a product of Wizenthal's sick mind, goes without saying. 69 Far less "clean", however, is the abundance of individual and allegedly entirely public murders which Wizenthal imputes in his book to all those he chooses to hunt. These people are said to have indulged their trigger-happiness with abandon and high-caliber weapons, without care or even a silencer, like Mexican gangster bosses in a spaghetti western - in railway stations, on the open streets, in Reich railway coup6s, in the streets and squares of the National Socialist sphere of influence. It is depressing that this kind of court file continues to be kept inaccessible to researchers and is left to fragmentary interpretation at best, and at the mercy of the no more than "almost verbatim" presentation of the likes of Szymon Wizenthal. Himmler's chief legal adviser. On page 264 of JNV Szymon Wizenthal introduces to us Dr. Horst Bender, the man who had served as legal adviser to the Reichsführer-SS, Himmler, and who in this capacity had drawn up the legislation which governed the guard personnel in the concentration camps. Wizenthal quotes "verbatim": "In the case of self-seeking or sadistic, or sexual, motives [for the murder of Jews] there shall be punishment by a court, in certain instances also for murder or manslaughter." Unfortunately we are again dependent on Wizenthal's unreliable, out-of-context account and are barred from examining these files first-hand. But we do learn that when Wizenthal tried to drag Dr. Bender into court 33 years later, he stood firmly by the guidelines he had drawn up so long ago. Dr. Bender was acquitted and continues to work as attorney in the Federal Republic of Germany. Wizenthal admits: by law, Jewish forced laborers had to be treated correctly. Here Wizenthal tells us (JNV p. 368) about a German Oberleutnant by the name of Johann Kroupa and portrays him as one of those men who "demonstrated that it was possible even for a German soldier to behave decently". Wizenthal errs: not only Johann Kroupa, but ten million other German soldiers as well, all behaved decently. Wizenthal reports that when city commandant Oberleutnant Kroupa learned that forced laborers were being harassed or beaten by the SS or 70 Ukrainian escorts, he immediately put a stop to this. (I am certain that any such excesses were committed exclusively by the Ukrainian escorts and that the SS does not figure in the relevant trial files - which are also being kept from the public.) In any case, a Ukrainian officer by the name of Dr. Stroncickij brought charges against the German Oberleutnant for "favoring Germans". The case was examined and Oberleutnant Kroupa was acquitted. Dr. Stroncickij, on the other hand, was turned over to the Gestapo and imprisoned in a concentration camp. The fact that Wizenthal, whom we have to thank for this account of the juridical realities in National Socialist Germany, tries later on to devalue Dr. Stroncickij's arrest with the addition of undocumentable fairy tales fails to spoil his account of the legal situation in the Third Reich. Wizenthal: far from intending to murder Jews, the Reich leadership lavished care on them. Another anecdote from Wizenthal's pen is also an embarrassment to the "Holocaust". In his report to the "National Archives, Washington DC 20408" Wizenthal recounts that a group of 109 Jews owed their lives to the circumstance that 70 SS men assigned to guard them did not wish to go to the front, anti did not shoot their prisoners so that they might have some reason to give their superiors to justify why they remained behind the frontlines. Wizenthal's report states: "We were a group of 109 men, and more than 70 men [guardsl were there, and for as long as we were there the SS did not have to go to the, front." Surely the only thing this can possibly mean is that the SS guards' orders were to guard living Jews - since otherwise their superiors, who were well aware of the need for manpower at the front, would have insisted on the immediate liquidation of the prisoners! Why does Wizenthal need the "individual murder"? In view of the juridical situation in the Third Reich we must ask this in all seriousness. After all, the unrestrained individual murders which Wizenthal consistently imputes to his victims bring with them the danger that, despite the fact that most actual witnesses have since passed on, other persons might interrupt his drama with facts which could prove that 71 incidents such as he alleges simply could not have been possible, given the everyday realities of those times. Wizenthal takes that risk. Only a few years after the end of the war it had already turned out that the charges against members of the German executive accused of the emotionless carrying-out of criminal orders (murder of thousands or hundreds of thousands) did not suffice to ensure the required convictions and the hoped-for degree of punishment - partly because the judges and juries were difficult to sway emotionally with such abstract figures, and partly because the responsibility borne for the alleged mass murders by an individual working within an overall hierarchy was difficult to establish by means of eyewitness testimony. Another factor was that in the various gas chamber trials, that minority of SS-men in particular who had "confessed to the existence of the gas chambers" had been acquitted or sentenced to minor prison terms, with reference to their obligation to act under orders (even if the defendants had admitted contributing to the crime themselves). The newspaper Die Welt of November 14, 1988 quotes Wizenthal aptly in this context: "100 dead are a tragedy. One million dead are a statistic. So I said to myself we must look for the small-scale murderers, the ones that killed 20, or 25. That's something that people will understand. A tree says more than a forest." To summarize: Wizenthal's contribution of the last few decades has been to facilitate a Renaissance for the American Imperium's anti-German propaganda in regard to the so-called "war crimes trials" by creating a new trial strategy, namely the individual public murder committed by the SS leaders for their personal gratification, and to maintain this strategy in perfect working order by means of his seemingly inexhaustible supply of witnesses (even though the same old names crop up time and again). The testimonies provided by Wizenthal's witnesses - who boast an utterly incredible understanding of service ranks and command structures, as well as "powers of recollection" that fly in the face of all juridical experience - are not even remotely reflective of the legal realities in National Socialist everyday life and the iron laws and jurisdiction to which the SS was subject. The proven perjured testimony of Wizenthal's troop of witnesses, recruited worldwide from the scum of the Diaspora; the suppression in German courts of all Jewish witnesses who were willing to testify in a manner inconvenient to the Wizenthal Agenda; and the actual facts of the legal situation in the Third Reich - taken together, these combine to a likelihood bordering on certainty that not a single one of the 72 "individual crimes" Wizenthal attributes to the cases he calls "typical" ever actually happened. 6 The Demjanjuk Case Photo and documents Like all "war criminals", John Demjanjuk was a loving family man, appreciated and respected by his employer and neighbors, when the false witnesses from the Wizenthal Mafia came knocking at his door. In 1986, after the usual introductory ritual of a media campaign, this Ukrainian-American with a previously spotless record was extradited by an American court to stand trial in Israel for the murder of hundreds of thousands of inmates in Treblinka (where he had never been). At the time of his extradition the "evidence" (the SS ID card) on which his charges and the subsequent death sentence were to be based did not yet exist. This "evidence" was only later to be ordered from Moscow, in writing, by Elie Wiesel, the "Nobel Peace Prize" laureate whom Professor Robert Faurisson has exposed as notorious liar and propaganda advocate of the destruction-by-immigration of the closed German settlement region. (See Rullmann, Der Fall Demjanjuk, pp. 88, 94.) In the well-known show trial ritual John Demjanjuk was charged with crimes he allegedly committed in Treblinka (500,000 to one million murders) as "Ivan the Terrible", and was sentenced to death by an Israeli court on the basis of testimony from witnesses known for decades to be perjurers. But first his lawyer, who had noticed the forgery and was working to expose it, conveniently fell out of the window of his fifthfloor hotel room. When Hans Peter Rullmann wrote his book Der Fall Demjanjuk, he did not yet know that the Federal Criminal Police Office in Wiesbaden would expose John Demjanjuk's service ID, which identified him as a member of the SS guards of Treblinka, to be a KGB forgery. Rullmann also could not know that. the Jewish newspaper SemitTimes would speak out on behalf of Demjanjuk, the innocent man wrongly sentenced to death, and that its editor Abraham Melzer would personally appeal to the American President George Bush. And Rullmann also could not have known that in June 1992, as per an Austrian radio broadcast, the United States would demand Demjanjuk's return. Nonetheless, this thoroughly researched book by Hans Peter Rullmann - a journalist who has worked for the German weekly news magazine Der Spiegel and several German daily newspapers and radio stations and who is above any suspicion of "right-wing radical" views - exposed, compellingly and for the first time ever, the collaboration and the organizational structure of a world-spanning system for procuring false witnesses. 77 The witness Epstein. One of the witness Pinhas Epstein's particularly shocking tales was piped around the world with media aid, and must have moved millions to tears. "One time a little girl, no more than twelve years old, came back out of the gas chamber alive. She cried for her mother." It took Epstein some time to describe this satanic deed, for he was visibly devastated: "Ivan ordered a prisoner to rape the child and then shoot her." After this statement the witness collapsed behind a huge handkerchief, into which he sobbed. As he faced the alleged mass murderer in person now, he struggled in vain for words to describe the man who "laughed when he saw dead bodies": "I can find no words, no description for him. There is nothing in the world to compare him to." Ivan Demjanjuk, that is the devil who ordered one young girl, who cried for her mother, to lie down on her back: "Then he forced a young prisoner to rape the girl. The prisoner lay down on the girl, but lie couldn't do it So Ivan shot the girl." Thus went one of the numerous accounts dramatically presented to the Israeli court by false witness Pinhas Epstein. It is characteristic for this, as for all other trials starring Wizenthal's mafia of false witnesses, that this professional perjurer with decades of experience can clearly remember the alleged tormentor's name, rank and appearance - while not knowing the names of the victims, his fellow prisoners. Once again, all the realities of everyday concentration camp life in Hitler's Germany are dismissed as the stage production focuses on the public murder of a child. Epstein knew nothing of gas chambers. Rullmann writes on p. 163: "A majority of the claims about Treblinka comes from Rosenberg and Epstein. The only thing is, Epstein says nothing at all in his affidavit that would indicate the existence of gas chambers. He speaks about thousands of Jews who were allegedly abused and killed in Treblinka: all of them he says, were shot - murdered individually and sadistically. 78 "Considering this affidavit of Epstein's - made many years ago - one cannot help the impression that either there were no gas chambers in Treblinka at all, or else he did not know of them... " As an aside, according to the affidavit he swore after the end of the war, Epstein himself was not in the so-called "camp of the dead" where the gassings allegedly took place, so that his statement of having seen a girl come back out of the gas chamber alive cannot possibly have been true. In this context I again remind the reader that allegations of individual excesses were dispensed with in the immediate post-War war crimes trials dealing with "mass murders" in the Third Reich. Evidently this was because there were still too many people alive back then who were all too aware of the iron discipline governing the SS in particular, and which virtually ruled out any individual murders and brutalities. The professional witnesses' "recollections" of this kind of "individual" crime frequently did not begin until later - obviously for reasons of trial strategy (cf. Wizenthal, JNV p. 168). Rullmann continues on p. 164: "To the German court dealing with the crimes in Treblinka, Epstein was such a fishy witness that the court dispensed with swearing him in. The verdict reached in the German Treblinka trials even excluded Epstein's testimony. "Nonetheless Epstein is now the second most important witness against Ivan Demjanjuk, whom he now, after more than 40 years, claims to recognize by the way he moves. Yet in all his earlier depositions, Epstein completely forgot' the role that this 'Ivan the Terrible' allegedly played: this Ivan was never before mentioned by Epstein at all, not even in passing." It is clear that the professional international pack of perjurers whore Israel and the United States have for decades deployed in order to foster the anti-German propaganda adjust their "powers of recollection" to the requirements of the Israeli trial rituals. The witness Rosenberg. Rullmann writes on p. 130: "When the criminal proceedings against Demjanjuk began in Jerusalem, the first and most important witness for the prosecution was the former dock worker Elias Rosenberg, born on May 10, 1924 in Warsaw. Rosenberg enacted some dramatic scenes for the television cameras after 79 claiming to recognize Ivan Demjanjuk beyond any doubt as the man who had operated the gassing engine of lhe Treblinka gas chamber. "But this was not Rosenberg's first testimony. As early as December 24, 1947 he had made his appearance at the `Jewish Historical Documentation' (that's Wizenthal; -author's note) to be one of the first witnesses to report the `truth about the extermination camp Treblinka "For our Holocaust-opinion-makers that was highly significant - Rosenberg became a historical figure." Rullmann goes on to point out that in 1946 the American government submitted a document (USA-293) to the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg which indicated that the people were killed in Treblinka with steam(!). There was no mention of "gassing". On p. 132 of Rullmann's book, we learn: "Rosenberg's account is the basis for almost everything we know about Treblinka. Rosenberg traveled from trial to trial and also played a significant part in the German Treblinka trials, not least of all because the German legal authorities had not found out until much later, purely by chance, about this mysterious concentration and extermination camp where a million or even more people allegedly died without any trace of them ever having been found." Happily, said Rosenberg proceeded to expose himself as false witness. For in Vienna on December 24, 1947 Rosenberg put on record that he had personally had a hand in the murder of Ivan the Terrible (though he modestly calls it killing, not murder). Rullmann documents this with a facsimile of Rosenberg's Vienna deposition, reprinted on p. 133 of his book. How can one believe a witness who claims today - 50 years later - to recognize a man "by the way he moves", when he had already erred in his identification once before (as he must admit today), namely 50 years ago, when he participated up close and personally in the selfsame man's murder? In this context Rullmann writes on p. 145: "The prosecution's witness Rosenberg is obviously problematic -for the prosecution as well as for the defense. For while the defense sees in him a witness who misremembers today, the prosecution must prove that he misremembered in 1947." Elsewhere, on pages 145 and 146, Rullmann quotes further bizarre imaginings of the false witness Rosenberg, who was permitted to spout these with impunity in the German courts: "The problem with Rosenberg is that he has perhaps never told the truth. There were never any `new gas chambers that could hold up to 12,000 people' in Treblinka. The excavators who were at times stationed in Treblinka are shown in the photo album of the former commandant of 80 Treblinka, Kurt Franz. Rosenberg's claim that their `scoops loomed almost 100 feet [that's approximately the height of a 12-story building] into the smoky sky of Treblinka' is no small exaggeration in view of these photographs. " As a final thought regarding Demjanjuk- and Holocaust-witness Rosenberg, here is one more quote from Rullmann (p. 146): "The Holocaust is undermined by its own witnesses. Rosenberg is a danger both to the prosecution and to the defense, depending on which of his testimonies one chooses to believe. But of course he also poses a danger to everything that people know about the Holocaust: his statements, which consist primarily of untruths, exaggerations and contradictions, are only too suited to giving rise to doubts about the Holocaust as a whole." But since having doubts about the Holocaust is a crime in Austria that carries a punishment of up to ten years' imprisonment, I must do my level best from now on not to entertain any doubts of this nature - doubts such as those that have evidently begun to plague the journalist Rullmann and such as I have discussed in my book Freispruch für Hitler? Subornation of witnesses. Extortion. Death threats. Jagschitz, the professor to whom it's all new. The Wizenthal Mafia's `witness tourism'. Upon drawing up a court expertise regarding the existence of gas chambers in the Third Reich - an expertise which took him five years and for which he was paid two million Austrian schilling - Prof. Dr. Gerhard Jagschitz, the sworn court expert from the University of Vienna's Institute for Contemporary History, testified on May 5, 1992 in the trial against me and my book Freispruch für Hitler? that he did not believe in the existence of a world-encompassing "conspiracy" to recruit false witnesses. He said, verbatim (see pp. 345-347 of his Report): "Now if one enters into this system and says that all - and I have by no means seen the testimony of all victims :.. that all the victims are just telling Hex- one must say that these witness statements came about at such widely different times and places, I mean, before an Australian court and before an American court, before an Israeli court and a German one,... and one would have to assume an absurd system of international conspiracy which would mean that all witnesses before the courts at all times are blackmailed and tortured, and the bottom line is always the same. That's too absurd for me, I simply can't discuss something like that." 81 So this court expert tried to give the court the impression that he was unaware of the worldwide recruitment program carried on by Israel and the American OSI (Office of Special Investigations). He also hasn't a clue about the decades-long collaboration of the OSI and Israel with the forgery workshops of the KGB. This university professor, of all his colleagues in all of Central Europe the best-informed about the Holocaust, claims to know absolutely nothing about Demjanjuk's forged service ID card which I myself as well as media reports had prominently referred to in the course of the Demjanjuk trial. To my questions regarding this oddity, Jagschitz stated (in the course of the proceedings against me, court file Hv 5720/90) that he took no interest in media reports. But this lack of interest, which should be rather unusual for a contemporary historian, fails to adequately tone down his false statements before the court: after all, Tuvia Friedmann, the former Chief of the Documents Department and Director of the Jewish Agency in Vienna, already informed him first-hand, years ago, about the goings-on in the Demjanjuk case and about the accused man's innocence (Profil, June 25, 1988). I shall prove this point in the presumably upcoming trial against court expert Jagschitz (since I have brought charges against him for presenting false "expert evidence" in court). Herr Jagschitz thus also cannot have been ignorant of the fears that tormented Eichmann-hunter Friedmann in the context of his opposition to the manner in which the Demjanjuk trial was conducted. As Rullmann puts it on p. 145 of his book: "Friedmann explained that Jewish co-religionists had even threatened to kill him if he were to confirm what Rosenberg had clearly affirmed in 1947 - namely, that Ivan of Treblinka had already been dead since 1943." But if, as we may assume, Jagnschitz knows full well that even Friedmann - a prominent member of the Israeli secret service and the real brains behind the Eichmann abduction - has been on the receiving end of death threats, then how can Jagschitz reject the idea that witnesses were blackmailed or made submissive by other means, as an idea "too absurd to discuss"? Witness tourism. On p. 151 Rullmann writes: "`Added to this', the Hagen court's Reasons for Sentence state, `is the fact that most of the witnesses living in Israel occasionally meet there and 82 exchange memories. This makes it possible that they may later confuse things they experienced themselves and things they have heard.' "Observers of other war crimes trials have also noted that certain witnesses appear time and again. A sort of `witness tourism' has developed: witnesses have joined in groups, repeatedly traveling the world together, living in the same hotels and enjoying the comforts of such free trips, and engaging in the constant exchange of memories In the process their testimony becomes more alike, aligned with each other's as it were. " Of all these things, which the journalist Rullmann discovered in the Demjanjuk trial files alone, the court expert university professor Dr. Gerhard Jagschitz failed to notice anything at all in the course of his five years of "research", despite a fee of two million schilling. The witness Goldfarb. "At the entrance to the gas chamber stood the two Ukrainians Ivan Demjanjuk and Nikolai, the one armed with an iron bar, the other with a sword(.). They too beat the people as they herded them inside... As soon as the gas chambers were full, the Ukrainians closed the doors and started the machines." At this point Rullmann pauses in justified astonishment, which he expresses thus: "How did a Ukrainian guard, whose weapons were regulated by strict guidelines, come to have a sword? And most of all: Ukrainian guards did not use to introduce themselves to the prisoners with full name and calling card. How could the witness Goldfarb have already learned in the concentration camp that the `Ukrainian armed with a sword' bore the surname,Demjanjuk? "We could readily answer this ourselves: the witness Goldfarb did not learn the name Demjanjuk in the concentration camp, but rather many years after the war's end, when John Denyanjuk was already being publicly accused in Cleveland, Ohio of having been 'Ivan the Terrible'" But the witness Avraham Goldfarb was not able to solve all of America's and Israel's problems with his testimony. He deprived it of all value a short time later, by retracting it. As Rullmann reports on p. 161: "Last week (March 29, 1986) the Holocaust Research Center of Bar Ilan University obtained another statement, according to which 'Ivan the Terrible' had already been killed during the inmates' uprising." 83 Shortly thereafter the witness Goldfarb died - not, I hope, of his retraction, but of natural causes. The role of Jewish witnesses. I shall begin by quoting Rullmann: "For these reasons the role of Jewish witnesses was accorded little value, and not only by German courts In the USA as well, judges have begun to avoid basing verdicts too firmly on such Jewish testimony. The case described -that of Frank Walus - was not the only one to prove that such witnesses can 'err' and are quite able to put on acts fit for the stage - though they can remember little or nothing precisely, if ever they witnessed the events at issue at all. "In 1978 another Ukrainian, Feodor Fedorenko, was supposed to be stripped of his American citizenship (just like Demjanjuk later) for allegedly having been present first in Trawniki and then in Treblinka. Six witnesses took the stand against him and swore that they had witnessed horrible cruelties allegedly committed by Fedorenko. However, the Florida judge came to the conclusion that the testimony of the Jewish witnesses was 'conflicting and uncertain' and therefore 'unsuitable as a basis for drawing conclusions'. "The witnesses were dismissed for lack of credibility. "They were exactly the same witnesses who are now testifying against Ivan Demjanjuk." The aforementioned court expert Jagschitz has never seen or heard anything of these professional false witnesses. Just so he wouldn't have to discuss the matter. At this point, however, I feel I must note an inaccuracy in Hans Peter Rullmann's otherwise excellent and thoroughly researched book: in the passage quoted from p. 164, to avoid misunderstandings, he should not have used the generalization "Jewish witnesses". I refer the reader to the Weise case, which shows clearly that witnesses of Jewish descent, Israeli citizenship or Jewish religious affiliation are entirely willing to tell the truth if they are asked. If one listens to them, and if they are allowed to speak. But they are not listened to and not allowed to speak out. A case in point is the German Jew Benedikt Kautsky, a noble-minded intellectual who gives a credible and realistic account of the conditions in the German concentration camps (cf. his book Teufel and Verdammte). Because he had never seen gas chambers himself and heard of them only after the war; 84 because he dared to specify the size of the bread rations, the amount of the weekly wages, and the option of buying extra rations in a canteen; and because he dared to attribute the violence and brutality towards inmates primarily to the Kapos, and first and foremost to the Polish and the criminal Kapos (whom Wizenthal goes to such lengths to spare, for some obscure reason); because Kautsky dared to do these things, he and his book were hushed up. The "Jewish witnesses" Rullmann meant by his reference are of course that gang armed with KGB document forgeries - the gang persistently presented by the Wizenthal Witness Mafia, i.e. by Israel and the American Office of Special Investigations: that professional Jewish false witness mafia of whose existence Professor Jagschitz is so completely ignorant. The witnesses Münzberger and Metzig. These two German witnesses were linked closely to the Treblinka gas chamber, where they served as SS guards; they are presently alive and at liberty, in other words they are persons who were willing to cooperate. Münzberger got off with a 12-year prison term (for being an accessory to the alleged million-fold murder) but had to serve only eight of his 12 years. Willi Metzig, on the other hand, was never even convicted. Rullmann rightly points out (p. 170): "As an aside, one cannot help but make a comparison here which should also be a factor in one's assessment of the Demjanjuk case: Münzberger, who allegedly was a supervisor at the gas chamber together with Matthes, was sentenced to twelve years in prison, and was paroled after eight years. Metzig was never convicted.. "But now an insignificant Ukrainian is to be hanged for allegedly having been in Treblinka against his will, and despite the ,fact that there are neither Jewish nor German witnesses for this." Rullmann's doubts about the authenticity of the "gas chamber" confessions and how they were obtained also appear from the following (p. 171): "With many accused one got the impression that they admitted the possibility of mass gassings only under the pressure exerted on them by the long time they had already spent in detention awaiting trial, and by the expectations of the court in whose hands their fate lay." One thing is for certain, namely that those former SS guards who were not simply murdered after the war's end and who confessed to the existence 85 of gas chambers and were willing to incriminate comrades either went altogether unpunished or received sentences such as are imposed today for shoplifting or similar minor offenses. Anyone who did not "deny" the existence of the gas chambers but only disputed his own share of the blame had a good chance of getting off with only a few years in prison. Those, however, who disputed not only their own personal guilt but the existence of the gas chambers as a whole are either dead or in prison for life, or else they are living in a country where the long arm of the OSI and Israel, in other words Wizenthal, cannot reach. The witness Otto Horn. The case of the witness Otto Horn shows us like none other that being accessory to "murder of one million Jews" need not have any grave consequences for the "culprit" as long as he is willing to "confess". As concentration camp guard Horn oversaw the men carrying the corpses and, regardless of the laws of physics, supervised "cremation grates in fire pits", thus making a significant contribution to the "mass extermination". He was also shown to have had a hand in the German euthanasia program prior to his time in Treblinka - yet nonetheless he was acquitted! It is possible to understand this only if one knows that Otto Horn was not only the chief defendant but also a witness for the prosecution, in which role he compliantly confirmed the so-called "gassing procedure" which his former comrades disputed. Most importantly, he severely incriminated his fellow-defendants who denied the "gassing procedure". To put this into perspective: someone writing a book in Austria today, disputing the "gas chambers", risks a more severe punishment than a defendant from those days who was accused of million-fold murder but who agreed to make a deal with the court and the prosecution and confirmed the existence of "gas chambers". This selfsame Otto Horn, who presently lives in Berlin, an old man, and who according to Rullmann claims to remember nothing about his time in Treblinka, was visited (as we learn on p. 173) 20 years later in his home in Kreuzberg by American investigators: they felt, correctly, that they could rely on Horn, who indeed recognized "Ivan the Terrible" (whom he had never heard of before) on photos shown to him for this purpose. He also agreed to serve as witness for the prosecution. But when Demjanjuk's 86 defense team visited Horn a little while later, Horn admitted that he could not recall what the Ukrainian had looked like - in other words, he retracted his own deposition against Demjanjuk. On p. 174 Rullmann describes the consequences of this act: "This action by Otto Horn disturbed the prosecution in Jerusalem Hardly had it become known that Horn was no longer a viable witness for the prosecution against Demjanjuk that Horn also received several 'house calls', in the course of which he was made aware of the consequences the retraction of his first statement would haves He was then again questioned in the Berlin headquarters. "Now Horn was again certain that he could 'definitely' identify Demjanjuk after all And so Horn became the only German witness for the prosecution. In order to make him more likeable, the American and Israeli press took to describing him as a 'male nurse' who could identify Demjanjuk: for Horn had been a 'male nurse' in the service of the German euthanasia program before he was posted to Treblinka." Court expert Professor Jagschitz knows nothing of all this and persists in considering the subornation of witnesses by international investigators as too absurd to discuss. Israeli court travels from Asia Minor to Europe. Regarding the traveling habits of Israeli judges, who engage in international witness searches (as our fake court expert Jagschitz tried to deny in the May 1992 trial against me), Hans Peter Rullmann tells us on p. 174: "In a search for further witnesses, the Israeli court now (June 1987) toured the Federal Republic of Germany, but the three judges(.) and Israeli public prosecutor Horowetz returned home with probablv not inconsiderable frustration..." Pre-treated witnesses. "But all three witnesses whom the Israeli court was to question had been well prepared in advance. Even during the extradition proceedings against Demjanjuk in the United States they had already been 'visited' by the Office of Special Investigations (OSI), an institution of the American Ministry of Justice that deals exclusively with the prosecution of supposed Nazi criminals in the United States." 87 Of this organization and its ways of dealing with witnesses, the dishonest expert Jagschitz is as ignorant as he is of the odd travel and interrogation activities of Israeli court judges acting in complicity with their chief prosecutor. Neither Roman nor Germanic nor any other kind of law provides for this sort of group travel for purposes of the perversion of justice through subornation of witnesses. Rullmann continues (p. 175): "The witnesses had been committed to give testimony clearly incriminating Demjanjuk... "It must be noted that one witness later complained in writing that he had been asked leading questions under false pretenses." The dishonest court expert Jagschitz knows nothing of this. Retraction of sworn affidavits. Rullmann continues on p. 175: "When Ivan Demjanjuk's defense contacted the witnesses for the prosecution, they all stated that their depositions had been repeated in court in a completely untrue manner... "One of the many oddities marking the trial of Ivan Demjanjuk is that the witnesses were not left in peace even after they had already sworn their affidavits. For when the Israeli criminal authorities learned that the German witnesses for the prosecution had all retracted the testimony they had previously provided under the influence of the OSI officials, these German witnesses again received 'house calls': this time from officials from the Israeli police and public prosecutor's office. "In the course of these 'house calls' the witnesses were again restored to allegiance, as it were, to their initial testimony. (False court expert Jagschitz is not aware of these practices.) Even the Israeli public prosecutor Horowetz himself participated in such 'discussions': immediately prior to the Israeli court's trip to the Federal Republic of Germany, the witness Schafer received a visit from Horowetz and was urged insistently to retract his sworn retraction. "Such 'discussions' were also held in Cologne with the witness Leonhardt and in West Berlin with the witness Otto Horn." Even if one were to assume that the former SS-men among the witnesses were not pressured with threats of renewed proceedings against themselves - which seems an unlikely supposition, given all we now know about this trans-continental false-witness machinery - these "house calls" by Israeli 88 judges and public prosecutors as well as American secret agents, conducted in (to them) foreign countries and legal systems, can only be described as criminal gangster methods, not as the legitimate actions of the agents of jurisprudence. If Austria and Germany were truly sovereign states, the witness terrorists would be handcuffed the moment they arrived at the airport, and taken before a magistrate. But Jagschitz knows nothing of all this. The "Auschwitz Cudgel" turns into a boomerang. In its special issue of April 1992, titled "Ivan the Terrible", the Liberal Jewish newspaper SemitTimes once again proves that there is yet a decent Jewish voice in Germany. After the journalists Rudolf Muller and Ulrich Volklein had reported in the March S, 1992 issue of the magazine Stern that the Federal Criminal Police Office in Wiesbaden, under its Department Chief Dr. Luis-Ferdinand Werner, had found that the SS service ID no. 1393 was a forgery, the German press in Austria and Germany maintained an embarrassed silence. SemitTimes took the honor of being the only publication to pick up on the Stern's sensational report and to examine it openly and without reservations. SemitTimes also reported on Department Chief Werner's secret memorandum which - with reference to Israel - culminated in the words: "Evidently factual aspects were to be subordinated to political considerations " But Jagschitz hasn't a clue. And so I shall conclude this chapter about the Demjanjuk case with a quotation from the Jewish newspaper SemitTimes, since I believe that it would be hard to find a more appropriate comment: "It is clear now beyond any doubt that Demjanjuk was not 'Ivan the Terrible' and that the ID card which led to his conviction is a fake. One fears that the Israeli authorities, and particularly the chief prosecutor Shaked himself, knew this from the start. "This turns the entire matter into an enormous scandal and threatens to plunge the memory of the Holocaust into a fatal crisis." 7 The Walus Case Photo and documents "There sits the murderer!", said David Gebhauer of Israel, a witness testifying before the American court, and pointed at the accused. The witness' voice trembled with emotion. As do those of all Wizenthal witnesses. "In 1942 this man who is called Franz Walus ordered a young woman to undress in the street. When she refused he felled her with a bullet into the neck, and also shot the two children who had had to watch their mother's murder." Years later, the allegations made by this witness turned out to be lies. As did the testimonies of the other ten witnesses who had come from Israel to testify. "The American government wanted a war criminal. With tile help of Szymon Wiesenhal, the Israeli police, the American press and the judge Julius Hoffmann, they caught one." With these words the well-known American journalist Flora Johnson began her article in the January 23, 1981 issue of the Reader Chicago Free Weekly in which she presented a thorough analysis of the sensational news of Walus' innocence. After the Walus case at the latest - a case which was largely hushed up in Europe - the world should have unmasked Szymon Wizenthal as the head of a gang of false witnesses: eleven perjurious Jewish witnesses had identified the American citizen Frank Walus as SS and Gestapo man as well as war criminal and twenty-fold murderer, despite knowing that this was untrue. To briefly summarize the case: In 1973 a Polish criminal who had rented rooms in Frank Walus' house invited Walus on a trip to Austria where he wanted to introduce him to an Austrian detective (a stamp collector like Walus himself). The Pole suggested to Walus that on the trip back home he could bring some National Socialist artifacts back to United States where they could no doubt be sold at a nice profit. Walus, though unsuspecting, refused. 1n 1974 Szymon Wizenthal accused Frank Walus of having been a Gestapo agent. Walus, seeing Wizenthal on American television, recognized him as that Viennese "detective" and stamp collector whom he had been urged to visit only a few months earlier. Wizenthal charged that Walus, in his role as Gestapo agent, had delivered Jews from the Czestochowa ghetto into the hands of the Gestapo. Wizenthal used the same ritual and the same mass media effects which, as we shall see, are typical of his entire criminal 95 career as Nazi hunter. At first: via a media campaign. Running parallel to this was an unorthodox but no less inhuman supplement: fliers and posters in his victim's home city, Chicago. As yet, the "crimes" which Franz Walus was later to be accused of did not exist. As yet there were no eyewitness statements. But Wizenthal had a victim and, just as in many other cases, procuring witnesses posed no problem for him. And indeed, right after the media campaign a total of eleven witnesses (all of whom had miraculously survived) "turned up" in Israel, as per Wizenthal's motto: "Once we've got a criminal, we'll easily find a crime with public appeal." In January 1977 the American government charged Frank Walus, a factory worker in early retirement, with having brutally murdered twenty people in his capacity as SS and Gestapo man. Walus lost all his friends and acquaintances overnight. Under the pressure exerted by Wizenthal's strategy, Walus' wife and children were also almost totally ostracized. For two years the family was tormented by countless threatening and harassing telephone calls and letters. Factory worker Walus lost all his savings, earned in the course of his hard-working life. Legal fees alone cost him US $160,000. Even today, after his innocence has been established, the US government denies him any compensation whatsoever. At any rate, in his first court case, after all the witnesses and evidence in his defense had been rejected by the court, Walus was convicted of having murdered twenty people in Poland during the war. Since the court considered that he had gained his American citizenship under false pretenses, he was stripped of his citizenship and extradition proceedings were instituted. Frank Walus appealed this decision, and surprisingly his appeal was granted in April 1978. On April 8, 1978, Bill Gradey, writing in the Chicago Tribune, reported on the line-up of defense witnesses. National Socialists and their descendants show Wizenthal's Israeli witnesses committed perjury. Coming from Germany were the farmers' wives Walburga Welte, 63; Margarethe Goelz, 72; Maria Zeller, 69; Viktoria Ritter, 78; as well as the farmer Anton Stolz, 50. Franz Walus had worked on their farms as a young Polish forced laborer from 1940 to 1945. All of them came from farms whose owners had been members of the Nazi party until 1945. A former French prisoner-of-war and another Polish forced laborer as well as various documents and photographs also clearly confirmed that the accused was innocent and that his claims were correct: Franz Walus had been a farmhand 96 on the farms of Bavarian peasants from 1940 to 1945. He never once exchanged his cardigan for a uniform or his wooden shoes for SS boots. There was also no other Franz Walus anywhere, neither in Germany nor in Poland. As well, the crimes he was charged with had never been alleged before in the time since 1945, and given the realities of National Socialist legislation they could not have been committed, openly on public streets, as alleged by the false witnesses. If it had become necessary, two entire Bavarian villages would have been willing to speak up jointly in court on behalf of the wartime forced laborer, and for the truth. This phalanx proved to be too much for Szymon Wizenthal's team of professional witnesses. For all the decades that had passed, Walus had kept in touch "his German farmers". Ever since 1945, Easter and Christmas cards had crossed the "Big Pond" from both sides every year - small testimonials of humanity and friendship between different peoples. "People don't understand why I love my German farmers so much, " Walus told a reporter from the Sunday Chicago Tribune. "They all treated me so well back then! I was never hungry. I never had to wear a dirty shirt. They treated me like my own mother!" Franz Walus is a man who does not hesitate to tell the truth about "the Germans". Perhaps that was why Wizenthal picked him. Nothing that happened in the Walus case is unique. Rather, it is typical - for the activities of the Galician crook Szymon Wizenthal. 8 The Weise Case Photos and documents He kept in touch with his Jewish inmates after the war. He saved the life of a Jewish girl, whom he carried on his back through Soviet shellfire. He was known in Auschwitz as the "good SS-man with one eye". When Wizenthal's false witnesses came knocking at his door 27 years later, he called on his former Jewish inmates for help. He sought them throughout the world. And they came. From Israel. From Poland. From the Netherlands and the United States. And they exonerated the man who had had to guard them in an SS uniform in Auschwitz. But Judge Klein - who opened the trial with an Auschwitz propaganda film and with an inflammatory anti-Fascist tirade that culminated in demands for the erection of a memorial to the crimes of National Socialism, and who later based his verdict on lies contradicting the trial records - rejected 20 Jewish witnesses in this trial for the sole reason that they were witnesses for the defense. As for the testimony of those four whom he deigned to hear - he ignored it. Judge Klein loved Jewish witnesses. But only as witnesses for the prosecution. He had no use for witnesses for the defense. In that, he is an accurate reflection of post-1945 jurisprudence as a whole. Nonetheless - or perhaps precisely because of this - the Weise case is a testimonial of Jewish decency - and the finest hour of that monster in human form named Court Vice President Klein of Wuppertal. The seriously war-disabled pensioner Gottfried Weise, sentenced for alleged five-fold brutal murder to multiple lifetime prison terms on the basis of one single, patently false claim of a Jewish witness, was exonerated by a total of 20 witnesses, most of them former Jewish concentration camp inmates. But the defense witnesses were not believed. After the verdict, Weise wrote a letter to his seven-year-old grandson; I quote the last four sentences: "I would have loved to fulfil your little dreams and wishes for a long time yet, and to stay with you as your loving grandfather. Fate did not deal kindly with us this time. But one day when I can no longer go on here on Earth, your grandfather will return to you every night from Heaven, and we will again all dream together of peace and good will on Earth. I love you all so much! Your grandfather." 102 Disregarding for a moment the deeply moving human dimension of the Weise case, we must say that this case will go down in post-war history as a testimonial to the willingness of Jewish witnesses to act in a decent and humane manner. With utter contempt for the enmity their testimonies could not but earn them, they all came and not only spoke up for Gottfried Weise but also painted a completely different picture of reality in Auschwitz than that touted by the professional witnesses sponsored by Wizenthal i.e. Israel. This case is one of the few where the accused was an SS man who in the course of his duties was in direct contact with the inmates under his charge and who was thus able to name Jewish witnesses in his defense. "But I remember that he was the one who probably saved the life of one of our fellow inmates in the last days of the deportation from Ravensbrück by carrying her on his back across the field, through artillery fire." The witness who pointed this out in writing on September 25, 1987 to the jury court of Wuppertal was 1. the Jewess Dr. Susan Cernyak-Spatz, who also noted in her deposition that she was not aware of any misdeeds whatsoever committed by Gottfried Weise. 2. The Jew Jakob de Hond stated in Amsterdam on July 9, 1984: "With regard to the man you mention, Weise, I must say that I'm not aware of the incident." (i.e. the alleged crime.) 3. The former Jewish Kapo Joseph von Rijk testified: "I don't recall the name Gottfried Weise. I only ever saw one execution." 4. The Jewess Cipota Tahori testified in Tel Aviv on January 21, 1972: "In the 'Kanada' commando, none of the members were murdered in the time that I was part of this commando (March 1943 to January 1945). I am also not aware that other inmates from the 'Kanada' commando were ever killed, or taken away to be killed elsewhere." 5. The Jew Dr. Hans Eisenschimmel stated on September 20, 1983 at the Austrian Ministry of the Interior, Group C, Vienna: "Through an SS man who was also from Vienna and who asked me if I would like to work under him, I ended up in the Personal Effects Depot ['Kanada'] .. I've never heard of any Unterscharführer Weise.. I never heard this name in the Effects Depot.. I've also never heard of the crime that is being imputed to him. I would certainly have remembered that." 103 6. The Jew Isaac Liver stated at the National Police Headquarters in Gentilly, on October 18, 1985: "I did not witness the crimes mentioned in this file and I also never heard anyone talk about them I don't believe that this story is true, because if it were, then no doubt all the prisoners in that camp and probably also those from other camps would have known about it." 7. The Jewess Luise Heuser testified on October 25, 1983 in Giessen, before the senior public prosecutor of the Cologne Central Office: "I am in touch with the former Auschwitz deportee Illonka Lazar who lives in Budapest.. I don't know of anv incident where an SS man killed an inmate while trying to shoot a tin can off his head I can't remember it." 8. The Jewess Shoshana Orenstein was questioned in Netanya on January 27, 1972, on the request of the Austrian Ministry of the Interior, and stated: "In September 1944 we were betrayed by an informer. I was in the hospital at the time - it was exactly three days after I had given birth. Men in German uniforms got me and my child out of the hospital and took me to a collection camp with about a thousand other people, to Auschwitz-Birkenau. I was put into the 'Kanada' camp... I did not witness any killings during my time in Birkenau. I have also never heard of any killings allegedly committed by the man mentioned, by Slepy [this was Weise's nickname in the camp]." To me, the testimonial given here by Mrs. Orenstein is unique and touching because this woman, who was committed to Auschwitz with her newborn and who more than any other witness might have been inclined to give a vindictive, negative statement due to hatred prompted by her personal fate, in fact not only exonerated the accused but also disputes any murder of inmates (evidently also of children). 9. The Jew Boleslaw Kazimierz Kierski testified at the Warsaw District Court on April 24, 1984: "Of the men who were on duty with the 'Kanada' commando, I remember... as well as Unterscharffhrer Weise.. He wore a black patch over his left eye... But I never saw him beat or otherwise mistreat inmates. I also never saw Weise or anyone else take shots at inmates with tin cans on their heads I never heard of any such incident ." 104 10. The Jewess Marie Helene Nagel wrote a letter, dated August 12, 1947, which the defense submitted to the court. The letter states: "Those who were in charge of cleaning the SS houses often spoke of Weise. They called him the 'good SS-man with one eye'!" 11. The Jewess Marketa Sandor of Rue Bosio, Paris 7, testified that she had never personally seen, nor learned from hearsay, anything about the execution of inmates - even though she was a member of the commando in question. 12. The Jew Mayer Zylberg of 39 Rue Stendhal, Paris 20, stated: "The accused did not work in the 'Kanada' commando prior to the transfer of this witness (with reference to the witness for the prosecution) in September 1944." 13. The Jew Roman Taul of Bradkow 10, Tarnowskij Gori, Poland, testified that, as the accused himself said, he had not done duty at the place and time in question. Also, the guards did not have access to any guns or submachine guns, much less machine guns, in the camp. Crimes such as those the accused was charged with had never been alleged against him before. 14. The Jew lschajahu Kalfuss of Herzlija, Israel, testified to the defense that he had spent the years from 1942 to 1945 in Auschwitz. In the time and place in question no so-called "tin-can shooting" had taken place. Beyond that, no-one was shot in the aforementioned time in the camp area at all, with the sole exception of a Greek inmate who was shot while trying to escape. To summarize: all of the Jewish witnesses presented by the defense unanimously exonerated the accused Gottfried Weise and fully corroborated his own statements. Further, they portrayed everyday life in Auschwitz very differently than did the witnesses for the prosecution, provided by the Wizenthal Lobby. This description of life in Auschwitz - which these witnesses gave independently of each other, yet mutually corroborative - shows that arbitrary murders committed by SS guards are a fairy tale rather than something that might actually have occurred in National Socialist concentration camps. The fact that Gottfried Weise - universally popular all his life, and with a spotless record - a man about whom the witness Dr. Cernyak-Spatz reports that he saved a Jewish girl's life by carrying her through Russian artillery fire 105 - could nevertheless be convicted of a bizarre mass murder is due exclusively to the depraved character of the judge presiding over this trial. For this trial differs from all other war crimes trial in the additional disgraceful fact that the judge not only refused to admit most of the witnesses for the defense and knowingly misused the testimony that was admitted, but also incorporated in his Reasons for Sentence falsehoods contradicting the trial files themselves in order to justify his criminal verdict: this criminal in official robes, who knowingly sentenced an innocent man to life behind bars, is District Court Vice President Wilfried Klein, of Wuppertal. In his disgraceful verdict Klein wrote, for instance, that former SS-men from Auschwitz-Birkenau had made no testimony to exonerate Gottfried Weise. The exact reverse is true - and whoever cares to call the inhuman monster Klein a liar can prove his claim with the testimony of the former SS guards that were questioned in the course of this trial, as documented in file reference LKA/NW-23-Tgb. No. 25985. In the following, some excerpts from the testimony of Wizenthal's false witness, for which Herr Klein sacrificed the mutually corroborative testimony of 17 competent witnesses for the defense: "He fired several individual shots with leis machine gun." (SS guards in the camps had no machine guns.) "He didn't shoot with a revolver, but with a long rifle. He always fired shots with this gun. He had several guns and changed them frequently. He also had a gun in the bath." (The SS men were bound by strict service regulations, and other than the prescribed service pistol they could have no weapons in the camps - neither in the bath nor elsewhere.) "Executions took place almost every day, almost every hour. I saw it myself." (Excesses committed by SS guards against the inmates were forbidden by a harsh service regulation; furthermore, the 17 aforementioned witnesses also all stated that they had never heard of any such crimes, much less seen any take place.) "There was also an eight or nine year old boy... They brought tin cans, Slepy (Weise) set them on the child's head and shot at the can until the child was shot too. I was right close by and I saw it." 106 (I would point out to the reader that due to the service regulations governing the SS, and due to the realties of everyday life in the concentration camps as described by the witnesses for the defense, the murder of a child as alleged here was unthinkable. Nonetheless it is part of the standard repertoire of Szymon Wizenthal's gang of false witnesses. I shall return to this point later.) On February 8, 1988, the accused man's despairing wife Ursula Weise wrote a letter to the court. I quote: "The basis on which my husband was convicted 'beyond any doubt' was the sole testimony of one alleged eyewitness who claimed that my husband had shot two people after first setting tin cans on their heads... My husband was convicted even though an original document proves that he was not even in the camp in question at the alleged time of the murder... The media have nicknamed him 'William Tell of Auschwitz... The court refused to hear the testimony of about 20 former Jewish inmates whom my husband repeatedly named and asked to call in his defense... My husband never hid, lived for 28 years in the home which he himself built and which the state has now taken possession of, worked for the same company for 30 years, and believed in a just verdict to the end What we got instead was despair and poverty (the legal fees alone have already exceeded DM 200,000) that crushed us and our son Burghard's family, with whom we had lived happily together in our house, an arrangement which has now also been brutally destroyed For as long as I live I will use all the means available to me to fight the glaring injustice that has been done to our two families." (Here too we can clearly perceive Wizenthal's hand at work: a mediaeffective name is coined for the "perpetrator" of the fictitious deed, namely "Tell of Auschwitz". It's the same style as "Ivan the Terrible", "Stationmaster of Death ", etc. One aspect typical of this trial, as of the other show trials a la Szymon Wizenthal, is that the professional witnesses for the prosecution always know the accused man's name and rank exactly - which runs counter to the facts of everyday concentration camp life - but are never able to give the names of their murdered fellow inmates. This deeply shocking case of Gottfried Weise shows us that it is wrong to assume that Jewish witnesses are more inclined than others to give false testimony and to commit perjury. This assumption is often backed by references to Jewish religious tenets, and I do in fact have in my possession a court expertise, drawn up in 1953 by a Belgian university professor in 107 Berlin. which concludes that the Jewish faith not only permits but actually continues to approve perjury committed against non-Jews. But the attitude, veracity and honesty of the former Jewish inmates of Auschwitz who joined ranks to speak up in defense of Gottfried Weise refutes the assumption that persons of Jewish extraction are more prone than others to commit perjury and bear false witness. Rather, it seems to be the case that Wizenthal's troop of witnesses are the dregs laboriously recruited from the blackmailable scum of the Jewish population in Israel and the Diaspora. Who is the brains behind this worldwide recruitment of Wizenthalian false witnesses, which organizations have been in charge, and how the false witnesses are "pre-treated" and put under pressure in house calls from foreign public prosecutors, are things you can read up on in the chapter about the Demjanjuk case. The facts presented in this chapter are taken from the book Der Fall Weise by Rudiger Gerhard, Berg am See: Turmer, 1991. 9 The Verbelen Case Photos Because Robert Verbelen refused to work for Wizenthal, he was charged with murder, but his trial ended in an acquittal. Because he refused a large sum of money to write a book confirming the existence of "gas chambers", his other books were taken from the market. One single publisher stood by him - and died under mysterious circumstances. True to the style we have become used to in trials staged by Wizenthal, the former Flemish leader Robert Verbelen had to face charges on 101 counts of murder, falsely imputed to him by the Wizenthal Mafia. The confrontation took place in 1962 in the Great Court of Vienna after four years' detention awaiting trial. In those days Wizenthal still used to personally attend the trials he had instigated through his witness procurement organization. Perhaps this is the key to Wizenthal's nature and to the real motives that prompted him to become the professional advertisement of the Israeli-American Imperium's anti-German propaganda machinery. In any case, the "pleasure" he had hoped to gain from the Verbelen trial eluded him. Verbelen took the opportunity to sour the grapes for the old braggart sitting in the courtroom. "Herr Wiesenthal claims he has tracked ate down and exposed me. In fact, I was naturalized in Austria under my own name, and my house door sports a sign saying 'Verbelen' for anyone to read I have no reason to hide." With that, Wizenthal's fun in watching this trial was already spoiled, and his infallible instinct told him that he would not be able to satisfy his drive with the rest of this court case either. I will never forget how Verbelen, under the guidance of his defense counsel, the former SS-man Dr. Führer, enforced his claim to an uninterrupted Right of Statement and, after the trial, to a comprehensive closing speech. Both times Verbelen spoke for more than five hours. I know of no other case where an accused in the Second Republic was able to make full use of this right as established by law. Among the few witnesses for the defense was the Flemish monk Pater Brauns, who sung a Flemish battle song in the courtroom and then embraced the accused before the horrified tribunal and cried, "I thank you, Verbelen, for all you did for Flanders." But Verbelen's unequaled personal courage, his charisma and his thrilling rhetoric, from which not even his heavy Flemish accent could 112 retract, would not have sufficed to save him from the false testimony of a Major of the Belgian army who tried, shortly before the end of the trial, to impute to Verbelen another dozen murders of prisoners. In this case it was a former chief of the American army's counterintelligence service, for which Verbelen had worked from 1945 to 1955, who slipped Verbelen the documents he needed in order to defend himself against these false allegations. I doubt there is any other defendant who was charged with war crimes and remained true to himself like Verbelen did, who ever had such help to rely on. And so Verbelen, who had already believed himself lost, was able the next day to specify both to the court and the Belgian false witness the precise date, time, latitude and longitude where the ship that had transported the alleged murder victims (who had actually been handed over to the German Reich for trial and sentencing) had been torpedoed and sunk by a British battleship. There was no longer any doubt about Verbelen's acquittal. And this acquittal brought about a turning point in Austrian jurisprudence, which finally began to see its way to more and more acquittals, despite the protest marches staged by the Wizenthalian witnesses. However, it must also be noted - and Verbelen has personally confirmed this for me - that there were and are considerable reservations among the American army and its counterintelligence services with regard to the disproportionately strong influence which the Jewish lobby has in the United States. Accordingly, another attempt made in recent years (shortly before Verbelen's death) to take the almost 80-year-old Flemish leader to court again, and once again with the aid of false accusations, was thwarted by the US Army. The Belgian government, acting on the instigation of the Jewish Masonic lodge B'nai B'rith, had asked the American authorities to surrender Verbelen's personal files. At first the Americans simply refused to hand over the file, but then, under pressure from the American Ministry of Justice, they did provide the file - however, as Verbelen told me, two-thirds of the contents were illegible, i.e. had been made useless. Wizenthal tried to enlist Verbelen for Nazi Hunt. Szymon's collaboration with the Communists. Verbelen would never have been persecuted and prosecuted if he had agreed to a scheme of Wizenthal's which one Colonel Bukonjew of the Soviet secret service proposed to Verbelen in 1956 after the withdrawal of the occupation troops from Germany. He addressed Verbelen by his 113 American secret service code name, "Herbert", and invited him to work for the KGB. He also indicated that if Verbelen should choose not to cooperate, the way would be clear for Szymon Wizenthal to take steps against him. In the manuscript of his last, unpublished book, of which I have a copy, Verbelen comments on this as follows: "The KGB Colonel's fears' quickly came true. One Dr. Riesberger, a former Gestapo official, was unleashed on me - a man who had fallen into the 'Nazi hunter's' clutches. (Wizenthal loves to toy with blackmailable people...) A deeply frightened, desperate man... He was not equal to his task He soon threw off his mask and revealed what was expected of 'Herbert'. I was supposed to help locate SS officers in hiding, and hunted Nazis. All I would need to do would be to write a short little report every week.. for all that was expected were the names and hiding places of those we sought - and of course I would be well paid for this, and safe from any inconveniences to myself." Verbelen thus gives us a glimpse not only of the modus operandi used by Szymon Wizenthal, who could not have staged his trials or made some of his witnesses tractable if it weren't for blackmail. Verbelen's observations also explain the odd acquittals and incredibly lenient sentences passed on those former SS-men who admitted to the existence of "gas chambers", as well as the devastatingly harsh verdicts against those few "gas chamber deniers" who even survived the post-war years at all. Moreover, we can also now understand the fierce determination with which Wizenthal pursued those "war criminals" whose cases are set out in his latest book Justice Not Vengeance. After all, they without exception had disputed the mass killings of Jews with poison gas in the Third Reich. Attempted blackmail of Verbelen: he was to confirm the gas chambers. After his acquittal Verbelen managed to make a name for himself as author. At first he wrote espionage novels, whose outstanding stylistic quality readily announced that their author was called to bigger and better things - as his later books proved. One day the past caught up with Verbelen in the form of Baron von Winkel. He invited Verbelen to dinner in the Vienna hotel "Intercontinental", praised his books and his popularity with Flemish readers, and offered Verbelen not only that he would support his books but also suggested that he would buy movie rights to them by indicating that these stories were splendidly suited as a basis for scripts. 114 Verbelen inquired about the price. I quote from his yet-unpublished manuscript: "And suddenly he said: 'You were a Police General... and as such you must be able to confirm everything that happened in the concentration camps.' 'I was not in a concentration camp,' I replied, 'and I could confirm nothing of what did or did not happen there." Verbelen finally terminated the conversation by refusing to confirm the existence of gas chambers, which he had only heard of through the media after the war. A man of his caliber had not even been tempted. The cordial Baron von Winkel wore his polite smile to the end, though it stood in strange contrast to the threat expressed by his mysterious parting words. Again I quote von W inkel's words directly from Verbelen's manuscript: "So you really don't want to? You scorn our well-meaning help? That's the way to provoke us. Don't you know what that means? We have a lot of influence, Mr. Author!" It wasn't long before Verbelen's books disappeared from many bookstores. Publishers from several countries apologized to Verbelen, saying that they would no longer be able to publish his books. He also heard that bookstores had received threats, ordering them to remove "the war criminal Verbelen's books" from their display cases. An employee of the French publishing house "Presse de la Cite" told him: "It's a pity! But we are facing an insurmountable wall, Monsieur Verbelen. You've provoked the devil - not by what you wrote, but by what you didn't writ" (With reference to "gas chambers" whose existence he had refused to confirm.) One single publisher continued to publish Verbelen's books. This was the Dutch publishing house "Brabants-Vlaams-Boekbedrijv", led by the energetic young publisher Mijnheer van Roei. Just as the book Der Kauz ruft um Mitternacht had sold more copies than any other previous book by Robert Verbelen, this author's writing career was ended for good - true to Baron von Winkel's words. I again quote from Verbelen's manuscript: "My publisher was found dead in a hotel room Hanged. A few days before he died he had telephoned me; optimistic and cheerful: 'Things are going well, we... are working together with the publisher Walter Soethoudt in Antwerp to expand our sales base,' he told me. It's hard to believe that a publisher who has good news and successes to tell his author should turn around and promptly kill himself." 115 However badly Wizenthal and the network for which he commandeers the limelight may have hurt Verbelen's writing career, they nonetheless met their match in this intrepid man. None defied Wizenthal and the victors' justice system in Austria as successfully as he did. None other has, like Verbelen, gone up against 101 witnesses who had come to bury him forever behind prison walls, and succeeded with the power of his words, his spirit and his personality in either drawing them over to the side of truth and justice or else discrediting them so badly that they lost their usefulness to Wizenthal. And in no other instance since 1945 were the vilifications spouted by the press, such as "anti-Semite" or "war criminal", contrasted so sharply and disproved so dramatically by the accused man's manner and appearance that they reversed into a boomerang that turned back on the political show trial they had been supposed to serve. Standing by Verbelen, and of equal caliber, was the unshakeable former SS officer, the illegal National Socialist and humanist, Dr. Führer. Verbelen told me that it was Dr. Führer who had enabled the doyen of Viennese defense counsels, the Jewish attorney Dr. Michael Stern, to continue in the legal profession as German Jew in the Third Reich and to represent the interests of Jewish home and land owners in matters of financial law in the National Socialist state. How far above the cliches of anti-German and anti-National Socialist incitement personalities such as Verbelen and Dr. Führer stood also becomes clear from their relations with Jewish individuals of their time. For example, Dr. Stern himself told me how he in turn had helped Dr. Führer after the Second World War by interceding in his capacity as lawyer to free Führer from his imprisonment by Allied Nazi-hunters. As regards Robert Verbelen, I know from personal conversations that the then Austrian Federal Chancellor of Jewish extraction, Dr. Bruno Kreisky, had telephoned him - without knowing him personally - to ask him to witness for him in the slander trial in which the Chancellor had been embroiled by our old manhunter. (See also Quick, December 5, 1975, "Ich kann beweisen, daf3 Wiesenthal lugt.") Later, however, probably for reasons of state, Kreisky dispensed with a complete exposure of the Restitution Defrauder. This book is also written in memory of the Flemish leader Robert Verbelen, who proved to the timid hearts of our time that the power which Wizenthal represents in the theater of conflict between Jerusalem, London and New York in the sector of anti-German incitement - however mighty it may be - is not all-powerful. 10 The Rauff case Photo Walter Rauff, the alleged inventor of the "gas van", denies the "mobile gas chamber". He dies (accidentally) during extradition detention, of "heart failure", the typical ailment of those who deny the "gas chambers". In our examination of the following cases, all of which are detailed by Wizenthal in his book Justice Not Vengeance because (see p. vii) they seemed to him "typical for a variety of reasons", we shall concentrate on identifying the parallelisms to the previously discussed cases of Walus, Demjanjuk, Weise and Verbelen, where the incorrect nature of the testimony obtained from hired or blackmailed false witnesses may be regarded as proven. SS-Obersturmbannführer Walter Rauff, born in 1906, is accused by Wizenthal of being the inventor of the so-called "gas van". It must be said at the outset that such a "gas van" probably never even existed. I say this for the following reasons: 1. Wizenthal claims to have evidence; he states verbatim: "The manufacture of airtight special superstructures was entrusted to the firm of Gaubschat in Berlin (whose entire correspondence with Rauff has been preserved for us)." (JNV p. 60. ) Documents of this nature would be direct evidence for the factuality of mass gassings during the Third Reich. The first expert ever to be sworn in by a court - even though he is only a historian who was the first to be commissioned to investigate the question of the gas chambers, namely Professor Gerhard Jagschitz (Hv 5720/90) - failed to turn up any such evidence even though he spent five years sniffing through all relevant files in an honest effort to shore up the theory of the existence of such chambers. Since it is a fact that to date only two documents of the "gas chamber lobby" could be examined by the Federal Criminal Police Office in Wiesbaden or a comparable institution - and that in both cases (Demjanjuk and Wizenthal - Basta, see pp. ft:) the documents in question were found to be forgeries - all other such documents cited by Wizenthal must be considered unconfirmed at best, or forgeries at worst. 118 2. Since the entire subject literature as well as the eyewitness testimony regarding both mobile and stationary gassing with engine exhaust consistently refers to diesel engines, and since diesel engines - unlike gasoline-powered engines - emit only insufficient amounts of the killer gas carbon monoxide, the "gas vans" can safely be relegated to the realm of fantasy a la Sneaky Szymon & Syndicate. Incidentally, experts have also determined that gas-tight rooms and van superstructures would not have allowed for gassing with exhaust, since the pressure of many tons, built up by pumping the exhaust into the chamber, would have burst the van superstructures or wrenched the iron doors off the various proposed chambers. It should also be noted that the term "gas van" was indeed familiar to the Germans after the war - but it referred to a kind of vehicle with an attached wood gas generator which enabled it to be powered not only with gasoline but also with wood gases, the so-called "producer gas". As in almost all other cases described here, Rauff was-a man who was held in high regard by those who knew him before, during and after the war. For example, Rauff was aided in his escape by the German Bishop in Rome, Alois Hudal. Another parallel to other cases is that Rauff evidently did not have a guilty conscience: in 1955 he returned to the Federal Republic of Germany and applied for his pension under his real name. The proceedings with regard to this application dragged on for so long that Rauff emigrated to Chile in the meantime. What Wizenthal did then is typical for his methods. On page 63 of .INV he describes with obvious relish how "a friend of his" gained Rauffs confidence and enabled Wizenthal to come into possession of an extensive correspondence. This trustfulness on Rauff s part already indicates that he was not conscious of having committed any crime. Now Wizenthal put in motion all the usual gears available to his "one-man operation". In this case these gears were: President Ronald Reagan, Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl, and Rabbi Hier. And after the world power USA had jumped in to threaten the Chilean President Pinochet with an economic boycott of his country - which would of course have plunged hundreds of thousands of people into poverty - Chile had been successfully forced almost to its knees. All it still took now was an ugly bit of blackmail, as we learn from the culprit's i.e. Wizenthal's own lips on p. 64 of his book. The Wizenthal Syndicate indicated to the Chilean President Pinochet that it would reveal the identity of his son, who was living in the United States under an assumed name. 119 A warrant for Rauffs arrest pending extradition was issued, and Rauff was to be handed over to the Chancellor of the refugee republic West Germany. However, the prisoner did not give the Chilean authorities the desired information regarding the existence of the "gas vans". It is thus not surprising that he succumbed, even before his extradition, to a convenient little heart attack. 11 The Eichmann Case Photo There is every reason to suspect that Eichmann as well disputed (denied) the "gas chambers". This is indicated by the testimony of his right-hand man Alois Brunner. It is also indicated by the fact that he was not extradited to Austria, but to Israel, right into a plexiglass cage. And it is also indicated by the fact that the sworn court expert Prof. Jagschitz was denied access to the relevant files. Did Eichmann have to die because he denied the "chambers"? In light of all we know today, the matter of Adolf Eichmann's guilt for the murder of Jews in the Third Reich must be regarded with a hefty portion of skepticism. 1. A person who is forcibly abducted from one nation by agents from another is the victim of a crime, and criminals who have done such a despicable thing cannot presume to sit in posthumous judgement over their victim. 2. It is a noteworthy novelty that in this case a Central European was extradited, not to his own country - Austria - but to Israel, a country that did not yet even exist at the time the alleged crime was committed. 3. The Demjanjuk trial demonstrated that it was certainly possible for an innocent man to be convicted by means of forged documents, professional notorious false witnesses and a court that traveled throughout Europe with its public prosecutor for purposes of suborning witnesses; and thus, since the Demjanjuk trial at the latest, the suspicion of brutal machinations and perversion of justice cannot be ruled out in the Eichmann case either. 4. Beyond that, the first sworn court expert (though only a historian) who was permitted to examine the "gas chamber" issue was barred by the Israeli state from any access to the Eichmann files. The only thing we know about Eichmann is that he was in charge of measures for the resettlement of an as yet indeterminate number of persons of Jewish extraction. If one considers that during the last years of the Soviet empire's existence Jewish politicians engaged in numerous interventions to prevent Jews wishing to emigrate from the Soviet Union from setting out on their 122 desired trip to the United States, and channeled them against their wishes into Israel instead, then this is essentially exactly the same thing that Eichmann did: Namely, moving people from one place to another against their will. I personally am one of those people who regret that the Jews were not invited to participate in Germany's unification between 1933 and 1945. But to impose the death penalty for resettlement measures taken under orders from higher-up, or to tolerate the imposition of this death penalty subsequent to abduction by a state that has trampled on human rights and international law day in, day out ever since its inception, is simply not acceptable. And now, to the "characteristics" of Wizenthal's "typical cases", as seen in the Eichmann case study. I shall start with a few quotations from JNV "He was not driven by blood lust." (p. 66) "Eichmann's characteristic trait was an intact emotional life in everything concerning his personal sphere..." (p. 67) "He was fully integrated into Argentinian society - he was working, he was living within a well-ordered family framework, and he was a good. father to his children. " (p. 79) "Besides, he was longing to see his wife. Size had rented a place in Altaussee, Fischerndorf 8,... " (p. 68) "...her husband had done no more than `his duty. What duty it was would have been a matter of indifference to Frau Eichmann. Otherwise I can't explain why she did what she was doing: she fought for Eichmann's escape to remain successful, and for being able to live with him again. " (p. 70) Again Wizenthal describes in detail the Eichmanns' happy family life which he destroys, he describes in depth the wife's loyalty and willingness to make sacrifices which his own act of violence ultimately renders useless. One cannot help the impression that there is an undertone of sick satisfaction to these morbid, detailed descriptions of the innocent family members' despair. On p. 69 Wizenthal cites SS-Obersturmbannführer Wilhelm Hottl as witness to allegedly prove that Eichmann had known about the murder of six million Jews. In this context I refer the reader to page of the present volume, where I have shown that Wizenthal himself considers H6ttl to be a liar and a con artist and where you will find out why this confidant of Eichmann's - across whose desk passed all the death sentences imposed in the Southeast region - is permitted to live in peace and quiet to this day, as reward for his false testimony in Nuremberg. That this sole witness from the ranks of the SS was 123 not summoned to attend the Eichmann trial in Israel is further food for thought. As in all the other cases discussed here, Eichmann too did not live in a villa by the sea, profiting from the "dental gold he had stolen from his victims", but rather supported his wife and children by the sweat of his brow. The account of his abduction by the criminal Malklin is downright disgusting: in the Austrian newspaper Kurier of June 21, 1992 we learn how the Jewish gangsters had watched their unsuspecting prey through the drapes as he played tenderly with his little son, kneeling on the floor with the child. As in the other cases described herein, Eichmann also did not at first flee his country, but returned home to Upper Austria directly after the war. Here too, this man's carefreeness and his wish to continue living in his homeland and in the circle of his friends indicates a clear conscience. Towards the end of his chapter on Eichmann Wizenthal again repeats his cherished lie of "the seaside villas", without considering that he himself has already refuted it through his account of Eichmann's circumstances. He writes on p. 79: "The Minister of Justice [Dr. Christian Broda] did not know what to say. If his theory had been followed, all the Nazi murderers should have been allowed to live on in their villas in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay." Eichmann was sentenced to death in Israel without the world ever learning what he had really said in that glass cage in which he was kept imprisoned during the trial, and to this day posterity is denied access to the trial files. I consider that this conviction and execution was not a just verdict, arrived at under the rule of law, but murder. A murder that began with an abduction. And under national and international law, the man guilty of being accessory to murder in the Eichmann case is - Szymon Wizenthal. 12 The Stangl Case Franz Stangl disputed (denied) the existence of "gas chambers" in Treblinka, the camp that had been under his charge as commandant. A Federal German court sentenced him to "life imprisonment". Shortly afterwards he died of unknown causes - one more victim of the most common cause of death for "deniers". Wizenthal opens his chapter about the commandant of Treblinka, Franz Stangl, with a list of the items stolen from the victims (JNV pp. 80-81). He supports his claims with blather about a "document" signed by Odilo Globocnik which of course has also never been made available for examination to the Federal Criminal Police Office in Wiesbaden - probably perhaps it would then have suffered the same fate as Demjanjuk's ID card (cf. pp. f.). But you, dear reader, can see for yourself what nonsense Wizenthal spoonfeeds his public. For example, in his list (JNV p. 81) he claims that the inmates of Treblinka were robbed of 400,000 gold watches and 145,000 kilos of gold wedding rings. 400,000 gold watches are already a considerable number for the alleged one million victims - almost every male Jew to arrive in Treblinka would have to have owned one. But the 145,000 kg - 319,000 pounds - of gold wedding rings deserve special attention. I have consulted a local jeweler and have concluded that in order to furnish the camp administration with 145,000 kg in gold wedding rings, at least 14,000,000 (fourteen million) Jews would have to have been "delivered" and "processed", to use Exterminationist terminology. So much for Wizenthal's secret documents in the Stangl case. By citing SS-General Ohlendorfs statements to document his charges against Stangl, Wizenthal makes my job easy: I need only refer you to p. of this book, where you can find the source that shows that Ohlendorf "confessed" only after gross torture, and retracted these "confessions" in court in 1948. We shall ignore Wizenthal's hate-filled tirades ("The Nazis were not just murderers, they were robbers and murderers" - JNV p. 81) and his unobjective generalizations. In the context of the Stangl case I shall only remind the reader that to date no-one has been permitted to examine the grounds of the Treblinka death camp, which are about the size of a football field, in order to try to locate the enormous mass graves where one million people were allegedly buried in huge pits. 125 As in the other cases discussed here, Stangl as well did not initially flee, but was apprehended in his home town by the Americans. These, too, evidently did not consider him to be a mass murderer, since he was assigned to outdoor forced labor, in the course of which he then decided to escape. As in almost every other case examined here, we find that Stangl had an intact family life; and here too, Wizenthal cannot go without reveling in the Stangl family's pain: "When I checked out his family I was informed by neighbors that Frau Stangl, along with her daughters, had left Austria for an unknown destination on 6 May 1949." (JNV p. 82-3 ) On pages 84-85 Wizenthal then introduces an SS-man who, like most of the SS-men he receives in his office, is an alcoholic, or corrupt and of base character at best. A figure such as is not to be found among the real members of the SS in my experience, Wizenthal simply pulls out of his hat here and informs us that he bought Stangl's address from him for $7,000. But what he learned again immediately exposes as a lie his frequent claim that "the Nazis" lived comfortably "in villas on the coasts of South America" on the gold they had stolen from their victims. Instead, Stangl supports his family by working as a mechanic in the Volkswagen plant in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Not a single one of the men Wizenthal lists here as "typical" case had ever bought even a single "villa" with "stolen gold" anywhere along the coasts of Latin America, as Wizenthal's propaganda fairy tale insists. And again one can almost feel Wizenthal's excited pleasure as he recounts how he lured the unsuspecting victim into his trap: ":..requested a sister to phone the Volkswagen plant with a message for Herr Stangl that his daughter had had a road accident and was in hospital. He should come round at once." (JNV p. 86) On p. 86 Wizenthal admits that he had instigated demonstrations against Stangl in Brazil. Once again he manages effortlessly, with Senator Robert Kennedy's help, to enlist the powers of the United States for his manhunt. Robert Kennedy begins immediately to exert pressure on the Brazilian Ambassador in Washington. The Federal Republic of Germany dutifully requests Stangl's extradition and carries out the obligatory show trial. In this case as well, Wizenthal is unable to report the longed-for confession. "`I only did my duty,"' is all he can quote. On December 22, 1970 the court hands down its verdict: life imprisonment. But Stangl, that stubborn denier, already dies on June 28, 1971, not at all to the Wizenthal Syndicate's displeasure. 126 As in almost all other cases, the Wizenthal Victim's wife remains loyal to her husband beyond the grave. And once again one can almost feel Wizenthal's satisfaction; he canot resist in this case either - he must savor one last time Frau Stangl's despairing words (JNV p. 92): "`My husband was a decent, proper man who did his duty,' she said about the work of the commandant of Treblinka; `he never laid hands on an inmate..."
The Wagner Case
Photos and documents
Gustav Wagner disputes (denies) the "gas chambers" - as deputy commandant of Treblinka. Cardiac arrest - a problem taking on epidemic proportions - strikes him twice during his imprisonment but fails to kill him. But after his release he succumbs to the fate that awaits most of the "deniers" among the witnesses: he dies under mysterious circumstances. The Wagner case also shows the standard characteristics of Wizenthalian hunting methods. Like the other "typical" cases described by Wizenthal, Wagner did not live in luxury in a villa by the sea, paid for with the dental gold of his victims. Like his superiors, Franz Stangl and Kurt Franz, the two camp commandants of Treblinka, he denied that there was a "gas chamber" in this camp: the selfsame "gas chamber" which, as we know, is based primarily on the testimony of one single man, namely the false witness Rosenberg, who was exposed during the Demjanjuk trial as a most persistent professional false witness among the ranks of Wizenthal's troops for the past half century (see p. of this book). Wagner was evidently a dangerous man - with dangerous opinions that might even have violated the Federal Republic of Germany's laws which criminalize any denial of such "chambers", regardless whether their alleged operation proceeded with steam or non-toxic diesel exhaust. And to let such a dangerous man walk around free was just out of the question. Wizenthal begins, as he likes to do, with a fairy tale. (See JNV p. 88ff.) He claims that on April 20, 1978, a group of old Nazis had gathered at the Hotel Tyll in Sao Paulo Province, Brazil, to celebrate Adolf Hitler's 89th birthday. Wizenthal imagined that prominent "war criminals", particularly Gustav Wagner, must have attended. Even unincriminated former National Socialists hold such birthday parties in private, with only their closest family members, for reasons of safety; it is absolutely out of the question that any "war criminal" anywhere should ever have attended such a celebration in the public rooms of a hotel. But Wizenthal does not even try to establish the truth of this anecdote, and so this criminal case as well continues as it began, as the pivot of a poorly-scripted thriller. On p. 90 Wizenthal raves on, accusing Wagner of fantastic crimes in connection with the "gas chambers" of Treblinka: "Anyone breaking ranks, resisting or collapsing was killed by Wagner with his own hands. This continued unchanged even when, in the summer of 129 1942, Stangl was appointed commandant of the Treblinka concentration camp..." We have already repeatedly established that court records as well as witnesses (Kautsky) confirmed than any violence by SS-men against prisoners was strictly forbidden, and that this sort of energetic exercise of brute force by a camp commandant was utterly unthinkable. Wizenthal seems not to realize that in spouting this particular story he simultaneously exonerates the Ukrainian, Demjanjuk, and convicts his own false witnesses of lying: for according to the imaginative accounts of the professional witnesses Rosenberg and Epstein, it was not the camp commandant himself who "personally killed anyone breaking ranks"; rather, this dirty work was allegedly done by three Ukrainians, one of whom was called "Ivan the Terrible". Wizenthal also shakes the foundations of the theory of "mass killings" in the Third Reich, which allegedly ensured smooth operation by deceiving the victims (the "showers"!). But Wizenthal has a surefire way of dealing with any such objections: they are simply dismissed, with the appropriate portion of outrage, as anti-Semitic provocation. And in the very next breath, the astonished reader learns that the Yugoslav partisans had murdered the Germans prisoners (p. 91). With that, Wizenthal admits that a hundred-thousand-fold war crime was committed against our front-line soldiers - a war crime thirty times the magnitude of Katyn which has never yet been so much as identified by the various Central European Institutes for Contemporary History, nor queried by the Austrian and German governments, nor criticized by the alleged "apostle of justice", Szymon Wizenthal. Far be it from the latter in particular to deign to hunt the murderers of innocent victims if these victims were not Jews! So Wizenthal is in possession of evidence for what is probably the most extensive murder of prisoners in the course of an armed conflict - but he keeps this evidence to himself. The next moment we get another surprise: Wizenthal invents a concentration camp named Risiera di San Sabba - which he promptly obliterates again, probably to avoid being asked for proof of its existence, which he could not provide. "At the end of the war the Germans blew up Risiera in order to obliterate all traces of it." (JNV p. 91) Even if we were to assume that this "extermination camp", which not even the Allies' semi-official historiography has heard of to date, actually 130 existed, and if we were to assume that it really was blasted, Wizenthal still fails to explain how "the Germans" managed to "blow up" even the "traces" of this camp. Even an atomic bomb cannot obliterate without a trace the foundations of a single-family home, i.e. the traces it leaves in the earth. Thus, Wizenthal's inability to explain matters in relation to Treblinka (where we still lack any and all evidence for the existence of a mass grave accommodating a million people on an area the size of a football field) expands to include his inability to explain the miracle of Risiera. We are then treated to yet another one of the tricks at the disposal of Wizenthal's criminological "one-man operation": "Chance carne to my aid: on a visit to Israel I made the acquaintance of a Brazilian journalist, Mario Chimanovich, of `Jornal do Brasil." (JNV p. 92) Ali yes, what would Wizenthal be without chance? The journalist which Wizenthal meets in Israel, of all places, and whom he modestly calls a "Brazilian journalist", could of course have been described just as well as a "Jewish journalist". But they're only Jews when they are victims. When they are culprits they call themselves American or Russians. Or Brazilians, as in this case. Now the usual campaign begins, via the usual media lever - in this case, the Jornal do Brasil. Chimanovich did a good job. The daily press was full of accounts of gruesome murders of the type that flourish in the sworn statements of the false witnesses Rosenberg and Epstein. In this situation Wagner once again failed to act like an escaped mass murderer would. Instead, he did something that must have struck Wizenthal as very dangerous: he "surrendered" to the authorities and testified that there had been no "gas chambers" and that therefore not even a single Jew could have died in one. Everything seemed to be conspiring against Wizenthal's "one-man operation" which, however, obviously consists of more than one person, since Wizenthal refers to his business in the plural: "That's what we thought. In .Tune 1979 the Supreme Federal Court of Brazil ruled that none of the extradition applications was to be met." (JNV p. 94) In this worrisome situation - which had resulted from the fact that for the first time ever, a "denier of the gas chambers" appeared of his own volition to argue on behalf of his views which run counter to the semi-official historiography and the criminal laws of Austria and Germany - Wizenthal was once again aided by a stroke of extraordinary good luck: a stroke of luck 131 bordering on one of those miracles that line the path of his life. During his imprisonment Gustav Wagner had already suffered several heart attacks, though they failed to get rid of him. But after he had been discharged from the hospital, he did the Wizenthal Lobby the great favor of withdrawing to a remote farm and hanging himself. We do not know whether Wizenthal's friends assisted him in this. But the law of averages alone makes one think. It is also interesting to see the accusation which Wizenthal's witness for the prosecution, Szmajzner, makes in the confrontation with Wagner before the Brazilian police, just as if it were his reason for the decades-long hunt for Wagner. The former inmate addresses his SS-commandant in quite a familiar tone (JNUp. 94): "`How are you, Gustl?' Szmajzner asked. "For a moment Wagner regarded him with bafflement, then he recognized him: `Yes, yes, I remember you weld Surely I picked you out of the transport and saved your life.' "`That's correct,' said Szmajzner, `but you didn't save the lives of my sister, my brothers, my mother and my father." Strictly on the basis of instinct, I personally am inclined to think that this witness statement i.e. the account given of it has been distorted by Wizenthal. But let's assume it were accurate: In that case the witness confirms that death in this camp was not dispensed individually by the accused man's hand, but rather was initiated on orders from higher-up. Further, the accusation contained in this statement shows that the accused ignored these orders to "pick" the witness "out of the transport", thus saving Szmajzner's life by an act of disobedience, the consequences of which he was prepared to take. The charge against Wagner, therefore - the witness whose life he saved clearly says this - is that Wagner did not also "save" other persons at grave risk to himself. Such a shameless person who could accuse his savior of murder is probably unique even in the history of Wizenthal's troop of false witnesses, one should think. In fact, however, locking up life-savers in the course of so-called "war chimes trials" seems to be downright fashionable. I refer in this context to Gottfried Weise, who was acknowledged to have saved a Jewish girl's life at the risk of his own (p. ). An even more grotesque example came in autumn 1992 in the Sabukoschek case (see p. ), where not one but several witnesses identified the accused as being the man who had saved their lives. 132 Nonetheless Wizenthal prompted the examining magistrate Buchgraber to order the defendant imprisoned without delay. Presuming that the story actually happened the way Wizenthal describes it, then if Wizenthal and Szmajzner had even a spark of decency and integrity in their souls they would not have denounced the life-saver as war criminal, but would have seen to it that a tree was planted in his honor on the "Avenue of the Just" in Israel. But our Galician knows nothing of decency. And so, Wagner was deprived of his tree! 14 The Roschmann Case Photos and documents Wizenthal admits falsely accusing Eduard Roschmann of murder. He calls it "planting a time bomb". Roschmann dies of the cause that is constantly nipping at the heels of "gas chamber" deniers (disputers): cardiac arrest. This case demonstrates like none other Szymon Wizenthal's willingness to bear false witness against his neighbor, without shame or any sense of guilt. It also reveals once again that odd chord in the Galician's soul that can only be made to resonate by reconstructing other people's fear and pain. Wizenthal's account (JNUp. 96) begins with the same story elements as other cases: Eduard Roschmann, born in Graz on November 25, 1908, the deputy commandant of the Riga ghetto during the Third Reich, is said by a witness from 1946 to have killed 3,800 Jews (including 800 children under 10 years of age, of course) by unspecified means, despite the fact that the iron laws of the Third Reich precluded any such excesses. As in all other cases, the unexamined witness statement in Wizenthal's possession rules out any "presumption of innocence" such as the laws of all civilized nations demand. Wizenthal always portrays his suspects as already-convicted murderers, and treats them accordingly. This is how Wizenthal has proceeded countless times, and even though it is self-evident by now (Jagschitz Report, Hv 5720/90) that various groups of witnesses have made false claims and statements, a resumption of proceedings has never yet been officially requested in any case. As in almost every other case, the man sought here by Wizenthal as "mass murderer" also returned after the war - in this case in 1947 - to his homeland and rejoined his family in Graz. Again, the alleged criminal deviates from Wizenthal's blueprint which claims that the Nazis lived like lords in Latin America, wallowing in money stolen from their victims. On the contrary: Roschmann feels so absolutely blameless that he even participates actively in an organization considered to be "neo-Nazi". For this reason he is arrested, and only later is he accused of having committed the so-called war crimes, and handed over to Dachau. Only now that he realizes what is being planned for him does he resolve to flee. And he manages to do so one freezing cold winter night, through the window of a train toilet compartment. In pursuing this man, Wizenthal openly avails himself of false accusations - as he himself admits. Collaborating with the Jewish author 135 Frederik Forsyth and commissioned by the Jewish director Fred Zinnemann, Wizenthal concocted a kettle of lies in which Roschmann could be recognized despite the different name his character was given. "`I have read your book The Murderers Among Us,' he said `You have a chapter there about the Odessa escape organization. That would make a first-rate story for a film.' "`And what do you want me to do?' "`You must supply me with the historical background. Even in a thriller everything's got to be correct.'" (JNV p. 96) In the next sentence Wizenthal explains what he means by "everything's got to be correct": "It should be so it could really have happened like that." Wizenthal was in his element. Finally he was able to vent his talents in the thriller and film industry. He supplied the script author with the life story of Eduard Roschmann from Styria - but tailored to fit Wizenthal's imagination, not the way it really happened, and also not the way it "could" really have happened (iron discipline of the SS order ruled out 3,500 individual murders by one of its members, as Wizenthal alleges Roschmann committed them in the Riga ghetto). Now Wizenthal proceeds with an allegation of treacherous murder against Roschmann in order to malign him before the entire world. As he puts it: "This enabled me to plant a further time-bomb. I asked him [Forsyth] to insert a scene which would make Roschmann lose the sympathies of his former comrades. Forsyth had his fugitive shoot dead a German officer in order to grab his place on an evacuation ship during the German retreat." (JNV p. 99) Thus, the slander of Roschmann - whom Wizenthal charges with a fictitious murder motivated by the basest of instincts and even openly admits his crime in his book - this slander becomes the key to an understanding and explanation of this man and the pleasure he takes in deception and fraud. As in so many Wizenthal texts, here too a reader would find strange examples of black humor if he had the stomach for actually reading the diaries of this Marquis de Sade of anti-German propaganda. Through press commentators Wizenthal saw to worldwide publication of his claim that the evil movie Nazi, whose screen name was Bergmann, was actually Eduard Roschmann, whom it had been impossible to catch to date. And every amateur informant worldwide promptly began to search for Roschmann. An American couple even sent Wizenthal a glass bearing Roschmann's fingerprints; they claimed he had drunk from that glass in a Brazilian restaurant. In 136 actual fact the accused had merely looked like Maximilian Schell, the star of the movie "The Odessa File". And so Wizenthal jokes: "I consider it extremely lucky that no one actually tried to detain Maximilian Schell." What follows is pure Wizenthal routine: spies who infiltrate BrazilianGerman circles betray Roschmann, who sees himself forced to repeatedly change his name and residence. Acting in his usual style, Wizenthal mobilizes his foremost hunting weapon, namely the press of the Imperium. At the close of this chapter all that is left for him to do is to wallow in the hunted man's agony. How he was discharged on July 5 after being arrested by the authorities; how outraged Wizenthal & Co. were; and how Roschmann suffered a circulatory collapse a short time later. And finally (JNV p. 102): "But he was overtaken by another heart attack: he had to be readmitted to hospital and there he died of cardiac failure during the night of 10 August." So Wizenthal was extraordinarily satisfied with the success of his film and the script for his hunt. And anyone who, moreover, enjoys the great good fortune that those "war criminals" who are not arrested, extradited and convicted as desired (or who fail to testify as is expected of them) almost always die of "natural" causes at the right time, indeed has a good time as hunter. The following quotation, with which I shall conclude my account of the Roschmann case for the moment, speaks volumes (JNV p. 102): "A week later two Paraguayan journalists brought me the dead man's fingerprints and a photo. The picture shows a man hunted even in death." With that, Szymon Wizenthal is perhaps the only criminologist in the world and the only "one-man operation" in this field who is so fortunate as to be able to count on the help of journalists who bring a photograph 15,000 kilometers from halfway around the globe and into his modest office in Vienna just so he can gaze upon the likeness of "a man hunted even in death". This too is probably something that sets Wizenthal apart from the rest of the world's criminologists: that he revels in photos of cases already closed, practically for some sort of brownie points in his spare time (cf. JNV p. 134, "Plastic Surgery"), and even documents this perverse pursuit neatly in his diary of horror. The fact that Wizenthal spares a few lines at the end of this chapter to tell of a bomb attack made by perpetrators unknown against the house where the deceased had lived fits perfectly into this diagnosis. 137 This strange drive which he is evidently compelled to satisfy (see pp. ff, this volume) is thoroughly documented by his book. It is a diary of an illness, a case-by-case medical history. 15 The Mengele Case Josef Mengele, the concentration camp physician of Auschwitz, did not feel that he was guilty of any murders. Evidently he too "denied" the "gas chambers". He drowns while bathing! The cause? You guessed it: heart attack. His escape helper, Wolfgang Gerhard of Graz, died "in circumstances which have not been entirely cleared up." Like the other "typical" cases recounted by Wizenthal, this one as well features a main character who is not conscious of any guilt on his part. After the end of the war Mengele returned to his home town of Gunzburg in the Federal Republic of Germany where he lived as highly respected citizen among people who had already held him and his family in the highest regard even before the war. What Wizenthal tries to make us believe in every one of the cases at issue defies all criminological reason: namely, that all these so-called "war criminals" were masters of pretense who, before and after the crimes they are charged with, were kind and helpful people with a strong sense of family and who had turned into bloodthirsty, cruel, heartless monsters only from 1941 to 1945 - violating the laws of the Third Reich all the while. It took until 1951 for Wizenthal's witnesses to come knocking at the door of the man who was in perhaps the best position to testify about the conditions in Auschwitz and no doubt also about the existence of the so-called "gas chambers". Wizenthal's "one-man" i.e. family operation had done its preparatory work "internally" this time: Ella Lingens, mother of the future Wizenthalsecretary and journalist laureate, wrote a book which was evidently unsuited for publication in her Austrian homeland and in the German language, which is why it had to be published in English (as Prisoners of Fear). This book brought an initial part of those charges which were later expanded and enriched through the testimonies of other Wizenthal witnesses and which ultimately served as the foundation necessary for the persecution of the physician of Auschwitz. When Dr. Mengele - thus forced to flee - arrived in South America, he too failed to live (as Wizenthal mendaciously claims with regard to his "war criminals") on stolen Jewish dental gold, but rather took up his medical profession again and began to practice medicine in Buenos Aires. I don't know if Mengele, at least, spent his exile living in a "villa on the sea" as described by Wizenthal. However, if he had, he would not have needed stolen goods to do it, just as he also resumed his professional duties 139 out of idealism rather than financial need; after all, he and his family owned a worldwide business (Karl Mengele and Sons) which enjoyed the support of a powerful partner in Argentina (Fadro Farm KG SA). The charge brought against Mengele by Wizenthal's in-house witness, Mother Lingens - namely, that the chief physician of Auschwitz had had to be kept in the dark about the spread of the 1942 typhus epidemic to prevent the sick Jews from being sent into "the gas" - is really a bit much, and it casts downright criminal doubts on the theory of the existence of a so-called "gas chamber" in Auschwitz. Frau Lingens evidently forgot that according to official historiography, people were "gassed" for being Jewish, not for having an infectious disease! If the disease had been the reason for which they were killed, this would be a denial of the racially motivated genocide. Besides that, the danger of typhus - a disease spread by lice and one which had cropped up in various concentration camps as well as among the German Wehrmacht and the civilian population - already concerned the German authorities to such a degree that they had already begun at this point to construct 52 crematoria ovens in Auschwitz, with whose aid more than 150 bodies of typhus victims could be cremated per day, in accordance with the state of cremation technology of that time. That a physician of the stature of Dr. Mengele should be the only one from whom such an epidemic could be kept hidden must be banished into the realm of Allied propaganda lies. Wizenthal hesitantly adds that there is an account of Dr. Mengele personally stabbing a child, but it seems that even he has doubts about the usefulness of this witness statement, for he hastens to add: "...but I think this may be based on mistaken identification. " Just who might have been mistakenly identified as the well-known chief surgeon of Auschwitz is something the Galician doesn't bother to share with us. To date, those Revisionists who claim that at the time of the alleged mass murder a terrible typhus epidemic had raged in the concentration camps, and that the bodies of its victims were burned in the crematoria, are routinely accused of spreading neo-Nazi propaganda lies - as I myself experienced from the nasty activities of the press during my trial in May 1992. Anyone who claimed in court, as I did, that the barracks had to be treated with disinfectants (Zyklon B) to curb the spread of the typhus, was met with pure scorn. But now, at long last, we hear this from Wizenthal himself, who seems to have grown somewhat incautious in his old age: "Without heart stimulants typhus can almost never be survived by a weakened person. And without a disinfectant which destroys the lice it cannot be fought .... 140 "In consequence the block was empty and could be disinfected." (JNV p. 106) This is where one should ask Wizenthal: Might the documented orders and supplies of this insecticide Zyklon B, which was designed to kill lice and thus to combat typhus, not also indicate that the substance was ordered and supplied for this purpose? But the following sentence really makes one sit up and take notice: "We know now that this meningeal inflammation, which is carried by lice, on some days killed more people in the Polish camps than even the Nazis could put to death in the gas chambers." (JNV p. 106 ) If this had been said, not by Wizenthal but by some Central European non-Jew, one could confidently call this "trivializing National Socialist crimes" - as per the new Austrian "gas chamber law" instigated by Wizenthal himself. Even if said epidemic had not, as Wizenthal states, "on some days killed more people" than "the Nazis" had allegedly murdered, but had only killed the same numbers or even a few less, this would still mean that Wizenthal upsets his own entire victim count no less thoroughly than he upsets that of all of semi-official historiography. For there are only two ways out of this trap in which the evil old man has caught himself with that sentence: Either fully six million "extra" Jews died in the concentration camps of the typhus epidemic, above and beyond the six million alleged "gassees". But in that case the number of Jews living in the whole world at that time must be increased from 15 to 21 million. Or, alternately, six million was actually the correct number of Jews, but then Wizenthal has falsely imputed to the Germans the murders of three million who actually died of an epidemic which the Germans desperately fought to stem. Since the number of victims for Auschwitz alone (cf. Prof. Jagschitz, Hv 5720/90) has already had to be reduced by 2.5 to 3 million, and since the number of "gassees" alleged after the war for the Mauthausen camp has similarly had to be reduced from at least two million to some 2,000, the remaining number of victims will for the moment have to be corrected by fully another 1.5 million - by the authority of Wizenthal's worst enemy: simple mathematics. For the sake of a more complete understanding it is necessary to note here that the epidemics described began to rage in the German concentration camps precisely at the time when the disinfectant Zyklon B began to be supplied to the "extermination camps". This was the same time for which semi-official historiography alleges the beginning of the "gassing of Jews" and claims that this Zyklon B was diverted from its original purpose, namely 141 the crucial disinfestation of the camps, and was used instead to commit mass murder. The physician whom Wizenthal, with the aid of Mother Lingens, portrays as murderer was characterized by a profound willingness to help wherever help was needed, which earned him the friendship and loyalty of all who knew him. Even the mayor of his home town Gfnzburg, Dr. Seitz, took his side and Wizenthal claims that the inhabitants of that city acted like a group of conspirators when Mengele's father passed away and the hunted son returned home for the funeral with the entire town's knowledge, without even one person being willing to betray his presence. Wizenthal also spends somewhat more time than necessary on Mengele's wife Martha, whom he ordered followed and spied-on. Despite being fully aware that the family members and friends of "war criminals" are particularly in danger of violent attacks, Wizenthal's concept of morality and justice does not stop him from exposing the poor woman's hiding place. On page 111 of his book he writes: "She moved to Merano and has been living there ever since, at Via.. " True to Wizenthal's style, Mengele's son and the firm's attorney are also exposed with their full names. A bit of collective family liability, a bit of collective guilt and a bit of collective responsibility - where it doesn't help, it doesn't hurt either, or so our macabre fiend evidently thinks. A house search conducted at the firm of Mengele & Sons on February 7, 1979 on Wizenthal's request turned up files that showed that Mengele had died in the course of a swimming vacation - of a heart attack. In 1984 Wizenthal received a friend in Vienna (let's hope it wasn't in his humble office). Said visitor may even have been Wizenthal's boss. He was none less than Neal Shaer of the American "Office of Special Investigations" (OSI). Shaer has gained a sort of notoriety among those "in the know" through his involvement with the Waldheim campaign (with which, however, Wizenthal claims to have had no involvement) and through the procurement of the forged documents that led to John Demjanjuk's death sentence. But Shaer did not do Wizenthal the honor of a visit just to take care of the unpaid telephone bills or postal charges incurred by the Galician's touching "one-man operation". Rather, his objective - if we can believe Wizenthal - was further spying on the Mengele firm and its lawyer, the German citizen Sedlmayer. Mengele's death probably also involved mysterious circumstances, as even Wizenthal admits. The 70-year-old had suffered a heart attack while swimming in a lake. This cause of death is one which we find recorded in 142 Wizenthal's annals (albeit only among his enemies) with a frequency that defies all medical statistics. But Wizenthal reveals more (p. 113): A former SS-man, Wolfgang Gerhard, had once rendered Mengele an invaluable service by giving him his identity card to enable him to flee to Argentina. Since this abetment had lapsed and could no longer be prosecuted, Wolfgang Gerhard could not be taken to task for his helpfulness. So chance once again came to the Wizenthal Syndicate's aid - as it regularly does. Wizenthal puts it thus: "Wolfgang Gerhard died in Graz shortly afterwards, in circumstances which have not been entirely cleared up." (.INV p. 113-114.) Another interesting detail is that Dr. Munch, the only doctor of Auschwitz who had to be acquitted in Cracow in 1947 on the basis of overwhelming witness testimony confirming his energetically humane conduct, also stood by Mengele and his family, and got together with them in 1982 for a conversation which was secretly listened in on by Wizenthal. In the course of this conversation Dr. Munch assessed what theoretical possibility of an acquittal his friend Dr. Mengele would have had if he had voluntarily turned himself in to the German authorities. Obviously Dr. Munch also did not consider the accused mass murderer to be guilty in any way. Wizenthal concludes this chapter with a theoretical question to Dr. Mengele: "How can you reconcile what you have done with the Hippocratic oath, which makes it your duty to help people?" In turn I would like to direct an equally theoretical question at Wizenthal: How did the three Jewish doctors (see p. of this volume) who betrayed a patient and deliberately disfigured him - based on an unfounded suspicion, as it later turned out - and who detained him in the hospital unnecessarily on false pretenses and at his own expense, reconcile this with the Hippocratic oath you cite here so hypocritically? In your informers' case, you felt that "the 'Jew' within the surgeon had come out on top. " You thought that was funny. Your own statements largely prove your surgeons' violation of their oath. But any such proof is lacking in the Mengele case. Therefore I request that this case be reopened. For as long as no serious witnesses and no serious and verifiable documents are presented, and for as long as no scientific 143 expert witnesses are allowed to be heard in the Auschwitz issue, Dr. Mengele must be presumed innocent, a right to which your three surgeons in whom "the Jew came out on top" have forfeited their claim. 16 The Heim Case An outstanding army medical officer of the Second World War is described as a killer who murdered for personal satisfaction. Dr. Aribert Heim gets away. As in all the other "typical" cases, Wizenthal here introduces a man who, he says, had been a decent human being and an outstanding doctor all his life - before the war, after the war and during the war - and who allegedly turned into a murderous rampaging monster only during "those short phases in the Buchenwald and Mauthausen concentration camps". Wizenthal puts this to the astonished layperson - and probably to the no less astonished criminologist - as follows (JNV p. 121): "In Dr. Heim's life there were only those short phases in the Buchenwald and Mauthausen concentration camps during which, one is tempted to say, by chance, he found an opportunity forgiving vent, as though in a frenzy, to a latent bestiality and an obvious tendency to sadism." Wizenthal offers similar explanations with regard to almost every one of his victims, probably in order to bridge the discrepancies between his allegations and the testimonies of the victims' fellow man. Not one of those whom he accuses ever fell victim to this "latent bestiality" again, before or after. It almost seems as though Wizenthal has discovered a new kind of mental illness, though he has not seen fit to inform the orthodox medical establishment. Perhaps he could successfully claim a Nobel Prize in medicine, with psychiatry as the area of specialty, in lieu of the Nobel Peace Prize which he has striven for in vain so far and with which he wanted to follow in the footsteps of the mass murderer Begin (bombing of the "King David Hotel" in Jerusalem)! On the very same page Wizenthal alleges that Aribert Heim and other doctors "performed typhus experiments on prisoners". In light of the raging epidemic, to artificially infect inmates with typhus (as Wizenthal evidently hopes to suggest there) would be like carrying coals to Newcastle and equals in its idiocy only the "test gassing" at Dachau, where even official accounts state that there never was a functioning gas chamber. (The "gas chamber of Treblinka", which according to Wizenthal's witnesses "held 12,000 victims" - which equals the capacity of the Deutschlandhalle - would hardly have required this technology to be tested in the barracks of Dachau.) Regarding the concentration camp doctors, who risked their lives day after day to combat a deadly epidemic with inadequate medical supplies and insufficient quantities of medication, Wizenthal, instead of being content 145 with accusations against the regime, trucks out a whole host of hair-raising allegations (p. 117): "Not only did they make the selection of victims in the concentration camps, but almost invariably they were ready to commit individual murder." On page 118 he continues: ":..that the physician must kill in accordance with his professional ethics in order to prevent something worse - the Judaification of Germany or the spread of inherited diseases." Whereas the historiography of the Establishment describes "mass killings in the Third Reich" as a politically decreed and "industrially" performed crime, Wizenthal - in a deliberate twisting of even the official account - alleges that the German medical profession, collectively, demanded and carried out the murder of Jews as a sanitary measure. In truth there is not so much as one single document that substantiates this monstrous lunacy. Regarding surgeons in general, in other words not only the German ones, Wizenthal informs us (p. 119): "This requires a very slight inclination to sadism, of which the person concerned is not even aware. " That might make surgeons around the world pause in their dedicated battle to save human lives, sit up and take notice. Wizenthal tries, poorly and in vain, to tone down a bit: "I do not, therefore, mean any offence when I say that a slight tendency towards sadism may be found a bit more frequently among medical men than among others." Szymon Wizenthal, who talks constantly about sadism, and who charges physicians around the world with latent, subconscious sadism without being able to cite any sources in his support, indulges far too long and with too much enjoyment in accounts of horror which he cannot document in any case, not to set himself up for exactly the same charge that he in his senility makes against the members of a profession which, with few exceptions (for example the three New York surgeons in whom "the Jew" won out over the doctor), have committed their lives to the service of their fellow man. I quote the following sections from Wizenthal's book with reluctance and deep disgust, for the sole reason that it is necessary to do so in order to expose Wizenthal's perverted drive. On page 120 he quotes one of his false witnesses who testified against Dr. Heim, a man who had valiantly done his duty as medical officer of the "Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler" and the SS division "Nordland" in all hot spots of the Second World War: 146 "The doctor opened up the anaesthetized man's chest and abdomen in order, as he said, to study the internal organs `in vivo': `This is the first time that I can see in a live person how his stomach works.' In front of the eyes of his flabbergasted assistant Dr. Heim then picked up his scalpel and,. just as if he were dissecting a corpse, cut out one organ after another. After he had cut out the heart as well he had the body pushed aside and called for a second patient. With him, too, like an excellent student anxious to demonstrate his skill, he neatly laid bare the organs and then, with a swift cut, removed them This time, however, he remembered that the young man's oral cavity had also interested him, and so he extracted a tooth. After that he extinguished the last remnants of life, if any were left in the body, by an injection into the heart." If I were a judge in a trial where a witness stated this sort of thing, I would have him arrested right there in the courtroom. Every time a doctor opens up an abdominal cavity he can see how the stomach works in a live person, and anyone who doesn't know that has never assisted in an operation. What Wizenthal alleges as a "war criminal's" first-time experience flies in the face of even a public school student's medical knowledge. In Recht, nicht Rache, the German original of Justice Not Vengeance, Wizenthal actually has Dr. Heim remove the organs of the second body twice; but how one can remove, "with a few swift cuts", the vital organs one has already cut out, is something that the author Wizenthal, wallowing in blood and body parts like Marquis de Sade, will have to explain to us. But how one can take a torso from which one has already "neatly" removed the "organs" (i.e. liver, kidneys, stomach, pancreas, lungs and gall bladder as well as the intestines) and then wish to "extinguish the last remnants of life" by an "injection into the heart" remains Wizenthal's wellkept secret. Aiding death in this way, as he imputes to Dr. Aribert Heim, seems rather superfluous. But to our Galician, accuracy in details is a waste of time. Dr. Heim, portrayed by Wizenthal as a demented murderer, acted just like his other fellow victims who had also been denounced by Wizenthal, namely, in a manner completely out of character for people who have incurred guilt before witnesses: after being released from captivity, he returned to Mannheim in 1948 as specialist in gynecology, and married a colleague. It was 1962 by the time Wizenthal had got all his "witness testimony" together. 147 However, when the German police - the last link in the social hierarchy of Wizenthal's henchmen - came knocking on Dr. Heim's door, he was no longer available to the Wizenthal Mafia. He got away from his persecutors. Like all those whom Wizenthal portrays as bloodthirsty criminals, Dr. Heim as well was able to rely on his family and friends after his successful escape. Perhaps out of anger because relatives could not be forced to inform on their kinsman, Wizenthal gets even, in a way that is typical of his sick drive. He mentions the escapee's sister in his book, with her full name and address, just as he has also done in other cases, in accordance with his tenets of family liability and collective guilt. Wizenthal did get some small satisfaction in this case: Drawing on the Four Power Statute, i.e. the occupation law of the Allied victors of Second World War - and this is a subject the Galician knows like the back of his hand - he lodged a complaint with the denazification tribunal of Berlin, where Dr. Heim was convicted in absentia on June 13, 1979 on the basis of Wizenthal's line-up of witnesses. The German judge Dr. Wolfgang Neesmann, in his long-distance diagnosis based on occupation law, concluded that Dr. Heim had committed the crimes he was charged with, and had done so out of sheer desire to kill. With that, Wizenthal gained at least a small triumph: Dr. Heim was sentenced in his absence to a fine of 510,000 Deutschmarks. Even though Wizenthal's sick drive went unsatisfied this time and the victim got away, he is left the consolation of watching the restitution money roll in. 17 The Braunsteiner Case After 17 years of persecution, Hermine Braunsteiner, the wife of an American construction worker, was extradited to the Federal Republic of Germany and sentenced to life in prison. I request that the proceedings be reopened! Wizenthal closes his chapter about the Braunsteiner case (JNV p. 139) with a cheeky reference to the Demjanjuk case and comments triumphantly that Hermine Ryan nee Braunsteiner could only be put on trial because, like the Ukrainian, she had first been stripped of her American citizenship. As the reader can see from the chapter about the Demjanjuk case, this man's innocence has been thoroughly established by the journalist Hans Peter Rullmann, by the exposure of the document forgery perpetrated by the Russian secret service, by the perjury committed by the witnesses for the prosecution, and by the exposure of a world-wide false-witness procurement machinery consisting of the American "Office of Special Investigations" (OSI), the highest echelons of the Israeli justice system, and Szymon Wizenthal's "one-man operation" in Vienna. Even the Jewish newspaper SemitTimes under its editor-in-chief Abraham Melzer today openly accuses the Israeli justice system and the American authorities of having known from the start that the man thus sentenced to death was innocent, and sacrificing him nonetheless, for the sake of political interests. At the time the book discussed here was published, Wizenthal too must have been aware of Demjanjuk's proven innocence. But even if he was not, it is a fact that to date Wizenthal has expressed not so much as a word of regret and rectification with regard to the tragedy of John Demjanjuk. With this in mind, let us consider the case of Hermine Ryan nee Braunsteiner. In 1964 Wizenthal selected Hermine Braunsteiner as victim. The scope for his selection wasn't very large, since most of the concentration camp guards, of which Braunsteiner had been a female member, had been killed in cold blood right after "liberation". Wizenthal glosses over this butchery by implying instead a very lenient justice system (.INV p. 143): "Eighty out of the 1300 members of tire SS who had belonged to the camp staff were convicted. Hermine Braunsteiner was not among them. But then I found her, to my surprise, in our list of people sentenced in Austria for Nazi crimes." Wizenthal - who tries to give the impression that there were a great number of SS men from the camp guard staff who were neither murdered nor ever charged - makes things easy for himself. He doesn't need to search 149 for those who were butchered or who died during interrogation. Those few who were able to flee fill his books anyhow. And so he scours the list of those who regained their freedom after serving shorter sentences. From everything we know of Wizenthal's modus operandi, and especially from the actions of accused, we must conclude that the eyewitness testimony and the accusations contained therein were not tailor-made until after the victim, Hermine Ryan nee Braunsteiner, had been chosen. And indeed, as in all cases discussed here and described as "typical" by Wizenthal himself, the victim Braunsteiner evidently lacks that sense of guilt that normally marks people who have done wrong. She returned to her home after the war without hiding or attempting to conceal her identity, only to be then accused by several female inmates (formerly under her charge) of having slapped them, for which she was sentenced to three years in prison; and after emigrating to the United States she displayed a deportment that is completely atypical of guilty criminals. At this point we must add that Hermine Ryan nee Braunsteiner also did not live the high life on stolen dental gold and in villas by the sea, but was a housewife married to an American construction worker and lived in a small home paid for by scrimping and saving. And we must also mention that after Szymon Wizenthal had targeted his victim, he initiated the usual tactics. This time he gives a rather diffident account of how he launched his media campaign (JNV p. 149): "In order to find out about such a complex problem in a foreign country (he means the problem of stripping someone of their citizenship) the best course is to turn not to an official but to a journalist. In this particular case it was Clyde Farnsworth, the henna correspondent of the New York Times who, a few months earlier, had published a lengthy article about me in the weekly supplement of his paper, entitled... " If you, dear reader, should wish to find out about a complex problem in a foreign country, then - at least if you are not Jewish - you will have a hard time obtaining a hearing, help or information by turning to the media. After all, Wizenthal too did not turn to the New York Times like some naive tourist- he came to give the order for the usual sort of campaign with which he inaugurates his manhunts. That also follows from his statements just a few lines later, where he makes an involuntary confession, as it were: "A mere ten days later, on 14 June 1964, the Braunsteiner story appeared in the `New York Times' under the title `Former Nazi Camp Guard Is Now a Housewife in Queens' and caused an enormous stir. " In any nation under the rule of law, the pre-conviction of an accused by the press is considered illegal and can be punished by law, by criminal 150 charges and the confiscation of the offending newspaper. It is typical of all of Wizenthal's manhunts that the persecution of his victims is initiated by such illegal and despicable pre-convictions by the press, and that in not a single case was a paper ever confiscated or called to account for its unlawful activities. But what was it that the woman who was accused of the brutal murder of a child, and whose picture had been dragged through the American press as a sadist, said in her despair to the reporter who came knocking at her door to complete his dirty assignment (JNV, p. 150): "I've suffered enough. You keep talking on the radio about peace, I have a claim to be left in peace too. Is this never going to end?" Those are not the words of a murderess. The actions of her husband are also not those of a man who "suddenly sees the light", but those of one who is prepared, out of deep conviction and affection, to defend his wife with every means at his disposal. Here again we see Wizenthal's strange lingering over the pain and despair he has caused innocent people, a lingering that has nothing to do with his "criminological" work or with the account of this case, a lingering that might well be the key to the despicable lifework of this fiend. "Hermine Braunsteiner's husband... defended his wife with American hyperbole: `She's the best woman in the world, she wouldn't hurt a fly! :.. For his wife to have committed any kind of crime was unthinkable to him "Which it was equally to all the acquaintances and neighbours of the Ryans. Mrs. Ryan was described as particularly pleasant, an excellent wife, and invariably helpful to a stranger who might be in need of anything. When she'd moved into the neighbourhood she had called on all her neighbours to introduce herself and she'd not allowed that contact to break off since." (JNV p. 150. ) As Wizenthal and his trial strategy would have it, this most "pleasant woman" the neighbors knew, and "the best woman in the world" whom husband Russell could imagine, and who according to a Viennese neighbor had been one of the nicest children that neighbor had known, had for a brief time (one year) turned into a raging beast - just like the other Wizenthal Victims as well, and uniformly in contradiction of all criminological and psychological norms. In violation of the strict laws of the Third Reich, and contrary to all reliable accounts of the realities of that time, she allegedly killed a child, individually and publicly, by shooting it in the face! Out of sadism. 151 And Wizenthal expects his readers to believe the justification he gives them for his persecution and prosecution in the Braunsteiner case and his other "typical" cases (JNV p. 151): "If they had then been pleasant, helpful people, good to their husbands and children, they were just the same now. If someone who knew them heard that they had whipped women and children in a camp, he would think it just as unlikely as that he himself might commit such atrocities. [...] Is it conceivable that people can totally expend their damned-up [sic] sadism at a certain time in their lives, afterwards behave amiably, and without aggressiveness? Or, vice versa, is it possible that the aggression which, under the perverse conditions of a concentration camp, manifested itself as sadism, manifests itself as cordiality to other people the moment the person concerned lives under human conditions?" No, it is not possible, worthy Wizenthal, and it is not conceivable that in all the cases you describe, kind, pleasant, helpful, respected, wellloved people who had exhibited these qualities all their lives should have completely abandoned their character for a few years, contrary to all psychological and medical findings, just to accommodate your damned Jewish false witnesses and your criminal anti-German mission! The tragedy of Hermine Ryan nee Braunsteiner played out in accordance with the rules of the Wizenthalian Hunt: After four years of martyrdom following the first media attack against Braunsteiner in 1964, application was made to revoke the victim's citizenship, and on September 28, 1971, after a total of seven years, that application was translated into action by Chief Justice Jakob Mischler of the Brooklyn Federal District Court. On June 30, 1981, after a total of 17 years of persecution, the Federal German puppet court, ignoring the numerous testimonies in Braunsteiner's defense, passed its disgraceful verdict: imprisonment for life. And now Wizenthal can once again indulge in his longed-for pleasure. He can linger over his victims' despair and misery, and he does so in the rapture of his sick drive, recorded for us in writing in the book at hand: "Hermine Ryan, the only remaining defendant, was sentenced to life imprisonment. She received the verdict stiffly and blankly. Only later, when the meaning of the sentence began to sink in, was she overtaken by self-pity, producing a handkerchief and wiping tears from her eyes." (JNV p. 157.) Even if one could try to explain Wizenthal's hovering over Hermine Ryan-Braunsteiner's tears with his insatiable hatred born of the persecution of the Jews in the Third Reich, the thoroughness with which he savors her 152 husband's despair leaves no doubt that Wizenthal is in fact a man whose accomplishments in his strange chosen profession are the product of his morbid psyche (p. 153): "Only Braunsteiner's American husband continued, undismayed, to collect written statements from neighbours and acquaintances in Queens, which all portrayed Mrs. kvan as a blameless, reserved and friendly person. But this signature campaign was unable to halt the course of developments: on 6 August 1973 Hermine Braunsteiner was expelled from the USA and, escorted by German police officers, taken by Lufthansa to the Federal Republic." And thus Wizenthal enjoyed every single stage of the thorny path trodden by the simple American construction worker Russell Ryan who fought desperately and with inadequate means against an overwhelming power. After the verdict Wizenthal cannot help himself, he must delve into the innocent husband's pain just once more - albeit in a less lurid fashion this time: "Her husband, Russell Ryan, who was among the spectators in the courtroom, commented on the verdict: `I am disappointed. I expected an acquittal.'" Wizenthal wasn't disappointed. He was well satisfied. Until next time. 18 The Kutschmann Case With the aid of Jews and the Jewish Masonic lodge B'nai Brith, Walter Kutschmann is hunted for eight years, and finally arrested. As "denier of the gas chambers". Even though "witnesses" turned up who had "miraculously" survived and now alleged that Kutschmann had murdered a young girl, his extradition was refused. Little wonder, therefore, that Kutschmann promptly succumbed to - you guessed it! - a heart attack; especially since he had denied the "gas chambers". I hope I shall not tire my readers with the constant repetition of the same features. Like the other victims of Wizenthal's illegal manhunts, Dr. Walter Kutschmann also did not live on stolen dental gold and in a villa by the sea, but rather with his sister in Buenos Aires, where he made his living as wageearner. Like all the others pre-convicted by Wizenthal and branded as monsters, he too was a respected and popular man, and gainfully employed as head of publicity by the firm "Osram". And as always, the hunt began with a media campaign, so that one could almost believe that all the journalists in the Western world are at Wizenthal's beck and call. On p. 170 Wizenthal reveals: "I invited a journalist from Vision, a magazine widely read both in South America and the United States, and told him what I knew about Kutschmann." (JNV p. 170) Here too, Wizenthal downplays the significance of his conversation with the journalist, for in the very next sentence we learn that it was not only a matter of giving information to the press, but rather an assignment. The journalist serves both as the detective and as the bait! "Under the pretext of interviewing (Kutschmann) about cooperation between the USA and Argentina in the field of electrification, the man from 'Fision' succeeded in taking the first up-to-date photo of Kutschmann, and shortly afterwards the magazine ran several pages on his story." And this ritual was promptly rewarded with success: "On 28 June 1975 Kutschmann was arrested in Buenos Aires ...." (JNV p. 170) For lack of space we shall dispense with a blow-by-blow recap of the eight years of persecution inflicted on Kutschmann, who, incidentally, was released again after his first arrest. But one quotation from Wizenthal's pen is of fundamental significance because in it Wizenthal comments on the trial- 154 strategic necessity of imputing crimes to his victims which they had allegedly committed themselves personally (JNU p. 168): "A few years later we received a witness's deposition to the effect that Kutschmann had personally shot dead a young Jewish girl in Drohobycz. At the time this seemed to us to be a side-track - I had become so accustomed in my work to think almost invariably in hundreds of dead (the old fraud understates the matter) - but in the event this murder turned out to be the only one with which the German judiciary chose to concern itself in greater detail." This reveals the Wizenthalian strategy: since witness statements that allege thousands or hundreds of thousands of executions are not credible because the courts find it difficult to accept that witnesses speaking from the restricted perspective of their imprisonment can, on the one hand, accurately judge the extent of such a mass murder and, on the other hand, accurately understand the command structures and the personalities of the perpetrators, their involvement, and thus the personal share of the individual's guilt. Wizenthal already recognized years ago that the charge of individual, personally committed murder is indispensable for successfully obtaining a conviction. And he acted accordingly. It is also noteworthy that both the charge and the witness against Kutschmann were found only after the arrest had already been made. Regardless of the fact that this kind of individual crime was alleged very rarely during the immediate post-War trials, and that the strategy of those making the accusations back then was to allege an industrial-style genocide, ordered by Hitler and carried out with the deception of the victims ("shower baths"), in which the guilt of the SS guards lay not in their undisciplined, sadistic excesses but rather in their zombie-like obedience, Wizenthal and his team realized that in the long term this would not serve to guarantee the success rate they expected from the German justice system. This is also the only explanation for the fact that by far the bulk of these allegations of individual murder were made by that small clique of ever-resurfacing witnesses, not immediately after the War when their memories would yet have been fresh and vivid, but only now - decades or even half a century later! Precisely at the time where the stage production requires them. Woe to him who speaks today of a world-wide imperial Jewish power, much less identifies Freemasonry as its Head! He will be branded as "extremist" and "anti-Semite" in any case. Beyond that, he will be dismissed as a nutcase who imagines things. 155 The way in which the media of the Western world serves as execution machinery in the preparations for the "judicial murders" described here on the basis of information provided by Wizenthal himself must make a critically-minded reader stop and think. For the first time, however, in this book, Wizenthal himself names the militant vanguard organization of the Jewish Masonic lodge B'nai B'rith and fits it into the great, continent-spanning puzzle (JNYp. 172): "The head of the South American section of the Anti-Defamation League, Rabbi Morton Rosenthal, thereupon requested an audience in order to draw the president's (with reference to the then Argentinean President Raul Alfonsin) attention to the Kutschmann case." But the organization thus specified is neither so broken-backed as to have access to only the Argentinean "upper echelons", nor is it so limited in its scope and goals as to expend all its energy on its actual task, which would be to combat the defamation of the waves of immigrants the organization itself has triggered. In the very next sentence we learn: "Simultaneously, my friend Eliot Welles, head of the Nazi Crimes Department of the Anti-Defamation League in the USA, declared himself willing, on his trip to Europe, to call on the public prosecutor's office in Berlin and establish whether, in view of the new situation in Argentina (the witness had just remembered, right on time after a 40-year delay, the individual murder of a 16-year-old girl), it was at last prepared to make a request for Kutschmann's extradition." (JNU p. 172. ) Nothing can top witnesses in the right place at the right time. And nothing can beat working together towards a common goal. I'd like to see the "Carinthian Home Association" try to get the public prosecutor's office in Berlin or the Argentinean president to grant them an audience, just like that. But, well, some associations are more equal than others. Despite all these efforts, the rather unenthusiastic German request for Kutschmann's extradition seems not to have had great chances for success. Kutschmann was released from jail. And here again, that fortunate coincidence which awaits Wizenthal's juridically unsuccessful cases made its timely appearance. On August 30, 1985 Kutschmann was taken to a hospital where, like most of his fellowsufferers discussed here, he died of cardiac arrest. 19 The Brunner Case The man second in importance only to Eichmann disputes the existence of the "gas chambers". He survives two attempts on his life. Would-be assassins operate out of Austria, the Nazi hunter's "homeland". To date the police have not seen fit to interrogate Szymon Wizenthal of Galicia, even though the suspect's readiness to take violent action (kidnapping of Eichmann) is publicly known. Wizenthal denies the "gas chamber" of Auschwitz: as substitute, he tries to make us believe in the "gas van": A slap in the face of "research into contemporary history". In the course of his media campaigns Wizenthal has routinely given his victims nicknames, colorful epithets reminiscent of Oriental fairy tales. Just as John Demjanjuk, an innocent man sentenced to death, was called "Ivan the Terrible", just as Franz Novak, "Stationmaster of Death", was laid open for attack by the press, just as the innocent, kind-hearted SS-man Gottfried Weise was presented as "Tell of Auschwitz", and just as the tragic figure of Hermine Braunsteiner was exploited as "the Mare", Alois Brunner was presented by Wizenthal as "the Right Hand of the Devil". His principal achievement, Wizenthal says, was "the invention of Jewish collaboration". By which Wizenthal means to say that when Jews collaborate with the enemy, it's the enemy's fault, but when non-Jews do it, the fault is their own. I suppose it is for this reason that we have had to wait in vain for "Szymon the Just" to persecute/prosecute the alleged "Jewish collaborators" who assisted in the assembly and deportation of Jews. But as always, Wizenthal will be at no loss for an excuse: These collaborators, he will claim, were simply murdered. But I shall not accept that. I have personally visited Alois Brunner alias Georg Fischer, the former SS-Hauptsturmführer, in Damascus and can quote the following (unincriminated) sections from my banned book Freispruch für Hitler?: "After the war, Dr. Lowenherz expressed his gratitude to Brunner.for his courageous intervention on behalf of the plan for a Jewish state by in turn intervening publicly on behalf of Brunner's interests. For good reason I do not want to go into detail here, but there are court files in Austria that prove this." (p. 20.) Dr. Josef Lowenherz, whom Wizenthal accuses of "collaboration" in the unpleasant sense of the word, was the leader of the Jewish community in Vienna who persuaded Brunner to vouch for him to Hitler in order to obtain permission for him to leave the country so that he could participate in 157 negotiations with representatives of world Jewry. After the outbreak of World War Two Lowenherz tried to persuade the Western Allies to effect the continued emigration of Central European Jews by sea, on American ships. Lowenherz, who had been impressed by Brunner's courageous correctness throughout those terrible years, expressed his gratitude to Brunner in a trial against a relative of this man defamed as mass murderer, by giving exonerating testimony that led to the relative's acquittal. This brave and noble-minded act by the leader of Vienna's Jewish community did not at all fit the concept of those Jews who had the say after 1945. At that time Wizenthal and his political mafia did not dare accuse Dr. Lowenherz, who was within their reach and of whose cooperation with Brunner they knew, of the same collaboration (in the nasty sense of the word) of which they now accuse him and others who were convinced of the Third Reich's wish to create a Jewish state. To put an end to Wizenthal's lies about Alois Brunner aka Georg Fischer once and for all, I wish to state that in August 1987 Brunner clarified the following in this context: During the war, he, Alois Brunner, had not heard so much as a word about the gassing of Jews. It was not until after 1945 that he heard of such "mass killings" in the Third Reich, from press reports. Though he first doubted these reports, he eventually came to the conclusion (since these charges remained undisputed by the "German side") that such mass killings must have taken place after all in the specified extermination camps, which he himself had never entered. His area of responsibility was the evacuation and resettlement of the Central European Jews. At first he was primarily responsible for Austria. He as well as the National Socialist regime regarded Zionism as that power within German Jewry with which it seemed most important to work together. It almost seems as though another psychological motive and concrete political aim of the Wizenthalian Hunt is to eradicate all memory of the collaboration between National Socialist Germany and the founding fathers of the state of Israel. Kreisky suggests that this may encompass Wizenthal's own collaboration as well. For what would have become of the state of Israel otherwise? Or, to put it another way, without the phenomenon of National Socialism and its Nuremberg Race Laws, how could one have persuaded the liberal and middle-class German Jews, as well as the Polish Jews, to give up what had been their homelands for centuries, and to immigrate instead into an as yet unborn state under the adventuresome conditions imposed by a colonization 158 move? That selfsame Israel, the state whose reason for being was and is the ethnic preservation of the Jewish people in a closed settlement area, would not have been born, had it not been for National Socialist Germany and its almost comparable desire to preserve its own ethnic exclusiveness. This causal relationship between the National Socialism of those days and Zionism in the Israel of today is also where we can find the psychological reasons for the Jewish state's shrill and never-ending attacks on Hitler and National Socialism as well as on the Germany of today. What insanity! What an aberration! One more thing regarding Alois Brunner in this context: for as long as the Western powers had not forbidden the emigration of Jews to Palestine, all young male Jews from the region of Austria, before going to Palestine, had to take a three-month agricultural education course near Waldhofen on the Ybbs river, provided and paid for by National Socialist Germany. Many a Jewish kibbutz of our time has Alois Brunner and the National Socialist institution to thank for its founders' knowledge and expertise. Brunner, as Lowenherz attests, carried out his task - which for many German-Austrian Jews meant the painful loss of their homeland and, for the wealthy, also a considerable percentage of their fortune - without hate and without tolerating violent excesses, out of the conviction that he was doing the right thing. The small minority of radical Zionists within the body of Austrian Jewry saw matters exactly the same way. And the Jews in Palestine were well satisfied by the process. But back to Wizenthal: in the event that he may yet get hold of Alois Brunner someday, he has already made sure of the requisite eyewitness testimony regarding individual murder: "He travelled in person on one of these transports (to Riga) and en route shot the Jewish ex-banker Siegmund Bosel." (JNV p. 238.) I have not asked Alois Brunner whether he was ever in Riga, or whether he ever committed a gunslinger-style murder in a station of the German Railway for all the world to watch, because, being aware of National Socialist jurisprudence, I don't need to ask such asinine questions. German and Austrian criminal laws only force us to keep to ourselves any doubts we may have about the "industrial-style mass murders in gas chambers"; doubts about scenes from the Wild West, enacted in German train stations, are still permitted. In a state where even the smallest infraction of the law was so dangerous that even professional thieves avoided plying their trade during black-outs, anyone who is aware of the realities of National Socialist everyday life will not hesitate even today to describe public gunslinging and butchery in train 159 stations and on sidewalks as figments of the sick imagination of Szymon Wizenthal and his criminal troop of false witnesses. Such sordid scenarios taken straight from second-rate Westerns never took place in the realm of law and order that was the Third Reich, where a soldier was court-martial led for stealing a pair of earmuffs. Wizenthal imparts another interesting piece of information in his book: "The wartime role of the International Committee of tile Red Cross in Geneva was likewise anything but glorious The Committee considered concentration camps on German or German-occupied territory to be an internal German matter and did not intervene even once with the German Reich government in the interests of the Jews, or later against the extermination of the Jews (for which, incidentally, lorries painted with a Red Cross were used in Auschwitz)." (JNV p. 250.) I have studied the question of the existence of gas chambers in the Third Reich for decades, but this is the first time I have ever heard that gassings in concentration camps were supposed to have been carried out in "lorries". With this downright lunatic claim, Wizenthal upsets everything that is sacred to the official dogma regarding the model extermination camp Auschwitz: In my May 1992 trial, Professor Gerhard Jagschitz, the court-appointed subject expert who had spent five years researching the concentration camp Auschwitz- Birkenau, testified to everything he had been able to unearth in support of the gas chamber theory (in eyewitness statements only - he had been unable to find any key documents). His report (Hv 5720/90) contains nary a word about lorries, much less lorries painted with a Red Cross. The subject literature also fails in this regard. Since Wizenthal tells us of Red Cross lorries, what are we now to think of the commonly alleged gas chambers? Here the legal system leaves us at a loss, alone with our confusion and the "Holo". In exile in Syria, Alois Brunner was the target of two attempts on his life, via letter bombs, which he almost miraculously survived, albeit badly maimed. Now let us see how mocking and cynical an account Wizenthal gives in his book of this attempted murder: "Reporters from a German magazine found him without difficulty and published a lengthy series of photographs and interviews. Nor did the postman have any problem fnding hint. In July 1980 Brunner, alias Fischer, had a package delivered to him which had been posted in Austria and allegedly contained medicinal herbs. In a covering letter the `Association of Friends of Medicinal Herbs' in Karlstein apologized that they could not send the ring-bound books ordered by Brunner from `God's Pharmacy for Your Health' but instead had found some other books with a 160 similar content. When Brunner opened the package it exploded of the fingers of his left hand, only his thumb remained. Despite this successful postal delivery Syria continued to maintain that Brunner could not be located." (p. 251.) To summarize: the man who had had to work together with the founding fathers of Israel regarding the immigration of Jews into Palestine is targeted by a cowardly and treacherous assassination attempt. Wizenthal, who throughout his book about the sufferings of his people exhibits a total lack of appropriate gravity with regard to any kind of sacrifice, and who shows a sense of humor which but for its gruesome nature could be taken straight from a low-class cabaret, calls this crime a "successful postal delivery". In other words, he does not even pretend to dissociate himself from the crime; he only indicates that he considers it funny. Regarding the consequences of the two assassination attempts which were variously reported in the press - namely, the loss of eight fingers in total, blindness on one eye and 98% vision loss on the other - Wizenthal seems to be inadequately informed. On the other hand, he is very well informed indeed about details that he should not be able to know at all, since as far as I know they were not published in any newspaper and were thus not known to anyone outside the Syrian police, who secured the evidence of the letter bomb. Aside from the police, the only ones who should know these details are the perpetrators! Specifically, I am referring to the accompanying letter: this letter was badly damaged in the explosion, and the Syrian criminologists could barely reconstruct it, yet Wizenthal quotes its text in full! It is already incredible enough that the Austrian authorities, on learning of this attempted murder, did not immediately summon Wizenthal for questioning. One must consider that the victim of the assassination attempt was a putative "Nazi war criminal". In the entire world only one man has created a title for himself as hunter of this particular species - namely, "Nazi hunter", a term whose use that man values highly. And like it or lump it, that man's name is Wizenthal, and he happens to live in the country where the "industrial" machinery of murder was primed for Brunner. And Wizenthal is even dumb enough to rejoice in his book about the partial success of the crime! If any given Austrian city harbored a known sexual predator, this previous offender would be interrogated by the police after any similar offense had been committed in the area! In the Wizenthal case, such interrogation has been omitted with downright criminal negligence after all cases of murder of former Nazis, even 161 though the obvious suspect has openly acknowledged his penchant for violent acts and infractions of the law by his admitted participation in abduction and kidnapping. Numerous other acts of violence and unsolved murders, committed against a similar group and described triumphantly by the accused, could also have been solved long ago if the only suspect, namely Szymon Wizenthal himself, had been interrogated accordingly. Since the Nazi hunter, as I have shown, personally admits knowing by rote the contents of the letter that accompanied the diabolical device and was virtually destroyed in the explosion, the suspicion of murder hardens into likelihood bordering on certainty. Therefore I am bringing criminal charges at the public prosecutor's office in Vienna, against the Austrian citizen residing in Vienna as Simon Wiesenthal, real name Szymon Wizenthal (divergent information exists regarding place of birth), under §§ 75, 277 and 87 of the German Criminal Code, and request the subject be detained pending his trial due to the risk of escape, collusion and repeated offence on his part. 20 The Gogl Case Photo Gogl was acquitted! Gogl lives. Generous. Distinguished. Loved and respected by his family and friends. In his own interest, his opinion on "gas chambers" shall not be examined. Johann Vinzenz Gogl, accused by a Wizenthal Colleague called Kehraus of having committed four murders in the concentration camp Mauthausen, unites in his person all the prerequisites we have already repeatedly described and which those chosen by Wizenthal as war criminals and sadists characteristically exhibit: a very decent person both "before" and "after", loved by his family, respected by his fellow citizens. Since Gogl disputed all the murders he was accused of, Wizenthal saw himself forced to come up with eyewitness testimony. He describes this as follows: "Meanwhile, however, I had written to Fad Vashem and asked for my material on Gogl. This actually includes a letter from a former inmate, Simon Lifschitz from the Bavarian township of Marktredwitz, where a refugee camp had existed." (JNV p. 306.) In this letter the witness had offered to testify to at least 100 murders, but unfortunately the witness could no longer be located. Problem? Not for Wizenthal. As always, he took the initiative: "On the other hand I discovered the testimony of a Yugoslav journalist, Hrvoje MacanoviA, who had given evidence against Gogl in Zagreb, and within a short time an appeal by the organization of Mauthausen exprisoners was overwhelmingly successful." (JNV p. 306.) With that, Wizenthal admits that the witness statements were made only after the victim had been selected - in other words, tailor-made to fit the alleged criminal. The painful experiences that deprived Wizenthal of his favorite pleasure, namely attending the judicial murders he had staged before the courts, are described by him as follows: "I myself had made it a practice, wherever possible, not to attend a trial, because witnesses would invariably come up to talk to me and this would then be interpreted by defence counsel as attempts on my part to influence their evidence." (JNY p. 307.) In a sense, it is the most natural thing in the world for an employee to at least say "hello" to his boss at the workplace. But it is also understandable that the witnesses were sometimes visited by Wizenthal in the hotels where they were jointly accommodated, and that sometimes - when they began to 164 feel a bit uncomfortable in their role, perhaps, or began to get cold feet - they would feel the need to revive their spirits at the flames of his Old Testament vengeance. After the unanimous acquittal on all 23 counts in the Gogl case, Wizenthal was visibly crushed: "When the press asked for my reaction I found it difficult to control myself the Gogl case had been well prepared There were unquestionable and convincing testimonies by witnesses" (JNV p. 307.) So that's what Wizenthal understands by "well prepared": the provision of "convincing testimonies". Well, after all that is his business. In this context it must be mentioned that one witness testimonial in particular was "out of the ordinary", as Wizenthal put it: " was by a witness called Magnus Keller who had been appointed camp elder by the SS .... During his interrogation by the Allied military tribunal in Dachau in 1946 Keller had still stood squarely by the prisoners and had called Gogl one of the most dangerous murderers in the Mauthausen and Ebensee concentration camps .... But in the Linz trial Keller's testimony had suddenly changed: he could not recall his evidence to the American military tribunal; all he knew about Gogl was that he had been a protector of the prisoners." (JNV p. 308.) What is interesting about this is the phrase, "Keller had still stood squarely by the prisoners " Wizenthal evidently feels that witnesses should take someone's side (namely, his). That it might be sufficient to tell the truth, and that this truth might also be to the benefit of the accused, is something that Wizenthal and his mission categorically rule out. His sense of right and wrong is badly underdeveloped. Whether Gogl "denied" the "gas chamber" of Mauthausen is anyone's guess. But if he had "admitted" its existence, Wizenthal would surely have considered that worth mentioning. That Johann Gogl, like the other Wizenthal Victims as well, had been a socially well integrated man all his life and transformed into a bloodthirsty monster only for the short time in which he was placed in a position of authority over Wizenthal's society of false witnesses is something we shall let the manhunter describe in his own words: "Johann Pinzenz Gogl is to this day one of the socially most valuable members of the municipality of Ottnang-on-Hausruck: he has two children (won't they be happy to find themselves immortalized in Wizenthal's collective-guilt literature as the children of a father acquitted by law but still portrayed as mass murderer by our restitution swindler!), is a 165 superb watchmaker, and is entirely devoted to his pets. Usitors to his home were able to admire fourteen budgerigars, several cats and a dog from the dogs' home." (JNV p. 309.) We can see that the suspicions harbored by the academically accredited engineer from Galicia continue to be well founded. A love of animals has alarmed our fraud in other cases as well. It's a sure sign of guilt. 21 The Schwammberger Case Photo As always: an old man, honest and respected. But Wizenthal wants us to believe that once (during the war), for a short time, he turned into a raging beast. And again: a German witness for the defense dies mysteriously in the court room. And yet again: Leo Berger, Jewish witness for the defense, corrects falsified testimony and says: "Josef Schwammberger was good to us " On leaving the court room, he is threatened by persons unknown. The verdict: life imprisonment. "Without a shred of evidence," Josef Schwammberger, who "was good to the inmates", was sentenced to life in prison. Since I am not personally familiar enough with this case, I shall quote from the publication Der EidgenoJ3 of August 6, 1992, published by Dr. Max Wahl: "On June 26, 1991 the 9th Division of the Stuttgart Provincial High Court and Court of Appeal sentenced senior SS-Oberscharführer Josef Schwammberger (born in 1912 in Brixen, South Tyrol) to spend the rest of his life in a Federal German prison. The trial itself is evidence for yet another installment of the lowest possible dregs of the new German justice system slavishly in the service of perpetual slander of the German people and the best of its sons. The token representative of this justice system, Herbert Luippold, is the same judge as that who also sat in judgement in 1982 over the Federal German financial lawyer Dr. Wilhelm Staglich and banned his academic study 'Der Auschwitz Mythos' ['The Auschwitz Myth ]." After a long period of abstinence, Wizenthal took this trial as an opportunity to once again indulge in a bit of courtroom and execution tribunal atmosphere. Anyone who doubts the continuous cooperation between Wizenthal and the Masonic lodge B'nai B'rith learns from Dr. Max Wahl that when the trial of Josef Schwammberger was convened on June 26, 1991, the person sitting beside Szymon Wizenthal in the courtroom was none less than Eliot Welles from New York. Welles is the "Director" of the ADL, the Anti-Defamation League. The ADL, in turn, is the militant arm of the infamous and seemingly omnipotent Masonic lodge, with whose help Wizenthal can effortlessly initiate his demonstrations at the push of a button in any country in the world and in front of any Embassy he desires. And the ADL's favorite game is defamation, preferably the defamation of Germany. 168 Mysterious death of witness. A former Oberscharführer of the SS who had been subpoenaed by the public prosecutor's office and whose testimony might have harmed the goal of the trial, died in the court room. Max Wahl reports: "Eric!: Scharf, former Oberscharführer in the SS and Police District Cracow, summoned by the public prosecutor's office, could no doubt have given precise information about the organizational structure and the Auschwitz office where Josef Schwammberger was employed But after uttering only a few sentences, the healthy witness inexplicably collapsed, dead." Jewish witness for the defense is threatened. The court does not believe him. Der Eidgenoß reports about the appearance of Leo Berger, Jewish witness for the defense: "Berger described the normal every-day life in the camp and said of Josef Schwammberger: 'He was good to us, he never gave us a hard time. He was there, and that was his duty.' About the deaths in the Oranienburg camp, where Berger was in 1945: 'Hundreds died How did they die? It was like this: no food, thirst, they ate snow, diarrhea, air-raids.' In Stuttgart this courageous witness showed himself to be the exact opposite of Wizenthal, and posed the question to the court: 'Vengeance, hate, or justice?' "For that, he was physically threatened in the court hallway by a group of professional haters." As yet no-one has bothered to examine, count and compare the testimonies of Jewish witnesses for the defense who painted a different picture of not only the accused but also of the mass dyings in the camps of the Third Reich - a picture different from that which constitutes the "Holocaust". As well, no-one has bothered to trace the subsequent fates of these witnesses for the defense or to interview them regarding the reprisals they were and continue to be exposed to in Israel, in Germany, in America, or elsewhere in the world. Those who would have liked to make the effort have been denied access to the files. At this point one must also ask why there are only 8,000 Jewish testimonies worldwide (cf. Prof. Jagschitz, Hv 5720/90) that confirm the 169 "Holocaust", and largely from hearsay? If one considers that two million "survivors" immigrated to Israel alone, of which 200,000 are still alive in that country today (see document p. ), then there seems to have been little effort made to collect the first-hand accounts of all these others. The Federal Republic of Germany - who can certainly not be accused of excessive concern or even interest in the fate of the German people as a whole, or the six million German post-war victims in particular - keeps a study about the expulsion of the Sudeten Germans under lock and key, thus keeping the public ignorant of 150,000 authentic German testimonies of German eyewitnesses. It is high time - and I am saying this with an awareness of the as yet unheard and unheeded Jewish witnesses for the defense - that the silent Jewish majority also be given a hearing at long last. May the testimony of the honest and courageous Jew Leo Berger of Florida, which was unlawfully suppressed in the Schwammberger trial, encourage those Jewish people whose lips have so far been sealed by the fear of Wizenthal and the Imperium he stands for, to finally speak out! 22 Murder in Wizenthal's Footsteps Photo None of the twelve men whom Wizenthal hunted and whose cases he describes in his book Justice Not Vengeance as "typical" ever "confessed" to the existence of the "gas chambers". The majority of these persecuted bearers of secrets disputed their existence openly. Thus, Wizenthal lied when he repeatedly claimed (for example in the Vienna Kurier of December 10, 1989) that "none of the accused in post1945 Nazi trials disputed the existence of gas chambers." (He should have said, correctly, that none of the SS-men who were acquitted had disputed the "gas chambers".) With horror we find that all twelve hunted "deniers of the gas chambers" died under mysterious circumstances. Interestingly, Uwe Barschel (the chief minister of Schleswig Holstein), Heribert Apfalter (the president of the nationalized Austrian steel industry), and Herbert Amry (the Austrian ambassador in Athens) also died the same mysterious way as did the "gas chamber deniers", as described here. Does the Mossad have a "Tesla Ray" weapon? Hebrew law places great value on eyewitness testimony and has been known to punish false witnesses as severely as it would have punished the accused, if found guilty (SemitTimes No. 3/1992, p. 3). From this perspective, Wizenthal would have to be put on trial for million-fold murder for his statistical fraud alone, which amounts to some two to four million fictitious victims for Mauthausen. But our subject here is not Hebrew law - though it might be quite delightful to sentence the guilty in accordance with their own laws some day. But here we are dealing with the suspicion of murder in the common and general sense. As I have already shown (cf. the chapter on the Brunner case, p. ), Szymon Wizenthal, writing in his book Justice Not Vengeance, has revealed a detailed knowledge of the second attempt on Alois Brunner's life that, aside from the Syrian police, only the would-be murderers could have. Therefore, I shall recapitulate: in Syria there lives a man who calls himself Georg Fischer and who Szymon Wizenthal claims is Alois Brunner. Two attempts on Fischer's/Brunner's life are made via letter bombs. In the second instance, the parcel, bearing the return address "Krauterpfarrer Weidinger" and allegedly containing a medical book, was posted in Austria - the domicile of the world's only known Nazi hunter. 172 Since we can hardly assume that "herbal priest" Weidinger himself should have sent a bomb instead of a book to a customer named Georg Fischer, and since the freedom of movement enjoyed by Jewish agents on Syrian soil is not likely to be adequate to this task, we may conclude that the hellish device was substituted for the book with the aid of accomplices within the Austrian postal system. The only man in Austria who time and again has "young Israelis" assigned to him as assistants and who, for the rest, recruits his co-workers by racial and religious standards from among the Austrian religious community, is Szymon Wizenthal, whose collaboration with the ruling party and the Austrian police authorities predestines him like none other to conceive of such a plan and have it carried out. But even if one laid such an assassination attempt at the door of the Israeli secret service, the Mossad, this does not rule out Wizenthal's involvement, at least in the planning stage: after all, as he himself admits, he already once before collaborated with the Mossad in another serious crime (with fatal consequences), in violation of national and international law - namely, in the kidnapping of Adolf Eichmann in Argentina. As we know, Adolf Eichmann was "convicted" in Israel in a trial conducted in gross violation of legal norms, and murdered. Only someone who considers as "legal" a trial where abduction is the foundation, where the verdict passed by hate-driven enemies is the guideline, and where the accused is displayed in a soundproof plexiglass cage, cut off from the outside world, can gloss over the outcome and call it an "execution". But back to the Brunner case. Szymon Wizenthal, the common criminal guilty of being the accessory to abduction, is thus adequately established as an advocate of the "law of the jungle", which he places over international legal constructs, and has collaborated with the Jewish secret service for decades. Why he was not immediately taken in for questioning, if not arrested outright, after the attack on Brunner/Fischer became known, is something that cannot be explained by legal norms. Added to this is the fact that even today, Wizenthal describes the victim, who only escaped the attack badly maimed, as still the most important man on his "hit list". But since I have established that Wizenthal - as he himself admits (cf. JNV p. 251) - knows the text of the accompanying letter, which was almost destroyed in the explosion and whose contents only the Syrian police and the perpetrator himself can know, the public prosecutor's 173 office in Vienna and the Austrian police are hereby urged to move promptly, in the spirit of the legal order in force. The strange deaths of the hunted victims. In every case where Wizenthal failed to get hold of the person he hunted, death was in store for his victim, as we shall show. In most cases it was death by seemingly completely natural causes, but in some cases even Wizenthal must admit (and I think I hear an undertone of triumph) that the circumstances of death were "not entirely cleared up". 1. Death in the Rauff case. "Two days before the courier's departure, on 14 May, the news arrived that Rauff had died of heart failure." (JNY p. 64. ) With that, the Chilean officials no longer had to worry about complying with the request for extradition. Federal Chancellor Kohl as well, who had dutifully intervened as ordered by Wizenthal, was rid of the worry about further interventions. And Szymon Wizenthal had the good fortune of not having to give the accused, who energetically disputed the existence of both the "gas chambers" and the "gas vans", the opportunity to leak such heretical claims from a best-informed source to the unsuspecting German public before finally being eliminated juridically. 2. Death in the Heyde case. In 1962 Dr. Werner Heyde, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Wurzburg, was arrested in the context of allegedly killing "unfit life" with "bottled carbon monoxide" (a method which experts today dismiss as utterly absurd). Dr. Heyde must evidently have disputed the "carbon monoxide gassings at Hartheim", since his confession, important as it would be, is also absent from the relevant literature about the "Holocaust". Here too, a fortunate twist of fate prevented an insider who disputed the gassings from gaining a courtroom platform for his account of historical events: "Heyde, responsible for the death of at least 100,000 people, was arrested in 1962... and committed suicide." (JNU p. 82. )
174 3. Death in the Stangl case. Fate was less kind to Wizenthal in the case of Franz Stangl, the commandant of Treblinka. He was able to dispute before the German court that he had had anything to do with "mass killings". But nonetheless he was denied the opportunity to give detailed historical information, for example in an appeal: "He died in prison on 28 June 1971." (JNV p. 87. ) At this point it should be noted that Stangl's deputy as commandant of Treblinka, Kurt Franz, who is still serving a life sentence today, was not called as witness regarding Treblinka in the Demjanjuk trial because Israeli authorities had to fear not only that his testimony would exonerate Demjanjuk, but also that he would categorically dispute the existence of any gas chamber in Treblinka at all. 4. Death in the Roschmann case. When the extradition of Eduard Roschmann from Argentina would not proceed as desired, fortunate coincidence once again smiled on Wizenthal: "But he was overtaken by another heart attack: he had to be readmitted to hospital and there he died of cardiac failure during the night of 10 August." (JNV p. 102. ) That Roschmann was also a stubborn "denier of the gas chambers" is not difficult to guess. A well-intentioned murder attempt whose perpetrators were never found and which had also been aimed at Roschmann took place at the same time: "Unknown men threw a bomb at his house." (JNV p. 102; see also the Braunsteiner case.) 5. Death in the Mengele case. The fact that Dr. Josef Mengele, had he been arraigned in court, would also have disputed the idea that Jews were murdered en masse for reasons of their race follows from a conversation which Dr. Hans Munch, the Auschwitz camp doctor who had formerly been acquitted of all charges, had with members of Mengele's family (JNV p. 114-115), with the aim of working out a defense strategy to obtain an acquittal for Mengele. 175 Just as the pressure exerted by the American senators on Paraguay and its President Stössner to surrender Mengele to Germany proved futile, Wizenthal efforts were blessed by - you guessed it, dear reader - a fortunate coincidence: "On 7 February 1979 Mengele was reported to have drowned on a bathing trip not far from São Paulo." (JNV p. 111. ) 6. Death in the Gerhard case. But the death that is in store for those who incur Wizenthal's wrath also struck the man who had once given Mengele his identity card to help him escape: "Wolfgang Gerhard died in Graz shortly afterwards, in circumstances which have not been entirely cleared up." (JNV p. 113.) If Wizenthal thinks that the circumstances surrounding Wolfgang Gerhard's death are the only ones that want clearing up, he is sorely mistaken. Immediately after the liberation of the concentration camps, the majority of the SS guards were murdered - often after first being tortured horribly. With regard to Dachau I have documentary photos, taken by an eyewitness yet living, that prove this. In the other concentration camps - and here we have many more such gruesome pieces of evidence - similar orgies of murder took place. Even Wizenthal points us in that direction - unintentionally, no doubt: "Eighty out of the 1300 members of the SS who had belonged to the camp staff were convicted." (JNV p. 143 ). The unanswered question is: what happened to the others? Wizenthal admits that in the context of his man-hunts he can order demonstrations ready-made in any part of the world, with a simple phone call. Of course he takes care not to identify himself with the murders or attempted murders of his victims. However, he does have some tender nicknames for the Jewish assassins: "A few hotheads manufactured a bomb, but set it off in front of the wrong house, so that the home of some totally uninvolved person was wrecked." (JNV p. 153.) Anyone who trivializes murderers or assassins working with bombs as "hotheads" also shows that he is utterly uncritical or even approving of their crimes. 176 7. Death in the Kutschmann case. The extradition of Walter Kutschmann from Argentina was also problematic. At that point in his persecution, the man who disputed the existence of "gas chambers" did Wizenthal the expected favor: "On 30 August 1985 he died of cardiac arrest. " (JNV p. 173. ) Kutschmann did it in the hospital. Might this be another case where a "Jew within the surgeon came out on top"? (cf. JNV p. 138.) 8. Death in the Hrabatyn case. The Ukrainian Ivan Dimitrevich Hrabatyn was supposed to be extradited from Canada to Germany. The "witnesses" stood ready. But - for whatever reason - fate would have it that no-one would need to wait for the uncertain outcome of the extradition proceedings: "Except that Hrabatyn has been dead since 1980." (JNV p. 207.) 9. Death in the Globocnik case. Odilo Globocnik, the Carinthian whose closest colleagues were the two "deniers of the gas chambers" Hermann Hofle of Salzburg and Ernst Lerch of Klagenfurt, could not take the stand in court as an informed source and denier of the gas chambers: "Globocnik himself committed suicide in jai! in Villach in 1945..." (JNV p. 274.) 10. Death in the Höfle case. Globocnik's colleague Hermann Höfle was a particular thorn in Wizenthal's side. He had dared tell an examining magistrate that he had not even "heard rumors" of "gas chambers" in the Third Reich! He (Höfle) had not heard of "gassings" or "executions" until after the war, and then only through newspapers. A trial against Hofle would have had the exceedingly unpleasant side effect of allowing someone "in the know" to dispute the existence of "gas chambers" in the Third Reich from the high-profile platform of a jury court. But fortunate coincidence smiled on Wizenthal: 177 "On 20 August 1962, ten weeks after his transfer, he hanged himself in his solitary cell. " (JNV p. 278.) 11. Death in the Wagner case. In the case of Gustav Wagner as well, the hunted man's death took place at what, for his hunters, was the best possible time. After years of media campaigns and diplomatic initiatives by the Federal Republic of Germany, Brazil had definitely refused to extradite Wagner. Even during his detention, Wagner had suffered several heart attacks(!), but survived them by virtue of his extraordinary constitution. A man with such an uncooperative heart, which resisted the usual cause of death so persistently, might need to be helped along with more "conventional" means: "At the beginning of October he hanged himself at a remote farm." (JNV p. 95.) Summary: What is so noteworthy about the deaths of Wizenthal's victims is that this fate only struck those which Wizenthal failed to hunt down or which disputed the existence of "gas chambers" in the Third Reich. In both cases, the death rate - roughly estimated on the basis of the book analyzed here - is about 90%. Beyond that, a great many persons who were in a position to know about "gas chambers" in the Third Reich, and disputed their existence, also died most suddenly. One example is Richard Baer, commandant of Auschwitz and successor to Rudolf Höss; in 1965, middle-aged and evidently in good health, he died in prison in Frankfurt. How very dangerous it really was to dispute the "mass murder of Jews" in the Third Reich for the sake of their race follows from a letter by Hans-Ulrich Rudel: "As early as 1952 I already learned from Dr. Stuckart, the Secretary of State at the Ministry of the Interior, that the point of the Wannsee Conference had not been the physical destruction o/' Jews - neither explicitly nor ineplicitly. That, he said, was a whopping lie. Unfortunately he died in a car accident one year later (just like Otto Abetz and Ferdinand Marian)." (Freispruch für Hitler? p. 155.) 178 "Heart attacks", therefore, have largely replaced car accidents as the Mossad's method of choice - no doubt due to improvements in technique. From the cases listed and solidly documented here, it is clear that disputing the "mass murder of Jews" for the sake of their race leads to a rapid reduction of life expectancy for those doing the disputing. Even if one concedes that such disputing of the "gas chambers" is considered a crime by the laws in force in Germany and Austria, it still does not justify treacherous murder. It doesn't always need to be a heart attack: The assault on Professor Robert Faurisson. Concentration camp commandants who gave a different account of events in the camps under their charge than the victorious powers would have liked to hear were not the only ones at risk of their lives. The French university professor Dr. Robert Faurisson, for example, was attacked in 1988 by persons unknown, with the evident intent to kill him. The scholar's face was smashed horribly, and he only survived thanks to the aid of some good samaritans who happened to come along - but not before his jaw was broken in six places. As recently as February 1992, Wizenthal, who considers Faurisson's statements to be particularly dangerous, traveled to Spain in order to prevent the scholar from speaking to Spanish students. He shamelessly lied to the Spanish press by claiming that Faurisson had been repeatedly convicted by French courts for spreading lies. "Faurisson ha sido condenado en tres ocasiones por la justicia francesa por falsifrcacidn andsemita de la historia,' se recordaba en el comunicado."(El Pais, February 18, 1992.) This is the common factor in the attacks on Alois Brunner and Professor Faurisson: both were considered by Wizenthal to be potential opponents due to what they knew - though they had acquired their knowledge in fundamentally different ways. An account by Ernst Zundel proves that Wizenthal-sympathizers are also capable of using far cruder methods. In one of his newsletters Zündel wrote: "A Ukrainian by the name of Walter Osidach, who was suspected just as shrilly of having been a monster in human form, suffered.. a heart attack(!). "Members of a Jewish terrorist gang snuck into the hospital, rushed into the room where the critically ill patient lay, wildly shook his bed and tried to tear out the tubes he was hooked up to for oxygen, blood transfusions etc. 179 "Patients and nurses were just barely able to prevent 0sidach's certain death. No-one called the police. Everyone was afraid 0sidach was later found innocent, and died shortly thereafter. " Any experienced criminologist will rule out the possibility that this mysterious aggregate of accidents and heart attacks that seek out the bearers of secrets from the Third Reich like an epidemic could be coincidental. Any criminal investigation begins with the question "qui bono?" - "who benefits?" Or, to put it another way: who had a motive? It's simply not acceptable that Wizenthal, the only man in the world to bear the title "Nazi hunter", should be excluded from criminological investigation into the mysterious deaths of his victims. In all the cases discussed, the suspicion of murder involving Wizenthal is deepened by the fact that Wizenthal himself has admitted to having "worked well together" with Tuvia Friedmann for years after the war (Profil, July 25, 1988, p. 16). Precisely those years, however, are the time frame for an activity of Friedmann's which the German journalist and author Hans Peter Rullmann describes in his book Der Fall Demjanjuk as follows: "After the Second World War he (referring to Friedmann) led a commando which liquidated German suspects without a triab." (pp. 131 and 145.) But if it was Friedmann's vocation during that time to liquidate suspects, and if he worked together with Wizenthal precisely during that same time, then we may conclude that Wizenthal was involved in these murders, as well as in the crimes described in the previous. In the "ten cases" which Wizenthal calls "typical" and in which the hunted all fail to confess to the "gas chambers", all the victims expire at the point in time most convenient and favorable to the Nazi hunter. No criminologist can possibly regard this as a coincidence. But what shall one think when one considers that more than half of these deaths (Rauff, Stangl, Roschmann, Kutschmann, Wagner and Mengele) are heart attacks? One also notices that the last commandant of Auschwitz, Richard Baer - a "denier of the gas chambers" as well - also suffered a mysterious death in 1965 in Frankfurt, during his detention awaiting trial. He was just over 50, and healthy as a horse. The cause of his death? Heart attack! "Tesla Rays"? The son of the Carinthian Gauleiter Rainer, engineer Friedl Rainer, who had gathered and shared with me an extensive collection of evidence 180 incriminating Wizenthal - (and incidentally, engineer Rainer died in hospital at age 54, under strange attendant circumstances, as his sister informed me; cause of death: heart attack!) - had carried on a friendly correspondence with a German Jew named Kaufmann. On the suggestion of engineer Fried] Rainer, this Kaufmann, who periodically sent newsletters to a small circle of his friends, also included me on his mailing list. In these newsletters Kaufmann claimed that he had once spent two years in Israel contributing to the development of a secret weapon based on the so-called "Tesla rays" which, he said, could be aimed at a person at home from a considerable distance away. At a lower intensity these rays would cause insomnia and ill health and, at a higher dosage, cardiac arrest. Kaufmann also gave advice as to how one could protect oneself against these rays (for example with metal sheeting, etc.). However, since I knew that people suffering from paranoia are often afraid of "rays" and the like, I paid no attention to these newsletters, despite their rather fascinating style of composition. Water in the bath tub? In his last newsletter Kaufmann shared with his readers a method with which one could improvise protection against this ray weapon if one should happen to know that one was being targeted: Jump into the bath tub (in one's clothes, so as not to lose time), fill the tub with water, and wait there until the danger is past. The letter also stated that the German politicians were aware of this weapon and its use on German soil by the Israeli secret service Mossad. For the aforementioned reasons I paid no attention to this letter either. I thought it odd, however, that only a few days later the West German politician Uwe Barschel - just over 40, on the upwards track of a brilliant career, athletic and successful - was found dead in a Geneva hotel room. His body was found, fully clothed, in the bath tub, and the water was still running! Another point of note: in his last newsletter, mentioned above, Kaufmann had also reported that he would have to have an operation in the hospital soon, and that he was afraid that during his stay there he would be murdered by the Israeli Mossad, with the method he had exposed and denounced. A few days later Kaufmann was dead. Of a heart attack! 181 Austrian heart attacks and the Near East. Without knowing Herrn Kaufmann, and without being aware of the "serial heart attacks" among the "deniers of the gas chambers", the Austrian author and journalist Hans Pretterebner also noticed a strange series of heart attacks claiming the lives of people who had become a thorn in the sides of international Freemasonry or the Israeli-American lobby in Austria. In his book Der Fall Lucona, with which he brought Vienna's leading Freemason, Udo Proksch, behind bars for murder, and two Social Democratic Ministers to trial, Pretterebner writes in this context: "The 53 year-old (referring to Otto Kolbl, witness for the defense) who had never been ill before and had never needed medical care, was dead on the spot. The parallels to other recent mysterious deaths are clear: "From the sudden heart attack and death of the Austrian ambassador in Athens, Herbert Amry, after he had reported the smuggling of weapons from the United Austrian Iron and Steel Works.. to the Vienna Foreign Office in summer 1985, to the heart attack suffered by the chief minister of Schleswig Holstein, Uwe Barschel, who had been involved in some mysterious goings-on and whose body was found in tile bathtub of a hotel in Geneva. "Another prominent personage to succumb to cardiac arrest was Heribert Apfalter, the former Director of the United Austrian Iron and Steel Works, who died suddenly in his country house in autumn 1987, only a few days after testifying before the District Court of Linz regarding the Iran weapons affair. A stranger invited him to a meeting at a service inn along the western Autobahn. Four or five hours later Apfalter was dead No external causative factors were ever found in any of these cases." (Der Fall Lucona, p. 356.) A strange cause of death walks the streets in Austria and throughout the world. But the police does not investigate. The media sees no pattern among the deaths. The politicians are silent. The fact that two Jewish attorneys named Lansky and Zanger were in the aforementioned Freemason Udo Proksch's camp seems unremarkable in the context of the mysterious deaths here at issue. However, we have already met these two Jewish left-wing radicals once before in this book (see the chapter "Wizenthal's Revenge"), namely as participants in that Jewish commando that wormed its way into the Austrian Parliament on November 20, 1991, under the leadership of Szymon Wizenthal masquerading as 182 academically accredited engineer, in order to force a law against "deniers of the gas chambers". This highlights the interconnections in this confusing game, without which one could easily lose track. That the borders between East and West grow somewhat fuzzy in the process doesn't matter: the strange death that claims the inconvenient elements in Wizenthal's vicinity is always the same. Just as an aside, it is interesting to note that engineer Wolf-Rüdiger Heß, the son of Hitler's second-in-command Rudolf Heß, suffered a heart attack just as he was about to expose his father's death as murder to a group of foreign journalists. Another element fits seamlessly into the pattern of serial deaths: in the trial against Schwammberger, that witness for the defense about whom it had become known at the last minute that he would exonerate the accused, collapsed dead at the start of his testimony in court. He was the former SS Oberscharführer Erich Scharf. Cause of death: heart attack. Therefore, in the cases described by Szymon Wizenthal as "typical", in which the majority of the hunted victims died mysteriously, and particularly in the case of the murderous attacks against Alois Brunner, I bring charges against Wizenthal on at least twelve counts of murder or acting as accessory to murder. Szymon Wizenthal (he goes by the name of Simon Wiesenthal) is an Austrian citizen and resides in Vienna. Due to the grave risk of escape, collusion and repeated offence on his part, I urge that the suspect be detained without delay, pending trial. 23 The False Witness Factory Photos Wizenthal deliberately gives false information. He calls it "planting a time-bomb". Wizenthal admits imputing treacherous murder to innocent persons. Wizenthal buys information. American embassy in Poland serves as interrogation chamber. "We were sending photographs of the Braunsleiner woman to every victims' association we knew of..." "We made a last attempt: Frau Erna Birnbach accused Bender o/' the murder of her cousin..." "From Israel we received the names of fourteen lrennese Jews who had survived.. and could give evidence on H6Jle's activities." "On the other hand I discovered the testimony of a Yugoslav journalist..." Wizenthal escorts witnesses for the prosecution in to examining magistrate Buchgraber arm in arm. Never was Szymon Wizenthal's role as head of the false witness ring more openly apparent than on Friday, October 15, 1992. Once again he had sought a victims, and believed he had found it in the 74-year-old ethnic Slovenian dentist Dr. Sabukoschek of Graz. That the accused is one-quarter Jewish, that he fled to Belgrade as opponent of National Socialism and, apprehended by the German Wehrmacht, served there as interpreter for the German side was just a small drop of bitterness for the "Nazi hunter" who could not contain his enthusiasm for attack. As always, the false witnesses stood at the ready, only this time - as a press report from October 16, 1992 (Kronen-Zeitung, Vienna) documents - Wizenthal could pull up right outside the District Court of Graz with "his" witness Maria Krauss, whom he escorted personally to her questioning by the judge. The examining magistrate (see p. ) who made this possible - despite the fact that witnesses are not generally allowed to waltz into court in obvious collusion with their handlers - is an old acquaintance of ours: Dr. Karl Buchgraber, the same examining magistrate who already made a name for himself as shady character in another case. In the political show trial against Franz Radl, a 24-year-old student with an impeccable record, Buchgraber distinguished himself with two utterly unprofessional and inappropriate measures: he had denied the extremely nearsighted student Franz Radl his corrective lenses (-24 diopters!), a fiendish step that by far exceeded in cruelty even the orders of Dr. Freissler, President of the People's Court, to 187 deprive the accused of their suspenders and belts. Second, in the same political trial (it dealt with the distribution of fliers, and Franz Radl was sentenced to 15 months in jail), Buchgraber ordered psychiatric treatment for this highly intelligent student of unexceptionable character. In other words, Szymon Wizenthal found a kindred spirit in Graz such as he had not had since death of the Israeli chief public prosecutor Gideon Hausner. Wizenthal's penchant for misinformation. As you can see, the best means for exposing Wizenthal is Wizenthal himself. His pleasure in making false accusations becomes just as clear from the following passages from his book as his lack of any morals that might alert him to the reprehensible nature of his acts: "So as not to place the journalist in too difficult a position I didn't tell him that I was about to give him a deliberately false piece of information. From the men in the photograph I had simply picked one who had caught my eye by his enormous projecting ears. I now told Mario: `This one is Gustav Wagner. He's showing himself quite publicly in Brazil...'" (JNV p. 93.) Nothing could show more clearly the cold-blooded and criminal quality of Wizenthal's character: He chooses a man at random, only for sake of his projecting ears, and with the aid of a criminal Jewish journalist he drags his photo through the world media as that of a mass murderer. No serious criminologist ever availed himself of such a low tactic, and no frivolous one ever lacked any sense of justice so completely as to be blind to the wrongful nature of his acts and then to even boast publicly of his iniquity. Wizenthal "plants a time-bomb". Another piece of false information which Wizenthal puts into public circulation about one of his victims is equally low. Together with the author Forsyth he concocted a film script whose main character was supposed to be Eduard Roschmann, Wizenthal's prey at the time. In the context of the crimes attributed to the hunted man's character in the film, Wizenthal brags disgustingly: 188 "Forsyth remained in touch with me, and we discussed the individual chapters. This enable me to plant a further time-bomb. I asked him to insert a scene which would make Roschmann lose the sympathies of his former comrades Forsyth had his fugitive shoot dead a German officer in order to grab his place on an evacuation ship during the German retreat." (JNV p. 99. ) So Wizenthat, proud and gleeful, announces that he falsely accused a German officer of a heinous crime which Wizenthal knows full well he never committed, and that he did so publicly, in a movie which later actually played around the world. We see, therefore, that Wizenthal's own admissions prove that he possesses such depravity of character that one can really not put it past him to fill the atrocious role of coordinator of a worldwide clique of Jewish false witnesses. Wizenthal buys information. In Wizenthal's accounts the individuals who can be bought are always SS-men who have "come down in the world". (It's strange that all former SS-men whom I myself have known always struck me as very correct and proper, even in advanced age.) At one point in his book, Wizenthal has such a product of his imagination waltz into his office and make the following demand in return for the address of the commandant of Treblinka: " `I want one cent for every dead person. Seven hundred thousand cents.. that's seven thousand dollars... a steal of a price."` (JNV p. 85.) Of course Wizenthal is deeply outraged by this "filthy man". He knows full well that for the sake of his image in his readers' eyes he must now put on a bit of an act, so that his love of treason should not also seem like love of the traitor: "I pressed my hands against my desk top so as not to strike him in the face... `You don't get a penny from me today,' I said, `but if Stangl is arrested on the strength of your information you shall have the money."` (JNV p. 85.) That is Szymon Wizenthal's grisly world. That's how he lives. That's how he works. 189 Wizenthal, the hub of the witness wheel: Endless supply of witnesses for individual murders. On page 17 (JNV, foreword) it states clearly: "Wiesenthal produced seventeen witnesses of personal murders committed by Murer." On pages 152-153 Wizenthal reveals: "Meanwhile we were sending out photographs of the Braunsteiner woman to every victims' association we knew of, and soon we were receiving witnesses' reports from a great variety of countries... Nevertheless, at Mr. Longo's request, we brought two witnesses from Yugoslavia to Henna, where they made statements in 1968. Two witnesses were also questioned at the US embassy in Warsaw." This establishes the very thing that the totally uninformed sworn court expert Professor Dr. Jagschitz, testifying at my trial in May 1992, professed not to believe: Namely, that there is a global witness procurement machinery whose reservoir is made up of the so-called victims' associations, whose leading participants are the Israeli and American Ambassadors posted at the required locations, and whose figurehead is Szymon Wizenthal. Sending photographs of the accused around the world, revamping embassies to serve as satellite courts, and the assumption of the examining magistrate's agendas by American and Israeli embassy staff indicate both the extent and the identity of the anti-German forces here at work. Such machinations have no foundation in "rule of law". On page 204 of Justice Not Vengeance we learn: "The Israeli police had meanwhile, at our (how odd that Wizenthal always speaks of himself and his alleged "one-man operation" in the plural) request, questioned four further witnesses against Hrabatyn and passed their depositions on to the Canadian embassy. Eventually we also heard from witnesses who were themselves living in Canada and who were willing to give evidence in court. From the point of view of the criminal investigation the case seemed to be wrapped up." In the last sentence Wizenthal errs: it is not from the point of view of the criminal investigation, but from the point of view of the procurement of witnesses, that the case is wrapped up - and not the Hrabatyn case either, but the Wizenthal case. Speaking of himself in the plural, as he is wont to do, Wizenthal reveals (JNV p. 266): 190 "We even made a last legal attempt: Frau Erna Birnbach accused Bender of the murder of her cousin Blauner... at the Plaszow concentration camp." This attempt as well is not legal, but criminal and constitutes the procurement of false witness testimonies. On page 274 of JNV Wizenthal continues referring to himself and his small office in the "royal We". What he says speaks volumes: "From Israel we received the names of fourteen Viennese Jews who had survived... and could give evidence on H6ffle's activities." And on p. 306 he instructs us in the many different uses a journalist may have in Wizenthalian strategy: "On the other hand I discovered the testimony of a Yugoslav journalist, Hrvoje MacanoviÀ, who had given evidence against Gogl in Zagreb, and within a short time an appeal by the organization of Mauthausen exprisoners was overwhelmingly successful." On p. 284 we once again meet one of those young Jews that like to drop in on Wizenthal: "In February 1980 a young man by the name of Vadim Meniker turned up at my office: he had been sent to Vienna by the Jewish Agency ...." "As the statute of limitations for murder had not yet expired, and as I was now in possession of an important new piece of testimony and, moreover, could at any time obtain a second one - from David Meniker - 1... requested Prosecutor General Karl Marschall..." (JNV p. 287.) Well, finally Wizenthal comes clean about the bottorn line: being able to "obtain testimony at any time" - that's the subculture we find when we examine Wizenthal. How embarrassing: the employees greet their boss. On p. 307 of Justice Not Vengeance Wizenthal lifts another veil: "I myself had made it a practice, wherever possible, not to attend a trial, because witnesses would invariably come up to talk to me (yes, of course) and this would then be interpreted by defence counsel as attempts on my part to influence their evidence... (you're joking) The Gogl case had been well prepared There were unquestionable and convincing testimonies by witnesses. But the atmosphere surrounding the trial..." (JNV p. 307.) Witness for the prosecution cracks. The following quotation demonstrates how Wizenthal deals with a witness whom he has deemed worthy of appearing for the prosecution and who then, in a fit of remorse, actually reveals the truth. On p. 308 he simply brands such a man as a criminal, disregarding completely the fact that only moments before he had been ready to send him to court as credible witness: "A second testimony likewise was out of the ordinary: it was by a witness called Magnus Keller who had been appointed camp elder by the SS .... During his interrogation by the Allied military tribunal in Dachau in 1946 Keller had still stood squarely by the prisoners and had called Gogl one of the most dangerous murderers... But in the Linz trial Keller's testimony had suddenly changed: he could not recall his evidence to the American military tribunal; all he knew about Gogl was that he had been a protector of the prisoners." What is interesting here is Wizenthal's phrase, "...still stood squarely by the prisoners...". So Wizenthal differentiates not between truth and falsehood, but between standing by the prisoners and standing by the accused. There is no middle ground in his black-and-white world. With the help of the OSI (Office of Special Investigations), and with the help of Israeli public prosecutors and judges who suborn witnesses all over the world by paying them personal visits, in the course of which they suggest events and arrange for testimony that did not even yet exist at the time the victim in question had been selected - with the help of all this, the backing for Wizenthal's forays is assured. 24 Szymon Wizenthal's 32 Miracles Suddenly Szymon claims that what justified the SS guards' existence in the eyes of the National Socialist leadership was not the elimination, but the "tending" of Jews (see 8th Miracle). Why were the last witnesses who would incriminate the SS being fattened up? 1st Miracle. "Both of them were Nazis. [..] Within their own sphere - in addition to the forced labour men they had fifty German railway officials under them - they saw to it strictly that the Jews were treated fairly. Not even in the Third Reich was there an official order that Jews must be beaten, spat on or left to starve. "(JNV p. 9. ) Nothing is more typical of Szymon Wizenthal's penchant for lying and story-telling than the quantity and quality of the miracles he was favored with. He describes it as miraculous that his superior officer Kohlrautz treated him well. And Wizenthal admits, truthfully for once, that there was no order in the Third Reich to the effect that Jews must be beaten, spat on or starved. Since the incomparably strict discipline in the Third Reich made it impossible for officers to earn brownie points by violating extant orders and laws, this miracle discovered by Wizenthal must be exposed as non-miracle. In his book Teufel and Verdammte, which he wrote on the basis of his seven years in the concentration camps, Benedikt Kautsky - that legendary Social-Democratic and German-thinking, German-feeling Jew from Austria - has given a clear and unequivocal testimonial showing that acts of cruelty, excesses, and particularly murders, where these were committed at all, were generally the province of criminal or Polish camp overseers. By describing the proper treatment he received at the hands of Germans as "miraculous", Wizenthal is merely attempting - as usual for him - to portray the National Socialist regime in a propagandistically negative, untruthful and one-sided way. 2nd Miracle. "In the afternoon of 6 July 1941 Simon Wiesenthal...(note the phoney spelling of the name) was arrested and, along with about a hundred 193 lawyers, doctors and teachers, marched to the Brygidki prison. The Jews were ordered to stand up in several rows facing the wall and to fold their arms behind their necks. Beside each of them was an empty wooden box A Ukrainian started the execution by shooting from the left end of the first row; two of his helpers flung the bodies into the boxes standing ready... This lasted throughout an afternoon. "Suddenly the church bells rang, and somebody called: `Enough for now, vespers!' "The shooting stopped. Ten yards from Wiesenthal." (JNY p. 7-8, foreword by P.M. L.) This second miracle that Wizenthal serves up shows how badly the actual victims of the persecution of Jews in the Second World War are being disparaged by Wizenthal's mendacious propaganda and cock-and-bull stories. On p. 36 Wizenthal tells of bloody pogroms by Ukrainian auxiliary troops who had shot numerous Jews after the Red Army had beaten the German Wehrmacht back. In principle this could very well be true, since I have heard from former members of the Wehrmacht that German soldiers, including soldiers from the Waffen-SS, had often stood up before Jewish people to shield them with their bodies from angry armed Ukrainians who, blinded by the belief that all Jews were collectively responsible for the crimes of Jewish-Bolshevist murderers, were after their blood. But what does Wizenthal, who obviously knows of these dreadful events only through hear-say, make of them? He claims that he and about 100 intellectuals were marched to the Brygidki prison where a Ukrainian began shooting the prisoners - a barbarous act that is supposed to have "lasted throughout an afternoon". Only the ringing of church bells, announcing vespers, put an end to the shooting. Ten yards from Wizenthal. While the religious fervor of the Ukrainians who let their work be interrupted by the tolling of church bells already seems less than credible, it is equally unbelievable that it should have taken an entire afternoon to fire 100 shots, even if only one single marksman had been at work. Even if one sets the length of the Wizenthalian afternoon at only three hours, I have calculated that for the alleged massacre to actually have taken the entire afternoon the bullets would have to have traversed the estimated distance of three meters between marksman and victims at the blazing speed of fully one centimeter per minute. And at this point I recall that for the American "liberators" to mow down the 350 surviving German concentration camp guards, and for Wizenthal's concentration camp buddies to liquidate the wounded who had survived the massacre, only took a few minutes. (See Buechner, The Hour of the Avenger, and the photos on pp. ff., this volume.) 194 So the murderers from among the ranks of the American Army and the liberated concentration camp inmates evidently worked 30 to 100 times faster than the "industrial-style mass murder machinery" of the Third Reich. Embarrassing - very embarrassing. Beyond that, Wizenthal must also be informed in this context that his fantastic witnesses (and my attorney Dr. Schaller has copies of the relevant documents in his possession) claimed that two men armed with small-caliber guns murdered 30,000 people in Treblinka per day. Thus, the snail's-pace massacre which Wizenthal expects us to believe took an entire afternoon and culminated in his salvation by the vesper bells degenerates into an armchair miracle. The Second Wizenthal Miracle no doubt took place in his absence. The old fraud only jokes with horror. 3rd Miracle. "The SS intended to celebrate the Führer's birthday with a sacrifice of Jews. "Those selected for execution by shooting, about twenty men, were made to stand by the so-called `tube' [...] For the second time in his life Wiesenthal was - almost like the doctor's, `Next please' - waiting for his death. [..] "Wiesenthal's rescuers were Germans, and members of the Nazi party. [..] at the camp office [one] demanded the return of his `painter'. A big banner with a swastika on a white ground had to be urgently painted in time for the celebrations that afternoon." (JNV p. 9-10, foreword by P. M. L.) The third miracle begins almost before the second is properly finished. Wizenthal claims that the SS wished to celebrate the Führer's birthday (April 20, 1943) by sacrificing some Jews. This allegation of "ritual murder" should be examined by a psychoanalyst. Due to the severe punishment that was imposed for high-handed excesses committed against Jews (cf. p. ), such an event - which, incidentally, is in complete contradiction of Kautsky's shocking accounts of everyday concentration camp life - seems utterly unbelievable. Nothing of the sort ever took place, and not even all the manipulated and falsified "war crimes trial files" put together will turn up any such "birthday party". But let's continue with Wizenthal's story: just as his turn was about to come, a German superior rushed up and demanded that Wizenthal, the artistically talented, return with him to the land of the living, there to paint 195 swastikas. Wizenthal thanks his savior, who, incidentally, was a member of the National Socialist party, and cites him as "proof that there is no such thing as collective guilt". At which point one must ask oneself why the children of Szymon's savior are not then exempt from having to pay restitution. And another question: must one have saved Wizenthal's life in order to be exempted by him from collective guilt? Or should one not also exempt those 80 million other Germans who shot no Jews on the Führer's birthday, from the responsibility for murder and mayhem? 4th Miracle. "In 1943, when the SS started to deport the last surviving Jewish forced labourers from industrial plants, the Nazi Kohlrautz encouraged Simon Wiesenthal to escape. `What more are you waiting for?'[..] As an escort he chose for him a feeble-minded Ukrainian police auxiliary..." (JNV p. 10-11, foreword by P.M. L.) The fourth miracle as well, another in the unbroken chain of divine interventions that ensured Wizenthal's deliverance, proves that Wizenthal constantly encountered noble and humane National Socialists: Nazi Kohlrautz again helped him to escape, at the risk of his own life. That feeble-minded persons are rather rare in police service is just an aside. The next miracle wasn't long in coming. 196 5th Miracle. "SS and Polish police officers in civilian clothes searched the nearby houses for hidden weapons. [..] He was marched off for the third time to, as he believed, his certain execution." (JNV p. 11, foreword by P.M.L.) Before we examine the fifth miracle we must note that Wizenthal's curriculum vitae has now been cleansed of an embarrassing cock-and-bull story: in the post-1945 affidavit he had stated that at this point in his life he had been "in the woods, fighting the Germans", and had attained a high officer's rank as partisan virtually overnight. JNV no longer mentions this whopping lie: instead, Wizenthal now makes his way to the home of Jewish friends and prefers a hideaway under the floorboards to the rough lifestyle of a partisan. And so the way is clear for the fifth miracle: Wizenthal is discovered, but not - as allegedly usual - shot by the SS for his attempted escape, but instead is spared. 6th Miracle. "...while being taken to the Gestapo he cut his wrists with a razor blade he kept hidden in his clothes. The Gestapo nursed him back to health in prison, on special rations, in order to shoot him according to regulations." (JNV p. 11, foreword by P.M. L.) Strangely enough, Wizenthal is then taken to the Gestapo - something that was absolutely not customary where Jewish prisoners were concerned. Here, Wizenthal claims, he cut his wrists with a razor blade. And now Wizenthal once again mistakes the matter-of-fact correctness and decency of the German authorities for divine providence when he reports that the Gestapo nursed him back to health on special rations. But the next miracle was already waiting in the wings. 197 7th Miracle. "The camp commandant, SS Hauptsturmführer Friedrich Warzog, welcomed him with great cordiality as `one of my regulars. He introduced him to his colleagues as the `prodigal son returned home.'" (JNV p. 11-12, foreword by P.M.L.) SS-Hauptsturmführer Friedrich Warzog, instead of executing the returned refugee as was allegedly usual, greeted him, as Wizenthal himself says, "with great cordiality" as "one of his regulars", and introduced him to his colleagues as "the prodigal son returned home". Wizenthal comments on this seventh miracle by adding that "it is well-nigh impossible for anyone not familiar with the conditions then to believe in such capricious twists of fate". (JNV p. 12.) He completely fails to realize that his account of the "miracles" he has enjoyed by no means tells of "capricious twists of fate" but rather of a continuous sequence of correct and humane treatment at the hands of the spokespersons of the National Socialist power. It is therefore completely out of place, and in contradiction of Wizenthal's previous accounts, for our friend to add here: "The absolute power which the SS had arrogated to itself over the lives of humans would now and again, after a thousand murders, manifest itself in someone, without any reason, being granted life." Szymon forgets that this favor was bestowed, not on just "someone", but on him, and not once, but incessantly. 8th Miracle. "Wiesenthal's absurd salvation from death was followed a few days later by a clemency order. The reasons were entirely rational: the SS needed to have prisoners to guard [..] SS men without specific duties were being sent to the front. Thus the thirty-four Jews who had survived along with Wiesenthal became a life insurance for two hundred SS men. Warzog, who no doubt had been considering what they had best say if taken prisoner by the Russians, invited the Jews to form `a big family' with the SS men." (JNV p. 12, foreword by P.M.L.) A short time later Wizenthal enjoys additional clemency by being formally spared any disciplinary action relating to his attempted escape; yet such disciplinary measures are the norm in camps of all warring powers. But all this clemency is coming to be too much even for Wizenthal himself. Probably to prevent his readers from growing suspicious, Wizenthal 198 hastens to strip this leniency of any possible humanitarian motives and to supply base motives instead in a hair-raising explanatory tale: he alleges that the SS only let him live because they needed Jews to guard so as not to be sent to the front to join the fighting forces. To save the lives of Wizenthal and 33 other Jews, 200 SS-men were given permission to retreat? In the Third Reich? Such a claim can only be made out of complete and total ignorance of the realities in the German concentration camps, where the so-called Kapo system permitted a ratio of 1:100 between the guards and the guarded. Wizenthal fails to realize that by making this claim he denies that the Third Reich could have wanted to "exterminate" the Jews at all. He forgets that according to the official version of things, the job of the SS was to exterminate the Jews, not to take tender care of them. Embarrassing. Very embarrassing. In the course of his eighth miracle, Wizenthal attempts to revise the above ratio to one of 7:1. And he has nothing but acid scorn for SS-Hauptsturmführer Warzog who, in view of the imminent joint retreat, "invited the Jews to form'a big family' with the SS men". At this point Wizenthal stretches his readers' credulity to the breaking point: he claims that the SS-men had let him and the other 33 Jews live so that they would provide a sort of "life insurance" for the SS who would thus not look so very bad if they were taken prisoner by the Russians. Szymon forgets that he normally tries to make people believe that the SS, quite to the contrary, used to assure their protection by eliminating all witnesses, accessories and accomplices - which would be quite credible if one were to believe the alleged atrocities. He neglects to give us any kind of explanation for this downright idiotic deviation from the alleged standard practice, i.e. for the apparently nonsensical exception that let witnesses to alleged murder and manslaughter remain alive. In situations where "life insurance", according to Wizenthal, normally consisted of murder, we can hardly assume that the selfsame "life insurance" simultaneously required the SS men to share their last piece of bread. Wizenthal has failed to see that the fattening of the incriminating witnesses is the real miracle which he should explain to us in this context! 199 24 more miracles. "After being arrested by the Nazis in 1941, he spent the years until the end of the war in a total of twelve concentration camps." (Back cover of Recht, nicht Rache, the German original of Justice Not Vengeance.) But these eight miracles, quoted from a single chapter of Wizenthal's book, do not make up the whole of Wizenthal's cock-and-bull stories. You, my reader, should also know that Szymon claims (back cover, Recht, nicht Rache) to have done time in a total of twelve concentration camps. [Translator's note: at least, that's what he claimed in his book Recht, nicht Rache, the German original of Justice Not Vengeance. By the time this book was translated into English, he changed his mind: in JNV, p. 7, he now claims to have survived only "half a dozen" concentration camps. Can't he make up his mind?] And anyone who has taken a closer look at our subject will no longer be surprised to find that in his (perjurious) affidavits Wizenthal is able to name only two known camps (see pages and ), and only from the last stage of the Second World War, indicating that his "fate of persecution" obviously did not begin until after the "Holo", from which he was just as obviously exempted. But what could be logical about the thoughts and actions of a man who has for almost half a century made his living by fraud and sought his satisfaction in slander? If we were to assume for a moment that Wizenthal really had been imprisoned in twelve different concentration camps, and if we subtract the miracle of his liberation by the American occupiers (though in actual fact the camp was not "liberated", but handed over to the Red Cross by the Germans), 23 further miracles remain: on every arrival in a concentration camp, according to Wizenthal, a "selection" determined life or death for the arrivals, 90% of which allegedly did not survive this selection process. A statistician should draw up a probability analysis of Wizenthal's collection of miracles - it would be just one more way to demonstrate the nonsense contained therein. In order for Wizenthal to leave one concentration camp for another, another selection must have been made as per certain other criteria; we therefore find eleven more Wizenthal Miracles. There is one miracle which does strike me as truly wondrous and which also seemed thus to Austria's Chancellor Dr. Kreisky, to whom this book is dedicated, but which Wizenthal cannot and will not appreciate as such a divine manifestation: namely, that in the days of the German fronts' fateful ,struggle for life and death, in whose service the last reserves of strength of 200 the Reich and the German Railway were placed, enough of the crucially valuable road and rail transport capacity could be spared to enable the genuinely miraculous and rationally inexplicable travel activities - covering thousands of kilometers amid the chaos of total war - of our brilliant fraud Szymon Wizenthal of Galicia. 25 Lies Photos and documents "...none of the accused in the post-1945 Nazi trials disputed the existence of gaschambers."(Kurier, Vienna, December 10, 1989.) " nearly all Nazis in virtually all their trials - Lerch denied everything: he had done nothing and he had known nothing; ...." (JNV p. 281.) Perhaps the most shameless but also most vitally essential lie spouted by Szymon Wizenthal is the claim that he has repeatedly made without being contradicted, namely, that in all the post-1945 trials the captured SS guards and officers had admitted (i.e. not disputed) the existence of gas chambers. In the Austrian newspaper Kurier of December 10, 1989, for example. Wizenthal said: "If Herr Weiss has studied this matter, he should know that none of the accused in the post-1945 Nazi trials disputed the existence of gas chambers. All they disputed was the role they themselves had played." He still insisted on this claim as late as 1990, in the brochure Amoklauf gegen die Wirklichkeit, published by the Documentary Archives of the Austrian Resistance in complicity with the Federal Austrian Ministry of Education and Culture under its Minister Scholten (real name: Pfefferkorn). On page 5 of this brochure Wizenthal alleges with impunity: "I was in the audience at the trial that took place in 1968 in Düsseldorf against Franz Stangl, the commandant of the extermination camp Treblinka.. In his testimony Stangl tried to win the court's sympathy for the difficulties he had had to manage. As proof of the difficult nature of his job he reported that on some days 18,000 Jews were 'delivered' by rail who had to be marched into the gas chambers, pulled out again and finally buried." This testimony stands in irreconcilable contradiction to the opinion of Franz Stangl's wife who, according to Wizenthal himself, said with respect to her husband's work: "`My husband was a decent, proper man who did his duty,' she said about the work of the commandant of Treblinka; `he never laid hands on an inmate, at most he had to shout at one of them now and again..." (JNV p. 92. ) This is reinforced by another quotation from Wizenthal's opus, where he repeats Stangl's own words at this Düsseldorf show trial: "I only did my duty." (JNV p. 87.) 208 This can hardly be construed as an attempt by the defendant to justify the existence of a gas chamber. Wizenthal also forgets that Stangl's deputy, Kurt Franz. is still alive today, serving a life prison term. Wizenthal also forgets that in the Demjanjuk trial the court in Israel decided to do without Kurt Franz as witness even though he would have been the only one there in a position to identify the accused, Demjanjuk; the court feared that Franz would not only exonerate Demjanjuk but call the gas chamber of Treblinka itself into question (cf Rullmann. Der Fall Demjanjuk, pp. 178f.). In the same foreword to the brochure Amoklauf gegen die Wirklichkeit Wizenthal also claims that the existence of gas chambers had been confirmed by another authoritative source: "In the early 1970s a trial was held in Vienna against Walter Dejaco and Josef Ertl of the Auschwitz Central Building Administration. The two SS officers had carried out or supervised the construction of the gas chambers and crematoria. In the course of the trial Dejaco said that prior to the construction of the gassing facilities in Auschwitz leis superior had sent him to Kulmhof to examine and study a similar facility there. In that facility, the exhaust gas from powerful automobile engines was being piped into sealed rooms, asphyxiating the people locked into these rooms." (Amoklaufgegen die Wirklichkeit, p. 5.) Wizenthal lies. Dejaco and Ertl, the two SS officers with the longest service records to serve in the immediate vicinity of the alleged gas chamber, were acquitted by the court, which would be inconceivable if they had played the key roles in the "National Socialist mass murders". Interestingly, precisely this most significant testimony regarding the alleged murder weapon of the "Holocaust" has gone missing from the archives of the Vienna District Court, and neither the charge nor the testimony of the accused can be reconstructed from the verdict, which remains. However, from Robert Verbelen, who attended this trial as spectator and who was in touch with the defendants, I know that these defendants had not been charged with the construction of a gas chamber, but exclusively in connection with the construction of the crematoria. The acquittals were handed down because the accused were able to prove that the devastating typhus epidemic, which could not be brought under control in Auschwitz for two years despite the disinfestation of clothing and barracks with the disinfestation agent Zyklon B, made the construction of the crematoria imperative in order to cremate the bodies of up to 150 typhus victims daily. One must ask oneself who could have a vested interest in the disappearance of what are perhaps the most significant post-War trial files, and the 209 answer is clear: only that side which is eager to falsity the actual trial proceedings Since trial files - especially when they take up half a cubic meter - cannot spontaneously vanish without a trace, least of all from the bestguarded building in Austria, it seems reasonable to suppose that these tiles were quietly removed with collaboration from among the highest echelons. In order to expose, in all its audacity, Wizenthal's indispensable lie of the "SS guards who confessed", we shall now examine this claim in the context of each of the twelve "war criminals" whose cases Wizenthal calls "typical" (JNV p. vii), and shall expose Wizenthal's lies in the easiest way possible: through Wizenthal himself. Even university professor Jagschitz, a member of the Wizenthal lobby and the man against whom I have brought criminal charges for drawing up a false and dishonest "court expert report", admitted in court that a number of SS men persisted in disputing the existence of gas chambers, even before Allied tribunals in both East and West and despite the devastating personal consequences such an action had. In the context of those of Wizenthal's lies which I shall expose here, however, I do not ask the reader to take my word for the old hatemonger's mendacity; I merely wish to give everyone and anyone, regardless of his political and ideological standpoint, the opportunity to draw his own conclusions regarding the notorious liar Wizenthal, based on his very own testimonials. For on page 281 of JNV, the work of Wizenthal's old age, he writes exactly the opposite of what he wrote in Amoklauf gegen die Wirklichkeit, the Austrian Ministry of Education's hatemongering piece of incitement, and what he likes to spout on other occasions (see aforementioned) in various newspapers and other statements: " nearly all Nazis in virtually all their trials - Lereh denied everything: he had done nothing and he had known nothing;..." We can see that Wizenthal's lies are best refuted by Wizenthal himself. A list of those who were "in the know" about what was happening in the concentration camps, yet who were not willing to confirm the "existence of gas chambers" as desired, has yet to be drawn up. One day, however, such a list will be headed by the name of the last commandant of Auschwitz. He was Richard Baer, and despite being in the best of health, he died under mysterious circumstances in prison. To summarize: Szymon Wizenthal's claim that no-one among the accused in the post-1945 war crimes trials had disputed the existence of gas chambers is a brazen lie that can be refuted with numerous
210 examples. One of many: Reich Marshal Hermann Goring, who, faced with certain death, nonetheless engaged the American prosecutor Jackson in a fierce battle, in the course of which he relegated the gas chambers to the realm of mendacious Allied propaganda. Those for whom National Socialist "mass murders" in the Third Reich are truly a heart's desire should not base their arguments on liars. Or on lies. The majority of the people mentioned in this book who were alleged to have committed war crimes either demonstrably disputed the gas chambers or are thought, on the basis of compelling logic, to have disputed them - suspicions which, however, have not been conclusively confirmed due to the deliberate inaccessibility of trial files (Eichmann case). Most of them - see the chapter "Murder in Wizenthal's Footsteps" - died under mysterious circumstances. Macabre nonsense. Wizenthallives on the fact that his numerous books are bought but not read. However, if one commits to the painful task of actually plowing through his mediocre concoctions, one finds the most bizarre twaddle and tall tales where horror is made the subject for entertainment. For example, a court expert once pointed out to me, years ago already, that in one of his first books Wizenthal claimed that the "pioneers division" of the SS had leveled a six-meter-deep crater left by a Russian artillery grenade on an airfield, by shooting a thousand Jews into it and then covering this foundation with a new concrete base. The expert informed me that the Red Army had not had any artillery grenades capable of producing six-meterdeep craters. But what difference do numbers make to a man of such a stripe as our Galician fraud? Six meters or six million, he uses them without a second thought, safe in the knowledge that he can rely almost one hundred percent on the Western democratic nations' media and their solidarity. The aforementioned expert also pointed out that bodies, which consist largely of water, are useless as a foundation for a concrete slab, and that the pressure exerted by landing airplanes would perforce have turned the alleged repair job into a death trap. I have tried to find examples of this kind of yarn in Wizenthal's latest book as well so as to demonstrate the niveau on which this propagandistic barnstormer and quack operates. One example: "In psychologically well-constructed thrillers there is almost invariably a simple explanation: the phantom which kills one disabled person after 211 another is always revealed, at the end of the film, as a disabled person himself, a sick person trying to conceal his sickness from the world This film plot explanation of Hitler's actions is found also in the work of several historians: the British historian Alan Bullock... proceeds from the thesis that the young Hitler had been infected with .syphilis by a prostitute." (JNV p. 130.) And further: "The Austrian doctor [Dr. Ronald] also claimed to (rave learned from his father details about the origin of Hitler's syphilis: prior to tile First World War he had been infected in Kenna by a Jewish prostitute. (... j It was also significant that, as early as Mein Kampf, Hitler stressed the particular importance of the fight against venereal disease." (JNV p. 13 I -132. ) As in all his blatherings, Wizenthal forgets that the same conclusion can also be applied, with devastating precision, to himself: for if someone who fights venereal disease must therefore be suffering from venereal disease himself, then the persecution and punishment of sadists - of which Wizenthal has allegedly found an extraordinarily high number, 10%, among the German people as a whole (and 100% among the concentration camp commandants) - might well also be motivated by an inborn tendency to sadism. On pages 132-133 Wizenthal suggests in all seriousness that German magazines should invest money in research about Hitler's syphilis. This suggestion is so surprising because Wizenthal normally condemns as "neoNazi crimes and provocation", all calls for material evidence, eg. for the existence of gas chambers, or the request to obtain the usual scientific expertises which are the norm in all other criminological investigations the world over but which have never yet been carried out in our context. I think it would be a much more promising line of investigation to carry out excavations in the football-field-sized "death camp Treblinka" to see if there really were mass graves for one million people there, as "Holocaust" studies claim there were, than to try to verify the condition of Adolf Hitler's genitals in 1917. And most of all, the excavations in Treblinka would be much more significant for shoring up the increasingly contested "Holocaust", and also more physically possible, as the constant discoveries of mass graves on former East German and Soviet soil, of people murdered by the antiFascists, clearly show. When it comes to defending Jews and their crimes, Wizenthal flails wildly. The following quotation gives us a taste of what Wizenthal understands by "justice": "Anyone expecting that Jews could never commit a war crime, never persecute someone unjustly, or perhaps even never kill, merely shows that 212 he still does not regard us as the equals of other nations - equals in good and in evil. Anyone siding with us only as long as we play the part of victim has, in a different way, remained the same old anti-Semite." (JNV p. 224-225. ) I would take it as a sign of equality if Szymon of Galicia, that Nazi hunter tormented by his need for justice, were to pursue Jewish criminals with the same zest. His interpretation of "equality" and "Justice", however, suggests that even the mere criticism of Jewish crimes indicates anti-Semitism. Wizenthal ought to remember that the demand for equality between Jews and non-Jews attacks the very foundations of the state of Israel's existence. In this context I only recall the immigration of "nonGermans" which Wizenthal and all the Jewish organizations in Austria and the Federal Republic of Germany demand for Central Europe! If the same principle were applied to the state of Israel - and the day will come when this demand is made, as revenge for the genocide through immigration - it would mean the end of the Jewish state's racial exclusiveness. Selective immigration into a Jewish state on the basis of racial characteristics would be just as unthinkable as the further preservation of a closed Jewish settlement area on this planet. On page 225 Wizenthal continues in the same tone: "A war crime is committed by whoever instals a military position in the middle of a civilian residential area, so that in the event q( hostilities the civilian population must inevitably suffer." (JNV p. 225. ) With that, Wizenthal concedes that Major Reder was justified in his use of grenade launchers in his attack on the positions of the "Stella Rossa" in the Marzabotto region. In other words, Wizenthal had repeatedly and with obvious relish called an innocent man a war criminal. But Wizenthal's hypocritical and unconditional defense of Israel and his uncritical attitude to crimes committed by Israel continues. In the course of his propagandistically one-sided and favorable account of the Jewish state's military actions, he states: "Only this can explain the delighted enthusiasm with which the German and Austrian press took up the massacres of Sabra and Shatila. Here, finally, the equation was complete: the Germans committed mass murder of helpless people - the Jews do exactly the same when they get a chance." (JNV p. 225.) Well, does Wizenthal want equality or doesnt he? His insistence on the Jews' right to commit murder and other crimes with impunity will hardly guarantee their future equality in the world, but bodes ill for it instead. This is how I see the speeches, influence, and activities of Szymon Wizenthal 213 of Galicia: blind with vanity and presumptuousness, he is taking out a terrible mortgage on the Jewish people's future. Paying it back can no longer be his role in this lifetime, but will fall to a future Jewish generation whom he has left nothing but the hatred and arrogance he has planted in their hearts. Another rabbit from Szymon's hat: he claims that "at Sabra and Shatila it was not Israelis who did the murdering", but Christian militias. He conveniently forgets that it was the Israelis who not only opened the gates to the Christian militias but also watched their activities, hoping that they would butcher the innocents for them without the world ever finding out. And he also forgets that he has repeatedly placed the Ukrainian excesses at the Germans' door, even though he ought to know that the Wehrmacht, wherever it came on the scene, put a stop to the excesses committed by the Ukrainians. Wizenthal, specialized on hatred and propaganda against Germans alone, has also never called for restitution from the Ukrainians. That's the sort of equality he means. Texas. Wizenthal, whose tools of the trade include an ever-grave mien in public, likes to laugh long and often when he feels unobserved - as we see in this book. Few people, however, know that in his books a gruesome and distasteful sense of humor often gets the better of his control, signaling his pleasure in his profession - namely, dealing in horrors - no less than his lack of good taste. Thus, to the question when Israel would return the land it stole from the Palestinians, he answered: "`You want a date from me?' I asked, to gain a little time for reflection. "`Yes, a precise date,' came the answer from about twenty voices in unison. "`Very well,' I said, `I'll try.' In the front row of the auditorium sat several representatives of the Jewish organizations which had invited me, staring at me with a mixture of despair and horror. They clearly thought I had gone out of my mind I tried to reassure them by a slight nod before giving my answer as calmly and slowly as possible: `The precise date will be one day after the Americans have returned Texas to Mexico."' (JNV p. 227.) That is the style which Wizenthal deems appropriate for dealing with the question of the occupied Palestinian territories and of the expelled Palestinians. For unspeakable human suffering, for the day-in, day-out 214 murder of unarmed teenagers by Israeli armed forces as part of the "intifada", he can spare nothing but a nasty jest. And yet he himself is highly touchy and oversensitive when others do the same: for example, he alleges that the liberal local party representative from Bad St. Leonhardt in Carinthia (Standard, November 1, 1990) had said to him: "We're already building ovens again, but not for you, Herr Wiesentbal - you'll fit into Jörgl's pipe." ("Jörgl"' refers to Jörg Haider, the representative of Austria's Liberal Party.) Wizenthal commented on the village representative's words with great outrage: "...the worst thing I have ever heard. " He forgets that he himself has bragged - not only in the book here at issue, but in other unbearable concoctions as well - that he "doesn't have Nazis for breakfast " Elsewhere he invents a meeting of right-wing extremists and a member who asks: "Is it true that you eat a Nazi for breakfast every day?" (ef also JNV p. 346.)
Deep emotion at his own quick-wittedness is evident in his reply: "I don't eat pork."
A man who slanders anyone and everyone who was in the NSDAP (my parents, for example) with the sweeping label "pork" has forfeited every right not to be "smoked in a pipe". But that's what our Galician upholder of moral standards is like: ever ready to crack a joke at horror. On p. 227 Wizenthal gives us another sample of his sophistry. Regarding Israel: "Some day it will have to be realized that it is impossible to establish a state without some people, who have been living in the region, finding their rights curtailed (Because where no people have lived before it is presumablv impossible for people to live.)" (INV p. 227.) Well said, Wizenthal! And now it is also clear why Hitler wanted to establish a great empire in the East: Because where no people have lived before, it is presumably impossible for people to live. And that the rights of those who have been living in a region are curtailed has now been lovingly excused by Wizenthal - if one presumes the equality of the regimes involved. Wizenthal then adds brazenly, with regard to Israel: "There could have been living space for all." (INV p. 227. ) That isn't new either - the Führer already said it in his time. To further protect his ideal world, which consists of Jews being permitted to do wrong and non-Jews being forced to grin and bear it, Wizenthal continues with another fib: 215 "The Italians have granted the South Tyroleans a large measure of autonomy, and I doubt whether a plebiscite there would nowadays go in Austria's favour." (JNV p. 228. ) And he adds one of his touching anecdotes: "For my grandson's bar-mitzvah my daughter invited her Arab friends as well. They brought their children along, and thus their children and our children played together." (JNV p. 228.) Just as Wizenthal keeps two good "pet Nazis", namely Günthert and Kohlrautz, he also pulls some Arab children out of his sleeve to play with his grandson at his bar-mitzvah. How gracious! Wizenthal's statistics. Wizenthal is constantly at loggerheads with figures. But that doesn't matter. The German leftists, the stooges of the American occupiers in Germany, greedily and uncritically suck up every word that falls from his lips. And he appears to be particularly fond of "ten percent", a concept with which he is perhaps familiar from commissions earned in his youth: On p. 151, for example, he sets the proportion of sadists among concentration camp staff at ten percent. Wizenthal also gives the number of Jews who he wishes us to believe survived the "Holocaust" as ten percent. (cf Der Standard, January 20, 1992.) However, from a begging letter published and distributed in Germany by official Jewish sources (cf p.) we learn that in 1990, 200,000 survivors of the "Holocaust" lived in Israel alone. Due to the natural mortality rate, only one-tenth of the generation that experienced World War Two first-hand could still have been alive at that time (similar demographic studies have been made in Austria, regarding the population there), so this means that two million "Holocaust" survivors immigrated to Israel alone after the Second World War. If we assume for the moment that these were all the "Holocaust" survivors - i.e. that another two million "Holocaust" survivors had not emigrated overseas after the Second World War, and that yet another two million Jews from Hitler's sphere of influence had not survived in the Soviet Union - then according to Wizenthal's figures 20 million Jews must have ended up in Hitler's concentration camps in Europe. (Since two million Israeli "Holocaust" survivors equal ten percent of 20 million.) If, on the other hand. we do not disregard the survivors in other parts of the world, it would mean that 60 million Jews had been at Hitler's mercy. 216 So you see, dear reader, that Wizenthal has a hard time with statistics. Added to this is the fact that some four million applications have been made for restitution payments. Since we do believe in the good in mankind, we shall presume that so far applications for restitution payments have only been made by the living. But if four million Jews survived the "Holocaust" and then applied for restitution from Germany, and if - as Wizenthal would have us believe - the percentage of survivors is really no more than 10%, then it would nonetheless still have been 40 million Jews who were taken to concentration camps for the "Final Solution". On p. 240 of his book, Wizenthal again expects us to throw even gradeschool mathematics out the window. "With the assistance of the UGIF, his 'Jupos' and only a handful of SS men, he had the country 'cleansed of Jews' within a mere fourteen months. " (JNV p. 240.) Wizenthal serves us this lie in the context of Alois Brunner's work in France. As anyone can confirm for himself, more than 700,000 Jews are living in France today; there has been no word of any immigration of nonEuropean Jews to France in such numbers, and since we won't reasonably expect yet another 700,000-fold "Holocaust survivor" miracle, we can only assume that the German executives were never in fact given the task of "cleansing" France of all its Jews. Otherwise, that would have been done. But I am always open to reasonable explanations. 100 x 7 = 1,700 In view of the calculations to follow, I have to second the Austrian ex-Chancellor Dr. Kreisky's suspicion that Wizenthal can only "allegedly" have been an accredited engineer and architect. Given his catastrophic grasp of arithmetic (i.e. lack thereof) - which would have doomed him to eternal repetition of, at most, Grade Two Math - I too am beginning to think that his academic degrees, of which he is so proud and which are proven by strange documents, to put it mildly - as well as his other 15 or 20 academic degrees - may be of an honorary nature at best. I quote our storyteller verbatim: "Deportation was arranged by means o( a cattle truck which was attached every third day to the Nice-Paris express, with a hundred Jews crowded into it. Over a period of three weeks 1700 Jews were thus removed from the French Riviera to Paris." (JNV p. 241.) Now, my calculations show that one truck every third day, for three weeks, makes seven trucks. If each is filled with 100 persons- this totals 700 217 people. But the possibility that one day someone might come along to take him at his word and actually read one of his books is something that Wizenthal obviously did not count on - since counting was always his weak point. He insists on 1,700. 6,000,000 - 4,000,000 - 2,500,000 = 6,000,000 Even though one could fill an entire book of black humor with Wizenthal's catastrophic feats of arithmetic, I shall conclude this topic with a key quote from Wizenthal: "A person denying the existence of the Auschwitz gas chambers is invariably either an old Nazi or a neo-Nazi. Moreover, he is probably a ,fool, for he is venturing out on ground where, except with children or mental defectives, he has no chance of success. The circle of those willing to go along with his arguments will remain extremely small, at least for the next few decades." (JNV p. 335. ) At this point I would just like to ask quietly why the circle of those who "deny the gas chambers" should grow larger again in a few decades? But let's not cut Wizenthal off: "The professional neo-Nazi therefore will rather tend to present Auschwitz in a relativist light He will not deny the gas chambers but the figure of six million dead .... " (JNV p. 335. ) At the time he wrote his book, Wizenthal could not suspect that in the trial against me in 1992, the sworn court expert Prof Jagschitz (in his testimony of May 5, 1992, Hv 5720/90) would claim that not four million, but at least several hundred thousands up to a maximum of one-and-ahalf million Jews died in Auschwitz This means that the total number of Jewish victims must be reduced by 2.5 to 3.3 million until and unless proof is found that an equal number more people of Jewish extraction were killed elsewhere. Which will probably not keep Wizenthal from continuing his Six Million Game. In other words, if one were to take Wizenthal's opus seriously, the court expert Prof. Jagschitz - by reducing the number of Jewish victims by some three million - is either an old Nazi or a neo-Nazi or, alternately, Wizenthal's theory must be considered refuted even by people of such intellectual caliber as his followers. Even the Jewish newspaper Allgemeine Judische Wochenzeitung of June 11, 1992 conceded this (see facsimile, p. ). As late as July 26, 1990 this same newspaper had yet supported the opinion of Wizenthal's Federal German 218 counterpart, Heinz Galinski, who tried desperately to maintain the Four Million figure of Wizenthal's ravings. So this is what the academic character of "Holocaust" research really looks like. I would also remind the reader that Wizenthal, in a publication that appeared right after the end of the War, presented as "historical truth" the "confession" extorted under brutal torture from Franz Ziereis, the unfortunate commandant of the Mauthausen concentration camp, who was interrogated for an entire night with three bullets lodged in his gut, and who then allegedly confessed - in Polish, without ever having had any command of that language. Since Wizenthal himself was an inmate in this concentration camp, which was primarily reserved for criminals, he knows only too well that there had never been a "gas chamber" there. But even if one believes the official historiography - in other words the testimony of Yehuda Bauer, the Professor of Holocaust Studies who, with the intervention of the "Documentary Archives of the Austrian Resistance", rescued the "gas chamber" of Mauthausen by "discovering" it, albeit as late as 1989 - not four million, but approximately 2,000 people were allegedly murdered with gas there. Under the laws of mathematics Wizenthal would therefore have to subtract roughly another four million victims from his initial six million, unless he were to prove that these millions should be attributed to another place instead. But a man who is not even clear on the number of places where he was born, but lists three of the same, a man who cannot even decide on his nationality and who in his various affidavits describes himself alternately as national or ethnic Polish, Jewish, German, Israeli and Austrian, can probably also not be expected to know the difference between 2,000 and 4,000,000. Regarding his mother's death he will also have to make up his mind between the figures one and two: namely, whether she died only once - in the Lemberg hospital, as he claimed originally - or also on the transport to Auschwitz. This is the most repulsive thing about Wizenthal: that he doesn't even balk at involving his own mother's death in his mission of hatred and lies. And this is probably also the light in which we should see Wizenthal's "100 relatives", none of which were allowed to participate in the miracle enjoyed by the two million "Holocaust" survivors in Israel, the 700,000 "Holocaust" survivors in France, the one-and-a-half million additional survivors recently discovered in the Soviet Union, and the up to two million survivors who emigrated to America. 219 I for my part have never in my life met anyone, least of all within the German culture group of which Wizenthal purports to be a member, who had such a multitude of relatives. I also have a hard time imagining that anyone could keep track of all these relatives, least of all by name. How Wizenthal's gas chamber lies harm the theory of National Socialist mass murder. "They should be made to remove with their fingers some of the grass growing around the crematoria until they come to the layer of splintered bones which have accumulated there. They should be made to look into one of the ponds at the bottom of which the skeletons lie to this day, and they should be conducted by someone who had gone through all this himself." This blather comes from page 350 of Szymon Wizenthal's book Justice Not Vengeance. But what he pretends to urge here, namely that doubters "should be made to remove with their fingers some of the grass growing around the crematoria", is precisely what the Revisionists have been wanting to do all along, and what Wizenthal has made sure is forbidden for all time with the help of the law he thought up and forced into effect in Austria. And the so-called Revisionists, who - like I myself - tend to be condemned and sentenced as Nazi criminals for presuming to ask for material evidence, have not even demanded such an elaborate procedure as Wizenthal, namely that any doubter should have the right to dig around on his own initiative. We Revisionists would have been perfectly content for a court-appointed subject expert to clear this matter up in a one-time investigation such as is the absolute requirement in any other criminal case in the world, such as has been neglected to date in the single solitary case of the "Holocaust", and such as is to be thwarted for all time on Wizenthal's initiative. In my book Freispruch für Hitler? I urged that this kind of material evidence should be obtained in order to show that there were no mass murders in gas chambers; in order to prevent the present volume from being banned as well, I shall make the reverse of my original demand to the Austrian and German justice systems: I urge you to carry out the scientific investigations of the "Holocaust" and of other genocidal measures against the Jews in the Third Reich - investigations which have been neglected to date yet which are standard anywhere in the world in any criminal case - and to do so in 220 order to finally base your theories (which to date have only been enforced by criminal legislation, nothing more) on the same scientifically thorough foundation that is guaranteed in every other criminal case in Germany and which Adolf Hitler granted in exemplary fashion to the Polish officers murdered by the Bolshevists in Katyn. In the quotation on p. (JNV p. 350) Wizenthal at least concedes that the "millions of victims" about which he has talked for 50 years were by no means removed without a trace by the "exhumation units" he propagates elsewhere. He claims that the skeletons can be seen lying at the bottom of the ponds to this day. But it would be much more important to conduct a simple archeological excavation in the football-field-sized death camp of Treblinka to see whether countless 10-meter-deep and 20-meter-wide pits really were dug there in order to serve at least temporarily as graves for a million bodies. That would go much father towards removing our "criminal doubts" than the suggestion of Szymon Wizenthal who, in the manner of a "kind old man" giving a tour of a haunted house, would have us look at a skeleton at the bottom of a pond - a skeleton which has kindly taken the trouble, for the sake of our viewing pleasure. to keep itself clear of sediment for half a century. Wizenthal casts doubt upon witnesses for gas chambers: Höttl - a "bluffer" who fooled the Americans. In his book Wizenthal twice makes use of the former SS-Obersiurmbann/uhrer Wilhelm Höttl - once as credible witness for the six million Jews murdered in the Third Reich (JNV p. 69) and, evidently hoping that no-one really reads his book, a second time on p. 46, where he paints him as a liar who "...had conned the Americans into believing that they still had the same agents in the Balkans as when they were officers of the Nazi intelligence service. This was subsequently revealed as a huge bluff..." If Wizenthal portrays HOW, on p. 46, as a bluffer who deceives and cons the Americans, he forgets that this also makes HOttl useless as key witness for the murder of six million Jews with gas - the role he had assumed at the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg. If for no other reason than the fact that Nazi hunter Szymon discredits the key testimony against Eichmann by attributing it to a "bluffer", it seems reasonable to demand a reopening of the Eichmann case and of all other 221 cases in which convictions were handed down by the IMT on the basis of Höttl's affidavit. Hottl, the key incriminating witness of Nuremberg, today enjoys a peaceful retirement in Altaussee, and no doubt he has his "efforts on behalf of the gas chambers" to thank for this happy state of affairs. Wizenthal would be ill advised to continue relying too heavily on Hottl's susceptibility to extortion: Hottl holds the longer end of the stick, and if he should happen to have made provisions in the form of notarized affidavits, reposited in safe places, this would mean more than any life insurance. So Wizenthal the Just will have to continue foregoing any persecution of the man who was subordinate to Eichmann and across whose desk passed all the death sentences in Budapest. But it would also be wise of Wizenthal to go easy on attacks such as he launches against Hottl in JNV, the work of his old age. The entire foundations of the "Holocaust" could be shaken if Hottl were to turn "denier". Wizenthal quotes testimony of tortured witnesses. Wizenthal bases part of the work of his declining years on the testimony of SS-General Otto Ohlendorf, testimony which was extorted with torture and which Ohlendorf later retracted: "`Some squad leaders', Ohlendorf later explained at his trial, `demanded that the victims lie flat on the ground, to be killed by a bullet in the back of their necks. But this method did not meet with my approval.' Questioned why he did not 'approve 'l Ohlendorf stated factually: Because it was too much of a psychological stress for the victims and for the executioners.'" (JNV p. 58.) Richard Harwood, the author of the publication Did Six Million Really Die? (Toronto: Samisdat Publishers Ltd.), described Otto Ohlendorfs actual testimony as follows: "Ohlendorf was one of those subjected to the torture described earlier... Ohlendorf did not come to trial until 1948, long after the main Nuremberg Trial, and by that time he was insisting that his earlier statement had been extracted from him under torture." (p. 13.) Wizenthal likes comprehensive confessions because they fit his black-and-white scheme of things. He likes to quote them, too. But he has no use for retractions and charges of torture. 222 Industrial-style mass murder. In his chapter "The Pro", Wizenthal suddenly remembers that the allegation of industrial-style mass murder must not be missing in the context of the murder of Jews in the Third Reich. And so the text that follows is rife with imaginative technical jargon which is taken in part from the terminology of trade and industry and which the court-appointed expert Prof. Jagschitz, after five years of research in all sorts of sources, was unable to document. "A method had therefore to be found that would be more cost-effective and avoid stressing the executioners. The appropriate innovation was supplied by medical specialists. In euthanasia experiments at special institutions such as Hartheim, Hadamar and Sonnenberg, the use of gas had proved effective. It ensured a substantially bigger yield of corpses at reduced costs, and it was less of a stress on doctors and nurses than other forms of killing. "Meanwhile the extension of the death market required a transition from a few small stationary gas chambers to mobile units which could be employed everywhere. Possibly even before ready-to-pour concrete was invented, the German inventive genius hit upon the production of ready-tobury corpses [..] mixing can be done not only at one stationary spot but anywhere; travel time is not additional to mixing time; and the concrete can be tipped straight into the pit where it belongs The invention o/' the gas truck represents a similarly elegant solution to the problem of mobile extermination of Jews [..] "The facility of rapid unloading was another important requirement. A working party specially charged with this problem came up with the idea of fitting a `rapid discharge device' [..] `Since October 1941, for instance,' Just wrote, `97,000 were processed in the three trucks in use without any faults appearing in the vehicles.'" (JNV p. 58-60.) These contortions of Wizenthal's, aimed at substantiating the "industrial-style mass murder" with technical-sounding vocabulary borrowed from industrial production and commercial expense-vs.-profit calculations, have the one drawback that the "documents" which the old fraud relies on are evidently not presentable: In the great Auschwitz Report by Prof. Jagschitz not even one of these "documents" was found, even though any one of them that could stand up to a forensic examination would represent that core evidence for the existence of "gas chambers" that has been lacking for so long. 223 The lie of "exhhumation units". One great problem for the Wizenthal Syndicate was the fact that the mass graves that have been found in the East to date have almost exclusively contained the bodies of victims of the Jewish-Bolshevist armies, and no victims of National Socialist Germany. To keep these grave finds from upsetting the view of history being taught today, Wizenthal invented the so-called "exhumation units": "Ever since Stalingrad lite German armies had been in retreat, and they had to expect that the pursuing Red Army would come across the countless pits of corpses which marked German progress through the Ukraine and Belorussia." (JNV p. 164. ) The embarrassment which Wizenthal alleges "the Germans" felt towards the Red Army surely never existed: for even if all claims of murder committed by the Third Reich were true, the extent of the Soviet crimes (see p. ) would still exceed them by a factor of ten in quantity alone. Any embarrassment of the Third Reich towards the Soviet Union where mass murder was concerned would truly make less than no sense. Wizenthal continues: "A special unit was therefore set up, designated `1005 ; whose task it was to find the largest mass graves, dig up the bodies again and burn them." (JNV p. 164.) No matter how inane such claims may be, the stooges of the American Imperium and the Allied occupation power - namely, the German leftists - believe them without a second thought. Even if the German Wehrmacht had been under the lunatic order to survey and record topographically the locations of any given "mass graves" - in the vastness of Russia, without the aid of land surveyors and equipment and without accurate maps, they could not even have made a precise determination of their own location. However, no-one seems to dare to claim that any such order actually existed. Further, it would seem nonsensical to try to draw up an index of such buried victims rather than to do the only thing that is in fact done in such cases, as Stalin showed us: namely, to let grass grow over the matter. But what is most impossible about all this is the notion of a single special unit assigned to searching the more than two million square kilometers held by the German troops in the East for graves which would have already been covered over by one, two or even three years' 224 growth of turf and which would have been in no way marked to be readily recognizable. Devices with which to detect buried bodies have yet to be invented - and so we may confidently file the "exhumation units" away as just one more invention by Wizenthal & Co. Quite aside from the fact that amidst the chaos of retreat behind the crumbling front, anyone who had ordered the provision of even one truck, even one barrel of gasoline or even one fit soldier for such a nonsensical undertaking would have been immediately relieved of command by Hitler. If, as Wizenthal claims, the existence of the "gas chambers" was largely known to the Germans and the Allies the entire time anyhow (cf. JNV p. 230), and if one even alleges that Hitler had openly threatened the Allies with the destruction of the Jews (cf. Jagschitz Report, Hv 5720/90), what would have been the point of exhuming the mass graves? Further, how should the bodies have been burned - without a crematorium, in a partly treeless region far from roads or rail? If one had used fuel for this purpose, this lunatic project would have taken more gasoline than was available to the entire Eastern front struggling desperately for Germany's preservation in those days! Wizenthal wants "daily rate" for Auschwitz increased. It's enough to make one catch one's breath to learn that Wizenthal wants Germany's and Austria's restitution payments based on a daily rate. We read: "...the Austrian republic never dreamed of paying the Nazi victims anything like what the Federal Republic was paying them. Initially Austria's compensation payment was all of five Schillings per day in Auschwitz; only after vigorous protests did the country draw level with the Germans who had been paying five Deutschmarks from the start. " (JNV p. 323. ) One must really wonder whether Wizenthal himself believes in the "gas chambers": after all, according to what is taught in schools (and by Wizenthal as well), 90% of the arrivals were "selected" at "the ramp" and sent into the "gas chambers" on the very day of their arrival. What would be the point of restitution based on a daily rate if the day of arrival and the duration of the stay were one and the same, in other words if the surviving kin of the victims each received no more than five Deutschmarks for the loss of their loved ones? And how could the sum then total 200 billion Marks? 225 W. denies the Bolshevist murders. The following passage reveals Szymon Wizenthal's utterly atrophied sense of justice: "In fact there was only one Soviet crime which approximates in its `quality' to the quality of the Nazi murders: the murder of 4000 Polish officers at Katyn. I have therefore worked all my life to clear up this murder too." (JNV p. 159.) That Wizenthal has ever done anything at all to "clear up" the Soviet crimes in Katyn is a filthy lie. When I was arraigned in court in May 1992 for my book Freispruch für Hitler? (and incidentally, Wizenthal's initiative in these proceedings has been established), I was charged not only for disputing the "gas chambers" but also for disputing that the Germans had shot those Polish officers in the forest of Katyn. In other words, Wizenthal, who proposed and forced the passing of a bill in the Austrian Parliament with the intent to silence me, and who commented on the outcome of my trial "with satisfaction", would have had a marvellous opportunity to vent some of his efforts to clear up the Katyn case. This would have been all the easier since Gorbachev, independently of Wizenthal's alleged efforts, had already publicly admitted the Soviet Union's guilt in this matter in 1988. For the record, let me also mention here that the Katyn case was never in need of "clearing up" by Wizenthal. It was Adolf Hitler himself who ordered this case investigated by a team of scientists, with the painstaking care of that time which the Wizenthal Syndicate denies the gas chamber allegations to this day. The case was thus already cleared up in 1942. On the contrary: if it were not for the victorious Allies' version of justice, in whose service the Restitution Fraud Wizenthal has been able to act for 50 years, the scientific proof furnished by the Third Reich would not have been swept under the carpet for purposes of anti-German propaganda, and replaced with deliberate lies. But the truly monstrous aspect of Wizenthal's above-mentioned pearl of wisdom is a different one: Wizenthal exploits the fact that "denying the 'gas chambers' and other Nazi crimes" carries a penalty in Austria of five to ten years in prison, while denying Soviet mass crimes is not considered a crime and goes unpunished. And so he denies them: in a study the University of Vienna (cf. p.) has laid 226 some 40 million murders to the Soviet Union's charge. Of these 40 million victims, 39,996,000 would have to have been butchered so gently and kindly that these murders differed materially from the execution of 4,000 Polish officers in Katyn and the "industrial-style mass murder" of the Third Reich. The author Robert Conquest gives us the details of these events in the book The Harvest of Sorrow: "A quarter of the rural population, men, women and children, lay dead or dying, the rest in various stages of debilitation with no strength to bury their families or neighbours. At the same time... well fed squads of police or party officials supervised the victims. This was the climax of the revolution from above', as Stalin put it, in which he and his associates crushed two elements seen as irremediably hostile to the regime: the peasantry of the USSR as a whole, and the Ukrainian nation." (p. 3.) Lew Kopelew, the Jewish Bolshevik who participated in the murder of seven million Ukrainians in the 1932-1933 winter of planned starvation, and who was later awarded the German Book Trade's Peace Prize, describes his complicity thus: "Mv involvement in that fateful 'grain delivery campaign' is unforgivable and inexcusable. I can never atone for it. I can only try to live honestly with it." (Rullmann, p. 11.) Compared to the "mass murders" that are imputed to the Third Reich, the attempted extermination of the Ukrainians is a crime of much more grave and unique quality: not because the victims were non-Jews (Ukrainians) instead of Jews. As far as I am concerned, a victim of one nationality is worth no less than a victim of another. But because the Bolsheviks murdered fully one million more Ukrainians than the Bolsheviks and Jews have accused Germany of murdering, and because the murder of the Ukrainians involved a death that took weeks or even months, before the eyes and armin-arm with the victims' closest kin, this one genocide of the Ukrainians is unique and in no way comparable with the alleged murder of Jews. By the fact that Wizenthal dares, in German lands where millions of German women and children, our mothers and grandmothers, were violated and hundreds of thousands were raped to death on the instigation and urging of the Jewish-Bolshevist criminal Ilya Ehrenburg, to compare the crime of Katyn (which after all was restricted to quick and relatively painless executions) and the alleged gassing of Jews (which would have been strictly a mass killing per se) with the million-fold brutal Jewish-Bolshevist mass sex murder - by that fact alone, this monster in human form has forfeited all rights to residence, income and citizenship in Austria and Germany. 227 The tale of the villas. "The old-style murderer was an outcast who, as a rule, had to cower in some hiding place and only rarely was able to enjoy the fruits of his crime. The murderers of the Nazi period, however, were living with false papers among their own kind in villas on the coasts of Latin America, enjoying the wealth of their victims. " (JNV p. 160. ) This is one more of the lies Wizenthal spouts in his opus Justice Not Vengeance. Not a single one of the victims which he describes as "typical cases" in the book at issue actually lived in villas on the coasts of Latin America, and not one was open to the charge of having profited from wealth stolen from Jewish victims. On the contrary, Wizenthal even describes how they all worked (for example, Eichmann, as factory worker) to support their families. But no-one bothers to examine Wizenthal's lies. No-one demands that the hatemonger with the anti-German mission should prove the horror stories he disseminates in the intent to propagandistically portray the German people and their national character in a negative light. Mother abused once again. I have already pointed out elsewhere that Wizenthal falsified not only his own ethnicity, but also that of his mother, changing them from the actual Jewish to that of the alleged criminal nation, German. For the sake of financial gain. I have also pointed out that in an affidavit Wizenthal reported that his mother died in the Lemberg hospital, but that in other tales he claims she died on her way to the gas chamber. On p. 161 of the work of his senility, he taxes the poor old lady's resilience yet again: "'Herr Minister,' I said, interrupting him, `the murderers of my mother and the murderers of many of my relatives and friends have not been found yet. I don't even know their names. (It must be difficult enough to remember all the names of the 100 relatives Wizenthal arrogates to himself; how much more difficult to recall the names of the 100 murderers.) I am addressing the Minister of Justice, not the Finance Minister. I recognize the Federal Republic's financial efforts, but surely they cannot be a substitute for efforts to achieve justice. " (JNV p. 161. ) 228 So that is how this audacious fraud presumes to deal with a West German Minister of Justice. And by his own admission, no less. Now it would be time to find out which version of his mother's death Wizenthal continues to maintain officially. For the second, false version, however, Wizenthal should be tried and sentenced in court like any other criminal. The limitations on justice. "There cannot be, on principle, any limitation on justice." (JNV p. 161. ) This is the first sentence of Wizenthal's with which I concur wholeheartedly. But it is his idea of justice that is limited by the ghetto of Germany's and her former allies' "guilt". If Wizenthal's justice were not limited, he would first demand the punishment of the murderers of Jews on Soviet and Polish soil. The number of Jew-murderers running around free there is considerable. But first he would need to break down the walls within which he has imprisoned his alleged sense of justice with racial criteria, namely "Jewish victims only", and to apply his abilities to avenging crimes committed by others as well. I would not go so far as to expect him to devote his energies to clearing up the atrocities committed by the Jewish army today in the Israeli-occupied territories of Palestine. I would not expect him to have an open ear and a helping hand for all the other oppressed peoples in the world, and I would not even expect him to turn himself in for the abduction of Eichmann and the attempted assassination of Alois Brunner. All I want is that he should evaluate and combat the crimes committed in those earlier years at the places where he stayed, fairly and by objective criteria, and without an eye to race or religion. How many murderers of gypsies, who were allegedly killed at the same time, in the same place, in the same way and by the same power, has Wizenthal ever hunted and brought to trial? What steps has he taken or initiated against those murderers who, after liberation, butchered German Communist inmates for the sake of their German ethnicity, in full view of Wizenthal himself and in the presence of his troop of witnesses? What has Wizenthal done, or caused to be done, about those criminals who at that same time murdered or tortured to death thousands of young men from the SS guards throughout Germany, without trials and without any questions regarding their guilt or involvement? 229 And what has Wizenthal done about the excesses committed by his criminal concentration camp buddies who spent weeks in the vicinity of Mauthausen, murdering, looting and raping, without any examining magistrate ever having devoted so much as a minute to even one of these crimes? Wizenthal, the Jew blinded by his Old-Testament-style hate, has done nothing about any of this. Rather, he has selected his victims and his culprits according to racial criteria and has hunted them down with gangster methods. He has sowed. Woe to them who will one day have to reap this crop! Wizenthal and the state under the rule of law. Contacts with groups willing to commit murder. Wizenthal's criminal tendencies and his nonexistent sense of justice repeatedly tempt him to describe situations where he acts much like a Mafia killer: he brags that, time and again, murderers who come to his office - not infrequently with the murder weapon already on their person - ask his advice on killing German or Austrian citizens. Instead of contacting the police and having these people arrested for intent to commit murder - as any law-abiding citizen would do in such a case - he dickers and haggles with the criminals to persuade them of the advantage of his own hunting methods. In the foreword to the work of his senility this reads as follows: "...young Jewish commandos or former partisans who tried to win him over for secret retributory action: `Give us the names, give us the addresses And we'll do it ourselves.' But Wiesenthal spent hours making them see reason. To him the decisive victory over the ancient principle of `an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth', was in the victim's readiness to transfer his need for retribution to society, to subject it to certain rules.. and to respect their judgement (i.e. the judgement of the courts of law) absolutely." (JNV p. 14. ) When I recount in this book the mysterious deaths of those Wizenthal Victims whom the Nazi hunter could not take to court or whose testimony somehow didn't fit his bill, and when I cannot help but suspect that he or his syndicate were behind the elimination of the persons in question, then these kinds of statements from the horse's mouth only serve to prove his contacts to persons or groups who are ready to commit murder and would only need a sign from Wizenthal to set them off. Even if he was not the one to order the 230 countless murders, or even an accessory to them, the fact that he neglected to turn potential murderers over to the proper authorities means that he facilitated the murders described, and must bear a share of the blame. The term "need for retribution", which reveals much about Wizenthal's sick psyche and which he uses as stand-in for "justice" here, will be dealt with in another chapter (see "Sadism"). But back to Wizenthal's lies. Wizenthal, who has his personal propagandist Peter Michael Lingens claim here that Wizenthal respects the judgement of the courts, in actual fact scorns and derides the German and Austrian justice systems in almost every chapter in his book. The Galician crook does so with particular openness in his chapter 32, which he has the audacity to title "The Infestation of the Judiciary". In other words, Wizenthal recognized and recognizes verdicts handed down by German courts if and only if these verdicts were convictions: if the judges were willing to accept the professional Jewish witnesses offered by Wizenthal and his syndicate at face value, did not ask them any inconvenient questions, and took their imaginative and contradictory testimony as the basis for their convictions. The tale of the imprisoned guards. On p. 29 Wizenthal blathers as follows: Although our guards had fled or been taken prisoner, we were still living in the camp and were still watching people die." (JNh p. 29.) If, prior to liberation, the inmates were dying due to the "gas chambers" and the alleged violence of the SS, as Wizenthal has claimed for professional reasons his entire life long, then why - surely even the dumbest German leftwing intellectual would ask - did the dying continue in the presence of the Americans? Did they stock the "gas chambers" as well? Or might it perhaps really have been the disease typhus (as stubborn SS-men and mentally deranged "right-wing radicals" claim) that rang up the enormous death toll in the concentration camps? The main objection, however, which comes to mind here is that in actual fact the guards of Mauthausen and elsewhere had in many cases already been tortured and murdered by the inmates and the Allied liberators, right then and there upon liberation, and before the eyes of the liberated inmates. In Dachau alone, for example (see photos pp. ff.), a total of 500 SS-men, among them members of the Waffen-SS who were on convalescent leave, had been mowed down with machine guns. Those who survived the first 231 round of bullets were handed over to Wizenthal's comrades, who proceeded to torture them to death with shovels. It's not surprising that Wizenthal (whose own role in these events, by the way, has not been investigated yet) would rather sweep all this under the carpet. 26 Hatemongering and Collective Guilt Photos and document Wizenthal's mission since 1945. Wizenthal denies advocating "collective guilt". Instead, he speaks of the "collective responsibility" of the German "culprit nation". Military aggression by a state of the democratic type against some other state is normally, of necessity, preceded by propaganda. Much more than dictatorships and totalitarian systems, regimes of "Western democracy" style need to propagandistically attune their population to readiness for potential economic or even military action. For this reason I have been concerned to observe, for many years now, that the United States of America engage in hateful and perpetual propaganda of a hostile nature against one single specific one of its allies. This propaganda takes place on the lower levels, so to speak - not on the polished diplomatic parquet. Those who carry it out are the American movie industry, the comics trade, the publishing industry, the press, and the "Holocaust" activities of the "Simon Wiesenthal Foundation" in the United States. Political propaganda is merchandise whose manufacture costs the customer dearly: for its consumers choke it down only unwillingly, like bitter medicine. This business is not one for profit, only for investment. The tune-in figures for politically tendentious films are known to be unprofitable. When a power such as the United States is nonetheless willing to bear the costs of such propaganda, as well as to run the risks involved (since it would be very easy to go too far and alert the victim), then this shows that fundamental strategic considerations have been made. As early as 1984, in issue 22 of the magazine HALT, I had already spoken out about the phenomenon of anti-German propaganda in America, and tried to capture the essence of this problematic topic in the essay's title: "Tell rne your propaganda, and I will tell you what you plan for me." Over the years an observer could readily see that nations such as the Soviet Union and her Communist allies were by no means attacked more viciously by this propaganda than the United States' ally, the Federal Republic of Germany. Only recently have the beginnings of anti-Japanese propaganda become noticeable in the States, and this propaganda might yet increase to similar intensity as that which has been carried on against America's ally Germany ever since she was established as the Federal Republic. 242 It was this hidden intellectual aggression, waged on the lower levels of entertainment by means of the covert disqualification of the German people, that allowed Szymon Wizenthal to find the niche that was tailor-made to his activities, where he had no competition to fear and where he could continue to find his possibly physical satisfaction until he reached extreme old age. A dubious sort of remembrance. The cloth from which incitement is cut. The anti-German "Holocaust" propaganda, "made in the USA", has recently increased to such a degree that even the German daily papers could not avoid commenting on these politics of hate. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, for example, in its issue of August 4, 1992, wrote the following in an article titled "A dubious sort of remembrance": "This year Holocaust-museums were opened in eleven major American cities... "In numerous individual American states, Jewish lobby groups have successfully pushed for the inclusion of Holocaust studies in high school curricula.. "Within a period of three months, tire American television company ABC broadcast three one-hour programs, during prime time, about 'hostility to foreigners' in Germany. It did not hesitate to supplement its coverage of the discharge of the German Minister of Defense Stoltenberg with pictures of night-time National Socialist march-ups..." (FAZ, August 4, 1992.) The article's author, Günter Gillesen, reported with discouragement that Germany was to contribute four million Deutschmarks to one of these "Holocaust" museums. This museum contains a list of "the Just" - meaning people who helped the Jews during their persecution. According to Gillesen, German "escape helpers" etc. are not allowed to appear in this Germanfunded museum. And Gillesen continues: "Nothing can come of it like this.. If it is supposed to be the purpose of such contributions... then the path must be permitted to lead, via the dead, to understanding among the living. If this is to be ruled out from the start, it would be better./or the Federal Republic of Germany to work on this task with other Jewish partners." 243 Incitement just like before America joined the war. Meanwhile, the incitement in the USA against her German ally has taken on proportions that can only be compared to the war propaganda with which Washington DC prepared for its entry into World War Two. "The figure of the 'ugly German' has long been part of the stock-in-trade of political opinion-making in America." (Die Welt, October 14, 1992, p. 13.) The same article continues: "By now the Americans also imitate this questionable example, for they too need a scapegoat which they can make at least partly responsible for the consequences of their unsuccessful economic policies." The agitation carried on in full view of the rest of the world against democratic Germany - servile, paying protection money, vulnerable to extortion - is tantamount to the intellectual preparation for war against an enemy nation. And all this only in order to distract from domestic economic difficulties? The accusations against National Socialism and the Germany of those days are truly in need of re-thinking. "The image of the ugly German is reproduced a thousandfold. Hackneyed Hollywood flicks portray German Wehrmacht officers with all conceivable brutality and bestiality." The German press, therefore, is hurriedly catching up on the basic knowledge which "right-wing extremists" have possessed from the start. The billyclub of propaganda is dug up. 1992 was the year of American propaganda. For the first time since 1945 the Imperium dug up the "propaganda billyclub" and brandished it openly against Germany, before the entire world. In the last days of November, after three Turkish women had died in an arson fire, the Western media reported about the "outrage" felt by the American and Israeli "publics". That this in fact refers not to two, but to one and the same "public" is something I want to add in passing. Ever since the Imperium began to use "democracy" as a weapon against the people, the term "public" has been frequently misused. The "public outrage" in Israel and the United States is consistently an "outrage" decreed by the press, and the populace often takes only a lukewarm part in it. In the face of 13,000 Palestinian political prisoners detained 244 in concentration camps, of an average of three teenaged demonstrators being executed each day in Israel, or of hundreds of innocent victims of race riots in Los Angeles, how should any Israeli or American citizen, even if he is reasonably intelligent, feel real outrage at a political system where not even remotely comparable excesses of violence have ever yet been reached? And how, in the face of such a global context, is anyone to sympathize with "boycott measures" as they are being demanded these days against such a Germany? Quite irrespective of the fact that these two-faced demands for the world-wide boycott of Germany are being made by precisely the same forces who themselves refuse to admit anyone not of their own race into their country, and who impose the obligation on Germany to take in 80% of all of Europe's "asylum seekers", economic refugees and immigrants (CNN, November 30, 1992, 9:00pm Central European Time). This is a case of the culprit stepping into the prosecutor's shoes and accusing the victim. The current, hypocritical prattle about boycotts is also strikingly reminiscent of the actions of the Jewish organizations who called for a boycott of Germany in March 1933: "The whole of Israel throughout the world is uniting in declaring an economic and financial war on Germany .... Representative Jewish organizations in the European capitals are understood to be making representations to their various Governments to use influence ...." (London Daily Express, "Judea Declares War on Germany!", March 24, 1933.) To keep the flame of Germanophobia, flickering somewhat weakly despite all these efforts, alive and well at least in the United States and in Israel - that is the task of the Jewish-American Imperium's present-day preventive propaganda. For half a century its chief supplier of fuel has been Szymon Wizenthal. The facsimile reprint on p. shall give you, my reader, a glimpse of the Wizenthalian orgies of hate against the credulous German people: A mailing of the US-based Wiesenthal Center actually claims that Germany was supplying the Iraqis with gas containing Zyklon B, intended for use in the Iraqi gas chambers which were allegedly being built there for purposes of killing off the Jews! But first, let us turn to Wizenthal's book Justice Nol vengeance to examine it for some examples of generalizing anti-German outbursts which clearly constitute incitement under the relevant laws in Austria and Germany: 1. "In eastern Europe there was scarcely a spot where the Germans had not committed some crime." (.JNV p. 159. ) 245 2. "For the first time in my life I saw what enormous cowards these people were;... We didn't feel like talking to these people, but we realized one thing: the Germans and the Austrians would not simply acknowledge with shame what we had experienced -they would dispute it." (JNV p. 30. ) 3. "The Germans are needed against the Russians. Good Germans alone are too few." (JNV p. 40.) 4. "On the soil of Germany, which bears the responsibility for Auschwitz, it seems to me entirely legitimate to protect the survivors and their children against such slaps by penal legislation." (JNV p. 3 32. ) 5. "Hitler not only murdered millions of Jews and millions of his adversaries, he also morally destroyed millions of Germans and millions of Austrians - what's more, for generations to come. To belong to the victims is terrible - but it is even more terrible to belong to the victim-makers." (JNV p. 357.) 6. "There is no point in minimizing guilt in order to make it easier for sons and daughters to bear the failure of their fathers and grandfathers, their mothers and grandmothers. The entire guilt must be patent - only thus can the entire guilt be understood." (JNV p. 3 5 7-8. ) After this flood of vile outbursts, all of which clearly express Wizenthal's hatred of all things German, his contempt for the German national character, and his efforts on behalf of the collective responsibility of the grandchildren's generation, we need no further evidence for his espousal of the theory of collective guilt. If Wizenthal has his ex-secretary Lingens publish assurances in various newspapers, claiming that Wizenthal does not attribute the crimes of the Third Reich to the German "national character", this weak denial can surely be credited only by people who have not read his books and their wealth of passages demonstrating his hatred and incitement against the German people. Wizenthal's repeated comment that there is no such thing as collective guilt is also in crass contradiction of his heated anti-German tirades in which he frequently equates the German people with National Socialism, and must therefore be rejected as nothing more than a cover. "Collective responsibility". In attempting to nonetheless deny his practice of assigning collective guilt to the German people, Wizenthal is trying to square the circle: and so 246 he merely substitutes the expression "collective responsibility" for "collective guilt". It sounds like this: "That is why I was pleased to find that the government of East Germany has recently begun to show a willingness to acknowledge the responsibility that is laid on the Germans as a whole." (NZ, March 10, 1989.) How can there be collective responsibility without collective guilt? Responsibility borne by the innocent? Wizenthal fails to see that to make an innocent person responsible for something represents the high point of injustice. Collective responsibility for innocent people - that is even worse than collective guilt! To put it differently: our Galician crook has tailor-made a sort of mercantile philosophy for himself which states that the innocent and the descendants of innocent German people, as well as the innocent descendants of guilty German people, can continue to be held responsible - not in legal terms, but in moral and thus in financial terms. Here again, his blind faith that no-one will take the trouble to actually examine his mediocre, vulgar and obnoxious books a little more closely, proves to be his own undoing: for on p. 215 of JNVwe catch this compulsive hatemonger exposing what he really thinks and knows of the consequences of collective responsibility: "Hate and deep resentment may arise when a whole nation or a community is held collectively responsible for the crimes and the sins of an individual or a minority, when responsibility is indiscriminately attributed to all people of the same nationality, religion or race. Vindictive hate is blind to the good, the beautiful and the noble in another people or in another nation. Such hate sees only what is bad and criminal." (JNV p. 215.) Of course these liberating words which, however, clearly expose Wizenthal's intentions once and for all, are not intended for the benefit of the German people, but for the Polish, and they occur in the chapter dedicated to the latter. I shall return to this point later to examine Wizenthal's strange attempts to curry favor with the people who may well have been the most bloody anti-Semites in German concentration camp history. So Wizenthal is very well aware - and once again he has convicted himself when he says that hate arises when an entire nation is collectively held responsible for the crimes of an individual or minority... But the following quotation shows what Wizenthal really thinks of the German people and their role in history: 247 "Just imagine that someone decided to exterminate all Germans, justifying this with the events of the past two centuries: the Germans started two world wars, they murdered millions of human beings, they aimed at world rule." (JNV p. 162. ) I admit that Wizenthal does not in this quotation urge the extermination of the German people. But even this toying with the idea of a genocide of the Germans is an incredible insult to the entire German people in Austria and Germany when one knows that the Jew Henry Morgenthau, a Minister under the American President Roosevelt, was permitted to draw up the so-called Morgenthau Plan which aimed not only at the political but also at the physical destruction of the German people through the destruction of their living conditions and was not finally discarded until 1948 - and then only for fear of Stalin. The present-day destruction of the closed German settlement area by forcibly imposed immigration, and the ethnic destruction of the German people which may be expected as a consequence, may well be a modified continuation of the planned genocide of 1945. Should we generalize, like Wizenthal, therefore, and call the participation of international Jewish organizations, the world-encompassing campaign by the Jewish-steered media, and the support given to this plan by Jewish personalities and institutions in Austria, a "Jewish crime"? The fact that the "Documentary Archives of the Austrian Resistance" ("DOW") defends the Morgenthau Plan to this day, and that in view of modern-day Germany's economic strength they condemn that this Plan was abandoned, prompted me as early as August 12, 1991 to bring charges, via my attorney Dr. Schaller, against the Chief of the DOW, Wizenthal's confidant Dr. Wolfgang Neugebauer. In 1992 this institution - committed to the American secret service, just like Wizenthal (cf. Wagnleitner, CocaColonisationlSPO) - justified its agreement to with panned genocide by citing the necessity of altering the German national character. All of Wizenthal's and his cheerleader P. M. Lingens' protestations that they do not impute anything evil to the German national character must henceforth be regarded as the defensive waffling of two Jews, one of which - Wizenthal - is criminal beyond the shadow of a doubt. The monstrous nature of the above quotation (cf p. ; JNV p. 162) is that Wizenthal does not content himself with ascribing the blame for the two world wars to Adolf Hitler or the Emperors Wilhelm II and Franz Joseph 1, but that he ascribes it to the whole of the German people, to each and every one of our ancestors from three to five generations back, and calls them responsible for an alleged crime that claimed 50 million lives. 248 It has been bizarre enough so far to listen to the accounts of semi-official historiography and to hear that the crime of our century began with the appearance of the "sinister and evil National Socialists". Any doubts about Germany's guilt and any timid reference to the denial of our right to self-determination was avenged with malice or criminal charges. However, the fact that Wizenthal now goes so far as to also take the part of those criminals, in the context of the First World War, who destroyed the Habsburg Monarchy and the empire of the Hohenzollern, who robbed the German nation of territory along all its borders, deprived it of its right to self-determination and plunged it into a deliberately instigated chaos of starvation - with food rations below the level of those in Hitler's concentration camps - clearly exposes Wizenthal's mission on behalf of the American Imperium. By openly making the German people collectively responsible not only for the Second but also for the First World War, he reveals that he sees Austria's history, not with the eyes of the son of an Austrian soldier of the First World War as he claims to be, but with the eyes of an American agent. For surely not even a forger of history as masterful as Wizenthal will be able to make the notion palatable to us that it was "the Germans" who shot the heir apparent Arch-Duke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo! In his forged application for restitution as "ethnic German expellee" Wizenthal makes reference not only to the two years he spent attending a Viennese public school but also states that his father, an Austrian soldier, died in the First World War. One should think, therefore, that he would at least hesitate to sully his own father's memory with allegations of collective guilt and responsibility for the 50 million dead of the First World War. In light of the lunatic national borders which the First World War and American arrogance created in Europe and which we have to thank for the present-day horrors of the Balkan wars at our very doorstep, anyone who places the blame for the First World War on the German people rather than squarely on the shoulders of the Entente powers is a forger of history who should not be permitted to enjoy residence or the benefits of citizenship either in Austria or in Germany. To demonstrate the gruesome cynicism of the Wizenthal quotation here at issue (cf. p. ), please permit me just this once to consider the German people as equal to the Jewish and to rephrase Wizenthal's statement, switching the terms "German" and "Jewish". The result sounds like this: "Just imagine that someone decided to exterminate all Jews, justifying this with the events of the past two centuries: the Jews started two world wars, they murdered millions of human beings, they aimed at 249 world rule. There would in fact be as many reasons for being antiJewish as there are for being anti-German." I have a hard time imagining better proof of Wizenthal's intent to incite race hatred by the passage discussed here than the test performed by switching the nationalities. And this is a warning to all those who made Wizenthal possible: namely, that the injustice of generalization and the charge of collective guilt against "the Germans" may one day be used as a lethal weapon against the Jewish people as well, merely by reversal and the same apparent logic. In this respect, the Morgenthau Plan is like the Jews' Wannsee Conference. With the one difference that the Wannsee protocol is a forgery, whereas the Morgenthau Plan stands up to examination even by the Federal Criminal Police in Wiesbaden. How dangerous Wizenthal's determinations are will only become apparent once people begin to draw reverse conclusions on the basis of such determinations. One of whom we would have least expected it has already done so: the Mayor of Vienna, Helmut Zilk, expressed it as follows in the column "Quotations" of the Austrian daily paper Kurier of September 10, 1992: "The third generation of Germans is paying reparations to Israel. This principle of causality also applies to the political situations in Europe today. The Yugoslavia of today is a creation of the French and the British... In Yugoslavia peoples have been threaded together like beads on a string - an astonishing feat... The chaos goes back to the misguided policies of the French and the British... If the principle of causality applies to Germany, it must also apply to those countries which created the old order." (Kurier, September 10, 1992. ) This is the first time I find myself in agreement with an opinion expressed by the Mayor of Vienna - an opinion which ought to give Wizenthal and the Israeli-American Imperium its first slight case of goosebumps. Mayor Zilk should actually also get the same if he were aware of the ramifications of his own words about the principle of causality: in my native city, he himself has commingled different peoples, some even from outside the Western world, and not by threading them like beads on a string, but by destroying the closed German settlement area and mixing the various groups into a gruesome ethnic cup of hemlock. 250 Incitement against Austria. All the quotations discussed in this book as being indicative of Wizenthal's character are only random selections from an incredible bulk of similar statements, regardless whether it be lies or incitement to hatred against all things German. By the same token, the incitement against Austria, her population and her politicians which I have exposed here is only the tip of an iceberg of unlawful agitation of this kind. For example, the Wellwoche of December 18, 1988 quoted Wizenthal as saying: "Yes. Austria as a whole has also tried to get out of her responsibility. As we know, 80% of Eichmann's staff and three quarters of all the commandants of extermination camps were of Austrian extraction. Nazi criminals from Austria were responsible for the deaths of three million Jews... "Consider that 99% of all Jews who died during the Nazi time were foreigners... Germany has shown the victims that she does not stand by the Nazi criminals, that she considers every trial of criminals as a historical lesson. Austria has very clearly not shown that." If Wizenthal claims that "99%" of all Jewish victims were foreigners, then anyone familiar with basic mathematics must conclude that the 600,000 German Jews could have made up only one percent of the victims. That would mean that 60 million Jews had been exterminated by the Nazis. On the other hand, for the Jewish victims with German citizenship to constitute only one percent of the generally accepted six million - in other words, 60,000 - it would mean that 90% of the German Jews survived Hitler's "genocide". To distill some sense out of this deranged babble is impossible even for the best-intentioned. So the insolent fraud from Lemberg once again wants to teach the German people a lesson, not only in basic mathematics but also in the practice of regarding every trial "of criminals as a historical lesson". In such an atmosphere, acquittals are risky. Bearing in mind the acrobatic feat which Wizenthal performed in the wake of the syndicate-instigated Waldheim Campaign by appearing to distance himself from the attackers and alternately anointing and upbraiding the Austrian President, we shall quote his comment in the Weltwoche (February 18, 1988): "Then I can see only one practical possibility. The people must make an obvious point of isolating Waldheinz They must distance themselves from 251 everything for which their President has become symbolic all over the world." Why Wizenthal's American providers did not immediately dispatch their vacillating and unreliable Austrian agent to well-deserved retirement in an old age home remains a mystery. In the Spiegel of December 30, 1991 the Galician with ill-gotten Austrian citizenship agitated against his "homeland" as follows: "Of course, after everything that's happened, people keep a close eye on Germanv and Austria. After all, neither of them rid themselves of National Socialism, not in military and not in psychological terms. But nonetheless the Germans knew that they would have to buy their ticket for readmission into the society of civilized peoples " (By civilized peoples Wizenthal means, for example, the Israelis who keep 13,000 Palestinians locked up in concentration camps as political prisoners and who take shots at unarmed teenaged demonstrators almost on a daily basis, as well as the United States who, under the Administration of a Jewish President, dropped the atomic bombs developed by Jewish scientists on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.) "Thence we have the restitution payments, while Austria hides behind the Allied declaration of 1943 that she was Hitler's first victim." (Spiegel, December 30, 1991.) Wizenthal conducts his incitement in the style of a cunning fraud: Austria, which was separated from the rest of Germany in 1945 against the will of her people and in violation of the right of nations to selfdetermination (see the plebiscites of 1921 and 1938), and which was fully aware of her impotence, had little choice but to accept this painful Allied decree, just as she also had no choice with regard to the audacious lie of Austria's "liberation" - a lie invented by the American secret service CIA and its cultural mission. Of course it was not possible for the criminal American occupation power to pursue its goal of the unlawful separation of Austria from the rest of Germany by propagating the lie of Hitler's rape of Austria on the one hand if it continued at the same time to declare Austria part of the German nation in order to facilitate the collective punishment of the German people and the reparations payments to Israel. Such shenanigans would not have gone unnoticed. But our Galician crook is once again trying to square the circle. He takes the conditions which were forced on Austria by the Allies with criminal intent and whose most brutal one was the reestablishment of the insane border between Austria and Bavaria, and portrays these conditions, not as an Allied decree, but as an attempt by Austria to get out of its responsibility for alleged "murders of Jews" of which neither the Allies nor the Germans, and thus not the Austrians either, had any 252 knowledge at the time this decree was imposed. (Moscow Declaration of 1943.) The deal with which the Allied criminals - the syndicate for which Wizenthal stands - already ripped us off in 1945 is now to be used to rip us off a second time, in a reversal of the original: We Austrians are not permitted to be Germans, but now, half a century later, we are supposed to burden ourselves, our children and our grandchildren with the German collective guilt! At least in the pillory where Wizenthal, faithful to his mission, seeks to place "the Germans", the Austrian dream of German unity has become realized and our joint fate, though defrauded and disgraced, has been restored. I welcome that, at least. The "cocky Germans". On Monday, December 17, 1990, our anti-German preacher of hate was in fine form once again, as we can see from the Austrian tabloid Kurier: "Take the German reunification, for example. We know from history that the Germans got cocky when they were strong." Indeed, we have little of the Israeli Jews' humility. We Germans have also, unfortunately, been shortchanged in the Americans' brand of modesty which is so very much appreciated in the Third World - especially in Latin America, Black Africa, Arabia and Vietnam. But it's not nice to make fun of us for hereditary defects. Our Galician disciplinarian does also have some encouraging words for us, however: "First of all, I believe that Germany learned the lesson it was taught in 1945, and its effects will go on for generations." (Karntner Tageszeitung, December 29, 1989.) What a relief. It's good to hear our "moral authority", that aged crook Szymon Wizenthal of Lemberg, finally correct one of the historical lies we have been forced to swallow so far: in the Second World War Germany was not, as Wizenthal & Co. have mendaciously told us for so long, "liberated from the yoke of National Socialist dictatorship", but was merely "taught a lesson". Future generations as well - our children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren (and all the way on to the seventh generation?) - have also, in Wizenthal's opinion, been "taught a lesson". And finally, Wizenthal says what I have already been preaching for 32 years now: that the United States of America - the world's greatest democracy, and directed by Jews: "God's 253 own country", so to speak - only used National Socialism and Hitler as an excuse to destroy, partition and scourge the German people. Which proves once again: the best weapon against Szymon Wizenthal and the American cultural aggression in German lands is Wizenthal himself. The best medicine against the Galician fraud is his own words. Incitement against the Church. German Catholics, especially in Austria, South Tyrol and Bavaria, have been pained to see Wizenthal launch hateful and disrespectful attacks on the Catholic Church, and on the Holy Father Pope Pius XII in particular. "The aid committees (i.e. aid committees for persecuted members of the SS) were promoted in particular by the Catholic Church, which suddenly remembered its humanitarian duties. Although during the Nazi period it had not done much for prisoners and virtually nothing for concentrationcamp inmates, it was now evidently trying to make up for its omissions by looking after the inmates of POW camps. "In many instances, however, the assistance of the Church went far beyond the mere toleration of aid committees and actually amounted to abetting criminals..." (JNV p. 54-55.) Here Wizenthal forgets that in 1946 the war was over and that the "POWs" were in fact forced labor slaves detained under monstrous conditions - Germans of whom almost a million were deliberately left to starve by the Americans alone (cf. James Bacque, Other Losses, Toronto: Stoddart, 1989). The collective guilt for this "Jewish-American" crime (to use a Wizenthalian generalization) is something which Sneaky Szymon will not be able to evade by finagling Austrian citizenship and German ethnicity for himself. "In many instances, however, the assistance of the Church went far beyond the mere toleration of aid committees and actualty amounted to abetting criminals: the most important escape route, the so-called `monastery route' between Austria and Italy, came into being. Roman Catholic priests, especially Franciscans, helped Odessa channel its fugitives from one monastery to the next, until they were received by the Caritas organization in Rome. Best known was a monastery on Via Sicilia in Rome, a monastery under the control of the Franciscans, which became a veritable transit camp for Nazi criminals. The man who organized this hideout was no less than a bishop and came from Graz: in his memoirs Alois Hudal subsequently boasted of the many top people from the Third Reich to whom he had been able to render `humanitarian aid'. 254 "It is difficult to guess the motives of these priests." (JNV p. 55.) Wizenthal will also find it difficult to guess why Christ, when he was struck on one cheek, turned the other. He will also not be able to understand why Christ consoled the robbers who were crucified along with him. Wizenthal will have a hard time with everything Christ said or did. The New Testament is full of pitfalls for a man of this Galician crook's stripe. If it were the Old Testament that was at issue, however, Wizenthal would be firmly in control. In matters of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, Wizenthal is in his element. His attacks on the so highly commendable Bishop Alois Hudal - who in self-sacrificing manner saved the lives of countless German officers hunted by the hate-driven Allied judiciary merely for the sake of their membership in the SS and who were in danger of torture and death for no other reason than that - represents a criminal offense under Austrian law (§ 117 StGB), since Hudal acted in the performance of his ecclesiastical duties. Incitement against General Franco. In Madrid on February 17, 1992 the Spanish news agency EFE released a report in which the American agent Szymon Wizenthal, in Spain at that time, defamed the memory of General Francisco Franco by alleging that he aided war criminals after the Second World War. In the process the vain old man again had himself referred to as "cazanazis", meaning "Nazi hunter". Here again, audacity and ingratitude appear as the Galician's particularly prominent character traits. Despite his close ties to Germany and to Hitler, Franco refused to permit the internment or expulsion of the Jews in Spain. But that's not enough for Wizenthal. He had travelled to Spain to push his new book Operacion Nuevo Mundo, which deals with Christopher Columbus and aims at making the notion that Columbus was a Son of Judea palatable to the Spaniards. On the same occasion Wizenthal also deemed it appropriate to come out with a couple of hate speeches against the 91-year-old Wilhelm Ollenbusch for allegedly making anti-Jewish propaganda in the Third Reich. If all Jews behaved like Wizenthal, then I too would probably succumb to the fascination which I always used to think anti-Semitism only had for the narrowminded. Incidentally, Wizenthal also took the opportunity presented by his stay in Spain to slander the French university professor Robert Faurisson, deceiving the Spanish journalists to the effect that the French scholar had 255 been convicted in his country for spreading lies about history. Who was actually spreading the lies here is clear: Wizenthal, as always. To summarize: The image of Wizenthal the Great Crime-Fighter, the larger-than-life Sherlock Holmes who brought 1,000 "murderers" to trial in 50 years, fails to stand up to close examination. Wizenthal, whom his personal cheerleader Peter Michael Lingens portrays as lone fighter with a phenomenal photographic memory, who makes do in his office with only a part-time secretary (who, incidentally, always had to be Jewish), cannot really have conducted criminal investigations of the cases he claims to have solved. 1,000 cases in 50 years averages out to approximately two cases solved per month. After deducting the time Wizenthal spends on multi-continental lecture tours to spout his hatemongering tirades about "the Germans" and their hereditary responsibility for the "guilt" of their parents and grandparents, he would be left with about one afternoon per complex murder case. In all of Austria there is not one criminal investigations officer who has solved 1,000 murder cases in his entire career, whether alone or together with his team. Even if there were such a vast supply of murder cases in our country, and even if the detectives from the homicide squad did not write books like Wizenthal, did not give press conferences and hatemongering lectures like Wizenthal, and did not, like Wizenthal, sneak into Parliament disguised as civil rights activists to help give birth to new antidemocratic laws, they would not be able to work such a criminological miracle. Any criminologist will confirm that such far-reaching investigations which are not even confined to one specific department or precinct, but span continents and oceans, cannot possibly be accomplished single-handedly by one lone man who, as we learn with a pang of compassion, must even beg for five dollar donations in order to be able to pay his electricity bills. According to Lingens, the disinformation headquarters of Wizenthal's personal news service, the kindly angel who paid the postal and telephone expenses of at least Wizenthal's first one-man office (JNU p. ix) was called Israel Silberschein. Or perhaps just "Israel" - that would probably be more accurate. But the touching story of Mr. Israel who foots the electricity bills for poor lame Szymon who has been suffering from heart problems for 50 years and who at the time of this printing is already well over ninety, loses some of its philanthropic glow when one opens Wizenthal's book to page xi, where the astonished reader learns (as a sort of reward for having struggled 256 through the first few pages) that the Senate and House of Representatives in California donated five million dollars to the Simon Wiesenthal Center. For a specific purpose, mind you: for tolerance! This is where one must grit one's teeth and choke back any anti-Semitic resentment that may well up... This donation was only the contribution for 1987. And from only one American state. But America has 50 of them. Neither Israel nor Mr. Silberschein need lose any sleep over the electricity bills incurred by Wizenthal's touching one-man operation. Nor shall we get sentimental over the idealistic addendum which Wizenthal confides to us in the context of his staggering postal and telephone expenses - whispered modestly and almost in lieu of a tax return: "Later I was able to use part of my restitution payments from West Germany for this purpose." (JNV p. ix.) Ah, from "West Germany". That's a return address familiar to anyone in this world with regular payments to collect. No, really - Wizenthal will have to dispense with the image of the old Jewish Maigret who, digging through newspaper clippings in his desk drawers, catches a whole battalion of "mass murderers" with the aid of his phenomenal memory. We do want to be frank with each other, don't we? So why not just list the organizations with which Wizenthal, according to his own information, has collaborated or is collaborating: CIA, CIC, Mossad, OSI, KGB, WJC (World Jewish Congress), ADL (Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith), as well as the various Israeli religious communities throughout the world. (The fact that the latter work closely with the Israeli secret service, the Mossad, is an aside documented in the book By Way of Deception by Victor Ostrovsky, a renegade Mossad agent.) We shall return to the network for which Szymon Wizenthal stands in the chapter "Power" (p. ). His real mission as part of the anti-German propaganda, which is steered by the Israeli-American Imperium and whose backbone unquestionably are the "Holocaust" and the "Shoah", is the gathering and coordination of the false witnesses, the directing of media campaigns, and for the rest, strictly representative tasks: his principals soon realized that, despite his mediocre intelligence, irrespective of his vanity and his manic obsession with publicity, and with the aid of his 100 missing aunts and uncles, the mixture of cunning play-actor, self-possessed sadist and quick-witted soap-box thumper that Wizenthal unites in his person was able to effectively present Jewish suffering worldwide and enlist it in the service of incitement against Germany. 257 His generalizing allegations of the hereditary guilt borne by the German people have racist overtones. He insists on the collective responsibility of the German people without considering that in a straight reversal of his arguments the Jews can then be held responsible for the policies of America and Israel, and with much greater justification, since these nations consider themselves democratic constructs, not "dictatorships". In that sense, his verbal denials of any collective guilt must be regarded as the attempts of a criminal to safeguard himself. Under the laws in force today, his actions constitute incitement a thousand times over. 27 Wizenthal's Revenge Photos and documents How Wizenthal forced a law against me through the Austrian Parliament. How he had the press accuse me of "individual" acts of violence, patterned on his "Nazi war crimes trials", in order to pave the way for my April 1992 trial. The obligatory "murder of children on the selection ramp" was specially modified for my case. Instead, I was falsely and knowingly linked to violence against innocent foreigners. The good old, tried and true method. The criminal and dishonorable journalists: Peter Pisa and Ricardo Peyerl from the Kurier, the house organ of the former American occupation power in Austria. Since I am fighting Wizenthal's machinations with every means at my disposal, I have personally incurred this man's wrath. This has gone so far that in his book Justice Not Vengeance he devoted a nice little section to me, right in company with the "million-fold murderers". I quote: "The interview was broadcast live front the Fienna Josefstadt Theatre. "Within minutes of the beginning (?( the transmission shouts were suddenly heard `Murderer!' someone called out And `You're a liar!' Three men leaned over the balustrade of the first tier and threw stacks of leaflets into the audience .... Their leader was an old acquaintance: Gerd Honsik, head of the Austrian `Foreigners Halt' movement and editor of the periodical Hall." (.INV p. 330.) That I called Szymon Wizenthal a murderer. and also a fraud - which he wiselv omits from his account - is quite true. Since the old scoundrel knows full well that I could prove the "fraud" in any Austrian court, with documents which I don't need the Russian secret service to forge for me, he has dispensed with bringing charges against the for accusing him of murder. But I have been able to document that accusation against him just as solidly in the present volume (see chapter "Murder in Wizenthal's Footsteps"). Instead, the Galician plotted a more insidious revenge. He already began to set the course for putting a judicial stop to my work as author and journalist. He urged a reduction in the severity of the sentence provided by law for the "resumption of National Socialist activities" (whatever that's supposed to be) in order to "make it easier" for juries to reach verdicts of guilty. In context of my own case. he puts it thus: 263 "If, on the other hand, the punishment were a matter of months then lite offenders would be sentenced .... I do believe that there is a good case for making the allegations that 'Auschwitz is a lie' a punishable offence. It has never yet been made for scholarly reasons but has always served the exclusive aim of making Nazism seem harmless and/or agitating against the Jews ' ...." (JNV p. 332.) Wizenthal's dream: that anyone (theoretically even a circumcised Jew who is also a Communist) would be sentenced as "Nazi" if he demands that the existence of "gas chambers" in the Third Reich should be established by means of scientific evidence such as is the worldwide norm for any violent crime. In the case of the "gas chambers", however, this routine securing of material evidence has been neglected to this day. for reasons unknown. But that bodies can be exhumed even after 50 years and that gigantic pits dozens of meters wide and deep (such as were allegedly dug in football-field-sized Treblinka to hold the bodies of a million murder victims) can still be determined by subject experts even after decades have passed - these are facts which are clearly confirmed by the constant discoveries of mass graves between Berlin and the Ural Mountains, discoveries which have been made only since the Eastern Bloc has become accessible. However, these discoveries of mass graves have a serious flaw where Szymon and his "sense of justice" are concerned, and thus they do not interest him: the problem is that regardless whether these gruesome .iscoveries were made in the immediate vicinity of former German concentration camps, which were used as prisons for National Socialists or POWs after the war's end, or whether they were made in the vastnesses of the Russian steppe, these mass graves have yielded only victims of the Allied powers to date. No Jews - ergo, no interest on Wizenthal's part. I shall dispense with details about the press reports telling of the public "statements" and trick maneuvers with which Wizenthal cunningly prepared the way for the legislative amendment that was aimed against me and my book Freisprueh für Hitler?. How Wizenthal got into Parliament: Disguised as "constitutional lawyers", eight biased Jews were unlawfully smuggled into the Austrian Parliament's Justice Committee on November 20, 1991. The operation described here and documented on p. (cf. facsimile) is perhaps one of this century's most masterful impersonation hoaxes. 264 the Austrian Parliament, the place of legislation and of doing the people's will. was used by Wizenthal and his accomplices and stooges to stage an unsavory comedy. On November 20, 1991 the factions of the Austrian Justice Committee, representing all the parties making up the Austrian Parliament (namely. SPO, OVP. FPO and the Green Communists), had summoned 21 "experts" to a "Hearing". According to the Stenographic Protocol of the National Council, XVIII GP. Addendum No. 387 to the Justice Committee's Report and Motion, those who were supposed to be given a forum in this "Hearing" were to be drawn from the areas of constitutional law, criminal jurisprudence, penal legislation, the judiciary and the security authorities. These subject restrictions were not met by 8 of the 21 persons present. These eight persons obtained access to the Austrian Parliament's Justice Committee, for which they had no material qualifications and no legal authorization, under false pretenses and with assistance from the Minister of Justice. They are: the Jew Szymon Wizenthal | Restitution defrauder (cf. pp. ff.) | the Jew Paul Grosz | President of the Israeli religious community of Vienna | the Jew Dr. Gabriel Lansky | Lawyer | the Jewess Dr. Ruth Mireczki | Lawyer for the religious community | the Jew Dr. Georg Zanger | Lawyer for the Communist Party and Freemasons | the Jewess Brigitte Bailer-Galanda, M.A | Documentary Archives of the Austrian Resistance (Dr. Wolfgang Neugebauer) | Dr. Dieter Lenhardt | Editor of the pro-American newspaper Kurier | Dr. Heinrich Vana | Lawyer | The Committee thus included roughly 30% persons of Jewish extraction who are known to be either particularly biased or to belong to biased Jewish organizations. Such a disproportionate composition of this committee, which grants an ethnic minority constituting 0.2% of the total population the right to supply one-third of the committee members, must be considered a brutal violation 265 of both the letter and the spirit of the Federal Austrian Constitution, and this also cannot be changed by reference to the fact that the persons named are members of that ethnic group which, on the basis of the "Holocaust" theory, consider themselves the party injured by those whose incarceration the reformation of the law at issue was to facilitate: for our constitutional principles preclude the "victims" being put in charge of the creation of those laws under which the alleged "culprits" are to be punished. In the community of those nations calling themselves "democracies" there has perhaps never yet been a case where the voting public was more grossly deceived and the principle of the separation of powers more thoroughly violated! As far as I am concerned, it would have been perfectly acceptable to constitute this Committee solely of persons of Jewish extraction (as long as they were Austrian citizens) - if they had been uncontestable persons whose inner loyalty to Austria and her history was beyond question. In other words: if they had been Jewish personalities such as the kind, wise and unforgettable Dr. Michael Stern, the honorable Benedikt Kautsky, the far-sighted Bruno Kreisky, or Friedrich Adler who professed his allegiance to Austria and the German people even as Jew in exile in England, or, to mention some personalities still among the living, Dr. Gfinther Nenning or even Professor Viktor Frankl - then one could have looked forward to the results of the discussions with confidence. The persons actually involved in the case in question, however, who wormed their way into the Austrian Parliament under false colors, could not have proven their inner ties to Austria any more than their subject qualifications and their integrity of character. Let me comment on the worst cases among them: 1. Dr. Gabriel Lansky. Hans Pretterebner's book Der Fall Lucona (subtitle: "Eastern espionage, corruption and murder in the upper echelons of government"), which forced the conviction of Freemason Udo Proksch on six counts of murder after a decade of resistance by Socialist government Ministers, reports about Gabriel Lansky as follows (p. 458): "Extremely active politically, and residing ideologicaltv in the no-man'sland between the extreme-leftist fringe of the Socialist government party and the Communist Party of Moscow, Lansky has become known as a neurotic hater of all things middle-class who suspects 'conservative 266 clerical conspiracies' around every corner, as well as a professional 'anti-Fascist C.. "By now, Lansky, who also frequently appears as legal counsel to house squatters, terrorist demonstrators and RAF sympathizers, strikes even tire Austrian state police as a hit suspicious. Accordingly, the latter has included him in its 'file of extremists'." (Der Fall Lucona, pp. 458-459.) Even if one disregards for the moment Gabriel Lansky's lack of subject and moral qualifications, the question still remains: what is a pro-Communist Freemason and leftist lawyer to terrorists doing in our Parliamentary building as advisor to our democracy's legislative body? In the context of Lansky. the author Pretterebner also refers to a kind of memo which one of the lawyers to the insurance defrauder and murderer Udo Proksch had drawn up to determine their trial strategy. The memo is unsigned, but Pretterebner has attributed it to Lansky unchallenged. It states: "'I feel that this court acts no differently than anyone else: whatever one is very frequently told in a very decided manner takes on a life c?/ its own, develops a dynamic force, grows larger and unconscioustv takes up more room than many other more significant and more valid arguments.' "lit that sense, in the case of tire advisers to Proksch, one must simply 'indoctrinate the high court, as it were'." (Der Fall Lucona, p. 461.) Anyone who believes that Gabriel Lansky said this with reference to the theory of the "gas chambers" is far off the mark. Lansky merely tried to draw on a general, tried-and-true technique in order to make the untruthful justifications offered by Udo Proksch, the prisoner awaiting trial, come to seem more credible by means of the constant repetition of invalid covering lies than the arguments of the prosecution, which he recognized as valid. In my opinion, rather than to continue serving as a guardian of the law, an attorney with such a misguided sense of justice might well be urged by the Law Society to consider making his living in a different field. That such a colorful personality should be chosen i.e. selected to waltz up before the honorable members of the House as assistant in an impersonation hoax to abuse Austrian jurisprudence is incomprehensible. 267 2. Dr. Georg Zanger. Georg Zanger is no less shady a character: "..Nalolli was defended by a well-known young lawyer from Fenna: Georg Zanger, official attorney to the Communist Party of Austria and the son of Jakob Zanger, legal counsel to Proksch." (Der Fall Lucona, p. 297. ) The claim that there is an affinity between Jewry and Communism is usually rejected as being unfounded. However, given the round of figures making their appearance here, one might almost be tempted to dust off this old prejudice once again. Particularly in our times, where it has been scientifically established and thoroughly documented that Communism has been responsible for genocides claiming 40 million lives in Eastern Europe alone, and as many as 45 million in Red China, to have the Jewish attorney Georg Zanger from the dynasty of Communist Party lawyers serve as advisor to the Parliament of a nation where only 2 of every 1,000 persons share in the ideology of communism is a grave insult to the principle that states that power must proceed from the people. In other words, this legislative farce infiltrated the House with precisely those shady characters from the pool of Austrian defense counselors who to this day deny, approve or trivialize the mass murders committed under the criminal Communist ideology, and let them sit in judgement over those Austrians who call for the adduction of scientific material evidence with regard to the mass murder of Jews with poison gas. All of these Jews with Austrian citizenship who were smuggled into the Parliamentary Committee illegally and under false pretenses must be considered biased, selectively blind and unqualified in character because there is not one among them who was ever prepared, like the former Chancellor Bruno Kreisky, to publicly criticize Israel and its measures to oppress the Palestinian people. This was a case of Jews sitting in judgement over Austrians and forging plans for their incarceration because they presume to call for the evidence that is the norm in any violent crime, while the self-proclaimed legislators have not so much as a word of regret and apology and no gesture of restitution to spare for the 13,000 political prisoners vegetating in Israeli concentration camps and the thousands of young Palestinian demonstrators murdered by the Israeli military (cf. Amnesty International, German 1991 Yearbook, pp. 207-213). They all deny the Palestinian people's right to self-determination, they also deny the Palestinians' equality as citizens of Israel, 268 and since they disregard such basic principles of justice they have no business being in the company of jurists, unless it were as defendants in court. And all this is irrespective of the fact that Szymon Wizenthal (even if one disregards the fraud, forgeries and even the more serious points of suspicion 7 have raised) openly admits his complicity in the abduction of Adolf Eichmarm from Argentina and has even bragged of it. A kidnapper as legal advisor?! The dishonesty, duplicity and ambiguous loyalty of the persons of Jewish extraction listed here also follow from the fact that they have (sometimes publicly) portrayed the Austrians as "hostile to foreigners" because these demand the continued preservation of their old-established and closed settlement area, while they themselves are utterly uncritical of Israel's settlement policies and of Jewish racism made respectable by a veneer of religious motivation. Should the Austrian Minister of Justice. Dr. Michalek, a member of this Justice Committee, really not have known all this? How should people be able to prove that inner bond with Austria (which one might expect from advisors to our people's representatives) if they want to see our nation's annual birth deficit compensated for by the immigration of people of all races and religions, while at same time standing by the policies of the Israeli state which has granted Israeli citizenship to not so much as one single non-Jew in all the years since its founding? Wizenthal "plants a time-bomb" in Austrian Parliament: He makes the Nuremberg Tribunal of Vengeance socially acceptable after 50 years. As any student of law learns in the very first semester in the course of introductory lectures, our legal system, based as it is on Roman law, forbids the passing of penal legislation with retroactive force. And so it was no surprise that scholars of jurisprudence at universities throughout the world refused to recognize as legitimate the Inter-Allied Military Tribunal of Nuremberg (IMT), which engaged in lengthy show trials to convict not only the entire government of the Reich but numerous German army officers as well, even for "crimes" such as carrying out orders sanctioned by martial law. If nothing else, the fact that this "Nuremberg justice" was never again exercised on any other vanquished nation - despite the numerous crimes that have been committed since 1945 - should demonstrate to even the most 269 naive that this Tribunal used the military power which had appointed it to subject the vanquished to a brutal act of revenge unparalleled in modern times. Drawing support from the puppet governments they had appointed (and these puppet governments, in turn, drawing support from the media whom they were able to bring almost uniformly into their camp with the assistance of their foreign principals), the victorious Allies largely succeeded in preventing any inquiry into the history of the Third Reich and into post-War history - yet criticism of the "justice" meted out by the IMT has nonetheless become firmly established in public awareness. As case in point, under their entries for "International Military Tribunal of Nuremberg" various encyclopedias today already comment, cautiously but unmistakably, that these precedents have not in fact been incorporated into international law. Wizenthal, whose gruesome activities are after all based on the arbitrary "justice" of the Nuremberg tribunal, picked up the thread at this point, and in his commando attack on the Austrian Parliament, in the vanguard of six unreasonable and biased Jews, he evidently succeeded in restoring the Nuremberg Tribunal of Vengeance to a semblance of respectability. If one studies the addenda to the Stenographic Protocols of the National Council, XVIII GP/387/p. 4, one finds that Wizenthal and his raiding party managed to dupe the Committee and its members. We read: "Following Article 6 Itr. c of the Charter of the Inter-Allied Military Tribunal of Nuremberg, the term 'crimes against humawitv' is taken to include, in particular, murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation and other inhumane acts committed against a civilian population..." This passage which our parliamentary report cites from the Inter-Allied Military Tribunal would not be so bad if only it were applied to the Israeli government, the members of the Knesset, and the six hardened, implacable, utterly unrepentant and stubborn Jewish chauvinists who weaseled their way into the Halls of Law and Order in the guise of legal experts, led by Wizenthal and protected by the Austrian Minister of Justice, Michalek. But that is precisely the injustice of Nuremberg: that it did not want to punish crimes, just to convict Germans. So, in 1991, the Austrian Parliament, with the participation of all the parties represented in the Parliament, now based decisions on "Nuremberg law", knowing full well that this was injustice. Still, I believe that most of the Representatives accepted the insertion of this passage into the parliamentary protocols without objection only because they were ignorant of the origin and history of the act in question, and of its originators. 270 At this point I would like to quote the former President of the World Jewish Congress. Dr. Nahum Goldmann, and his book The.Jewish Paradox: "During the war lite WJC (World Jewish Congress) bad created an Institute of Jewish Affairs in New York (its headquarters are now in London). The directors were two great Lithuanian Jewish jurists, Jacob and Nehemiah Robinson. Thanks to them, the Institute worked out two completely revolulionarv ideas: the Nuremberg tribunal and German reparations." (p. I 22. ) This revelation is of great significance because the connection between the never-ending hunt for "German war criminals" and the equally neverending restitution payments has long been disputed, including in numerous trials of Revisionists in Austria and Germany. Goldmann clears matters up for us: In one single sentence we learn that it was two Jews who, working with a Jewish institute. invented the two "revolutionary ideas" of war crimes trials and German reparations. What Goldmann doesn't say, but what we know anyway, is that this Jewish institution succeeded in making this bright idea of the two Lithuanian Jews palatable to the United States, the British world empire, the Grande Nation and to Stalins Soviet Union, and also succeeded in prompting these great powers to actually commit the judicial murder of the German officers corps and the government of the Reich. If the Representatives of the four Austrian parties had consulted real experts on constitutional law instead of Wizenthal, the religious community and lawyers for the Austrian Communist Party, they would have learned that even Germany has avoided giving an express contractual acknowledgment of the "war crimes verdicts" handed down by Allied military courts in Germany - and that also includes the IMT's verdict of October I, 1946. But as it was, our parliamentarians blundered squarely into Wizenthal's trap, whose closing consists of our Representatives having to realize some day that the Second Austrian Republic is the only country on earth to have turned the trick of two Baltic Jews. and the crime resulting from it, into a moral foundation for its criminal legislation. This shows clearly how very important it must have been for the Galician to be present in the Parliament and its Justice Committee, and what a mighty stench remains from the fart that our crook released in the columned halls of the House. In my own May 1992 trial as well - even though I had never been in charge of a concentration camp but had merely written a book -the Wizenthal Machinery unfolded along the same lines as in real war crimes trials: newspaper headlines and Austrian television broadcasts featured my name 271 even months before the trial began. I was untruthfully linked to discoveries of firearms caches and to "paramilitary" youth groups, and last but not least, accused of planning an armed coup. It goes without saying that these accusations, without exception, were dreamed up with the intent to slander me. It is typical and revealing of the Wizenthal Syndicate that the Austrian informant and Wizenthal-buddy Dr. Wolfgang Neugebauer of the "Documentary Archives of the Austrian Resistance" (a man who to date has reported 600 of his fellow citizens to the public prosecutor for "extremist activities" and has demanded their arrest for their views on history which happened to differ from his own) accused me, a known fighter for the refutation of the "Holocaust", of distributing "Nazi computer games" in which the murder of Jews with poison gas is glorified. The day before my trial began, the Kurier - the Austrian tabloid in Wizenthal's thrall, popularly known as "the Voice of Israel" - and its editor Dieter Lenhardt - who, as you may see from the previous, was part of Wizenthal's attack force that invaded the Justice Committee in the guise of experts on constitutional law -published a half-page article in which I was described as a "teacher" of three convicted violent criminals accused of having mistreated foreigners. To complete the parallelism with war crimes trials, the Kurier supplemented its hatemongering article with the photo of a little foreign girl (see facsimile, p.) which had no more to do with the crime for which the three youths were convicted, than the convicts themselves had to do with me. The little foreign girl was simply used to provide the propagandistic element in my case which, in the real "war crimes trials", is provided by the obligatory individual murder of the Jewish child on the selection ramp. So Wizenthal managed the feat of inventing, propagating and forcing through Parliament an Austrian law aimed at me and my work as author, while at the same time directing and producing the setting via his usual media campaign, and then, after my conviction, giving voice to his satisfaction in interviews. This masterful theatrical, organizational and psychological performance demands respect. When I realized what was going on I was as amazed as I had been as a child in the puppet theater when I found out that one single man pulled all the strings from which the puppets danced. 28 Sadism Photos and document Why SS-men were brave at the front and manful in court, but trembled at being interviewed by Wizenthal and his minions. Wizenthal tries his "hand": strip search and interrogation! Anyone who reads Szymon Wizenthal's books attentively, time and again comes across passages where the author lingers over the pain. horror and fear of his victims. Aside from the fact that we do not generally find such descriptions in serious criminological literature, Wizenthal lingers over the terror he spreads and the tears he causes a bit longer than would lie necessary to get his point across. Let me give you an example. In the foreword to the book analyzed her,,. we read: "It was on one of the first few days.. that the door opened and an SS man was brought in [...] shaking, a bundle if fear. [..] 'It was as if a hare wins expected to grasp that the huntsman was afraid of it... "` (JNV p. I 3.) The shaking SS-man, who crops up in several places in Wizenthal's opus and is described in detail, tells us a great deal about the personality of the man who calls himself "Nazi hunter", about the abyss of his psyche. and about what actually happened in the concentration camps after the inmates and the American soldiery took over. Probably even among those historians who give biased and one-sided and deliberately negative accounts of the Third Reich, there are none Mho doubt that the ranks of the SS were made up of particularly tough men who had undergone brutal training and who had usually volunteered for such units. It is also an undisputed fact that wherever the SS were posted to serve at the front (Waffen-SS) they displayed especial bravery, especial preparedness for self-sacrifice, and an utter disdain for their own death. Beyond that, we know that even in post-1945 war crimes trials, member, of the SS - such as Robert Verbelen, Rajakovich, Dejaco and Ertl - responded even to threats of life imprisonment with an awesome self-control and fearless resolve which the Austrian and German public, aware of what was self-evident and common knowledge about the SS, had come to expect from members of this order. Even directly in the face of death, SS-men hone their heavy burden coolly, apparently unemotionally, and courageously right to the bitter end. In this context I remind the reader of Adolf Eichmann', deportment in his glass cage in Jerusalem. Now, when we hear from Wizenthal that SS-men in Mauthausen were shaking with fear when they were dragged in to the interrogation, this proves 277 that something must have been done to these men, or been in store for them, that exceeded by far anything that human beings could bear. For a change Wizenthal is telling the truth. Even if the German and Austrian public and the left-wingers - particularly the left-wing intellectuals - know nothing of the horrible torture inflicted by Jewish-American interrogation specialists on the SS guards and the captured Waffen-SS soldiers, these bestial torture methods that are unequaled in the western world in post-Inquisition times are nonetheless documented in devastating detail in court files, investigation findings and witness testimony. From the butchery of the Dachau guards by the American soldiery and the torturing-to-death of the surviving wounded by Wizenthal's criminal concentration camp pals, to the martyrdom of the commandant of Auschwitz. H6ss, who was kept handcuffed for three weeks straight and who, lying on a butcher's bench, was beaten and tortured by British Jews for three full weeks in the village Heide until he lost consciousness as well as his powers of speech, there stretches a gruesome way of the cross whose victims have yet to be counted, whose torturers have yet to be punished, and whose agonies have yet to be published. (cf Wigbert Grabert, Geschichlsbetrachtung als Wagnis, Tubingen: Grabert, 1984.) Just as murderers are drawn back to the site of their crime, so Szymon Wizenthal's thoughts and words circle like vultures around the trembling SSmen being led in to be interrogated. He cannot describe how they look, he cannot explain what shape they were in, cannot tell us about their crushed testicles, their broken jaws, or the heat chambers for their confinement. And he also cannot reveal the practice of withholding "food stamps" for their wives and children or the violent excesses committed against their next-of-kin. To do so would be treasonous. But to linger over the trembling bundle of humanity as which such a formerly proud and brave SS-man was dragged in to him - that is something he can't do without. Yet in the heat of his apparently compulsive actions he forgets that by indicating that these men, so brave in battle and so valiant in court, might have had good cause to be deathly afraid of those interrogations, he runs the risk of pointing his readers in the direction of those crimes which his concentration camp buddies and the criminal soldiery of his liberators committed with impunity on German soil for weeks, months and years. (See photos and text, pp. ff.) Like semi-official historiography as a whole, Wizenthal too likes to claim that the SS scrupulously removed all traces and evidence of their atrocities. This theory would seem to be contradicted by one of the most 278 gruesome and most retarded stories Wizenthal has ever served his reading public. Again in the context of "trembling SS-men", Wizenthal has his cheerleader Peter Michael Lingens write the following: "When Simon Wiesenthal was searching one of those trembling SS man for papers he found a picture in his wallet: it showed a young man who had been strung up by his testicles." (JNV p. 14.) I doubt that there is any mammal on this planet, and certainly no homo sapiens, whose testicles would be able to support his body weight. But the Galician crook expects us to believe in this physiological miracle. Of course Wizenthal will not be able to show you this photo. He will also not be able to cite the court file containing the photo, will not be able to give the name of the SS-man who allegedly carried the picture in his wallet. and not even the punishment to which the torturer was sentenced. Much less the name of the victim. And thus he revels in gruesome tales and bloodthirsty fantasies, and he could not care less that there is a wealth of orders and witness testimonies that prove that the SS were strictly forbidden to lay a hand on prisoners. It is probably unnecessary to add here that the SS were not permitted to carry cameras at work as though they were some sort of tourist, and that they could also not jaunt off to the dark room whenever they chose to. There is also no evidence to indicate that the SS admitted mentally deranged people to their ranks. But that is exactly what the SS man here at issue would have to have been if he had carried the horrible evidence for his atrocity next to his heart (instead of a photo of his sweetheart) right until he was dragged, "trembling", to the barracks to be "body searched" by the Hatemonger Himself. Even if this had been an inconceivably slow-wilted SS-man, the blasting of the "gas chambers", the peaceful surrender of the concentration camp Mauthausen to the International Red Cross, and later the advance of the American troops, should have brought it home to the SS-idiot of Wizenthal's lively imagination that it was gradually coming to be time either to part with the well-loved picture or to find a better hiding place for it than his wallet, which the criminal concentration camp inmates were no less interested in than the American soldiers. Fortunately such horror stories were not concocted and peddled after the war with the approval of Wizenthal's superiors. Given the bad experiences the Allied propagandists had made with the hacked-off hands of Belgian children, and due to the fact that the people were only too well aware of the iron discipline of the SS, Wizenthal subsequently had to repress his fondness for tales of this sort. At that time Allies still preferred to portray the "mass murders" in the Third Reich as a 279 crime ordered from higher-up, and carried out assembly-line-style in blind obedience by highly disciplined men. Years went by before Wizenthal was able to get his way for reasons of trial strategy and to have his witnesses allege individual personal crimes and excesses, because allegations of mere cooperation in an industrial-style murder machinery, without evidence for personal criminal tendencies, often failed to secure convictions. Only then was the way clear - not, perhaps, for lunatic horror stories such as the above, that make a mockery of the laws of nature, but certainly for the individual murders of children, committed publicly by high-ranking SS officers in violation, not of the laws of nature, but definitely of those of the Third Reich and of the reality of everyday life under the National Socialist regime. Jew overcomes surgeon: Plastic surgery that Wizenthal finds funny. In chapter 17 of Justice Not Vengeance which Wizenthal titles "Plastic Surgery", he again permits us a glimpse into the abyss of his criminal character. In the course of my analysis of his book I have come to the conclusion that in order to understand Wizenthal it is necessary to include some passages from his book in detail. I want to mention at the outset that the conversations Wizenthal repeats for us all seem to me to sound much like excerpts from the novels of Karl May, whose books Wizenthal has surely read and whose style no doubt adds a subconscious coloring to Wizenthal's anecdotes. It would be an interesting project for a linguist to examine my theory more closely. In Wizenthal's first-person narratives he always emerges as the superior party in these dialogues, and his opposite number must always assume the role of the silly little inferior - regardless whether he be a German Minister of Justice, an "SS man come down in the world", or, as in this case, a Jewish surgeon. The parallels to "Kara Ben Nemsi" are striking. Anyone who spent his childhood devouring Karl May's adventure novels, as I did (and evidently Wizenthal as well), will find that the following conversation takes him back to Kara Ben Nemsi Effendi's conversation with a Turkish village mayor: "`Please go ahead and tell me,' I interrupted hisfood of words. "`Yesterday a man arrived at our hospital from Argentina .... German - you know, a typical German with that particular haircut...' "`So?' 280 "The man wants us to perform a cosmetic operation on his face. You ought to know that we specialize in cosmetic surgery." " `You are to make the German more beautiful?' "`That's what he asks me to do.' " `So where's the problem?' " `I'm convinced that the man is a Nazi who wants to change his appearance in order to hide his identity. I consulted with an assistant at my hospital who's a Jew like myself .... I struggled with the problem one whole night, and then reduced it to the question "Am I first of all a doctor, or am I first of all a Jew?"' " `And who won?' " `I called you.' "I assured the excited caller that he needn't have the slightest anxiety about me. My informers were as safe with me as with their father confessor. "The doctor thereupon gave me the full name of his patient .... At the mention of this locality I jumped... I tried to conceal my excitement and asked how long the patient was expected to remain in hospital. " `Eight or ten days.' "`That's not enough. I think we'll need a little more time.' " `Very well, then he'll have to stay longer - and it'll cost him a little more. "` (JNV p. 134-135.) No doubt you, dear reader, have already realized who is the Effendi (=Master) and who is the good-natured but somewhat feeble-minded Turkish village mayor here. Shortly thereafter, our Kara Ben Nemsi's telephone rings again. And again the caller is a good-natured but rather silly person, just like the surgeon before her. But this time it's a Native American Indian nurse. Phew! The conversation that now follows between Old Shatterhand and the squaw goes like this: "A female voice wanted to speak to Simon WiesenlhaL When I said that was me, the words just tumbled out of her: `I am a nurse, an American Indian. I'm working at a hospital here .... I have a Jewish friend who gave me your telephone number .... his name; it's 'Berger', and he is a German... please don't give me away .... If it came out that I've passed on information about patients it'd cost me my job.' "I made my voice sound excited so the nurse shouldn't suspect that her information was no news to me, expressed some outrage at the brazenness with which those bastards again ventured to show themselves in New York, 281 thanked her for her information and reassured her that no one would learn anything from me. " (JNY p. I 3 5-136. ) If any of my readers should have felt that I had not already proved that Wizenthal is a barnstormer and quack, I think I have done so now. How the octogenarian "made his voice sound excited" so that the Indian nurse should not suspect anything - that's Old Shatterhand, larger than life and hard as nails. The fact that we now have three Jewish doctors at this New York hospital who "let the Jew overcome the surgeon" by denouncing a patient, whereby one of them has himself represented by an Indian whom he slipped the totem of Wizenthal's telephone number which he evidently keeps constantly within reach in his knife belt, should really be enough to make us non-Jews shudder: To hear how spitefully and cynically the Jewish surgeons, and Wizenthal himself as well, badmouth the "typical German" with "that particular haircut" without having any evidence for his guilt, to hear how they do not hesitate to prolong his stay in the hospital without any medical need, how they scornfully dismiss the resultant extra expenses, and how all three of them, independently of the others, are prepared to break their Hippocratic oath, must be enough to make any German fear that he might ever end up under the knife of such a Jewish surgeon himself. And where Wizenthal is concerned, a criminal aspect of his character becomes clearly apparent: devoid of any natural sense of justice, he comments, in a frivolous tone and with undisguised satisfaction, that the Jew got the better of the surgeon - "come out on top", as he puts it. And this is the case three times at one and the same hospital. Drunk with Jewish nationalism and personal arrogance, he does not even realize that the comment with which he glorifies the surgeon's violation of his professional oath on the grounds of his more pressing religious claims only serves to give Jewry a dishonorable and contemptuous character reference. To make matters brief: Berger, the patient, was not the man they sought. He was innocent - at least as much as Wizenthal can allow any German to be innocent. When it comes right down to it, the comment that the Jew overcame the surgeon by violating the Hippocratic oath is an anti-Semitic remark, which Wizenthal is apparently unable to grasp. And now Wizenthal once again lingers over a description of details which, in my opinion, any normal person would seek to keep quiet - in his own interest. Try to recreate my analysis as 282 you read the following text, with which the ghastly comedy of plastic surgery concludes. Kara Ben Nemsi of Galicia speaks: "A few months later I was in New York and phoned the surgeon, who was anxious to know how the story had ended. I told him that his patient was an entirely unimportant person, of whom we couldn't even say whether he'd been a member of the Nazi party. His wish for facial surgery had apparently been prompted by the blonde young lady who'd visited him at the hospital. And since we had now broken professional medical secrecy so often, I requested him to show me a photo of his patient. He showed me two, one before and one after the operation. I was unable to see a great deal of difference. Evidently the `Jew' within the surgeon had come out on top." (JNV p. 13 8. ) And in this sneering tone of grisly humor, Wizenthal carries on in a book which it was allegedly his sacred duty to the victims to write, etc. etc. A worse disgrace for the world's Jews than this spiteful and imprudent confession by a patently sick man is hard to imagine. While Wizenthal first used the expression of the "Jew overcoming the surgeon" only with reference to the fact that said surgeon notified him and provided the personal data on his patient, the context in which he repeats that disgusting phrase the second time (evidently he considers it witty) gives it an even worse meaning: The fact that the patient was deliberately not operated properly and as requested, obviously because he was a German and was therefore deemed suspect - that is what Wizenthal considers to be "the Jew's victory over the surgeon". When Wizenthal sneers spitefully that he "was unable to see a great deal of difference" in the patient's appearance before vs. after the operation, this might well also be a diplomatically veiled hint that the patient had even been disfigured. But only an investigation of the case in court could determine that for certain. And now, a question - to my readers, but also to the Austrian and German public and the American and Israeli people: Don't you also think that a man who can write the following must be psychologically abnormal? "And since we had now broken professional medical secrecy so qften, I requested him to show me a photo of his patient." (JNV p. 138. ) At the time after the operation when Wizenthal requested the photo of the patient, he already knew for certain that this man was not one of the "war criminals" he was looking for. Regarding the actual sharing of his patient's photo, the surgeon himself can also no longer claim that he 283 thought doing so would help shed light on a crime (unless it was his own). So what could possibly have prompted Szymon Wizenthal to ask to see the photo of an Argentinean citizen who had had a facial operation - a man with short hair, "German appearance", and of German extraction? It cannot be medical interest, since Wizenthal is an architect and has never professed an inclination to medicine. And that a grown man (with an appointment book as full as that of the man who solved 1,000 murder cases etc. must be) should spare the time to view a photo of no apparent professional interest, of a man who has had unsuccessful or - shall we say - deliberately bungled facial surgery, just makes no sense in any normal context. To me it is certain that this is a case of a pathological sadist, whose hatred of all things German serves him as an excuse to satisfy his undiagnosed compulsion to revel and delight in the suffering of another human being. The "blonde young lady" (obviously also suspected of being a German) who had prompted the patient's wish for the "cosmetic surgery" - why is she described in this book allegedly devoted to the hunt for murderers, why does Wizenthal linger over this woman, and if he must do so, why can he not even find a word of comfort or regret for her who was also cheated by the Jewish surgeon? On pages 224-225 Wizenthal writes: "Anyone expecting that Jews could never commit a war crime, never persecute someone unjustly, or perhaps even never kill, merely shows that he still does not regard us as the equals of other nations - equals in good and in evil. Anyone siding with us only as long as we play the part of victim has, in a different way, remained the same old anti-Semite." (JNV p. 224-225.) To keep from being considered an anti-Semite I will gladly concede that he certainly can persecute people unjustly, that he may even have interrogated and killed them, and that he is definitely anyone's equal in evil. But I'd rather not side with him anyway, even if he does then scold me as anti-Semite. In his books Wizenthal virtually wallows in savoring grisly and unproven atrocities. To list all the physically impossible and juridically utterly unproven scenes of butchery which occur even in just the single book analyzed here would exceed the scope of this chapter by far. However, in the context of my theory of Szymon Wizenthal's sadistic disposition it is vital 284 that the reader should review one more time the excerpt from JNV reproduced here on page , in which Wizenthal goes wild with physically impossible and forensically unprovable torture fantasies. The space which Wizenthal devotes to the wives of his "war criminals", whose loyalty he pokes fun at and whose pain he lingers over longer than any criminological purpose could warrant - these too are clear indicators that suggest to me that this man draws on the fear and on the pain he hopes to cause, to gain that which psychology subsumes under the term "pleasure". I believe that Szymon Wizenthal is a sick man. The world just doesn't know it yet.
29 Power Photos "I need only have taken a jeep and two soldiers... " "In my presence Kennedy telephoned the Brazilian ambassador... " "At that time I was working fairly closely with the Austrian police... " "If I had been aware of this quotation (from President Tudjman) sooner, I would have prevented Tudjman's being received by Chancellor Kohl... " Anyone who identifies the world-encompassing, power-hungry Jewish Imperium is automatically branded as a follower of National Socialism or as minority-hating racist, or at the least as anti-Semite and conspiracy-minded nutcase, depending on expediency and his nationality. You and I, dear reader, won't thoughtlessly run the risk of such labels. We won't claim that there is a world-encompassing Jewish power for purposes of persecution Germans and their former allies. We won't claim that Wizenthal knows that the majority of American senators actively side with his manhunt. We won't claim that Wizenthal has power of disposal of the American soldiers and military vehicles. We won't claim that in his Viennese backyard office Wizenthal receives visits from diplomats and American government officials who bring him news and materials or pick up the same. We won't claim that Israeli citizens perform investigative services for him on Austrian soil, without a license. We won't claim that the American government official Neal Shaer, who has become known as "Waldheim hunter" and who on the orders of his government hunts exclusively for "German war criminals", pays Wizenthal visits. We won't claim that Wizenthal makes suggestions to Austrian public prosecutors which are intended to prompt them to travel to Israel without delay. We won't claim that the United States, being a world power, are ever at the ready to do Wizenthal's bidding by exerting at least economic pressure on other nations to obtain the extradition of citizens of those countries. We won't claim that with just a single phone call Wizenthal can bring about demonstrations against any country he chooses, thus manufacturing the "outrage of the world public". We won't claim that Wizenthal has such influence on newspapers and journalists in the nations of the Western Hemisphere that these are willing to ignore the legal principle that decrees a person to be innocent until proven 289 guilty, and to enact worldwide campaigns to obtain the extradition of political refugees who happen to be Germans. We won't claim that such journalists are even prepared to serve as scouts and even to act as agents provocateurs if Wizenthal wishes it. We also won't claim that Wizenthal managed, via the German media giant Axel Springer, to persuade the Bavarian chief minister Franz Josef Strauss to rig a vote in the German Bundestag regarding the statute of limitation on war crimes. We won't claim that the Anti-Defamation League, the militant vanguard organization of the Masonic lodge B'nai B'rith, is always ready to assist Wizenthal and that it is headed by rabbis whom presidents and chief public prosecutors are ever ready to receive, should Wizenthal wish it. We also won't claim that Wizenthal planned a house search at the Red Cross, is able to control the bureaucratic processing of Austrian court files as well as their degree of completeness, and that he publicly excludes Austria from membership in the "civilized world". And last but not least, we also won't claim that Wizenthal can influence the Dutch Parliament to pass resolutions, that he can prompt Senator Robert Kennedy to leap into action at any time, or that he can ask Sir Winston Churchill Jr. for political favors. And we don't need to claim any of this - because Wizenthal claims all this himself. Let's hear it in his own words. Who serves Wizenthal? His friends and allies. Wizenthal's opus Justice Not Vengeance which I have analyzed here offers us valuable insights, of which I can only quote selections due to their great number: "I need only have taken a jeep and two soldiers, and Eichmann would have found himself under arrest. Instead we turned to the CIC, which resided in the immediate neighbourhood of Altaussee..."(JNV p. 68.) Try for a moment to imagine that a discharged concentration camp inmate in unsettled circumstances and without steady employment could seriously consider simply "taking a jeep and two soldiers" - in other words, materiel of war and personnel of an army to which he does not belong, and part of a nation whose citizenship he does not possess. But the American 290 secret service CIC also stood ready to ask "how high?" when our vagabond said "jump!" "I consulted the Israeli consul in Vienna, Arie Eschel, who invited me to compile a report for the World Jewish Congress..." (JNV p. 76.) Yes, you read correctly: not the ambassador of the World Jewish Congress (for there is no such thing) but the Israeli consul in Vienna, who evidently takes care of such matters in his spare time, advises Wizenthal which legal authorities an Austrian citizen claiming to be "an ethnic German" should turn to when he feels like informing on people. "I sent one copy of the report to Dr. Nahum Goldmann, the President of the World Jewish Congress, and another to the Israeli consulate in Vienna." (JNV p. 76.) We see that the borders are fluid: Israel, America, Israeli consulate in Vienna, and Szymon Wizenthal - it is no longer possible to keep a clear view of command structures here; before our very eyes everything interlinks into an endlessly tangled web. Wizenthal's protestations (made years later) claiming that he had had nothing whatsoever to do with the World Jewish Congress's campaign and the recall of the Jewish ambassador from Austria are thus also exposed as the lame self-protective lie of a wire-puller trying to keep out of the line of fire. In view of the interconnections, his claim (Profit, no. 30, 1988) that the World Jewish Congress only consisted of "a few psychopaths" that are not representative of the Jews in general, can only be taken as a third-rate effort at play-acting. "The Israeli embassy thereupon informed me that two young Israelis would call on me. Very soon afterwards they turned up in Linz in a great hurry... and instantly departed On Monday, 23 May 1960, David Ben Gurion told the Israeli Knesset that Adolf Eichmann had been seized and was in Israeli custody. The following day I received a telegram from Yad Vashem: `Warmest congratulations on your brilliant success.'" (JNV p. 78.) These two aren't the only "young Israelis" who appear in the heart of Austria, in Wizenthal's vicinity, with an eye to running errands. Such representatives of Israeli youth always appear at the right moment, whenever there is a need for them, to lighten the workload a bit for our kindly old gent and his one-man operation. 291 "While still in Amsterdam I contacted my friends in many different countries and asked them to organize demonstrations by camp survivors in front of Brazilian embassies." (JNV p. 86. ) Wizenthal as organizer of worldwide demonstrations - that's new. Where there are no American soldiers, no American materiel of war and no young Israelis at hand, the "ethnic German Austrian" at least has a few telephone numbers at the ready - the numbers of good friends, of course - with which to trigger the "outrage of the world public". "But it was undoubtedly the United States who could apply the greatest pressure. No sooner had I arrived in New York than I requested an audience with the former Attorney-General, Senator Robert Kennedy, and asked for his intervention. In my presence Kennedy telephoned the Brazilian ambassador to Washington..." (JNV p. 86.) That Robert Kennedy didn't want to risk not calling the Brazilian ambassador until a bit later, but took care to do so right in Wizenthal's presence, is not really hard to understand, considering the crafty Galician's bag of tricks. The fact that the Brazilian government decided to agree to the demand for Franz Stangl's extradition - as Wizenthal puts it, "to be on the safe side" and "under the pressure of public opinion" which, as we have seen, was brought to bear through various demonstrations triggered by Wizenthal himself, via telephone - all this completes the picture. "For months the Brazilian papers had reported on his reign of terror at Sobibor and carried excerpts from witnesses' statements... At the beginning of October he hanged himself at a remote farm." (JNV p. 95. ) This case study shows that once the press becomes a tool for hire by ill-defined powers, it not only loses its moral function as an instrument of democracy but also becomes a fiendish weapon whose means are preconviction and false-witness. If the "Fourth Power", i.e. the media, who are supposed to shape public opinion, are not restored to the hands of the people, but remain in the hands of powers incomprehensible to their readers, the concept of "democracy" will have sunk to the level of a curse word in only a few years. "At that time I was working fairly closely with the Austrian police and therefore not only learned of his arrest but was able to take some action. I informed the Americans..." (JNV p. 97. ) 292 It is not clear from this passage whether Wizenthal informed all Americans or whether a call to, perhaps, the World Jewish Congress sufficed to put the White House in an uproar. But what is especially interesting about this passage is that Wizenthal worked closely with the Austrian police: we know that the police co-operates with institutions similar to itself in foreign countries, and we also know that it sometimes works together with private investigators, but in the context of its "working together" with persons who do not fall into either category, the only term that comes to my mind at the moment is "police informer". Aside from that, a Wizenthal-expert will recall that after the so-called Ableitinger Affair became public our crook vigorously denied any such "working together"with the police, and justified himself by claiming that he had only requested some trivial information. "The Paraguayan dictator did not want to annoy quite as many American senators as had promised me their support." (JNV p. 111.) It takes more than a couple of American senators to frighten a Latin American dictator, since senators do not wield any private means of power. It takes a quorum in the American Senate to raise such goosebumps. But Wizenthal is not lying for a change: the full-fledged Wizenthalexpert cannot doubt that he and his syndicate do indeed hold sway over the majority in the Capitol. And now the statement of an American Representative who described his place of employment as "Israeli-occupied territory" also suddenly makes sense to me. "... with that in mind that I informed Neal Shaer of the American Office of Special Investigations..." (JNV p. 112.) That this wasn't a matter of trading postage stamps with the statelicensed American "Nazi hunter" is quite clear to us. "I therefore lodged a complaint with the Berlin tribunal, which on 13 June 1979 had just resumed its work after an interval of eight years." (JNV p. 123.) Even Berlin tribunals function reliably when Wizenthal turns up: Judge Wolfgang Neesmann convicted the accused (Aribert Heim) in absentia. He had acted with murderous intent, the Court said, and sentenced him to a "fine" of half a million Deutschmarks, covered by a mortgage on the accused man's house, in accordance with Wizenthal's motto of "vengeance and money". 293 "`I'm only a newspaperman,' Farnsworth replied, `and I know no more than you do about these legal matters. All I know is that the press is a power in the USA. If you can prove what you've just told me (but of course...) and I write an article about it, the pressure of public opinion will put the proper authorities into action ...."' (JNV p. I 50.) And in the very next sentence Wizenthal's newspaperman explains just what exactly he takes "proof' to mean: "`Write down for me everything that woman is charged with. We'll send a reporter to her, and then a story will be published ....'" (JNV p. I 50.) No-one could expose more precisely than Wizenthal himself does here the criminal Wizenthalian methods and the no less criminal role assigned to the American press in particular. "But the American press did not let go. It kept pestering the INS with the question of what it was doing in the Braunsteiner case. " (JNV p. I 52.) Comment superfluous. "The street where the Ryans (Mr. and Mrs. Ryan, Braunsteiner case) lived became the scene of demonstrations, mainly by young people, but also by people curious to see how a woman accused of such terrible crimes now lived." (JNV p. I 53.) We have already found that Wizenthal organizes demonstrations worldwide, by telephone, to supplement his manhunts. The fact that he does so not only outside embassies, but also outside the homes of his victims, and thus involves even their innocent family members in this street terrorism, shows him to be the sadistically-inclined criminal which this book, for the first time ever, exposes him to be. Admittedly he has not - probably out of caution - acknowledged himself as the causative agent of these demonstration, as he has in other cases. But anyone who has the power to unleash such demonstrations worldwide must also be credited with the reciprocal ability to stop demonstrations when they turn into violence and terror aimed at innocent people. Wizenthal, who even reports gleefully about these excesses, clearly considers them expedient and is thus the compelling and obvious suspect. He is just as compellingly and obviously a suspect in the grave crime which he recounts almost playfully but without a word of regret in the very next sentence: "A few hotheads manufactured a bomb, but set it off in front of the wrong house, so that the home of some totally uninvolved person was wrecked." (JNV p. I 53.) 294 Wizenthal himself keeps adding new names to the roster of individuals and institutions serving as errand boys for his unlawful manhunt: "The American consul in Henna, Mr. Longo, called at my office and brought a list of witnesses who gave evidence in the Braunsteiner trial in I 949." (JNV p. I 53. ) "It was to be three years before the public prosecutor Flick left for Israel to take up my suggestion." (JNV p. I 52.) It is impossible to miss Wizenthal's outrage at public prosecutor Flick's unconscionable tardiness in travelling abroad to receive orders - instead of "taking up" Wizenthal's "suggestions" with all due haste! " I had been preparing a book to argue against this expiry of legal responsibility, and requested Kennedy to contribute to it. He replied with a telegram which consisted of only five words: `Moral duties have no terms."' (JNV p. 158. ) Public prosecutor Flick of Graz could have taken Kennedy's zeal as an example. " mobilize some MPs with whom I was personally acquainted, such as Greville Janner and Winston Churchill (the grandson of tire legendary Prime Minister) in London." (JNV p. 162. ) The helpful hands assisting in Wizenthal's hunts never rest. "My friend Axel Springer actually arranged an audience for me with the Bavarian Minister President. The date was Friday, 13 March, three weeks before the vote .... I succeeded in making Franz Josef Strauss see..." (JNV p. 163.) We don't know for certain from whom power proceeds in the West German "democracy"; we only know for certain that it does not proceed from the people! The consequences which Wizenthal's conversation with Strauss had, must have made quite an impression on that Bavarian politician. Wizenthal triumphantly recounts the results: "The vote was taken on 3 July: with a majority of 255 against 222 the German Bundestag decided to rescind the statute of limitations for murder and accessory to murder. Eleven of the votes against limitation came from Strauss's CSU." (JNV p. 163.) 295 "I invited a journalist from Vision, a magazine widely read both in South America and the United States, and told him what I knew about Kutschmann." (JNV p. 170.) Again a newspaper journalist serves as beater in Wizenthal's manhunt (see Kutschmann case, p. ). "About that time, in May 1975, the Minster of Justice of BadenWfrttemberg, Dr. Bender, undertook a journey to Poland. He was accompanied by Dr. Adalbert Rückerl, the head of the Central Office of the Land judiciary in Ludwigsburg, my long-time friend, who was to search for documents in the Polish archives." (JNV p. 170.) What a blissful working environment Szymon Wizenthal's must be. We never hear about superiors or subordinates, only about friends. But these are by no means pals from his early school days - no, they are spread throughout the world and always hold positions useful in helping to solve crimes. Not perchance the crimes against Germans after 1945 which claimed six million lives, and not the crimes of the anti-Fascist powers whose death toll this century includes 90 to 100 million civilians of all peoples and nations (cf. p. ), but - driven by an odd sense of justice - only crimes restricted to Jewish victims. In the course of their disgusting trip, it did not occur to the two dehumanized Germans Dr. Bender and Dr. Ruckerl to search for the murderers of the two million women and children who lost their lives during the expulsion, on the wishes of the American Imperium. "The head of the South American section of the Anti-Defamation League, Rabbi Morton Rosenthal, thereupon requested an audience in order to draw the president's attention to the Kutschmann case... Simultaneously, my friend Eliot Welles, head of the Nazi crimes Department of the AntiDefamation League (terrorist group of the Jewish Masonic lodge B'nai B'rith) in the USA, declared himself willing, on his trip to Europe, to call on the public prosecutor's office in Berlin..." (JNV p. 172. ) "That very day I wrote a letter to the Israeli police department... to inquire whether any witnesses' statements were already in existence .... Simultane ously I sent a letter to the Canadian ambassador in Vienna, Norman Berlis..." (JNV p. 203. ) 296 "On 27 March 19681 informed the Austrian and foreign press. Reactions were appropriate: in the Dutch parliament a question was asked..." (JN V p. 248.) Once, however, Wizenthal encountered an uncooperative person, and I assume that this rebel may quite possibly have been assigned to early retirement as a result. Since the Hamburg prosecutor general, not knowing that Wizenthal would stop by, was absent from his office, Wizenthal had to make do with an uninformed deputy, who behaved in a most insubordinate manner. But let's let Wizenthal tell us the story himself: "When I mentioned a search at the Red Cross, he merely reacted with a rhetorical question: `Why not also at the archbishop's?"` (JNV p. 249.) Wizenthal certainly does not lack self-confidence. He wouldn't hesitate to search the premises of the Pope himself if the Swiss Guard weren't there. "The file had been transferred to Vienna, but tile `enclosure', Hofle, had been overlooked. I approached the chief of the Vienna prosecutor's office, Court Counsellor Mayer-Maly, and he questioned Public Prosecutor Dr. Coca as to how this oversight could have occurred." (.JNV p. 277.) When one considers how long it can take before a lawyer or an accused is given access to a file and how long it takes for a public prosecutor to familiarize himself with a case, it is amazing to see how quickly Wizenthal gained access to the court documents. If you, dear reader, should ever be embroiled in a political trial in Austria and misplace your trial documents, give Wizenthal a call. He'll have them for sure. In any case, if one takes Wizenthal's own accounts at face value, the haste to which Wizenthal can inspire public prosecutors in Austria and Germany - without even being legally authorized to issue directives - should suffice to make any Minister of Justice with such authority grow pale with envy. "Kreisky's remarks caused enormous outrage throughout the civilized world." (JNV p. 300.) Wizenthal exaggerates. The fact that he excepts Austria from the so-called civilized world follows from another remark he makes in the same chapter, where he admits that here in Austria he has "the image of an implacable avenger" - but then we have never suspected this bogus "ethnic German" of being pro-German anyhow. But in India, China, Japan and Egypt as well, the outrage of the "civilized" was also kept to such modest bounds that one cannot help but 297 think that the aforementioned outrage was actually restricted to Wizenthal and his network. Wizenthal then recounts a grave insult to his person; he tells us: "By mere chance I learned that the legal adviser of the World Jewish Congress, Eli Rosenbaum, had been visiting Vienna - allegedly even twice - without visiting me or even telephoning me." (JNV p. 311.) You, dear reader, will probably not be able to empathize with Wizenthal's outrage. After all, Rosenbaum didn't call you either. I have always been convinced that one day, when the fog over the so-called Anti-Waldheim Campaign lifts, the Wizenthal Mafia will undoubtedly appear. And he that disperses the fog for us now is none other than our blusterer Wizenthal himself: "My friend Peter Michael Lingens published an exceedingly well-balanced commentary in `profil:... did not thereby manifest any deep ties with Nazism but probably just a certain opportunism." (JNV p. 312-313.) So much for the balance of the Jewish journalist Peter Michael Lingens, Wizenthal's ex-secretary and the son of Mother Lingens, Wizenthal's most assiduous witness, who affirmed in numerous trials that she had seen everything and been involved everywhere. But how son Peter, chief editor of the Austrian news magazine Profil, got his information - well, that can only have been through channels from Wizenthal's circle of eager-beaver friends. "The editors of `profll :.. eventually discovered that the New York Times was in possession of a voluminous Waldheim dossier which it would shortly start publishing." (JNV p. 312.) So a closer examination of the Waldheim Hunting Party brings us familiar faces and techniques: besides Wizenthal's ex-secretary, the son of Wizenthal's ex-witness, the Wizenthal-friendly New York Times now makes its appearance and passes its secret dossiers on to the Austrian metastasis Profil. And once again it's a journalist who takes the role of agent provocateur on behalf of the Wizenthal syndicate, and helps to take Kurt Waldheim, the Austrian presidential candidate, for a skate on thin ice. Wizenthal informs us that the WJC is an insignificant organizations. An association, in other words, that should be out of place in this chapter about Jewish power: "The WJC - in spite of its grandiose name no more than a small Jewish organization of inferior importance..." (JNV p. 315. ) But the old crook forgets what he wrote just a few pages back: 298 "...if the World Jewish Congress had not started up the machinery of its long prepared campaign a few days later." (JNV p. 313.) If an association that is able to trigger a worldwide campaign against a presidential candidate from Austria is really just of inferior importance among the whole of Jewish organizations, as Wizenthal tells us, then what all are the truly powerful organizations who represent Jewry worldwide in a position to do? An interesting note from Wizenthal's personal rave tabloid Profil which also contains a revealing quotation shows that Szymon is no less willing to admonish actual heads of state. Regarding the Croatian head of state, we read: "Tudjman claims that in his statistical overview, Raul Hilberg, the Jewish historian of the 'Final Solution'. stated 'that of 5,100,000 victims, 900,000 have been proven to have died.' "Wiesenthal: 'If I had been aware of this quotation sooner, I would have prevented Tudjman's being received by Chancellor Kohl!"' (Profil, July 29, 1991.) Well, such things will be said, and Wizenthal will be unable to prevent anything. The attempt to treat the Croatian President like an Austrian Revisionist shows the stubborn old man even in his lifetime that his virtuosity has limits. "Waldheim, who had become UN Secretary General upon Kreisky's proposal, had in that post simply followed the policy which is propagated by the `Sun King' to this day: the prime objective of Austria's Middle East policy is not security or recognition for the state of Israel, but... the establishment of a Palestinian state. His friendship with Gaddafi and Arafat did not make him especially popular in the USA. " (JNV p. 317.) Here Wizenthal carelessly reveals the real reasons for the years-long, world-wide incitement against the Austrian President Kurt Waldheim, and he is the first and only one ever to do so clearly and concisely. At the same time he fails to realize that the above quotation permits the conclusion that this global media war against a democratically elected head of state was initiated not only by some association of inferior importance, but by the entire Israeli-American Imperium, deliberately and out of athirst for vengeance against the former UN Secretary General. One notices that the Waldheim Campaign was planned along exactly the same lines and implemented with the same means and by the same persons as the hunts for the other so-called "German war criminals" were. Here too we have the attempt to wear the victim down with a world-wide media 299 campaign, and we also have the attempt to support an accusation by means of forged documents - the exception being that Wizenthal acted surprised at first; as an Austrian citizen he did not want to run the risk of being the wirepuller right there on the scene (in Viennese cafes patrons already spit at Wizenthal's feet - see JNV p. 139) and for that reason he and the people from Profil "took a balanced, neutral line at first" and only later switched over to the course taken by the worldwide mob. Also, the purpose of this campaign was only to discredit Waldheim, namely as revenge for his having actualized Kreisky's Middle East policy in the UN (the Palestinians' right to self-determination), so that Wizenthal could magnanimously dispense with his famous incriminating witnesses and the charge of individual, publicly committed murder, namely, the allegation that the Wizenthal Victim had gunned down a little Jewish boy with his service pistol on a German railway platform. A pity, really. 30 Lüftl's Downfall Photos Why Wizenthal caused the downfall of Walter Lüftl, an academically accredited engineer, the President of the Austrian Association of Engineers, the elected representative of 4,000 Austrian architects and construction engineers, and sworn court expert. Shortly before the trial against me and my book Freispruch für Hitler? commenced (April-May 1992), the Austrian press falsely claimed that academically accredited engineer Walter Lüftl, the President of the Austrian Chamber of Engineers, a man held in the highest esteem both professionally and as an individual, had slipped me some excerpts from a private report in which the "gassing" of Jews in the manner described as for the "Holocaust" was determined to be impossible on scientific grounds. In fact, the report which I had quoted had not originated with a sworn Austrian court expert for engineering matters, but with an expert on chemistry. Anything else would have been irreconcilable with the care I, and Revisionist in general, take in our work, and I would not have based my thesis disproving the "Holocaust" on it. However - and in this regard one cannot argue with the press reports - it is a fact that the report I consulted did describe all three killing methods alleged for the "Holocaust" as scientifically untenable. 1. Regarding "bottled carbon monoxide", the report states: "Asphyxiation with bottled CO is technical nonsense. CO would have been very expensive to bottle in high-pressure steel bottles, and even more expensive to transport. What person intending to commit industrial-style mass murder will produce CO industrially in large quantities when any gasoline powered engine (Otto engine) that is `poorly' tuned (i.e. welltuned for the given purpose) and run in idle will turn a single liter of gasoline into many cubic meters of exliaust without oxygen but with 8, 10, 15 or even 20% CO, on-site and cheaply, and with only a fraction of the fuel needed just to transport the gas bottles? "To repeat: the Nazis may have been criminals, but they were surely not so stupid as to waste a hundred liters of gasoline on the delivery of a quantity of CO which they could easily have produced on-site from a single liter of gasoline." 305 2. Zyklon B: Regarding Zyklon B, the expert chemist took the position that it could have been used successfully only for the purpose intended by its inventors, namely disinfestation (disinfection), but not for the mass killing of human beings, and for the following reasons: Zyklon B releases its hydrogen cyanide content slowly, over the course of many hours. That is its purpose. To kill human beings in only a few minutes, such large quantities of Zyklon B would have to have been used that sixty times the lethal amount of gas would still have been released over the course of many hours after the actual gassing was already over. This would have made it impossible to conduct the "gassings" in rapid sequence or to empty the "gas chambers" in between, as it is alleged to have been done. 3. The "gas van" diesel engines: Regarding death caused by diesel exhaust - which Wizcnthal also postulates for Auschwitz, in contradiction of all official accounts - the expert determined that, unlike exhaust from gasoline-powered engines, diesel exhaust is absolutely useless for homicidal purposes. For one thing, it does not contain sufficient quantities of carbon monoxide (CO), the poison; for another, diesel exhaust contains so much oxygen that it would be virtually impossible to suffocate in it. In fact, among the numerous suicides by automobile exhaust recorded to date, not so much as one case is known to have been done with diesel exhaust. The expert comes to the conclusion that all the confessions of the accused as well as all post-1945 eyewitness testimonies which allege the "industrial-style mass murder" in the Third Reich by gas in any of the three ways described in "Holocaust" theory must, for whatever reason, be false, since they contradict the laws of nature. 48 hours after the media campaign against the President of the Austrian Chamber of Engineers began, that gentleman had to resign his position, under the pressure exerted by the political forces of his professional representation whose biased efforts he himself, as nonpartisan President, had for a brief time thwarted by virtue of his own irreproachable conduct of office. I cannot rule out that said President, academically accredited engineer Lüftl, may have based his findings on similar or perhaps even the same documents as I had. 306 Shortly before the German original of this book was published, I learned from a court summons (which I received, calling me to serve as witness) that preliminary proceedings had been instituted against the former President of the Chamber of Engineers - for the "resumption of National Socialist activities". 31 The Campaign Against Jörg Haider Photo The Knesset's 1992 "Nazi hunt" in Austria was intended to get at Haider. The SPÖ (Social Democratic Party of Austria) as a branch of the American secret service CIA. Wizenthal gives the domestic and foreign press the "green light" to attack Haider. The "Allied collaboration" - i.e. the leftist American lobby in Austria - steps up for the final battle. Since Jörg Haider, the Chairman of Austria's Liberal Party, had publicly declared that the Austrians are part of the German nation, since he had pointed out the extraordinarily positive employment policy in the Third Reich, and since he had described the immigration of foreigners as posing the same danger to the Austrian national identity that I already perceived 20 years ago in this deliberate process, a campaign against him has become evident in Austria in which the major newspapers in the other industrialized nations of the Western word also participate. In essence it began with a small press release in autumn 1991 ("HALT" reported on it in early 1992) which indicated that the Knesset, in other words the Israeli Parliament. had decided to declare war on "right-wing extremism" in Europe, and particularly in Austria. An outrageous decision, when one considers not only that Israel repeatedly includes right-wing extremist parties in its government but also that this state can itself be described at best as "National Socialist in the Jewish interest": its unique racial laws, veiled as religion, and its "zero solution" in matters of refugees and immigration (only Jews may immigrate to Israel), and even its left-most party spectrum fall into this category. Religious intolerance is equal to racial intolerance: to date not so much as one Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or Hindu has been permitted to immigrate to Israel, much less a Mormon, a Ludendorfer or a fire-worshiper. Israel's xenophobia is boundless. Shortly after the aforementioned resolution of the Knesset, the standard media campaign was followed by the conviction of publisher Walter Ochensberger. He was sentenced to three years in prison. A few weeks later, various youth groups were accused of having stockpiled weapons in order to carry out a coup. More than 30 people were arrested, of which 29 had to be released again for lack of any weapons stockpiles or coups. The one who 309 still remains under arrest is now to undergo psychiatric treatment, since he too has turned out not to be an insurgent... During the media preparations against the 70-year-old former front-line soldier and publisher Fritz Rebhandl, who had to push his paralyzed wife along before him in a wheelchair when he went to court for his beliefs, some particularly short-sighted functionaries of the Liberal Party still believed that the campaign was not primarily directed against them. In fact, the Liberal Party, in order to emphasize its anti-Nazi stance, had voted in favor of the new Wizenthalian law regarding Auschwitz - probably to prove their ability to govern. This good behavior, some functionaries reasoned, would buy their own safety, and all that was still needed now was to distance oneself from the various arrested and accused (regardless whether one knew them or not) by calling them fools, sectarians, or "the dregs of society". But they had grossly underestimated the aims behind the Knesset's resolution: for the ostracizing and branding spree could not stop outside the Liberal Party's gates, if for no other reason than the fact that this campaign had been conceived precisely because of their leader Jörg Haider's incredible electoral success, and was to be carried through primarily against his party, faithful to all the rules and with the aid of all the apparatus that had already proved its effectiveness in the Anti-Waldheim Campaign and the war crimes trials. Wizenthal gives the green light. Target: Haider. Acting as the flagship to initiate the hostilities, Wizenthal made use of his house publication Profil (July 6, 1992): "A few days ago I participated in an international conference in Paris and was asked by the participant.. and non-European nations about the political situation in Austria And I found that Austria is not being judged by... but by Jörg Haider." That, of course, obliged Wizenthal to act quickly: A man who has the support of one-quarter of Austria's population, a man who is not willing to bow to the forcibly imposed immigration process nor to accept even the crudest falsifications of history, cannot but be a cause for alarm in Szymon Wizenthal's "overseas world". The United States in particular tremble on Wizenthal's orders - even though, as we have learned, they have such an accurate perception of Austria that they frequently confuse our country with that of the kangaroo. . 310 With the following example, Wizenthal explained to the naive reporters how one might get control of Haider: "In the late 1960s there was a Lebanese attorney named Baroudi, who represented Saudi Arabia at the UN. In his addresses and reports to the UN he indulged in barrages of abuse and a flood of false accusations against the US, against Israel and the West. "At first the newspapers tried to polemicize this in editorials... The four largest papers in the United States, tile 'New York Times'. 'Washington Post'. 'Los Angeles Times' and 'Chicago Tribune', then decided to simply take no further notice of this man's appearances before the UN... A few months later, Saudi Arabia sent a different ambassador..." (Profil, July 6, 1992, p. 7. ) This clandestine arrangement between the four largest dailies of the world's mightiest alleged "democracy" amounts to a conspiracy against their readership. Thanks to Wizenthal's need to tell what he knows - a need that is evidently growing stronger as he himself grows older - we now learn even these sorts of details first-hand. With regard to Haider, Wizenthal suggests: "Wouldn't that be possible in our case as well?" But the wall of silence that was to be built up around Haider did not hold for long - primarily because the Austrian media world includes a conservative newspaper (Kronen-Zeitung) which the Jewish-American Imperium has as yet failed to bring under its control, and which may be regarded as the paper with the world's largest circulation - with 2.7 million readers, based on the country's population. This paper persisted in giving balanced coverage.
On September 10, 1992 Wizenthal's patience was obviously at an end: in a full-page article, the Kurier - the American Imperium's flagship in Austria, under the leadership of an old acquaintance, editor Dieter Lenhardt (cf chapter "Wizenthal's Revenge") - launched a media attack. The same issue also reviewed a book authored by another Kurier editor, Hans Henning Scharsach; in truly bad taste it is titled Haiders Kampf, and is intended to push the leader of the Austrian Liberal Party into the grasp of that National Socialist Prohibitive Law that had been forced through Parliament by Wizenthal, with the help of Haider's party, just shortly before.The Kurier (September 10, 1992, p. 5) wrote: "The leader of the Labor Party in the European Parliament, Englishman Clyn Ford, says what Europe's parliamentarians had only dared whisper to each other to date: "'The fact that Jörg Haider and people like him hold higher offices causes the politicians of the European Community to doubt that Austria is ready to become a member state...' "The international media response to Haider's rise to power is devastating. "'Nostalgia for Nazi regime.' (Liberation, Paris) "'Nazi shadow over Austria.' (Corriere della Sera, Milan) "'Austria's extreme right-wing advances.' (The Times, London) "'Austria - a never-ending affair.' (Die Zeit, Hamburg) "'More power for Hitler's heirs.' (South China Morning Post, Hong Kong)"'The brown shadows grow longer.' (Baseler Zeitung) "'Haider with right-wing radicals.' (Suddeutsche Zeitung, Munich) "'With Nazi nostalgia...' (Frankfurter Allgemeine)" And to wrap things up, the Jewish philosopher Sir Karl Popper is also brought into play. In the news magazine Spiegel he diagnoses, wittily and as requested: "Haider's ideal is Hitler." Nothing beats a multi-purpose intellectual who can be turned from a philosopher into Wizenthal's domestic and fortune-teller with only a few minor touch-ups. In this campaign against the Austrian politician Haider we may observe a subsection of the rogues' gallery of the media mafia that stands ever at the ready to beat down the American Imperium's opponents throughout the world. Who supports Wizenthal in Austria? The family tree of the SPÖ (Austria's Social Democratic Party) and the newspaper Kurier. The coup of the century, during which eight unqualified individuals gained unlawful access to parliamentary debates in the guise of "constitutional lawyers" etc. (cf. p. , chapter "Wizenthal's Revenge"), could not have succeeded without insider accomplices. The Austrian Minister of Justice Michalek who, according to the protocol, was present at these discussions, is suspected of having made this scandal possible because only he was in a position to nominate the committee members for the debate. 312 The SPÖ - a tool of the CIA. The scales fall from our eyes when we consult university lecturer Dr. Reinhold Wagnleitner's book Coca-Colonisalion and kaller Krieg, published in 1991 by the (leftist) "Verlag für Gesellschaftskritik". This highly important work of post-war history documents for us the shocking scenario of American cultural aggression against Central Europe. As early as 1942, in other words before the allegations of "gassings" were raised, this prograrn of cultural aggression, which was provided for the event of an American victory, had as its aim the separation of the German people (in Austria as well) from their cultural roots, and their forcible indoctrination into American education, the American view of history, and American culture. with the aid of psychology specialists of the American Army. The program of multicultural immigration that has been forced on us for over 20 years now is evidently a component part of this aggression, which aims at eliminating Germany's and Europe's ethnic intactness in the interests of the Imperium. For example, we learn (Wagnleitner, p. 226) that it has been part of the American Imperium's goals from the beginning to break even the preeminence of German music in the world. In Austria, the US Army, and first and foremost the CIA, made use of the Austrian labor movement (not the conservative People's Party) to assist in their criminal cultural rape of the German people. Reinhold Wagnleitner writes: "In this process, the Social Democratic parties can be... virtually considered to be allied partners of the CIA." (Coca-Colonisolion, p. 78.) Wagnleitner is even more open on p. 91: "Certain messages were even repeatedly and successfully introduced into the speeches of Austrian members of the government and of other politicians " Wagnleitner's book documents that the entire country was placed in an invisible choke-hold of American cultural aggression, which keeps the media, education, art, publishing and the book trade under its control. In this book I have repeatedly referred to the newspaper Kurier as an instrument of Wizenthal's campaigns. I remind the reader again that its editor Dieter Lenhardt was part of the Wizenthalian invasion of Parliament. and that the campaign against Haider, the media attacks on Waldheim, and the propaganda in the cases of Revisionists and so-called "war criminals" began with the Kurier. The Kurier's former editor-in-chief Hugo Portisch, who was trained in the United States as an agent of "American indoctrination" and 313 was even nominated in 1991 (by Kztrier editor Hans Rauscher) as Federal President, knew very well what points counted when he reapplied to the Kurier after returning from the States: "My most important duties included... combating Nazi teachings... and to work towards unconditional cooperation with the West. In numerous articles I also familiarized the Austrian reading public with the lifestyle, politics and the leading personalities of the USA." Anyone who has read Wagnleitner's book knows, at least as of this point, that Austrian society remains interwoven by a cultural network, insinuated by American agents into the areas mentioned, so that Austria must be considered as territory occupied by the American Imperium to this day. That Wizenthal was installed in Austria by the same power and at the same time is clear beyond any doubt. The numerous interconnections mentioned in this book also indicate this. In my opinion, however, his task was not to engage in criminological research but in worldwide anti-German propaganda for which National Socialism only serves as an excuse and the instrumentalization of the "Holocaust" only as a vital prop. Similarly, the Institute for Contemporary History (formerly the Institute for the Prosecution of Nazi War Criminals) and the Documentary Archives of the Austrian Resistance (DOW) under the leadership of the informer Dr. Wolfgang Neugebauer (originator of 600 criminal charges against fellow citizens) must be regarded as cooperating and facilitating vessels in the great theatrical staged by the CIA. Why Kreisky failed. Bruno Kreisky's term as Chancellor dislodged the CIA's power over Austria from the official chambers of the government and the SPÖ party headquarters, and forced it for years to make do with makeshift quarters in newspaper offices or to bunk with left-wing extremist groups and the sects of contemporary historians and their documentary archives. In his time Dr. Kreisky put a stop to Szymon Wizenthal's activities and prohibited the manhunter from presuming to act as an instrument of the Austrian judiciary. He described Wizenthal as a man with whom he was familiar from "unsavorv secret service reports": Kreisky also noted that Wizenthal "had a different relationship with the Gestapo" than he himself had had, but the Chancellor was referring to Wizenthal's odd travel habits; according to Wizenthal's own claims, he had toured 12 concentration camps as inmate between 1941 and 314 1945. But Kreisky's statement that he was familiar with Wizenthal frorn "unsavory secret service reports" surely was no reference to the Gestapo, but to those files to which the Chancellor's Ministry of the Interior actually had access: namely, to Szymon Wizenthal's contacts to the American secret service CIA and, as follows logically, to the Israeli secret service Mossad. Public awareness of the infiltration of the Austrian labor movement by American agents and this movement's links to the American secret service CIA, which was only briefly interrupted by Kreisky's time in office, should make the other parties in the Austrian parliament consider it their foremost task to exclude the SPÖ from government responsibilities and to purge all traces of American cultural aggression in Austria from the areas of education, historiography, music, the fine arts, literature and poetry, as well as in publishing and the media. At that point, Szymon Wizenthal, that Restitution Fraud who is such an important psychological part of this American cultural aggression against Austria, will also be refused continued rights of residence in our country. Austria's hope - and yes, Germany's as well - is Jörg Haider. Will he be equal to the task of breaking the Imperium's power in Austria? 32 Wizenthal live! Photos and documents Sabukoschek: the last case? Wizenthal escorts witnesses to be questioned. Minister of Justice Michalek lets Wizenthal "co-govern": period of pretrial detention extended as per instructions! Parliamentary Representative Gerstl fears for the safety of Jews in Graz: Wizenthal's seeds begin to bear fruit! In October 1992, just before the German original of this book went to press, Wizenthal once again presented the Austrian public with a classic "case": that of Dr. Egon Sabukoschek, the retired chief of a dental office in Graz. The entire spectrum of criminal machinations characteristic of Wizenthal's modus operandi plays out in slow motion for us to observe. As always, Wizenthal begins his hunt with a press conference, thus setting himself apart from real criminologists who would never engage in such unlawful theatrics, partly out of consideration for their own research but also partly out of respect for the extant system of laws which forbid the pre-trial conviction of an accused. Again we are expected to believe that a kind and generous man, well respected for over half a century, mutated into a raging beast for a very specific period of time, contrary to all criminological experiences in this regard. Again we see the media campaign with which we have already become familiar ad nauseam. Again, the Austrian justice system keeps its embarrassed silence, failing to protest against the "pre-conviction". Again it is the newspapers Prnrl and Kurier, the most loyal chargers in the stable of the American Imperium in Austria, who are to get the victim ready for slaughter. And already, the witnesses with their phenomenal powers of recollection are arriving at the airport. From Israel. Organized by Wizenthal. This time, the (perhaps already senile?) "academically accredited engineer" throws all caution to the wind. And he finds a soul-mate in the examining magistrate from Graz, Karl Buchgraber: this hot-headed antiFascist sentences the accused to pre-trial detention, against the wishes of the public prosecutor's office - a measure "unusual in the history of Austrian jurisprudence", and "extremely controversial", according to the KronenZeitung of October 15, 1992. With Buchgraber's help, Wizenthal can finally make unrestrained use of the Austrian justice system as a fig-leaf for his gangster methods: 322 He drives the well-prepped witnesses up in his own car, escorts them personally to be questioned, and is even allowed to attend these hearings - perhaps so that he can prompt the witnesses if they forget some of their lines. Yes, Austria under Vranitzky has indeed become a playground for criminals of our Galician fraud's stripe. The trainer of the Jewish false witness gang already leads his domestics into the arena by hand. Where witnesses fail to work out as expected, it doesn't matter much to Wizenthal. Replacements are easy to come by. In the Kronen-Zeitung of October 15, 1992 we read in amazement: "Three further witnesses have turned up in Israel." (Well, where else?) Those witnesses, whose numbers Wizenthal can vary as needed, "miraculously" survived the mass executions, and after half a century they are not only able to recognize their victim without problems but can also recite from memory the names and service ranks of all the nineteen-year-old privates of that time. Unlike others, these witnesses have not succumbed to the consequences of old age, cancer, heart attack or stroke. They are present. All of them. And they testify. The ritual, individual and public murder of a little child, which Wizenthal alleges against the highest SS-leaders, lock, stock and barrel, won't be far off now in this case either. It's strange that our ethnic German expellees, our mothers and grandmothers, never knew the names of their rapists and their Jewish commanders, and that those of our prisoners-of-war who, unlike their comrades, survived the Yugoslav "marches of atonement", do not know the names and ranks of their tormentors, never did know them, and also no longer recall the faces of those who murdered their comrades. After daring to object and to criticize the examining magistrate Buchgraber, the public prosecutor is whistled back into line by the highest echelons: by the Austrian Minister of Justice Michalek, after he had received a visit from - guess who? - his "friend" Szymon Wizenthal (cf. KronenZeitung, Vienna). The Serbian-Jewish journalist Alexander Lebl was allowed to come from "Yugoslavia", which no longer even existed at that time, in order to recognize and identify the old man whom he had allegedly known as 20year-old Egon Sabukoschek. Here it is necessary to explain: it wasn't just by chance that Wizenthal and his team picked a victim who had been only 20 years old at that time. 323 And it also wasn't just by chance that the file which served as the foundation for this case came from "Yugoslavia" (like in the Waldheim case as well). Since those officers who had really held posts of responsibility had been around age 30, if they are even still alive today they are over 80 and thus getting to be quite rare. Wizenthal must therefore satisfy his desires with the younger generations. For this reason his victims are getting younger and younger, and the photographs from the time of their "crime" (cf. p. ) are looking increasingly juvenile. If Wizenthal goes on like this, it won't be long before the Austrian public prosecutors will find themselves summoning the Hitler Youth's equivalent of Boy Scouts to be tried for war crimes. Wizenthal's orchestration is downright brilliant: he makes clever use of the current anti-Austrian political mood in Serbia. He knows full well that the old Communists in Belgrade, who consider themselves guardians of that Yugoslav state which the Western Allies forced on the Balkans, are more determined than ever these days to do Austria harm. At the time of Sabukoschek's arrest, the sympathy which the Austrians had expressed for the Croats' and the Bosnians' freedom fight against the Serbs had engendered powerful anti-Austrian sentiments in what remained of the Yugoslav state. Furthermore, nowhere have more war-time testimonies and confessions against Germany and German soldiers been generated by extortion than here. From the former Federal President Kurt Waldheim we know that in this Yugoslav state virtually every German soldier was either accused of being a war criminal, or forced with torture and threats of death to testify to "war crimes" of his comrades. Szymon Wizenthal, the man with the anti-Austrian (anti-German) mission, knows well how to exploit that. This is how it could come about that the country whose soil is soaked with the blood of 150,000 murdered ethnic Germans and 100,000 butchered German prisoners of war, whose martyrdom has never yet been avenged in even one single case, could give rise to audacious Jewish false witnesses who can simply waltz up and tell their lies while feeling perfectly safe from lawful arrest and execution which collaboration with the criminals of Tito's regime would seem to require under normal circumstances - and why a degenerate Austrian examining magistrate can wait with impunity for "documents" from Yugoslavia. This case shows like none other what Wizenthal's sense of justice is really about: he is only too well aware of the treatment of prisoners and thus also of how the 40,000 "war crimes files" came about. Wizenthal knows that Tito's Yugoslavia was a criminal nation unparalleled in its quality and nature. He is fully aware that in the country from which he now obtains his 324 "evidence" and the key witness for his endeavor of "justice", "no prisoners were taken" during World War Two (cf. JNV p. 91), in other words, that all captured German soldiers were murdered on the spot! The figurehead of the "Holocaust" and of "justice" thus collaborates with a system which made the murder of prisoners the norm, and the fabrication of falsified documents a matter of principle. But back to the Yugoslav universal genius, Alexander Lebl: Serb, Jew, journalist, and witness for the prosecution - Wizenthal demonstrates for us the endless versatility of his co-workers. Before donning his witness hat, Lebl - in assiduous emulation of his master - quickly gives a press conference of his own in Belgrade, making full use of the anti-Austrian mood reigning there due to Vienna's support for the Croats' right to selfdetermination. And he gives a sneak preview of his testimony: "He was called 'Jew-Commissar in Gestapo uniform... There are dozens of witnesses for this." So once again the number of "witnesses" is variable as needed. From among a hundred executed, dozens of "witnesses" not only availed themselves of the nauseatingly overworked "miracle" of surviving the execution but also called on that selfsame "miracle" again and again to survive deportation to the death camps, the typhus epidemic there, the alleged zero-ration diet, and ultimately the "Holocaust", diesel exhaust and all - and are today "miraculously" not among the 90% of the war-time generation who have by now succumbed to the effects of old age etc. Nema problema! That these dozens of survivors (from among the hundred execution victims) happen to be intimately familiar with the name, rank and presentday appearance of the man whom they saw for no more than half an hour more than 50 years ago and who, like all German "war criminals", evidently introduced himself to them complete with calling card, is no longer surprising. If there weren't something odd about the workings of the Austrian courts, or, to put it differently, if our justice system applied the same yardstick to Wizenthal Witnesses as it applies everywhere else, then what we know about this case so far would suffice to have Wizenthal, examining magistrate Buchgraber, and the entire line-up of false witnesses who have appeared to date, arrested and arraigned in court on strong suspicion of perjury and abuse of office. But already the air begins to hiss out of Wizenthal's tires all of its own accord: a) Sabukoschek turns out to have an ethnic Jewish background; 325 b) Jewish witnesses for the prosecution appear and call the accused a life-saver; c) the accused proves that he was himself persecuted in the Third Reich; d) and last but not least, Jewish personalities speak up publicly against Wizenthal's activities, and warn of the potential consequences. In this context, Austrian Parliamentary Representative Alfred Gerstl, a Jew once persecuted for racial reasons, said: "In our city neo Nazis are alreaqv beginning to attack us. " And: "If this fails, then everything's been no use - coming to terms with our past no less than our efforts to shape the young generation." (Profit, October 19, 1992. ) Because there are people like Representative Gerstl, I believe a) that Jewish dishonesty and Jewish crime in our time can best be combated by Jewish honesty and Jewish decency; b) Wizenthal has gone to the well once too often; c) at the time the German original of this book went to press, there were many indications that Wizenthal's hunt for Sabukoschek may have been his last. 33 Altering the German National Character Photos and document Wizenthal's battle for immigration: against hatred of foreigners in Germany, Austria, and everywhere else - except in Israel! Racially motivated attempt to murder Europe! Power does not proceed from the people - it proceeds from the B'nai B'rith. Wizenthal is all for the unprotesting acceptance of continued immigration of foreigners into Austria and the rest of Germany. Why? And who else sides with him? The leading role played by Jewish personalities in the crimes of Communism, the crimes of Capitalism, the murder of six million Germans after the end of World War Two, and the murder of 100 million civilian victims of "anti-Fascism" worldwide is a known fact (cf. illustration, p. ) and, in an inversion of Wizenthal's logic of collective responsibility, anti-Semitic tendencies may well place the blame for this leading role on the shoulders of the Jewish people as a whole, without any differentiation; yet a small, criminal, Jewish clique which holds almost all the reins of power in its hands is merrily burdening the collective back of world Jewry with another, even heavier load: the great genocide of the western world, by means of the deliberately induced birth deficit and excess immigration. But the Imperium forgets that every blow against the Idea of a national state is also a blow against the Idea of a Jewish state. Singing in chorus with Galinski/Bubis (of the Central Council of Jews in Germany), with the B'nai B'rith, with Austria's Minister Scholten-Pfefferkorn, with Cohn-Bendit (Frankfurt), Paul Grosz (religious community of Vienna), Daniel Charim (Austrian Parliament), university lecturer Rainer Munz, with "Amnesty International", with Dr. Neugebauer of the "Documentary Archives of the Austrian Resistance", and with all the others, Szymon Wizenthal joins ranks with almost all of the Imperium's official representatives to condemn "hatred of foreigners" as it is allegedly displayed by the German people in Austria and Germany. He, the world's foremost hatemonger against all things German, demands that the European nations should be required by force of penal legislation (against "incitement") to unprotestingly accept the massive and unparalleled genocide being committed against them before our very eyes by the deliberate and controlled birth deficit and by immigration from abroad. 332 Whether it be as prosecutor, as hatemonger, as false witness or as fabricator of history, everyone plays his assigned part in the great, concerted search-and-destroy mission against the German people's continuation as ethnically determinable factor. Why? It is popular practice to allege that evil anti-Semites claim that "the Jews" are the inventors and executors of the great "migrations" currently churning through Europe, with Germany as their focal point. But let's let Wizenthal speak first: "The principal ingredient of such agitation continues to be hatred of foreigners: wherever neo-Fascists appear - whether in England, France, Austria or in the USA - they call on the majority to resist `swamping by foreigners'. Swamping by coloured people... swamping by Yugoslav or Turkish guest workers, swamping by Mexicans or Puerto Ricans True, the Jews are not mentioned at the top of the list in these pamphlets - but two thousand years have proved that they are always the first to be done to death." (JNV p. 356.) To me, this comment proves that Wizenthal is fully aware of the consequences of his actions. How irresponsibly he acts in the name of Jewry as a whole without being authorized to do so, how sly, underhanded and twofaced he is in his actions, and how deceitful is the Jewish power for which he stands, is shown, for example, by an interview which the horrid old swindler gave his Austrian-Jewish rave rag Profit: "Even as we sit here, 800,000 to one million young Soviets are in danger of losing their Jewish identity." (Profit, July 29-30, 1988.) So Wizenthal knows perfectly well how precious national identity is, and how easily it can be lost (through integration) when the "closed settlement area", i.e. the national state, is lacking. And so, even the Jewish people - the only people in a foreign environment, i.e. without a closed settlement area, who have nonetheless managed to survive as ethnically defined unit to this day - are evidently no longer immune to the dangers of amalgamation in the melting pot of traditionless multiculture. And Wizenthal himself regards the remigration to Israel by these young Jewish people in danger of losing their identity as the only guarantee for their continued existence as Jews, as the context of the above quotation clearly shows. This, then, is the sort of "justice" that Wizenthal means: the preservation of the ethnic identity of the Jews is good, but the preservation of that of the Germans is bad. The national state of "the others" must be destroyed by immigration, but that of the Jews must be preserved and strengthened. 333 If this double-standard fraud on the part of Wizenthal and the IsraeliAmerican Imperium becomes known - namely. that non-Jews are punished for "incitement" and "racism" when they demand the same right which the Jews demand for themselves as a matter-of-course - then, I am afraid, a worse nightmare than any Jew ever dreamed may well become ghastly worldwide reality. The same two-faced depravity and dishonesty which we see in Wizenthal may also be found in almost all Jewish organizations and in the state of Israel: Ethnic demise for the non-Jewish peoples. A Blood and Soil Program for the Jewish people. It won't work. The Jewish Masonic lodge B'nai B'rith. In school, children are taught that power proceeds from the people. Children do believe in fairy tales. This, however, is one fairy tale which their parents believe in as well. A fairy tale for adults. in other words. The Jewish Masonic lodge B'nai B'rith, established in New York in 1843, embodies a part of the power which determines the political happenings in the Western world, behind the scenes of governments and democratic institutions. Its significance by far exceeds the appearance given by its numerical strength of 500,000 members. The B'nai B'rith enjoys permanent observer status with the UN, and the fact that it has bestowed medals on government members and princes of the Church in the Western world (and especially in Austria and Germany) proves that no path of power leads pass collaboration with the Jewish Grand Lodge. Wearing the skullcap of homage to the gross racist goals of the Jewish lodge, our western politicians and representatives of the Church must eat humble pie as they shuffle to accept their gruesome decorations. The Christian newspaper Der Christenstaal, for example, wrote in its November 1991 issue: "Thus, the B'nai B'rith lays claim to tire leadership of all of Jewry worldwide, and in fact all Jewish organizations have had to submit to this claim.." The Jewish lodge brothers consistently demand that the (clearly spineless) German politicians in Central Europe loudly and unequivocally declare their support of immigration by foreigners and their opposition to any "hatred of foreigners". The allegations of a "hatred of foreigners", made against the German people by American, British and Israeli politicians but 334 also by their German counterparts from politics and the Church, clearly constitute the crime of incitement by virtue of their unobjectiveness, deliberate one-sidedness and malicious intent: in the light of 13,000 Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli concentration camps, in light of the slaughter of thousands of teenaged Palestinian demonstrators and the countless victims of the American race riots in Los Angeles, these allegations against Germany cannot be credited as factual criticism, only as political propaganda. Also, given the Israeli race laws, Israel's "Zero Solution" in matters of refugees and immigration, and the "Iron Curtain" which the United States have set up to curb immigration from Mexico, one cannot help the impression that our false friends are trying to force hemlock down our throats while drinking water themselves. To give just one of a hundred possible examples, I quote the Allgemeine Jtidische Wochenzeitalng of December 10, 1991, where one Ellen Presser comments on Richard yon Weizsacker's acceptance of a gold medal (a reward for his efforts to counter "hatred of foreigners"): "...Maurice Honigbaum, the European President of the B'nai B'rith, honored the German head of state for actualizing the B'nai B'rith's ideals: " stand in for human rights, to oppose discrimination against people, and to help the victims of political persecution." Honigbaum lied. And the recipients of the medals - who include John F. Kennedy, Willy Brandt, Helmut Zilk, Cardinal König, Bishop Stecher, Rudolf Kirchschlager, Richard yon Weizsacker, Helmut Kohl, Franz Vranitzky, etc. etc. - knew this very well... The true ideals of the B'uai B'rith. As anyone interested in the topic knows, the true ideals of the B'nai B'rith are very different. The Jewish publication Die Gemeinde of Vienna clarifies the matter for us in its issue of September 7, 1990, p. 56: "Unconditional solidarity with Israel... became one of the Lodge's objectives... "It is particularly relevant that, thanks to Zwi Perez Chajes, the settlement of Eretz Israel became one of tire rennese Lodge's goals... " So: not for human rights and against political persecution, but for political persecution and against human rights. Even the Jewish-directed anti-German propaganda organization "Amnesty International", which may do its mischief with impunity at the UN and whose funding sources are no more disclosed than its undemocratic structure based on the "leadership principle" (central representation in 335 London cannot be voted out of office), has had to acknowledge (in its 1991 Yearbook, pp. 202-213) how Israel treats its political prisoners. As mentioned before, 13,000 political prisoners languish in Israeli concentration camps. Torture, murder, and violence against children are the order of the day. These, then, are the true ideals and objectives of the B'nai B'rith, which this "honorable society" supports unconditionally! But the second goal of this allegedly humanitarian B'nai B'rith lodge is also worth closer examination: "Eretz Israel". On February 28, 1991, p. 10, the Austrian publication Die ganze Woche also enlightens us about this ideal espoused by the lodge brothers (and cites Genesis 13:14-18, as well as Deuteronomy 1,7): "Eretz Israel: the soil of Israel, the land which the Lord God had promised Abram (Abraham), where the Jewish people would live: "The borders are vague and sometimes determined without context: from the river of Egypt (author's note: this evidently refers to the Nile) to tile great river Euphrates (author's note: doesn't that already place us deep within Iraq, near the Iranian border?) from the desert to Lebanon." (Author's note: the B'nai B'rith probably won't be in too much of a hurry for the deserts, but even as I write this, Israeli troops are once again in Lebanon.) The idealistic B'nai B'rith lodge and its prize winners from both Church and State obviously yet have many things in store for the Middle East. It will take the expulsion of 30 million Arabs before this Israel is really as Eretz as the lodge brothers would like. God bless you, dear Bishop, and you too, dear Cardinal, and how are you today, Herr President?! In the context of "hatred of foreigners" it is instructive to take a closer look at the country to which the B'nai B'rith lodge is unconditionally devoted, and to which the German Presidents and Church dignitaries have evidently made their unconditional surrender! The Israeli Zero Solution. Refugees in Israel: 0 (zero)' Immigration into Israel: 0 (zero)' Guest workers in Israel: 0 (zero)' 'Jews are excepted from the ban on immigration and asylum; Palestinians deprived of their rights are excepted from the ban on employment of foreigners and must commute from their "homelands" to work and back every day. 336 Anyone who were to draw up a program such as Wizenthal, Kohl and Weizsacker, Stecher, Konig and Vranitzky, together with the B'nai B'rith, have approved for Israel, and demand it for Germany, would run the risk of Wizenthal, Kohl and Weizsacker, Stecher, Konig and Vranitzky denouncing him for "neo-Nazi activities" and being dragged into German political courts for "incitement to race hatred". Just imagine the following law, which is actually in effect in Israel, being demanded for our German people and Fatherland: "Immigrants from the Soviet Union must prove their Jewish ethnicity twice; once to the Israeli consular delegation in Moscow, where they are issued the Israeli visa, and again when they receive their Israeli identification papers." (From the Jewish publication Die Gemeinde, Vienna, September 7, 1990.) Have our gentlemen prizewinners never yet noticed that our immigrants do not need to prove their "German ethnicity"? What, then, are truly the ideals of the Austrian Bishops, the German President and the Masonic lodge B'nai B'rith? Again from the Jewish publication Die Gemeinde (May 17, 1990) we learn that Israel, and thus the B'nai B'rith unconditionally devoted to it, understand "immigration" to mean something other than we take it to mean. The opposite, to be precise: "Minister of Integration Perelz addressed the Ministry of Immigration and the Knesset's Integration Committee and asked 'whether the intention was to establish a non-Jewish state?." As the article in Die Gemeinde shows, Peretz asked this in outrage at the notion that "quarter Jews" were to be allowed to immigrate from the Soviet Union. Oh, well, that's truly outrageous. We'd already be happy with "one-eighth Germans". Our Allied-appointed potentates are evidently the only ones to observe their own directives: 1992, one of the darkest years in the German people's history, was rich in newspaper articles showing us that the same politicians who advocate immigration of foreigners from all over the world as the cureall for our national woes seek to restrict the remigration of Germans from the former Soviet Union with criminal "quotas" evidently prompted by their masters' racist, anti-German agenda. Immigration is only good if it serves to wipe out the German people as an ethnic unit. 337 Is it "Nazi" to be concerned about our German identity and birth rate? Wizenthal, the religious community, the Austrian Bishops, the journalists and the politicians of the Western world strictly and inexorably condemn as "Nazi", and punish with criminal legislation, the worries expressed by concerned Germans that our birth deficit, coupled with foreign immigration and the immigrants' birth excess, could result in our becoming an ethnic minority in our own country. We have been stripped of our right to ethnic survival. Anyone who does not want Germany to die is suspected of being "Nazi". We are advised that "the foreigners are people too" - which no-one has ever doubted, by the way - and that after they receive their German passports "they're Austrians, Germans etc. anyway" - which we shall continue to doubt. If one is not promptly dragged into court for expressing these concerns, one may consider oneself lucky. These selfsame people, however, who denounce the people in Central Europe and the Western world as "xenophobic" and "racist", are full of sympathy for the right of preservation of national identity, and even for wildly racist nationalism, when it is their Jews who are at issue. Concerning his beloved Israel, Hans Rauscher, a journalist with the CIAsupported Vienna newspaper Kurier, showed a kind of insight which he sorely lacks with regard to Austria: "The Arab birth rate is considerably higher than the Israeli. In a short time there will be more Arabs titan Israelis living under Israeli rule... Is that what the state of Israel was created for?" The counterquestion to Rauscher would be: What was the state of Austria created for? So Hans Rauscher is concerned by birth rates and swamping by foreigners - if Jews are at issue. It is only the concern for our people that he considers Nazi. For Austria this same journalist continues to advocate the continued policy of swamping with foreigners against the domestic people's will, and in articles on this topic he repeatedly urges that continued immigration should be "ably managed". Austrian journalist Hans Rauscher has convinced us of his heart-felt love of Israel and of his deep concerns for that national state. About the Austrians, however, he thinks differently: 338 "...all of them let themselves be drawn into an insane adventure by this Udo Proksch, a crazy and dangerous i.e. profoundly Austrian character." (Kurier, January 8, 1989.) At this point I wish to institute legal proceedings against Hans Rauscher for the crime of public incitement. Given criminals of the stripe of B'nai B'rith lodge brothers and their autochthonous on-site lackeys like Hans Rauscher, it can be difficult for opponents of the death penalty, like myself, to remain true to their principles. Jewish organizations two-faced in the question of foreigners: Racial exclusiveness and national state for Jews - genocide by immigration for non-Jews in Europe and the Western world. Our politicians and Church dignitaries join in. One example of the deceitfulness of a dishonest and underhanded middleman for the Israeli-American Imperium is the (US-educated) "Austrian" Minister of Education Rudolf Scholten who, against his better knowledge, hurries the genocide in Austria along in the guise of humanity. On September 21, 1992, for example, the Wizenthal Accomplice Scholten wrote in our Galician fraud's favorite paper Profil: "To me, it is the duty of politics to keep the admissions capacity (Austria's capacity for taking in foreigners) reassuringly high, not to let concerns decrease it further and further." What this insidious traitor and advocate of genocide understands by "reassuringly high", and just whom our national demise (that concerns our people so deeply) is supposed to reassure, is something the Jew Scholten vulgo Pfefferkorn doesn't tell us. But from the facsimile on p. one can readily see that he wants racially and religiously exclusive Jewish schools for Jewish children rather than the multicultural schools that must do for the rest of us. Interim summary: The Jewish Masonic lodge B'nai B'rith is the largest and most powerful, global criminal organization. Students are taught absolutely nothing about the B'nai B'rith in history or political science classes in school. The B'nai B'rith's militant vanguard is the Anti-Defamation League, with which Szymon Wizenthal works together all over the world. The B'nai B'rith's objectives are: 339 a) to maintain Israel as an exclusively Jewish national state, and to increase its size ten- to twenty-fold, with the ultimate goal of denying the Palestinians, Syrians, Iraqis, Jordanians, Egyptians and Lebanese their right to self-determination for all time, and b) to destroy the national states of Europe and the Western world, to deprive the non-Jewish peoples of their national identities by involving them in massive migrations, and thereby, to commit an unparalleled crime beside which the Morgenthau Plan, the 100 million victims of anti-Fascism, and the atomic bomb attacks practically dwindle to minor charges. Austrian, German, other European and American politicians as well as Church dignitaries know this, and by not only accepting medals but also participating actively, they make themselves accomplices in this crime of the millennium. Why? The racial motivating force behind the enormous planned genocide. Coudenhove - Wizenthal - B'nai B'rith, or evil Nazi delusions of a Jewish "conspiracy". It is beyond the scope of this book to discuss in detail why the clearly discernible power which I call the Israeli-American Imperium feels that it can profit from the extinction of the White peoples, their national states and thus their closed settlement areas. My research has found that the insidious planned genocide-by-migration, which stands behind the worldwide campaign of the Israeli-American Imperium, is probably motivated by racist considerations. The alteration of the German national character. Professional informant and forger of history on the CIA's behalf: Dr. Wolfgang Neugebauer (SPÖ) of the "Documentary Archives of the Austrian Resistance". An abominable private association led by a man named Dr. Wolfgang Neugebauer exists in Austria on taxpayers' funds. Supported by the SPÖ (Austria's Social Democratic Party), it is allowed to fabricate a view of history for our country's students in which the Allies of the Second World War - primarily the Americans, but the Communists as well - are unconditionally and uncritically glorified, while the Austrians, and in fact the Germans as a whole, are condemned and demonized. And the chief 340 characters of this questionable private association, Dr. Wolfgang Neugebauer and Brigitte Bailer-Galanda, M.A., are carried on the Vienna community payroll as "civil servants" and are unlawfully remunerated for their "club activities" with taxpayers' money. I don't know their salary arrangement with the CIA. In any case, I have done my duty with regard to this incident of corruption and have commissioned my attorney, Dr. Herbert Schaller, to institute the appropriate criminal proceedings with the public prosecutor's office of Vienna. For years, Dr. Wolfgang Neugebauer and Galanda, M.A. have worked together with Szymon Wizenthal. (For the interconnections between Neugebauer, Galanda and Wizenthal, see the chapters "The Waechter Case" car "Wizenthal's Revenge".) While the Galician has specialized on alleged "war crimes" (not on American, Soviet or Israeli war crimes, but on "German war crimes"), Neugebauer targets our people's next couple of generations by denouncing proGerman-minded people in Austria to the public prosecutor's office as "Nazis", or by informing against them in writing to their employers. To date, this thought crime terrorist has brought more than 600 criminal charges against his fellow citizens for their insubordinate views on history. Fully 200 of them have been directed against me. From Neugebauer's association, the DOW ("Documentary Archives..."), we have easily gained precise confirmation of that which the accomplice Wizenthal persists in denying: namely, that the epigones of the American occupation power in Austria target their attacks, not on National Socialism (which only ever serves as an excuse), but on the German people per se. A unique, racist, criminal plan, thought up by people who hypocritically pretend day in, day out to be "anti-racists" and to stand up against defamation (Anti-Defamation League) - Mal is the nature and essence of the immigration policies as we have known them. Some light is shed on the Imperium's intentions by a comment made by Neugebauer's DOW on the Morgenthau Plan, the most massive planned genocide in recorded history, which provided not only for the everlasting territorial dismemberment of Germany but also for the physical destruction of umpteen million German: "...although the 'Morgenthau Plat:' included severe punitive elements in its treatment of post-war Germany... the goal and purpose of this program must not he seen as revenge and atonement for the atrocities and aggressions perpetrated by Hiller's Germany, but as an effective and lasting alteration of the German national character as a whole." (DOW 1991 Yearbook, p. 136.) 341 Now the reason for Wizenthal's and Dr. Neugebauer's passionate support of the immigration of foreigners into Austria and the actualization of "multicultural society" is clear: The goal is to alter the German national character. That end justifies any and every means, no matter how criminal: "guest workers", "refugees", "Basic Law", "humanity" - these are only the fig leaves behind which the genocidal anti-German plan has hidden since the 1960s. In Wizenthal's eyes, the remnants of democratic structures in Austria are proving to be a great obstacle standing in the way of the fulfilment of his anti-German mission and his anti-Austrian machinations: Wizenthal fears the people! On November 24, 1992 the German newspaper Die Welt reported that Wizenthal described as "catastrophic" the Austrian Liberal Party's intent to call for a petition for a referendum aiming at a moratorium on immigration. He, the Jewish racist who uncritically supports Israel and its racist laws (Zero Solution to issues of refugees and immigration; exception: Jews), is suddenly a passionate supporter of "multiculturalism" when the matter at stake is the elimination of the German people as ethnic factor. The fact that ethnic units are defined, in international law, not only by their cultural and linguistic background but also by their racially determined characteristics and their biological, hereditary appearance - this is something that Wizenthal and his cronies, as well as our politicians and our judiciary, deny with such vigor that one might think they were ignorant of these aspects of binding international legal stipulations. The "catastrophe" Wizenthal means is the one that would probably result for the "Final Solution of the German Question" if German politicians should let themselves get carried away into allowing the German people themselves to determine the matter of their continued existence. The cat's out of the bag: The "German national character" must not remain the way God made it. How pressing a concern the immigration of foreigners into Germany is to the Imperial Jewish power, and how clearly apparent the racial motives become in this matter, is shown by a speech given by lgnatz Bubis, the leader of the Jews in Germany: ", nationality is still based 'on ties of blood, on ethnic identity "But now it is time to make it easier for people (meaning the immigrants) become naturalized" (Die Welt, November 17, 1992.) 342 For Bubis, who is such a nationalist with regard to Israel but has never stood up for voting rights or the citizenship of the Palestinians, the "Final Solution" for Germany can't proceed fast enough. The "left wing" - a CIA invention? University lecturer Dr. Reinhold Wagnleitner's book Coca-Colonisation and kalter Krieg (cf. chapter "The Campaign Against Jorg Haider") shows that ever since the end of the Second World War (with the exception of the Kreisky era) the Austrian "left wing" has been a spineless tool of the CIA and thus of the Jewish-American Imperium. The Internationale's concerted action in the matter of genocide permits the conclusion that the Imperium may also have brought the workers' parties outside the German sphere under its control by means of thousands of paid agents. For example, Die Presse (Vienna) of November 11, 1992 reports: "Social Democrats urge the European Community towards immigration policies." Against the will of their peoples, against the interests of the workers, against the warnings of behaviorists, against the lessons of history, against human rights and international law and against economic constraints, they strive, jointly and with the use of the same vocabulary, to complete the great work of ethnic destruction in Europe. And they all speak the same language as Wizenthal, Bubis, Cohn-Bendit and the Jewish Masonic lodge B'nai B'rith. However, the complicity of the Socialist Internationale and the Jewish lodges dates back further: as early as 1923, the Jewish-Austrian Count Coudenhove-Kalergi, writing in his book Paneuropa, told us of the collaboration of the Freemasons with the Social Democrats: "The ultimate goal of the Social Democrats' official program of foreign affairs is the establishment of a Social Democratic world republic." The Jewish Count Coudenhove-Kalergi's vision, as published in the Wiener Freimaurerzeitung no. 9/10 of 1923, sounds downright bizarre and racist. We read: "The human being of the future will be a half-breed mongrel. For Pan Europe I wish for a Eurasian-Negroid future race, to provide for a multitude of personalities. 343 "The leaders will be drawn front the ranks of the Jews, for a kind Providence has blessed Europe with a new noble race of brilliant intellect in the form of the Jews." In the course of many pages Coudenhove-Kalergi explains what he expects to gain from the forcibly-to-be-imposed mixing of the European peoples. In the first section ("Nobility") of his book Praktischer Idealismus, published in 1925 in Vienna by Paneuropa-Verlag, our Jewish Count writes about his plan: "Man of the far distant future will be a mongrel half-breed... The result is that half-breeds often combine a lack of character, unscrupulousness, weakness of will, inconstancy, irreverence and disloyalty with objectivity... and breadth of horizon." The Jewish Count admits frankly that this is the kind of human being he hopes to create in order to make Europe governable for his Jewish nobility. At first one is tempted to dismiss this disgusting and utterly unfounded racial glorification of Jewry and the insane planned intervention in Creation in order to breed a new "people", which Coudenhove expounds over the course of many nauseating pages in his opus Praktischer Idealismus, as the fantasy ravings of evil and rather feeble-minded right-wing extremists. In January 1991, however, when we "in the know" learned from the daily press (cf. Unabhdngige Nachrichten, January 23, 1991) that the German Chancellor Helmut Kohl had been awarded a medal by precisely this Pan-European Movement, a medal named "the Coudenhove-Kalergi Prize" in honor of this criminal human-breeder, a chill went up our spine. A man like Kohl, who dared oppose America and did so much towards the reunification of what is left of Germany: what kind of pressure must he have been put under to accept such a reprehensible award? The racist human-breeding plan that dwarfs any and all other nonsense ever dreamed up by a human brain and that would turn the Western world into a Frankensteinian test laboratory - not in order to create a superman, but, as Kalergi openly admits, to create a sub-human who would be "easy to govern" - is exposed in all its criminal baseness by the German Chancellor's acceptance of the Kalergi award. At one blow, all those people who may have wondered in past years what could possess the European governments to throw open their territories to trans-Continental immigration movements against the will of their people, against all experience and against the right to self-determination, have received a clear, if still incomprehensible answer in the form of the German Chancellor's sign of solidarity with the Jewish philosophical father of the Masonic lodge B'nai B'rith. 344 But if Coudenhove's unconcealed plan for the creation of a race of subhumans to populate Europe should not be the concept underlying the malicious migration patterns we see going on these days on the Continent, then I ask: what is? I take it for granted that my readers as well as the actors in this drama are aware that history, right up to the present, has confirmed a hundred times over that the destruction of the ethnic homogeneity of nations and settlement areas is a devastating process with grave consequences. What, other than Coudenhove-Kalergi's concept, could explain the insanity of the present-day settlement policy that is forcibly imposed on the nations involved, against their wishes and their right to self-determination? What, other than Kalergi's concept, could explain the concord that exists between the B'nai Writh lodge, the governments, the international media and the Wizenthal Lobby? The fact that Kohl wears not only the Kalergi medal but also that of the B'nai B'rith fills in any remaining gaps in the evidence and substantiates the incomprehensible, making it a probability bordering on certainty. Jewish journalists confirm Kalergi's planned genocide. On July 3, 1986 an Israeli journalist named David Krivine wrote in the Jerusalem Post (p. 3) about his impressions of the European Community: "..the advocates of tire Unified European File hope to break the traditional pattern of the separation of population groups along the lilies of their ethnic origin. The human interaction within the new union will fundamentally alter the face of Europe in a single generation. If at that point there are even any national or ethnic groups left which disapprove o/~ such a union, their political influence will be so snurll that they will not be able to actualize a break-out of their country from the 'United States of Europe'." Criminal intent. It is unlikely that Wizenthal, those responsible from the B'nai B'rith, the Anti-Defamation League, the media, and the politicians and Church dignitaries decorated for their efforts on behalf of Kalergi's vision, should "not have known" of the consequences of the criminal plan, namely the 345 creation of a disloyal, weak-willed and unscrupulous type of human being by means of mass migration. At the very latest, they know now. And they also definitely knew, before, about the consequences of international law entailed by the loss of a common people, a closed settlement area and a joint will: just as international law requires the three criteria listed as prerequisites for the creation of a state (cf. Professor Gerhard Hafner/ORF, Hohes Haus, September 22, 1991), the reverse means that the foundation for a state's existence is in question when these three criteria - namely, the common people, its closed settlement area, and the resultant joint will - are destroyed. If, for example, the proportion of foreign students in Vienna is forcibly exploded from 0 to 56% in only 20 years (and despite the regularly polled wishes of the majority of the people), then one can no longer consider my home town to be the closed settlement area it was for a thousand years. There is not the slightest doubt that the ethnic shuffling that is still ongoing has as its guiding principle the expansion and consolidation of the Israeli-American lmperium's power - not the common good of the ancestral, domestic populace. The fact that this goal is being relentlessly pursued by the seemingly omnipotent Masonic lodge B'nai Krith and by the media which is kept under Jewish control or at least suckled with a constant stream of mother's milk from the news agencies of the Israeli-American Imperium, and uniformly in violation of the wishes of the domestic inhabitants - all this serves to harden the suspicion that what we are observing is in fact a grand and evil plan, being actualized against us and through us. Just as two pieces of a puzzle fit together, that which is happening today to Austria, to all of Germany and to the rest of Europe fits together with the Jewish Count Kalergi's criminal plan for the creation of a tractable race of mongrelized sub-humans in Europe and a race of Jewish nobility to govern them. The Kalergi Medal, "gracing" the chest of the German Chancellor, is an alarming signal. Perhaps the European peoples are already lost. Perhaps the criminal, racist insanity of a monstrous Jewish striving for power is past stopping. Perhaps the voices of reason slowly beginning to speak up among Jewry (Salcia Landmann, Günther Nenning) are already too late. Anti-Semitism, however, will survive, I fear - will rise like a spirit from a bottle, like phoenix from the ashes. It will lodge in that part of man's soul whence nationalism was driven out, and like a natural catastrophe it will descend upon the guilty and - I fear - upon the innocent as well. 346 I am afraid that once this crime against humanity becomes known, such an anti-Semitism could suck into its maelstrom and devour not only the few guilty powers, but all of innocent Jewry as well, in one great, final and worldwide pogrom, with no regard to personal guilt. Therefore, the only true hope I can see is an appeal to Jewish common sense. 34 The Israeli-American Imperium Photos and document "Democracy" as weapon against the people. The Israeli-American Imperium's cultural aggression. Jazz as weapon. "Everyone knew that anyone who talked was a dead man. " (Syberberg) The German "left wing" - a CIA tool. "Even 20 years ago, any attempt to describe the Jewish lobby's influence on American politics would certainly have drawn accusations of antiSemitism The word in those days was that a Jewish lobby was as much a fiction as that piece of Czarist propaganda, the 'Learned Elders of Zion' who allegedly determine the fate of the world." With these words the German journalist Jorg yon Uthmann, writing in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung of Saturday, February 13, 1988, began an article which described the Israeli-Jewish-American power cartel as a political reality. This was the first time that anything like that was ever done in a "respected" German daily paper. Because I believe that people who point out the reality of this power are even today at risk of being defamed as "anti-Semites" in the tried and true old method, I will base my proof of the existence of this Imperium on sources not vulnerable to charges of anti-Semitism. Uthmann demonstrates the unparalleled association between Israel and the United States with a reference to an odd institution: the "American Israel Public Affairs Committee", called AIPAC for short. AIPAC sets the Israeli-American relations apart from all other relations which the United States and Israel, respectively, maintain with all other nations. While embassies normally serve to facilitate the forging of diplomatic ties and the maintenance of alliances on the world's political stage, the requirements of Israeli-American relations could evidently not be satisfied with just an ambassadorial arrangement: and so the two states created AIPAC, an institution that resembles a "Ministry for National Jewish Interests" much more than it does a structure for the maintenance of international relations. For the first time ever, we learn from a respected German daily newspaper sorne details about the structures of the Jewish reign over America: "Regarding the Democratic Party (which the vast majority of Jews traditionally vote for), estimates of the proportion of election funds which actually come from Jewish sources range from 30 to 50 percent... 352 "With the 'Campaign Financing Act' of 1974, which was intended to regulate election donations, a new structure appeared: the 'Political Action Committee' (PAC). At least 60% of these PACs base their election support on the issue of where the candidates stand with regard to Israel; they are the transmission belt via which AIPAC and the remaining Jewish organizations make their influence felt, not only in Washington but throughout the country." In view of these mechanisms, one can safely conclude what some people have already known since 1933 and what Wizenthal, on p. 20 of JNY, has an American officer couch in the following words: "...traffic in the States is controlled by red and green lights, everything else is controlled by the Jews." (JNY p. 20. ) But to return to Uthmann's account: "Today, Israel receives military and economic aid from Washington to the tune of $4 billion annually - not in loans, mind you, but as a gift. That amounts to about a third of the total American foreign aid. Here too it is primarily AIPAC that keeps the funds flowing... "At this point the Holocaust also comes into play. The planned, methodical reminders of the concentration camps and gas chambers pursue a clear political objective..." Armed with this information, there is no need to quote "right-wing extremist" sources or slandered individuals in order to back one's contention that the Israeli-Jewish-American Imperium, whose existence our politicians and our "contemporary historians" continue to deny so hysterically, is in fact an obvious reality. "Democracy" as weapon against the people! The Imperium's cultural aggression. The Austrian newspaper Der Standard of July 23, 1991 reported that the American secret service spends some $30 billion annually on its "espionage activities". We read: "...following Webster's departure, Richard Kerr, the CIA's previous vicedirector, will now conduct the affairs of this gigantic institution, with an annual budged of $30 billion." Therefore, what the American democracy spends on terrorizing the world amounts to approximately 12 times the Austrian armed forces' annual budget. At the beginning of World War Two the German Wehrmacht 353 consisted of only 12 times the personnel of the present-day Austrian armed forces (600,000 men), therefore we can conclude: The American Imperium invests an annual sum in its "New World Order" that is roughly comparable to the 1939 budget of the German W ehrmacht. Never before has the world been faced with a more powerful organization for the repression of free thought. Probably not even the worst of nightmares ever conceived of such a scenario. The scope and extent of the CIA's "little brother", the Israeli secret service Mossad, is also described for us in impressive detail by its renegade agent Victor Ostrovsky (By Way of Deceplion): we learn that the tiny state of Israel maintains a secret service 35,000 men strong, which equates to about 70°/" of today's Austrian armed forces. If we multiply the population of Israel and that of its secret service by a factor of 20 each, we get roughly the population of Hitler's Germany and - well, well! - the strength of the German Wehrmacht at the start of the War. In other words, for purposes of espionage and disinformation alone, the Israeli secret service maintains an organization whose strength, compared to the base population of Israel, is roughly proportionate to the German Wehrmacht as compared to all of Germany at the time when England and France unleashed the Second World War by their declarations of war against Germany in 1939. And in the midst of peacetime the CIA spends enough money on espionage, underworld killings and subornation of the press to equal Hitler's entire army budget for 1939. What a low opinion European politicians may secretly have of this monstrous American organization is suggested by a comment made by the Italian Prime Minister Andreotti. The KGB archives had just been opened in the course of perestroika, and Gorbachev had excluded KGB participation; Andreotti expressed the suspicion that the attempt on the Pope's life might have been a concealed action by the CIA and allied services (FAZ, December 1, 1992, p. 7). It's clear that the "allied services" do not refer to the naive German news services or the Austrian state police. In its article the FAZ clearly suggested involvement by the Mossad. By pointing out that "Moscow would not have profited" from the assassination of the Pope, the FAZ poses the unspoken question, who could have profited from a Muslim's murder of a Roman-Catholic Pope? And in fact that insane act, which would only have been to the detriment of the Islamic world and the Soviet state, would have benefited none other than Israel, which could have counted on the development of a 354 Western front of resistance to Muslim positions if the assassination had succeeded. Of course I am not suggesting that all of the Israeli-American Imperium's half-million agents are involved in murder; only a vanishingly small proportion are. There is no doubt a vast and subtle arena of activity which may well range from the splitting-up of nationalist formations in Austria and Germany by means of infiltration, via the distribution of disgusting Nazi computer games and the recruiting of false witnesses or agents provocateurs, to the encouragement of graffiti vandalism of Jewish cemeteries and memorial sites or even to acts of terrorism. What is much more important, however, is the front along which the "allied services" and their thousands of agents and subordinate organizations work to undermine and to alter the cultural self-perception of those nations to be brought under foreign control. Salzburg university lecturer Reinhold Wagnleitner's book Coca-Colonisation and kalter Krieg, from which I have already quoted several times, gives us some insight into the Imperium's work of cultural destruction at the heart of Europe, by the example of post-1945 Austria: "For the Austrian news market the interweaving of state and private interests did not go without consequences. The situation was similar to that in Japan and in the German western zones where the monopolies of the Domei and Wolff agencies were broken. In Austria as well, the American news agencies AP and UPI, and to a lesser extent the British agency Reuters, gained a firm foothold This was the beginning of a decisive change. The pre-war monopoly of French and German news services was smashed by the British and American agencies. "Incidentally, in 1946 the American news service played a major role in the establishment of the `Austria Presse Agentur' (APA), and AP and Reuters proceeded to become the major foreign news suppliers to APA. The influence of American news agencies was by no means restricted to Austria, but increased in all of 'western' Europe " (p. 122.) In this context I am reminded of the American philosopher and historian Francis Parker Yockey, whom I quoted in my now-banned book Freispruch für Hitler?. He said: "Propaganda is the only form of news communication in America..." How right he was. And now it is also clear why America ultimately demands submission to the system of "Western democracy" from every country it ever chose to force to its knees and assume the role of pawn in its game of Imperial strategy. Once the newspapers of such a country have been forced to quench their thirst for information at poisoned wellsprings (namely 355 the American news agencies), the Imperium imagines the souls of the people in question to be enchanted forever. The son of Wizenthal's most indefatigable witness Ella, Peter Michael Lingens (Wizenthal's ex-secretary), recently advanced an astonishing theory: "In the next decade the continued existence of democracy may depend on the quality of the police force." (Wirtschaftswoche, November 26, 1992.) Now it should dawn on even the most naive that ever since 1945 the murderers of democracy have disguised themselves as its guardians. Jazz as weapon. Terrorism against Karl Böhm and Herbert von Karajan. Two short but important quotations from Reinhold Wagnleitner's documentation show what the United States had planned for Austria, Germany and in fact for all of Europe after 1945: "The US government's cultural efforts to dazzle the Europeans with manifestations of their highly advanced civilization were an integral part of the political strategy of furthering Europe's integration into the 'One World', the Pax Americana's 'Western world', by debilitating the European peoples' cultural hubris." (p. 208.) "Therefore it is hardly surprising that not only the downfall of National Socialism but also the demise of Germany's musical hegemony was a subject for discussion in the United States as early as 1942. It was thus perfectly logical that 'serious' music was also included in the agendas of American cultural diplomacy." (p. 226.) To achieve their goals - Wagnleitner tells us - the American secret service had its ISB agents establish more than 600 jazz clubs in Austria alone. And now we also know where our "discotheques" come from. Many a kindly old gentleman whom we know from television, such as the opera critic Marcel Prawy, is exposed in Wagnleitner's book as "cultural officer" of the American secret service, as "Master of Ceremonies" (Wagnleitner, p. 227), charged with some sinister mission such as supplanting German opera with the American "musical" genre. In defense of the Jew Marcel Prawy (real name: Frydmann) it must be mentioned that he had no intention of actually carrying out this notion. In the mid-1980s Prawy publicly defended Richard Wagner's scores against the unqualified attacks of another Austrian CIA cultural agent, Hans Weigel by name, a Jew, "author" and Freemason. Which once again proves that no 356 position, no ethnic ties and no political camp can force unwanted limitations on human decency. The following quotation reveals how much pressure the American program of cultural aggression exerted on Austrian artists via its secret service: "Moreover, negotiations with... Karl Böhm and Herbert von Karajan had succeeded in persuading these conductors to agree to include works by American composers in their future repertoires." (Wagnleitner, p. 229.) To give my readers an idea of the importance which our enemies attached to the creation of an American pseudo-culture (whose spokesmen in Austria included, for example, the sculptor Hrdlicka, the Communist Turrini, the sex criminal Muhl and the butcher Nitsch), I offer this excerpt from Coca-Colonisation and kalter Krieg: "It was with great reluctance, and not until the last minute, that the festival management bowed to the pressure exerted by the ISB ("Information Services Branch" - a subsection of the American secret service) so that Samuel Barber's 'Adagio for Strings' was performed on August 30, 1946. Moreover, the ISB sponsored the performances of Yehudi Menuhin... "But even the American army was ultimately powerless against the policies of the festival management and the preferences of the audience." (Coca-Colonisation, pp. 228f) It would be beyond the scope of this chapter to give a full account of the work of cultural and educational destruction which the Imperium and its thousands of agents have wrought in Austria and Germany and - a little less emphatically - in other European nations since 1945. What everyone knows and no-one dares speak of: "Fortune and misfortune of art in Germany since the last war." Movie and theater writer-director Hans Jürgen Syberberg is the only one who dares, in his book, to call a spade a spade: "Ever since 1945, culture in the Federal Republic of Germany has been governed by the 'unholy alliance of Jewish leftist aesthetics' which set the intellectual climate with 'lies that paralysed all cultural life': Anyone who went along with the Jews and the leftists made a career for himself.' "This alliance, among whose 'spiritual founding fathers' Syberberg lists names such as Adorno, Bloch, Benjamin, Marcuse and Kracauer, has allegedly created 'an art without a people': 'The cripple for art, and the hero for advertising 357 "The 'mafia system of the democratic existential lie' has seen to it that without 'a progressive democratic leftist interpretation of the world' no 'important book, no theater, no film, no exhibition, no picture and no sound' could be created - and that even all discussions and protests and opposition were only sham fights, staged for reinforcement, and anyone who did not participate slipped through the cracks: Everyone knew that anyone who talked was a dead man. "' (FAZ, August 24, 1990.) In his critique of Hans Jürgen Syberberg's work, the journalist Werner Fuld included this quotation from Syberberg's book vom Unglück and Gluck der Kunst in Deutschland nach dem letzten Kriege (Fortune and Misfortune of Art in Germany Since the Last War), published by Matthes & Seitz, Munich. Fuld is generous with derision and mockery and acts as though what Syberberg writes were all untrue. But the way in which the FAZ journalist concludes his article (for after all, who wants to be a dead man?) admits implicitly that Syberberg is right: "Where culture is the subject of discussion, Syberberg is out of place. But one must wonder how any publisher could accept the responsibility for publishing such a certificate of chauvinistic dementia." (FAZ) In other words, anyone who talks really is a dead man. Don't peek under the brim of Medusa's hat: Wizenthal orders German Red Cross official fired. Whereas empires throughout history only began to feel threatened as enemy armies advanced, the Israeli-American Imperium has a much lower stimulus threshold. It attacks the moment it is recognized and called by name. The weapons are of a legislative nature: "Incitement", "anti-Semitism", "defamation"... Recently this phenomenon also became Professor Waldemar Schneider's undoing: "Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal has reported a high official from the DRK (German Red Cross) to the provincial public prosecutor's office in Dusseldorf for making anti-Semitic statements. Prof. Waldemar Schneider, 56, Chief of the DRK's blood donor service, is the director of the 'Toko Institute for Trans-Systematic Thought:.. In the July issue of the institution's house publication Schneider published an approving review ('He that understands the Jews sees what the world is all about) of the latest book by the best-selling Japanese author Masami Uno, who... propounds theories of world conspiracies. 358 "For example, Uno writes, the Russian Revolution of 1917 was actually a Jewish revolution. Regarding the German unions, the author claims that it is common knowledge that they are powerfully influenced by Jews. Schneider's comment: 'A suspensefully written book.' "According to Secretary-General Johann Romer, an internal investigation of Schneider is being conducted at lite German Red Cross. He leaves no doubt about how the investigation will end: 'We'll put a stop to this."' (Spiegel, no. 50, December 7, 1992.) Syberberg would have left no doubt about it either: that there will be a stop put to this. That Professor Schneider is a "dead man". The "left wing" - a CIA tool. As I have already quoted in this book, Wagnleitner concludes from his study of the American archives pertaining to Austria that "thanks to their militant Cold War anti-Communism, which admittedly was usually carried on without their leading politicians being aware of it, the Social Democratic parties could virtually be considered allied partners of the CIA." (Coca-Colonisation, p. 78.) Regarding the situation in Germany there are also valuable testimonies: In 1988, for example, Henric Wuermeling, historian and television editor with the Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation, published the book Die Weiße Liste (Ullstein-Verlag). This book has not received nearly as much attention as it deserves. Wuermeling documents the American re-education efforts and cultural aggression against Central Europe, with particular emphasis on Germany, just as Wagnleitner does for Austria. Unlike Wagnleitner, who mentions only the occasional name, Wuermeling came up with a list of 1,500 Germans whom the wartime enemy powers had already selected years before the end of the war to collaborate with the victors against their own people and their core interests. This book, which is based exclusively on material from American archives, verifies that American strategists gave limited support to Communist groups and initiatives in the German sphere where they needed these forces to keep nationalist endeavors in check. Now it is no doubt clear to many why ever since the end of the war gangs of "left-wing demonstrators" have been allowed to violently attack and break up nationalist rallies and gatherings of veterans and soldiers, and to do so with the evident blessing of the police. 359 It is also becoming clear why murders of right-wingers by left-wingers (for example the murder of a Salzburg hotelier by the Austrian television editor Köchl) are not prosecuted, or are prosecuted so unenthusiastically that the cases remain "unsolved". We may conclude that the idealism of thousands of young people in Germany and Austria has been misused for decades through "leftist ideology" concocted at institutes for sociology and political sciences and instilled into the minds of the up-and-coming intellectuals. Encouraged by the seemingly inexplicable idleness of the police and the courts, these young people acted out their dream of revolution and their anti-Capitalist visions in the streets - much to their fathers' and grandfathers' dismay - not knowing that their activities were being used and exploited to Germany's detriment by precisely that Capitalist power whose ideology they believed they were fighting. Only in cases where they went beyond the Imperium's own goals (like Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhoff), recognized their creators, and attacked them, did the Imperium strike back. No doubt the scales will also fall from the eyes of those Austrians who to date always wondered why the SPO-suckled "Documentary Archives of the Austrian Resistance" has been persistently unable to discover any American and not even any Soviet war crimes and why it is ever ready to defend the "noble role of Communism". What the naivest of the naive always thought was "contemporary history" was in fact the Machiavellian runaround staged by the American secret service CIA who played rightwingers and leftists off against each other and, unnoticed by workers and intellectuals alike, set up its command center in the Austrian Federation of Labor Unions, the headquarters of the labor movement. This is the Israeli-American Imperium's "New World Order". A network of murder and terrorism. A network of bribery and corruption and a secret, insidious cultural aggression trickling through thousands of channels to the heart of the Western world. Covered by "allied services" of army-scale strength. Their weapons: "democracy", the media, the education system, contemporary history, lies, fabrications and - if necessary - murder. One of the stars of this great ensemble is Szymon Wizenthal. Quantitatively speaking, the secret services maintained by Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Per6n, Hussein and Qadhafi put together are minuscule. Never before has mankind been this much at anyone's mercy. And never so badly deceived. Author's Epilogue Photos and documents For all these many years my commitment against anti-Semitism has been received with scorn and even derided by the Austrian public prosecutors as "a self-defensive claim". As though concerns for my own safety had ever been in the forefront of my motivations. That my persecutors, for whom lies are their native element, will continue to call me an anti-Semite is something I can accept. I do care, however, that my readers should know that a dark sort of superstition, claiming that one people amongst all peoples in the world is inherently evil, has always been and always will be repugnant to me. "The good are everywhere among us - it is time that they stand up and join forces." I wrote this in my last book, which has since been banned and confiscated: Freispruch für Hitler?. And now I would like to add: It is the good, the honest and the fair among the Jews whom I address in the present documentation, for without their voice and their work to build on, I would not have taken the risk entailed in writing this present book. Recognizing the face of the Medusa of our time - the Israeli-American Imperium - is the great hazard of the present, because it feels threatened by those who can see its face and identify it. The methodology of this Imperial power that uses "democracy" and "freedom of the press" as cudgels against the people could be detailed in this book only insofar as it was necessary to enable an understanding of Wizenthal's mission. It is characteristic of this brand of power politics that it disguises its aggression and work of destruction with noble ideals so that the inherent defensive vitality of the attacked nations will not be able to identify it until it is too late - if at all. Opponents are never respected as worthy adversaries, but are defamed beyond recognition. This modus operandi is typical of all of "anti-Fascism" (which the American propaganda machinery invented more than half a century ago to combat Germany while at the same time sparing and protecting Stalin). The ongoing genocide against Europe by means of migration, forcibly achieved in violation of valid international law and in a negation of racial-ethnic identity - lets us see the Imperium's current goals and working methods close-up and with frightening clarity. The wellsprings of its global propaganda are the American news agencies, whence the peoples of the word draw their misinformation like duped helots. 366 The Imperium's weapons are the electronic media and the international press, which it has brought largely under its control, as well as the book and art trade and in fact the Western Hemisphere's entire culture industry. Like evil twins, the "allied services" Mossad and CIA lurk behind these front-line activities, ever ready to commit disinformation and cultural terrorism, to prejudice the media, to deceive, falsify, lie and stack the deck. Ready even for murder, if need be. The American armed forces stand in reserve, ready to be deployed anywhere in the world to fight for the Imperium's interests. With the end of the Six Days' War in 1967, the political boundaries between America and Israel began to blur more and more, so that in many respects it now seems as though we were dealing with one state on two different territories - an opponent with two heads. The Zionists in Israel and the world have joined forces and allied themselves extensively with the Jewish financial power in America (Federal Reserve Bank), as though there had never been a conflict of interest between the two positions. To associations, parties and even statesmen, taking up the fight against this Imperium seems hopeless, and not without good reason. But I am convinced that the Imperial Jewish power of our time could be much more readily put in its place through dialogue rather than confrontation, since after all the interests of this worldwide Imperial Jewish power do not really coincide with the interests of those who want to ensure the continued existence of the Jewish national state. And vice versa. Israel's current dependence on the American military power may seem reassuring and even seductive, but it is hard to miss the fact that the United States are sick as well - made ill particularly by the ethnic destabilization of the country, planned and set off by the same elements that depend on its strength: Already in the Gulf War, American industry had to fall back on computer chips from Japan and electronics from Germany. The Boeing plants lacked skilled workers to rivet the airplane fuselages. The IsraeliAmerican Imperium governs a giant which it has deliberately debilitated so as to be able to dominate it even more thoroughly. The great misapprehension under which the Zionists involved in this alliance continue to labor is their belief that: 1) the American Imperium can guarantee Israel's continued existence for all time. But provided that the silent majority remains mired in its lethargy, in only 50 years the United States will turn out to have been perhaps the 367 most short-lived world power of all time, and will have permanently dropped out of the ranks of the First World in technological and cultural respects. 2) the ethnic survival of the Jewish people could be fostered by the destruction of the world's other ethnic groups. The opposite is true. It is precisely the ethnic diversity, the worldwide chorus calling for a national state - the only natural construct confirming to the law of nations - which can serve as protective bulwark that guarantees Israel's survival as well. The destruction of the world's nations through migrations such as the Imperium conducts against the will of these nations and against natural law and creation can hold no gains for the Idea of a Jewish State. On the contrary: Germany, Europe and the world of denationalized helots would adopt anti-Semitism as a sort of substitute for national identity, and would undoubtedly eliminate what would be the smallest ruling class ever to gain power in the history of mankind - electronic media, CIA and Mossad notwithstanding. In the long term, Israel's interests on the one hand and those of the American-Jewish financial hegemony on the other are not the same. In his editorial about the power of the Jews in America, Uthmann wrote (FAZ, February 13, 1988): "Aside from these individual cases, however, there is also an increase in the number of voices asking the very basic and fundamental question, whether this amalgamation of Jewish, Israeli and American politics is truly in the interests of all involved." Anti-Zionism - often used only as a fig leaf by critics of the Jewish Imperium who want to avoid being contaminated by the stench of antiSemitism - is a wrong starting-point, I think. A Jewish ideology whose aim it is to secure the continued existence of the Jewish people in a Jewish national state may well be a bitter enemy of other peoples - such as the Palestinians. But by the nature of their philosophical origin, the truly implacable enemies of the national right to self-determination are not the Jewish nationalists but the Jewish internationalists. It is the Jewish international financial power, in whose materialistic power-philosophy of debit and credit the existence of nations has been denied all value, that draws its opposition from fundamentals. Despite shortsighted pride and the widespread identification with the power exerted by the Imperium, "the Jews" are by no means all as uncritical as one might think. In this context, Uthmann writes in the FAZ of February 13, 1988: "But not only the Republicans, many Jews as well are wondering whether it is right to stand by Israel at any price. In a poll of Jews conducted in 368 1983 by the American Jewish Committee, 51 % of those polled dissociated themselves from the settlement policies on the West Bank; 42 % suggested that Israel should withdraw from the occupied territories in return for appropriate guarantees of peace." If one were to adopt the principle of collective responsibility (as Wizenthal does with regard to Germany), the great planned genocide of Europe by means of the directed birth deficits and immigration would doubtless be a "Jewish crime". But here too we see that the current political powers-that-be are not able to manipulate the Jewish basis as fully as they might like. The Jewish author Salcia Landmann, who lives in Switzerland today, has expressed honest and humane views on the question of refugee policies. Her opinions are diametrically opposed to the slogans of the official Jewish organizations. "Therefore it is completely ridiculous for the few European Jews.. to join in the lament raised by these anti-refugees against 'racism' and 'hatred of foreigners'. "Out of fear of being accused of racism, not one German politician dares to correct these refugee policies which have been so grossly perverted." (Spiegel, no. 1, 1992.) And Mrs. Landmann suggests what only "right-wing extremists" usually suggest, and what is the only sensible thing any decent person can suggest at all in this context: "Are you in danger in your native country? Then we'll pay your fare to a country next to yours, with a regime acceptable to you. But if you're not in danger in your native country, we'll pay for your return trip there. In any case you belong into your own cultural sphere, not here."(Spiegel, no. 1, 1992.) The insanity can only be stopped in time with help from Jewish opposition within the Imperium itself. Not only with help from Jewish opposition within Zionism, but - as I believe - also by encouraging commonsense opposition in Wall Street. The insane attack which the Imperium has maliciously launched against the closed settlement regions and thus against international law by means of the migrations it has instigated, could very well soon bring it down rather than consolidate its power. Judeophobia and anti-Semitism cannot provide a quick solution: our "fifth column" at the heart of the Israeli-American Imperium can only be Jews themselves, specifically the honest, decent and just. Those who have been kept from speaking up so far (cf. the Weise case). 369 Evil will call up resistance by good, everywhere and at all times. Wizenthal - whose obituary I have striven to write in his own lifetime - is a manifestation of the Imperium's reprehensible and short-sighted methods and goals. His face and his work bear the features of the Empire of money and sin for which he stands - just as the work of the former Austrian Chancellor Dr. Bruno Kreisky, to whom this book is dedicated, embodies to us the position of tolerance, honesty and reconciliation. So let's summarize: A common fraud with a pronounced interest in wallowing in sorrow and tears, a man of great cunning but mediocre intellect, who sold us his own mother as "a German" out of greed for hard German cash, has been allowed to represent the Imperium to Germany before all the world. He has been permitted to thwart the scientific investigation of the "Holocaust" and to engage in unbridled hate propaganda against Germany. Someday no-one will be able to whitewash himself by claiming he "didn't know anything about it". The injustice, inhumanity and incitement have always been there for everyone to see. But Wizenthal himself would be utterly unimportant - just as he is already pushed into the background in this final summary. He would be no more than just an evil old man - if, that is, his work did not bear witness to the intentions of the Jewish-American Imperium in Germany and Europe over the past half-century; it is this Imperium whose cultural and political will to aggression he personifies. So there he goes: the convicted liar, the fraud, false witness and kidnapper. There he goes: the "Nazi hunter", a murder suspect who claims to have nothing to do with the murderers of "Nazi" victims. There he goes: the nasty Jewish racist who selects his co-workers according to religion and race and who urges us to commit national suicide through immigration. There he goes: the slanderer of Germany and of the German soldier, of the 14 million expellees and the six million slaughtered German civilians. There he goes: the evil old man whose profession it was to bear false witness against Germany, who drew his joie de vivre from hate, whose most brazen anecdotes statesmen and crowned heads had to accept as touching stories. And the seeds of his hatred are growing wild: Even more so than the young Germans of today and tomorrow, his victims are the young generation in Israel and the United States, whose 370 hearts he has poisoned with his "Holocaust Museums", the temples of hatred against Germany. And now that crafty, unscrupulous old man simply walks off the stage, leaving a monstrous open account behind. The teachings of the "collective responsibility" of innocent persons, the crushing mortgage which is Wizenthal's legacy to Jewry, seems to me like a landmine. His juridical murders, his falsifications and swindles and his activities on behalf of injustice and hatred of all things German over the past half-century which this book documents will dwindle to trivialities if the world should one day take up his teachings of "collective responsibility" and apply them to their prophet's people, for then it could well happen that all of Jewry, instead of only the guilty ones, will face the historical responsibility. One might ask now what stockpile there is of crimes committed, caused or shared in by individual Jewish criminals in this century? For example: 1. the 90 million civilian victims of world Communism (Soviet Union, China, South East Asia); 2. the 110 million civilian victims of "anti-Fascism" (cf. facsimile, p. 3. the six million innocent Germans murdered outside of military conflicts after the end of World War Two; 4. the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki; 5. the firestorm of Dresden and the Inter-Allied Military Tribunal of Nuremberg; 6. the unparalleled crimes dreamed up or carried out by Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky (Bronstein), Ilya Ehrenburg, Roosevelt and Morgenthau, through million-fold unatoned-for rape, expulsion and murder; 7. the great genocide planned in cold blood against the Western world, by cultural migration forcibly imposed in violation of the peoples' right to self-determination. Jewry must recognize the needs of the moment and convince its leaders to reverse course. The first step can only be a German-Jewish reconciliation. And the foundation of this reconciliation are Truth and Justice. Truth and Justice - therein lies Israel's hope. Woe to the world's innocent Jews, if blind revenge for unredressed Jewish wrongs should one day take them hostage worldwide to collective responsibility! Gerd Honsik Bibliography Books Amnesty International. Jahresbericht 1991. Frankfurt: Fischer TaschenbuchVerlag, 1991. Bacque, James. Other Losses: an investigation into the mass deaths of German prisoners at the hands of the French and Americans after World War If. Toronto: Stoddart, 1989. Buechner, Howard A.. The Hour of the Avenger. Metairie: Thunderbird, 1986. Conquest, Robert. The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror-Famine. New York: Oxford UP, 1986. (German ed.: Ernte des Todes. Ullstein.) Coudenhove-Kalergi, Richard Nicolaus, Count. Paneuropa. Vienna, Leipzig: Paneuropa-Verlag, 1926. Findley, Paul. Die Israel Lobby: Hinter den Kulissen der amerikanischen Politik. Berg am See: Verlagsgemeinschaft Berg, 1992. Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstands (DÖW). Jahrbuch 1991. Vienna. Frey, Gerhard. Vorsicht Fälschung! Munich: FZ-Verlag, 1991. Gerhard, Rüdiger (ed.). Der Fall Gottfried Weise: Dokumentation zu einem Auschwitz-Birkenau Prozeß. Ein "Lebenslänglicher" fordert Gerechtigkeit. Berg am See: Türmer, 1991. Goldmann, Nahum. The Jewish Paradox. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1978. Grabert, Wigbert. Geschichtsbetrachtung als Wagnis: Eine Dokumentation. Tübingen: Grabert, 1984. Greve, Uwe. Lager des Grauens: Sowjetische KZs in der DDR nach 1945. Kiel: Arndt, 1990. Harwood, Richard. Did Six Million Really Die? Toronto: Samisdat, 1982. Honsik, Gerd. Freispruch für Hitler? 37 ungehörte Zeugen wider die Gaskammer. 3rd ed. Barcelona: Ediciones Libreria Europa, 1992. Jagschitz, Gerhard. Gutachten in der Strafsache gegen Gerd Honsik. File reference 20 a Vr 14184/86, Hv 5720/90, Vienna, 1992 (unpub.). Kautsky, Benedikt. Teufel and Verdammte. Switzerland, 1945. Kern, Erich (ed.) Verheimlichte Dokumente: Was den Deutschen verschwiegen wird. Munich: FZ-Verlag, 1988. Kopelew, Lew. Und schuf mir einen Götzen: Lehrjahre eines Kommunisten. Munich: dtv. Margolina, Sonja. Das Ende der Lügen: Rußland and die Juden im 20. Jahrhundert. Berlin: Siedler, 1992. Mukherji, Savitri Devi. Gold im Schmelztiegel. Edizioni di Ar Padova. Ostrovsky, Viktor. Der Mossad. Knaur, 1990. Eng.: By Way of Deception: the Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer, Toronto: Stoddart, 1990. Preissinger, Adrian (ed.) Todesfabriken der Kommunisten: Von Sachsenhausen bis Buchenwald. Berg am See: Verlagsgemeinschaft Berg, 1991. Eng.: Death camps of the Soviets, 1945-1950 : from Sachsenhausen to Buchenwald. Ocean City, Md. : Landpost Press, 1994. Pretterebner, Hans. Der Fall Lucona: Ost-Spionage, Korruption and Mord im Dunstkreis der Regierungsspitze. Vienna: Pretterebner Verlagsgesellschaft, 1987. Raja, Erich. Kopfjagd auf Rajakowitsch: Wiesenthal am Werk. Heusenstamm b. Offenbach/Main: Orion-Verlag, 1966. Rullmann, Hans Peter. Der Fall Demjanjuk: Unschuldiger oder Massenmörder? Struckum/North Frisia: Verlag für ganzheitliche Forschung and Kultur, 1987. Scharsach, Hans Henning. Haiders Kampf. Vienna: Orac, 1992. Syberberg, Hans Jürgen. Yom Unglück and Glück der Kunst in Deutschland nach dem letzten Kriege. Munich: Matthes & Seitz, 1990. Wagnleitner, Reinhold. Coca-Colonisation and Kalter Krieg: die Kulturmission der USA in Österreich nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Vienna: Verlag filr Gesellschaftskritik, 1991. Wiesenthal, Simon. Justice Not Vengeance. (JNIg London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1989. Wuermeling, Henric L. Die weiße Liste: Umbruch der politischen Kultur in Deutschland 1945. Frankfurt/Berlin: Ullstein, 1988. Yockey, Francis Parker. Chaos oder Imperium? Das Abendland zwischen Untergang and Neubeginn. Tübingen: Grabert, 1976. Stenographic Protocols of the (Austrian) National Council. XVIII. GP, Vienna. Newspapers and Periodicals Allgemeine Jüdische Wochenzeitung Baseler Zeitung Basta / Vienna Chicago Tribune Der Christusstaat Daily Express / London Der Eidgenoß / Winterthur Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung ("FAZ") Die Gemeinde / Vienna Germania / Toronto Halt / Vienna, Barcelona Historische Tatsachen / Vlotho, Weser Huttenbriefe / Graz Jerusalem Post Kärntner Tageszeitung ("KTZ") / Klagenfurt Kronen-Zeitung ("Krone") / Vienna Kurier / Vienna National-Zeitung / Munich Neue Zürcher Zeitung El Pais / Madrid Das Parlament / Bonn Die Presse / Vienna Profil / Vienna Quick Reader Chicago Free Weekly Salzburger Volksblatt Semit (SemitTimes) / Dreieich Der Spiegel / Hamburg Der Standard / Vienna Süddeutsche Zeitung / Vienna Unabhängige Nachrichten Washington Post Die Welt / Bonn Weltwoche / Zurich Wiener Freimaurerzeitung The Wiesenthal Center World Report Wirtschaftswoche / Vienna Index Abetz, Otto 184 Ableitinger 303 Adler, Friedrich 25, 276 Adorno - Wiesengrund 370 American Jewish Committee 381 American-Israel Public Affairs Committee 364, 365 Amnesty International 279, 312, 343, 347 Amry, Herbert 177, 188 Andreotti 366 Anti-Defamation League (B'nai B'rith) - ADL 67, 160, 173, 267, 307, 351, 358 Apfalter, Heribert 177, 188 Arafat, Yasser 310 Arjouni, Jakob 377 Arnolds 57 Associated Press - AP 367, 368 Austria Presse Agentur - APA 368 B'nai B'rith 67, 116, 158, 160, 173, 267, 300, 307, 312, 343, 345-352, 355, 357, 358, 360, 361 Baer, Richard 184, 186, 218 Bailer-Galanda, Brigitte 272, 276, 352, 353, 402 Barber, Samuel 369 Baroudi 322 Barschel, Uwe 177, 187, 188 Baseler Zeitung 323 Bauer, Yehuda 227 Bender, Horst 72 Bender, Traugott 306, 307 Benjamin 370 Berger, Leo 172-175 Berlis, Norman 307 Birnbach, Erna 193, 197 Blauner 197 Bloch 370 136hm, Karl 368, 369 Bormann, Martin 313 Bosel, Siegmund 164 Brabants-Vlaams-Boekbedrijv 119 Brandt, Willy 346 Brauns, Pater 115 Braunsteiner, Hermine (Mrs. Ryan) 17, 153-157, 162, 181, 193, 196, 304, 305 Broda, Christian 128 Bronfman, Edgar 313 Brunner, Alois 14, 18, 126, 162-164, 166, 167, 177, 178, 185, 189, 225, 238 Bubis, Ignatz 343, 354, 355 Buchgraber, Karl 137, 193, 194, 329, 331-334, 337 Bukonjew 117 Bullock, Alan 219 Central Council of Jews in Germany 343 Central Intelligence Agency - CIA 262, 267, 320, 324, 326, 352, 355, 364, 366, 367, 369, 371, 373, 379 Central Office of the Land judiciary, Ludwigsburg 306 Cernyak-Spatz, Susan 106, 109 Charim, Daniel 343 Chicago Tribune 99, 100, 322 Chimanovich, Mario 135 Christian Social Union, CSU (see also: Strauss, Franz Josef) 306 Church charity organizations 342 Churchill Jr., Winston 300, 306 CIC 267, 301 Coca 308 Cohn-Bendit, Daniel 343, 355 Columbus, Christopher 265 Communist Party of Austria - KPÖ 275, 278, 282 Conquest, Robert 235 Corriere della Sera 323 Coudenhove-Kalergi, Richard Nikolaus, Count 352, 355-359 Dejaco, Walter 216, 287 Demjanjuk, John 17, 36, 40, 43, 56, 76, 77, 79-82, 84-93, 122, 126, 133, 134, 147, 153, 162, 180, 192, 216 Documentary Archives of the Austrian Resistance (DOW) 62, 64, 65, 67, 215, 227, 258, 276, 283, 325, 343, 352, 353, 362, 373, 402 Ehrenburg, Ilya 20, 21, 236, 244, 384 Eichmann, Adolf 14, 17, 85, 125-128, 138, 162,178, 218, 230, 237, 238, 260, 279, 288, 302 Eicke 71 Eisenschimmel, Hans 107 Engels, Friedrich 384 Epstein, Pinhas 56, 80, 81, 134, 135 Ertl, Josef 216, 287 Eschel, Arie 301 Faurisson, Robert 79, 184, 185, 190, 191, 266 Federal Criminal Police Office, 122, 129.259 Federal Reserve Bank 379 Fedorenko, Feodor 87 Fellner, Wolfgang 37 Fischer, Heinz 7 Flick 305 Ford, Glyn 323 Forsyth, Frederik 140, 195, 265, 269, 373 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - FAZ 252, 323, 364, 367, 370 Frankl, Viktor 276 Franz Joseph 258 Franz, Kurt 76, 83, 133, 180, 216 Freemasonry (see also: B'nai B'rith) 7, 160, 188, 277, 355, 369 Freissler, Roland 194 Frey, Gerhard 60 Friedman(n), Tuvia 84, 85, 186, 192 Führer, Dr. 1 15, 1 19, 120 Fuld, Werner 370 Galinski, Heinz 226, 342, 343 Gebhauer, David 98 Gerhard, Wolfgang 143, 147, 181 Gerstein 36, 40 Gerstl, Alfred 333, 337 Gillesen, Günter 252 Globocnik, Odilo 129, 183 Glücks 71 Goelz, Margarethe 99 Gogl, Johann Vinzenz 17, 169-171,197, 198 Goldfarb, Avraham 85, 86 European Community 323, 355, 357 Goldmann, Nahum 281, 282, 301 Farnsworth, Clyde 154, 304 Gorbachev, Mikhail 235, 366 Göring, Hermann 218 Grabert, Wigbert 288 Gradey, Bill 99 Green Communists 275 Grosz, Paul 272, 275, 314, 343, 402 Guenthert, Heinrich 12, 56, 57, 223 Gurion, David Ben 302 Hafner, Gerhard 358 Haider, Jörg 36, 37, 41, 319-323, 325, 326 Harwood, Richard 231 Hausner, Gideon 194 Heim, Aribert 17, 149, 151, 152, 304 Hess, Rudolf 189 Hess, Wolf-Rüdiger 189 Heuser, Luise 107 Heyde, Werner 179, 180 Hier, Marvin 123 Hilberg, Raul 310 Himmler, Heinrich 37, 72 Hitler, Adolf 219, 220, 224, 229, 233, 235, 255, 258, 263, 265, 353, 366, 373 Höfle, Hermann 183, 193, 308 Hond, Jakob de 106 Honecker, Erich 342 Honigbaum, Maurice 346 Höss, Rudolf 184, 288 Höttl, Wilhelm 127, 128, 229, 230 Hrabatyn, Ivan 182, 196 Hrdlicka, Alfred 369 Hudal, Alois 123, 264, 265 Hussein, Saddam 373 Information Services Branch - ISB 369 Institute for Contemporary History 62, 65, 84, 325 Inter-Allied Military Tribunal, Nuremberg - IMT 82, 230, 280-282, 383 Jackson 218
Jagschitz, Gerhard 14, 36, 62, 83-85, 87, 90-92, 122, 125, 126, 139, 146, 165, 175, 192,196, 213, 217, 226, 231-233, 249
Janner, Greville 306 Jewish Agency 84, 197 John Paul II. 366, 367 Johnson, Flora 95, 98 Jornal do Brasil 135 Junker, Dietmar 38 Kalfuss, Ischajahu 108 Karajan, Herbert von 368, 369 Kaufmann 186, 187 Kautsky, Benedikt 25, 70, 87, 134,199, 202, 276 Kehraus 169 Keller, Magnus 170, 198 Kempner, Robert 375, 376 Kennedy, John F. 346 Kennedy, Robert 130, 300, 302 Kerr, Richard 366 KGB 65, 79, 84, 87, 1 17, 267, 366 Khittl 62-65 Kierski, Boleslaw 108 Kingsley, Ben 214 Kirchschläger, Rudolf 346 Klein, Wilfried 105, 109, 112 Knesset 281, 302, 320, 321, 349 Köchl 372 Kohl, Helmut 123, 179, 297, 299,310, 346, 348, 356, 357 Kohlrautz, Adolf 12, 56, 199, 202, 223, 392 Kölbl, Otto 188 König, Franz 346, 348, 399 Kopelew, Lew 28, 236 Kracauer 370 Krauss, Maria 193 Kreisky, Bruno 7, 17, 26, 27, 120, 164, 206, 225, 276, 279, 308, 310, 311, 326, 382 Krivine, David 357 Kronen-Zeitung 193, 322, 334, 363 Kroupa, Johann 73 Kurier 283, 322, 323, 325, 333, 350 Kutschmann, Walter 17, 158-161, 182, 186, 306, 307 Lachout, Emil 37, 38, 67 Landmann, Salcia 359, 381 Lansky, Gabriel 188, 272, 275, 277, 278 Lebl, Alexander 335, 336 Lenhardt, Dieter 272, 276, 283, 322, 325 Lenin, Vladimir Ilych 384 Lerch, Ernst 183, 215 Liberal Party of Austria - FPO 41, 275, 320-322, 354 Liberation 323 Lifschitz, Simon 169 Lindner 57 Lingens, Ella 62, 64, 143, 144, 146, 309 Lingens, Peter Michael 26, 56, 58, 62, 63, 240, 255, 258, 266, 289, 309, 368 Liver, Isaac 107 Longo 196, 305 Los Angeles Times 322 Löwenherz, Josef 162-164 Lüftl, Walter 315, 316, 318 Luippold, Herbert 172, 173 MacanoviD, Hrvoje 169, 197 Malklin 128 Manzano-Apfelbaum 313 Marcuse 370 Marian, Ferdinand 184 Marx, Karl (Mordechai) 384 Matthes 88 Mayer-Maly 308 McCarthy, Joseph 243 Melzer, Abraham 79, 153 Menem 313 Mengele, Josef 17, 143,144, 146-148, 181, 186 Mengele, Karl 144 Mengele, Martha 146 Meniker, David 197 Meniker, Vadim 197 Menuhin, Yehudi 369 Metzig, Willi 88 Meyer, Arno 363 Michalek, Nikolaus 13, 272, 280, 281, 324, 333, 334 Ministry of Education and Culture 215, 217, 340 Mireczki, Ruth 272, 275 Mischler, Jakob 156 Morgenthau, Henry 53, 65-67, 257-259, 352, 353, 384 Mossad 177, 178, 184, 187, 267, 326, 328, 366, 367, 379, 380 Mühl, Otto 369 Müller, Rudolf 92 Munch, Hans 147, 181 Münz, Rainer 88, 343 Mussolini, Benito 373 Nagel, Marie 108 Neesmann, Wolfgang 152, 304 Nenning, Günther 276, 359 Neugebauer, Wolfgang 63, 65, 67, 258, 276, 283, 325, 343, 352-354, 362 New York Times 154, 309, 322 Nimmerrichter 363 Nitsch, Hermann 369 Novak, Franz 162 Ochensberger, Walter 320 Office of Special Investigations - OSI 51, 84, 87, 88, 90, 91, 147, 153, 198, 267, 304 Ohlendorf, Otto 129, 230, 231 Ollenbusch, Wilhelm 265 Orenstein, Shoshana 107 Osidach, Walter 185 Ostrovsky, Victor 267, 366 Paneuropa 355, 356 People's Party of Austria - Ö VP 275, 324 Peretz 349 Perón 373 Pinochet, Augusto 123, 124 Pius XII 264 Political Action Committee - PAC 365 Ponger, Curt 50, 53 Popper, Karl 323 Portisch, Hugo 325 Prawy-Frydmann, Marcel 369 Presse de la Cite 118 Pretterebner, Hans 188, 277 Profil 309-311, 321, 333, 344, 351, 377 Proksch, Udo 188, 277, 278, 350 Qadhafi, Muammar al- 310, 373 Radl, Franz 38, 193, 194, 332 RAF 277 Rainer, Friedrich 36-38, 42, 186, 187 Rajakovich, Erich 287 Rauff, Walter 17, 122-124, 179, 186 Rauscher, Hans 325, 350 Reagan, Ronald 123 Rebhandl, Fritz 321 Red Cross, German 308. 371 Red Cross, International 165, 206, 289 Reder, Walter 221 religious communities 178, 267, 275, 282, 314, 343, 349 Reuters 367, 368 Riesberger 117 Rijk, Josef von 106 Ritter, Viktoria 99 Robinson, Jacob 281 Robinson, Nehemiah 281 Roei, Mijnheer van 1 19 Röggla 38 Römer, Johann 371 Ronald, Edmund 219 Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 257, 384 Roschmann, Eduard 17. 139-141, 180, 181, 186, 195 Rosenbaum, Eli 309 Rosenberg, Elias 56, 81-83, 85, 133-135 Rosenthal, Morton 160, 307 Rückerl, Adalbert 306, 307 Rudel, Hans-Ulrich 184 Rudolph, Tjudar 38 Rullmann, Hans-Peter 79, 81-83. 85-91, 153, 186 Ryan, Russell 157 Rybaczewsky, Alexander 22, 31 Sabukoschek, Egon 137, 193. 329-333, 335, 337, 338 Sandor, Marketa 108 Schaller, Herbert 201, 258.35 3 Scharf, Erich 174, 189 Scharsach, Hans Henning 322 Schell, Maximilian 141 Schneider, Waldemar 371 Scholten. Rudolf (Pfefferkorn) 215. 340, 341, 343. 351 Schwammberger, Josef 172-175, 189 Shaer, Neal 147, 299, 304 Shaked 92 Silberschein, Israel 267 Social democracy 355 Social Democratic Party of Austria - SPÖ 275, 320, 323, 324, 326, 352, 373 Soethoudt, Walter 119 South China Morning Post 323 Spiegel, Der 323 Springer, Axel 300, 306 Stäglich, Wilhelm 173 Stalin, Josef 233, 235, 257, 282, 378, 386 Stangl, Franz 17, 129-131, 133, 134, Wahl, Max 173, 174, 180, 186, 215, 216, 302 Stecher, Reinhold 346, 348, 360, 361 Steiner, Herbert 62, 65 Stern, Michael 25, 119, 120, 276 Stieber, Ewald 38 Stolz, Anton 100 Strauss, Franz Josef 300, 306 Stroncickij 73 Stuckart 184 Süddeutsche Zeitung 323 Syberberg, Hans Jürgen 370, 371 Szmajzner, Stanislaw 136, 137 Tahori, Cipota 106 Tannenbaum 54 Täubner, Max 71, 72 Taul, Roman 108 Times, The 323 Tito, Josip Broz 65, 336 Trotsky, Leo (Bronstein) 384 Tudjman, Franjo 299, 310 Turrini, Peter 369 UN 310, 31 1, 322, 345, 347 Uno, Masami 371 UPI 367 Uthmann, Jörg von 364, 365, 380, 381 Vana, Heinrich 272, 276 Verbelen, Robert 114-120, 122, 216, 287 Vision 158, 306 Völklein, Ulrich 92 Vranitzky, Franz 7, 334, 346, 348 Waechter, Eberhard 62-66 Wagner, Gustav 17, 133-137, 183, 186, 194 Wagner, Richard 369 Wagnleitner, Reinhold 324, 325, 355, 367-369, 372 Waldheim, Kurt 147, 192, 261, 296, 299, 309-311, 321, 325, 332, 335 Waldtke 48, 49, 55 Walus, Frank 86, 94, 96, 98-100, 102, 103, 122 Warzog, Friedrich 203-205 Washington Post 95, 322 Webhofer, Wilhelm 37 Webster 366 Weidinger 178 Weigel, Hans 369 Weinzierl, Erika 62, 63, 65, 66 Weise, Gottfried 17, 104-112, 122, 137, 162 Weise, Ursula 1 10 Weiss 215 Weizsäcker, Richard von 296, 312, 346, 348 Welles, Eliot 160, 173, 307 Welte, Walburga 99 Werner, Luis-Ferdinand 92 Wiesel, Eli 79 Wiesbaden 36, 78, 79, 92, Wiesenthal Center 68, 250, 255, 267, 374 Wiesenthal Foundation 251 Wilhelm 11258 Winkel, Baron von 118, 119 World Jewish Congress 267, 281 , 301, 303, 309, 310, 313 Wuermeling, Henric 372 Yad Vashem 169, 302 Yockey, Francis Parker 368 Zanger, Georg 188, 272, 275, 278 Zanger, Jakob 278 Zeit, Die 323 Zeller, Maria 99 Ziereis, Franz 227 Zilk, Helmut 260, 346 Zündel, Ernst 185 Zylberg, Mayer 108 Appeal to our American Readers After reading this book, it is obvious that a dishonest man has been exploiting a grave matter with impunity, for many years playing avenger of a persecution, the worst consequences of which he was spared. At this point we must thank the representatives of the jewish establishment, which I assume, will distance themselves even farther from Wizenthal following the revelations of this book. Already on German television, in the program "Panorama" of February 8, 1996, some of its prominent members distanced themselves determinedly from Wizenthal, practically implying that he was a liar. So far, unfortunately, the consequencies have not been drawn. Two of the most important should be: 1. All Simon Wiesenthal Centers should be renamed, for example Genocid Memorial Centers. 2. In the interests of democracy and justice, the fate of the jews must not be the only one singled out for commemoration. The genocide against any and all peoples of tlic world - after honest investigation and identification of the guilty - must be equally mourned. The exclusive reporting of jewish suffering could all to soon affect the feelings of all other people as beeing a violation of the Principle of Equality! Genocide of Black Americans through segregation and slavery, of the Red Indians, of the Irish through the centuries, starvation of the Boer women and children in concentration camps to force their men to surrender to the British invaders, of Ukranians through planned starvation, of Germans by the dictates of Versailles and of Potsdam, with the murder of six million German POWs and civilians during "ethnic cleansing" through the expulsion of 14 million from their homeland, the mass extermination of civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki even alter the Japanese offer of surrender, and the ongoing genocide of Palestinians, of Kurds, of Chechens, the starvation death of Iraqi children by the continued blockade imposed by Washington and London - can these be rated lesser Crime against Humanity ? Above all, it seems that all over the globe in monuments and museums we can no longer suppress the remembrance of the 1 10 million civilians - onchundredandten million souls, a downright unimaginable number of human beings-who died as victim of antifascism, of whom 100 million alone were murdered in Communist countries. Do these not also merit our resolve of "Never again " ? Last but not least, a suggestion: In view of these facts, nobody should pretend, as is being done these days, that Good and Evil in this world of ours can be attributed by racial or ethnical definition, only to certain nations or even forms of government. As we see from the events mentioned, Criminals and Victims can be found on all sides - and in shocking proportions. Göran Holming
Times Online 18 juli 2009 - Hunting Evil - The head Nazi-hunter’s trail of lies (by Guy Walters)
Balder Blog 20 juni 2009 - England: Ny bog af Guy Walters afslører Simon Wiesenthal som patologisk løgnhals Wiesenthal
The Wiesenthal Files: What the Documents Reveal about Simon Wiesenthal's Past By Theodore J. O'Keefe
Wiesenthal Files Chapter 1 - Simon Wiesenthal's War Years: New Doubts
Wiesenthal Files Chapter 2 - Simon Wiesenthal's War Years: New Light on a Dark Past
Wiesenthal Files Chapter 3 - The Soviet Past of Simon Wiesenthal
Balder Blog 19 april 2009 - Østrig: Retssag, 68 årig forfatter Gerd Honsik risikerer 20 års fængsel for tankeforbrydelser
Balder Blog 7 maj 2008 - Danish holocaust researcher refutes claim of 6 million Jews killed during The Holocaust
Balder Blog 20 januar 2008 - Gerd
Honsik - 18 Monaten unbedingter Haft nach dem NS-Verbotsgesetz
Balder Blog 19 januar 2008 - Østrig - Gerd Honsik - Halvandet år i spjældet for tankeforbrydelser
Simon Wiesenthal Center
The following link lists articles relating to the Simon Wiesenthal Center's attempts to pressure foreign governments, and has a few examples from Denmark
Simon Wiesenthal Center, Efraim Zuroff, Soeren Kam, Erik Haaest etc.
Balder Blog 25 november 2008 - Jødiske ekstremister
Efraim Zuroff, Manfred Gerstenfeld og Zvi Mazel starter hadkampagne mod Skandinavien
Balder Blog 22 januar 2008 - Irland: Wiesenthal Centerets metoder fordømmes af præsident Mary Mcaleese
Balder Blog 20 januar 2008 - Wiesenthal Centeret har et problem mindre - Bobby Fisher døde 64 år gammel - Articles about Holocaust, Zionism, Judaism, Jewish Censorship, Israel Lobby, persecution, Revisionism, Holocaust denial