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(Dr. Robert Faurisson)
December 10, 1995
9,000,000 persons___according to the documentary film Nuit et Brouillard(Tr.'s
Note: "Night and Fog", title used in the English-speakingworld)
(1955), whose historical advisers were the historian Henri Micheland the
woman historian Olga Wormser-Migot(1)
8,000,000 persons___according to the French War Crime Research Office andthe
French War Crime Information Service) (1945) (2)
7,000,000 persons___according to Raphaël Feigelson (1945)(3)
6,000,000 Jews___according to Tibère Kremer, writer of a forewordfor
Miklos Nyiszli (1951) (4)
5,000,000 to 5,500,000 persons___according to Bernard Czardybon (1945),according
to confessions attributed to some SS members and according tothe newspaper
Le Monde (1978), which was adding: "of whom 90% of Jews"(5)
4,500,000 persons ___according to Henryk Mandelbaum (1945) (6)
4,000,000 persons___according to a Soviet document of which the Nurembergtribunal
took "judicial notice". This figure was inscribed nineteentimes,
with a commentary in as many different languages, on the Auschwitz-Birkenaumonument.
It was repeated by a sizable number of persons, including thePolish historian
Franciszek Piper. It was to be declared false in 1990 andreplaced, on the
monument, in 1995, by the figure of 1,500,000 with theconcurrence of the
same F. Piper for whom this figure is a maximum whilethe minimum figure
is of 1,100,000. According to Miriam Novitch (1967),of the 4,000,000 dead,
2,700,000 were Jewish. According to Rabbi Moshe Weiss(1991), more than
4,000,000 persons died at Auchwitz, of whom 3,000,000Jews (7)
3,500,000 persons___according to the Dictionnaire de la langue française(Tr.'s
Note: Dictionary of the French language) published by Hachette (1991).According
to Claude Lanzmann (1980), there were 3,500,000 gassed of whom95% of Jews
as well as many other deaths (8)
3,000,000 persons___until December 1st, 1943, according to a confessionextorted
from Rudolf Höss, ex-Commander of Auschwitz (9)
3,000,000 Jews gassed___according to David Susskind (1986) and accordingto
Heritage, the most inmportant Californian Jewish weekly (1993) (10)
2,500,000 persons, according to Rudolf Vrba for the Eichmann trial (1961)(11)
2,000,000 (?) to 4,000,000 (?)___according to the historian Yehuda Bauer(1982)
2,000,000 to 3,000,000 Jews killed as well as thousands of non-Jews___
accordingto a confession attributed to an SS in charge, Pery Broad (13)
2,000,000 to 2,500,000 persons killed___according to a confession attributedto
an SS physician, Dr. Friedrich Entress (1945) (14)
2,000,000 persons___according to the historian Léon Poliakov (1951);according
to the historian Georges Wellers (1973) and according to the womanhistorian
Lucy Davidowicz (1975) (15)
1,600,000 persons___according to the historian Yehuda Bauer (1989), of
whom1,352,980 Jews (16) (the latter figure is from Georges Wellers, 1983)
1,500,000 persons:___ this figure, chosen by Lech Walesa, replaced, in
1995,on the Birkenau monument, that of 4,000,000 which had been withdrawn
in1990 (17)
1,471,595 persons___of whom 1,352,980 Jews, according to the historian
GeorgesWellers (1983) (18)
1,250,000 persons or so___of whom 1,000,000 Jews killed and more than 250,000non-Jews
dead, according to the historian Raul Hilberg (19)
1,100,000 to 1,500,000 persons___according to the historians Yisrael Gutman,Michael
Berenbaum and Franciszek Piper (1994) (20)
1,000,000 persons___according to Jean-Claude Pressac (1989) and accordingto
the Dictionnaire des noms propres (Tr.'s Note:Dictionary of proper nouns)published
by Hachette (1992) (21)
800,000 to 900,000 persons___according to the historian Gerald Reitlinger(1953)
775,000 to 800,000 persons___according to Jean-Claude Pressac (1993), ofwhom
630,000 Jews gassed (23)
630,000 to 710,000 persons___according to Jean-Claude Pressac (1994), ofwhom
from 470,000 to 550,000 Jews gassed. (24)
Dr Faurisson adds:
To my knowledge, the latter appraisal (from 630,000 to 710,000 persons)is
the lowest that those who believe in the physical extermination of theJews
ever provided. It is said sometimes that in 1946/1947, the Polish judicialauthorities
admitted the figure of 300,000 deaths. That is an error. Thoseauthorities
estimated the total of the dead at 300,000 persons registeredon their arrival,
but, to that figure, they added the figure of 3,000,000to 4,000,000 unregistered
persons (25).
During more than forty years, the Soviet, Polish and Federal Republic ofGermany
authorities showed themselves very discreet on the existence ofmortuary
registers (Sterbebücher) which had been kept during the warby the
Auschwitz camp authorities. Under the pressure of the revisionists,at the
two Zündel trials (Toronto, 1985 and 1988) in particular, thoseauthorities
at long last made revelations on those registers. They asserthaving retrieved
registers but for the period from July 27, 1941 to December31, 1943. Since
the camp was opened May 20, 1940 and as the Germans evacuatedit January
18, 1945, that period represents a little more than half theduration of
the camp's existence under their authority. The registers retrievedare,
it appears, in the number of 46 and would include 69,000 names (andnot
74,000 as was said by certain journalists) (26).
The supporters of the official version of the "Holocaust" haveexperienced
some discomfort facing the necessity, imposed by the revisionists,to revise
downwards, in such proportions, the number of the Auschwitz deaths.How
can it be explained that at the Nuremberg trial (1945-1946), such adeception
had been taken straight off "judicial notice" of, thanksto Section
21 of that Tribunal's Charter? How can it be explained that,during official
ceremonies, so many of this world's Greats, including PopeJohn Paul II,
were asked to come and bow in front of such an invention ofquacks? How
can it be explained that in 1990, France equipped itself withan anti-revisionist
law section forbidding any disputing of the "crimesagainst humanity"
such as described and evaluated by the Nurembergtribunal? And then, how
can the figure of 5,000,000 to 6,000,000 Jews deadduring the whole war
be protected from any revision, if it was necessaryto revise to that extent
the figure of the deaths of Auschwitz?
Today, some Jews explain that the Poles, and they alone, would have inventedthe
Auschwitz 4,000,000 lie. Actuated by antisemitism and nationalisticpride
simultaneously, the Poles would have added to nearly 1,500,000 Jewishdeaths
about 2,500,000 Polish or other deaths! (27)
This explanation is but a contrivance. The truth is that, as early as bythe
war's end, not only the Communistic Jews, but also the judicial authoritiesof
Poland had been repeating that the majority of the Auschwitz deaths wasJewish.
At Cracow, in 1946-1947, about the case of Rudolf Höss, theinvestigating
magistrate as well as the prosecution had concluded that,besides a few
hundred thousand "recorded" deaths, there had beenat Auschwitz
either 4,000,000 or at least 2,500,000 deaths, "most ofthem Jewish"
During the winter of 1963-1964, a specific monument was built in memoryof
the "millions of Jews, martyrs and fighters" exterminated inthat
camp; the inscription was in Polish, in Yiddish and in Hebrew(29).
Let us add finally that, for the historians of the "Holocaust",most
of the Auschwitz Jews would have been KILLED by means of an insecticide:Zyklon
B. For Arthur R. Butz and for other revisionists, the total numberof the
Auschwitz deaths must have risen to some 150,000, of whom about 100,000Jews
Most of the Jews were not KILLED but DIED, above all because of the typhusepidemics.
The revisionists point out that, if the Germans had had at theirdisposal
greater quantities of the Zyklon B insecticide precisely in orderto fight
those epidemics, fewer people would have died in Auschwitz notonly among
the Jews, the Poles, the Russians and other detainees, but alsoamong the
German physicians, civil servants and warders.
Inscription on the Auschwitz-Birkenau monument until April 3, 1990
Inscription on the same monument in 1995
* In French: "Ici, de 1940 à 1945, 4 millions d'hommes, de
femmeset d'enfants ont été torturés et assassinéspar
les génocides hitlériens"; in German: "Martyrer-und
Todesort von 4 Millionen Opfern ermordet von nazistichen Völkermordern,1940-1945".
References and notes for the above numbers can be found at a separate document.It
is suggested that it be printed out for easy reference.
NOTES Among the historians who maintain the thesis according to which Auschwitzwould
have been an extermination camp, the main studies bearing on the numberof
the deaths in that camp are those of the the Frenchman Georges Wellerspublished
in 1983 and 1990 and those of the Pole Franciszek Piper publishedin 1991,
1992 and 1994, respectively:
- Georges Wellers, "Essai de détermination du nombre des mortsau
camps d'Auschwitz"(Tr.'s Note: Attempt at determining the numberof
the deaths at the Auschwitz camp), Le Monde juif, October-December 1983,pp.
17-159; - " " "A propos du nombre de morts au camp d'Auschwitz"(Tr.'s
Note: About the number of deaths at the Auschwitz camp), Le Mondejuif,
October-December 1990, pp.187-195; - Franciszek Piper "Estimatingthe
Number of Deportees to and Victims of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Camp",Yad
Vashem Studies, XXI (1991), pp. 40 - 103. The latter study, correctedand
enlarged, was published as a brochure in the English language printedin
Poland: - " " Auschwitz/How Many Perished/Jews, Poles, Gypsies...,[completed
reprint], Printed in Poland by Poligrafia ITS, 30-306, Krakow,1992, 68
One can also consult: - " " "The Number of Victims"in
Yisrael Gutman and Michael Berenbaum, Anatomy of the Auschwitz DeathCamp",
published in association with the United States Holocaust MemorialMuseum,
Bloomington and Indianapolis, Indiana University Press, 1994, pp.61-80.Of
these five studies, the most interesting are, for G. Wellers, that of1983
and, for F. Piper, that of 1992, to wit, in abbreviated form hereunder:"G.
Wellers, op. cit, 1983" and "F. Piper, op. cit., 1992".The
two authors proceed to the reminder -- painful for them -- of the "errors"committed
in the past as to the number of the Auschwitz deaths. Regardingthis, I
recommend reading G. Wellers, op. cit., 1983, pp. 138-139 and F.Piper,
op. cit., 1992, pp. 5-16. Nothing shows better than those pages towhat
extent, on nevertheless so grave a topic as this, the number of thedeaths,
the worst fancies were indulged in.
(1) Nuit et Brouillard, a 32 minute film in black and white untiringly
spreadin all of France's colleges and other secondary schools as well as
on Frenchtelevision over the last forty years. Director: Alain Resnais.
Historicaladvisors: Henri Michel (Chairman of the World War II History
Committee)and Olga Wormser-Migot. Text: Jean Cayrol. 1956 Jean Vigo Award.
In thatfilm, it is said that"nothing distinguished the gas (singular)
chamberfrom an ordinary block". The concrete ceiling of the "gas
chamber"is shown in it "ploughed up by the fingernails"
and it is addedabout this: "even the concrete was getting torn up".
It is assertedthere that, with the bodies, "manufacturing soap is
intended"."As to the skin" of the bodies , the image shows
us that the Germanswere tanning it. Those stories of scratched concrete,
of human soap andof skin tanned by the Germans are of the of the order
of the myth. Withthe camera lingering on the Birkenau landscape, the commentator
says: "Ninemillion dead are haunting this landscape". This sentence
is utteredtowards the end of the film.
(2) Jacques Billiet, Director of the War Crime Information Service, Documentspour
servir à l'histoire de la guerre / Camps de concentration (Tr.'sNote:
Documents to be used for the war's history/Concentration camps), Officefrançais
d'édition, 1945, p. 7 (J. Billiet himself) as wellas p. 196 (Series
of reports of the War Crime Search Office; these samereports evaluate at
26,000,000 the number of prisoners of war as well asof the political detainees
having died in all the camps of Germany and ofthe occupied territories,
p. 197). This work was written by Eugene Aroneanu.
(3) Ibidem, p. 196.
(4) "6,000,000 innocents went through the chimneys of the ovens ofAuschwitz
because one of their close or remote forerunners was of the Israelitereligion"
writes Tibère Kremer in his preface to a text attributedto Dr. Miklos
Nyiszli, "SS Obersturmführer Docteur Mengele"/Journal d'un
médecin déporté au crématoriumd'Auschwitz"
(Tr.'s Note: "SS Obersturmführer Doctor Mengele"/Diaryof
a physician deported to the crematorium of Auschwitz"), Les Tempsmodernes,
March 1951, p. 1655.
(5) Bernard Czardybon at the Cracow R. Höss trial, according to F.Piper,
op. cit., 1992, p. 7-8. For the confessions attributed to some SS,ibidem,
p. 8. "Auschwitz, where perished more than five million men,women
and children, of whom 90% of Jews" in "Manifestation dusouvenir
à Paris devant le mémorial du martyr juif inconnu"(Tr.'s
Note: Remembrance demonstration at Paris in front of the unknownJewish
martyr's memorial) (Le Monde, April 20, 1978).
(5) Henryk Mandelbaum at the Cracow R. Höss trial, according to F.Piper,
op. cit., 1992, p. 7.
(7) From 1945 to 1990, it is this figure of 4,000,000 that was enforcedas
if by law. It emanated from a Soviet document dated May 6, 1945. Thedocument
was taken "judicial notice" of by the Nuremberg Tribunal,thanks
to Section 21 of that Tribunal's Charter. It appears at pages 241-261of
volume 39 of the official proceedings and documents of the Procèsdes
grands criminels de guerre devant le tribunal militaire international,Nuremberg
14 novembre 1945-1er octobre 1946, published, for the French version,at
Nuremberg, Germany, from 1947 to 1949; that is to say TMI XXXIX, pp.241-261(...
- official English edition - pages 241 and 261 of the officialproceedings
and documents of the Trial of the Major War Criminals beforeThe International
Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945 - 1 October1946: IMTXXXIX,
pp. 241 and 261). The Russian original was translated intoGerman and it
was that translation in German which was reproduced in theFrench edition.
The summation, in French, placed at the top of the document,states among
other things: "More than 4,000,000 million human beingsbrought from
the countries occupied by Germany were killed in the [Auschwitzextermination]
camp, most gassed as early as on arrival (p.241). In fact,the document
itself states, in German: "No fewer than 4,000,000"(p. 261)(On
p. 241 of IMT, XXXIX -official English edition - "Over4 million people
from the contries occupied by Germany were killed in Auschwitz,in most
cases by gas immediately after their arrival). For the considerablenumber
of persons who reiterated on their own that figure of 4,000,000 orof about
4,000,000, one can, to start with, refer to the names of the formerdetainees
Shlomo Dragon, Henry Tauber, Erwin Olszowka, of the investigatingmagistrate
Jan Sehn, of the prosecution attorney Pechalski, of the Professor-EngineerRoman
Dawidowski, of the judges of the of Supreme National Tribunal of Poland,of
prosecution attorneys of American military tribunals, of all kinds ofauthors
or historians and of people in charge of the Auschwitz State Museumsuch
as Kazimierz Smolen, Danuta Czech, et Franciskek Piper (according toF.
Piper, op. cit., 1992, pp. 7-8, 12-14). "Of the 4,000,000 victimsof
Auschwitz, 2,700,000 were Jews and 1,300,000 were non-Jews" (MiriamNovitch,
La Vérité sur Treblinka (Tr.'s Note: The Truth onTreblinka),
Israel, Beth Lohamet, , 1967, p. 39. "More than 4,000,000people perished
[in Auschwitz]; almost 3,000,000 of them were Jews"(Rabbi Dr. Moshe
Weiss, Former Vice President Mizrachi-Hapoel Hamizrachi,"Yom HaShoah-Holocaust
Remembrance, The Jewish Press, April 5, 1991).
(8) Willy nilly, the lawyers of the Nuremberg trial's accused often tookthe
the same side as the prosecution. Thus was it, for instance, that Dr.Gustav
Steinbauer, lawyer of Arthur Seyss-Inquart, declared July 19, 1946before
the tribunal: "Auschwitz engulfed, alone, 3,500,000 human beings,men,
women and children" (TMI, XIX, p. 55)(Auschwitz alone has swallowedup
3 1/2 million people - men, women and children. IMT, XIX, p. 48). "Auschwitz:[...]
a great extermination camp where perished about 3,500,000 Jews andPoles
between 1940 and 1945" (Dictionnaire de la langue française,Hachette,
1991, 1430 pp.). The following year, the Hachette publishing housereduced
that figure to 1,000,000 (see note 21). "It is not possibleto give
to the thousand the exact number of those who perished in the Birkenaugas
chambers (the most serious valuations hover around 3,500,000), but byextermination
must be meant essentially the Jewish people's. Ninety-fivepercent of Birkenau's
gassed were Jews [...]. Many (other detainees) stilllost their life [...]"
(Preface of Claude Lanzmann to Filip Müller,Trois ans dans une chambre
à gaz d'Auschwitz (Tr.'s Note: Three yearsin an Auschwitz gas chamber),
Pygmalion/Gérard Watelet, 1980, p.12).
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