[Mark Weber was the eighth witness called by the defence. He testified
from Tuesday, March 22 to Monday, March 28, 1988.]
Weber was born on October 9, 1951 in Portland, Oregon. He graduated in
1976 with a high honours B.A. from Portland State University and in 1977
was awarded an M.A. in Modern European History from Indiana State University.
He attended two semesters at the University of Munich and was fluent in
the German language. (23 5649, 5749)
From 1978 to 1980, Weber worked as Records Counsel for the Elderly and
from 1981 to 1982 worked as a writer for Middle East Perspective, a publication
edited and published by Dr. Alfred Lilienthal. From 1983 onward Weber had
worked in historical research and translation. (23-5649)
Beginning in 1979, Weber began extensive research into the Holocaust, in
the National Archives in Washington, D.C., the Library of Congress, The
Institute for Contemporary History in Munich and the Leo Baeck Institute
in New York City. Included in his studies were the aerial photographs of
Auschwitz taken by the Allies in 1944, the original records of the German
Einsatzgruppen, the German Foreign Office files on the so-called "final
solution" of the Jewish question in Europe, the records of SS concentration
camp administration, the Wannsee Conference protocol and memoranda of the
conference, U.S. Army records of Allied atrocities committed against Germans,
and all documents and testimony in the 42 volumes of the Nuremberg Tribunal
relating to the Jewish question, as well as all volumes of the other official
Allied records of the Nuremberg trials relating to wartime policy regarding
the Jews. In addition, Weber had carefully studied the works of such writers
as Raul Hilberg, Gerald Reitlinger, Leon Poliakov and Lucy Dawidowicz.
(23-5650 to 5654, 5660)
Weber was the first person to publish a secret U.S. Army report on conditions
in Buchenwald concentration camp written immediately after the capture
of the camp by the Americans. This report differed in very, very many substantial
ways from the official story about Buchenwald that was being put out by
the American government at the time. (23-5654)
Weber was a member of the Editorial Advisory Committee of the Institute
for Historical Review, and had published numerous articles, including "Buchenwald:
Legend and Reality," "Joseph Sobran and Historical Revisionism,"
"Rauschning's Phony 'Conversations with Hitler'," "Stalin
Prepared for Summer 1941 Attack," "Churchill Wanted To 'Drench'
Germany with Poison Gas," "National Holocaust Museum to Cost
$100 Million," "Lessons of the Mengele Affair," Roosevelt's
'Secret Map' Speech," "Albert Speer and the 'Holocaust',"
"President Roosevelt's Campaign to Incite War in Europe: The Secret
Polish Documents" and "The Civil War Concentration Camps."
He was currently working on a major study of the Holocaust controversy
provisionally entitled The Final Solution: Legend and Reality. (23-5655
to 5658)
Weber's writing was revisionist, in that he generally took issue with the
usually accepted story of the extermination of the European Jews. He was
among perhaps a dozen writers who took the same position. Weber was familiar
with most of their writings. Weber had also met the author of Did Six Million
Really Die?, Richard Verrall, in England and discussed the booklet with
him. (56-5659, 5661)
On cross-examination by Crown Attorney Pearson on his qualifications as
an expert, Weber testified that he first met Ernst Zündel two-and-a-half
weeks before, although they had corresponded and been in contact by telephone
for some years. (23-5662, 5663)
Weber testified that during his undergraduate studies he had done no research
into the Holocaust: "I didn't have any particular interest in it because
I accepted it as completely accurate and true." (23-5665)
Weber had published no books; the approximately eighteen articles listed
on his curriculum vitae had all been published in the Journal of Historical
Review; however, he had published other articles on history in other publications.
(23-5665 to 5668)
Weber had been a member of the Editorial Advisory Committee of the Journal
of Historical Review since 1984. There were sixteen other members of the
Board; of these, James J. Martin was a retired Professor of History who
had a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan and had contributed to recent
editions of the Encyclopedia Britannica. Dr. Martin, said Weber, was a
revisionist and did not accept the generally accepted view of the Holocaust.
He believed that there was no German programme to exterminate the Jews
in Europe during the war. Weber knew from personal conversations with him
that Martin believed that hundreds of thousands of Jews, perhaps millions,
had died during the war. (23-5671, 5672)
Other members of the Editorial Committee were Dr. Walter Beveraggi-Allende,
a professor of economics in Buenos Aires, who had a Ph.D. in economics
from Harvard University; Dr. Arthur R. Butz, an Associate Professor of
electrical engineering and computer science at Northwestern University;
Dr. Robert Faurisson, a Professor of Modern French literature at the University
of Lyon in France; Dr. Martin A. Larson who had a Ph.D. in history; Dr.
Revilo P. Oliver, a retired professor of classics at the University of
Illinois, Dr. Charles E. Weber, who had a Ph.D. in German and taught German
for many years at the University of Tulsa in Oklahoma; Dr. Andreas R. Wesserle,
who had a Ph.D. in history and taught at Marquette University in Wisconsin;
Dr. Wilhelm Stäglich who had a doctorate in law and was a retired
judge, and Ditlieb Felderer. (23-5672, 5673)
The founder of the Institute for Historical Review was Willis A. Carto,
who was also the founder of Liberty Lobby. (23-5673, 5674)
Weber was generally not paid for his articles; he supported himself through
grants of money from the Historical Review Committee, whose officers were
Mr. Fritz Berg, Dr. William B. Lindsey and Mr. William Curry. Weber also
did freelance writing and research for others. These were people who believed
strongly, as Weber did, that the truth about the Holocaust was generally
suppressed and was not given a fair hearing. It was not possible, said
Weber, to get these writings published in many other journals and the Historical
Review Committee was trying to encourage those who did research and writing
in this subject. (23-5679 to 5681)
Weber was qualified to give opinion evidence on the question of the Holocaust
and the alleged extermination policy of the German government. (23-5684)
Weber testified that he had studied the Einsatzgruppen reports carefully
after reading Raul Hilberg's standard work, The Destruction of the European
Jews, and realized the importance which Hilberg ascribed to these reports.
Weber quickly found that Hilberg, like most of the Holocaust historians,
had extracted from these reports very selectively those portions which
they could use to substantiate their theses. (23-5685) In Weber's opinion,
the Einsatzgruppen reports, viewed as a whole and taken into context, did
not substantiate the extermination story. There were several reasons for
this: firstly, the reports showed that there was no German policy to exterminate
the Jews of Russia as Jews. While the reports showed large numbers of Jews
were shot by German security forces, the reports also made it clear that
these shootings were carried out for specific security reasons or in reprisals
or for other specific reasons, not simply because these people were Jews.
Secondly, the reports themselves grossly exaggerated, sometimes by as much
as ten times, the number of Jews allegedly killed. These exaggerations,
said Weber, were akin to the gross exaggerations during the Vietnam War
by the U.S. government of the daily body count of Vietcong dead. Said Weber,
"During the Vietnam War, there was repeatedly on television, night
after night, wildly exaggerated stories or figures of Vietcong that were
dead." (23-5686)
One of the most important witnesses regarding the Einsatzgruppen was a
man named Otto Ohlendorf, the commander of Einsatzgruppe D which had operated
in southern Russia. Ohlendorf testified for the prosecution at the Nuremberg
trial that his unit was responsible for the killing of 90,000 Jews in southern
Russia during the year that he was the commander. These figures essentially
matched the figures given in the reports of the Einsatzgruppen. Ohlendorf,
said Weber, tried very hard to co-operate with the Allies in the hope of
trying to save his own skin. To his surprise, however, the Allies put him
on trial for his activities in the Einsatzgruppen after he testified for
them. During his own trial, Ohlendorf changed his testimony and stated
that the figures of Jews killed were greatly exaggerated and that there
was no policy to exterminate the Jews simply because they were Jews. He
was executed by the Allies. (23-5687 to 5689) The contradictions between
Ohlendorf's two testimonies was not widely known. Usually, only the initial
Ohlendorf testimony and the figures given therein were quoted. (23-5688)
Weber had examined the latest work of Raul Hilberg, whom Weber described
as the most prominent defender of the Holocaust extermination story. Hilberg
himself was becoming revisionist, said Weber. In the first edition of his
book, The Destruction of the European Jews, Hilberg wrote that there were
two orders given by Hitler to exterminate the Jews, the first in the summer
of 1941 to exterminate the Russian Jews and, a short time later, another
order to exterminate all the Jews of Europe. In the 1985 second edition
of the book, however, Hilberg completely rewrote this passage and eliminated
any discussion whatsoever of any orders by Hitler. In a public statement
made in New York a few years before, Hilberg took the position that there
probably never was an order by Hitler to exterminate the Jews but that
some kind of extermination programme happened spontaneously. This was a
good example of the kind of changes that occurred to the Holocaust story
which the public in general was not informed of. (23-5689, 5690)
Another example of the way in which the Holocaust story had changed was
the soap story. During the Second World War, Rabbi Stephen Wise, the President
of the World Jewish Congress, stated repeatedly that the Germans were manufacturing
soap bars from the corpses of Jews. This story was used at Nuremberg and
continued to be repeated in the popular press, including a booklet published
and distributed by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith as late as
1987. Yet, pointed out Weber, no reputable historian now accepted the story.
Raul Hilberg and other serious historians had abandoned it. (23-5690, 5691)
With respect to the Einsatzgruppen, Weber had studied the work of Reginald
Paget, a member of the British House of Commons and a historian. He was
the person who investigated the Einsatzgruppen reports in the context of
a trial of a German general. Paget found that the Einsatzgruppen figures
were enormously exaggerated. Specifically, he investigated the claim that
10,000 Jews were shot at Simferopol in the Crimea in November 1941. He
found that instead of 10,000 Jews, probably about 300 persons were shot,
most of whom were not Jews. In that particular case, the Einsatzgruppen
report figures were exaggerated from 300 persons to 10,000 persons. Paget
subsequently concluded that the Einsatzgruppen reports were exaggerated
on an order of about ten to one. (23-5691)
Weber agreed that in his book concerning the trial, Paget expressed opinions
supporting the 6 million. There were a number of individuals, said Weber,
who investigated various aspects of the Holocaust story and concluded that
certain parts were not accurate; yet these same individuals would still
accept that the overall story was true. (23-5692)
At Nuremberg and in the post-war trials, said Weber, the common defence
strategy was to argue that the defendant was not involved in the extermination,
not to argue that the extermination itself did not happen. This was done
to avoid the almost impossible task of calling into question the entire
extermination story which had been held to be true with an almost religious
fervour in the United States and western Europe since the end of the war.
Every single defendant at Nuremberg denied there was any programme to exterminate
the Jews. Generally, the defendants, the most important of whom was Hermann
Goering, were astounded by the kind of testimony and evidence that was
presented by men like Otto Ohlendorf. They didn't know about any extermination
programme themselves and some of them said, 'Well, perhaps there was one
but I don't know about it'. (23-5694)
Hans Frank (the Governor General of German-occupied Poland) strenuously
denied that he knew about any extermination programme against the Jews.
Weber pointed out that during his testimony, when confronted with the evidence
of Ohlendorf and Hoess, Frank said that 'a thousand years will pass and
Germany's guilt will never pass away'. This quote was repeated endlessly
in Holocaust literature, said Weber. But what was forgotten was that at
the end of the trial, Frank specifically repudiated this statement because
he believed the treatment of the German nation by the Allies after the
end of the war offset or was comparable to the treatment that the Germans
gave the Jews during the war. (23-5695)
Weber repeated that the Einsatzgruppen reports did not evidence any plan
to exterminate the Jews. The Jews were shot for security reasons, as alleged
spies, and for reprisals. If a German soldier was shot by a sniper or killed
in a village somewhere, the normal policy of the German forces was to shoot
hostages or shoot people in the village as a reprisal. This was a very
grim policy but a policy which had been carried out by almost all governments
faced with any kind of guerrilla or partisan warfare. The United States
carried out such a policy in Vietnam and the French in Algeria. (23-5696)
What was important with regard to understanding the German policy in Russia,
said Weber, was the whole context of the war at the time and the problems
the Germans were facing. When Germany attacked Russia in June of 1941,
the Soviet government immediately called upon all citizens of the Soviet
Union to carry out a partisan war against the Germans. Jews were especially
hostile to the Germans and were involved in partisan warfare more than
others. Germany was faced with an enemy that did not operate by the normal
rules of warfare. Always in history, said Weber, guerrilla warfare (which
was terrorism), was always met by counter- terrorism. An example of that
today was the policy of the Israeli government towards the Palestine Liberation
Organization. The PLO termed their activities a guerrilla war of freedom;
the Israeli government called it terrorism.1 (23-5696)
Weber testified that the Wannsee Conference protocol was the record of
a very important meeting held on January 20, 1942 in Berlin. This document
was referred to in virtually every important work on the Holocaust. The
single surviving copy was not an original but one of sixteen copies originally
made. It was not signed or dated. Weber believed it was probably an unauthorized
protocol but he could not be absolutely sure. The author of the document
was allegedly Adolf Eichmann. Weber accepted the protocol's authenticity
but the important revisionist writer, Dr. Wilhelm Stäglich, had called
its authenticity into question for the reasons that the document had no
date, no signature, no letterhead. There was no record of any other copies
existing. (23-5706 to 5708)
The Wannsee Conference protocol itself did not indicate a plan for the
extermination of the Jews. Exterminationist historians Martin Broszat and
Hans Mommsen now believed that the protocol did not constitute such an
order or plan. In Weber's opinion, the protocol was evidence that there
was no extermination policy. From a reading of the document in context
with other German documents from the time, it was clear that the German
policy during the war was to deport the Jews to the east, to the occupied
Soviet territories, with the intention of deporting them to some place
outside of Europe after the war. (23-5708 to 5711)
Reinhard Heydrich, the chairman of the Wannsee Conference and a man who
had a major role in Germany's wartime Jewish policy, gave a speech in Prague
to high level German officials in which he said that the Jews of Europe
would be put in camps in the occupied Soviet territories and then, after
the war, would be taken out of Europe altogether. The private conversations
of Hitler himself (recorded in Table Talk) to a circle of close associates
in 1942 also showed this to be the German policy. Hitler said that he was
absolutely determined to deport the Jews out of Europe to Madagascar or
to some other Jewish national state after the war. (23-5711, 5712)
Another important document in this regard was the Luther Memorandum of
August 21, 1942. The author, Martin Luther, was the head of Inland II (the
domestic office of the German Foreign Office) and had a major role in co-ordinating
the deportation of Jews from various countries in Europe. The Foreign Office
was involved in the deportations because it had to have permission from
foreign governments with which Germany was allied during the war to deport
Jews from those countries to the east. So Luther was very much in a position
to know what was going on. The memorandum laid out what Germany's wartime
policy towards the Jews was, namely, that they were to be deported to the
east and kept there until the end of the war when the Jews would be taken
out of Europe altogether. This policy was cited in the memorandum and authorized
by Hitler himself. (23-5713 to 5717)
Weber pointed out that exterminationist historians, when faced with documents
such as this, tried to interpret the document to suit their preconceived
notions. Usually the exterminationists, such as Hilberg and Dawidowicz,
would allege that when the Germans talked about their policy towards the
Jews, they used code words or euphemisms. The idea that the highest officials
of the German government would be using code words with each other about
a policy they were all aware of and that was supposed to be secret anyway
was hard to believe, said Weber. He believed that interpretation was not
accurate. Weber pointed out that the post- war testimony of those who were
present at the Wannsee Conference was fairly unanimous in saying that the
conference was not one held for an extermination programme. (23-5714 to
Another interesting piece of evidence was that of Heydrich's wife. She
was shocked when her husband told her in 1942 that the Germans were going
to send all the Jews to Russia. She felt it was a very cruel and harsh
thing to do. Heydrich tried to reassure her that the Jews were not going
to be killed and that the conditions were not as harsh as many people had
been led to believe. He also stated that it was necessary that Europe rid
itself of the Jews and that there would be a new beginning for them after
the war. The Wannsee Conference protocol used the words bei Freilassung
which meant that "upon their release" or "upon their liberation"
there would be a new beginning for the Jews. (23-5718)
The German government hoped, after it won the war, to hold a pan-European
conference involving even neutral countries like Switzerland, Ireland,
Portugal and Spain, for an overall European policy so the Jews could not
simply move into another country in Europe after being removed from others.
Hitler was adamant on this point. (23-5719, 5720)
Weber first became interested in the Holocaust issue when the United States
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) made public in 1979 the wartime aerial
reconnaissance photographs of Auschwitz taken in 1944 and 1945. These photographs
were unknown to the public up to that time. The purpose of the overflights
was not to record what was going on in Auschwitz I or Birkenau, but what
was going on at Monowitz (sometimes called Auschwitz III) which was a major
industrial centre the Germans had built up for manufacturing artificial
gasoline. (23-5720, 5724)
It surprised Weber that the photographs showed no evidence of an extermination
in the very camp which today was considered the most important German extermination
centre. Nor were the photographs consistent with the extermination story
of Auschwitz as it had been presented for years by the Holocaust historians.
For example, it was claimed that the Auschwitz crematories in 1944 were
belching smoke constantly as masses of gassed Jews were cremated and that
huge piles of corpses were being burned in open funeral pyres. However,
there was no indication of this in any of the aerial photographs even though
the photographs were taken at random, as far as the Germans were concerned,
during precisely the period when it was alleged that the greatest extermination
took place at Auschwitz. At Nuremberg, it was claimed that 4 million people
were killed at the camp. While the photographs alone did not prove the
revisionist viewpoint, they were inconsistent with the Holocaust story.
Weber was astounded when Elie Wiesel and others nevertheless seized upon
these aerial photographs to claim that the United States government knew
that Jews were being exterminated at Auschwitz during the war and complacently
refused to do anything about it. Elie Wiesel's words were that the United
States shared a historical guilt for allowing the Jews to be exterminated.
Weber asked the Director of the Modern Military Branch of the National
Archives about this point and he told Weber emphatically that he also disagreed
with this interpretation and felt that the photographs were being blatantly
misrepresented. (23-5720 to 5724)
Weber met Richard Verrall, the author of Did Six Million Really Die?, in
1977 in England and talked with him about his writing of the booklet. Weber
learned that Verrall graduated with high honours from the University of
London. (23-5725)
Weber had read Did Six Million Really Die? several times. He believed that
the thesis of the book, that there was no German policy or programme to
exterminate the Jews of Europe during the Second World War, was accurate
notwithstanding that the booklet contained statements that were not completely
accurate. Harwood had relied heavily in the booklet on the writings of
Paul Rassinier, a French historian who was the pioneer of Holocaust revisionism.
Rassinier was a French socialist who had been arrested by the Germans and
sent to Dora and Buchenwald concentration camps during the war because
he helped Jews in France to escape to Switzerland. He did not have a very
pleasant time in the camps, said Weber. When he returned to France at the
end of the war, he was given medals by the French government and became
a member of the French National Assembly. He was very shocked and distressed,
however, about many of the wild and exaggerated stories that were being
told in France right after the war about things he had personal knowledge
of at Buchenwald and Dora. He later wrote a series of books about his experiences
and the entire question of the Jews during the Second World War, including
a book on the Adolf Eichmann trial. (23-5727 to 5730) Weber believed that
Rassinier's work overall was credible and was especially valuable and reliable
when he was talking about his own personal experiences at Buchenwald and
Dora. He did not, however, have as much access to information as historians
did today. As more and more information became accessible, historians were
able to write about the subject with greater and greater accuracy. (23-5731)
Did Six Million Really Die? was published first in England in 1976 to the
best of Weber's knowledge. Since the booklet was published, much more information
had come to light about the subject that made the case for revisionism
much stronger. (23-5732)
Harwood also relied heavily on the booklet The Myth of the Six Million
which was published anonymously but was written by an American historian
named David Hoggan. Other sources included newspaper articles and secondary
sources such as Gerald Reitlinger's The Final Solution. Weber pointed out
that historians very often quoted from works of others with whom they might
disagree very strongly. Raul Hilberg quoted from Mein Kampf but that didn't
mean Hilberg agreed with it. He would quote it to support a submission
he wished to make. Often historians took material which was relevant to
their particular topic from any number of sources, even those that were
hostile to the general thesis of the historical work. (23-5731 to 5733)
Weber returned to the subject of the Einsatzgruppen. There were four Einsatzgruppen
altogether with a total number of personnel of about 3,000. The Einsatzgruppen
varied in size from about 990 in the largest to 500 in the smallest. Their
official title was Task Forces of the Security Police and Security Service.
Their purpose was to bring about a 'rough and ready' form of order and
security to the occupied Soviet territories behind the areas where the
German armies went forward and before the establishment of regular civil
administration in the occupied territories. Less than half of the members
of the Einsatzgruppen were SS men and a very large percentage were completely
non-military personnel including interpreters, secretaries, teletype operators,
truck drivers and other various support staff. Weber obtained this information
from the Einsatzgruppen reports themselves, published in the official record
of the International Military Tribunal. These figures were essentially
accepted by all historians no matter what their views might be. (23 5745,
There were numerous estimates of the numbers of Jews supposedly killed
by the Einsatzgruppen, ranging from about 3 million by a historian named
Schwarz to 1 million by Gerald Reitlinger. Weber's own opinion was that
from 200,000 to 800,000 Jews at the most were shot by the Einsatzgruppen
although it was very difficult to say. The total pre-war Jewish population
of the occupied Soviet territories was about 4.7 million Jews. The great
majority of these Jews fled or were evacuated by the Soviet government
in 1941 when the German army moved into the Soviet Union. Based on that,
Weber believed that no more than 1 million to 1.5 million Jews came under
German control in the occupied territories. Yet it was commonly alleged
that 2 million or 3 million Jews were shot by the Einsatzgruppen. (23-5747,
Paul Blobel, who was the commander of one of the Einsatzkommandos (a sub-unit
of the Einsatzgruppen), was put on trial after the war and testified emphatically
that the figures of dead given in the Einsatzgruppen reports were grossly
exaggerated. Gustav Nosske was another Einsatzkommando leader who was put
on trial and testified that the Einsatzgruppen report figures were grossly
exaggerated. The fact that the reports were exaggerated, said Weber, was
accepted by many historians. These included Gerald Reitlinger, who wrote
The Final Solution, the historians Helmut Krausnick and Hans-Heinrich Wilhelm
who wrote Die Truppe des Weltanschaungskrieges, William Shirer who wrote
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, British historian Tom Bower and German
historian Werner Maser. Even Raul Hilberg, in The Destruction of the European
Jews, stated that an affidavit made by Otto Ohlendorf was exaggerated.
Weber noted that in October of 1943, Himmler gave a speech in which he
complained that 95 out of 100 official reports he received were greatly
exaggerated, unreliable or false. (23-5748 to 5756)
Weber had done a comparison of the figures of alleged Jewish dead in the
Einsatzgruppen reports with the Korherr report. The Korherr report was
an important SS statistical report on the movement and placement of Jews
in Europe prepared at the request of Himmler by Richard Korherr, the official
statistician with the SS. Korherr referred to about 636,000 Jews in the
Soviet areas as being "resettled." This had been interpreted
to refer to Jews who were shot by the Einsatzgruppen. In Weber's opinion,
that interpretation was not necessarily true at all, but even if it was,
the figure of 636,000 was incompatible with the figures given in most standard
books about the number of Jews supposedly shot by the Einsatzgruppen, which
varied from 1 million to 3 million. (23-5751, 5752)
The best remembered case of shootings of Jews in the occupied territories,
said Weber, was that of Babi Yar. Babi Yar was a ravine outside of Kiev
in the Ukraine. The Einsatzgruppen reports themselves stated that on September
29 and 30, 1941, 33,000 Jews were shot and killed at Babi Yar. Weber did
not believe this for several reasons. Firstly, given the general exaggerations
of the Einsatzgruppen reports, it was reasonable to believe that this figure
was likewise exaggerated. Secondly, Paul Blobel, who was the commandant
of the unit which allegedly carried out the shootings, testified after
the war that the figure could not have been more than 16,000. In his book
Hitler's War, historian David Irving quoted a Soviet major who had defected
to the Germans complaining to his German superiors that a year after Babi
Yar Kiev was again overrun with Jews. Gerald Reitlinger, in his book The
Final Solution, reported that in August of 1946, 100,000 Jews were living
in Kiev. Weber pointed out that this was before the major rush of Jews
from areas of the Soviet Union which had remained under Soviet control
back to the areas which had been occupied by the Germans. (23-5753, 5754)
In the last several years, an important document on the Einsatzgruppen
had come to light whose authenticity was accepted by Yad Vashem (and published
in the book Documents on the Holocaust). The document was from Heydrich
to the SS heads in the occupied Soviet territories and laid out explicitly
that the task of the Einsatzgruppen was to shoot people who were dangerous
to security such as snipers and saboteurs. Heydrich specifically stated
that the only Jews to be shot immediately as Jews were those who were officials
in the Communist Party and the Soviet government. (23-5755, 5756)
Weber testified that in the first edition of his book, Raul Hilberg claimed
that there was an order to kill the Jews in Russia. He had now repudiated
that claim and admitted that there might very well never have been an order
by Hitler to exterminate the Jews in Russia or anywhere else. (23-5757)
Weber next turned to an examination of the accuracy of Did Six Million
Really Die?. After each passage was either read to Weber or the general
portion pointed out to him, Weber gave his opinion on the pamphlet's accuracy.
He commenced his analysis with the first sentence of the pamphlet:
� In the following chapters the author has, he believes, brought together
irrefutable evidence that the allegation that 6 million Jews died during
the Second World War, as a direct result of official German policy of extermination,
is utterly unfounded.
Weber testified that this statement was true; in his opinion, 6 million
Jews did not die as a result of a German policy of extermination during
the war. (23-5758)
� A great deal of careful research into this question, however, has now
convinced me beyond any doubt that the allegation is not merely an exaggeration
but an invention of post-war propaganda.
Weber testified that this was not quite accurate as the essential extermination
story began during the war in the fall of 1942. The first organization
to make the charge seriously was the World Jewish Congress through its
President, Rabbi Stephen Wise. In December of 1942, the Allied governments
(the United States, Great Britain, the Soviet Union and France), issued
a Joint Declaration claiming that the Germans were exterminating the Jews.
Privately, however, the American and British officials responsible for
what was going on with the Jews in Europe urged their superiors not to
issue the declaration on the grounds that there was no evidence that such
an extermination programme was being carried out. This was set out in David
Wyman's book The Abandonment of the Jews.
Weber pointed out that it was clear from the official history of the World
Jewish Congress, Unity in Dispersion, published in 1948, that the World
Jewish Congress was very instrumental in pressuring the Allied governments
to issue the declaration in December of 1942. It was now known that some
of the statements made by Rabbi Stephen Wise about the alleged extermination
were utterly baseless and false. Wise claimed that in 1942 the Germans
were turning the Jews into soap bars. No serious historian believed that
anymore. Wise also claimed in November, 1942 at a press conference in Washington,
D.C. that the Germans had stopped gassing the Jews and were adopting the
more economical method of having teams of doctors line up Jews and inject
them with poison in syringes. No serious historian believed that anymore
either. But the World Jewish Congress, throughout the war, was a major
vehicle for putting out these kinds of stories. (23-5758, 5759)
What was also clear from books such as Wyman's The Abandonment of the Jews
and Walter Laqueur's The Terrible Secret, was that the Allies themselves
did not believe their own propaganda about the extermination story. Some
historians now claimed this showed the Allied governments were terribly
callous and insensitive to the fate of the Jews. But what was absolutely
clear, said Weber, was that the Allied officials, including President Roosevelt
and top officials in the British government, did not take the extermination
story seriously. (23-5760, 5761) While Monowitz (Auschwitz III) was bombed
repeatedly by the Allies during the war because it was a major German industrial
centre for the production of synthetic gasoline from coal, the alleged
extermination camps of Auschwitz I and Birkenau were only bombed by accident.
Weber continued his analysis on page 4 of the booklet:
� Of course, atrocity propaganda is nothing new. It has accompanied every
conflict of the 20th century and doubtless will continue to do so.
Weber testified that in virtually every modern war, charges were made by
each side against the other about the alleged commission of terrible atrocities.
Afterwards, such charges were often shown to be false. An example was the
charge made during the American Civil War by the Union that the South was
carrying out a policy in the prisoner of war camps of killing Union prisoners.
During the First World War, terrible lies were told by the British and
American governments about the conduct of the Germans. After the war, these
were shown fairly quickly to have been false. In Weber's opinion, this
passage from the pamphlet was absolutely correct. (23- 5762)
� No such statements have been made after the Second World War. In fact,
rather than diminish with the passage of years, the atrocity propaganda
concerning the German occupation, and in particular their treatment of
the Jews, has done nothing but increase its virulence and elaborate its
catalogue of horrors ...The ensuing pages will reveal this claim to be
the most colossal piece of fiction and the most successful of deceptions;..
The extermination story was already clearly defined during the war, said
Weber; what had increased since the war was the volume of emphasis given
to it. At the Nuremberg trial, the fate of the Jews was by no means the
dominant issue. The essential issue was German guilt for starting World
War II. Today, however, there was far more in the mass media about the
so-called "Holocaust" than about the question of German guilt
for starting World War II. (23-5763)
Weber believed the last sentence in the quoted passage to be hyperbole
and exaggeration on the part of Harwood. In Weber's opinion, the Jews had
a very hard fate during the war and many of them died and suffered in the
same way that many other people in Europe suffered during the war. There
was a basis for the Holocaust story; it was not just something made out
of whole cloth. In 1938, there were millions of Jews living in Poland,
Hungary, Romania and in 1948 those Jews were gone. It was nevertheless
not accurate to say that 6 million Jews died during the war. That was fiction.
(23-5764, 5765)
� What has rendered the atrocity stories of the Second World War so uniquely
different from those of the First? Why were the latter retracted while
the former are reiterated louder than ever? Is it possible that the story
of the Six Million Jews is serving a political purpose, even that it is
a form of political blackmail?
Weber pointed out that the Crown Attorney had previously tried to suggest
that people who were Holocaust revisionists believed that the Holocaust
story was a gigantic hoax perpetrated by the Jews to get money for the
state of Israel. In Weber's opinion this was not accurate. It was essentially
in the interests of the Allied governments that won the war and in the
interests of the post-war West and East German governments which were set
up by the Allies, to portray the Hitler regime in the worst possible light.
The more terrible the Hitler regime could be portrayed, the more glorious
became the Allied cause and the more legitimate became the post- war governments
of East and West Germany. (23-5766) The state of Israel and Jews around
the world benefited from the Holocaust story directly and indirectly. It
was used to encourage a sense of solidarity among Jews based on fear through
the argument that if a people as cultured and civilized as the Germans
could commit this great crime, then anyone could. (23-5767)
� To date, the staggering figure of six thousand million pounds has been
paid out in compensation by the Federal Government of West Germany, mostly
to the State of Israel...
The West German government had paid out massive reparations to the state
of Israel and to Jews around the world since 1953, said Weber. The amount
paid out so far was 80 billion marks and the West German government estimated
that this figure would climb to 100 billion marks by the year 2000 or 2020.
In recent exchange rates, that would be about 40 to 50 billion U.S. dollars.
(23-5767, 5768)
Weber pointed out that Crown Attorney Pearson had tried to make a distinction
between blaming the Nazis and blaming the Germans. But the former Prime
Minister of Israel, Menachem Begin, once made it very clear that because
of what the Germans did during the Hitler era, the German people would
be guilty until the end of time. The reparations being paid out by the
West German government today, said Weber, were paid out by people who were
either not born or were just small children during the Hitler era. Yet
they were being held responsible for what happened during that time. Thus,
the German people were held as a people to be guilty for what happened
during the war. Elie Wiesel, who was chairman of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial
Council, stated explicitly that the German people deserved to be hated
for what they had done to the Jews during the war. (23-5768, 5769)
In Weber's opinion, it was necessary after every war to put the hatreds
and passions of the war behind in order for peoples to live in harmony.
Keeping alive such hatreds on a permanent scale served only to create discord.
� One could scarcely miss the object of this diatribe, with its insidious
hint about "multi-racial partnership". Thus the accusation of
the Six Million is not only used to undermine the principle of nationhood
and national pride, but it threatens the survival of the Race itself. It
is wielded over the heads of the populace, rather as the threat of hellfire
and damnation was in the Middle Ages. Many countries of the Anglo-Saxon
world, notably Britain and America, are today facing the gravest danger
in their history, the danger posed by the alien races in their midst. Unless
something is done in Britain to halt the immigration and assimilation of
Africans and Asians into our country, we are faced in the near future,
quite apart from the bloodshed of racial conflict, with the biological
alteration and destruction of the British people as they have existed here
since the coming of the Saxons. In short, we are threatened with the irrecoverable
loss of our European culture and racial heritage. But what happens if a
man dares to speak of the race problem, of its biological and political
implications? He is branded as that most heinous of creatures, a "racialist".
And what is racialism, of course, but the very hallmark of the Nazi! They
(so everyone is told, anyway) murdered Six Million Jews because of racialism,
so it must be a very evil thing indeed. When Enoch Powell drew attention
to the dangers posed by coloured immigration into Britain in one of his
early speeches, a certain prominent Socialist raised the spectre of Dachau
and Auschwitz to silence his presumption.
Thus any rational discussion of the problems of Race and the effort to
preserve racial integrity is effectively discouraged. No one could have
anything but admiration for the way in which the Jews have sought to preserve
their race through so many centuries, and continue to do so today. In this
effort they have frankly been assisted by the story of the Six .Million,
which, almost like a religious myth, has stressed the need for greater
Jewish racial solidarity. Unfortunately, it has worked in quite the opposite
way for all other peoples, rendering them impotent in the struggle for
self preservation. The aim in the following pages is quite simply to tell
the Truth. The distinguished American historian Harry Elmer Barnes once
wrote that "An attempt to make a competent, objective and truthful
investigation of the extermination question . . . is surely the most precarious
venture that an historian or demographer could undertake today." In
attempting this precarious task, it is hoped to make some contribution,
not only to historical truth, but towards lifting the burden of a lie from
our own shoulders, so that we may freely confront the dangers which threaten
us all.
Weber did not believe Harwood's paragraphs concerning the race problem
were all that relevant. There were many Holocaust revisionists who were
quite anti-racist but who also did not accept the Holocaust story. (27-5770)
Harry Elmer Barnes was one of the most highly regarded American historians
during the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. Barnes was virtually blacklisted in
the later years of his life, however, because of his view that the Germans
were not primarily responsible for the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939.
For that he suffered a great deal, said Weber. Barnes was also strongly
influenced in his later years by the writings of Paul Rassinier and came
to believe that the Holocaust story was not true. In an article written
for the Rampart Journal in the summer of 1967, Barnes cast doubt on the
extermination story and called for a sober and unbiased investigation of
the entire question. (23-5771 to 5773)
Weber turned next to passages on page 5 of the booklet:
� Rightly or wrongly, the Germany of Adolf Hitler considered the Jews to
be a disloyal and avaricious element within the national community, as
well as a force of decadence in Germany's cultural life...The fact that
Karl Marx was a Jew and that Jews such as Rosa Luxembourg and Karl Liebknecht
were disproportionately prominent in the leadership of revolutionary movements
in Germany, also tended to convince the Nazis of the powerful internationalist
and Communist tendencies of the Jewish people themselves.
Weber agreed with the first statement in this passage and pointed out that
it was a view that was not unique to Nazi Germany. The Jews had been forced
out of many countries throughout their history. During the 1930s, other
countries such as Hungary and Romania also had anti-Jewish laws. (23-5774)
Karl Marx was Jewish by ancestry with rabbis on both sides of his family.
His father, however, had converted to Lutheranism. Rosa Luxemburg was also
Jewish by ancestry. It was true, said Weber, that Jews were very disproportionately
involved in the Communist movement both in Germany and in other countries.
This convinced not only the Nazis but many other people, including Winston
Churchill, that the Jews were dangerously tied to the international Communist
movement. Winston Churchill wrote a long article voicing these opinions
in the Illustrated Sunday Herald in London in 1919. Churchill wrote that
the Jews should guard against being involved any more than they were in
either the Zionist or Communist movements and that it was a dangerous portent
of things to come if they persisted. (23-5775)
� Our concern is simply with the fact that, believing of the Jews as they
did, the Nazis' solution to the problem was to deprive them of their influence
within the nation by various legislative acts, and most important of all,
to encourage their emigration from the country altogether. By 1939, the
great majority of German Jews had emigrated, all of them with a sizeable
proportion of their assets. Never at any time had the Nazi leadership even
contemplated a policy of genocide towards them.
Weber testified that the German policy up to 1940 or 1941 was to encourage
the Jews to emigrate from Germany, especially to Palestine. This policy
was welcomed by Zionist leaders at the time because they also took the
view that the Jews of Germany were first and foremost Jews and not Germans.
Raul Hilberg made clear in his book that in fact Jews did leave with a
very substantial part of their assets. The last statement of the quoted
passage was accurate, said Weber. In the context of the pre war Jewish
policy, not even those who believed in the Holocaust story claimed there
was any extermination programme before the war. (23-5776, 5777)
� It is very significant, however, that certain Jews were quick to interpret
these policies of internal discrimination as equivalent to extermination
itself. A 1936 anti German propaganda book by Leon Feuchtwanger and others
entitled Der Gelbe Fleck: Die Ausrotung von 500,000 deutschen Juden (The
Yellow Spot: The Extermination of 500,000 German Jews, Paris 1936), presents
a typical example. Despite its baselessness in fact, the annihilation of
the Jews is discussed from the first pages - straightforward emigration
being regarded as the physical "extermination" of German Jewry.
The Nazi concentration camps for political prisoners are also seen as potential
instruments of genocide, and special reference is made to the 100 Jews
still detained in Dachau in 1936, of whom 60 had been there since 1933.
A further example was the sensational book by the German-Jewish Communist,
Hans Beimler, called Four Weeks in the Hands of Hitler's Hell Hounds: The
Nazi Murder Camp of Dachau...The encouragement of Jewish emigration should
not be confused with the purpose of concentration camps in pre war Germany.
These were used for the detention of political opponents and subversives
- principally liberals, Social Democrats and Communists of all kinds, of
whom a proportion were Jews such as Hans Beimler. Unlike the millions enslaved
in the Soviet Union, the German concentration camp population was always
small; Reitlinger admits that between 1934 and 1938 it seldom exceeded
20,000 throughout the whole of Germany, and the number of Jews was never
more than 3,000. (The SS: Alibi of a Nation, London, 1956, page 253).
Weber testified that the first sentence of this passage was true; Feuchtwanger,
who was a Communist and a Jew, charged that the policy the Hitler government
was carrying out in 1936 was "extermination." This was propaganda
and hyperbole, said Weber, and a number of other Jewish leaders at the
time used similarly exaggerated language to describe the pre-war German
policy. Until November 1939 the only Jews in concentration camps in Germany
were Jews who were put there for some political or criminal reason. They
were not there simply because they were Jews. The number of people in the
camps at that time was very small and most were involved in the leadership
of the Communist and Social Democratic movements. (23-5778, 5779)
Hans Beimler was a Communist and the book written by him was published
by a Communist publishing house. It was typical of the kind of propaganda
that the Communists put out during that period of time. Weber believed
that Beimler's early writing had significance in the development of the
Holocaust story. Even before the war, there were wide and extensive reports
of grossly exaggerated claims about Hitler's Germany by those who were
his enemies, namely, Communists and Jews. It was hardly surprising therefore,
when war broke out and it was much harder to know what was going on in
Europe, that the stories were even more intense in their volume and character.
Weber had checked the reference to Reitlinger in the last sentence of the
passage. Reitlinger stated that 20,000 was approximately the number of
total concentration camp inmates in all of Germany; this in a country of
about 60 million people. (23 5781)
� The Nazi view of Jewish emigration was not limited to a negative policy
of simple expulsion, but was formulated along the lines of modern Zionism.
In Weber's opinion, this was misleading. Zionism put forward the view that
the Jews were not merely a religious group but also a nationality, that
they should have a country of their own, and that Jews were first and foremost
Jews and not citizens of whatever country they lived in. That also happened
to be Hitler's views and the Nazis' views. Because their views coincided,
the Nazis and the Zionists co-operated. This co-operation was laid out
in great detail in a book by a Jewish author, Edwin Black, entitled The
Transfer Agreement. The Transfer Agreement of Haavara was signed in 1933
by the German government and the Jewish Agency for Palestine. It arranged
for Jews emigrating from Germany to Palestine to take their property with
them as a way to encourage Jewish emigration to Palestine. The agreement
remained in effect until after the outbreak of World War II. (23-5782)
� The founder of political Zionism in the 19th century, Theodore Herzl,
in his work The Jewish State, had originally conceived of Madagascar as
a national homeland for the Jews, and this possibility was seriously studied
by the Nazis...The Germans were not original in proposing Jewish emigration
to Madagascar; the Polish Government had already considered the scheme
in respect of their own Jewish population, and in 1937 they sent the Michael
Lepecki expedition to Madagascar, accompanied by Jewish representatives,
to investigate the problems involved.
Weber testified that the booklet's statement that Herzl had originally
conceived of Madagascar as a homeland for the Jews was an error. From the
very beginning, Herzl wanted to have Palestine as the national homeland.
Although there was a brief period when Guinea and Uganda were considered,
they were quickly rejected by the Zionists. (23-5783)
The booklet's statement concerning the Polish government was true. The
Polish government was the first government to take up this idea and it
sent an expedition to Madagascar to look into it. At that time, there was
much speculation by leaders in Romania, Hungary, Poland and even France
that there should be some place for the Jews to go to or be sent to. Madagascar
was considered for that purpose because it was believed that the Arabs
felt so strongly about Palestine that emigration there would only result
in conflict. The island of Madagascar was a much larger and more beautiful
place and it was felt that it would cause far fewer problems if the Jews
went there. (23-5784)
In 1938 the Evian Conference was called. It was initiated largely by Franklin
Roosevelt to deal with the question of Jewish refugees from Germany and
the whole question of what should be done with the Jews. Jewish leaders
were extremely disappointed with the conference because virtually none
of the governments of the world, as much as they gave lip service to sympathy
for the Jews, were willing to allow them to come to their own countries.
The U.S. government often protested Hitler's policy towards the Jews but
they were not willing to allow Jews to come to the United States. The German
government made a big deal about this and said it only confirmed that Germany
was right in trying to get rid of them. (23-5785)
Weber turned to page 6 of the booklet:
� However, by 1939 the scheme of Jewish emigration to Madagascar had gained
the most favour in German circles.
In Weber's opinion, the correct date was 1940, not 1939. The Madagascar
plan was only seriously considered by German officials in 1940 after the
fall of France because Madagascar was a French colony. (23-5787)
� By 1939, the consistent efforts of the German Government to secure the
departure of Jews from the Reich had resulted in the emigration of 400,000
German Jews from a total population of about 600,000, and an additional
480,000 emigrants from Austria and Czechoslovakia, which constituted almost
their entire Jewish populations.
This passage was essentially accurate, said Weber. There were approximately
600,000 Jews in the German Reich territory before Hitler took power and
about 400,000 emigrated by 1939 or 1940. A very substantial portion of
the Jews from Germany proper, Austria, Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia emigrated
before the outbreak of the war. (23-5789)
� So eager were the Germans to secure this emigration that Eichmann even
established a training centre in Austria, where young Jews could learn
farming in anticipation of being smuggled illegally to Palestine (Manvell
& Frankl, SS and Gestapo, p. 60).
In Weber's opinion, this was true. These training centres were set up not
only in Austria but also in Germany proper. They were carried out in co-operation
with the Zionist movement because the Zionists wanted very much to encourage
Jews living in Germany to be productive on the soil, to be involved in
new forms of trade and so forth. (23-5789)
� Had Hitler cherished any intention of exterminating the Jews, it is inconceivable
that he would have allowed more than 800,000 to leave Reich territory with
the bulk of their wealth, much less considered plans for their mass emigration
to Palestine or Madagascar.
Weber thought this was a fair statement although 800,000 might be a bit
too high for the number of Jews who left. Obviously, said Weber, if Hitler
had intended right from the beginning to exterminate the Jews, he wouldn't
have encouraged them for years to move to Palestine and wouldn't have considered
deporting them to Madagascar. (23-5790)
� With the coming of the war, the situation regarding the Jews altered
drastically. It is not widely known that world Jewry declared itself to
be a belligerent party in the Second World War, and there was therefore
ample basis under international law for the Germans to intern the Jewish
population as a hostile force...All Jews had thus been declared agents
willing to prosecute a war against the German Reich, and as a consequence,
Himmler and Heydrich were eventually to begin the policy of internment.
It was not until 1941 that there was really a drastic change in German
policy, said Weber. In fact, after the outbreak of war, the German government
still encouraged Jewish emigration illegally to Palestine despite British
objections and blockade. Chaim Weizmann, who at the time was the principal
Zionist leader, issued a statement immediately after the outbreak of war
in 1939 declaring in the name of the world's Jews that they considered
themselves on the side of Britain. Whether this gave the Germans the right
to intern the Jews as a hostile force was questionable. The question of
how much legitimacy under international law Chaim Weizmann had to speak
in the name of World Jewry was a debatable point. (23-5792)
Weber testified that the last sentence of the passage was essentially inaccurate.
The German policy of deporting Jews to the east, which began in 1941, was
not in response to the declaration of war by Chaim Weizmann. It was done
because they wanted the Jews out of Europe. Once the war really got going,
it was impossible to send the Jews to Palestine or to Madagascar because
the seas were controlled by the British. So the Germans decided to deport
the Jews to the east, first to Poland and then to the occupied Soviet territories.
� It is worth noting that the United States and Canada had already interned
all Japanese aliens and citizens of Japanese descent in detention camps
before the Germans applied the same security measures against the Jews
of Europe. Moreover, there had been no such evidence or declaration of
disloyalty by these Japanese Americans as had been given by Weizmann. The
British, too, during the Boer War, interned all the women and children
of the population, and thousands had died as a result, yet in no sense
could the British be charged with wanting to exterminate the Boers.
In Weber's opinion, the first sentence of this passage was accurate. It
was not hard to understand that the United States government, right after
Pearl Harbour, considered the Japanese dangerous and it was not hard to
understand that the German government considered the Jews a hostile population.
Weber believed the second sentence was a debatable point since no German
Jews made any declaration of disloyalty although Weizmann claimed to speak
on behalf of the Jews of the world.
Weber had done a great deal of research into the internment camps set up
by the British during the Boer War. The British carried out a very ruthless
war against the Boers to seize control of the gold and diamonds in the
areas of Transvaal and the Orange Free State. The British rounded up all
the women and children of the Boers and put them in concentration camps
where about 27,000 of them died under appalling conditions. This was the
policy, however, which broke the back of the guerrilla war carried out
by the Boers against the British. (23-5794, 5795)
� The detention of Jews in the occupied territories of Europe served two
essential purposes from the German viewpoint. The first was to prevent
unrest and subversion; Himmler had informed Mussolini on October 11th,
1942, that German policy towards the Jews had altered during wartime entirely
for reasons of military security. He complained that thousands of Jews
in the occupied regions were conducting partisan warfare, sabotage and
espionage, a view confirmed by official Soviet information given to Raymond
Arthur Davis that no less than 35,000 European Jews were waging partisan
war under Tito in Yugoslavia. As a result, Jews were to be transported
to restricted areas and detention camps, both in Germany, and especially
after March 1942, in the Government-General of Poland.
Weber repeated that the German policy to deport the Jews to the east was
not primarily motivated by security considerations, although it was a consideration
that became more important as the war went on. The conversation between
Himmler and Mussolini on October 11, 1942, which dealt with Jewish partisan
warfare, was confined essentially to Jews in the occupied Soviet territories
and not Jews in general. (23-5796)
Weber thought the dates in the last sentence of the passage were a bit
off. The Germans began putting Jews in ghettos in Poland fairly soon after
they took control in 1939 and the deportations of the Jews to the east
began in October 1941. (23-5797)
� As the war proceeded, the policy developed of using Jewish detainees
for labour in the war- effort. The question of labour is fundamental when
considering the alleged plan of genocide against the Jews, for on grounds
of logic alone the latter would entail the most senseless waste of manpower,
time and energy while prosecuting a war of survival on two fronts.
In Weber's opinion, this was a very good and valid point. In 1942, it was
decided that the Jews were to be used extensively in war production activities.
The Jews were a valuable source of labour for the Germans. As late as 1944,
Hitler himself was concerned about using Jewish labour for the German war
effort. (23-5798, 5799)
Weber had seen photographs of Monowitz (Auschwitz III) taken in 1942, 1943
and 1944 located in the Dürrfeld file. This file contained documents
and photographs filed in Dürrfeld's defence in his war crimes trial
after the war for alleged mistreatment of prisoners in Monowitz. The photographs
showed prisoners from Birkenau and Auschwitz I in their striped uniforms
working in Monowitz. This was relevant to the extermination allegation
because it was very hard to reconcile the fact that prisoners from Birkenau,
the alleged major extermination centre, were allowed to move around freely
in Monowitz where there were many civilian workers who came in from the
outside. It would have been virtually impossible, said Weber, to keep an
extermination programme at Birkenau secret in such circumstances. Weber
noted that exterminationist Walter Laqueur made the same point in his book
The Terrible Secret and was quite baffled by it. (23-5799 to 5801)
� Certainly after the attack on Russia, the idea of compulsory labour had
taken precedence over German plans for Jewish emigration.
This statement, said Weber, was partly true and partly untrue. The idea
was for the Jews to be deported to the east and also used for labour, so
it was an effort to reconcile these two policies. (23-5801)
� The protocol of a conversation between Hitler and the Hungarian regent
Horthy on April 17th, 1943, reveals that the German leader personally requested
Horthy to release 100,000 Hungarian Jews for work in the "pursuit-plane
programme" of the Luftwaffe at a time when the aerial bombardment
of Germany was increasing (Reitlinger, Die Endlösung, Berlin, 1956,
p. 478). This took place at a time when, supposedly, the Germans were already
seeking to exterminate the Jews, but Hitler's request clearly demonstrates
the priority aim of expanding his labour force.
In harmony with this programme, concentration camps became, in fact, industrial
complexes. At every camp where Jews and other nationalities were detained,
there were large industrial plants and factories supplying material for
the German war effort - the Buna rubber factory at Bergen-Belsen, for example,
Buna and I.G. Farben Industrie at Auschwitz, and the electrical firm of
Siemens at Ravensbrück.
This passage was correct in Weber's opinion. Himmler ordered that concentration
camp inmates were to be used as extensively as possible in war production.
Buna was the name for artificial rubber derived from coal. The Germans
had to produce artificial rubber because they did not have access to sources
of natural rubber from Southeast Asia or Latin America and had a programme
at Monowitz for this purpose. It never got very far, however, and instead
Monowitz was devoted almost exclusively to producing synthetic gasoline.
As far as Weber knew, there was no Buna rubber factory at Bergen-Belsen,
so that statement in the booklet was not correct. (23-5801 to 5803)
Weber turned to page 7 of the booklet:
� In many cases, special concentration camp money notes were issued as
payment for labour, enabling prisoners to buy extra rations from camp shops.
The Germans were determined to obtain the maximum economic return from
the concentration camp system, an object wholly at variance with any plan
to exterminate millions of people in them. It was the function of the SS
Economy and Administration Office, headed by Oswald Pohl, to see that the
concentration camps became major industrial producers.
Weber testified that camp money was used in such camps as Buchenwald and
was called Lagergeld. Numerous former inmates testified to the use of such
camp money and a similar kind of currency was also issued in the Lodz and
Theresienstadt ghettos by the Jewish administration. (23-5804)
Weber noted that the German guards at Mauthausen and Buchenwald were summarily
shot by the Americans when those camps were captured by the Americans.
It was recorded in the book Inside the Vicious Heart by Robert H. Abzug.
It was also recorded by Marguerite Higgins who was a very prominent American
journalist at that time and who was an eyewitness to the shootings at Buchenwald.
Oswald Pohl, said Weber, was the head of the SS Economy and Administration
Office, and the concentration camps were under his control. He was subordinate
to Himmler. Pohl was very concerned with getting maximum labour out of
the camps during the war; this was confirmed in numerous documents which
were published in the Nuremberg series and in correspondence between Himmler
and Pohl. (23 5806)
Defence attorney Christie asked Weber whether he was familiar with the
historian Helmut Diwald. Weber testified that Diwald was a professor of
history at the University of Erlangen in West Germany who had written,
in 1978 or 1979, a massive 760 page book entitled Geschichte der Deutschen
(History of the Germans). The book was a comprehensive overview of German
history and contained two pages devoted to the 'final solution'. In those
two pages, he called into question many of the commonly-held assumptions
about the Holocaust extermination story. Diwald wrote that the Holocaust
media campaign consisted in large part of distortions, misrepresentations
and lies designed to morally degradate and disqualify the German nations
and the German people as a whole. He said that many of the stories said
about what happened with the Jews during the war were not true. He pointed
out that it was once claimed that extermination camps operated in Germany
proper and that later this claim was dropped even though for a time visitors
were shown a room at Dachau which was supposed to be a gas chamber and
in fact wasn't. He wrote that the 'final solution' policy of the Germans
was one of deportation to the east for use as labour, and he concluded
by stating that despite all of the literature that had been written on
the subject, the most important questions of what happened to the Jews
during the war were still not clear. The two pages caused a big sensation
in Germany when they came out. Weber was the first to translate and publish
them in English. (23-5807, 5808)
As a result of raising these questions, Diwald's book was immediately withdrawn
from circulation even though it had been selling very well. The unsold
portion of the 100,000 copies which had been printed were destroyed and,
without his approval, the two offending pages were hastily rewritten and
substituted in a new edition. These rewritten pages were more or less acceptable
to the powers-that-be. (23-5809)
In historical writing this was a very uncommon phenomenon, but in West
Germany and in some other countries it was common with regard to this one
issue, said Weber. Notably in West Germany and in Communist countries,
the calling into question of the commonly-accepted view of the Holocaust
was met with official and semi-official suppression and persecution. The
case of Helmut Diwald, a reputable and prominent professor of history,
was a prime example of this process. (23-5809)
� It is a remarkable fact, however, that well into the war period, the
Germans continued to implement the policy of Jewish emigration. The fall
of France in 1940 enabled the German Government to open serious negotiations
with the French for the transfer of European Jews to Madagascar. A memorandum
of August, 1942 from Luther, Secretary-of-State in the German Foreign Office,
reveals that he had conducted these negotiations between July and December
1940, when they were terminated by the French. A circular from Luther's
department dated August 15th, 1940 shows that the details of the German
plan had been worked out by Eichmann, for it is signed by his assistant,
Dannecker. Eichmann had in fact been commissioned in August to draw up
a detailed Madagascar Plan, and Dannecker was employed in research on Madagascar
at the French Colonial Office (Reitlinger, The Final Solution, p. 77).
The proposals of August 15th were that an inter European bank was to finance
the emigration of four million Jews throughout a phased programme. Luther's
1942 memorandum shows that Heydrich had obtained Himmler's approval of
this plan before the end of August and had also submitted it to Goering.
It certainly met with Hitler's approval, for as early as June 17th his
interpreter, Schmidt, recalls Hitler observing to Mussolini that "One
could found a State of Israel in Madagascar" (Schmidt, Hitler's Interpreter,
London, 1951, p. 178).
Weber testified that this entire passage was essentially accurate except
for two statements about the Madagascar plan. It was misleading to say
that there were "serious negotiations" between the Germans and
French concerning the Madagascar plan. The German government considered
the feasibility of the Madagascar plan and would simply have presented
it to the French at a later date. In addition, the Luther Memorandum, which
did discuss the Madagascar plan, did not include any discussion about negotiations
with the French. Hitler's exact words to Mussolini were that 'One could
found a Jewish state on Madagascar', not 'state of Israel'. (23 5810 to
� Although the French terminated the Madagascar negotiations in December,
1940, Poliakov, the director of the Centre of Jewish Documentation in Paris,
admits that the Germans nevertheless pursued the scheme, and that Eichmann
was still busy with it throughout 1941. Eventually, however, it was rendered
impractical by the progress of the war, in particular by the situation
after the invasion of Russia, and on February 10th, 1942, the Foreign Office
was informed that the plan had been temporarily shelved. This ruling, sent
to the Foreign Office by Luther's assistant, Rademacher, is of great importance,
because it demonstrates conclusively that the term "Final Solution"
meant only the emigration of Jews, and also that transportation to the
eastern ghettos and concentration camps such as Auschwitz constituted nothing
but an alternative plan of evacuation. The directive reads: "The war
with the Soviet Union has in the meantime created the possibility of disposing
of other territories for the Final Solution. In consequence the Führer
has decided that the Jews should be evacuated not to Madagascar but to
the East. Madagascar need no longer therefore be considered in connection
with the Final Solution" (Reitlinger, ibid., p. 79). The details of
this evacuation had been discussed a month earlier at the Wannsee Conference
in Berlin, which we shall examine below.
It was not true to say that the French terminated the Madagascar negotiations,
said Weber. It was true that the Germans pursued the scheme till late in
1941, although Weber did not know if it was Eichmann who was involved.
It was true that the Madagascar plan was rendered impractical by the progress
of the war, but not for the reason given by Harwood. It was rendered impractical
because it was clear the war was going to continue for quite a while and
the British controlled all of the sea lanes to Madagascar. In Weber's opinion,
"final solution" was the term that the Germans used to describe
their policy of ridding Europe of the Jews first by emigration and later
by deportation to the east. The Rademacher memorandum of February 10, 1942
was confirmation that the so-called "final solution" was not
one of extermination but deportation. The Wannsee Conference protocol was
another German document which confirmed this. (23-5814 to 5817)
Weber pointed out that when the Allies took control of Germany in 1945,
they confiscated an enormous quantity of German documents relating to the
German wartime policy towards the Jews and of these thousands and thousands
of documents, there was not one which referred to an extermination programme
or policy. This was mind-boggling, said Weber, when one considered that
this programme was alleged to have happened over a three-year period over
an entire continent and allegedly involved millions of people. (23-5818)
� Reitlinger and Poliakov both make the entirely unfounded supposition
that because the Madagascar Plan had been shelved, the Germans must necessarily
have been thinking of "extermination". Only a month later, however,
on March 7th, 1942, Goebbels wrote a memorandum in favour of the Madagascar
Plan as a "final solution" of the Jewish question (Manvell &
Frankl, Dr. Goebbels, London, 1960, p. 165).
Weber testified that this passage was accurate and agreed with Harwood's
opinion in the first sentence. In July of 1942 Hitler himself stated that
the Jews would be taken to Madagascar after the war was over. It was during
this period of time that the policy of sending the Jews to Madagascar was
replaced with a policy of deporting the Jews to the east where they would
be kept until the war was over.(23 5819)
Weber was familiar with a later entry (on March 27) in the Goebbels diary
which was contradictory to the one quoted by Harwood. This later entry
was widely quoted to support the extermination thesis. Weber noted, however,
that it was not consistent with entries in the diary like the one of March
7th, nor was it consistent with entries at a later date from the Goebbels
diary or with German documents of the time. In Weber's opinion, there was
great doubt about the authenticity of the entire Goebbels diaries because
they were written on a typewriter. There was therefore no way of verifying
if they were accurate. The U.S. government itself indicated that it could
take no responsibility for the accuracy of the diaries as a whole. (23-5820,
� In the meantime he approved of the Jews being "concentrated in the
East". Later Goebbels memoranda also stress deportation to the East
(i.e., the Government General of Poland) and lay emphasis on the need for
compulsory labour there; once the policy of evacuation to the East had
been inaugurated, the use of Jewish labour became a fundamental part of
the operation. It is perfectly clear from the foregoing that the term "Final
Solution" was applied both to Madagascar and to the Eastern territories,
and that therefore it meant only the deportation of the Jews.
Even as late as May 1944, the Germans were prepared to allow the emigration
of one million European Jews from Europe. An account of this proposal is
given by Alexander Weissberg, a prominent Soviet Jewish scientist deported
during the Stalin purges, in his book Die Geschichte von Joel Brand (Cologne,
Weber knew of no Goebbels memorandum stressing deportation. There were
other German documents and memorandum which did but Goebbels had no responsibility
for Jewish policy. Weber would have agreed completely with the sentence
if it said "German memoranda" or "official memoranda"
instead of "Goebbels."
The rest of the passage was correct, said Weber. The last portion referred
to what was called the Europa Plan about which there was very little information.
Late in the war, there was a programme to exchange large numbers of Jews
for trucks or money. Some Jews were sent from Hungary to Switzerland to
show that the Germans were willing to carry it out, but the plan fell through.
(23-5822 to 5824)
Defence counsel Christie turned Weber's attention to the subject of Jewish
population statistics. Weber testified that statistics about the Jewish
population in Europe were almost completely unverifiable. What Harwood
had written was speculative because it was a kind of opinion of the author
based on his reading of the figures. It was difficult to draw conclusions
because the figures themselves were suspect.
The largest Jewish populations in Europe were in Poland and the Soviet
Union before the war. When the Germans took over the western half of Poland
in 1939, large numbers of Jews escaped into Soviet-occupied Poland, but
the exact figure was unknown. It was not known how many Jews came under
German control when the Germans later took over the rest of Poland and
the Soviet territories. It was known that a very high percentage, 80 percent,
of the Jews in the occupied Soviet territories were deported by the Soviets
or fled in 1941. In Weber's opinion, any specific figure like 6 million
or 1 million was speculative. The only thing which could be done was to
make an educated guess based upon a careful reading of the figures. (23-5825)
With respect to the chapter on "Population and Emigration" in
Did Six Million Really Die?, Weber testified that he agreed with Harwood's
statement that the majority of German Jews succeeded in leaving Germany
before the war broke out. But he believed that Harwood's conclusion that
the total number of Jews under German influence was 3.5 million was speculation,
just as the figures in Hilberg's and Reitlinger's books were nothing more
than educated guesses. (23-5827)
Weber turned to page 9 of the booklet:
� So far as is known, the first accusation against the Germans of the mass
murder of Jews in war- time Europe was made by the Polish Jew Rafael Lemkin
in his book Axis Rule in Occupied Europe, published in New York in 1943...His
book claimed that the Nazis had destroyed millions of Jews, perhaps as
many as six millions. This, by 1943, would have been remarkable indeed,
since the action was allegedly started only in the summer of 1942. At such
a rate, the entire world Jewish population would have been exterminated
by 1945.
Weber testified that the first accusation of mass murder was not made by
Lemkin. The first major accusation that the Germans were carrying out the
mass murder of Jews was made in the fall of 1942 by the World Jewish Congress
and was particularly promoted by its president, Stephen Wise. Lemkin's
book picked up on the theme but his book actually wasn't relevant to the
extermination story. Nor did the Lemkin book make the statement claimed
by Harwood. The last part of the passage was the opinion of the author,
said Weber, but since the first part of the passage was not true, the conclusion
wasn't true. Weber subsequently found, however, that Paul Rassinier had
made this claim in one of his books and Harwood had obviously relied upon
it. (23- 5828, 5829, 6158)
� After the war, propaganda estimates spiralled to heights even more fantastic.
Kurt Gerstein, an anti-Nazi who claimed to have infiltrated the SS, told
the French interrogator Raymond Cartier that he knew that no less than
forty million concentration camp internees had been gassed. In his first
signed memorandum of April 26th, 1945, he reduced the figure to 25 million,
but even this was too bizarre for French Intelligence and in his second
memorandum, signed at Rottweil on May 4th, 1945, he brought the figure
closer to the six million preferred at the Nuremberg Trials. Gerstein's
sister was congenitally insane and died by euthanasia, which may well suggest
a streak of mental instability in Gerstein himself. He had, in fact, been
convicted in 1936 of sending eccentric mail through the post. After his
two "confessions" he hanged himself at Cherche Midi prison in
Kurt Gerstein made a statement that he thought the Germans had killed 20
or 40 million people, said Weber, but he did not specify Jews and he did
not say that they were gassed. Harwood's statement was therefore only partly
true. No serious historian today accepted everything that Gerstein said
because he made such fantastic and ludicrous statements. This applied particularly
to the figures he cited. Established historians nevertheless used portions
of Gerstein's statements which they thought supported their thesis. Gerstein
was quoted in virtually every important book on the Holocaust, including
Hilberg. Revisionists usually called Gerstein's statements into question.
In the standard biography of Gerstein, there was speculation that Gerstein
was probably insane. Some people had speculated that Gerstein was murdered,
but Weber thought the evidence suggested that he really did commit suicide.
(23-5831, 5832)
� Gerstein alleged that during the war he passed on information concerning
the murder of Jews to the Swedish Government through a German baron, but
for some inexplicable reason his report was "filed away and forgotten".
He also claimed that in August 1942 he informed the Papal nuncio in Berlin
about the whole "extermination programme", but the reverend person
merely told him to "Get out". The Gerstein statements abound
with claims to have witnessed the most gigantic mass executions (twelve
thousand in a single day at Belzec), while the second memorandum describes
a visit by Hitler to a concentration camp in Poland on June 6th, 1942 which
is known never to have taken place.
In Weber's opinion, the first part of this passage was misleading. The
baron was a Swedish baron whom Gerstein met on the night train from Warsaw
to Berlin. Gerstein buttonholed him, according to one of his affidavits,
and told him the Germans were killing all the Jews. The Swedish government
didn't take any notice of what Gerstein said until after the war when quite
a bit was made of it. Gerstein tried to go to the Papal nuncio but was
turned away.
Gerstein made the claims concerning Belzec, as stated by Harwood, and in
fact, Gerstein's statement remained one of the most important pieces of
evidence supporting the claim that there were large numbers of Jews gassed
there. The statement which Gerstein made concerning the trip by Hitler
to a concentration camp in Poland was typical of the kind of false statements
made in the Gerstein statements. Weber believed it was illegitimate to
present the Gerstein statements as valid historical documents as had been
done by Holocaust historians. (23-5833 to 5837)
Weber turned to page 10 of the booklet:
� The story of six million Jews exterminated during the war was given final
authority at the Nuremberg Trials by the statement of Dr. Wilhelm Hoettl.
He had been an assistant of Eichmann's, but was in fact a rather strange
person in the service of American Intelligence who had written several
books under the pseudonym of Walter Hagen. Hoettl also worked for Soviet
espionage, collaborating with two Jewish emigrants from Vienna, Perger
and Verber, who acted as US officers during the preliminary inquiries of
the Nuremberg Trials. It is remarkable that the testimony of this highly
dubious person Hoettl is said to constitute the only "proof"
regarding the murder of six million Jews.
The Hoettl statement was important but Weber did not agree with Harwood
that it was the final authority. Hoettl made an affidavit saying that Eichmann
told him that 6 million Jews had been killed. Eichmann later disputed that
he had ever said this; he claimed he did not specify "Jews" but
said only that millions of enemies of the Reich had been killed. The 6
million figure, however, gained much of its credibility from the Hoettl
statement. Weber nevertheless thought it was misleading to say that Hoettl's
statement was the only proof regarding the murder of 6 million Jews. To
be fair, said Weber, the exterminationists didn't say they believed the
figure just because Hoettl said it; they relied on quite a number of other
things to support the figure. (23- 5837 to 5842)
� It should be emphasised straight away that there is not a single document
in existence which proves that the Germans intended to, or carried out,
the deliberate murder of Jews.
Weber agreed with this statement if Harwood was referring to German documents.
If Harwood meant documents of any kind, including affidavits made by people
after the war, then in Weber's opinion the statement was not true. Weber
reiterated that in all of the captured German documents, there was not
a single one that referred to any German extermination programme or policy.
Weber thought that the use of the word "proves" by Harwood was
misleading because no one document proved anything. It could only substantiate
or give credence to a given idea. (23-5842 to 5844)
March 23, 1988
Weber testified that in his book The Destruction of the European Jews,
Raul Hilberg estimated that the Jewish losses during World War II were
5.1 million. In his first edition, Hilberg made no effort to justify that
figure; in the second edition he did make an effort to justify the figure
in a complicated manner which Weber thought was highly speculative. It
was the same kind of speculation that Harwood was guilty of in Did Six
Million Really Die?. (23-5856)
Hilberg included Jews who died for any reason during the war in the term
"Jewish losses." A Jew who was deported from Germany to Lodz
and who died of a heart attack would be counted as a victim of the Holocaust.
No clear distinction was made between those who were allegedly the victims
of some German programme and those who simply died in the course of the
war. (23-5856)
In Weber's opinion, Hilberg's figure of 5.1 million Jewish dead was completely
inconsistent with the very important Korherr report. Hilberg himself made
no effort to reconcile his figures with the report. (23-5857)
In the major book on the Einsatzgruppen entitled Die Truppe des Weltanschaungskrieges,
the two authors calculated that if all the figures in the German reports
were added up, there would be a total of 2.2 million Jewish dead. The authors
admitted frankly that this was impossible and conceded that the Einsatzgruppen
report figures were exaggerated. In his book, The Destruction of the European
Jews, Hilberg came up with a figure of 1.3 million Jewish dead in the occupied
Soviet territories, which by implication meant that he too believed the
Einsatzgruppen reports were exaggerated. Hilberg didn't say so outright,
however, which was typical of how he operated. Even the figure of 1.3 million
was not believable in Weber's opinion, because it was known that the great
majority of Jews fled or were evacuated by the Soviet government before
the Germans invaded in 1941. (23-5857)
As recorded in his Table-Talk, the authenticity of which was not questioned,
Hitler said on July 27, 1942 that the Jews would have to be cleared out
of Europe and he speculated they should be sent to Russia. In late 1942
or 1943, Hitler stated that the Jews should be grateful to him for wanting
nothing more than a bit of hard work from them. When the Soviets captured
Majdanek in 1944 and immediately put out reports that it had been an enormous
extermination centre for Jews, an angry Hitler said it was crazy propaganda
of the same type put out about Germany during World War I. These statements,
said Weber, were consistent with views Hitler expressed on other occasions
and were inconsistent with an extermination plan. (23 5858 to 5860)
In 1942, there was a large outbreak of typhus in Birkenau which resulted
in the deaths of many inmates. Himmler was very concerned and issued an
emphatic order that the camp commandants were to take strenuous measures
to reduce the death rate and to improve the nutrition of the prisoners.
At all costs, Himmler directed, the death rate of the prisoners had to
be reduced. This document was published in the official Nuremberg document
series, the Red series, and was accepted as a reliable document by historians.
Correspondence between Himmler and Oswald Pohl, the head of the concentration
camps, was very emphatic about the need to keep the prisoner death rate
down. Richard Glücks, who was a very high SS official and inspector
of the concentration camps, ordered on January 20, 1943 that every means
be used to lower the death rate in the camps. This was Nuremberg document
NO-1523 and was published in the NMT "Green Series." (23-5863)
In Weber's opinion, these documents were inconsistent with the extermination
story. (23-5860, 5861)
Weber pointed out that numerous historians who believed the extermination
story simply ignored these documents. They never mentioned them and never
talked about them. Other exterminationists who were more responsible, such
as Hilberg, would mention the documents but would say that at the same
time Himmler was trying to reduce the death rates in the camps, the German
government was also trying to kill as many Jews as they could. This type
of illogic, said Weber, was typical of the entire Holocaust story. (23-5862)
Another example of this illogic was the fact that German soldiers and SS
were punished for mistreating prisoners at the same time there was supposed
to be widespread brutality and even a mass programme to exterminate Jews.
These inconsistencies were explained by Hilberg and others as simply being
part of the irrationality of the Nazi regime. To Weber, this was an illogical
conclusion and was characteristic of trying to make the evidence fit a
preconceived thesis rather than deriving conclusions from the evidence.
Weber next showed photographs to the jury from the Walter Dürrfeld
file (in the U.S. National Archives), which he had mentioned the previous
day. The photographs were originally submitted in Dürrfeld's trial
before an American military court in occupied West Germany in 1947 and
1948, and in Weber's opinion were not consistent with the Holocaust story.
The photographs showed various aspects of life at Monowitz, including a
panoramic view of the synthetic gasoline production works at Monowitz (which
gave an idea of the tremendous extent of the industrial works); camp inmates
in striped clothing from either Auschwitz or Birkenau working along side
civilian workers; housing for the workers; the dining hall for workers,
the medical centre at Monowitz showing a nurse and babies and another showing
an inmate in striped clothing being X-rayed; a dental office; barracks
for workers at Monowitz with two beds as well as more primitive barracks
with bunk beds (which were probably used for forced labourers from the
Ukraine or from Soviet areas); a Ukrainian choir during an entertainment
evening at Monowitz; a greenhouse garden; and a Ukrainian forced labourer
at a machining tool. (23-5864 to 5878; photographs filed as Exhibit 99
at 23-5878)
Monowitz was a very large industrial works which even today was run by
the Polish government. It required an enormous amount of labour and used
prisoners from nearby Auschwitz and Birkenau, including Jews. Inmates also
lived at Monowitz. These people included forced labourers from the Soviet
Union, especially Ukrainian workers. They did not wear the striped uniforms.
In addition, there were German civilian workers and other civilian workers
from throughout Europe who worked along side the concentration camp inmates.
(23-5868 to 5870)
To Weber, the fact that camp inmates worked along side civilian workers
was not consistent with the Holocaust claim that mass exterminations were
being carried out in the utmost secrecy at Auschwitz and Birkenau. It would
have been virtually impossible to have kept such an enormous extermination
programme secret when inmates from both camps worked and mixed with civilian
and other workers who moved freely in and out of Monowitz. (23-5872, 5873)
In Weber's opinion, the photographs of the medical centre showed that quite
a lot of care was taken at Monowitz to ensure the health and happiness
of the workers, including the inmates. (23-5874, 5875)
Weber turned to page 10 of the booklet to continue his analysis:
� It should be emphasised straight away that there is not a single document
in existence which proves that the Germans intended to, or carried out,
the deliberate murder of Jews...The documents which do survive, of course,
make no mention at all of extermination, so that writers like Poliakov
and Reitlinger again make the convenient assumption that such orders were
generally "verbal."
Weber testified that at the time Did Six Million Really Die? was written
the view of those historians who believed the Holocaust story was that
there was an extermination and it was ordered by Hitler verbally. Reitlinger,
Poliakov and Hilberg had all speculated that the orders were verbal because
there were no written orders. This view had now changed. Martin Broszat
and Hans Mommsen, two prominent West German historians, as well as Raul
Hilberg, now took the position that there might very well have been no
order of any kind, written or verbal, and that the extermination programme
came about spontaneously. (23-5882)
In this controversy, one of the most important pieces of evidence was Nuremberg
document 3836-PS, the affidavit of April 1946 of former Auschwitz commandant
Rudolf Hoess. In this affidavit, Hoess said that he was informed that there
was an order to exterminate the Jews in the summer of 1941 and that he
was told by Himmler to prepare Auschwitz as a major centre for extermination.
He also said there were already exterminations being carried out in Treblinka,
Belzec and a camp called Wolzek. This document, said Weber, was inconsistent
with the Holocaust story as it was now presented. Firstly, there was no
camp called Wolzek. Secondly, the leading exterminationists, Hilberg, Broszat
and Mommsen, now claimed there was probably no order by Hitler to exterminate
the Jews but even if there was, it wasn't given until 1942. Hoess claimed
the date was in early 1941. Finally, Hoess's statement that Jews were already
being exterminated in the summer of 1941 in Treblinka was not supported
by any exterminationist historian.
The exterminationist historians, however, did not point out the implications
of the changes in the Holocaust story when such changes occurred. In Weber's
opinion, they didn't do so because it showed that documents previously
relied upon as evidence, such as the Hoess affidavit, were invalid. (23-5883,
The Hoess affidavit was also invalid for the important reason that it had
now been shown that Hoess was tortured. One of the men who was involved
in the torture of Hoess, a British military officer, described the torture
in a book called Legions of Death. (23-5885)
Weber returned to page 10 of the booklet:
� The rest of the programme is supposed to have begun in March 1942, with
the deportation and concentration of European Jews in the eastern camps
of the Polish Government-General, such as the giant industrial complex
at Auschwitz near Cracow. The fantastic and quite groundless assumption
throughout is that transportation to the East, supervised by Eichmann's
department, actually meant immediate extermination in ovens on arrival.
According to Manvell and Frankl (Heinrich Himmler, London, 1965), the policy
of genocide "seems to have been arrived at" after "secret
discussions" between Hitler and Himmler (p. 118), though they fail
to prove it. Reitlinger and Poliakov guess along similar "verbal"
lines, adding that no one else was allowed to be present at these discussions,
and no records were ever kept of them. This is the purest invention, for
there is not a shred of evidence that even suggests such outlandish meetings
took place. William Shirer, in his generally wild and irresponsible book
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, is similarly muted on the subject
of documentary proof. He states weakly that Hitler's supposed order for
the murder of Jews "apparently was never committed to paper - at least
no copy of it has yet been unearthed. It was probably given verbally to
Goering, Himmler and Heydrich, who passed it down..." (p. 1148).
Weber testified that this passage described the general position taken
by exterminationists at the time the booklet was written in 1974 or 1976.
The exterminationists started with the assumption that the Jews were exterminated
and since it could not have happened without orders, the orders must have
been given. But since there was no evidence of orders being given, it had
to be assumed that it somehow happened. These historians therefore concluded
that secret meetings must have taken place. This debate had now splintered
the Holocaust historians into the functionalists and the intentionalists.
Weber believed William Shirer's book was not a responsible book and that
it was indeed replete with errors, representing a very primitive level
of historical understanding of the period. It was based entirely upon a
selective reading of the Nuremberg evidence and Shirer made no effort to
incorporate evidence outside of the parameters of those trials. As stated
by Harwood, Shirer provided no documentary proof there was a meeting or
an order given by Hitler. (23-5885 to 5890)
� A typical example of the kind of "proof" quoted in support
of the extermination legend is given by Manvell and Frankl. They cite a
memorandum of 31st July, 1941 sent by Goering to Heydrich, who headed the
Reich Security Head Office and was Himmler's deputy. Significantly, the
memorandum begins: "Supplementing the task that was assigned to you
on 24th January 1939, to solve the Jewish problem by means of emigration
and evacuation in the best possible way according to present conditions..."
The supplementary task assigned in the memorandum is a "total solution
(Gesamtlösung) of the Jewish question within the area of German influence
in Europe," which the authors admit means concentration in the East,
and it requests preparations for the "organisational, financial and
material matters" involved. The memorandum then requests a future
plan for the "desired final solution" (Endlösung), which
clearly refers to the ideal and ultimate scheme of emigration and evacuation
mentioned at the beginning of the directive. No mention whatever is made
of murdering people, but Manvell and Frankl assure us that this is what
the memorandum is really about.
Weber testified that the Goering memorandum was once widely quoted as evidence
for the extermination programme. Manvell and Fraenkel, like other exterminationists,
made the assumption that the document meant murder. This was no longer
the case and today no serious historian believed it was evidence of an
extermination programme. In fact, it tended to be evidence of the exact
opposite. The reference to "final solution" of the Jewish question
was specifically said to be emigration and evacuation or deportation. There
was no mention in the document of killing. Weber believed it showed what
the actual German policy was: emigration and deportation. It meant getting
the Jews out of Europe. (23-5892)
In the CIA report The Holocaust Revisited the authors assumed there was
an extermination programme based upon secondary literature. These assumptions
were not consistent with the aerial photographs of Auschwitz themselves.
This process of assumption was characteristic of the exterminationists,
said Weber. They started out with the assumption that there was a vast
extermination programme and then tried to make the evidence fit this notion.
This led to a whole range of confusion, and as the Holocaust story changed,
more and more contradictions arose. (23- 5893, 5894)
Weber turned to page 11 of the booklet:
� The final details of the plan to exterminate Jews were supposed to have
been made at a conference at Gross Wannsee in Berlin on 20th January, 1942,
presided over by Heydrich (Poliakov, Das Dritte Reich und die Juden, p.
120 ff; Reitlinger, The Final Solution, p. 95 ff). Officials of all German
Ministries were present, and Müller and Eichmann represented Gestapo
Head Office. Reitlinger and Manvell and Frankl consider the minutes of
this conference to be their trump card in proving the existence of a genocide
plan, but the truth is that no such plan was even mentioned, and what is
more, they freely admit this. Manvell and Frankl explain it away rather
lamely by saying that "The minutes are shrouded in the form of officialdom
that cloaks the real significance of the words and terminology that are
used" (The Incomparable Crime, London, 1967, p. 46), which really
means that they intend to interpret them in their own way. What Heydrich
actually said was that, as in the memorandum quoted above, he had been
commissioned by Goering to arrange a solution to the Jewish problem. He
reviewed the history of Jewish emigration, stated that the war had rendered
the Madagascar project impractical, and continued: "The emigration
programme has been replaced now by the evacuation of Jews to the east as
a further possible solution, in accordance with the previous authorisation
of the Führer." Here, he explained, their labour was to be utilised.
All this is supposed to be deeply sinister, and pregnant with the hidden
meaning that the Jews were to be exterminated, though Prof. Paul Rassinier,
a Frenchman interned at Buchenwald who has done sterling work in refuting
the myth of the Six Million, explains that it means precisely what it says,
i.e. the concentration of the Jews for labour in the immense eastern ghetto
of the Polish Government-General. "There they were to wait until the
end of the war, for the re-opening of international discussions which would
decide their future. This decision was finally reached at the interministerial
Berlin-Wannsee conference..." (Rassinier, Le Véritable Proces
Eichmann, p. 20). Manvell and Frankl, however, remain undaunted by the
complete lack of reference to extermination. At the Wannsee conference,
they write, "Direct references to killing were avoided, Heydrich favouring
the term "Arbeitseinsatz im Osten" (labour assignment in the
East)" (Heinrich Himmler, p. 209). Why we should not accept labour
assignment in the East to mean labour assignment in the East is not explained.
According to Reitlinger and others, innumerable directives actually specifying
extermination then passed between Himmler, Heydrich, Eichmann and commandant
Hoess in the subsequent months of 1942, but of course, "none have
Weber testified that what Harwood wrote about the Wannsee Conference protocol
was essentially correct. The Wannsee Conference was called to co-ordinate
among a range of German agencies the policy of deportation of the Jews.
The protocol of the conference made no reference to any extermination programme,
but stated that the Jews were to be sent to the east for labour. It also
made reference to their later liberation and new beginnings. Exterminationists
claimed that this conference was really about extermination. Increasingly,
however, historians such as Hilberg, Mommsen and Broszat now said that
the conference was not about extermination. (23-5895, 5896)
� The complete lack of documentary evidence to support the existence of
an extermination plan has led to the habit of re-interpreting the documents
that do survive. For example, it is held that a document concerning deportation
is not about deportation at all, but a cunning way of talking about extermination.
Manvell and Frankl state that 'various terms were used to camouflage genocide.
These included "Aussiedlung" (desettlement) and "Abbeförderung"
(removal) (ibid., p. 265).Thus, as we have seen already, words are no longer
assumed to mean what they say if they prove too inconvenient. This kind
of thing is taken to the most incredible extremes, such as their interpretation
of Heydrich's directive for labour assignment in the East. Another example
is a reference to Himmler's order for sending deportees to the East, "that
is, having them killed" (ibid., p. 251). Reitlinger, equally at a
loss for evidence, does exactly the same, declaring that from the "circumlocutionary"
words of the Wannsee conference it is obvious that "the slow murder
of an entire race was intended" (ibid., p. 98).
Weber agreed that what was said in this passage was correct. Historians
like Christopher Browning were wrong in assuming that whenever there was
a reference to such words as "deportation" those words meant
something else. In Weber's opinion, any historical document had to be evaluated
not only in terms of itself but also in terms of many other pieces of evidence
and within an overall context. To assume that the Wannsee Conference protocol
was about extermination was an example of ripping a document out of its
context and falsely interpreting it. Historians like Manvell and Fraenkel
and Lucy Dawidowicz simply told their readers what such words as "removal"
were supposed to mean. It was an arbitrary definition because there was
no code book available which established these meanings. Again, pointed
out Weber, these historians argued backwards. They argued from an assumption
and tried to make the evidence fit the assumption, the opposite of the
way historians should operate. (23-5897, 5898) Raul Hilberg had in fact
stated that it was the critique of the revisionists that forced the exterminationists
to straighten out their story and that the exterminationists should be
thankful. (23 5900)
� A review of the documentary situation is important, because it reveals
the edifice of guesswork and baseless assumptions upon which the extermination
legend is built. The Germans had an extraordinary propensity for recording
everything on paper in the most careful detail, yet among the thousands
of captured documents of the S.D. and Gestapo, the records of the Reich
Security Head Office, the files of Himmler's headquarters and Hitler's
own war directives there is not a single order for the extermination of
Jews or anyone else.
Weber testified that although the first sentence was a bit exaggerated,
he agreed in essence with this passage. Weber agreed with Harwood's statement
regarding the propensity of the Germans to keep records, pointing out that
the volume of German records was staggering. To this day, not all of the
German records had been released by the Allies. Many were still kept secret,
particularly in Communist countries such as Poland, the Soviet Union and
East Germany. An example was the large quantity of German documents kept
by the East German government in archives in Potsdam which were not freely
available to researchers. (23-5901)
� It will be seen later that this has, in fact, been admitted by the World
Centre of Contemporary Jewish Documentation at Tel-Aviv. Attempts to find
"veiled allusions" to genocide in speeches like that of Himmler's
to his SS Obergruppenführers at Posen in 1943 are likewise quite hopeless.
Nuremberg statements extracted after the war, invariably under duress,
are examined in the following chapter.
Weber testified that there was such a centre at Tel Aviv, but that the
statement regarding it was not quite accurate. The head of the World Centre
of Contemporary Jewish Documentation said there was no written order by
Hitler for the extermination of the Jews; he did not made a statement as
sweeping as Harwood had indicated in the booklet. (23-5902)
Weber had read Himmler's Posen speech and listened to parts of it on recording.
The speech was considered by historians such as Browning and Dawidowicz
to be one of the most important pieces of evidence for a German extermination
programme. Himmler gave several very similar speeches within the same time
period. In Weber's opinion, Himmler made clear in one of these speeches,
given to Naval officers in Weimar on December 16, 1943, what he really
meant by the so called incriminating passage in the Posen speech. Himmler
said that he had a policy that when Jews were shot in the Soviet East for
partisan or other illegal activities or Soviet commissars, that he also,
as a rule, had the wives and children of those Jews shot as well. In Weber's
opinion, this was what Himmler was referring to in the Posen speech. He
was not referring to an overall extermination programme. Weber believed
the speech, given in exaggerated language, was not evidence of an alleged
extermination programme. (23-5902, 5903)
It was important to understand, when talking about what happened to the
Jews in the occupied Soviet territory that the most savage war in modern
history was being conducted there. It was a war for the life and death
of both Germany and the Soviet Union; a ruthless war with no pity on either
side. It was misleading, said Weber, to talk about the fate of the Jews
out of this context. While the Jews suffered a bad fate in the occupied
Soviet territory, so did the Russians and the Ukrainians. German prisoners
taken by the Soviets were very harshly treated, in part because the Soviet
Union was not a member of the International Red Cross and did not abide
by any of the International Red Cross agreements. Only a small percentage
of Germans taken prisoner by the Soviets were returned to Germany; of about
130,000 taken prisoner only 5,000 to 10,000 came back alive. About 2 million
German and Allied soldiers died on the Eastern Front. The Soviets claimed
that 20 million of their own citizens died during the war, although Weber
believed this figure might be exaggerated. This gave an idea of the immensity
of the losses suffered by everyone in the struggle in the east. (23-5904,
� The story of the Six Million was given judicial authority at the Nuremberg
Trials of German leaders between 1945 and 1949, proceedings which proved
to be the most disgraceful legal farce in history. For a far more detailed
study of the iniquities of these trials, which as Field Marshal Montgomery
said, made it a crime to lose a war, the reader is referred to the works
cited below, and particularly to the outstanding book Advance to Barbarism
(Nelson, 1953), by the distinguished English jurist, F.J.P. Veale.
It was Weber's opinion that this passage from the booklet contained a very
important point. Article 21 of the Nuremberg Charter specified that every
official document of the Allied (prosecution) governments had to be accepted
as valid evidence. At Nuremberg, this meant that the so-called official
reports by the Soviet Union about Auschwitz and Majdanek and even Katyn
had to be accepted as valid evidence. Today, it was known these reports
were not legitimate. No serious Holocaust historian, for example, believed
that 4 million people were put to death at Auschwitz as claimed by the
Soviets at Nuremberg. Many of the lurid stories put out by the Soviets
at the trial were no longer accepted. The Soviet accusation that the Germans
killed thousands of Polish officers at Katyn was no longer believed today.
Even the American government now conceded that the Polish officers were
killed by the Soviet secret police. (23- 5905, 5906)
F.J.P. Veale's book Advance to Barbarism cited by Harwood, was an indictment
of the character of the Nuremberg trials. Many distinguished Americans
and Europeans, such as Senator Robert Taft, condemned the trials as victors'
justice in which the people who won the war were the prosecutors, the judges
and the alleged victims, all at the same time. The Nuremberg trials invented
charges for the occasion. Taft condemned the trails as a violation of the
most basic principles of American justice and internationally accepted
standards of justice. (23-5907)
� From the very outset, the Nuremberg Trials proceeded on the basis of
gross statistical errors. In his speech of indictment on November 20th,
1945, Mr. Sidney Alderman declared that there had been 9,600,000 Jews living
in German occupied Europe. Our earlier study has shown this figure to be
wildly inaccurate...Should anyone be misled into believing that the extermination
of the Jews was "proved" at Nuremberg by "evidence",
he should consider the nature of the Trials themselves, based as they were
on a total disregard of sound legal principles of any kind. The accusers
acted as prosecutors, judges and executioners; "guilt" was assumed
from the outset. (Among the judges, of course, were the Russians, whose
numberless crimes included the massacre of 15,000 Polish officers, a proportion
of whose bodies were discovered by the Germans at Katyn Forest, near Smolensk.
The Soviet Prosecutor attempted to blame this slaughter on the German defendants).
At Nuremberg, ex post facto legislation was created, whereby men were tried
for "crimes" which were only declared crimes after they had been
allegedly committed. Hitherto it had been the most basic legal principle
that a person could only be convicted for infringing a law that was in
force at the time of the infringement. "Nulla Poena Sine Lege."
The exterminationists claimed there were 9 million Jews in Europe under
German control during the war, said Weber, of whom 6 million were killed
and 3 million survived. Weber believed that it was very hard to determine
specific figures and that the exercise could only be speculative. In his
book The Final Solution, Gerald Reitlinger conceded that it was very difficult
to determine with much accuracy not only how many Jews died during the
war but even how many Jews were in given areas during the war. In this
regard, Reitlinger was much more frank than Hilberg. Reitlinger placed
Jewish losses during the war at about 4.2 million. (23-5910)
With respect to Katyn, Weber pointed out that the Soviet prosecutor had
gone so far as to call Katyn one of the worst crimes of the Second World
War. (23-5911)
� The Rules of Evidence, developed by British jurisprudence over the centuries
in order to arrive at the truth of a charge with as much certainty as possible,
were entirely disregarded at Nuremberg. It was decreed that "the Tribunal
should not be bound by technical rules of evidence" but could admit
"any evidence which it deemed to have probative value", that
is, would support a conviction. In practise, this meant the admittance
of hearsay evidence and documents, which in a normal judicial trial are
always rejected as untrustworthy...Most incredible of all, perhaps, was
the fact that defence lawyers at Nuremberg were not permitted to cross
examine prosecution witnesses...The real background of the Nuremberg Trials
was exposed by the American judge, Justice Wenersturm, President of one
of Tribunals. He was so disgusted by the proceedings that he resigned his
appointment and flew home to America, leaving behind a statement to the
Chicago Tribune which enumerated point by point his objections to the Trials
(cf. Mark Lautern, Das Letzte Wort über Nürnberg, p. 56). Points
3 -8 are as follows: 3. The members of the department of the Public Prosecutor,
instead of trying to formulate and reach a new guiding legal principle,
were moved only by personal ambition and revenge. 4. The prosecution did
its utmost in every way possible to prevent the defence preparing its case
and to make it impossible for it to furnish evidence. 5. The prosecution,
led by General Taylor, did everything in its power to prevent the unanimous
decision of the Military Court being carried out i.e. to ask Washington
to furnish and make available to the court further documentary evidence
in the possession of the American Government. 6. Ninety per cent of the
Nuremberg Court consisted of biased persons who, either on political or
racial grounds, furthered the prosecution's case. 7. The prosecution obviously
knew how to fill all the administrative posts of the Military Court with
"Americans" whose naturalisation certificates were very new indeed,
and who, whether in the administrative service or by their translations
etc., created an atmosphere hostile to the accused persons. 8. The real
aim of the Nuremberg Trials was to show the Germans the crimes of their
Führer, and this aim was at the same time the pretext on which the
trials were ordered . . . Had I known seven months earlier what was happening
at Nuremberg, I would never have gone there.
Concerning Point 6, that ninety per cent of the Nuremberg Court consisted
of people biased on racial or political grounds, this was a fact confirmed
by others present. According to Earl Carrol, an American lawyer, sixty
per cent of the staff of the Public Prosecutor's Office were German Jews
who had left Germany after the promulgation of Hitler's Race Laws. He observed
that not even ten per cent of the Americans employed at the Nuremberg courts
were actually Americans by birth. The chief of the Public Prosecutor's
Office, who worked behind General Taylor, was Robert M. Kempner, a German-Jewish
Rules of evidence were not entirely disregarded at Nuremberg, said Weber,
but important rules of evidence were. Evidence was admitted that would
not often be normally admissible in American or British courts. There was
a right of appeal at Nuremberg to the Tribunal itself, but not to any body
above the Tribunal. Weber did not know of any case where defence counsel
could not cross-examine; however, there were affidavits filed at Nuremberg
without the calling of the witness to support it. (23-5912, 5913)
What Harwood wrote about Judge Wennerstrum was essentially accurate, said
Weber. Wennerstrum, who was a member of the State Supreme Court from Iowa,
was an American judge at one of the secondary Nuremberg trials conducted
by the Americans. He was disgusted by what he saw there according to his
own statement which was published in the Chicago Tribune. Weber had consulted
the Chicago Tribune and confirmed that the statements quoted by Harwood
were in fact correct. Wennerstrum felt that the people at Nuremberg were
biased on racial or political grounds and Weber shared that belief. Interrogators
and interpreters were very often Jewish refugees from Germany and from
Central Europe who had taken refuge in the United States before and during
the war. Judge Wennerstrum was alarmed and unhappy by the fact that these
people, who he felt were biased, were used so extensively by the Americans
in prosecuting the Germans at Nuremberg. Weber believed that the figure
of 60 percent of the staff being Jewish as stated by Harwood was approximately
correct. (23-5915, 5916)
It was known that some of the evidence produced at Nuremberg was invalid
evidence. Rudolf Hoess, who was a primary witness at Nuremberg, was tortured;
the defendant Streicher had been severely beaten and Oswald Pohl had also
been tortured. (23-5919)
Weber returned to page 12 of the booklet:
� The methods of intimidation described were repeated during trials at
Frankfurt am-Mein and at Dachau, and large numbers of Germans were convicted
for atrocities on the basis of their admissions. The American Judge Edward
L. van Roden, one of the three members of the Simpson Army Commission which
was subsequently appointed to investigate the methods of justice at the
Dachau trials, revealed the methods by which these admissions were secured
in the Washington Daily News, January 9th, 1949. His account also appeared
in the British newspaper, the Sunday Pictorial, January 23rd, 1949. The
methods he described were: "Posturing as priests to hear confessions
and give absolution; torture with burning matches driven under the prisoners
finger-nails; knocking out of teeth and breaking jaws; solitary confinement
and near starvation rations." Van Roden explained: "The statements
which were admitted as evidence were obtained from men who had first been
kept in solitary confinement for three, four and five months ...The investigators
would put a black hood over the accused's head and then punch him in the
face with brass knuckles, kick him and beat him with rubber hoses . . .
All but two of the Germans, in the 139 cases we investigated, had been
kicked in the testicles beyond repair. This was standard operating procedure
with our American investigators."
The "American" investigators responsible (and who later functioned
as the prosecution in the trials) were: Lt.-Col. Burton F. Ellis (chief
of the War Crimes Committee) and his assistants, Capt. Raphael Shumacker,
Lt. Robert E. Byrne, Lt. William R. Perl, Mr. Morris Ellowitz, Mr. Harry
Thon, and Mr. Kirschbaum. The legal adviser of the court was Col. A. H.
Rosenfeld. The reader will immediately appreciate from their names that
the majority of these people were "biased on racial grounds"
in the words of Justice Wenersturm - that is, were Jewish, and therefore
should never have been involved in any such investigation.
Despite the fact that "confessions" pertaining to the extermination
of the Jews were extracted under these conditions, Nuremberg statements
are still regarded as conclusive evidence for the Six Million by writers
like Reitlinger and others, and the illusion is maintained that the Trials
were both impartial and impeccably fair.
Weber was familiar with the Simpson Army Commission and indicated that
ultimately its findings were confirmed. The statements of van Roden quoted
by Harwood had been reported in the American press at the time. Van Roden
had also written a lengthy article in The Progressive magazine on his own
initiative. (23-5921, 5922)
In Weber's opinion, it was obvious that some of the assistants and legal
advisors in these investigations were Jewish. It lent substance to the
statement by Justice Wennerstrum that the staffs were biased on racial
grounds, that is, they were Jewish.
Weber believed that very few historians today would call the Nuremberg
trials impeccably fair. Harwood was drawing a conclusion on Nuremberg based
on the Malmédy trials; nevertheless, Weber felt it was not incorrect
to say that what happened at Malmédy might be an indication of how
Allied justice was imposed in Germany after the war. The United States
conducted the Malmédy trials and most of the Nuremberg trials. (23-5924,
Weber turned to page 13 of the booklet:
� These allegations have since been elaborated; it is now claimed that
the murder of Soviet Jews by the Einsatzgruppen constituted Phase One in
the plan to exterminate the Jews, Phase Two being the transportation of
European Jews to Poland. Reitlinger admits that the original term "final
solution" referred to emigration and had nothing to do with the liquidation
of Jews, but he then claims that an extermination policy began at the time
of the invasion of Russia in 1941. He considers Hitler's order of July
1941 for the liquidation of the Communist commissars, and he concludes
that this was accompanied by a verbal order from Hitler for the Einsatzgruppen
to liquidate all Soviet Jews (Die Endlösung, p. 91). If this assumption
is based on anything at all, it is probably the worthless Wisliceny statement,
which alleges that the Einsatzgruppen were soon receiving orders to extend
their task of crushing Communists and partisans to a "general massacre"
of Russian Jews.
It is very significant that, once again, it is a "verbal order"
for exterminating Jews that is supposed to have accompanied Hitler's genuine,
written order - yet another nebulous and unprovable assumption on the part
of Reitlinger. An earlier order from Hitler, dated March 1941 and signed
by Field Marshal Keitel, makes it quite clear what the real tasks of the
future Einsatzgruppen would be. It states that in the Russian campaign,
the Reichsführer S.S. (Himmler) is to be entrusted with "tasks
for the preparation of the political administration, tasks which result
from the struggle which has to be carried out between two opposing political
systems" (Manvell & Frankl, ibid., p. 115). This plainly refers
to eliminating Communism, especially the political commissars whose specific
task was Communist indoctrination.
In Weber's opinion, Harwood was correct in saying that it was claimed that
the murder of Soviet Jews by the Einsatzgruppen constituted phase one in
a plan to exterminate the Jews, phase two being the transportation of Jews
to Poland. This was the view of Hilberg in The Destruction of the European
Jews. (23-5934)
Harwood also correctly put forward Reitlinger's position. Weber himself
did not agree that Reitlinger's conclusions were based on the Wisliceny
statement, but indicated that this was the opinion of Harwood. Dieter Wisliceny,
who had been an assistant to Eichmann, stated in the affidavit that 5 or
6 million Jews were killed according to Eichmann. The affidavit was very
similar to Hoettl's affidavit and was introduced at Nuremberg as a prosecution
exhibit. (23-5929, 5930 to 5935)
The Einsatzgruppen trial, said Weber, was one of the subsidiary Nuremberg
trials conducted solely by the Americans. The personnel of the Einsatzgruppen
were drawn from the Waffen SS, from the Reich Security Main Office (which
was called the Gestapo) and the SD, which was also under the Reich Security
Main Office. Their task was to ensure immediate security and order in territory
captured by the Germans from the Soviets and before the establishment of
German civil administration. In addition, they gathered extensive intelligence
and made reports about conditions in the occupied Soviet areas. They were
involved with Soviet commissars and anti-partisan activity although this
was not their main activity. Weber explained that any Soviet military unit
of any size had a political commissar. They were committed, fanatical Communists
and had the power to give orders along with regular army units. (23-5931
to 5933)
The March 1941 order from Hitler to Keitel, said Weber, did not really
deal with the Einsatzgruppen. While it did talk about the Einsatzgruppen,
it was a very vague order that dealt with political administration and
security. There were other orders which were much more explicit about the
specific tasks of the Einsatzgruppen that the booklet did not refer to.
From the revisionist point of view, Weber thought Did Six Million Really
Die? was outdated and that a great deal more evidence was now available
which made the case for revisionism much stronger. (23- 5936 to 5938)
� The most revealing trial in the "Einsatzgruppen Case" at Nuremberg
was that of S.S. General Otto Ohlendorf, the chief of the S.D. who commanded
Einsatzgruppe D in the Ukraine, attached to Field Marshal von Manstein's
Eleventh Army. During the last phase of the war he was employed as a foreign
trade expert in the Ministry of Economics. Ohlendorf was one of those subjected
to the torture described earlier, and in his affidavit of November 5th,
1945 he was "persuaded" to confess that 90,000 Jews had been
killed under his command alone. Ohlendorf did not come to trial until 1948,
long after the main Nuremberg Trial, and by that time he was insisting
that his earlier statement had been extracted from him under torture. In
his main speech before the Tribunal, Ohlendorf took the opportunity to
denounce Philip Auerbach, the Jewish attorney-general of the Bavarian State
Office for Restitution, who at that time was claiming compensation for
"eleven million Jews" who had suffered in German concentration
camps. Ohlendorf dismissed this ridiculous claim, stating that "not
the minutest part" of the people for whom Auerbach was demanding compensation
had even seen a concentration camp. Ohlendorf lived long enough to see
Auerbach convicted for embezzlement and fraud (forging documents purporting
to show huge payments of compensation to non-existent people) before his
own execution finally took place in 1951.
Weber testified that he had studied the trial of Ohlendorf a great deal
but had seen no evidence that Ohlendorf was tortured. Ohlendorf signed
an affidavit to co operate with the Allies and was quite willing to do
so until he himself was put on trial. Ohlendorf later repudiated parts
of his affidavit, saying there was no programme to exterminate the Jews
by his group. He maintained that the Jews were killed only for security
reasons and that the figure of 90,000 Jews allegedly killed under his command
was an exaggeration. (23-5938, 5939)
Ohlendorf was quite bitter about the enormous double standard which he
felt was being applied to the Germans. In a final plea to the court, he
contrasted his operations in the east with the mass fire bombings of German
cities by the Allies and with the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japanese
cities. He said that whatever he did was certainly no worse than those
actions. (23- 5947)
Weber testified that Auerbach, who was Jewish and an important official
in the Bavarian state, committed suicide after it was discovered that he
had been involved in illegal activities to profit from his position. Weber's
source for this information was Hilberg. (23-5940, 6113)
Weber turned to page 14 of the booklet:
� The Soviet charge that the Action Groups had wantonly exterminated a
million Jews during their operations has been shown subsequently to be
a massive falsification. In fact, there had never been the slightest statistical
basis for the figure...
The real number of casualties for which the Action Groups were responsible
has since been revealed in the scholarly work Manstein, his Campaigns and
his Trial (London, 1951), by the able English lawyer R. T. Paget. Ohlendorf
had been under Manstein's nominal command. Paget's conclusion is that the
Nuremberg Court, in accepting the figures of the Soviet prosecution, exaggerated
the number of casualties by more than 1000 per cent and that they distorted
even more the situations in which these casualties were inflicted. (These
horrific distortions are the subject of six pages of William Shirer's The
Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, pp. 1140-46). Here, then, is the legendary
6 million in miniature; not one million deaths, but one hundred thousand.
With respect to this passage in Did Six Million Really Die?, Weber testified
that the first sentence was an opinion of Harwood which he himself would
not have put so strongly. Weber did not agree that there was no statistical
basis for the Einsatzgruppen figure; there were the Einsatzgruppen reports
themselves, although they were not accurate. (23-5947, 5948)
Weber was familiar with the book Manstein: His Campaigns and His Trial
by R.T. Paget, published in 1951. Manstein was accused of knowing about
and co-operating with the Einsatzgruppen. Paget's investigation of one
incident in the Crimea, where it was claimed that 10,000 Jews were executed
by Ohlendorf's unit in one day, showed that no more than 300 persons had
been shot, of whom a large percentage were not Jews. Paget concluded that
the Einsatzgruppen reports were exaggerated in general by at least ten
times. In Weber's opinion, the 6 million figure was exaggerated in much
the same way that the Einsatzgruppen figures were exaggerated. (23-5950
to 5952)
The Manstein trial was held a few years after the Nuremberg proceedings
and the whole atmosphere was much fairer than it was during the Nuremberg
trials which were held at a time when the passions and hatreds of the war
were much more alive. Quite a lot of sympathy developed in England for
Manstein. The case attracted a great deal of attention and Winston Churchill
himself contributed to Manstein's defence fund. (23-5952)
Weber was familiar also with the trial of Oswald Pohl. This was a very
important trial having to do with Jewish policy during the war. Pohl was
responsible for the administration of the concentration camps and was directly
responsible to Himmler. Pohl denied the existence of an extermination programme.
In his trial, Pohl was depicted as a horrible man but statements made by
those who knew him personally portrayed a different picture of him as a
man and parent. Nevertheless, Weber disagreed with Harwood's statement
that the Pohl trial was "nothing less than the deliberate defamation
of a man's character in order to support the propaganda legend of genocide
against the Jews in the concentration camps he administered." Weber
felt the statement was hyperbole and too categorical. The main issue at
the Nuremberg proceedings, in Weber's opinion, was German responsibility
for the war, not the fate of the Jews. The high German officials were put
on trial in an effort by the Allies to discredit them and the entire regime
they represented. The Jewish issue was not as overwhelming an issue at
the Nuremberg trials as people today thought. (23-5954 to 5963)
Weber turned to page 15 of the booklet:
� Spurious testimony at Nuremberg which included extravagant statements
in support of the myth of the Six Million was invariably given by former
German officers because of pressure, either severe torture as in the cases
cited previously, or the assurance of leniency for themselves if they supplied
the required statements. An example of the latter was the testimony of
S.S. General Erich von dem Bach Zelewski. He was threatened with execution
himself because of his suppression of the revolt by Polish partisans at
Warsaw in August 1944, which he carried out with his S.S. brigade of White
Russians. He was therefore prepared to be "co-operative". The
evidence of Bach-Zelewski constituted the basis of the testimony against
the Reichsführer of the S.S. Heinrich Himmler at the main Nuremberg
Trial (Trial of the Major War Criminals, Vol. IV, pp, 29, 36). In March
1941, on the eve of the invasion of Russia, Himmler invited the Higher
S.S. Leaders to his Castle at Wewelsburg for a conference, including Bach-Zelewski
who was an expert on partisan warfare. In his Nuremberg evidence, he depicted
Himmler speaking in grandiose terms at this conference about the liquidation
of peoples in Eastern Europe, but Goering, in the courtroom, denounced
Bach-Zelewski to his face for the falsity of this testimony. An especially
outrageous allegation concerned a supposed declaration by Himmler that
one of the aims of the Russian campaign was to "decimate the Slav
population by thirty millions." What Himmler really said is given
by his Chief of Staff, Wolff - that war in Russia was certain to result
in millions of dead (Manvell & Frankl, ibid. p. 117)...
Much is made of Bach-Zelewski's evidence in all the books on Himmler, especially
Willi Frischauer's Himmler: Evil Genius of the Third Reich (London, 1953,
p. 148 ff). However, in April 1959, Bach- Zelewski publicly repudiated
his Nuremberg testimony before a West German court. He admitted that his
earlier statements had not the slightest foundation in fact, and that he
had made them for the sake of expediency and his own survival. The German
court, after careful deliberation, accepted his retraction...
The truth concerning Himmler is provided ironically by an anti-Nazi - Felix
Kersten, his physician and masseur. Because Kersten was opposed to the
regime, he tends to support the legend that the internment of Jews meant
their extermination. But from his close personal knowledge of Himmler he
cannot help but tell the truth concerning him, and in his Memoirs 1940-1945
(London, 1956, p. 119 ff.) he is emphatic in stating that Heinrich Himmler
did not advocate liquidating the Jews but favoured their emigration overseas.
Neither does Kersten implicate Hitler. However, the credibility of his
anti-Nazi narrative is completely shattered when, in search of an alternative
villain, he declares that Dr. Goebbels was the real advocate of "extermination".
This nonsensical allegation is amply disproved by the fact that Goebbels
was still concerned with the Madagascar project even after it had been
temporarily shelved by the German Foreign Office, as we showed earlier.
So much for false evidence at Nuremberg. Reference has also been made to
the thousands of fraudulent "written affidavits" which were accepted
by the Nuremberg Court without any attempt to ascertain the authenticity
of their contents or even their authorship. These hearsay documents, often
of the most bizarre kind, were introduced as "evidence" so long
as they bore the required signature. A typical prosecution affidavit contested
by the defence in the Concentration Camp Trial of 1947 was that of Alois
Hoellriegel, a member of the camp personnel at Mauthausen in Austria. This
affidavit, which the defence proved was fabricated during Hoellriegel's
torture, had already been used to secure the conviction of S.S. General
Ernst Kaltenbrunner in 1946. It claimed that a mass gassing operation had
taken place at Mauthausen and that Hoellriegel had witnessed Kaltenbrunner
( the highest S.S. Leader in the Reich excepting Himmler) actually taking
part in it.
By the time of the Concentration Camp Trial (Pohl's trial) a year later,
it had become impossible to sustain this piece of nonsense when it was
produced in court again. The defence not only demonstrated that the affidavit
was falsified, but showed that all deaths at Mauthausen were systematically
checked by the local police authorities. They were also entered on a camp
register, and particular embarrassment was caused to the prosecution when
the Mauthausen register, one of the few that survived, was produced in
evidence. The defence also obtained numerous affidavits from former inmates
of Mauthausen (a prison camp chiefly for criminals) testifying to humane
and orderly conditions there.
At the Nuremberg trials, it was known that German witnesses were pressured
and oftentimes they were threatened with the deportation of their families
to the Soviets or a withdrawal of rations for both themselves and their
families unless they co operated. Weber did not have concrete evidence,
but believed that it was implicit in the behavior of some witnesses that
they gave evidence in exchange for assurances of leniency. (23-5963, 5964)
Weber indicated that Bach-Zelewski was the head of the anti-partisan units
of the SS which operated in Russia. At Nuremberg, he was very helpful to
the prosecution and the defendants were very unhappy with the things he
said. Bach-Zelewski testified to the effect that one of the aims of the
Russian campaign was to decimate the Slav population by 30 million. This
was completely false, said Weber. There was no evidence from anyone other
than Bach-Zelewski for this allegation and it was not consistent with what
was known of Himmler's policy. Weber himself, however, did not agree with
Harwood's conclusion that Bach-Zelewski's evidence constituted the basis
of the testimony against Himmler at Nuremberg. After Bach-Zelewski came
down from the witness stand, Goering called him a schwinehund. (23-5964
to 5968)
Harwood's source for the statement that Bach-Zelewski publicly repudiated
his Nuremberg testimony in 1959 was a booklet by David Hoggan entitled
The Myth of the Six Million. Weber had searched very hard for evidence
of this statement but had been unable to find any. Bach-Zelewski's testimony
was still taken at face value and continued to be widely quoted. (23- 5969
to 5971)
In Weber's opinion, what Harwood wrote about Felix Kersten, a physician
and masseur who became close to Himmler during the war, was true. Kersten's
memoirs were useful and interesting but had to be evaluated on the basis
of other evidence. Weber also agreed with Harwood's conclusions regarding
Kersten's writings with respect to Goebbels. Goebbels had no authority
to order or carry out or be involved in any extermination programme even
if he had wanted to, said Weber. He was the propaganda minister and the
Gauleiter for Berlin, but he had no authority over Jews. (23-5972 to 5974)
Weber testified that affidavits were accepted as evidence at Nuremberg
without their authors being called as witnesses. It was objected to on
some occasions, but the judges overruled the objections. Hearsay documents
were also introduced into evidence. (23-5980, 5981)
What was written by Harwood about Alois Hoellriegel was essentially accurate,
said Weber. His affidavit, which had been an important piece of evidence
used in indicting Kaltenbrunner, was subsequently found to be false. No
historian today believed that Kaltenbrunner took part in a gassing at Mauthausen.
In fact, the story that people were even gassed at Mauthausen was crumbling.
There were documents which showed there were no gassings whatsoever at
Mauthausen and the exterminationists no longer considered the camp an extermination
centre. The emphasis had now shifted to other camps. (23-5981)
In 1960, Martin Broszat, the head of the Institute for Contemporary History
at Munich, publicly stated that there were no gassings in concentration
camps inside Germany proper, including Dachau and Buchenwald. This was
startling, said Weber, because it had been claimed at Nuremberg that people
were gassed at camps in Germany proper. Broszat gave no reason for making
this claim but it was accepted because he was a very prominent historian
and generally considered reputable. Recently, however, a document signed
by an officer named Müller had come to light through his assistant,
a Mr. Emil Lachout. This document was from the Military Police in Vienna,
which was under the authority of the Allied occupation forces after the
war. The document showed that the Allied governments carried out investigations
of the gassing allegations at camps in Germany proper and in Austria, including
Dachau, Buchenwald and Mauthausen, and found that there were no gassings
at any of these camps. The "evidence" for such gassings had been
based on two things: firstly, the false statements of former inmates, made
to ingratiate themselves with the Allies; and secondly, the torture of
former SS guards. The document went on to say that anyone who persisted
in making claims about gassings at these camps was to be indicted, after
warning, for making false statements. In Weber's opinion, this document
lent substance to the statements by other historians that there were no
gassings at the camps in Germany proper. When Lachout made the document
public he was bitterly denounced by certain groups in Vienna for releasing
it, although the document itself had not been called into question. (23-5983
to 5985)
Weber noted that it was conceded that gassings never took place in concentration
camps for which the most information was available (such as the camps'
death registers) even though gassing claims had been made at Nuremberg
regarding these same camps. The Auschwitz death registers were not available,2
unlike those for Mauthausen and Buchenwald, which were partially available.
Weber turned to page 16 of the booklet:
� It should be emphasised that throughout the Nuremberg proceedings, the
German leaders on trial never believed for a moment the allegations of
the Allied prosecution. Hermann Goering, who was exposed to the full brunt
of the Nuremberg atrocity propaganda, failed to be convinced by it. Hans
Fritzsche, on trial as the highest functionary of Goebbels' Ministry, relates
that Goering, even after hearing the Ohlendorf affidavit on the Einsatzgruppen
and the Hoess testimony on Auschwitz, remained convinced that the extermination
of Jews was entirely propaganda fiction (The Sword in the Scales, London,
1953, p. 145). At one point during the trial, Goering declared rather cogently
that the first time he had heard of it "was right here in Nuremberg"
(Shirer, ibid. p. 1147). The Jewish writers Poliakov, Reitlinger and Manvell
and Frankl all attempt to implicate Goering in this supposed extermination,
but Charles Bewley in his work Hermann Goering (Goettingen, 1956) shows
that not the slightest evidence was found at Nuremberg to substantiate
this charge.
Hans Fritzsche pondered on the whole question during the trials, and he
concluded that there had certainly been no thorough investigation of these
monstrous charges. Fritzsche, who was acquitted, was an associate of Goebbels
and a skilled propagandist. He recognised that the alleged massacre of
the Jews was the main point of the indictment against all defendants. Kaltenbrunner,
who succeeded Heydrich as chief of the Reich Security Head Office and was
the main defendant for the S.S. due to the death of Himmler, was no more
convinced of the genocide charges than was Goering. He confided to Fritzsche
that the prosecution was scoring apparent successes because of their technique
of coercing witnesses and suppressing evidence, which was precisely the
accusation of Judges Wenersturm and van Roden.
Weber testified that at the main Nuremberg trial, some of the most damning
testimony presented for the extermination story was that of Rudolf Hoess
(now known to be obtained by torture) and the statement of Otto Ohlendorf
(which he later repudiated and was now acknowledged by historians to be
inaccurate). Another piece of damning evidence was the film Nazi Concentration
Camps which the Allied governments had produced. Goering was openly skeptical
about this film, said Weber, but he was very emphatic in stating in the
trial that he had no knowledge whatsoever of any extermination programme
and that if there had been such a programme he certainly would have known
about it. (23-5986, 5987)
In his memoirs, The Sword in the Scales, Hans Fritzsche, who was a defendant
at Nuremberg but was acquitted, related that he spoke privately to Hermann
Goering during a recess in the trial and asked what the truth about the
Jews was. Goering had replied, 'I swear to you, there can't be any extermination
programme. If there was, I would have known about it. It can't be true.'
Goering then went on to call into question the kind of evidence that had
been presented at Nuremberg to substantiate the story. Weber agreed with
Harwood that the exterminationists had tried to implicate Goering in the
extermination. This was now changing, however, as the extermination story
itself changed. Less and less was being said about Goering's supposed involvement.
(23-5987, 5991) A number of the defendants at Nuremberg, said Weber, were
astounded by the evidence that was presented and some of them took the
view that 'Well, maybe it's true, and I didn't know about it.' (23-5989)
There was relative reward and punishment for the way defendants responded
at Nuremberg. Weber contrasted the cases of Albert Speer and Rudolf Hess.
Speer was the head of the Armaments Ministry and was responsible for keeping
Germany's war machine going to the end. He was given a 20-year sentence
and upon release wrote several best-selling books. He received royalties
and was highly regarded because he denounced the Hitler regime while contending
that he himself had done nothing wrong except participate in it. In contrast,
Rudolf Hess, who was Hitler's deputy and who risked his life for peace
by flying to Britain in 1941, evading British spitfire airplanes in the
process, was given a life sentence. Hess had nothing to do with the planning
or operation of the war or certainly the atrocities committed during the
war. But at Nuremberg, Hess had refused to plead that he was working for
a bad regime and instead was absolutely defiant in his expressions of loyalty
to Hitler and to National Socialism. (23-5989, 5988)
Fritzsche said that the alleged extermination of the Jews was the most
damning part of the indictment made by the Allies against the Germans.
He felt that although the charge that Germany started the war was important,
the most incriminating thing was the charge that the Germans exterminated
the Jews, or tried to. (23-5992)
� The concentration camp at Auschwitz near Cracow in Poland has remained
at the centre of the alleged extermination of millions of Jews. Later we
shall see how, when it was discovered by honest observers in the British
and American zones after the war that no "gas chambers" existed
in the German camps such as Dachau and Bergen-Belsen, attention was shifted
to the eastern camps, particularly Auschwitz. Ovens definitely existed
here, it was claimed. Unfortunately, the eastern camps were in the Russian
zone of occupation, so that no one could verify whether these allegations
were true or not. The Russians refused to allow anyone to see Auschwitz
until about ten years after the war, by which time they were able to alter
its appearance and give some plausibility to the claim that millions of
people had been exterminated there...
The truth about Auschwitz is that it was the largest and most important
industrial concentration camp, producing all kinds of material for the
war industry. The camp consisted of synthetic coal and rubber plants built
by I. G. Farben Industrie, for whom the prisoners supplied labour. Auschwitz
also comprised an agricultural research station, with laboratories, plant
nurseries and facilities for stock breeding, as well as Krupps armament
It was nevertheless at this single camp that about half of the six million
Jews were supposed to have been exterminated, indeed, some writers claim
4 or even 5 million. Four million was the sensational figure announced
by the Soviet Government after the Communists had "investigated"
the camp, at the same time as they were attempting to blame the Katyn massacre
on the Germans...
However, no living, authentic eye-witness of these "gassings"
has ever been produced and validated...
The exterminations at Auschwitz are alleged to have occurred between March
1942 and October 1944; the figure of half of six million, therefore, would
mean the extermination and disposal of about 94,000 people per month for
thirty two months - approximately 3,350 people every day, day and night,
for over two and a half years. This kind of thing is so ludicrous that
it scarcely needs refuting. And yet Reitlinger claims quite seriously that
Auschwitz could dispose of no less than 6,000 people a day.
Although Reitlinger's 6,000 a day would mean a total by October 1944 of
over 5 million, all such estimates pale before the wild fantasies of Olga
Lengyel in her book Five Chimneys (London, 1959). Claiming to be a former
inmate of Auschwitz, she asserts that the camp cremated no less than "720
per hour, or 17,280 corpses per twenty-four hour shift." She also
alleges that, in addition, 8,000 people were burned every day in the "death-pits",
and that therefore "In round numbers, about 24,000 corpses were handled
every day" (p. 80- 1). This, of course, would mean a yearly rate of
over 8-1/2 million. Thus between March 1942 and October 1944 Auschwitz
would finally have disposed of over 21 million people, six million more
than the entire world Jewish population. Comment is superfluous.
Although several millions were supposed to have died at Auschwitz alone,
Reitlinger has to admit that only 363,000 inmates were registered at the
camp for the whole of the period between January 1940 and February 1945
(The S.S. Alibi of a Nation, p. 268 ff), and by no means all of them were
Jews. It is frequently claimed that many prisoners were never registered,
but no one has offered any proof of this. Even if there were as many unregistered
as there were registered, it would mean only a total of 750,000 prisoners
-- hardly enough for the elimination of 3 or 4 million. Moreover, large
numbers of the camp population were released or transported elsewhere during
the war, and at the end 80,000 were evacuated westward in January 1945
before the Russian advance.
At Nuremberg, said Weber, it was alleged that 4 million people were killed
at Auschwitz, a camp which was an extremely important part of the extermination
story. In recent years, however, there had been more and more of a shift
away from Auschwitz towards the camps of Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec and
Chelmno. No physical trace remained of these camps. Weber believed this
shift was happening because, as more evidence came to light, it was harder
and harder to sustain the extermination story as it related to Auschwitz
and Majdanek. Some of the most dramatic pieces of such evidence were the
aerial photographs of Auschwitz released by the CIA in 1979. (23-5994,
At Nuremberg, the Allies claimed gassings at Dachau, Buchenwald, Ravensbrück
and Oranienburg. There had been allegations of gassings at Bergen-Belsen
from time to time although not at Nuremberg. (23-5996)
It was true that the eastern camps such as Auschwitz, which were in the
Soviet zone of occupation, could not be investigated. The Soviets took
control of Auschwitz and would not allow the Western Allies to investigate
for themselves until sometime later. In the immediate post-war period,
Auschwitz was kept sealed from Allied investigators. The visit to Majdanek
by newspaper reporters, said Weber, was a guided tour by the Soviets. It
wasn't an investigation by any specialized person. (23-5997, 5998)
Weber pointed out that the Auschwitz camp complex produced synthetic gasoline
from coal and used prisoners for labour. Their primary purpose, beginning
in 1942, was the production of war materials. Himmler's main interest in
the camps, as stated by Harwood, was to assess their importance for the
industrial war effort. (23 5998 to 6001) Weber agreed with Harwood's conclusion
that the use of the camps as major production centres did not accord with
a policy of exterminating millions of prisoners. One reason was simply
that it would be hard to keep secret the extermination of millions of people
in a place which was a large industrial centre where thousands of people
were coming and going every month from the rest of Europe. (23-6002, 6003)
Contrary to what Harwood claimed, there had been a number of people who
had come forward over the years saying they had witnessed gassings, said
Weber. Examples were witnesses at the trial of John Demjanjuk and the former
Birkenau inmate, Filip Müller. A person who believed their testimony
would say they were evidence for gassings. Weber did not believe their
testimony for a number of reasons. Firstly, it was not consistent with
other evidence; secondly, people claimed to have witnessed gassings at
camps where it was now conceded that gassings never took place; thirdly,
there was supposedly equally valid testimony that people were killed not
by gassing but by steaming people to death or killing them with electricity
or by suffocation. Weber pointed out that survivor testimony was notoriously
unreliable and had to be looked at very critically. (23-6005)
One of the most important reasons for doubting the Auschwitz story was
that it was impossible to cremate the numbers of victims alleged. Raul
Hilberg claimed that 1 million Jews were killed at Auschwitz. The cremation
of even this number of bodies, rather than the higher figures put forward
by others, involved a cremation activity which the facilities at Auschwitz
were not capable of in the time alleged. There were four crematories in
Birkenau and one crematory at Auschwitz I. Weber pointed out that corpses
could not be cremated in just a few seconds or minutes. Using very modern
equipment today, it took an hour or two hours to cremate a corpse. With
the technology of the Second World War, it took about three hours to cremate
a corpse. Yet figures were given in the literature which claimed that from
6,000 to 24,000 bodies a day were being gassed and cremated at Birkenau
in 1944. (23-6008, 6011)
Weber agreed with Harwood that it was normally claimed that Jews were gassed
immediately upon arrival at the camp and were never registered. Whether
the evidence put forward to substantiate this allegation actually proved
it, said Weber, was for the historians and the public to evaluate on their
own. (23-6012)
Weber also agreed with Harwood's statement that large numbers of the camp
population were released or transported elsewhere during the war. This
was known from published sources and elsewhere. In Weber's opinion, it
was inconsistent with the alleged extermination story. In fact, in one
"survivor" story published in a book entitled Voices from the
Holocaust a Jewish woman who was at Birkenau said she only heard about
gas chambers after the war, even though she was there. She found that rather
astonishing.3 (23-6013)
As the Soviets approached Auschwitz in January of 1945, said Weber, the
camp administration evacuated all the prisoners who were able to move.
Many of the prisoners died in the evacuation which was made by train and
on foot in the middle of winter. The prisoners who could not walk, sick
prisoners, the elderly and children, were left in Auschwitz and were there
when the Russians arrived. After the capture of the camp, the Russians
took photographs and motion pictures of the inmates who were still there.
In Weber's opinion, if the German purpose was to exterminate the Jews,
it was unlikely they would have allowed thousands of Jews who had supposedly
witnessed this monstrous extermination to be taken alive by the Soviets.
(23- 6014, 6015)
Weber turned to page 18 of the booklet dealing with the Warsaw ghetto:
� The case of the Warsaw Ghetto is an instructive insight into the creation
of the extermination legend itself. Indeed, its evacuation by the Germans
in 1943 is often referred to as the "extermination of the Polish Jews"
although it was nothing of the kind, and layers of mythology have tended
to surround it after the publication of sensational novels like John Hersey's
The Wall and Leon Uris' Exodus... [Of] the million or so Jews in Poland,
almost half, about 400,000 were eventually concentrated in the ghetto of
Warsaw, an area of about two and a half square miles around the old mediaeval
ghetto. The remainder had already been moved to the Polish Government-General
by September 1940. In the summer of 1942, Himmler ordered the resettlement
of all Polish Jews in detention camps in order to obtain their labour,
part of the system of general concentration for labour assignment in the
Government-General. Thus between July and October 1942, over three quarters
of the Warsaw Ghetto's inhabitants were peacefully evacuated and transported,
supervised by the Jewish police themselves. As we have seen, transportation
to camps is alleged to have ended in "extermination", but there
is absolutely no doubt from the evidence available that it involved only
the effective procurement of labour and the prevention of unrest. In the
first place, Himmler discovered on a surprise visit to Warsaw in January
1943 that 24,000 Jews registered as armaments workers were in fact working
illegally as tailors and furriers (Manvell & Frankl, ibid, p. 140);
the Ghetto was also being used as a base for subversive forays into the
main area of Warsaw.
After six months of peaceful evacuation, when only about 60,000 Jews remained
in the residential ghetto, the Germans met with an armed rebellion on 18th
January, 1943. Manvell and Frankl admit that "The Jews involved in
planned resistance had for a long time been engaged in smuggling arms from
the outside world, and combat groups fired on and killed S.S. men and militia
in charge of a column of deportees." The terrorists in the Ghetto
uprising were also assisted by the Polish Home Army and the PPR - Polska
Partia Robotnicza, the Communist Polish Workers Party. It was under these
circumstances of a revolt aided by partisans and communists that the occupying
forces, as any army would in a similar situation, moved in to suppress
the terrorists, if necessary by destroying the residential area itself.
It should be remembered that the whole process of evacuation would have
continued peacefully had not extremists among the inhabitants planned an
armed rebellion which in the end was bound to fail. When S.S. Lieutenant-General
Stroop entered the Ghetto with armoured cars on 19th April, he immediately
came under fire and lost twelve men; German and Polish casualties in the
battle, which lasted four weeks, totalled 101 men killed and wounded. Stubborn
resistance by the Jewish Combat Organisation in the face of impossible
odds led to an estimated 12,000 Jewish casualties, the majority by remaining
in burning buildings and dug outs. A total, however, of 56,065 inhabitants
were captured and peacefully resettled in the area of the Government-General.
Many Jews within the Ghetto had resented the terror imposed on them by
the Combat Organisation, and had attempted to inform on their headquarters
to the German authorities. SUDDEN SURVIVORS
The circumstances surrounding the Warsaw Ghetto revolt, as well as the
deportations to eastern labour camps such as Auschwitz, has led to the
most colourful tales concerning the fate of Polish Jews, the largest bloc
of Jewry in Europe. The Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, in figures
prepared by them for the Nuremberg Trials, stated that in 1945 there were
only 80,000 Jews remaining in Poland. They also alleged that there were
no Polish-Jewish displaced persons left in Germany or Austria, a claim
that was at some variance with the number of Polish Jews arrested by the
British and Americans for black market activities. However, the new Communist
regime in Poland was unable to prevent a major anti-Jewish pogrom at Kielce
on July 4th, 1946 and more than 150,000 Polish Jews suddenly fled into
Western Germany. Their appearance was somewhat embarrassing, and their
emigration to Palestine and the United States was carried out in record
time. Subsequently, the number of Polish Jewish survivors underwent considerable
revision; in the American-Jewish Year Book 1948-1949 it was placed at 390,000,
quite an advance on the original 80,000. We may expect further revisions
upwards in the future.
When the Germans first occupied Poland, ghettos were not immediately set
up. The Jewish quarter of Warsaw was first sealed off by the Germans in
order to prevent the spread of disease. It was later decided to turn the
closed-off area into a permanent ghetto. The internal administration of
the ghettos was in the hands of Jewish Councils and they were policed by
a Jewish police force, although both agencies were under the overall authority
of the Germans. In some ghettos, special currency notes were introduced.
The ghettos were not an organization for the destruction of a race. (23-6018,
The ghettos were often overcrowded and a good number of Jews starved in
them. The Germans were concerned about starvation in the Warsaw ghetto
but records indicated that protests by German authorities to higher officials
about the insufficient amount of food were never properly resolved. Weber
noted that there was a great divergence in the population of the Warsaw
ghetto itself regarding food. While some Jews in the ghetto were poor and
starving, very well-off Jews with businesses in the ghetto were spending
enormous amounts of money in restaurants. This could be seen from the diary
of Emmanuel Ringelblum who wrote about the conditions in the Warsaw ghetto.
He complained in his diary that at the same time some people were dying,
others were living very ostentatiously. (23-6020, 6021)
Weber did not believe that the number of Jews under German control could
be known exactly since it was not known how many fled into the Soviet Union.
He agreed with Harwood, however, that there was an order by Himmler to
resettle all Polish Jews in concentration camps in order to obtain their
labour. Himmler was very upset when he found that Jews in the Warsaw ghetto
were working on things that he felt they shouldn't be working on. (23-6024
to 6027)
Weber did not know if Harwood's adjective "peaceful" was accurate
in describing the evacuation of the Warsaw ghetto from July to October,
1942, but it was true that a very high percentage of Jews were transported
from the ghetto during that period of time and the deportation was supervised
by the Jewish police. Historians today alleged that the Jews transported
from the Warsaw ghetto were sent to Treblinka where they were killed. Weber
was not sure where these Jews went or what happened to them. In his opinion,
the record about this subject was still unclear. (23-6025, 6026)
There was a well-organized Jewish underground in the Warsaw ghetto which
had prepared for the uprising. The Jewish administration of the ghetto
had asked for and received building supplies from the German authorities
to build bomb shelters in the ghetto. These were used instead to make bunkers
in preparation for the uprising in April of 1943. (23-6017) There had been
a dispute among Jewish and Polish historians about how much help the uprising
received from the outside. Generally, Polish historians tried to emphasize
that they did help during the uprising and Jewish historians insisted that
they didn't. In Weber's opinion, whatever help was given by the Polish
Home Army was minimal and the Communist Party was not a significant factor
in the uprising. The Jewish Military Organization (or Jewish Combat Organization)
which organized the uprising was made up primarily of Zionists, socialists
and leftists. Weber felt that Harwood's statement that the uprising was
aided by partisans and Communists was inaccurate, but indicated that what
he was really saying was that, faced with any similar circumstances during
a war, a government would put down such an uprising ruthlessly. In history
that was what generally happened. (23-6028 to 6030)
Weber agreed with Harwood's statement that many Jews in the ghetto resented
the terror imposed on them by the Combat Organization. This organization
in fact shot a number of Jews within the ghetto whom they accused of collaborating
with the Germans. The uprising was preceded, by several months, with precisely
those kinds of actions against Jews in the ghetto who were considered traitors.
The Jewish Combat Organization would put up posters saying that so- and-so
had been shot and that others would be shot if they continued to co-operate
with the Germans. (23 6033, 6034)
After the war there were pogroms against the Jews in Soviet-occupied Poland,
the most famous of which was at Kielce on July 4, 1946. These pogroms convinced
many Jews who were still in Poland to leave. Weber did not know the exact
figure, but indicated that large numbers of Polish Jews left Poland and
went by way of Germany and Italy to other countries, including Israel and
the United States. The British government, in a report by a House of Commons
inquiry in 1946, said that there were so many Jews coming out of Eastern
Europe that it was amounting to a second Jewish exodus. (23-6035, 6036)
Weber turned to page 19 and 20 of the booklet:
� The most influential agency in the propagation of the extermination legend
has been the paper- back book and magazine industry, and it is through
their sensational publications, produced for commercial gain, that the
average person is made acquainted with a myth of an entirely political
character and purpose. The hey-day of these hate-Germany books was in the
1950's, when virulent Germanophobia found a ready market, but the industry
continues to flourish and is experiencing another boom today. The industry's
products consist generally of so-called "memoirs", and these
fall into two basic categories: those which are supposedly by former S.S.
men, camp commandants and the like, and those bloodcurdling reminiscences
allegedly by former concentration camp inmates. COMMUNIST ORIGINS
Of the first kind, the most outstanding example is Commandant of Auschwitz
by Rudolf Hoess (London, 1960), which was originally published in the Polish
language as Wspomnienia by the Communist Government. Hoess, a young man
who took over at Auschwitz in 1940, was first arrested by the British and
detained at Flensburg, but he was soon handed over to the Polish Communist
authorities who condemned him to death in 1947 and executed him almost
immediately. The so called Hoess memoirs are undoubtedly a forgery produced
under Communist auspices, as we shall demonstrate, though the Communists
themselves claim that Hoess was "ordered to write the story of his
life" and a hand-written original supposedly exists, but no one has
ever seen it. Hoess was subjected to torture and brain-washing techniques
by the Communists during the period of his arrest, and his testimony at
Nuremberg was delivered in a mindless monotone as he stared blankly into
space. Even Reitlinger rejects this testimony as hopelessly untrustworthy.
It is indeed remarkable how much of the "evidence" regarding
the Six Million stems from Communist sources; this includes the major documents
such as the Wisliceny statement and the Hoess "memoirs", which
are undoubtedly the two most quoted items in extermination literature,
as well as all the information on the so-called "death camps"
such as Auschwitz. This information comes from the Jewish Historical Commission
of Poland; the Central Commission for the Investigation of War Crimes,
Warsaw; and the Russian State War Crimes Commission, Moscow.
Reitlinger acknowledges that the Hoess testimony at Nuremberg was a catalogue
of wild exaggerations, such as that Auschwitz was disposing of 16,000 people
a day, which would mean a total at the end of the war of over 13 million.
Instead of exposing such estimates for the Soviet-inspired frauds they
obviously are, Reitlinger and others prefer to think that such ridiculous
exaggerations were due to "pride" in doing a professional job.
Ironically, this is completely irreconcilable with the supposedly authentic
Hoess memoirs, which make a clever attempt at plausibility by suggesting
the opposite picture of distaste for the job. Hoess is supposed to have
"confessed" to a total of 3 million people exterminated at Auschwitz,
though at his own trial in Warsaw the prosecution reduced the number to
1,135,000. However, we have already noted that the Soviet Government announced
an official figure of 4 million after their "investigation" of
the camp in 1945. This kind of casual juggling with millions of people
does not appear to worry the writers of extermination literature.
A review of the Hoess "memoirs" in all their horrid detail would
be tedious. We may confine ourselves to those aspects of the extermination
legend which are designed with the obvious purpose of forestalling any
proof of its falsity. Such, for example, is the manner in which the alleged
extermination of Jews is described. This was supposed to have been carried
out by a "special detachment" of Jewish prisoners. They took
charge of the newly arrived contingents at the camp, led them into the
enormous "gas-chambers" and disposed of the bodies afterwards.
The S.S., therefore, did very little, so that most of the S.S. personnel
at the camp could be left in complete ignorance of the "extermination
programme". Of course, no Jew would ever be found who claimed to have
been a member of this gruesome "special detachment", so that
the whole issue is left conveniently unprovable. It is worth repeating
that no living, authentic eye-witness of these events has ever been produced.
Conclusive evidence that the Hoess memoirs are a forgery lies in an incredible
slip by the Communist editors. Hoess is supposed to say that the Jehovah's
Witnesses at Auschwitz approved of murdering the Jews because the Jews
were the enemies of Christ. It is well known that in Soviet Russia today
and in all her satellite countries of eastern Europe, the Communists conduct
a bitter campaign of suppression against the Jehovah's Witnesses, whom
they regard as the religious sect most dangerous to Communist beliefs.
That this sect is deliberately and grossly defamed in the Hoess memoirs
proves the document's Communist origins beyond any doubt.
Weber testified that a major and often-quoted source on the Holocaust issue
was the memoir of Rudolf Hoess, former commandant of Auschwitz. Weber believed
there was evidence to support the allegation that it was a forgery, but
thought Harwood's opinion that it was "undoubtedly a forgery"
was too sweeping. It was true, however, that the handwritten original had
not been made available for inspection by western historians. (23-6038,
Hoess was tortured by the British Military Police, as testified to by one
of the British officers who carried out the torture. After Hoess testified
at Nuremberg, he was turned over to the Communist Polish authorities and
kept in jail. He was then tried and executed at Auschwitz. Weber did not
know if any torture of Hoess took place while he was in Communist custody.
(23- 6039, 6040)
Weber believed that the most important evidence of Hoess was produced at
Nuremberg before he was turned over to the Communists; Harwood's statement
that the Hoess memoir was one of the two most quoted items in extermination
literature was therefore inaccurate. Nor did Weber agree that the Hoess
memoirs and the Wisliceny statement were the most quoted items. (23-6040,
Weber agreed with Harwood that the kind of casual juggling that went on
with the numbers of alleged victims did not appear to worry the exterminationists.
The figure of 4 million dead at Auschwitz was the figure which the Polish
government still used today although serious historians no longer accepted
it. The Auschwitz death figures cited by historians varied from 1 million
to 4 million. It showed the kind of casual use of statistics which, in
other circumstances, would be hard to believe. (23-6043, 6044)
Harwood was wrong, said Weber, in saying that no Jew could ever be found
who claimed to have been a member of the gruesome special detachment that
conducted the gassings. One such Jew was Filip Müller. It was Harwood's
opinion, however, whether or not these eyewitnesses were authentic. (23-6044,
Harwood's statements about the Jehovah's Witnesses were opinion, said Weber.
The Jehovah's Witnesses believed no one should give allegiance to government
and that military service should be refused. (23-6047, 6048)
Other alleged "memoirs" were those of Adolf Eichmann, who was
kidnapped from Argentina by an Israeli commando and taken to Israel where
he was tried under enormous international publicity. The alleged memoirs
of Eichmann, published in Life magazine shortly after he was taken to Israel,
were supposed to have been given by Eichmann to a journalist named Sassen
in Argentina shortly before his capture. Weber had looked at the book referred
to by Harwood entitled Eichmann: The Savage Truth and agreed with Harwood's
assessment that it was full of nonsensical stories. (23-6050 to 6053)
Weber turned to page 20 of the booklet:
� The latest reminiscences to appear in print are those of Franz Stangl,
the former commandant of the camp at Treblinka in Poland who was sentenced
to life imprisonment in December 1970. These were published in an article
by the London Daily Telegraph Magazine, October 8th, 1971, and were supposed
to derive from a series of interviews with Stangl in prison. He died a
few days after the interviews were concluded. These alleged reminiscences
are certainly the goriest and most bizarre yet published, though one is
grateful for a few admissions by the writer of the article, such as that
"the evidence presented in the course of his trial did not prove Stangl
himself to have committed specific acts of murder" and that the account
of Stangl's beginnings in Poland "was in part fabrication."
A typical example of this fabrication was the description of Stangl's first
visit to Treblinka. As he drew into the railway station there, he is supposed
to have seen "thousands of bodies' just strewn around next to the
tracks, 'hundreds, no, thousands of bodies everywhere, putrefying, decomposing".
And "in the station was a train full of Jews, some dead, some still
alive . . . it looked as if it had been there for days." The account
reaches the heights of absurdity when Stangl is alleged to have got out
of his car and "stepped kneedeep into money: I didn't know which way
to turn, which way to go. I waded in papernotes, currency, precious stones,
jewellery and clothes. They were everywhere, strewn all over the square."
The scene is completed by "whores from Warsaw weaving drunk, dancing,
singing, playing music", who were on the other side of the barbed
wire fences. To literally believe this account of sinking "kneedeep"
in Jewish bank- notes and precious stones amid thousands of putrefying
corpses and lurching, singing prostitutes would require the most phenomenal
degree of gullibility, and in any circumstances other than the Six Million
legend it would be dismissed as the most outrageous nonsense.
The statement which certainly robs the Stangl memoirs of any vestige of
authenticity is his alleged reply when asked why he thought the Jews were
being exterminated: "They wanted the Jews' money," is the answer.
"That racial business was just secondary." The series of interviews
are supposed to have ended on a highly dubious note indeed. When asked
whether he thought there had been "any conceivable sense in this horror,"
the former Nazi commandant supposedly replied with enthusiasm: "Yes,
I am sure there was. Perhaps the Jews were meant to have this enormous
jolt to pull them together; to create a people; to identify themselves
with each other." One could scarcely imagine a more perfect answer
had it been invented.
Weber testified that Franz Stangl was the former commandant of Treblinka
who was serving a life sentence in West Germany. Harwood correctly quoted
from a 1971 Daily Telegraph Magazine article which was supposed to derive
from a series of interviews with Stangl in prison. Treblinka was usually
presented as a secret extermination centre but in fact Treblinka was not
a secret camp. Its existence was announced in an official bulletin of the
German government in Poland in 1941 and there were internal German documents
relating to the camp which confirmed that it was a labour camp. The exterminationists
sometimes conceded there was a publicly known labour camp at Treblinka,
but they alleged there was another Treblinka camp nearby which was the
alleged extermination camp. (23-6053, 6054, 6058 to 6070)
The stories about this camp were very inconsistent with each other, said
Weber. For example, at the Nuremberg trial the U.S. prosecution team introduced
3311-PS, a document which alleged that Jews were steamed to death at Treblinka.
Today, the allegation was that the Jews were gassed to death using carbon
monoxide. 3311-PS was therefore hardly ever referred to today because it
was inconsistent with the Holocaust story as it was now presented. A further
example of the contradictions was the testimony of a Jew named Samuel Rajzman,
who testified before a U.S. Congressional committee in 1946 that Jews were
killed in Treblinka, not by gassing or steaming, but by suffocating them
to death. After the war, a Jewish Black Book Committee compiled and published
a lengthy book entitled The Black Book which stated that 3 million Jews
were killed at Treblinka by poison gas, by steaming, but most often, by
pumping all the air from the chambers with large special pumps. At the
trial of Oswald Pohl, the American judge Michael Musmanno stated that death
was inflicted at Treblinka by gas, steam and electric current.4 In Weber's
opinion, these conflicting stories were typical of many of the stories
in the Holocaust extermination story. They were fantastic, incredible,
self-contradictory. Most were not known today because they were inconsistent
with the story as it was now presented. Like Harwood, Weber did not believe
the stories which Stangl allegedly gave in the Daily Telegraph Magazine
article. (23-6054 to 23-6070)
Weber testified that Harwood made an error with respect to The Diary of
Anne Frank. Harwood wrote that the diary was really written by the writer,
Meyer Levin, and that Levin sued Otto Frank (Anne Frank's father), for
$50,000.00 because he wasn't paid his fee. In reality, Meyer Levin was
the writer of the screenplay of a motion picture made from the Anne Frank
diary and the case discussed by Harwood did not have anything to do with
the diary itself. Harwood relied upon secondary sources, however, so the
errors were the errors of the sources he had quoted. (23- 6071)
There were reasons to call the Anne Frank diary into question, said Weber.
There were important discrepancies between different language versions
of the diary; entries which were contained in the German language version
did not appear in the English language version and vice versa. Passages
had been rewritten and reordered in each edition of the diary.
Some of the criticisms of the diary were based upon two West German court
cases. In the first case, the court found that the entire diary was written
in the same handwriting. Some years later, the West German Federal Criminal
Office found that portions of the diary were written in ball-point pen
ink, which was not available during the Second World War. This led to allegations
that the diary or at least portions of it were not authentic. Since that
time, the Anne Frank Centre in Amsterdam had claimed that the portions
written in ball-point pen ink were only minor portions inserted by someone
else, but that the diary was essentially authentic. Recently, the Anne
Frank Centre had published what it called the "definitive" edition
of the diary in an effort to put an end to the criticisms about its authenticity.
Before he died, Otto Frank admitted that he allowed a writer in Holland
to edit the diary and rewrite portions of it; he admitted that he had submitted
the diary to a review by a friend to eliminate passages that were considered
offensive for various reasons. Otto Frank also admitted that a number of
names in the diary were pseudonyms. Thus, the diary that was available
for sale was not quite what it purported to be. It was an edited, revised,
gone-over book which was not a spontaneous diary. This was admitted even
by the Anne Frank Institute in Holland and was the reason they produced
what they called the "definitive" Anne Frank diary. (23-6076)
� A brief reference may also be made to another "diary", published
not long after that of Anne Frank and entitled: Notes from the Warsaw Ghetto:
the Journal of Emmanuel Ringelblum (New York, 1958). Ringelblum had been
a leader in the campaign of sabotage against the Germans in Poland, as
well as the revolt of the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943, before he was eventually
arrested and executed in 1944.
Ringelblum was a very important primary source about life in the Warsaw
ghetto, said Weber. It was inaccurate to describe Ringelblum as a leader
in the campaign of sabotage against the Germans in Poland; Ringelblum was
an archivist and made it his responsibility to keep a record of day to
day life in the Warsaw ghetto. He was connected with leaders in the ghetto
but Weber had seen no evidence to support the statement that he was a leader
in sabotage. (23-6077)
Weber turned to page 22 of the booklet:
� Since the war, there has been an abundant growth of sensational concentration
camp literature, the majority of it Jewish, each book piling horror upon
horror, blending fragments of truth with the most grotesque of fantasies
and impostures, relentlessly creating an edifice of mythology in which
any relation to historical fact has long since disappeared. We have referred
to the type already - Olga Lengyel's absurd Five Chimneys ('24,000 corpses
handled every day'), Doctor at Auschwitz by Miklos Nyiszli, apparently
a mythical and invented person, This was Auschwitz: The Story of a Murder
Camp by Philip Friedman, and so on ad nauseam.
The latest in this vein is For Those I Loved by Martin Gray (Bodley Head,
1973), which purports to be an account of his experiences at Treblinka
camp in Poland. Gray specialised in selling fake antiques to America before
turning to concentration camp memoirs. The circumstances surrounding the
publication of his book, however, have been unique, because for the first
time with works of this kind, serious doubt was cast on the authenticity
of its contents. Even Jews, alarmed at the damage it might cause, denounced
his book as fraudulent and questioned whether he had ever been at Treblinka
at all, while B.B.C. radio pressed him as to why he had waited 28 years
before writing of his experiences...
Occasionally, books by former concentration camp inmates appear which present
a totally different picture of the conditions prevailing in them. Such
is Under Two Dictators (London, 1950) by Margarete Buber. She was. a German-Jewish
woman who had experienced several years in the brutal and primitive conditions
of a Russian prison camp before being sent to Ravensbrück, the German
camp for women detainees, in August 1940. She noted that she was the only
Jewish person in her contingent of deportees from Russia who was not straight
away released by the Gestapo. Her book presents a striking contrast between
the camps of Soviet Russia and Germany; compared to the squalor, disorder
and starvation of the Russian camp, she found Ravensbrück to be clean,
civilised and well-administered...
Another account which is at total variance with popular propaganda is Die
Gestapo Lässt Bitten (The Gestapo Invites You) by Charlotte Bormann,
a Communist political prisoner who was also interned at Ravensbrück.
Undoubtedly its most important revelation is the author's statement that
rumours of gas executions were deliberate and malicious inventions circulated
among the prisoners by the Communists...
Weber was familiar with Olga Lengyel's book, Five Chimneys; he testified
that it did in fact allege that 24,000 corpses were handled every day.
This claim had also been made by others. Weber was also familiar with the
book by Miklos Nyiszli. He didn't know whether Nyiszli was mythical or
not but to his knowledge no one had come forward and identified himself
as that person. Weber had never been able to find out who Nyiszli was,
where he was born and so on. Other revisionist historians had also tried
to discover his identity and been unsuccessful. (23-6078 to 6159) Weber
had made unsuccessful efforts to find the books Auschwitz: The Story of
a Murder Camp, and The Gestapo Invites You. (23-6079, 6085) Weber was familiar
with the book For Those I Loved by Martin Gray. When his book was published
in England, quite a number of articles appeared in leading British newspapers
including the Sunday Times, which said that the book was not to be trusted.
Jews who were at Treblinka questioned whether Gray had actually even been
there. Gray himself was very defensive about the book. (23-6079 to 6081)
It was claimed that around 850,000 Jews were gassed at Treblinka but Weber
knew of no documentary evidence from the war to support that claim. (23-6081)
Weber was familiar with the book Under Two Dictators by Margarete Buber.
Weber believed the evidence indicated that she was not Jewish; however,
the account which Harwood had given of her book was accurate. She described
her astonishment in comparing conditions in the Soviet labour camp where
she had been interned with the much better conditions in the German concentration
camp of Ravensbrück. When given her first meal in Ravensbrück
of white bread, sausage, sweet porridge and dried fruit, she thought it
must be a special holiday. In fact, it was a typical meal. She was also
astonished that the camp was clean and had showers and linens. Weber could
not recall Buber's comments, if any, about extermination. He recalled,
however, that she wrote that in the last months the conditions deteriorated
enormously as part of the general decline of conditions. (23-6083)
� In his recent book Adolf Hitler (London, 1973), Colin Cross, who brings
more intelligence than is usual to many problems of this period, observes
astutely that "The shuffling of millions of Jews around Europe and
murdering them, in a time of desperate war emergency, was useless from
any rational point of view" (p. 307). Quite so, and at this point
we may well question the likelihood of this irrationalism, and whether
it was even possible. Is it likely, that at the height of the war, when
the Germans were fighting a desperate battle for survival on two fronts,
they would have conveyed millions of Jews for miles to supposedly elaborate
and costly slaughter houses? To have conveyed three or four million Jews
to Auschwitz alone (even supposing that such an inflated number existed
in Europe, which it did not), would have placed an insuperable burden upon
German transportation facilities which were strained to the limit in supporting
the farflung Russian front. To have transported the mythical six million
Jews and countless numbers of other nationalities to internment camps,
and to have housed, clothed and fed them there, would simply have paralysed
their military operations. There is no reason to suppose that the efficient
Germans would have put their military fortunes at such risk.
On the other hand, the transportation of a reasonable 363,000 prisoners
to Auschwitz in the course of the war (the number we know to have been
registered there) at least makes sense in terms of the compulsory labour
they supplied. In fact, of the 3 million Jews living in Europe, it is certain
that no more than two million were ever interned at one time, and it is
probable that the number was much closer to 1,500,000. We shall see later,
in the Report of the Red Cross, that whole Jewish populations such as that
of Slovakia avoided detention in camps, while others were placed in community
ghettos like Theresienstadt. Moreover, from western Europe deportations
were far fewer. The estimate of Reitlinger that only about 50,000 French
Jews from a total population of 320,000 were deported and interned has
been noted already.
The question must also be asked as to whether it could have been physically
possible to destroy the millions of Jews that are alleged. Had the Germans
enough time for it? Is it likely that they would have cremated people by
the million when they were so short of manpower and required all prisoners
of war for purposes of war production? Would it have been possible to destroy
and remove all trace of a million people in six months? Could such enormous
gatherings of Jews and executions on such a vast scale have been kept secret?
These are the kind of questions that the critical, thinking person should
ask. And he will soon discover that not only the statistical and documentary
evidence given here, but simple logistics combine to discredit the legend
of the six million.
Although it was impossible for millions to have been murdered in them,
the nature and conditions of Germany's concentration camps have been vastly
exaggerated to make the claim plausible. William Shirer, in a typically
reckless passage, states that "All of the thirty odd principal Nazi
concentration camps were death camps" (ibid, p. 1150). This is totally
untrue, and is not even accepted now by the principal propagators of the
extermination legend. Shirer also quotes Eugen Kogon's The Theory and Practice
of Hell (N.Y. 195O, p. 227) which puts the total number of deaths in all
of them at the ridiculous figure of 7,125,000, though Shirer admits in
a footnote that this is "undoubtedly too high."
Weber testified that the quote from the book of Colin Cross was accurate;
Cross believed the extermination programme was irrational. Weber himself
believed the extermination story was irrational because it was alleged
that at the same time Germany was fighting for its existence it was also
using enormous resources to shift Jews all over Europe simply to kill them,
including large numbers of Jews who could have been employed for war production.
Weber would not comment on the statistics which Harwood provided regarding
numbers of Jews interned as he felt it was too speculative. The Korherr
report indicated that there were Jews at Birkenau who were not registered.
(23-6087, 6088)
A ghetto camp called Theresienstadt existed and was set aside particularly
for elderly Jews, Jews who had served in the German armed forces during
World War I, prominent Jews and Jews who had served the German government
faithfully. It had been put forward as an extermination camp but more responsible
exterminationist historians did not claim that. (23-6089)
The questions which Harwood raised in the second last paragraph of the
passage were very good questions, said Weber, and ones that a critical,
thinking person should be asking. (23- 6090)
Weber also agreed with Harwood that the claim made by Shirer in The Rise
and Fall of the Third Reich that all of the thirty-odd Nazi concentration
camps were "death camps" was totally false and reckless. Even
the Simon Wiesenthal Center had stated publicly that there were no extermination
camps in Germany itself. No serious historian now claimed that camps like
Dachau, Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Ravensbrück or Neuengamme were
death camps. The claim by Eugen Kogon in The Theory and Practice of Hell
was likewise an absurd claim, said Weber, and no serious historian would
make that kind of claim today. (23-6092)
March 24, 1988
Weber turned to page 23 of the booklet:
� It is true that in 1945, Allied propaganda did claim that all the concentration
camps, particularly those in Germany itself, were "death camps",
but not for long. On this question, the eminent American historian Harry
Elmer Barnes wrote: "These camps were first presented as those in
Germany, such as Dachau, Belsen, Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen and Dora, but
it was soon demonstrated that there had been no systematic extermination
in those camps. Attention was then moved to Auschwitz, Treblinka, Belzec,
Chelmno, Jonowska, Tarnow, Ravensbrück, Mauthausen, Brezeznia and
Birkenau, which does not exhaust the list that appears to have been extended
as needed" (Rampart Journal, Summer 1967). What had happened was that
certain honest observers among the British and American occupation forces
in Germany, while admitting that many inmates had died of disease and starvation
in the final months of the war, had found no evidence after all of "gas
chambers". As a result, eastern camps in the Russian zone of occupation
such as Auschwitz and Treblinka gradually came to the fore as horrific
centres of extermination (though no one was permitted to see them), and
this tendency has lasted to the present day. Here in these camps it was
all supposed to have happened, but with the Iron Curtain brought down firmly
over them, no one has ever been able to verify such charges. The Communists
claimed that four million people died at Auschwitz in gigantic gas chambers
accommodating 2,000 people - and no one could argue to the contrary.
Weber testified that the first sentence of this passage was correct. Until
about 1960 it was contended that all of the concentration camps in Germany
proper were also extermination camps. That claim was no longer upheld.
(24-6090, 6091)
The quote of Harry Elmer Barnes was an accurate quote from an article which
Barnes published in Rampart Journal, a libertarian journal published in
Colorado. The Holocaust story had shifted now to just six camps. (24-6091)
Harwood's claim that honest observers among the British and American occupation
forces found no evidence of "gas chambers" in Germany was accurate,
said Weber. It was substantiated by an important document from October
of 1948 from the Military Police Service in Vienna which at the time was
under the control of the Allied governments. Weber read a translation of
a portion of the document to the court:
The Allied Investigation Commissions have up to now ascertained that in
the following concentration camps, no humans were killed by poison gas.
These camps are the following: Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Flossenbürg,
Gross-Rosen, Mauthausen and its adjacent camps, Natzweiler, Neuengamme,
Niederhagen, Ravensbrück, Sachsenhausen, Stutthof, Theresienstadt.
In these cases, it can be proven that confessions were extorted by torture
and the eyewitness accounts were false...Former concentration camp prisoners,
especially Jews, who in the hearings claimed that humans were murdered
by poisonous gas in these concentration camps are to be made aware of the
findings of this investigation. If they continue insisting on their claims,
they are to be charged with giving false testimonies.
This document, said Weber, was issued by a major named Müller in the
Austrian police. His deputy was another officer named Emil Lachout who
was currently retired and living in Vienna. It was Lachout who made the
document public several months ago, creating a sensation. Its authenticity
had not been called into question, however, and Lachout had been criticised
only for making the embarrassing document public. (24-6093)
Weber pointed out that much important documentation remained inaccessible
to researchers. Large numbers of important documentation was still in the
hands of the Polish, East German and Soviet Communist governments which
had not been made available to independent researchers. From time to time,
however, these governments would made public certain extracts from important
documents. One of these was quoted in a book published in 1970 entitled
Anthology, Inhuman Medicine [Vol. 1, Pt. 1, pp. 149-151] published by the
International Auschwitz Committee in Warsaw. This document, entitled Camp
Regulations for the Concentration Camps, had been made public by a former
inmate of Birkenau named Jan Olbrycht, and was an extract from volume 21
of the official regulations for the operation of the concentration camps.
It was clear, said Weber, that the regulations were very extensive. The
document stated as follows:
The new arrivals [inmates] in the camp have to be examined carefully. Those
suspected should immediately be put into the camp hospital and kept there
for observation. Prisoners working in the kitchen for the SS men and in
the camp kitchen should be subjected to regular medical examination regarding
contagious diseases. The camp physician should, from time to time, check
on the cleanliness of the prisoners. Prisoners asking for medical treatment
should be brought before the camp doctor that same day to be examined.
Should it be necessary, sick prisoners may be sent to the hospital to receive
treatment. The doctor is obliged to notify the authorities about prisoners
who simulate sickness in order to shirk work so that such prisoners may
be punished. There is a dentist at the disposal of the prisoners. The camp
doctor has to confirm the necessity for dental treatment. The camp doctor
should regularly check how the food is prepared and its quality. Any shortcoming
should immediately be brought to the attention of the camp commandant.
Special care should be given to the treatment of accidents, so as to avoid
impairment of the prisoners' ability to earn their living. Prisoners who
are to be set free or transferred from the camp should be brought before
the camp physician for medical examination. Subordinated to the camp physician
are doctors of medicine, a dentist and the S.D.G., as well as orderlies
from among the prisoners. The camp physician performs the function of advisor
to the camp commandant regarding all medical, sanitary and hygienic matters.
He should immediately notify the camp commandant about all offences he
notices in camp.5
This was an example of the type of documentation which was still not made
available freely to researchers and historians by the Communist governments,
said Weber. (24-6097, 6098)
Weber turned to page 23 of the booklet:
� What is the truth about so-called "gas chambers"? Stephen F.
Pinter, who served as a lawyer for the United States War Department in
the occupation forces in Germany and Austria for six years after the war,
made the following statement in the widely read Catholic magazine Our Sunday
Visitor, June 14th , 1959: "I was in Dachau for 17 months after the
war, as a U.S. War Department Attorney, and can state that there was no
gas chamber at Dachau. What was shown to visitors and sightseers there
and erroneously described as a gas chamber was a crematory. Nor was there
a gas chamber in any of the other concentration camps in Germany. We were
told that there was a gas chamber at Auschwitz, but since that was in the
Russian zone of occupation, we were not permitted to investigate since
the Russians would not allow it. From what I was able to determine during
six postwar years in Germany and Austria, there were a number of Jews killed,
but the figure of a million was certainly never reached. I interviewed
thousands of Jews, former inmates of concentration camps in Germany and
Austria, and consider myself as well qualified as any man on this subject."
This tells a very different story from the customary propaganda. Pinter,
of course, is very astute on the question of the crematory being represented
as a gas chamber. This is a frequent ploy because no such thing as a gas
chamber has ever been shown to exist in these camps, hence the deliberately
misleading term a "gas oven", aimed at confusing a gas chamber
with a crematorium. The latter, usually a single furnace and similar to
the kind of thing employed today, were used quite simply for the cremation
of those persons who had died from various natural causes within the camp,
particularly infectious diseases...
The figures of Dachau casualties are typical of the kind of exaggerations
that have since had to be drastically revised. In 1946, a memorial plaque
was unveiled at Dachau by Philip Auerbach, the Jewish State-Secretary in
the Bavarian Government who was convicted for embezzling money which he
claimed as compensation for non-existent Jews. The plaque read: "This
area is being retained as a shrine to the 238,000 individuals who were
cremated here." Since then, the official casualty figures have had
to be steadily revised downwards, and now stand at only 20,600 the majority
from typhus and starvation only at the end of the war. This deflation,
to ten per cent of the original figure, will doubtless continue, and one
day will be applied to the legendary figure of six million as a whole.
Another example of drastic revision is the present estimate of Auschwitz
casualties. The absurd allegations of three or four million deaths there
are no longer plausible even to Reitlinger. He now puts the number of casualties
at only 600,000; and although this figure is still exaggerated in the extreme,
it is a significant reduction on four million and further progress is to
be expected.
Weber had checked the Stephen Pinter letter and found that Pinter was indeed
who he said he was. He lived for many years in St. Louis and died in 1985.
Harwood quoted the letter accurately in the booklet. Weber had seen a copy
of an affidavit which Pinter had subsequently signed, confirming the letter's
accuracy. What Pinter said was also confirmed by independent evidence such
as the Müller/Lachout document. Western Allied investigators were
not allowed to investigate Auschwitz freely. (24-6099, 6100)
With respect to Dachau, an official U.S. Army photograph taken of a small
disinfection chamber at the camp had been widely reprinted and represented
as being the front of a gas chamber for human beings. It was printed, for
example, in a booklet published by the Anti- Defamation League of B'nai
Brith in New York. It was reprinted in the memoirs of former Dachau inmate
Nerin Gun. Today, however, there was no dispute that no gassings took place
at Dachau. (24-6101)
Weber had researched the originals of the Dachau photographs in the Photographic
Department in the Pentagon outside Washington, D.C.. The photograph which
appeared on page 25 of Did Six Million Really Die? with the caption "Healthy
and cheerful inmates released from Dachau" was one of the photographs
Weber had seen there. It was an official U.S. Army photograph taken on
the day the camp was liberated by American forces in April of 1945, showing
the inmates and an American soldier. One of the most interesting photographs
he saw was one of Jewish mothers and their newborn babies who were in Dachau
at the time of liberation. There were also photographs that showed death,
including a trainload of dead inmates on a siding just outside the camp.
It was apparently a trainload of inmates that died of starvation or disease
before the train finally got to Dachau. It was important to realize in
this context, said Weber, that in the final months of the war the German
transportation system was in chaos. All of the camps in Germany proper
were overcrowded and inmates were being shuttled around from place to place
because there was no room for them. The trains could not normally move
during the daytime because the air was controlled by the Allies, who would
shoot at any trains moving during the day. Even at night the German train
system was in chaos. (24-6102, 6103)
Weber also investigated the death records for Dachau at the National Archives
in Washington. These documents, which were entered as a prosecution exhibit
in a war crimes trial after the war, contained precise month-by-month records
of prisoner deaths in the camp. Weber produced a graph which was based
upon these figures on a monthly basis. The figures showed that at precisely
the time when it was alleged that the greatest extermination was being
carried out in the German camps, namely, the summer and fall of 1944, the
death rate at Dachau was the lowest. At that time, monthly deaths were
in the range of 40, 45, 57, 43 and so on. The figures rose very dramatically
from the fall of 1944 to April of 1945. The worst monthly death rate recorded
at Dachau, in February of 1945, was due, not to a programme of killing,
but to disease and starvation caused by the tremendous overcrowding in
the camp resulting from the chaotic and unorderly conditions in Germany
in the final months of the war. (24-6106, 6107; graph of Dachau deaths
entered as Exhibit 100 at 24-6107)
For a time after the war, said Weber, it was claimed that about 200,000
persons died at Dachau. A sign placed at the camp proclaimed that 230,000
persons died there and that their memory should be honoured. The director
of Dachau Museum, Barbara Distel, had now confirmed, however, that this
claim was not accurate. She indicated that some persons in publications
had confused the figure of 200,000 or so inmates altogether at the camp
with the number of persons who supposedly died there. The figure for deaths
at Dachau now stood at 25,613. (24-6111, 6112, 6114)
Weber agreed with Harwood's statements regarding Stephen Pinter's astuteness
on the question of the crematory being represented as a gas chamber. This
often occurred in Holocaust literature, said Weber, and the distinction
between the two was deliberately confused. One often found references to
so-called "gas ovens" which was a nonsensical, meaningless term.
It implied that somehow there was a combination of a crematory and a gas
chamber when the two were completely different things. It was typical,
however, of the sensational terminology used in Holocaust literature. (24-6108)
The most famous crematories were those at Auschwitz. The records were clear
that these crematories, which were fairly large, were built in response
to an epidemic of typhus in the camp. There was great concern that the
corpses should be cremated as quickly as possible to prevent the spread
of the disease. The ground water at Auschwitz was high, so it was dangerous
for the health of others in the camp, both inmates and administrators,
to bury the bodies; hence the need for crematories. (24 6109)
Weber agreed with Harwood that the death estimates for prisoners at various
concentration camps had been drastically revised downwards over the years.
Normally, the exterminationists did not make it clear that the figures
had been changed; they simply presented new figures without explaining
why the old ones were no longer accurate. Weber disagreed with Harwood's
opinion that the 6 million figure would eventually be revised downwards
to 600,000. Weber thought the total Jewish losses during the war were probably
in the order of 1 million to 1.5 million. (24-6112 to 6115)
Reitlinger's figure of 600,000 for deaths in Auschwitz was a ball park
figure with what was claimed by others, said Weber. Hilberg said that 1
million Jews died in Auschwitz. This was 25 percent of the 4 million dead
claimed at Nuremberg. (24 6115, 6116)
Weber turned to page 24 of the booklet:
� All internees, unlike those in Soviet camps, could receive parcels of
food, clothing and pharmaceutical supplies from the Special Relief Division
of the Red Cross. The Office of the Public Prosecutor conducted thorough
investigations into each case of criminal arrest, and those found innocent
were released; those found guilty, as well as those deportees convicted
of major crimes within the camp, were sentenced by military courts and
executed. In the Federal Archives of Koblenz there is a directive of January
1943 from Himmler regarding such executions, stressing that "no brutality
is to be allowed" (Manvell & Frankl, ibid, p. 312). Occasionally
there was brutality, but such cases were immediately scrutinised by S.S.
Judge Dr. Konrad Morgen of the Reich Criminal Police Office, whose job
was to investigate irregularities at the various camps. Morgen himself
prosecuted commander Koch of Buchenwald in 1943 for excesses at his camp,
a trial to which the German public were invited. It is significant that
Oswald Pohl, the administrator of the concentration camp system who was
dealt with so harshly at Nuremberg, was in favour of the death penalty
for Koch. In fact, the S.S. court did sentence Koch to death, but he was
given the option of serving on the Russian front. Before he could do this,
however, Prince Waldeck, the leader of the S.S. in the district, carried
out his execution. This case is ample proof of the seriousness with which
the S.S. regarded unnecessary brutality. Several S.S. court actions of
this kind were conducted in the camps during the war to prevent excesses,
and more than 800 cases were investigated before 1945. Morgen testified
at Nuremberg that he discussed confidentially with hundreds of inmates
the prevailing conditions in the camps. He found few that were undernourished
except in the hospitals, and noted that the pace and achievement in compulsory
labour by inmates was far lower than among German civilian workers...
In general, hundreds of affidavits from Nuremberg testify to the humane
conditions prevailing in concentration camps; but emphasis was invariably
laid on those which reflected badly on the German administration and could
be used for propaganda purposes. A study of the documents also reveals
that Jewish witnesses who resented their deportation and internment in
prison camps tended to greatly exaggerate the rigours of their condition,
whereas other nationals interned for political reasons, such as those cited
above, generally presented a more balanced picture. In many cases, prisoners
such as Charlotte Bormann, whose experiences did not accord with the picture
presented at Nuremberg, were not permitted to testify.
With respect to this portion of the booklet, Weber testified that the directive
by Himmler did in fact specify that no brutality was to be allowed against
camp inmates. The directive was quoted by Manvell and Fraenkel, who were
exterminationist Jewish writers, in their biography of Himmler. Weber pointed
out that it was a common practice for a writer or historian to quote from
a source which took a contrary view to the overall thesis which the writer
or historian was seeking to establish. (24-6117)
Dr. Konrad Morgen was an official in the SS who was ordered by Himmler
to investigate cases of corruption and other illegal activity within the
SS concentration camp system. Morgen testified at the main Nuremberg trial
and his testimony of August 7, 1946 was printed in its entirely in Volume
20 of the official Nuremberg Blue Series. Weber emphasized that Morgen
was now a respected attorney in Frankfurt, West Germany and his sympathies
were completely anti- Nazi. During the war, Morgen investigated such camps
as Buchenwald, Lublin, Majdanek, Auschwitz, Sachsenhausen, Oranienburg
and Dachau. He investigated about 800 cases altogether and about 200 persons
were put on trial. Five concentration camp commandants were arrested personally
by Morgen. Two commandants were shot after being tried by the SS for corruption
and illegal activity; one of these was Koch, the commandant of Buchenwald,
who had killed inmates after stealing money from them. Morgen also investigated
the case of Dr. Hoven at Buchenwald; Hoven was sentenced to death by the
SS but was given a reprieve because of the shortage of doctors. After the
war, he was tried by the Americans and shot. It was established that Hoven
had been involved in the killing of prisoners in co-operation with the
Communist internal camp organization which took almost complete control
of the administration of Buchenwald during the latter part of the war.
(24-6118 to 6120)
At Nuremberg, Morgen testified that the prisoners at Buchenwald were healthy,
normally fed, suntanned and working. The installations in the camp were
in good order, especially the hospital. They had regular mail service,
a large camp library with books in foreign languages, variety shows, motion
pictures, sporting contests, and even a brothel. Morgen said that the commandant
aimed at providing the prisoners with an existence worthy of human beings.
Nearly all the other concentration camps were similar to Buchenwald. With
respect to Auschwitz, Morgen testified that there were large scale killings
going on at Auschwitz that Commandant Hoess knew about. Morgen had not
been able to investigate this charge fully. He identified Monowitz as the
location at Auschwitz where the killings took place. Weber pointed out,
however, that today no one claimed that any killings took place at Monowitz.
(24-6120, 6121)
Weber agreed there were many affidavits at Nuremberg about the humane conditions
at the camps. The prosecution, however, tried to emphasize evidence which
reflected as badly as it could make it on the German administration. (24-6123)
Weber agreed with Harwood's statement that Jewish witnesses who resented
their deportation greatly exaggerated the rigours of their conditions.
This was confirmed in two important sources. The first was an article in
Jewish Social Studies published in New York City in January 1950 by the
Jewish writer Samuel Gringauz. He wrote the following regarding Jewish
survivor testimony:
Last but not least there is what may perhaps be termed the hyperhistorical
complex of the survivors. Never before was an event so deeply sensed by
its participants as being part of an epoch-shaping history in the making,
never before was a personal experience felt to be so historically relevant.
The result of this hyperhistorical complex has been that the brief post-war
years have seen a flood of "historical materials" - rather "contrived"
than "collected" - so that to-day one of the most delicate aspects
of research is the evaluation of the so-called "research material."
The hyperhistorical complex may be described as judeocentric, lococentric
and egocentric. It concentrates historical relevance on Jewish problems
of local events under the aspect of personal experience. This is the reason
why most of the memoirs and reports are full of preposterous verbosity,
graphomanic exaggeration, dramatic effects, overestimated self-inflation,
dilletante philosophizing, would-be lyricism, unchecked rumors, bias, partisan
attacks and apologies. The question thus arises whether participants of
such a world-shaking epoch can at all be its historians and whether the
time has already come when valid historic judgment, free of partisanship,
vindictiveness and ulterior motives, is possible.
In Weber's opinion, Gringauz had said something which should be taken into
account when evaluating the testimonies and evidence of the so-called "survivors."
A historian had a responsibility to evaluate evidence very carefully and
critically in the context of all the available evidence and not to accept
statements by individuals because they happened to suit his own preconceptions.
The second important source was an article which appeared in the Israeli
newspaper, The Jerusalem Post of August 17, 1986. Under the headline "Doubts
Over Evidence Of Camp Survivors," the article said:
Over half of the 20,000 testimonies from Holocaust survivors on record
at Yad Vashem are "unreliable" and have never been used as evidence
in Nazi war crimes trials, Yad Vashem Archives director Shmuel Krakowski
has told The Jerusalem Post.
Krakowski says that many survivors, wanting "to be part of history"
may have let their imaginations run away with them. "Many were never
in the places where they claim to have witnessed atrocities, while others
relied on second-hand information given them by friends or passing strangers"
according to Krakowski.
"A large number of testimonies on file were later proved inaccurate
when locations and dates could not pass an expert historian's appraisal."
Weber testified that Reitlinger, in The Final Solution, also made reference
to the tendency of Jewish survivors to exaggerate their stories. (24-6130)
Weber turned to page 24 and 25 of the booklet:
� The orderly situation prevailing in the German concentration camps slowly
broke down in the last fearful months of 1945. The Red Cross Report of
1948 explains that the saturation bombing by the Allies paralysed the transport
and communications system of the Reich, no food reached the camps and starvation
claimed an increasing number of victims, both in prison camps and among
the civilian population of Germany. This terrible situation was compounded
in the camps both by great overcrowding and the consequent outbreak of
typhus epidemics. Overcrowding occurred as a result of prisoners from the
eastern camps such as Auschwitz being evacuated westward before the Russian
advance; columns of such exhausted people arrived at several German camps
such as Belsen and Buchenwald which had themselves reached a state of great
hardship. Belsen camp near Bremen was in an especially chaotic condition
in these months and Himmler's physician, Felix Kersten, an anti-Nazi, explains
that its unfortunate reputation as a "death camp" was due solely
to the ferocity of the typhus epidemic which broke out there in March 1945
(Memoirs 1940-1945, London, 1956). Undoubtedly these fearful conditions
cost several thousand lives, and it is these conditions that are represented
in the photographs of emaciated human beings and heaps of corpses which
the propagandists delight in showing, claiming, that they are victims of
Weber testified that the first sentence in this passage from the booklet
was correct. In the final months of the war as the Soviet forces advanced
into Poland and Germany, the Germans evacuated large numbers of concentration
camp inmates to camps further to the west in Germany proper. This happened
under extremely chaotic conditions and many prisoners died. (24-6130, 6131)
In Weber's opinion, the final statement was also accurate. Most educated
persons in the western world were familiar with the repeatedly-shown horrific
photographs of corpses and emaciated prisoners taken by the American and
British forces at Belsen, Nordhausen and other camps at the end of the
war. These photographs were usually presented as evidence of how diabolical
the Germans were. This was very misleading, said Weber. The photographs
in fact showed victims, not of any German programme or policy, but of the
war itself. Most had been evacuated from other camps in the east under
chaotic conditions. In Weber's opinion, if the Germans had meant to kill
them, they would have long since been killed. (24-6132, 6133)
� Not only were situations such as those at Belsen unscrupulously exploited
for propaganda purposes, but this propaganda has also made use of entirely
fake atrocity photographs and films. The extreme conditions at Belsen applied
to very few camps indeed; the great majority escaped the worst difficulties
and all their inmates survived in good health. As a result, outright forgeries
were used to exaggerate conditions of horror. A startling case of such
forgery was revealed in the British Catholic Herald of October 29th, 1948.
It reported that in Cassel, where every adult German was compelled to see
a film representing the "horrors" of Buchenwald, a doctor from
Goettingen saw himself on the screen looking after the victims. But he
had never been to Buchenwald. After an interval of bewilderment he realised
that what he had seen was part of a film taken after the terrible air raid
on Dresden by the Allies on 13th February, 1945 where the doctor had been
working. The film in question was shown in Cassel on 19th October, 1948.
After the air raid on Dresden, which killed a record 135,000 people, mostly
refugee women and children, the bodies of the victims were piled and burned
in heaps of 400 and 500 for several weeks. These were the scenes, purporting
to be from Buchenwald, which the doctor had recognised.
The forgery of war-time atrocity photographs is not new. For further information
the reader is referred to Arthur Ponsonby's book Falsehood in Wartime (London,
1928), which exposes the faked photographs of German atrocities in the
First World War. Ponsonby cites such fabrications as "The Corpse Factory"
and "The Belgian Baby without Hands," which are strikingly reminiscent
of the propaganda relating to Nazi "atrocities". F. J. P. Veale
explains in his book that the bogus "jar of human soap" solemnly
introduced by the Soviet prosecution at Nuremberg was a deliberate jibe
at the famous British "Corpse Factory" myth, in which the ghoulish
Germans were supposed to have obtained various commodities from processing
corpses (Veale, ibid, p. 192). This accusation was one for which the British
Government apologised after 1918. It received new life after 1945 in the
tale of lamp shades of human skin, which was certainly as fraudulent as
the Soviet "human soap". In fact, from Manvell and Frankl we
have the grudging admission that the lamp shade evidence at Buchenwald
Trial "later appeared to be dubious" (The Incomparable Crime,
p. 84). It was given by a certain Andreas Pffffenberger in a "written
affidavit" of the kind discussed earlier, but in 1948 General Lucius
Clay admitted that the affidavits used in the trial appeared after more
thorough investigation to have been mostly "hearsay".
Weber had heard of films taken by Germans following the horrific Allied
bombing of Dresden being subsequently presented as concentration camp victims,
but he did not know about it. Harwood gave a figure of 135,000 dead at
Dresden, but the historian David Irving had given a figure of 235,000.
Weber pointed out that the Jews and other inmates of camps who died in
the final months of the war died as an indirect result of that war. The
victims of the Dresden air bombing, however, were killed as a direct part
of the war. They were literally "holocausted," which meant to
be burned. (24-6133, 6134)
Weber was familiar with Arthur Ponsonby's book Falsehood in Wartime, which
emphasized phony atrocity stories attributed to the Germans during World
War I. In 1938, a very high British official made a blanket apology to
the Germans in the House of Commons for the kinds of atrocity propaganda
falsehoods that were made by the Allies during World War I. (24- 6135,
At Nuremberg, the Soviet prosecution presented what was purported to be
soap made from human corpses. This story had circulated for years, said
Weber, although no serious historian believed it today. The soap story
had been repeated even in recently published books such as Hitler's Death
Camps by an American writer named Konnilyn G. Feig. (24-6135, 6136)
Another story which sometimes popped up in popular literature and newspapers
was the story that the Germans manufactured lamp shades from the corpses
of their victims. This story was presented both at Nuremberg by the Allies
and at the post war trial of the wife of Buchenwald commandant Koch. Weber
testified that the evidence against Mrs. Ilse Koch was totally spurious.
General Lucius Clay, the commander in Europe and the military governor
of the occupation zone of Germany after the war, carefully reviewed the
case of Mrs. Koch and the lamp shade charge and concluded that it was baseless.
He told the New York Times that there was no convincing evidence that Ilse
Koch selected inmates for extermination in order to secure tattooed skins
or that she possessed any articles made of human skin. In a 1976 interview,
Clay said that the white lamp shades that turned up at Buchenwald were
actually made of goat flesh and, as he put it, 'these were the kinds of
things we had to deal with all the time' in the post-war period. (24- 6137,
Weber turned to page 28 of the booklet:
� Without doubt the most important contribution to a truthful study of
the extermination question has been the work of the French historian, Professor
Paul Rassinier. The pre-eminent value of this work lies firstly in the
fact that Rassinier actually experienced life in the German concentration
camps, and also that, as a Socialist intellectual and anti-Nazi, nobody
could be less inclined to defend Hitler and National Socialism. Yet, for
the sake of justice and historical truth, Rassinier spent the remainder
of his post-war years until his death in 1966 pursuing research which utterly
refuted the Myth of the Six Million and the legend of Nazi diabolism...
Not surprisingly, his writings are little known; they have rarely been
translated from the French and none at all have appeared in English.
When Did Six Million Really Die? was published in 1976 Paul Rassinier was
certainly the most important revisionist historian on the Holocaust issue,
said Weber. Since that time, there had been a number of other writers who
published revisionist works. Harwood correctly summarized Rassinier's background
and his books. Rassinier's works were better known today than they were
in the 1970s and most of his books had been translated into English and
German. In Weber's opinion, it was clear that Harwood relied very heavily
on Rassinier's work in writing the booklet. (24-6139 to 6147)
� Rassinier entitled his first book The Lies of Odysseus in commemoration
of the fact that travellers always return bearing tall stories, and until
his death he investigated all the stories of extermination literature and
attempted to trace their authors. He made short work of the extravagant
claims about gas chambers at Buchenwald in David Rousset's The Other Kingdom
(New York, 1947); himself an inmate of Buchenwald, Rassinier proved that
no such things ever existed there (Le Mensonge d'Ulysse, p. 209 ff) Rassinier
also traced Abbe Jean-Paul Renard, and asked him how he could possibly
have testified in his book Chaines et Lumieres that gas chambers were in
operation at Buchenwald. Renard replied that others had told him of their
existence, and hence he had been willing to pose as a witness of things
that he had never seen (ibid, p. 209 ff).
There were serious claims made that gas chambers existed at Buchenwald,
said Weber. At the Nuremberg trial, an official French prosecution exhibit
was entered as document 274-F (IMT vol. 37, pp. 116-187) which said:
Everything had been provided for down to the smallest detail in 1944 at
Buchenwald. They had even lengthened a railroad line so that the deportees
might be led directly to the gas chamber. Certain of the gas chambers had
a floor that tipped and immediately directed the bodies into a room with
the crematory oven.
The chief British prosecutor at Nuremberg, Sir Hartley Shawcross, declared
in his closing address that murder was conducted like some mass production
industry in the gas chambers and the ovens. He then listed several camps
where this allegedly happened, said Weber, including Buchenwald. Today,
neither Raul Hilberg nor even Simon Wiesenthal claimed there were gassings
at Buchenwald.6 (24-6147)
The French-Jewish historian Olga Wormser-Migot wrote a doctoral dissertation
on the German concentration camps (subsequently published by the University
Press of France) in which she made the point that many Jewish inmates in
the camps made up stories about gas chambers.7 Wormser-Migot attributed
this to their desire to portray their own experiences in their own camps
as being just as terrible as the gas chambers that were said to exist in
the eastern camps. (24-6148)
Weber was familiar with Abbe Jean-Paul Renard, whom Rassinier had traced.
Renard was a French priest and a former inmate of Buchenwald who wrote
a book after the war on his experience in the camp in which he wrote:
I saw going into the showers thousands and thousands of persons over whom
poured out, instead of liquid, asphyxiating gases.8
When Paul Rassinier, who was also a Frenchman and former Buchenwald inmate,
spoke with Renard and pointed out to the priest that there was no gas chamber
in the camp, Renard replied: "Right, but that's only a figure of speech...and
since those things existed somewhere, it is of no importance."9 Rassinier
recorded this conversation with Renard in his book. The significance, said
Weber, was that in this case and in others, even a priest had made claims
which were false. (24-6149)
Weber returned to page 28 and 29 of the booklet:
� The palm for extermination literature is awarded by Rassinier to Miklos
Nyizli's Doctor at Auschwitz, in which the falsification of facts, the
evident contradictions and shameless lies show that the author is speaking
of places which it is obvious he has never seen (Le Drame des Juifs européen,
p. 52). According to this "doctor of Auschwitz", 25,000 victims
were exterminated every day for four and a half years, which is a grandiose
advance on Olga Lengyel's 24,000 a day for two and a half years. It would
mean a total of forty-one million victims at Auschwitz by 1945, two and
a half times the total pre-war Jewish population of the world. When Rassinier
attempted to discover the identity of this strange "witness",
he was told that "he had died some time before the publication of
the book." Rassinier is convinced that he was never anything but a
mythical figure.
Since the war, Rassinier has, in fact, toured Europe in search of somebody
who was an actual eye- witness of gas chamber exterminations in German
concentration camps during World War Two, but he has never found even one
such person... Certainly the most important fact to emerge from Rassinier's
studies, and of which there is now no doubt at all, is the utter imposture
of "gas chambers"... Finally, Professor Rassinier draws attention
to an important admission by Dr. Kubovy, director of the World Centre of
Contemporary Jewish Documentation at Tel-Aviv, made in La Terre Retrouvée,
December 15th, 1960. Dr. Kubovy recognised that not a single order for
extermination exists from Hitler, Himmler, Heydrich or Goering (Le Drame
des Juifs européen, p. 31, 39).
Weber was familiar with the works of both Miklos Nyiszli and Olga Lengyel.
Both claimed in the order of 24,000 to 25,000 people were exterminated
every day for some period of time, usually given as the summer of 1944.
Weber considered these claims to be fantastic, yet both authors were considered
important sources for those who upheld the extermination story at Auschwitz.
(24-6154 to 6157)
Harwood's statement that Rassinier had never found one person who was an
actual eyewitness to gassings in German concentration camps was not true,
said Weber. In Debunking the Genocide Myth, Rassinier reported that he
met a German who asked not to be identified who claimed there were unauthorized
gassings carried out on a very small scale by individuals acting on their
own in Poland. Rassinier was very interested in the man's testimony, but
in later life he came to believe less and less that anyone had ever been
gassed anywhere. He started out essentially to testify about what he knew
from his experience at Buchenwald and this led to an investigation of the
gassing claim for other places. Rassinier, said Weber, had no reason to
uphold either view since he was not sympathetic to the Nazi regime. (24
6159, 6160)
Weber did not agree with Harwood's conclusion that the gas chambers had
been proven to be an utter imposture. Weber believed there was still some
doubt about whether gassings ever took place anytime or anywhere under
German control. He personally did not believe there were gassings but also
believed that the question still needed to be investigated. (24-6162)
The quote attributed by Harwood to Dr. Kubovy was correct and appeared
in the French periodical La Terre Retrouvé. Kubovy was the director
of The Centre for Contemporary Jewish Documentation in Israel and was quoted
in the article as stating that there was not a single order in existence
for extermination by Hitler, Himmler, Heydrich or Goering. (24-6168)
Weber turned to page 29 of the booklet:
� Rassinier also rejects any written or oral testimony to the Six Million
given by the kind of "witnesses" cited above, since they are
full of contradictions, exaggerations and falsehoods...With the help of
one hundred pages of cross-checked statistics, Professor Rassinier concludes
in Le Drame des Juifs européen that the number of Jewish casualties
during the Second World War could not have exceeded 1,200,000, and he notes
that this has finally been accepted as valid by the World Centre of Contemporary
Jewish Documentation at Paris. However, he regards such a figure as a maximum
limit, and refers to the lower estimate of 896,892 casualties in a study
of the same problem by the Jewish statistician Raul Hilberg.
Harwood accurately summarized Rassinier's position in this passage with
some exceptions, said Weber. Rassinier did not just dismiss out-of-hand
any written or oral testimony although he did tend to reject it. Weber
also believed Rassinier did not state his rejection of such testimony as
that of Hoess and Hoettl as strongly as Harwood had claimed. Weber had
investigated Rassinier's analysis of Raul Hilberg's statistics and found
that Rassinier was not accurate. Hilberg did not give an estimate of 896,892
casualties, but rather in the order of 5.1 million casualties. Harwood
had, however, correctly quoted Rassinier's analysis of Hilberg's statistics.
(24-6171 to 6176)
� Prof. Rassinier is emphatic in stating that the German Government never
had any policy other than the emigration of Jews overseas...
After the outbreak of war, the Jews, who, as Rassinier reminds us, had
declared economic and financial war on Germany as early as 1933, were interned
in concentration camps, "which is the way countries all over the world
treat enemy aliens in time of war . . . It was decided to regroup them
and put them to work in one immense ghetto which, after the successful
invasion of Russia, was situated towards the end of 1941 in the so-called
Eastern territories near the former frontier between Russia and Poland:
at Auschwitz, Chelmno, Belzec, Maidanek, Treblinka etc . . . There they
were to wait until the end of the war for the re-opening of international
discussions which would decide their future" (Le Véritable
Proces Eichmann, p. 20). The order for this concentration in the eastern
ghetto was given by Goering to Heydrich, as noted earlier, and it was regarded
as a prelude to "the desired final solution," their emigration
overseas after the war had ended."
Weber questioned whether Rassinier stated that the German government never
had any policy other than the emigration of Jews overseas. Weber also pointed
out that the Goering order referred to by Harwood did not refer specifically
to concentration in the eastern ghettos; it said only that the "final
solution" must consist of emigration and deportation of the Jews.
He agreed, however, that the concentration of the Jews in the east was
a prelude to the "final solution," their emigration overseas
after the war had ended. Weber based his opinion on the fact that the term
"final solution" was used over and over in German documents to
refer to the removal of the Jews from Europe altogether, first by emigration,
and later by deportation. In July of 1942 Hitler emphasized his determination
to remove all Jews from Europe after the war to Madagascar or some other
Jewish national state. He said that Europe must reject them because the
Jews were racially tougher. (24-6176, 6183, 6184)
Harwood's statement that the Jews had declared economic and financial war
on Germany in the 1930s was accurate. Chaim Weizmann issued what amounted
to a declaration of war in 1939. A number of Jewish leaders, most notably
Samuel Untermeyer, declared and organized an international boycott of German
products in order to put financial pressure on Germany to change its policy
towards the Jews; Untermeyer referred to this international economic campaign
against Germany as a "holy war." The major Jewish organizations
in the United States and other countries eventually supported this international
boycott against German goods. (24-6180, 6181)
Weber turned to page 30 of the booklet:
� Of great concern to Professor Rassinier is the way in which the extermination
legend is deliberately exploited for political and financial advantage,
and in this he finds Israel and the Soviet Union to be in concert...
As for Israel, Rassinier sees the myth of the Six Million as inspired by
a purely material problem. In Le Drame des Juifs européen (P. 31,
39). he writes:
"...It is simply a question of justifying by a proportionate number
of corpses the enormous subsidies which Germany has been paying annually
since the end of the war to the State of Israel by way of reparation for
injuries which moreover she cannot be held to have caused her either morally
or legally, since there was no State of Israel at the time the alleged
deeds took place; thus it is a purely and contemptibly material problem."
Weber agreed that the extermination legend was deliberately exploited for
political and financial advantage. There were numerous examples of how
that exploitation took place and it had been confirmed by numerous Jewish
writers themselves. For example, Professor W.D. Rubinstein of Australia
wrote in September, 1979:
If the Holocaust can be shown to be a "Zionist myth", the strongest
of all weapons in Israel's propaganda armory collapses.
Israeli leaders on numerous occasions referred to the Holocaust to justify
or increase support for specific policies at specific times. Jacobo Timerman,
a prominent Jewish writer, said that the Holocaust story was exploited
and that many Jews were even ashamed of the way that it had become a civil
religion for Jews in the United States. (24-6185 to 6188)
Weber did not believe that it was exploited so much to obtain money, although
that was a feature of it, as to create the idea that if a people as civilized
and as cultured as the Germans could turn into murderous Nazis and kill
all the Jews, then the Jews should be very wary and untrusting of all people
and rely only upon themselves. The story was used to greatly increase a
sense of solidarity among Jews. (24-6188)
In Weber's opinion, the Communist governments upheld the Holocaust story,
but in different ways and for different purposes. For the Soviets, and
to a lesser extent for the American, West German and British governments,
the main purpose of the Holocaust story was to depict the Hitler regime
in the worst possible way and thereby show that their own struggle during
the Second World War was justified and proper. (24-6186 to 6189)
Weber did not believe it was true to say that Germany paid Israel sums
calculated on 6 million dead. Under the 1953 Luxembourg Treaty signed between
the Israeli government, the West German government and a special international
Jewish organization known as the Claims Conference (which represented Jewish
organizations in 20 countries), the basis for the reparations were the
great crimes and injustices done to the Jewish people. No number of victims
and no policy of extermination were specified. The very nature of the Luxembourg
Treaty and the reparations agreement presupposed that the Jews of the world
were to be represented not by the governments of the countries of which
they were citizens, but rather by the state of Israel and by the Claims
Conference which was a special supranational corporation. The Luxembourg
Agreement had no parallel in diplomatic or international history. (24-6190
to 6192)
Weber returned to page 30 of the booklet:
� Moreover, official Jewish estimates of the casualties are being quietly
revised downwards. Our analysis of the population and emigration statistics,
as well as the studies by the Swiss Baseler Nachrichten and Professor Rassinier,
demonstrate that it would have been simply impossible for the number of
Jewish casualties to have exceeded a limit of one and a half million. It
is very significant, therefore, that the World Centre of Contemporary Jewish
Documentation in Paris now states that only 1,485,292 Jews died from all
causes during the Second World War, and although this figure is certainly
too high, at least it bears no resemblance at all to the legendary Six
Million. As has been noted earlier, the Jewish statistician Raul Hilberg
estimates an even lower figure of 896,892. This is beginning to approach
a realistic figure, and the process of revision is certain to continue.
Doubtless, several thousand Jewish persons did die in the course of the
Second World War, but this must be seen in the context of a war that cost
many millions of innocent victims on all sides. To put the matter in perspective,
for example, we may point out that 700,000 Russian civilians died during
the siege of Leningrad, and a total of 2,050,000 German civilians were
killed in Allied air raids and forced repatriation after the war. In 1955,
another neutral Swiss source, Die Tat of Zurich (January 19th, 1955), in
a survey of all Second World War casualties based on figures of the lnternational
Red Cross, put the "Loss of victims of persecution because of politics,
race or religion who died in prisons and concentration camps between 1939
and 1945" at 300,000, not all of whom were Jews, and this figure seems
the most accurate assessment.
While some preliminary conclusions could be drawn about Jewish population
statistics, said Weber, it was his opinion that statistical accuracies
were not yet possible on the information available. One of the best places
for this type of research was the [International Tracing Service] in Arolsen,
West Germany, which refused researchers free access to its records. (24-6195)
In Weber's view, official Jewish estimates had not been "quietly"
revised downwards; they had been drastically revised downwards. Lucy Dawidowicz
still tried to uphold the 6 million figure, but Raul Hilberg gave a figure
of 5.1 million; Gerald Reitlinger gave a figure of 4.2 or 4.5 million.
Weber was familiar with the Swiss daily newspaper Baseler Nachrichten referred
to by Harwood. It was a highly respected, liberal newspaper which had been
in existence for about 100 years. In the June 13, 1946 edition, under the
headline "How High is the Number of Jewish Victims?" the newspaper
printed an article which attempted to come to grips with the claim that
5 or 6 million Jews had been killed during the war. The article concluded
that less than 1.5 million Jews must preliminarily be considered dead or
missing. Weber quoted from it:
One thing is already certain today: The contention that this figure [of
Jewish losses during the war] runs up to 5 or 6 million is not true. The
number of Jewish victims may vary between 1 and 1.5 million, because a
higher number of Jews overall was not "within reach" of Hitler
and Himmler. It may be assumed and hoped that the final figure of losses
of the Jewish people will be even lower than this figure. But clarification
is necessary; this is why an investigation on the part of a special committee
of the United Nations should establish the truth, which is so terribly
important for the present and for the future.
Weber testified that Harwood's statement that the World Centre of Contemporary
Jewish Documentation in Paris claimed that only 1,485,292 Jews died from
all causes in World War II was false. It was also false that Hilberg estimated
Jewish losses at 896,892, but Harwood had derived this from Rassinier who
had incorrectly interpreted Hilberg's statistics. The reference to the
article in Die Tat of Zurich was accurate as far as it went, said Weber.
The article actually referred to the number of persons who died strictly
in what were known as concentration camps, which the International Red
Cross distinguished from extermination camps. (24-6198, 6201)
Weber approved of Harwood's statement that Jewish losses must be put in
the context of a war that cost many millions of innocent victims on all
sides. Generally accepted figures put German civilian dead from Allied
air raids at about 500,000 and about 2 million dead from the forced expulsion
of some 14 million Germans at the end of the war from areas where they
had lived for centuries. There was no question, said Weber, that far more
Germans died during the Second World War than Jews. (24-6199, 6200)
Weber turned to the last paragraphs of the booklet:
� The question most pertinent to the extermination legend is, of course:
how many of the 3 million European Jews under German control survived after
1945? The Jewish Joint Distribution Committee estimated the number of survivors
in Europe to be only one and a half million, but such a figure is now totally
unacceptable. This is proved by the growing number of Jews claiming compensation
from the West German Government for having allegedly suffered between 1939
and 1945. By 1965, the number of these claimants registered with the West
German Government had tripled in ten years and reached 3,375,000 (Aufbau,
June 30th, 1965). Nothing could be a more devastating proof of the brazen
fantasy of the Six Million. Most of these claimants are Jews, so there
can be no doubt that the majority of the 3 million Jews who experienced
the Nazi occupation of Europe are, in fact, very much alive. It is a resounding
confirmation of the fact that Jewish casualties during the Second World
War can only be estimated at a figure in thousands. Surely this is enough
grief for the Jewish people? Who has the right to compound it with vast
imaginary slaughter, marking with eternal shame a great European nation,
as well as wringing fraudulent monetary compensation from them?
RICHARD HARWOOD is a writer and specialist in political and diplomatic
aspects of the Second World War. At present he is with the University of
London. Mr. Harwood turned to the vexed subject of war crimes under the
influence of Professor Paul Rassinier, to whose monumental work this little
volume is greatly indebted. The author is now working on a sequel in this
series on the Main Nuremberg Trial, 1945 -1946.
Weber himself believed that definitive statements about the number of Jewish
losses during the war could not be made. "Victims of the Holocaust"
were defined to include Jews who died during the war regardless of cause;
i.e., included were Jews who died in Allied air raids. When two large shiploads
of about 10,000 concentration camp inmates were sunk by British airplanes
at the end of the war, these dead were counted as "victims of the
Holocaust." (24-6202, 6203)
Weber agreed with Harwood's statement that the number of Jews claiming
compensation had increased over the years. Today, he said, the total number
of claims made by individuals to the West German government for compensation
was about 4.2 million. About 80 percent or 3.5 million of these claims
were from Jews. This number did not include the large numbers of Jews who
had never been allowed to make claims, i.e., those in the Eastern Bloc
countries of Poland, Hungary, Romania and the Soviet Union. Further, Jews
who died before the programme began in 1953 also never made claims. In
Weber's opinion, it was not inaccurate to say that the reparations claims
were not consistent with the Six Million story. (24-6204, 6205)
Weber was referred to the back page of Did Six Million Really Die? written
by Ernst Zündel where he wrote that his views were shared by notable
experts and historians from around the world, including Professor Faurisson,
J.G.Burg, Dr. B. Kautsky, Dr. W. Stäglich, David Irving, David Hoggan,
Professor Arthur Butz, Professor A.J. App, Professor Rassinier, Professor
Udo Walendy, Thies Christophersen and Ditlieb Felderer. (24-6221)
Weber testified that Professor Robert Faurisson had a doctorate in French
literature and had written extensively on the Holocaust issue. Weber considered
him to be a very capable and thorough historian. Faurisson did not have
strong political views but was something of a liberal. J.G. Burg was the
author of several books calling into question the Holocaust story. He himself
was Jewish and lived in Munich. Professor Butz was the author of the important
revisionist work, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century. David Irving was an
English historian whom Weber considered to be remarkably scrupulous. David
Hoggan was an American historian whose works Weber had found useful. Weber
knew Professor A.J. App when he lived in Washington and also found his
works to be useful. (24-6221)
In 1977 Weber sought out the publisher of Did Six Million Really Die? because
he wanted to know more about what they were publishing. He had no difficulty
finding the publisher in England. Weber was introduced to the author of
Did Six Million Really Die? and spoke to him about the booklet. (24-6225)
Weber was familiar with the reports of the Red Cross as they dealt with
the concentration camps during the war and the relationship between the
Red Cross and the Jewish population in Europe during the war. In Weber's
opinion, the reports were accurate but somewhat biased. An example of bias
was the reference in the reports to the "liberation" of the city
of Budapest, Hungary by the Soviet forces. The population of Hungary, said
Weber, was overwhelmingly anti- Communist and to describe the city of Budapest
being taken by the Soviet forces as a "liberation" was a misrepresentation.
It was language that reflected the thinking and mentality of the Allies
at that period of time. Another example of Red Cross bias was its report
on the liberation of Dachau concentration camp in April of 1945. There
was no mention in the report of the summary shootings of the German guards
by American G.I.'s who captured the camp; it was hard to imagine, said
Weber, that the shootings could have escaped the attention of the Red Cross
officials who were there at the time. There was no doubt this atrocity
took place; it was described in a memoir entitled The Day of the Americans
written by a former inmate named Nerin Gun; it was also described in a
memoir entitled Dachau: The Hour of the Avenger written by an American
officer, Colonel Howard Buechner, who was with the American forces who
captured the camp. Weber also found confirmation in official U.S. Army
records in the National Archives that the atrocity was carried out by American
soldiers and was subsequently suppressed. (24-6227 to 6229)
Weber returned to the subject of the Luther Memorandum (Nuremberg Document
NG- 2586), a document he believed to be very important because it laid
out in clear language what the German policy during the war was towards
the Jews. To Weber, the most relevant portions of the document were often
not published or known. The document said: "The present war gives
Germany the opportunity and also the duty of solving the Jewish problem
in Europe." This policy was to "promote the evacuation of the
Jews from Europe in closest co-operation with the agencies of the Reichsführer
SS..." The document also noted that "The number of Jews deported
in this way to the east did not suffice to cover the labour needs."
The document also quoted German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop as saying that
"At the end of this war, all Jews would have to leave Europe. This
was an unalterable decision of the Führer and also the only way to
master this problem as only a global comprehensive solution could be applied
and individual measures would not help very much." The memorandum
concluded by saying that "The deportations to the east are a further
step on the way of the total solution. The deportation to the Polish General
Government is a temporary measure. The Jews will be moved on further to
the occupied eastern territories as soon as the technical conditions for
it are given." (24 6230)
Weber had done a great deal of study into the Einsatzgruppen reports and
translated large portions not previously made public. The Einsatzgruppen
report of September 12, 1942, [No. 81, p. 14], showed that the goal of
the German security units was not to kill as many Jews as possible. It
showed in fact that they were glad when they did not have to deal with
the large numbers of Jews who fled into the Soviet Union. The report showed
that the term "solution to the Jewish question in Europe" meant
that the Jews were simply to be gotten out of Europe. Weber read from the
During the first weeks considerable numbers of Jews fell under our control,
whereas in the central and eastern Ukrainian districts it has been observed
that in many cases 70 to 90 percent, and sometimes 100 percent, of the
Jewish population has fled. This can be seen as an indirect result of the
work of the Security Police, since the removal at no cost of hundreds of
thousands of Jews - most of them reportedly to beyond the Urals - represents
a considerable contribution to the solution of the Jewish question in Europe.
Weber referred next to the CIA booklet containing aerial photographs of
Auschwitz. Weber testified that the two CIA officials who wrote the text
of the booklet were not historians and relied entirely on secondary sources
in concluding that an extermination took place at Auschwitz. What was significant
was that the aerial photographs themselves did not give any evidence to
support the extermination story and tended, in fact, to discredit the story.
(24-6233, 6234)
In Weber's opinion, Did Six Million Really Die? did not purport to be a
serious or scholarly work of history. It was based on secondary sources
such as the books of Paul Rassinier; it was a polemical account designed
to convince people. It did not purport to be a work that could be held
up to the same standards of rigid scrutiny that a scholarly work by a historian
normally would be. A critical reader, who understood it was written on
the basis of secondary sources, would be alerted to the fact that if he
wanted to evaluate its absolute accuracy he would have to go to the primary
sources. In Weber's opinion, Did Six Million Really Die?'s main value lay
in encouraging further thought, discussion and debate on the subject it
raised. (24 6235 to 6237)
Weber pointed out that The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William
Shirer, which had been through numerous editions and was considered a standard
work, contained many errors of historical fact. For example, the book claimed
that Hermann Goering and the top officials around Hitler carried out the
burning of the Reichstag building in 1933, a claim which was now acknowledged
by historians to be untrue. In Weber's opinion, Shirer was more responsible
for these errors precisely because the book purported to be a scholarly
work based on primary sources. (24-6237)
Historians very often made mistakes, sometimes in good faith and sometimes
not, but one did not hold the writing of someone held out to be a scholar
to the same standard that one held a popular or polemic or journalistic
work. The standard was established by the author himself and the publisher
of the book. When a work claimed to be a comprehensive or definitive work
on a subject, then the author himself and the publishers were establishing
the standard. Thirdly, there was an implicit standard of reliability when
a book was written by a well-known author and was a lengthy treatment.
Such a book was held to a different standard than that of a historical
work by someone who was not well-known or a work which was polemical or
journalistic. (24-6238)
More comparable to Did Six Million Really Die?, said Weber, were two booklets
published on the same subject by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith
in New York City. The first, entitled Anatomy of Nazism was a polemical
work which did not cite original sources and contained demonstrable errors
of fact. For example, the booklet contained photographs with the caption
"Nazism: Two monuments are now empty gas chambers and crematoria at
Dachau and Buchenwald." No historian today claimed there were gassings
at these camps. The booklet further claimed that "large quantities
of soap were manufactured from the corpses of those murdered." Again,
said Weber, no historian today made such claims. 10
Weber concluded his examination-in-chief by stating that Harwood's conclusions
in Did Six Million Really Die? were not unreasonable, and were reasonable
if one accepted the secondary evidence that the author had relied upon.
Crown Attorney John Pearson commenced his cross-examination of Weber. Weber
testified that he agreed with the main thesis of the booklet which was
laid out in the first paragraph. In his opinion, however, the booklet contained
misleading and false statements of fact. Weber agreed that with at least
some citations in the booklet, the errors would be disclosed simply by
looking up the references. (24-6244, 6245)
Pearson turned to Did Six Million Really Die? and read from page 9:
� So far as is known, the first accusation against the Germans of the mass
murder of Jews in war- time Europe was made by the Polish Jew Rafael Lemkin
in his book Axis Rule in Occupied Europe, published in New York in 1943...His
book claimed that the Nazis had destroyed millions of Jews, perhaps as
many as six millions.
Pearson produced Exhibit 48 in the trial, Axis Rule in Occupied Europe,
and asked Weber to confirm that the book was actually published in 1944,
not 1943 as Harwood had stated. Weber confirmed that the title page of
the book listed 1944 as the date of publication but pointed out that it
did not make clear whether it was the first edition or not. (24-6247) Pearson
turned to page 88 of the Lemkin book and read to the court:
The technique of mass killings is employed mainly against Poles, Russians,
and Jews, as well as against leading personalities from among the non-collaborationist
groups in all the occupied countries. In Poland, Bohemia-Moravia, and Slovenia,
the intellectuals are being "liquidated" because they have always
been considered as the main bearers of national ideals and at the time
of occupation they were especially suspected of being the organizers of
resistance. The Jews for the most part are liquidated within the ghettos
or in special trains in which they are transported to a so-called "unknown"
destination. The number of Jews who have been killed by organized murder
in all the occupied countries, according to the Institute of Jewish Affairs
of the American Jewish Congress in New York amounts to 1,702,500. (See
the Joint Declaration by members of the United Nations issued simultaneously
in Washington and in London, on December 17, 1942... )
Weber agreed that Lemkin did not claim that 6 million Jews had been destroyed
as Harwood had stated. Weber pointed out that it was important to realize
that Harwood relied on the works of Paul Rassinier; the original error
was made by Rassinier and repeated by Harwood. He agreed, however, that
Harwood had made no reference to Rassinier at that point in the booklet.
As to Harwood's claim that Lemkin was the first to accuse the Germans of
mass murder of the Jews, Weber agreed that the Lemkin book specifically
referred to the Joint Declaration and to statistics of the Institute of
Jewish Affairs. He agreed that those who were well-informed on the subject
knew that the Allied governments claimed there was an extermination of
the Jews taking place in 1942. It was certainly not a secret, said Weber,
and the Allied governments made quite a lot of it at the time. He agreed
that one did not need to be an expert to know about the Joint Declaration
of 1942. (24-6250, 6251)
Weber did not agree, however, with Pearson's suggestion that Harwood had
stated deliberate falsehoods with respect to Lemkin. Weber knew the author,
Richard Verrall, was given a small amount of money to quickly produce Did
Six Million Really Die? as a journalistic venture. Verrall did not know
and did not expect, as those who asked him to make the booklet did not
expect, that the booklet would have anywhere near the impact that it had.
Richard Verrall was not a specialist in history. He relied on secondary
sources and produced the booklet very quickly. Weber knew Verrall and believed
he did not maliciously or willfully make false statements of fact in the
booklet. He wrote what he believed to be the truth at the time. Weber knew
Verrall was very glad to have errors pointed out in the booklet. He wanted
errors corrected in subsequent editions and in some cases they in fact
had been corrected. (24-6252, 6253)
Pearson turned to the last page of Did Six Million Really Die?:
� RICHARD HARWOOD is a writer and specialist in political and diplomatic
aspects of the Second World War. At present he is with the University of
Pearson suggested that this was a false statement. Weber disagreed, testifying
that Verrall had simply used the name "Harwood"; but Verrall
was a writer and he had a specialized interest in political and diplomatic
aspects of the Second World War. He was a graduate of the University of
London with high honours. (24-6254, 6255)
Pearson asked if Weber held Paul Rassinier to the standard of a historian.
Weber testified that Rassinier was the most important revisionist historian
up to the time of the publication of Did Six Million Really Die?. Both
Rassinier and the booklet represented an early stage in revisionist historiography.
Weber himself had been disturbed by Rassinier's errors of fact and accepted
nothing of what he wrote except when he was talking in the first person
perhaps and unless Weber checked the source himself. He did not agree with
Pearson's suggestion that Rassinier deliberately falsified what Lemkin
wrote. Rassinier was sick after the war and unable to resume his teaching
career. He did not have a doctorate in history. While some might hold Rassinier's
work to a very high standard, Weber personally did not. (24 6256 to 6258)
In Weber's opinion, the Lemkin error was not a substantive or malicious
error as it was not essential to Rassinier's argument. If he had said that
the first claims of extermination were made in 1942 rather than 1943 it
would not have detracted from his essential point. Rassinier may have relied
on a newspaper account about Lemkin's book and picked up the error there.
The kind of errors that Rassinier commonly made were not of a substantial
nature. He would, for example, get exact titles incorrect or make mistakes
about dates of a minor nature. It simply showed he was not the most meticulous
writer. (24-6258)
Weber testified that a reasonable and competent historian would check a
source before quoting it. He reiterated, however, that Rassinier might
have tried to check his source and been unable to do so; he may have relied
on a secondary source that was inaccurate. Rassinier was in France and
Axis Rule in Occupied Europe was published in the United States. Weber
believed historians had an obligation to check original sources whenever
they could and was sorry that Rassinier was not a careful historian in
some cases. However, the great value of Rassinier's work lay mostly in
what he himself reported about his own personal experiences in Buchenwald
and in Dora concentration camps. What he wrote of beyond his personal experiences
had to be checked, but that was true of all historical writing. (24-6260,
Rassinier began his investigation of this subject because he was so struck
by the fact that what was being said in the media in France after the war
was directly contrary to his own personal experience in Buchenwald and
Dora. His first book discussed his experiences in those camps. He did not
draw any sweeping conclusions. Weber pointed out that there were many other
former inmates who didn't hesitate to draw very sweeping conclusions even
though all they really knew was what they had seen in a particular camp.
Rassinier concluded, on the basis of his research, that about 1.2 million
Jews died during the Second World War from a variety of causes. He took
issue with the thesis that 5 or 6 million Jews were exterminated as part
of an official German policy. (24 6264)
Weber pointed out that although Did Six Million Really Die? was journalistic,
Verrall had provided sources for much of what he wrote. That implied an
invitation to the reader to check those sources. The booklet which Weber
had referred to earlier by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith did
not give any sources to support its statements. Oftentimes, claims were
made in newspapers and magazines without any sources whatsoever being provided.
Pearson suggested to Weber that it was part of the central thesis of Did
Six Million Really Die? that the Holocaust was a post-war invention. Weber
disagreed, pointing out that the very passage about Lemkin which Pearson
quoted said that the first extermination claims were made in 1943, that
was, during the war. (24-6266)
Weber did not know if Verrall checked the accuracy of what Rassinier said
by checking Lemkin's book. Weber believed he should have, but didn't. From
Weber's conversations with Verrall, the author felt he was under a deadline
and had to write the essay quickly; this was what Verrall was really concerned
about. When a writer put forth a thesis which was at variance with a generally-accepted
view, Weber believed the writer should be more careful than usual because
he had a greater burden of proof and had to contend with a much greater
level of disbelief among his potential readers. (24-6267)
Pearson suggested again that anyone who was reasonably well-read in the
area would know about the Joint Allied Declaration. Weber replied that
if Pearson went into some other courtroom in the building he wouldn't find
a single person who knew about the Allied Declaration of 1942 even though
many of those people were reasonably well-read. This applied now or in
1976. In Weber's opinion, there were many persons in Canada with doctorates
in history, even in modern European history, who were not aware of the
Allied Declaration. Verrall had a specialized interest in the political
and diplomatic aspects of the Second World War. He did not claim to be
a specialist or an expert on the history of the Jews in Europe in the Second
World War. (24-6268 to 6270)
Pearson suggested that before publishing a book for public consumption,
a reasonable and competent publisher would check out the sources cited
in a book to ensure they were referred to accurately. Weber thought a publisher
should but often did not. Even major publishers did not; William Shirer's
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich was an example. Weber agreed it shouldn't
have been too difficult to check up on the Lemkin book in North America,
but indicated that publishers normally assumed the good faith and accuracy
of their writers. Weber cited as a further example of this publishing practice,
the so-called Howard Hughes hoax where a man wrote a book which purported
to be the authorized biography of Hughes. The publisher published the book
in good faith, thinking it was accurate. The whole thing, however, was
an enormous hoax. The publisher should have checked the book, said Weber,
but it didn't. It accepted the word of the author. That was normally the
case because publishers were in the business of publishing; they didn't
have the time or the inclination to go checking up on the accuracy of everything
that was written by their writers. Weber pointed out that Zündel,
the publisher of Did Six Million Really Die?, had made it clear that he
accepted the essential thesis of the booklet based not merely on the say-so
of Harwood but also on the authority of others whom he had taken the time
to list. (24-6270 to 6273)
Pearson put to Weber that in his previous testimony he said that between
200,000 and 800,000 Jews were killed by the Einsatzgruppen. Weber testified
that this was an estimate that he did not want to be held strictly to account
for because of the difficulty in the figures. He would qualify this estimate
by saying that it would be an estimate not of Jews killed by the Einsatzgruppen,
but rather of Jews killed in the Soviet territories during the war. It
would therefore include Jews who were killed by Poles, Latvians, Lithuanians
and Ukrainians in pogroms which took place on a widespread scale as the
Germans invaded in 1941. The deaths of those Jews were commonly attributed
to the Germans. Weber disagreed with Harwood's conclusion on page 14 of
the booklet that 100,000 people were killed by the Einsatzgruppen. Weber
himself believed that a minimum of perhaps 200,000 Jews were killed in
the Soviet territories by both the Einsatzgruppen and others. (24-6273
to 6276)
The policy of the Einsatzgruppen was not to kill Jews simply because they
were Jews, said Weber. They were shot for security reasons, reprisals,
being found outside the ghetto for unauthorized reasons and so on. This
was comparable to the so-called "free fire zones" established
during the Vietnam War in which anyone alive was subject to being killed.
This didn't mean the American government had a policy of exterminating
the Vietnamese people. (24-6276 to 6278)
Weber agreed that in the Einsatzgruppen reports there was often a distinction
made between partisans and Jews. Sometimes Jews were listed separately
as a sub-group of partisans or partisan helpers. He agreed that the numbers
of Jews reported shot far exceeded the number of partisans reported shot
but he believed these numbers were exaggerated to curry favour with superiors.
The shooting of Jews was considered good precisely because it was considered
a help to security. As Raul Hilberg pointed out in his book, Jews were
not shot whenever there was not a security or reprisal reason to shoot
them. (24-6284, 6285)
Weber agreed that Ohlendorf had a very good reason at his own trial to
try to minimize the activities of the Einsatzgruppen. Pearson produced
volume 4 of the Nuremberg Military Tribunal "Green Series" in
which the testimony of Ohlendorf at his own trial was reproduced. Pearson
read from page 269, where Ohlendorf was being cross-examined by the prosecutor:
MR. HEATH: Mr. Ohlendorf, to speed this examination I'd like to attempt
to agree with you upon one or two points. First, we shall not quarrel about
numbers. You have indicated that Einsatzgruppe D under your command slaughtered
something less than 90,000 human beings. I understood you to suggest to
the Court that this figure is exaggerated although it appears in an affidavit
which you have given. I ask you now to give the Court the best estimate
you possibly can of the minimum number of human beings who were killed
under your command by Einsatzgruppe D.
DEFENDANT OHLENDORF: In my direct examination I have already said that
I cannot give any definite figure, and that even the testimony in my affidavit
shows that in reality I could not name any figure. Therefore, I have named
a figure which has been reported "approximately". The knowledge
which I have gained by this day through the documents and which I have
gained through conversations with my men, make me reserve the right to
name any figure and strengthen this reservation. Therefore, I am not in
a position to give you a minimum figure, either. In my direct examination
I have said that the numbers which appear in the documents are at least
exaggerated by one-half, but I must repeat that I never knew any definite
figure and, therefore, cannot give you any such figure.
Q. You cannot give us a minimum figure?
A. If the prosecution wishes I am, of course, prepared to give my reasons
why I cannot give any figure.
Q. Well, let me ask you - perhaps I can help you * * * . In any event,
I can indicate to the Court one reason why you might have doubts about
the numbers. In 1943 the Reich Leader SS, Himmler addressed the SS major
generals at Poznan. You are aware of that speech, are you not?
A. Yes, I have heard it myself.
Q. Perhaps you recall his complaint; I will read it to you -
"I come now to a fourth virtue, which is very rare in Germany - truthfulness.
One of the greatest evils which has spread during the war is the lack of
truthfulness in messages, reports, and statements, which subordinate departments
in civil life, in the State, the Party and the services sent in to the
departments over them."
Of course, that was in 1943. Did you exaggerate the reports which you sent
to the Reich Security Main Office?
A. I certainly did not on my own initiative, but I had to rely on those
things which were reported to me, and I know that double countings could
not be avoided, and I also know that wrong numbers were reported to me.
I have tried to avoid passing on such double countings or wrong statements,
because the individual Kommandos did not know the figures of the neighbor
units; nevertheless the reporting of wrong figures was not prevented -
and especially the reporting of strange figures as for instance, the report
from Chernovitsy. Here those figures are named for which the Rumanians
in Chernovitsy were responsible.
Q. Will you tell the Court what bookkeeping and record-making system was
maintained in Einsatzgruppe D to keep track of the people slaughtered?
A. In Einsatzgruppe D the various reports were received which were sent
from the Kommandos to the Einsatzgruppe, and these reports were gone over
and the figures contained in them were sent to the Reich Security Main
Q. Well, it is quite obvious that that is what happened. But tell us now
who reported for Einsatzkommando 12, say, during the first six months of
its operations, the killings by Einsatzkommando 12, to you?
A. Einsatzkommando 12 itself.
Q. And who was the man who reported to you?
A. They were usually signed by the Einsatzkommando chief himself, in this
case by the then SS Major [Sturmbannfuehrer] Nosske.
Q. Very well, you relied on Nosske for truthful reporting of the numbers
killed by his unit?
A. I had no possibility to examine these executions because Nosske, was
sometimes 200 or 250 kilometers away from me.
Q. Witness, I don't mean to cut you off, but I think if I ask you now to
attempt to make your answers as responsive as possible, I shall attempt
to make my questions as explicit as possible - and I believe we both shall
benefit. So, I ask you again - not why you did not check up on Nosske,
but simply the question - Did you rely on Nosske for truthful reports of
the slaughters committed by Einsatzkommando 12?
A. I didn't understand the last part of the question.
Q. Did you rely on Nosske for truthful reports of the numbers of persons
slaughtered by Einsatzkommando 12 while it was under his command?
A. I was of the opinion that these reports were truthful. In the case of
Nosske, however, in one case it was brought to my attention that the report
was not truthful. But that was at a relatively early stage of Nikolaev.
We found out that in this case Nosske reported figures which were not killed
by his Kommando but by a strange unit.
Q. Then in one instance at least, you did find your subordinate exaggerating
the number killed by his unit?
A. Yes.
Q. Do you recall any other exaggerations by any other men in the unit under
A. Yes, for example, in the case of 10a.
Q. Yes. Do you recall an exaggeration in the case of 10a?
A. Yes. In the case of 10a.
Q. Any other Einsatzkommando do you recall exaggerating figures?
A. Not from my part, no.
Q. So within the limits of memory and the situation you find yourself in
today, it should be possible for you to give us a minimum figure based
on the reports of the men who were under you, should it not?
A. I can only repeat what I already have been saying for two and one-half
years that to the best of my knowledge, about ninety thousand people were
reported by my Einsatzkommandos. How many of those were actually killed
I do not know and I cannot really say.
Q. Very well, we will leave this after one more question. This figure ninety
thousand is the best estimate you can give at this moment. I take it we
must continue to read that with the qualification that you gave in direct
testimony, that you think there is a great deal of exaggeration in it?
PRESIDING JUDGE MUSMANNO: Mr. Heath, I do not understand the witness to
say that he regarded the figure ninety thousand to be an exaggeration.
He states, and he stated not only here but before the International Military
Tribunal, that his estimate of the number killed by the Einsatzgruppe D
during the time he was in charge was ninety thousand, and he comes to that
conclusion from the reports and that is what I understand he says today.
MR. HEATH: I agree with your Honor. I had understood him to say that in
the transcript his testimony was - go ahead.
DEFENDANT OHLENDORF: I am not quite in agreement with this answer, your
Honor, insofar as I said that the number ninety thousand was reported as
having been killed. But I cannot really say whether that number had been
actually killed and certainly not that they were killed by the Einsatzgruppen,
because, apart from exaggerations, I also knew definitely that the Einsatzkommando
reported the killings which were carried out by other units. Therefore,
I could only repeat that ninety thousand were reported.
PRESIDING JUDGE MUSMANNO: Witness, you may perhaps not agree to what I
have stated, but you will have to agree to what you stated yourself on
3 January 1946; you were asked: "Do you know how many persons were
liquidated by the Einsatzgruppe D under your direction?" And you answered:
"In the year between June 1941 and June 1942 the Einsatzkommandos
reported ninety thousand people liquidated."
PRESIDING JUDGE MUSMANNO: Question: "That included men, women and
children?" Answer: "Yes." Question: "On what do you
base these figures?" Answer: "On reports sent by the Einsatzkommandos
to the Einsatzgruppen." Question: "Were those reports submitted
to you?" Answer: "Yes."
MR. HEATH: Your Honor, please, if I may interrupt? I think I can clear
up the difficulty. I have the advantage of having the transcript of his
testimony before me.
MR. HEATH: I don't know that your Honor has had the opportunity to see
MR. HEATH: He did make this statement with respect to the affidavit which
you just read.
PRESIDING JUDGE MUSMANNO: It is not the affidavit. This is testimony put
to him in Court.
MR. HEATH: We can follow this up in the witness' testimony in direct examination.
Witness, this is from your testimony of last week. You said: "If,
of course, the figure of ninety thousand was named by me, I always added
that in this fifteen to twenty percent are double countings, that is, on
the basis of my own experience. I do not know any longer how I could have
remembered the number of just ninety thousand, because I did not keep a
register of these figures. The 'approximately' must have meant that I was
not certain. It is evident that I mentioned this number of ninety thousand
by adding a number of other figures. I do not mention this in order to
excuse myself, as I am perfectly convinced that it does not matter from
the actual fact whether it was forty thousand or ninety thousand. I mention
this for the reason that in the situation in which we are today, politically
speaking, figures are being dealt with in an irresponsible manner."
That is the qualification that I had referred to.
PRESIDING JUDGE MUSMANNO: But that still does not in any way take away
from what he said on 3 January 1946.
MR. HEATH: I agree, sir, with you.
PRESIDING JUDGE MUSMANNO: That is the testimony of that day, and it still
stands now as he gives this explanation and the Tribunal sees no difference
between what he said then and what he said today, namely, that this estimate
of ninety thousand is based upon the report which he personally saw.
MR. HEATH: Alright, sir.
DEFENDANT OHLENDORF: With what was just read by the presiding judge of
my affidavit of 3 January 1946 I agree completely.
DEFENDANT OHLENDORF: Anything else which I have said on direct examination
is merely a commentary to the testimony of 3 January 1946.
MR. HEATH: Very well, sir. Mr. Ohlendorf, I had begun to ask you about
the Karaims [Karaites] and the Krimchaks, I think you called them. I understood
that you were confronted in the south of Russia with the question further
to slaughter Krimchaks. Krimchaks I understood were human beings who had
come by way of Italy to Russia, and they had Jewish blood. The directive
which you got from Berlin was to kill the Krimchaks, is that correct?
Q. Now, I cannot pronounce it correctly, the Karaims were another sect
whom you encountered in the south of Russia, and this sect had no Jewish
blood, but it did share the religious confessions of the Jews. Is that
A. Yes.
Q. You submitted to Berlin the question whether the Karaims should be killed,
and I understood you to say that the order you got from Berlin was you
shall not kill them for they have nothing in common with the Jews except
the confession?
A. Yes.
Q. Now during your direct examination you told this Court that you had
no idea, and that you have no cause today to think that there was any plan
to exterminate the Jewish race in existence, nor that you had any information
of putting it into effect. Is that right?
A. Yes.
Q. Will you explain to the Court, please, what difference there was between
the Karaims and the Krimchaks, except Jewish blood?
A. I understand your question completely in reference to the eastern Jews,
in the case of the Jews who were found in the eastern campaign. These Jews
were to be killed - according to the order - for the reason that they were
considered carriers of bolshevism, and, therefore, considered as endangering
the security of the German Reich. This concerned the Jews who were found
in Russia, and it was not known to me that the Jews in all of Europe were
being killed, but on the contrary I knew that down to my dismissal these
Jews were not killed, but it was attempted at all costs to get them to
emigrate. The fact that the Karaims were not killed showed that the charge
of the prosecution that persons were persecuted for their religion is not
correct, for the Karaims had that Jewish religion, but they could not be
killed because they did not belong to the Jewish race.
Q. I think, Witness, you answered exactly what I had anticipated in the
last sentence, "They did not belong to the Jewish Race," is that
A. Yes, that is right.
Q. They were found in Russia?
A. Yes.
Q. But they participated in the Jewish confession in Russia?
A. The Karaims had the Jewish faith, yes.
Q. But your race authorities in Berlin could find no trace of Jewish blood
in them?
A. Yes.
Q. So they came absolutely under the Fuehrer Decree or the Streckenbach
Order to kill all Jews?
A. Yes.
Q. Because of blood?
A. Because they were of Jewish origin. For you must understand the Nazi
ideology, as you call it. It was the opinion of the Fuehrer that in Russia
and in bolshevism, the representatives of this blood showed themselves
especially suitable for this idea, therefore, the carriers of this blood
became especially suitable representatives of the bolshevism. That is not
on account of their faith, or their religion, but because of their human
make-up and character.
Q. And because of their blood, right?
A. I cannot express it any more definitely than I stated, from their nature
and their characteristics. Their blood, of course, has something to do
with it, according to National Socialist ideology.
Q. Let's see, if I can understand it; we've got a lot of time, I hope.
What was the distinction except blood?
A. Between whom?
Q. Between the Karaims and the Krimchaks?
A. The difference of the blood, yes.
Q. Only the difference in blood, is that so?
A. Yes.
Q. So the criterion and the test which you applied in your slaughter was
A. The criteria which I used were the orders which I got, and it has not
been doubted during the entire trial, that in this Fuehrer Order the Jews
were designated as the ones who belonged to that circle in Russia and who
were to be killed.
Q. Very well, Witness, let's not quibble. Let's come back again. What you
followed was the Fuehrer Order. Now, I leave you out of it for a moment,
your own idea of what should be killed and what should not be killed.
PRESIDING JUDGE MUSMANNO: I disagree with you, Mr. Heath, that the witness
has quibbled. I think he has stated very clearly that his orders were to
kill all Jews, that was the criterion which he followed. If he was a Jew
he was killed, if he was not a Jew then they might figure some other reason
to kill him but he wouldn't be killed because he was a Jew.
MR. HEATH: Yes, Your Honor, I am attempting to get him to say the word
blood and not the word Jews. That is the reason I was saying he is quibbling,
but I am perfectly happy to leave it where it is.
PRESIDING JUDGE MUSMANNO: I think he has been rather forthright.
MR. HEATH: Very well. Let's see, Mr. Ohlendorf, let's go for a moment to
this order which you got at Pretzsch in the spring of 1941. Did you have
any knowledge whatever of the purposes of the Einsatzgruppen before you
went to Pretzsch?
A. We merely knew that the Einsatzgruppen were to be set up.
Q - But you did not know what they were to do?
A. No. Apart from the fact that one has a definite idea about missions
in which people of the Security Police and the SD were assigned. That is,
of course, true.
Q. Did you, at that time, have any idea that the mission of the security
police would be to slaughter Jews and gypsies?
A. I could no longer say today that I had such an idea, but I don't believe
so. In my opinion the order about the killing of the Jews was made known
to me for the first time in Pretzsch, that is, for the Russian campaign.
Q. If you had known that that was going to be the purpose of the Einsatzgruppen
to kill all Jews and gypsies and certain other categories, you would remember
it today - would you not, Mr. Ohlendorf?
A. I can no longer say.
Pearson turned to page 283 of the Ohlendorf cross-examination and continued
Q. Well, you went to Poland with Himmler in 1940?
A. 1939.
Q. 1939. All right. And Heydrich sent you along with Himmler, you say?
Disputes arose between you and Himmler in 1939?
A. They really were monologues because Himmler -
Q. That's all right, whether it was monologue or not. He reproached you
that members of the SD in Poland had not been able to treat the Jews in
a manner in which he had wanted, and that, you say "was a product
of my education". What was it he wanted done to the Jews in Poland
which he said you had failed to do?
A. That is connected with the actions about which I have answered to the
prosecutor on his previous questions. It was in the same city where differences
between Streckenbach and Himmler occurred. It concerned the same actions.
Q. You mean the actions under a Fuehrer Order, an order similar to the
order which controlled you in Russia?
A. Yes. During the direct examination I already answered the questions
by the presiding judge, and today I answered your questions, that the contents
were not the same, but a directive which was only given once concerning
certain definite single actions.
Q. Tell us how orders that you operated under in 1941 in Russia differed
from the order which controlled killing of Jews in Poland in 1939?
A. In Poland individual actions had been ordered, while in Russia, during
the entire time of the commitment, the killing of all Jews had been ordered.
Special actions in Poland had been ordered, whose contents I do not know
in detail.
Weber explained that in giving this testimony, Otto Ohlendorf was desperately
trying to save his life. The statements he made were a repudiation of part
of his Nuremberg testimony. For example, he said that the figures in the
Einsatzgruppen reports were exaggerated by at least half. That was not
what he said in the main Nuremberg trial, where he also claimed there was
a policy to exterminate all the Jews. (24-6306)
Otto Ohlendorf had to make statements in his own trial which did not vary
too extremely from his statements at Nuremberg or else he would have been
completely unbelievable. His reference to the so-called "Führer
Order" was an attempt to justify his actions. No one had ever been
able to find any evidence of such a "Führer Order." Weber
pointed out that even Raul Hilberg no longer claimed that this "Führer
Order" actually ever existed. (24-6306, 6308)
On page 252 of this same Nuremberg volume, said Weber, Ohlendorf testified
that the Einsatzgruppen never had the task of eliminating groups of the
population because they were racially inferior. He said they were never
trained for such actions. (24-6307)
Ohlendorf's testimony had to be looked at in the context of what his motives
were. It was known from existing orders what the tasks of the Einsatzgruppen
were; it was also known that after the Einsatzgruppen's operations in Russia
were finished, there were still large numbers of Jews living there. In
Weber's opinion, if there had been orders by Hitler to exterminate them
all, then they would have been exterminated. In actual fact, the Germans
evacuated large numbers of Jews from former occupied Soviet territory back
to Germany at the end of the war. Weber believed Ohlendorf's testimony
was a fraud. (24-6307)
March 25, 1988
Crown Attorney Pearson resumed his cross-examination by referring Weber
to page 5 of Did Six Million Really Die?:
� The aim in the following pages is quite simply to tell the Truth. The
distinguished American historian Harry Elmer Barnes once wrote that "An
attempt to make a competent, objective and truthful investigation of the
extermination question...is surely the most precarious venture that an
historian or demographer could undertake today." In attempting this
precarious task, it is hoped to make some contribution, not only to historical
truth, but towards lifting the burden of a Lie from our own shoulders,
so that we may freely confront the dangers which threaten us all. Richard
E. Harwood.
Weber agreed that Richard Verrall, using the name "Harwood,"
did not tell his readers in that paragraph that he did not have the time
or inclination to check out the sources. Weber characterized the paragraph
as being rhetorical. (24-6316)
Pearson suggested that Verrall's claim that he was writing a competent,
objective and truthful investigation was false. Weber replied that the
booklet was a polemic; it was argumentative and journalistic. It was presenting
the case for one point of view. In Weber's opinion, Hilberg's book was
not objective even though it took account of much more evidence. He agreed,
however, that the booklet was not completely competent and not completely
truthful. Verrall had set up a high standard in the paragraph which the
booklet, by its very nature and short length, was not able to meet. (24-6316
to 6319)
Pearson suggested that it was false to say that Lemkin said "X"
when in fact the author didn't know what Lemkin said because he hadn't
checked it out. Weber replied that this was sloppiness. The mistake was
not of a deceitful nature because it was not a mistake that called the
main thesis of the booklet into question. Verrall relied on a second-hand
source, Rassinier. It was not known why Rassinier made the mistake. He
may have been relying on still another source which he considered competent
and was unable to check out. This happened often in history writing or
in journalistic writing. One of the most dramatic examples was the case
of Newsweek, one of the most important and influential magazines in North
America, which launched a press campaign about the so-called "secret
diaries" of Adolf Hitler. Newsweek had enormous financial and human
resources to check out the authenticity of the purported diary but they
didn't do it. A competent examination would have revealed the diary to
be a hoax. Weber regretted this kind of sloppiness, and believed that in
the case of Newsweek it was a much more culpable sloppiness. Newsweek had
the resources to make those kinds of investigations and it purported to
be a much more reliable and authoritative publication than Richard Verrall's.
(24 6320 to 6322)
Weber agreed with Pearson that the reader was misled by a work which indicated
that the sources relied upon said one thing when in fact they said exactly
the opposite. Whether it was serious or not depended upon the publication.
A reader who bought the National Enquirer didn't normally expect the same
level of truthfulness and accuracy that he expected to find in the Globe
& Mail. If he did, he was a fool. Weber expected a higher standard
of reliability from Did Six Million Really Die? than from the National
Enquirer. He pointed out that the errors made in the pamphlet did not say
"exactly the opposite" of their sources, as suggested by Pearson.
The errors that did exist were almost always insubstantial errors; usually
very minor errors, like whether Lemkin was the first to make the extermination
allegation or whether a few months earlier the Allied governments were
the first to present the extermination story. (24-6323 to 6325)
When he first began investigating the Holocaust story, Weber felt that
it might not be true. It was perhaps a year before he came to feel that
the story was essentially not true. He had been very interested in knowing
what the evidence was on both sides and was quite content to accept whatever
the truth was. With respect to the Einsatzgruppen, Weber now believed there
was no German policy to exterminate the Jews of Russia simply because they
were Jews. (24-6328 to 6330)
Pearson returned to the cross-examination of Otto Ohlendorf, the former
commander of Einsatzgruppe D, at his trial and read from page 278 of the
NMT volumes:
Q. Heydrich, of course, knew at that time what the Einsatzgruppen were
to do in Russia?
A. I don't know.
Q. I beg your pardon?
A. I don't know whether he did.
Q. Is it your idea that he organized these units without having any idea
of what they were to do?
A. He had an idea, all right, for he wanted to take every security job
away from the army, whereas, up to that time he had detailed personnel
to the army, and the army worked without letting him in on this work; therefore,
he expanded his domination to include the operational areas.
Q. This was a very secret preparation, was it not, of the Einsatzgruppen?
A. Yes, of course, these were negotiations between Heydrich and the Supreme
Command of the Armed Forces and the High Command of the Army, and representatives
of Heydrich and of these two agencies.
Q. Well, then, it is a fair assumption that when Heydrich selected you
to go to Russia in command, he knew what work you were going to perform
in Russia, did he not?
A. Whether he already had the Fuehrer Order I don't know. I only knew the
fact that the Einsatzgruppen were being set up.
Q. Now at Pretzsch, Streckenbach told you, for the first time, you say,
what the Einsatzgruppen were to do?
A. Yes.
Q. Now he had a special order?
A. Yes.
Q. In your direct examination you stated that the order read "as follows".
Did you see the order yourself?
A. No, I did not say, it read "as follows". I merely gave the
contents, for I always said there was no written order.
Q. I misunderstood you; the transcript said, "Read as follows."
So your understanding of the purposes of the Einsatzgruppen came from Streckenbach
orally at Pretzsch?
A. Yes. That is correct.
Q. And you protested?
A. Not only myself, but as I said in direct examination, there was a general
Pearson indicated that Ohlendorf went on to say that the Einsatzgruppen
commanders were concerned that the soldiers under their authority would
not want to participate in the killing of defenceless civilians. (24-6333)
Pearson continued reading from page 283:
Q. You have told the Court that the army was perfectly aware of this decree,
or this order to kill, and that it had the obligation also to execute the
order within its ability? Is that right?
A. Yes, but I do not know that in this order insane persons were mentioned;
but I would have considered the insane persons just like anybody else because
they would have come under the order if they, owing to their condition,
would have endangered security - but not only because they were insane
- for that reason I rejected this request.
Q. You don't mean to say that the persons you killed had to endanger security
in order to be killed, do you?
A. In the sense of the Fuehrer Order, yes.
Q. Well, let's not say about the sense of the Fuehrer Order. Let's talk
about reality. Did the people you killed in fact endanger security in any
conceivable way?
A. Even if you don't want to discuss the Fuehrer Order it cannot be explained
in any other way. There were two different categories; one, where those
people who, through the Fuehrer Order, were considered to endanger the
security were concerned and, therefore, had to be killed. The others, namely,
the active Communists or other people were people whose endangering of
security was established by us and they were only killed if they actually
seemed to endanger the security.
Q. Very well. I repeat my question. Apart from the Fuehrer Order, and not
because the Fuehrer Order assumed that every man of Jewish blood endangered
the security of the Wehrmacht, but from your own experience in Russia,
from your own objective witnessing of the situation in Russia, did every
Jew in Russia that you killed in fact endanger security, in your judgment?
A. I cannot talk about this without mentioning the Fuehrer Order because
this Fuehrer Order did not only try to fight temporary danger, but also
danger which might arise in the future.
Q. Well, let us get back to it immediately, and let us see if we can't
talk about it without the Fuehrer Order. I ask you the simple question
***. From your own objective view of the situation in Russia, did the Jews
whom you killed, and the gypsies, endanger the security of the German army
in any way?
A. I did not examine that in detail. I only know that many of the Jews
who were killed actually endangered the security by their conduct, because
they were members of the partisan groups for example, or supported the
partisans in some way, or sheltered agents, etc.
Q. Let's put the partisans or those who were aiding the partisans completely
A. I will assist you, Mr. Prosecutor. Of course, at a certain time there
were persons of whom one could not have said at that moment that they were
an immediate danger, but that does not change the fact that for us it meant
a danger insofar as they were determined to be a danger, and none of us
examined whether these persons at the moment, or in the future, would actually
constitute danger, because this was outside our knowledge, and not part
of our task.
Q. Very well. You did not do it then because it was outside of your task.
I want you to do it today for this Tribunal. Will you tell us then whether
in your objective judgment, apart from the Fuehrer's Decree, all of the
Jews that you killed constituted any conceivable threat to the German Wehrmacht
[armed forces].
A. For me, during my time in Russia there is no condition which is not
connected with the Fuehrer Order. Therefore, I cannot give you this answer
which you would like to have.
Q. You refuse to make the distinction, which any person can easily make
- you need not answer that. Let me make it clear then, in the Crimea -
no, I believe near Nikolaev, Himmler came to see you in the spring of 1942,
did he not, or fall of 1941?
A. Beginning of October 1941.
Q. You had then been working in that area a considerable number of Jewish
farmers, is that right, and you had determined not to put them to death?
A. Yes.
Q. You made a determination then that those men did not then constitute
any security threat whatever to the German armed forces?
A. No; I did not make such a determination but, in the interest of the
general situation, and of the army, I considered it more correct not to
kill these Jews because the contrary would be achieved by this, namely,
in the economic system of this country everything would be upset, which
would have its effect on the operation of the Wehrmacht as well.
Q. Then, I ask you the question again. Because these people were farmers,
you concluded that it was wiser to get the grain they produced, than to
put them to death?
A. Also because of the danger that they might shelter partisans, yes; I
was conscious of this danger.
Q. What danger, that they might shelter partisans in their houses?
A. That these Jews might have contact with the partisans.
Q. So the only threat you saw to security was the possibility that the
Jews would conceal partisans in their houses?
A. No; I only named this as an example. There might have been agents against
us who could endanger us in every way. I only mentioned this as an example.
Q. The same situation would exist in the case of the Krimchaks, wouldn't
it, or what do you call them, Karaims.
A. Karaims.
PRESIDING JUDGE MUSMANNO: Mr. Heath, I must confess a confusion here. I
understand the witness to say, or perhaps you said it, that the reason
the Jewish farmers were not executed is that they were used to bring in
the harvest. Then a discussion ensued as to the possible threat that these
Jews could bring to the security because they could house partisans. There
must be a contradiction there; in one instance, they were a threat and,
therefore, were subject to executions. Were they saved, or were they not
saved? If they were saved, why, and if they were killed, why?
MR. HEATH: As I understood the witness, Your Honor, he said he was balancing
the desirability of getting in the harvest as against a potential threat.
MR. HEATH: He exercised discretion.
PRESIDING JUDGE MUSMANNO: And came to the conclusion that there was more
to be gained by not liquidating.
MR. HEATH: Precisely, so I understand it.
DEFENDANT OHLENDORF: I think it is even simpler. They were not farmers,
they were craftsmen, who when there would be no longer work for them to
do would endanger considerably the interests of the Wehrmacht. I never
considered this problem in discussion but now Himmler came to me and ordered
that these Jews were to be treated according to the Fuehrer Order, without
any further discussion, and without any further consideration of circumstances.
MR. HEATH: What about the gypsies. I believe you have no idea whatever
as to how many gypsies your Kommando killed, have you?
A. No. I don't know.
Q. On what basis did you kill gypsies, just because they were gypsies?
Why were they a threat to the security of the Wehrmacht?
A. It is the same as for the Jews.
Q. Blood?
A. I think I can add up from my own knowledge of European history that
the Jews actually during wars regularly carried on espionage service on
both sides.
PRESIDING JUDGE MUSMANNO: You were asked about gypsies.
MR. HEATH: I was asking you about gypsies, as the Court points out, and
not Jews. ***. I would like to ask you now on what basis you determined
that every gypsy found in Russia should be executed, because of the danger
to the German Wehrmacht?
A. There was no difference between gypsies and Jews. At the time the same
order existed for the Jews. I added the explanation that it is known from
European history that the Jews actually during all wars carried out espionage
service on both sides.
PRESIDING JUDGE MUSMANNO: Well, now, what we are trying to do is to find
out what you are going to say about the gypsies... Is it also in European
history that gypsies always participated in political strategy and campaigns?
DEFENDANT OHLENDORF: Espionage organizations during campaigns.
A. The gypsies in particular. I want to draw your recollection to extensive
descriptions of the Thirty Year War by Ricarda Huch and Schiller -
Q. That is going back pretty far in order to justify the killing of gypsies
in 1941, isn't it?
A. I added that as an explanation, as such motive might have played a part
in this, to get at this decision.
Q. Could you give us an illustration of any activity of a band of gypsies
on behalf of Russia against Germany during this late war?
A. Only the same claim that can be maintained as with regard to Jews, that
they actually played a part in the partisan war.
Q. You, yourself cannot give us any illustration of any gypsies being engaged
in espionage or in any way sabotaging the German war effort?
A. That is what I tried to say just now. I don't know whether it came out
correctly in the translation. For example, in the Yaila Mountains, such
activity of gypsies has also been found.
Q. Do you know that of your own personal knowledge?
A. From my personal knowledge, of course, that is to say always from the
reports which came up from the Yaila Mountains.
Q. In an instance in which gypsies were included among those who were liquidated,
could you find an objective reason for their liquidation?
A. From Russia I only knew of the gypsy problem from Simferopol. I do not
know any other actions against gypsies, except from the one in Simferopol.
MR. HEATH: May I proceed, your Honor?
MR. HEATH: Mr. Ohlendorf, you say the gypsies are notorious bearers of
intelligence? Isn't it a fact that the nationals of any invaded state are
notorious bearers of intelligence?
Pearson turned to Ohlendorf's examination by his own lawyer on page 355:
DR. ASCHENAUER (Counsel for defendant Ohlendorf): How do you explain the
disgust with which the whole world regarded these exterminations in the
DEFENDANT OHLENDORF: This seems to have several reasons. For one thing,
the deeds in the East were published as being isolated excesses done by
the SS. One took them out of their context and made the SS alone responsible.
In reality these executions in the East were a consequence of total war
which was inevitable if an ideology of one power was to prevail which had
as its goal the destruction of every resistance against their conquering
the world with their idea. This war was never finished. The preparations
for a possible conflict seem to express that whatever happened in the East
was only a prelude.
Another point. It has been customary so far to judge executions during
a war by various standards. The element regarded as heroic, which made
killing seem honorable was the fight of man against man. This has long
been overcome. The individual war opponents try to exterminate as many
enemies as possible by preserving their own strength. The fact that individual
men killed civilians face to face is looked upon as terrible and is pictured
as specially gruesome because the order was clearly given to kill these
people; but I cannot morally evaluate a deed any better, a deed which makes
it possible, by pushing of a button, to kill a much larger number of civilians,
men, women, and children, even to hurt them for generations, than those
deeds of individual people who for the same purpose, namely, to achieve
the goal of the war, must shoot individual persons. I believe that the
time will come which will remove these moral differences in executions
for the purposes of war. I cannot see that political factors and political
and economic conventions, which in their consequences cause the execution
of acts of violence against and misery for millions of people, have done
anything better morally only because the conscious consequences were not
expressly made known to the population. I believe, therefore, that when
history has come to an end, that this conflict will not have started in
1941, but with the victory of bolshevism in Russia, that then only can
the judgment of history be made which will inform about various phases
of this conflict.
MR. HEATH: Mr. Ohlendorf, what happened to the Jewish children, the gypsy
DEFENDANT OHLENDORF: According to orders they were to be killed just like
their parents.
Q. Did you kill them just like their parents?
A. I did not get any other reports.
Q. I don't understand your answer. Did your reports show the killing of
children or did they show that children had been spared?
A. They also revealed the executions of children.
Q. Will you explain to the Tribunal what conceivable threat to the security
of the Wehrmacht a child constituted in your judgment?
A. I believe I cannot add anything to your previous question. I did not
have to determine the danger but the order contained that all Jews including
the children were considered to constitute a danger for the security of
this area.
Q. Will you agree that there was absolutely no rational basis for killing
children except genocide and the killing of races?
A. I believe that it is very simple to explain if one starts from the fact
that this order did not only try to achieve security, but also permanent
security because the children would grow up and surely, being the children
of parents who had been killed, they would constitute a danger no smaller
than that of the parents.
Q. That is the master race exactly, is it not, the decimation of whole
races in order to remove a real or fancied threat to the German people?
A. Mr. Prosecutor, I did not see the execution of children myself although
I attended three mass executions.
Q. Are you saying they didn't kill children now?
A. I did not say that. May I finish? I attended three mass executions and
did not see any children and no command ever searched for children, but
I have seen very many children killed in this war through air attacks,
for the security of other nations...
Pearson asked Weber if Ohlendorf then attempted to justify the actions
of the Einsatzgruppen on the basis that the Allied bombings in Germany
took a tremendous toll as well. Weber replied that Ohlendorf said that
he never saw any children executed by the Germans, but he did see German
children killed in bombings by the Allies and he tried to draw a comparison
between the two. (24 6350)
Pearson suggested that "security" to the Nazis meant exterminating
the whole Jewish race. Weber replied that he had studied Ohlendorf's testimony
in 1979 and 1980. If accepted, Ohlendorf's testimony showed there was a
German policy to kill all the Jews in the occupied Soviet territories pursuant
to a secret Hitler order. The evaluation of this testimony had to be made
on consideration of the circumstances in which it was given and on consideration
of other evidence. Outside of Ohlendorf's testimony there was no evidence
of the alleged "Führer Order" and exterminationists like
Raul Hilberg now admitted there may never have been such an order, either
verbal or written. On the other hand, the written orders for the Einsatzgruppen
which did exist, namely, the Heydrich order of July 4, 1941, clearly set
out the policy regarding Jews: the killings that took place were reprisal
actions or specific shootings of Jews for security reasons. (24- 6351 to
If Ohlendorf's testimony was correct and there was a German policy to kill
all the Jews in Russia, the Germans would presumably have killed them.
In fact, it was known that they did not. Large ghettos of Jews existed
in Minsk, Bialystok, Vilna and other areas of occupied Soviet territory.
Even up until 1944, the Germans deported Jews from the Reich into the Soviet
Union. This was completely inconsistent with the extermination theory.
If the purpose had been to exterminate the Jews, presumably they would
have been sent to the so-called extermination centres such as Auschwitz
rather than hundreds of miles further to the east. Moreover, the deportations
took place after the Einsatzgruppen had been dissolved. Lastly, it was
known from such sources as the Korherr report that Soviet Jews were taken
from Soviet territory for labour in the German Reich itself. This too was
inconsistent with an extermination. (24-6354, 6355)
Pearson turned to Did Six Million Really Die? at page 13 where Harwood
wrote that Ohlendorf claimed that he had been tortured. Weber knew of no
evidence that Ohlendorf was tortured and agreed this was a false statement
to the best of his knowledge. (24-6357, 6358)
Pearson turned to pages 13-14 of the pamphlet where Harwood wrote:
� Ohlendorf lived long enough to see Auerbach convicted for embezzlement
and fraud (forging documents purporting to show huge payments of compensation
to non-existent people) before his own execution finally took place in
Weber testified that he had consulted the second edition of Hilberg and
determined that Auerbach was convicted of fraud. Pearson produced the first
edition of Hilberg and asked Weber to read the passage on page 745 dealing
with Auerbach:
At the trial Auerbach admitted his use of the title "Doctor"
(he had been called by that title for so long that he finally adopted it).
The court itself freed him from the principal charge of making payments
to "dead souls." His conviction upon the remaining charges led
to a sentence of two and one-half years in prison and $643 in fines. Stunned,
Auerbach on a sickbed protested his innocence. Then he took his life.
Weber testified that this passage had been rewritten in the second edition.
Weber assumed that Auerbach died before Ohlendorf was executed. It was
also true that Auerbach was convicted. Weber subsequently indicated he
had made a mistake about this and that Hilberg made it clear that Auerbach
was not convicted for embezzlement, fraud or forgery. (24-6360 to 6363,
Pearson turned to page 14 of the pamphlet where Harwood had written:
� The Soviet charge that the Action Groups had wantonly exterminated a
million Jews during their operations has been shown subsequently to be
a massive falsification. In fact, there had never been the slightest statistical
basis for the figure. In this connection, Poliakov and Wulf cite the statement
of Wilhelm Hoettl, the dubious American spy, double agent and former assistant
of Eichmann. Hoettl, it will be remembered, claimed that Eichmann had "told
him" that six million Jews had been exterminated - and he added that
two million of these had been killed by the Einsatzgruppen. This absurd
figure went beyond even the wildest estimates of Soviet Prosecutor Rudenko,
and it was not given any credence by the American Tribunal which tried
and condemned Ohlendorf.
Weber agreed that it was false to say the figure of 2 million was not given
any credence by the American tribunal which tried and convicted Ohlendorf.
Pearson produced the judgment of the American tribunal and read from pages
427 and 430:
One million human corpses is a concept too bizarre and too fantastical
for normal mental comprehension. As suggested before, the mention of one
million deaths produces no shock at all commensurate with its enormity
because to the average brain one million is more a symbol than a quantitative
measure. However, if one reads through the reports of the Einsatzgruppen
and observes the small numbers getting larger, climbing into ten thousand,
tens of thousands, a hundred thousand and beyond, then one can at last
believe that this actually happened - the cold blooded, premeditated killing
of one million human beings...The shooting of Jews eventually became a
routine job and at times Kommandos sought to avoid executions, not out
of charity or sympathy, but because it meant just that much more work.
The defendant Nosske testified to a caravan of from 6,000 to 7,000 Jews
who had been driven across the Dnester River by the Rumanians into territory
occupied by the German forces, and whom he guided back across the river.
When asked why these Jews had been expelled from Rumania, Nosske replied
- "I have no idea. I assume that the Rumanians wanted to get rid of
them and sent them into the German territory so that we would have to shoot
them, and we would have the trouble of shooting them. We didn't want to
do that. We didn't want to do the work for the Rumanians, and we never
did, nor at all other places where something similar happened. We refused
it and, therefore, we sent them back."
One or two defence counsel have asserted that the number of deaths resulting
from acts of the organizations to which the defendants belonged did not
reach the total of 1,000,000. As a matter of fact, it went far beyond 1,000,000.
As already indicated, the International Military Tribunal, after a trial
lasting 10 months, studying and analyzing figures and reports, declared
- "The RSHA played a leading part in the 'final solution' of the Jewish
question by the extermination of the Jews. A special section, under the
Amt IV of the RSHA was established to supervise this program. Under its
direction, approximately six million Jews were murdered of which two million
were killed by Einsatzgruppen and other units of the security police."
Ohlendorf, in testifying before the International Military Tribunal declared
that, according to the reports, his Einsatzgruppe killed 90,000 people.
He also told of the methods he employed to prevent the exaggeration of
figures. He did say that other Einsatzgruppen were not as careful as he
was in presenting totals, but he presented no evidence to attack numbers
presented by other Einsatzgruppen. Reference must also be made to the statement
of the defendant Heinz Schubert who not only served as adjutant to Ohlendorf
in the field from October 1941 to June 1942, but who continued in the same
capacity of adjutant in the RSHA, office [Amt] III B, for both Ohlendorf
and Dr. Hans Emlich, until the end of 1944. If there was any question about
the correctness of the figures, this is where the question would have been
raised, but Schubert expressed no doubt nor did he say that these individuals
who were momently informed in the statistics entertained the slightest
doubt about them in any way. Schubert showed very specifically the care
which was taken to prepare the reports and to avoid error.
"The Einsatzgruppe reported in two ways to the Reich Security Head
Office. Once through radio, then in writing. The radio reports were kept
strictly secret and, apart from Ohlendorf, his deputy Standartenfuehrer
Willy Seibert and the head telegraphist Fritsch, nobody, with the exception
of the radio personnel, was allowed to enter the radio station..."
The defendant Blume testified that he completely dismissed the thought
of ever filing a false report because he regarded that as unworthy of himself.
Then, the actual figures mentioned in the reports, staggering though they
are, do by no means tell the entire story. Since the objective of the Einsatzgruppen
was to exterminate all people falling in the categories announced in the
Fuehrer Order, the completion of the job in any given geographical area
was often simply announced with the phrase, "There is no longer any
Jewish population." Cities, towns, and villages were combed by the
Kommandos and when all Jews in that particular community were killed, the
report-writer laconically telegraphed or wrote to Berlin that the section
in question was "freed of Jews." Sometimes, the extermination
area covered a whole country like Esthonia or a large territory like the
Crimea. In determining the numbers killed in a designation of this character
one needs merely to study the atlas and the census of the period in question.
Sometimes the area set aside for an execution operation was arbitrarily
set according to Kommandos. (Excerpt of Judgment , NMT "Green Series",
vol. 4, filed as Exhibit 101 at 24-6388)
Weber testified that both the Nuremberg Tribunal and the American military
tribunal which convicted Ohlendorf essentially added up the numbers in
the Einsatzgruppen reports and came up with about 2 million Jewish dead.
This figure, however, was no longer considered accurate by even exterminationists
such as Raul Hilberg. Hilberg claimed that not 2 million but 1 million
Jews were killed in this area. He did not accept the findings of the International
Military Tribunal nor the accuracy of the figures given in the Einsatzgruppen
reports. (24-6371)
Weber agreed that it was false to say, as Verrall had, that the figure
of 2 million was not given any credence by the American tribunal which
tried and convicted Ohlendorf. He did not believe, however, that the error
was deliberately made. Weber's impression from speaking with Verrall was
that he did not make the statement maliciously or with the intent to deceive.
Verrall was not familiar with the records of the tribunal and relied upon
secondary sources. (24-6373, 6374)
With respect to the portion of Did Six Million Really Die? dealing with
the book Manstein by Paget on the trial of Field-Marshal Manstein, Weber
agreed that it would have been in the interests of more complete information
if the booklet had mentioned the fact that Paget was Manstein's lawyer.11
Weber relied on the Manstein book in his own research although he did not
contact Paget, to make inquiries about how he arrived at his conclusions
regarding the exaggerations in the Einsatzgruppen reports. Weber relied
on what Paget said in relation to what many others had also said, that
was, that the figures in the Einsatzgruppen reports were grossly exaggerated.
(24-6376 to 6379)
Manstein was in nominal command of the Einsatzgruppen; he was accused of
complicity by the Allies because he was supposed to have known about their
activity. The chief piece of evidence used against him was an order that
he issued on November 20, 1941 directing the army to co-operate with the
Einsatzgruppen in the killing of Jews. The order, Weber agreed, attempted
to justify what it called the "harsh punishment of Jewry." (24-6380
to 6382)
Pearson produced volume 20 of the IMT "Blue Series" volumes,
page 642, and read an excerpt from the Manstein order of November 20, 1941.
This order stated:
"Jewry constitutes the middleman between the enemy in the rear and
the remainder of the Red Armed Forces which is still fighting, and the
Red leadership. More strongly than in Europe it holds all the key positions
in the political leadership and administration, controls commerce and trades,
and further forms the nucleus for all unrest and possible uprisings.
"The Jewish-Bolshevist system must be exterminated once and for all.
Never again must it encroach upon our European living space.
"The German soldier has therefore not only the task of crushing the
military potential of this system. He comes also as the bearer of a racial
concept and as the avenger of all the cruelties which have been perpetrated
on him and on the German people.
"The fight behind the lines is not yet being taken seriously enough.
Active co operation of all soldiers must be demanded in the disarming of
the population, the control and arrest of all roving soldiers and civilians,
and the removal of Bolshevist symbols...
"The soldier must appreciate the necessity for the harsh punishment
of Jewry, the spiritual bearer of the Bolshevist terror. This is also necessary
in order to nip in the bud all uprisings which are mostly plotted by Jews."
Weber did not agree that this order gave the same justification for the
killing of Jews that Ohlendorf gave in his trial testimony. The order referred
explicitly to the extermination of the Jewish-Bolshevist system and of
the power and position the Jews had. It did not say, as Ohlendorf had testified,
that Jewry itself had to be exterminated. In fact, the order was issued
because too many Jews were being employed by the German armed forces. Even
after its issuance, there were cases where German soldiers were executed
for killing Jews. Weber noted that Churchill himself had contributed to
Manstein's defence fund because he felt the case was unjust. (24-6390 to
Pearson returned to Did Six Million Really Die? at page 14:
� As Senator McCarthy pointed out, Pohl had signed some incriminating statements
after being subjected to severe torture, including a bogus admission that
he had seen a gas chamber at Auschwitz in the summer of 1944. The prosecution
strenuously pressed this charge, but Pohl successfully repudiated it.
Weber had seen no evidence that Senator McCarthy made such a statement.
There was evidence, however, that Pohl was tortured. The torture, as Weber
remembered, did not involve an admission about gassings at Auschwitz. (24-6395)
Pearson read from the testimony of Pohl in NMT "Green Series,"
volume 5, pages 664- 665:
PRESIDING JUDGE TOMS: But what about the intentional extermination program?
That was started long before the collapse of the German defense, or don't
you know anything about that either?
DEFENDANT POHL: Mr. President, I do not know what extermination program
you are referring to. I do know that the transfer of the camps further
into the Reich and that the placing of these masses within the Reich were
based on an extermination program.
Q. I am talking about the intentional extermination of the old, the sick,
and the Jews; whether they were able-bodied or not; by shooting, by hanging,
and by gassing, especially at Auschwitz. Didn't you know anything about
the extermination at Auschwitz?
A. Of course I had knowledge of it. The whole extermination program, which
was directed against the Jews, was an action which was channeled through
the RSHA and for which Eichmann organized transports of Jews who came to
Auschwitz and were exterminated by Hoess. That program had nothing to do
with the concentration camps as such, and the existing concentration camps
were actually misused in this respect. The documents and the reports for
this program, as far as I am informed, did not even go through the Inspectorate
of Concentration Camps. This was all carried out in a very small circle.
Q. But on a very large scale?
A. Well, I had the first authentic figures after the war. At that time
I did not have any idea at all that this number extended to millions. The
whole program of the extermination of the Jews was dealt with by Amt IV
of the RSHA, and the organizer of the transports was a certain man named
Eichmann who sent these transports to Auschwitz, and there these transports
were exterminated by Hoess, who in this case did not act as camp commander
but as commissioner of Himmler or the Reich government.
Q. Were you in charge of the concentration camps while this program was
being carried out by RSHA?
A. I do not know when this program started.
Q. Well, no matter when it started, was it being carried on at any time
while you were in charge of concentration camps?
A. Whether in the year 1942 or 1943 this extermination was still carried
out I don't know. I don't know how long it lasted.
Q. Well, it is your contention they just borrowed the concentration camps
to carry out the extermination program?
A. That is my opinion, yes.
Q. Just one second. In order to carry out the extermination program, they
had to build gas chambers at the concentration camps?
A. Yes. But I did not have any gas chambers constructed. I did not give
any order whatsoever that gas chambers should be established.
Q. Well, were they constructed while you were in charge?
A. I do not know exactly in what years the gas chambers at Auschwitz were
Q. Well, no matter when they were erected, were they there and operating
while you were in charge?
A. As long as Jews were exterminated the gas chambers were working and
Q. And was that while you were in charge of concentration camps?
A. I cannot say that, because I have visited Auschwitz only once in 1944
and perhaps twice in 1943. At that time I did not see that Jews were being
exterminated. I, therefore, do not know how long this program was underway.
Q. Did you see any gas chambers when you were there?
A. I have seen the gas chambers as buildings in the distance, yes.
Q. You knew they were there.
A. Yes. I knew that.
Q. What did you think they were being used for?
A. I knew that Jews were being exterminated and that the gas chambers were
being used for that purpose.
Q. And when you saw them and knew that Jews were being exterminated, you
were in charge of that concentration camp?
A. Yes. The gas chambers were standing there until the last day. They were
standing there also when the concentration camps were subordinate to me.
They were not destroyed previously. (Extract from Pohl testimony filed
as Exhibit 102 at 24-6450)
Weber testified that the sentence in Did Six Million Really Die? - "The
prosecution strenuously pressed this charge but Pohl successfully repudiated
it" - was not true to the best of his knowledge. To Weber, it seemed
implicit in the sentence that Pohl successfully repudiated the charge at
his trial and not elsewhere. Weber testified that Pohl did in fact repudiate
his statement after the trial was over. Before Pohl was executed, he made
a statement that he was tortured, that his testimony with respect to gas
chambers was not true. The two pages of Pohl's testimony which Pearson
had read did therefore not refute the pamphlet. (24-6445 to 6450)
Weber agreed that Pohl drew a distinction between concentration camps and
extermination camps, the same distinction which the International Tracing
Service made. To Weber, the distinction was hard to make since camps such
as Auschwitz and Majdanek were said to be both concentration and extermination
camps. Pohl claimed that the only extermination camp was Auschwitz. On
page 667 of his testimony Pohl said:
These gas chambers were only at Auschwitz. I did not see any other extermination
facilities at other camps.
Those who upheld the extermination story did not say that anymore, said
Weber. They claimed there were other extermination centres. (24-6450 to
Pearson turned to the subject of Konrad Morgen, who was called as a defence
witness on behalf of the SS at Nuremberg. Pearson read from Morgen's testimony
on August 7 and 8, 1946 at pages 496 and 499 of the IMT "Blue Series,"
volume 20:
HERR PELCKMANN: Thank you, Witness. Yesterday you had already begun the
description of the so- called extermination camps and the system of the
extermination camps, but I should like to go back to conditions in the
concentration camps which are to be distinguished from the so-called extermination
You had given a description of the outward impression... ...
MORGEN: As supreme orders I consider the mass extermination of human beings
which has already been described, not in the concentration camps but in
separate extermination places. There were also execution orders of the
Reich Security Main Office against individuals and groups of persons.
The third point deals with the majority of individual crimes of which I
THE PRESIDENT: Which is the witness talking about when he talks about extermination
camps? Which are you talking about? Which do you call extermination camps?
HERR PELCKMANN: Please answer the question, Witness.
MORGEN: By extermination camps I mean those which were established exclusively
for the extermination of human beings with the use of technical means,
such as gas.
THE PRESIDENT: Which were they?
MORGEN: Yesterday I described the four camps of the Kriminalkommissar Wirth
and referred to the Camp Auschwitz. By "Extermination Camp Auschwitz"
I did not mean the concentration camp. It did not exist there. I meant
a separate extermination camp near Auschwitz, called "Monowitz."
Weber testified that Morgen referred several times to the so-called Monowitz
extermination camp at Auschwitz. No Holocaust historian claimed that Monowitz
was an extermination camp; it was Birkenau which was claimed to be the
extermination centre. Weber referred to page 504 of Morgen's testimony:
MORGEN: ...the Extermination Camp Monowitz lay far away from the concentration
camp. It was situated on an extensive industrial site and was not recognizable
as such and everywhere on the horizon there were smoking chimneys.
Morgen named Monowitz, said Weber, and was not confusing it with Birkenau.
(24 6457, 6458)
Pearson returned to page 503 of Morgen's testimony:
MORGEN: I thoroughly investigated the entire stretch of territory and studied
the layout and installations. The prisoners arrived on a side track in
closed transport cars and were unloaded there by Jewish prisoners. Then
they were segregated into able-bodied and disabled, and here already the
methods of Hoess and Wirth differ. The separation of the disabled was done
in a fairly simple way. Next to the place of the unloading there were several
trucks and the doctor gave the arrivals the choice to use these trucks.
He said that only sick, old persons and women with children, were allowed
to use them. Thereupon these persons swarmed toward the transportation
prepared for their use, and then he needed only to hold back the prisoners
that he did not want to send to destruction. These trucks drove off, but
they did not drive to the Concentration Camp Auschwitz, but in another
direction to the Extermination Camp Monowitz, which was a few kilometers
away. This extermination camp consisted of a number of crematories which
were not recognizable as such from the outside. They could have been taken
for large bathing establishments, and that is what they told the prisoners.
These crematories were surrounded by a barbed wire fence and were guarded
from the inside by the Jewish labor details which I have already mentioned.
The new arrivals were led into a large dressing room and told to take their
clothes off. When this was done -
HERR PELCKMANN: Is that not what you described yesterday?
MORGEN: Of course.
HERR PELCKMANN: What precautions were taken to keep these things absolutely
MORGEN: The prisoners who marched off to the concentration camp had no
inkling of where the other prisoners were taken. The Extermination Camp
Monowitz lay far away from the concentration camp. It was situated on an
extensive industrial site and was not recognizable as such and everywhere
on the horizon there were smoking chimneys. The camp itself was guarded
on the outside by special troops of men from the Baltic, Estonians, Lithuanians,
Latvians, and also Ukrainians. The entire technical arrangement was almost
exclusively in the hands of the prisoners who were assigned for this job
and they were only supervised each time by an Unterführer.
Weber reiterated that Morgen was clearly talking about Monowitz and not
Birkenau. He suggested that Morgen may have lied in his testimony in order
to try to exonerate the SS, for whom he was testifying. He may have decided
not to contest the extermination allegation and simply say that the SS
had nothing to do with it. He may have been misinformed. (24-6463)
Pearson continued reading from Morgen's testimony at page 493:
MORGEN: I asked Wirth what this had to do with the Jewish wedding. Then,
Wirth described the method by which he carried out the extermination of
Jews and he said something like this: "One has to fight the Jews with
their own weapons..." ...Then I asked Wirth how he killed Jews with
these Jewish agents of his. Wirth described the whole procedure that went
off like a film every time. The extermination camps were in the east of
the Government General, in big forests or uninhabited wastelands. They
were built up like a Potemkin village...
Weber testified that this was not a description of Majdanek. Morgen was
so alarmed by this charge that he went to Himmler personally to ask him
about it. Himmler himself told Morgen to investigate the charges of extermination.
This indicated to Weber that if there was an extermination at Auschwitz,
it was carried out without any authority or orders from Himmler. (24-6465)
Pearson continued reading at page 506:
HERR PELCKMANN: Thank you. Now, Witness, under normal circumstances what
would you have had to do after you had learned of all these terrible things?
MORGEN: Under normal circumstances I would have had to have Kriminalcommissar
Wirth and Commander Hoess arrested and charged with murder.
HERR PELCKMANN: Did you do that?
MORGEN: The answer is already entailed in the question. The circumstances
prevailing in Germany during the war were no longer normal in the sense
of State legal guarantees. Besides, the following must be considered: I
was not simply a judge, but I was a judge of military penal justice. No
court-martial in the world could bring the Supreme Commander, let alone
the head of the State, to court.
HERR PELCKMANN: Please do not discuss problems of law, but tell us why
you did not do what you realized you should have done?
MORGEN: I beg your pardon; I was saying that it was not possible for me
as Obersturmbannführer to arrest Hitler, who, as I saw it, was the
instigator of these orders.
HERR PELCKMANN: Then what did you do?
MORGEN: On the basis of this insight, I realized that something had to
be done immediately to put an end to this action. Hitler had to be induced
to withdraw his orders. Under the circumstances, this could be done only
by Himmler as Minister of the Interior and Minister of the Police. I thought
at that time that I must endeavor to approach Himmler through the heads
of the departments and make it clear to him, by explaining the effects
of this system, that through these methods the State was being led straight
into an abyss. Therefore I approached my immediate superior, the chief
of the Criminal Police, SS Obergruppenführer Nebe...to the Reich Security
Main Office. [For this very purpose a judge was sent there,] who had the
task of investigating all sections of the Reich Security Main Office, to
see whether such orders were in existence. As I heard, the result was negative.
Thereupon an attempt was made to take direct steps against Hoess, but in
the meantime the front had advanced...
Morgen's superiors encouraged him to look into the extermination charge,
said Weber. No evidence was found of any orders and he was encouraged to
investigate further. He was unable to do so because of the advance of the
Russian front. (24 6470, 6471)
In Weber's opinion, Majdanek was simply a large concentration camp. It
had an enormous industrial works built for the purpose of turning out war
materials. Sobibor was a transit camp; Treblinka was probably a combination
labour camp and transit camp. There was very little evidence concerning
Belzec although it was likely a transit camp. It was hard to determine
what Chelmno was. There was a monument today in a field where the camp
was supposed to have been, but even exterminationists were not sure if
that was where Chelmno actually was. (24-6472, 6473)
Railroad records showed that thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of
people were transported through these camps; Weber did not believe, however,
that millions were transported there. The Jews were sent to camps like
Sobibor temporarily and then transported elsewhere. (24- 6474, 6476)
Weber pointed out that very little documentary evidence existed about these
camps. In the case of Majdanek, the Polish Communist government would not
allow free access. In the case of Sobibor, there were some surviving records,
including letters between Himmler and Pohl which discussed turning Sobibor
from a transit camp into a concentration camp for workers to dismantle
Soviet munitions. This was inconsistent with the alleged status of Sobibor
as an extermination camp. (24-6475)
In Weber's view, the term "final solution" referred to a programme
to rid Europe of the Jews first by emigration, then by deportation to Poland
and the occupied Soviet territories. At the conclusion of the war, they
were to be expelled from Europe altogether. Weber agreed it would not be
inaccurate to say that the term "final solution" was a euphemism.
It was something like the euphemistic term "affirmative action"
used in the United States. Exterminationist historians agreed that up to
1941 or 1942, the term meant emigration. There was no clear agreement among
the exterminationists, however, at what point the extermination programme
supposedly began and when the meaning of "final solution" changed
to mean the extermination of the Jews. (24- 6476 to 6479)
Pearson produced a document from the National Archives entitled "Solution
of the Jewish Question in Galicia." Weber testified that he was familiar
with this grim document which was a lengthy report about rounding up Jews
in Galicia in 1943. Weber indicated there was generally no question about
its authenticity. (24-6481, 6482)
Pearson read a sentence from page 5 of the translation:
In the course of this action again thousands of Jews were caught who were
in possession of forged certificates or who had obtained surreptitiously
certificates of labor by all kinds of pretexts. These Jews also were exposed
to special treatment.
Weber agreed that the term "special treatment" was a euphemism
which in this context meant "killed" but pointed out that at
other times it did not mean this. (24 6482, 6483)
Pearson read further at page 9:
In the meantime further evacuation ("Aussiedelung") was executed
with energy, so that with effect from 23 June 1943 all Jewish Residence
Districts could be dissolved. Therewith I report that the District of Galicia,
with the exception of these Jews living in the camps being under the control
of the SS & Pol. Leader, is free from Jews. Jews still caught in small
numbers are given special treatment by the competent detachments of Police
and Gendarmerie.
Weber testified that in the context of the passage, the term 'special treatment'
probably meant killing. The description that an area was 'free from Jews',
however, did not mean there were no Jews left in the district; it meant
they were contained in camps or ghettos. (24-6484, 6485)
Weber agreed that the report indicated that 434,329 Jews had been evacuated
from Galicia. He believed this figure to be seriously inflated. In his
opinion, the Jews were sent to camps not only in Galicia but elsewhere.
Pearson continued reading:
Together with the evacuated action, we executed the confiscation Jewish
property. Very high amounts were confiscated and paid over to the Special
Staff "Reinhard."
Weber did not agree that this referred to a special unit named after Reinhard
Heydrich. The Germans did not name operations after someone's first name.
The unit in fact was named for an official in the finance office whose
last name was Reinhard. Believing the operation was named after Heydrich
was a common mistake made by Holocaust historians. (24-6487, 6488)
Weber agreed that the document indicated that various items such as dental
gold, dentures, powder boxes, broken gold, rings, bank notes and paper
were confiscated from the Jews and turned over to the Special Staff Reinhard.
Pearson read further from page 19:
Since we received more and more alarming reports on the Jews becoming armed
in an ever increasing manner, we started during the last fortnight in June
1943 an action throughout the whole of the district of Galicia with the
intent to use strongest measures to destroy the Jewish gangsterdom. Special
measures were found necessary during the action to dissolve the Ghetto
in Lwow, where the dug-outs mentioned above had been established. Here
we had to act brutally from the beginning, in order to avoid losses on
our side: we had to blow up or to burn down several houses. On this occasion
the surprising fact arose that we were able to catch about 20,000 Jews
instead of 12,000 Jews who had registered. We had to pull at least 3,000
Jewish corpses out of every kind of hiding places; they had committed suicide
by taking poison.
Weber testified that the operation being talked about in the document was
not just a rounding up of Jews for transport to other places, but was also
a cover or euphemism in that many Jews were also shot. In Weber's opinion,
the 3,000 Jews took poison to avoid being killed. Where a Jewish ghetto
was considered to be a stronghold of partisan activity, the Germans went
in very brutally and broke the entire thing up. Weber agreed that the document
indicated the German losses as a result of the partisan actions were seven
men shot by Jews and one man stabbed by Jews. (24-6489 to 6491; Galicia
document filed as Exhibit 118))
Weber compared the situation to the Vietnam War. When a village was considered
a major Vietcong stronghold, the Americans didn't go in and ask everybody
politely what they were doing. They sent in air strikes and blasted and
killed everything that was there. Such operations had taken place many
times. (24-6492)
Weber agreed that Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec, Chelmno, Auschwitz and Majdanek
were all west of the Galicia district. The Jews may very well have been
sent westward for labour purposes, said Weber. Sobibor, Belzec and Treblinka
were levelled. It was not known who destroyed them or why; it was simply
known that after the war they were not there anymore. The Germans may have
done it but historians did not know. They may have been levelled to take
the lumber. If the contention was that the Germans tried to destroy all
evidence of their extermination camps, they didn't do a very good job of
it because the most important of the alleged extermination camps, Auschwitz
and Majdanek, were not levelled. Nor was Birkenau destroyed. It was taken
intact by the Soviets on January 20, 1945 with approximately 3,000 to 5,000
inmates who were sick and unable to be transported. Birkenau as a totality
was still quite intact even to this day. (24-6495 to 6500)
Pearson turned to the subject of the Wannsee Conference protocol. Weber
testified that he had not investigated the allegation that Eichmann prepared
the document. He believed, however, that Eichmann lied when he testified
at his trial in Israel that the Wannsee Conference was to finalize a plan
for the extermination of the Jews. Eichmann was the only one of those at
the conference who later made this claim. Today it was conceded by a number
of exterminationist historians that the Wannsee Conference was not a conference
for any extermination of the Jews. (24-6500 to 6502)
It would have been madness for Eichmann to take the position at his trial
that there was no extermination programme in an atmosphere where it was
assumed from the outset that there was such a programme. Weber believed
Eichmann attempted to save his life by saying there was an extermination
but that he was not responsible for it. (24-6503)
Pearson asked Weber how he met Richard Verrall, the author of Did Six Million
Really Die?. Weber testified that he was introduced to Verrall in 1977
by the booklet's publisher, Anthony Hancock. Richard Verrall was a member
of the National Front movement in Britain and the editor of their monthly
newspaper, the Spearhead. Weber did not believe the National Front was
a neo-Nazi organization. It considered the question of race to be very
important and shared that with the Nazi movement and a lot of other people,
including Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson and Theodore Roosevelt. At
the time of the Second World War, said Weber, the United States was a racist
country. (24-6504 to 6507)
The original English publisher of Did Six Million Really Die? was the Historical
Review Press. It was not associated with the Institute for Historical Review
in California. Both publishing houses were important in publishing revisionist
material on the Holocaust issue. (24-6508, 6509)
Pearson suggested to Weber that the credibility of Harry Elmer Barnes became
suspect after World War II when he pronounced the theory that Franklin
Roosevelt maneuvered the attack on Pearl Harbour. Weber testified that
Barnes's stature and prominence suffered enormously after the Second World
War because he took the view that Roosevelt may have known about the attack
on Pearl Harbour in advance. This was a thesis that was shared by a number
of other historians including John Toland. Barnes also suffered because
he wrote about Roosevelt's and Churchill's roles in encouraging the outbreak
of war in 1939. (24-6509, 6510)
Weber agreed that he had written articles for the Journal of Historical
Review, Spotlight (connected to Liberty Lobby) and the National Vanguard
where he was the News Editor for a period of time. The National Vanguard
was published by the National Alliance. The leader of the National Alliance
was a man named Pierce who was very influential in his life. Pierce was
involved with the National Socialist White People's Party, sometimes called
the American Nazi Party. Pierce worked with the leader of that party, a
man named Rockwell.(24-6511, 6512)
Pearson produced the book The Holocaust in History by Professor Michael
Marrus of the University of Toronto. The book, which was a historiography
of the Holocaust, did not mention Professor Faurisson or Professor Arthur
Butz. Weber pointed out Marrus had made his own selection of who he wanted
to include in the book. (24-6513, 6514)
Pearson read from the preface of the book:
The chapters that follow address what I think are the most important themes
discussed by historians of the Holocaust - and themes about which there
has been serious historical investigation. I have had no difficulty excluding
from this book any discussion of the so-called revisionists - malevolent
cranks who contend that the Holocaust never happened. Regrettably this
is no longer an insignificant current, and there are signs that those who
concoct such fantasies are engaged in a much wider anti-Jewish enterprise.
Those were Marrus's views, said Weber; he chose to simply dismiss the work
of scholars like Professor Faurisson. In Weber's opinion, the allegation
that revisionists were part of a wider anti-Jewish enterprise was a totally
wrong and slanderous statement. (24-6518)
March 28, 1988
Pearson suggested that it was difficult for Richard Verrall to have errors
in Did Six Million Really Die? pointed out to him when he used a false
name on the pamphlet. Weber testified that Verrall hoped that future editions
would be more accurate and that he wanted errors pointed out to him by
people he talked with. For quite a period of time he did not want his authorship
of the book to be known, but there were people who knew privately that
he was the author. He also received many letters from people who wrote
to him as "Richard Harwood" and he was glad to receive them.
These letters were sent to the address of the publisher which was printed
on the booklet. Verrall publicly acknowledged today that he was the author.
(25-6520 to 6522)
Pearson produced an article written by Weber and published in the May 1978
edition of the National Vanguard. The article was written 10 years before,
said Weber, and did not reflect his present viewpoints. It was written
about a year before Weber became really interested in the Holocaust issue.
Weber read the article to the court:
My first interest in politics began during the Kennedy-Johnson years of
unrestrained liberal optimism. Kennedy announced the Peace Corps and the
Alliance for Progress. Johnson proclaimed that his War on Poverty and other
programs would begin a new age of abundance and equality for all.
"Freedom marches" and civil rights laws were dismantling the
last barriers to "racial equality," we were told. Films such
as "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" suggested a happy mulatto future
for America. I shared the national mood of childlike confidence. The President
and the press claimed that the Great Society would usher in the liberal
I took the politicians and media masters at their word. I earnestly believed
in the social perfectibility of man, and in my all-White high school, I
vigorously defended the notion that all races were created equal. During
the summer, I volunteered time to help tutor young Blacks.
There were no Negroes in the Portland, Oregon neighbourhood where I grew
up. Race was never discussed at home, and my parents actively supported
liberal Democrats at election time. Like many Americans in the North during
the 1960s, I uncritically accepted the notion that inferior Negro social
performance was the result of White racism and an environment of deprivation.
Like many Oregonians, I assumed that we would avoid racial problems by
showing tolerance and understanding. We would be different from those racist
Whites in the East and South, I thought.
But if social and racial equality were realistic goals, why had they not
been achieved long before? Dissatisfied with both liberal and conservative
explanations, I turned to Marxism for answers. I attended meetings of various
Marxist groups in Portland and was surprised by the reasonableness of their
Like millions of other young Americans, I became infatuated with the New
Left. The Vietnam War starkly revealed to us the boundless hypocrisy of
the System. Only a fool could believe a President who told the world that
Americans were destroying Vietnam for the good of the Vietnamese themselves.
And widespread Black uprisings exposed the futility and bankruptcy of Great
Society 'equality' schemes.
I had already rejected right-wing conservatism as pathetically moribund
and utterly without principle. I had seen conservatives eventually give
in to the liberals on every important issue. The conservative position
of the moment was the liberal position of ten years ago. The left, on the
other hand, seemed dynamic, alive, progressive, and young.
We were not really revolutionaries, we millions of young leftists who joined
the demonstrations behind New Left banners. We demanded only the fulfillment
of those liberal promises of world peace, racial equality, and economic
redistribution which the politicians, the writers, and our teachers had
made for many decades. We wanted action, not more high-sounding but empty
rhetoric. We demanded no new goals, but only the realization of those which
we had been taught were desirable.
In my last year of high school, 1969, and during the following summer,
I worked in the campaign to raise money for starving, war-ravaged Biafrans,
and I enthusiastically supported the Biafran struggle for independence
from Nigeria. That war for 'national liberation' seemed infinitely more
vital and noble than the wretched shop-politics of the West.
During the Biafra campaign I was both amazed and dismayed by the ignorance
of the issues involved which was displayed by the wealthy liberals, church
group representatives, politicians, and many ordinary White Americans who
contributed money or time. More disgusting yet were the expressions of
guilt, opportunism, and inadequacy which characterized many of the most
eager Biafra relief campaign supporters.
After the Biafra summer campaign, I flew to Europe. During a year spent
working in Bonn, Germany, I first began to doubt many of my liberal ideas.
In elementary and high school, I had been very interested in modern European
history. I devoured many history books, especially ones dealing with the
intriguing Hitler years, and now I hoped to find out more about that puzzling
On the one hand, I had heard that Hitler and his small gang of henchmen
had managed to deceptively take over and enslave the largest, most cultural
and advanced nation in Europe and then madly tried to take over the world.
On the other hand, I was also taught that the German people were traditionally
militaristic, chauvinistic, power-hungry fanatics who eagerly supported
Hitler's evil policies and were, therefore, also collectively "guilty"
of "crimes against humanity."
While living and working in Bonn, I found out from countless conversations
with ordinary citizens that both notions were false. My whole view of modern
history changed.
For the first time I learned that all but a small (and mostly conservative)
minority of Germans had fervently supported Hitler until the bitter end.
Older workers at the wallpaper factory where I worked spoke respectfully
of Hitler and enthusiastically of what National Socialism had meant for
the working man. Others talked of the hope, prosperity, order and progress
which "those years" had meant.
For the first time I learned about the forced mass expulsion and deaths
of millions of Germans from Prussia, Sudetenland, Pomerania and Silesia
in 1944-45. Many older Germans told me their horrifying recollections of
the starvation, mass killings and terror which the victorious Allied armies
had brought to Central Europe.
One older woman recounted her family's trek through several hundred miles
of death and destruction from Silesia to the Rhineland carrying all their
belongings...workers told of the total expropriation of their towns and
villages in the land and annexed by Poland and Russia after the war. Other
described the horror of the Soviet occupation of the East and of the Morgenthau
Plan starvation and destruction under Allied occupation in the West until
And then I would meet tourists who would ignorantly boast of U.S. money
having "rebuilt" Europe.
Of all this I had heard nothing in school back in Portland, and I felt
betrayed. But I had heard plenty about the supposed six million Jewish
victims of the "holocaust."
I was impressed by the dignified and matter-of-fact way with which the
German people accepted their legacy of defeat. What a contrast to the endless
wailing's of the "persecuted" Jews!
Pearson interrupted Weber and asked if the last statement was an anti-Jewish
statement. Weber replied that it could be interpreted that way. (25-6534)
Weber continued reading:
Older Germans were, indeed, often reluctant to talk about "those years"
because most had given up trying to compete with 30 years of lying propaganda.
It was especially futile trying to talk openly with American visitors who
already "knew" all about "Nazism."
My stay in Germany, a brief stint selling magazines in Belgium and France,
and then a journey through Spain convinced me that national character and
culture were not merely superficial acquisitions which could readily be
homogenized, as liberal and Marxist "one worlders" claimed but
were instead deep and venerable expressions of different folkish and racial
My keen interest in Africa took me through Morocco and across the Sahara
desert to West Africa. In Ghana I obtained a pleasant but unexciting position
teaching secondary school to Ashanti teenagers in Kumasi.
In Senegal, Mali, Ivory Coast, and Ghana, I learned that race was far more
than just a question of skin colour. I was astonished by the striking similarities
in the values and way of life between West Africans and American Blacks.
Despite the superficial differences, Negroes on both continents shared
very common attitudes toward work, family, music, sex, liquor and property.
And Blacks on both sides of the Atlantic exhibited a common deficiency
in abstract reasoning ability.
Pearson interrupted Weber and asked if he would agree that that was a racist
statement. Weber replied that the statement was essentially accurate. He
asked Pearson to define "racist." Pearson refused to define the
word and requested that Weber keep reading.
Weber continued:
What a contrast to Europe! In West Africa I came to acutely appreciate
the common values and attitudes which men and women of my race had in common
on both sides of the north Atlantic and which differed so fundamentally
from those of the Blacks around me.
In both Europe and Africa, I admired the sense of folkish identity and
kinship which people valued and cultivated. As an American I felt somewhat
at a loss coming from a young land with a less-developed cultural heritage
and a less well-defined national identity and character. Like many Americans
overseas, I became more aware of my cultural and national identity than
ever before. Other White Americans and Europeans in Africa were similarly
affected, and we stuck together, instinctively affirming a common racial
and cultural unity.
My stay in West Africa impressed upon me the futility and galling arrogance
of White efforts to "uplift" and "enlighten" the non-White
world through foreign-aid programs. Observing the comical and inept Peace
Corps in operation did a lot to shake my liberal faith.
I returned to Oregon puzzled and without any clear principles. Eager to
understand the social and racial dynamics of urban America, I moved to
Chicago for a year. It was the hardest and most bitter year of my life,
but there I deepened my awareness and understanding of social, political
and racial realities. And I first began to grasp the importance of the
Jewish question.
Pearson interrupted and asked Weber what he meant by "the Jewish question."
Weber replied that the term meant the relationship of Jews to non-Jews
in society and the role of Jews in society in general. In Weber's opinion,
it was a very important question because Jews played a very important role
in American society. There was constant discussion in American newspapers
and magazines and by politicians about the role of Jews in American society
and in every society in which they lived. Jews themselves talked about
this very often. Numerous Jewish leaders had pointed out there was a conflict
in loyalty among Jews to their own cultural and racial or ethnic group
and to the larger society in which they lived. (25-6538, 6539)
Weber continued reading:
Observing Jews as they shamelessly swindled and bilked the primitive Blacks
began to open my eyes. The wealthy, liberal Jews would push for racial
integration in the ethnic White neighborhoods of Chicago, while the kosher
crowd stayed isolated in their Hyde Park and North Side enclaves. And how
they hated Mayor Richard Daley!
Pearson interrupted and asked Weber if he would agree that that was an
anti-Jewish statement. Weber replied that it was far less anti-Jewish than
numerous statements which had been made by any number of Jewish writers
about Germans or about other people, including Americans as a whole. Elie
Wiesel had called for hatred against Germans simply because they were Germans.
Weber continued reading:
Daley was devoutly Catholic and instinctively loyal to his race. He skillfully
and oftentimes ruthlessly balanced off the many racial and social factions
of Chicago and kept his realm running more smoothly and successfully than
any other large city in America. The Jews couldn't understand his skill,
and they envied his enormous popularity, even among Blacks.
But even Daley could not keep the lid on the racial volcano. During my
Chicago year the old mayor began losing control of the city's Blacks, and
he couldn't understand or control the furious and violent resistance of
Chicago's Whites to further Black takeover.
It was clear that once Daley passed on, Chicago would go the way of America's
other large cities. Chicago seemed to symbolize both the past and the future.
The old mayor personified a dying era. And the passionate and sometimes
violent youth of Marquette Park, who successfully halted the Black invasion
of the neighborhood, seemed to represent the vanguard of a new America.
I lived in a mixed Italian-Mexican enclave wedged into the vast Black ghetto.
During the summer I sold peanuts and candy from a pedal cart in different
ethnic neighborhoods. Later, after morning college lectures, I took the
subway downtown to work in a State Street office building. I eagerly read
every newspaper I could get my hands on.
In Chicago I pondered long and hard over the race question. If races were
inherently and fundamentally different and unequal - as my observations
were convincing me was the case - then the principle of democracy which
rested upon the idea of racial equality was false. Furthermore, I became
convinced that government attempts to create an artificial "equality"
between naturally unequal races would inevitably lead to disaster.
In 1973 I returned to Europe. After a month travelling around Western Europe,
I settled for a year and a half in Munich in order to study at Germany's
largest university.
In the friendly Bavarian capital it was a joy living a student's life while
supporting myself giving private English lessons. My spare time was spent
reading, talking for long hours in beer halls and restaurants, attending
opera and symphony performances, and visiting political rallies and meetings.
From Europe I gained a more detached and objective perspective on events
back home. My studies and my overseas vantage point helped me to understand
the direction in which our nation was heading.
But even in Europe the same unmistakable symptoms of decay were visible.
Large numbers of racial aliens were streaming northward and westward into
the White heartland. Growing swarms of dark East Indians and Africans in
Britain, Arabs and Negroes in France, Orientals in Holland, and Turks in
Germany were creating severe and almost insoluble problems.
Pearson interrupted Weber and asked if he would agree that that was a racist
statement. Weber testified that it was not; it was a statement of fact.
Weber continued reading:
The White birthrate had fallen drastically throughout northern Europe.
A lust for wealth and comfort and a deadening of any sense of responsibility
to race and nation were the sad legacy of the European defeat of 1945.
In Munich, my disillusionment with the liberal-democratic system grew along
with my conviction that a fundamental change of social values was absolutely
I returned to America wanting to do more than observe. In Washington I
met Dr. William Pierce for the first time in the summer of 1975, and I
was greatly impressed by his deep understanding, profound intelligence,
and courageous dedication. But I still didn't share his commitment or devotion,
and I returned to school.
Weber agreed with Pearson that Pierce was an important person in the National
Socialist White People's Party, for which organization the term "neo-Nazi"
would not be an inaccurate description. (25-6544)
Weber continued:
After finishing college, I accepted a fellowship for graduate study in
history at Indiana University. But during the year and a half I worked
on my MA, I grew increasingly restless and fed up with the futility and
meaninglessness of academic life. My colleagues and professors resigned
themselves to a cynical, self- centered, bourgeois future. What was the
point? If things kept on going as they were, neither our race nor our nation
would have a future, and whatever we did in our short lives would be pointless.
In graduate school, I became ever more disgusted with the liberal effort
to twist and distort history to make it conform to the naive, unrealistic,
liberal view of life.
The lies and myth-making were especially frequent when dealing with the
Negro in American history. Various obscure Blacks were elevated to undeserved
prominence, while White college students learned virtually nothing of the
heroic sacrifices at the Alamo and Valley Forge.
While Jews and Blacks blatantly promoted their own biased cultural and
racial programs in special studies departments, anti-White and anti-Western
professors taught White students to be ashamed of their racial-cultural
heritage. Liberals ignored or obscured the fact that our forefathers consciously
established America as a nation for White people. Professors were often
far more interested in berating the White race for its past "injustices"
than in imparting an understanding of the dynamics of history. And while
they talked of democracy and the majority, liberal professors looked down
with contempt upon the White taxpayers who paid their wages.
Of course, these academic bureaucrats had no real loyalty to America or
to the White race. They were interested in job security and academic prestige,
but not in the search for historical truth. A study of history, I was convinced,
demonstrated conclusively that race-mixing, a mania for equality, and a
lack of idealism and heroism were all unmistakable signs of decadence.
Pearson interrupted and asked Weber if he would agree that was a racist
statement. Weber replied that he would absolutely not. Pearson put to him
that it was racist to suggest that race-mixing was an unmistakable sign
of decadence. Weber asked again for a definition of racist and again Pearson
refused to give one. (25-6547)
Weber continued reading:
History clearly showed that the future belongs only to those peoples willing
to sacrifice and fight for it.
Over the past several years, I had hitchhiked many times across and around
the United States. From hundreds of conversations with a wide variety of
Americans, I came to feel that our people were caught in the grip of some
terrible death-wish. Privately, White men and women across the country
expressed to me their disgust, shame and anger at the way things were going.
But many older Americans had long ago given up hope that anything could
be done, while others lacked the courage to do anything more than complain
to friends.
Hearing cowardly and defeatist whining about the futility of it all made
me more angry than depressed. I became convinced that our White race was
capable of accomplishing any goal which we set for ourselves. What we absolutely
needed was firm self-discipline, heroic confidence, and fanatic determination.
Even if our race was fated for destruction, our duty must still be to make
a stand to redeem our honor before history.
I drew great confidence from a faith in the ultimate victory of right.
Our racial struggle was in harmony with the highest laws of Nature itself.
I could not believe that our race had been created only to perish in suicidal
race-mixing. Providence had destined our kind for much more than that.
As a liberal, I had taken my race, my nation and my cultural heritage for
granted. Now I realized that only a conscious and dedicated commitment
to our race could prevent our extinction.
My "conversion" over several years had resulted in a rejection
of two basic liberal principles: inherent human equality; and human material
comfort and happiness as the highest social good.
Pearson interrupted and asked Weber what he was converted to. Weber testified
that it was self-explanatory; he came to believe that only a conscious
and dedicated commitment to our race could prevent our extinction. He was
not converted by Mr. Pierce but came to these views on his own. Pierce
was one of many influential people in his life. He had been influenced
by many things, as he had tried to explain in the article, through personal
experience in Africa, Europe, Chicago and elsewhere. (25-6549 to 6551)
Weber continued reading:
However, I continued to honor several of the older liberal values: devotion
to truth, no matter where it may lead; social and individual justice within
the context of the community; protection and encouragement of productive
labor; rejection of uncontrolled and irresponsible capitalism.
I had no right to complain about the slow extinction of our race or the
degenerate trend throughout the Western world unless I myself was willing
to at least speak out. I came to feel that it was not enough to hold back
and silently hope that others would do what I was afraid to do. I realized
that I had no special right to sit on the sidelines as a cowardly spectator.
My responsibility for the future of our White race and American homeland
was at least as great as any other man's.
Reading the National Alliance newspaper greatly helped to clarify my thinking.
No other periodical I read addressed the fundamental issues of our time
as truthfully and as lucidly.
Finishing my Master's degree in history in December of last year, I moved
to the Washington, D.C. area at the beginning of this year to devote my
talent and energy to what I firmly believe is the most vital and important
work in America today.13
The work of the National Alliance was educational, not political, said
Weber. It tried to persuade people by argument and information that the
integrity and preservation of our race and culture were worthy goals. Weber
believed that in society today there were many trends which were very destructive
to social, cultural and racial harmony and it was important to be aware
of those things. (25 6553)
Pearson put to Weber that the race ideology he had espoused in his article
was the same one that Verrall espoused in Did Six Million Really Die?.
Weber answered that it was very dangerous to try to put together in one
pot all those who believed in the integrity and preservation of their own
race and culture. Weber believed in racial integrity for all peoples because
he believed the greatest benefits to all humanity came when nations were
true to themselves; that applied to the Jewish people as well. He did not
hate or have any animosity towards any individual or race because they
were different. At the time he wrote the article, he was very concerned
about the preservation of his own race and culture. Weber pointed out that
the racial views expressed by Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt were
far more emphatic than what he had written. (25-6554, 6555)
Pearson turned to Did Six Million Really Die? and read an extract under
the heading "The Race Problem Suppressed" at page 4:
� Many countries of the Anglo-Saxon world, notably Britain and America,
are today facing the gravest danger in their history, the danger posed
by the alien races in their midst. Unless something is done in Britain
to halt the immigration and assimilation of Africans and Asians into our
country, we are faced in the near future, quite apart from the bloodshed
of racial conflict, with the biological alteration and destruction of the
British people as they have existed here since the coming of the Saxons.
In short, we are threatened with the irrecoverable loss of our European
culture and racial heritage. But what happens if a man dares to speak of
the race problem, of its biological and political implications? He is branded
as that most heinous of creatures, a "racialist". And what is
racialism, of course, but the very hallmark of the Nazi! They (so everyone
is told, anyway) murdered Six Million Jews because of racialism, so it
must be a very evil thing indeed.
Pearson put to Weber that the words used by Verrall in the pamphlet were
very similar to the words Weber wrote in the National Vanguard. Weber replied
that there were many similarities but that it was important to realize
that in this passage Verrall had injected an issue into the pamphlet which
was really a secondary issue. There were many individuals who supported
revisionism, said Weber, who completely rejected the views expressed by
Verrall in this passage and the views expressed by himself in the National
Vanguard article. What Verrall had written was extraneous to the central
thesis of the booklet. (25-6555, 6556)
Pearson suggested that the declared goal of Weber in his article in the
National Vanguard was to win converts to his race ideology. Weber replied
that he became interested in the Holocaust issue at the end of the period
that he was affiliated with the National Alliance. He ultimately parted
company with the organization because they were not interested in the issue.
Pearson put to Weber that he was prepared to use the initial credibility
that his M.A. in history gave him to further his cause of racial ideology.
Weber denied this, repeating that it was his concern over the Holocaust
issue which led to a big disagreement with the National Alliance and his
departure from the organization. He had not been affiliated with the National
Alliance for more than eight years and had written nothing on the whole
issue of race since that period of time. (25-6558)
Pearson suggested that Weber had realized, as did Verrall, that the Holocaust
was a significant hurdle to winning converts to his racist ideology. If
that was his main motive, replied Weber, he would have been writing in
the intervening years about race and he hadn't. The revisionist movement
was not a racialist movement. It had people in it with every possible racial,
political, ideological and religious views. (25-6558)
Pearson reiterated that Weber had realized that he didn't have a chance
of winning right- thinking people to his cause until he could cover up
the monstrous crime that Nazi racism ideology produced. Weber replied that
that was absolutely wrong. (25 6559)
Pearson put to Weber that when he had his "conversion," he commenced
his study of the Holocaust. Weber testified that at the time he wrote the
article he thought the Holocaust was probably exaggerated but essentially
believed in it; he believed the tremendous over-emphasis given to the subject
was wrong, given the terrible suffering of other peoples during the war.
(25- 6559 to 6562)
Pearson produced an article published in the Spotlight on December 24,
1979 which Weber agreed he had written. Pearson read the following extract:
Virtually the entire body of "evidence" and "documentation"
offered today for the alleged extermination of six million Jews by the
Germans was first presented to the world at a series of elaborately- staged
trials held in Germany in the aftermath of World War II. The victorious
Allies held thousands of German military and civilian leaders before the
Show Trials on absurd and hypocritical charges of "war crimes"
and "crimes against humanity." It was these "trials"
which first gave the "Holocaust" story legitimacy and worldwide
publicity. A tremendous public relation campaign conducted ever since has
engraved that story so deeply into the public consciousness that to challenge
it is considered somewhat akin to claiming that the earth is flat. But
a careful examination of the origins of the "Holocaust" legend
in the famous Nuremberg trials and other "war crimes" trials
reveals just how fraudulent the entire story really is.14
Pearson suggested the article was a complete public denial of the Holocaust.
Weber disagreed. At that time he still believed perhaps there was some
policy or programme to exterminate the Jews. But he had already come to
believe that many important aspects of the story were not true. In Weber's
opinion, it was not really crucial when he came to reject the entire story.
It was a continuing process. Spotlight was published by Liberty Lobby.
The newspaper had published about ten or twelve articles by Weber. He didn't
agree with everything that was published in the newspaper, just as he didn't
agree with everything published in the New York Times where he had had
a letter published. Weber tried to reach other people with what he was
trying to say and the Spotlight was willing to publish what he had to write
on this issue. Weber did not agree with everything Liberty Lobby did or
stood for. It had run numerous articles by Jewish writers. It was hard
to call a publication anti-Semitic if it also prominently displayed writings
by writers who were Jewish and were very pro-Jewish. (25-6564 to 6568)
Pearson produced another article written by Weber for the Spotlight and
published in the August 9, 1982 edition entitled "The Zionists have
political control of Nebraska." Pearson read excerpts to the court:
When you think of the passions of political Zionism in the U.S., you probably
think first of such States as New York and California, but, strangely,
the percentage of Jews in the States' population has little to do with
the control exercised in every facet of your daily life by...loyalists.
Nebraska, in the heart of our nation, is a case in point. How about your
State?...Unlike New York or California, the "corn husker state"
has no concentrated Jewish community. The Jewish population is a mere 0.5%,
and yet a small group of Zionists have been able to gain political dominance
in Nebraska. Both of the State's U.S. Senate seats are held by staunch
Zionists. The highest judicial official, the Chief Justice of the Nebraska
Supreme Court, is a Zionist. The State Democratic Party is firmly controlled
by Zionists.15
Pearson suggested that in the article Weber said that all American Jews
were Zionists. Weber testified that not all Zionists were Jews and not
all Jews were Zionists. For example, both of Nebraska's U.S. Senate seats
were held by Zionists; only one was a Jew. (25-6570)
Pearson asked if Weber still denied he was anti-Jewish. Weber replied that
it was less sensible to say he was anti-Jewish than to say Elie Wiesel
was anti-American. If someone alleged, as Elie Wiesel and many other prominent
Jews had done, that the American government was callous and shared a historical
guilt for the Holocaust by allowing the Germans to exterminate 6 million
Jews, then one could say that statement was anti-American. In Weber's opinion,
Zionism was ultimately dangerous for Jews. It was Jewish nationalism. A
person could very reasonably take the view, as Weber had, that to be anti-Zionist
was actually pro-Jewish. Weber did a great deal of research into the article
before writing it. It was a big issue at the time in Nebraska and the most
salient information came from people in the state itself. (25-6571, 6573)
Pearson put to Weber that his race ideology had been a matter of conversation
between himself and Ernst Zündel. Weber replied there had never been
such a conversation between them and he resented the use of the loaded
term "race ideology." This ended the cross-examination by the
Crown Attorney. (25-6574)
Defence attorney Doug Christie rose to re-examine the witness. Christie
turned first to the Galicia document introduced by the Crown during Weber's
cross examination. Weber testified that Galicia (a not very large province
formerly in Poland and presently in the Soviet Union) was noted for being
a poor area. (25-6576)
Christie asked how much broken gold the document said was taken from the
Jews in this area of Galicia.16
Weber testified that the document stated that the Germans seized 44,655
kg. of broken gold from the Jews of Galicia. This amounted to about 29.5
tons of pure gold which was, in Weber's opinion, a preposterous figure.
The document also alleged that no less than 11,730 kg. of dental gold in
dentures was seized. This amounted to 7.5 tons of gold. The document alleged
that 97,581 kg. of gold coins were taken, and if one assumed 20-carat gold
rather than 24-carat gold, this would amount to 90.7 tons of 24-carat gold.
In addition, there was a reference to the seizure of 6,640 kg. of gold
necklaces which would be the equivalent of 4.8 tons of 24-carat gold. (25-6579
to 6581)
In Weber's opinion, these figures showed that the document was either greatly
exaggerated or not genuine. Altogether, according to this document, the
confiscated gold from Galicia was 134,311 kg. or 140.7 tons of gold. That
was equal to 4,726,595 ounces. At today's prices, this gold would be worth
about $2,647,160,000.00 in Canadian funds or $6,095 for each allegedly
evacuated person in the document. (25 6581)
To put it in perspective, said Weber, the total amounts of gold mined in
Canada last year in about 25 large mining operations was about 75 tons,
but according to the Galicia document, the amount of gold supposedly confiscated
in Galicia in one year from the Jews was almost 150 tons or about twice
what Canada mined in an entire year. (25-6582)
Weber testified that the Galicia document was quoted occasionally by Holocaust
historians but was given no great weight or emphasis. In fact, the document
was not consistent with the Holocaust story because the document indicated
that any severe measures taken against Jews were done for specific reasons
and not simply because they were Jews. Other portions of the document referred
specifically to the necessity of maintaining good clothing, housing and
medical care for Jews in the camps listed in the document. (25-6600)
Christie turned to the subject of Weber's previous writing career. Weber
testified that he was affiliated with the National Alliance for less than
two years and had not had any affiliation with the organization since.
After he left the organization, he was a writer for a time for a newsletter
entitled Middle East Perspective. The periodical was edited and published
by Dr. Alfred Lilienthal, who was a well-known American Jewish writer and
historian. Lilienthal was an anti- Zionist with whom Weber continued to
have cordial relations. (25-6582, 6583)
Christie asked if Weber had been able to find evidence that Oswald Pohl
was tortured. Oswald Pohl, said Weber, was the German official who was
in overall charge of the German concentration camp system. He wrote a statement,
dated June 1, 1948 (after he was tried at Nuremberg but before he was finally
executed by the Americans in 1951) in which he described his mistreatment
by British military personnel in 1946. He was kicked and repeatedly beaten
by British soldiers. He lost at least two teeth in these beatings, and
he was then turned over to the American military. Pohl held the rank of
general in the German armed forces and his treatment by the British and
Americans was completely illegal according to international agreements
on the treatment of prisoners-of-war. (25-6584)
Weber read from his translation of the Pohl statement:
As a result of the brutal physical mistreatment in Nenndorf and the treatment
in Nuremberg, I was emotionally a complete wreck. I was 54 years old. I
had served my country for 33 years without dishonour, and I did not feel
that I had committed any crime.
Pohl was intensively interrogated for more than half a year in sessions
that lasted for hours. There were about 60 to 80 interrogation sessions
altogether. Pohl reported that although he was generally not physically
mistreated in Nuremberg, as he had been at Nenndorf, he was nevertheless
subjected to the less noticeable but, as he put it, "in their own
way much more brutal emotional tortures." (25-6584, 6585)
During his interrogation by the Americans, Pohl was accused of killing
30 million people and of condemning 10 million people to death. The interrogators
knew very well, said Pohl, that such accusations were lies and tricks meant
to break down his resistance. Pohl declared:
Because I am not emotionally thick-skinned, these diabolical intimidations
were not without effect, and the interrogators achieved what they wanted;
not the truth but rather statements that served their needs.
During this period of interrogation, Pohl had no access to an attorney
or any other help. He was never formally charged with anything, nor even
told precisely why he was being interrogated. (25-6585) Pohl stated that
the American prosecution of the trial used false affidavits which he was
forced into signing. Pohl declared:
This is how affidavits were produced and presented which contain provable
errors of fact regarding essential points.
Pohl also said that other phony affidavits were produced for his trial
from others and gave specific examples of these. Pohl stated that the German
defence was not allowed free access to the German wartime documents which
were used by the prosecution freely and to the maximum effect. This fact
had been confirmed subsequently by historians. Pohl declared in his statement
that the number of those who died of all causes in all the German concentration
and labour camps between 1933 and 1945 was 200,000 to 250,000 and he explained
the reason for this regrettably high figure. (25-6586)
Weber turned to the subject of Konrad Morgen and pointed out that Morgen
testified that to the best of his knowledge there was no German policy
of extermination. Almost no one in Germany, said Weber, was in a better
position to know the truth about that matter than Morgen. Morgen also testified
at Nuremberg about the conditions in the camps which produced the terrible
photographs of dead and dying inmates taken at the end of the war by the
Allies. (25- 6588) It was not surprising that Morgen might have believed
that inmates were being gassed at Monowitz because most of the inmates
themselves believed the same thing. It was likely that Morgen based his
belief on what he had been told. Weber reiterated that today no historian
claimed that Jews were gassed at Monowitz. (25-6588)
In volume 8 of the NMT "Green Series," page 606, [Nuremberg document
NI-11696] there was the testimony of a British sergeant named Charles J.
Coward who worked at Monowitz. He testified that everyone at the camp talked
about gassings:
Even while still at Auschwitz we got radio broadcasts from the outside
speaking about the gassings and burnings at Auschwitz. I recall one of
these broadcasts was by [British foreign secretary] Anthony Eden himself.
Also, there were pamphlets dropped in Auschwitz and the surrounding territory,
one of which I personally read, which related what was going on in the
camp at Auschwitz. These leaflets were scattered all over the countryside
and must have been dropped from planes. They were in Polish and German.
Under those circumstances, nobody could be at or near Auschwitz without
knowing what was going on.
In Weber's opinion, it was clear that Konrad Morgen believed there were
exterminations going on at Monowitz for reasons which had to do with propaganda
and not, as historians today had shown, with gassings at Monowitz. (25-6589)
Weber indicated that he was wrong to agree with Pearson on the use of "final
solution" as a euphemism. Weber had looked up the term "euphemism"
in the Random House Dictionary and found its definition to be: "The
substitution of a mild, indirect or vague expression for one thought to
be offensively harsh or blunt." The term "final solution,"
said Weber, was just the opposite of a euphemism because the term was more
blunt or more sinister sounding than the words "deportation"
or "evacuation." The Germans often used terms which sounded very
harsh and very strong. (25-6590, 6591)
Michael Marrus (the author of The Holocaust in History) quoted documents
very selectively and even deceitfully, to cover up what the "final
solution" programme actually was. On page 32 of his book, Marrus,
in a typical way, quoted from the letter by Hermann Goering to Reinhard
Heydrich of July 31, 1941, leaving out those portions which made it clear
what the "final solution" was - solving the Jewish question "by
evacuation and emigration." By leaving that portion out of his book
, Marrus left the impression that the term was a euphemism which meant
extermination. (25-6592) The Wannsee Conference protocol also made it clear
what the term meant. Weber quoted from the document:
The emigration program has now been replaced by the evacuation of Jews
to the East as a further solution possibility in accordance with previous
authorization by the Führer.
Weber noted that the official Nuremberg translation of the Wannsee Conference
document, found at page 213 of volume 13 of the NMT "Green Series,"
left out the translation of two important words bei Freilassung which meant
"upon release." (25 6592) The Wannsee Conference document implied
that the German government intended to free the Jews and have them removed
from Europe after the war. One of the men who was at the conference, Martin
Luther of the German Foreign Office, wrote his memorandum of August 21,
1942. This referred to a territorial "final solution" and stated
that after the war:
All Jews would have to leave Europe. This was an unalterable decision of
the Führer, and also the only way to master this problem.
Weber did not believe the Holocaust was invented by a so-called Zionist
conspiracy to make money for Israel. Weber testified that it had been suggested
by Pearson that he and other revisionists supported this view of the Holocaust
to somehow profit. This, said Weber, was both ludicrous and contemptible.
Not only himself but other revisionists had suffered tremendously. One
important Jewish revisionist, J.G. Burg, was beaten up by thugs as he was
praying at his wife's grave in Munich. Wilhelm Stäglich, a West German
historian, had his pension cut and his doctoral title revoked as a result
of speaking out on the Holocaust issue. Professor Robert Faurisson, another
prominent revisionist historian, was beaten several times; he was dragged
into court repeatedly by powerful and influential organizations; his family
life had been thrown into turmoil. Weber himself had received numerous
death threats as a result of writing on the issue and had forsaken a much
more financially lucrative life than the one he had. He had not received
$150.00 an hour to testify at this trial.17 In fact, he had received no
compensation whatsoever beyond the satisfaction of helping in an effort
which he believed warranted the worthy support of all Canadians and Americans
who believed in free speech. (25-6593, 6594)
Weber's impression of Richard Verrall, from talking to him, was that he
was a very private man. He didn't like lots of attention and controversy.
He finally revealed his authorship of Did Six Million Really Die? in a
British court case he brought in an attempt to get more money out of the
publication. He was astounded when the booklet turned out to be as successful
as it was. (25-6596)
With respect to the writing of history, Weber believed it was not possible
for any human being to be completely objective. People brought to whatever
they wrote their own backgrounds, views and biases. One tried to overcome
them and take them into account, but he did not believe there was any work
of history which could be called objective. (25-6601, 6602)
1 This testimony caused a commotion among the Jewish observers in the courtroom.
Immediately, Judge Thomas excused the jury and demanded to know from defence
attorney Doug Christie what the relevance of the evidence was. Christie
indicated that it put in context the situation of the Einsatzgruppen in
relation to guerrilla warfare in terms that ordinary laymen could understand.
Thomas replied: "Well, I will think about this during the recess,
but I really don't feel that it's appropriate to attempt to smear this
trial or the issues that are before this jury by reference to modern events,
and I fail to see why a reference to something that's taking place in Israel
today involving a state that didn't exist at the time of the Second World
War, involving a group of people and issues that are far removed from the
issues that are before this court, now I don't feel that those issues ought
to be brought into this case. As a matter of fact, they will not be brought
into this case unless it can be established they're relevant. I don't appreciate
that person bringing that matter into this court. I'm going to consider
it as to what I'll tell the jury..." Thomas held, after the recess,
that "there's no need for this witness to bring into this courtroom
the present environment in Israel. It's not relevant to this trial. Any
admissibility of that evidence and probative value would be so tenuous,
and I certainly have no intention of turning this courtroom into a forum
for venting of those views...This witness is not to bring into this trial,
in an extemporaneous way, any reference to matters of the Israeli/Palestine
confrontation at the present time unless you can establish its relevance."
(23-5698 to 5701)]
2 In the fall of 1989, the Soviet Union announced that 46 volumes of the
Auschwitz "death books" were being released to the International
Red Cross. The volumes, captured upon the camp's liberation by the Soviets
in 1945, had been kept in a Soviet archive and had been inaccessible to
researchers for over forty years. These books listed some 74,000 deaths
at the camp during the war. (Globe & Mail, Friday, September 22, 1989).
3 Sylvia Rothchild, Voices from the Holocaust (New York: New American Library,
1981). Marika Frank Abrams stated: "Let me explain that even though
I had been in Auschwitz I did not know about the gas chambers. Can you
imagine that?"
4 "In the spring of 1942 an extermination camp was established at
Treblinka. It contained 10 death chambers and opened up for business in
the early autumn of 1943. Death was inflicted here by gas and steam, as
well as by electric current." (Concurring Opinion by Judge Michael
A. Musmanno in the case of Oswald Pohl, NMT vol.
5 "Green Series", page 1133) 5 Not compared with original.
6 "Two-thirds of the Jews in Europe exterminated, more than 6 million
of them on the killers' own figures. Murder conducted like some mass production
industry in the gas chambers and the ovens of Auschwitz, Dachau, Treblinka,
Buchenwald, Mauthausen, Maidanek, and Oranienburg." Closing address
to the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg by Chief Prosecutor
of the United Kingdom, Sir Hartley Shawcross. (IMT vol. XIX, page 434.)
7 Olga Wormser-Migot, Le Systeme Concentrationnaire Nazi (1933-1945) (Paris:
Presses Universitaires de France, 1968).
8 Paul Rassinier, The Holocaust Story and the Lies of Ulysses (Costa Mesa:
Institute for Historical Review, 1978), pp. 129-130.
9 Ibid., p. 130.
10 This evidence was stopped by Judge Ron Thomas after objection by Crown
Attorney Pearson. Thomas ruled that: "The accused is charged with
publishing a false statement knowing it was false. This evidence is not
relevant to the charge and will not be admitted." (24-6241, 6242).
11 In fact, the booklet did mention this fact at page 14.
12 Pearson requested Weber to read the entire article to the court. Defence
attorney Doug Christie objected on the grounds that the political beliefs
of Weber were irrelevant to the truth or falsity of his testimony. Christie
pointed out that attacks on political beliefs seemed to be the purpose
and object of the prosecution as a whole. Judge Ron Thomas disregarded
the objection and instructed Weber: "Please proceed. Read it."
13 Not compared with original.
14 Not compared with original.
15 Not compared with original.
16 Upon objection by the Crown, Judge Thomas asked Christie what the relevance
of the question was. Christie indicated that he wished to ask the witness
questions about the statistics in the document to show that the document
was ridiculous and therefore inaccurate. Thomas replied in sarcastic tones:
"All right, go ahead. I just have to make a note here: 'The entire
document is ridiculous'...'The entire document is ridiculous'. All right,
go ahead." (25-6576 to 6578)
17 This was the amount paid by the Ontario government to Crown witness
Christopher Browning for his testimony at the trial.