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International Keynotes

Association for Children with Learning Disabilities, 1984
Parent Care, 1988
Hutterite Teachers Convention, 1994

Colleges and Universities

Bethel College
California Lutheran College
Freeman Junior College
Indiana University
Iowa State University
Missouri University
Ottawa University
Pacific College
Pacific Lutheran College
Pierce College
Stanford University
Tabor College
University of Minnesota
University of North Dakota at Fargo
University of the Pacific
University of Winnipeg
University of Wisconsin
Webster College
Western Illinois University
Wichita State University
Winnipeg Mennonite Brethren College

Educational Organizations

Statewide keynotes and workshops for the National Education Association:

NEA-North Dakota

Hundreds of keynotes, workshop, in-service presentations etc. for school board associations, school administrators, pupil personnel, teacher associations, high school assemblies etc.

Areas of emphasis:

Special Education (including Education for the Gifted)
Chapter 1
Even Start
Migrant Education

Women's Organizations

Numerous keynotes, luncheon and banquet programs, achievement award events etc. for:

American Association of University Women
American Business Women's Association
Business and Professional Women's Clubs
Federally Employed Women
Federated Women's Clubs
Soroptimist International
Women's Chamber of Commerce
Zonta International

Service Clubs etc

Hundreds of keynotes, luncheon and banquet programs, achievement award events etc. for:

Rotary Clubs
Kiwanis Clubs
Sertoma International
Optimist Clubs
Elks Fraternities

. . . and many, many others!


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3152 Parkway #13, PMB109,
Pigeon Forge, TN,
37863, USA.

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