These excerpts are compiled from the following books:


Israeli Aggression, Militarism, and Terror

Our Man in Damascus: Elie Cohn
Author: Eli Ben-Hanan ©1969 Publisher: Crown Publishers Inc.
Published by A.D.M. Publishing House, P.O. B. 2811, Tel Aviv
Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 76-75078 ISBN No. N/A

26 ---- See How They Operate!

A Nation On Trial
Author: N. G. Finkelstein and R. B. Birn ©1998 Publisher: Henry Holt and Co. ISBN No. 0-8050-5872-9

95, 96 ---- Jewish State Immunized From Legitimate Censure

Israel�s Sacred Terrorism
Author: Livia Rokach ©1980, 1982, 1986
Publisher: Association of Arab-American University Graduates Inc. Press ISBN No. 0-937694-70-3

ix, x ---- Foreword by Noam Chomsky

� Noam Chomsky

xix ---- Comparing Israeli Bombing of Beirut to Guernica, Coventry and Dresden


4 ---- Author's Introduction

9 ---- About the Diary

Excerpts From The Diary

13 ---- October 15, 1953

13 ---- October 16, 1953

13 ---- October 16, 1953

14 ---- October 18, 1953

15, 16 ---- January 31, 1954

18, 19 ---- December 22, 1954

19 ---- January 3, 1955

30 ---- May 31, 1954

30 ---- May 13, 1954

31 ---- March 5, 1955

32 ---- March 8, 1955

32 ---- March 10, 1955

33 ---- March 28, 1955

33 ---- January 11, 1961

37 ---- January 14, 1955

39 ---- March 1, 1955

41 ---- May 26, 1955

44 ---- March 27, 1955

44 ---- March 29, 1955

What Price Israel?
Author: Alfred M. Lilienthal ©1953 Publisher: Henry Regnery Co. Library of Congress Catalog No. 53-11086 ISBN No. N/A

30 ---- Report Unacceptable to Zionists

40 ---- Jewish Terrorist Gangs Spring Up in Palestine

41, 42 ---- King David Hotel Blown Up: American Jews React

52 ---- Accomplishments of the Terrorists

102, 103 ---- Pick a Sweet-Sounding Name and They Will Come

103, 104 ---- Begin�s Visa Application Rejection Overruled

106, 107 ---- US Press Quizzes Menachem Begin on His Past Activities

Every Spy a Prince
Author: Dan Raviv and Yossi Melman ©1990 Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Co. ISBN No. 0 - 395 - 47102 - 8

37, 38 ---- Iraqi Jews Convicted of Sabotage and Synagogue Bombing

The Lobby: Jewish political power and american foreign policy
Author: Edward Tivnan ©1987 Publisher: Simon and Schuster ISBN No. 0-671-66828-5 Pbk.

39, 40 ---- The Kibya Atrocity

43 ---- Israeli Spies and Saboteurs Arrested by Egyptians

45 ----- Israeli Army Reservists Murder Bedouin Boys

The Fateful Triangle: the united states, israel & the palestinians
Author: Noam Chomsky © 1983 Publisher: South End Press ISBN No. 0-89608-187-7

12 ---- A Religious Duty to Destroy Non-Jewish Inhabitants

15, 16 ---- Charge of �Anti-Semitism� or �Jewish Self-Hatred� Device to Silence Critics

20 ---- Israel Attempts to Blame Egypt For Terrorist Attacks

31, 32 ---- Israel Granted Unique Immunity From Criticism in Media

96, 97 ---- False Claims That Arab Leaders Ordered Flight of Palestinians

98 ---- Nahum Goldmann Critical of Use of Holocaust to Justify Atrocities and Murder

123 ---- �Religious� Settlers in the West Bank

123, 124 ---- Settlers� Justification: �It�s In The Book!�

124, 125 ---- Jewish Settlers Above the Law in Conflicts With Arabs

126, 127 ---- Torture �Appears to Be Sanctioned� As Policy

128 ---- 20% of the Arab Population �Has Passed Through Israeli Jails�

129 ---- Defense Minister Sharon Urged Soldiers to Beat Arab Schoolchildren

129, 130 --- Orders to Brutalize Prisoners Came From Chief of Staff

130, 131 ---- Holocaust �Commemoration� Part of Collective Punishment Forced on Prisoners

132 ---- Writing ID Numbers on Arms of Prisoners �Common Practice�

133 ---- And In the Golan Heights . . .

136, 137 ---- Arab Intellectuals Kept �On a Short Leash�

141 ---- Child Labor

154 ---- Bible Tells How to Deal With Palestinians

166, 167 ---- Tragedy of Deir Yassin Now A Celebration

217 ---- Extermination of the Two-Legged Beasts

226 ---- American Nurse: �Israel Dropped Bombs on Everything�

232, 233 ---- �Liberation�: Israeli Style

235 ---- Israeli Sources Augment Horror Stories

236 ---- Haddad Soldiers �Worse Than Border Guards,�

236 ---- Brutal treatment of Prisoners �An Old [Menachem] Begin Specialty

238 ---- Veteran Saw Nothing Comparable in WWII to Destruction of Palestinian Camp

240 ---- You Are A Nation of Monkeys! You Want A State? Build It On The Moon

241 ---- A Touch of �Humor�

257, 258 ---- �Holocaust Survivor� Protests Lebanon War

364 ---- Unholy Alliances

375 ---- Charge of Anti-Semitism a Reflex Action

382, 383 ---- The Qibya Attack: Deception Used to Hide Terrorist Antics of Ariel Sharon

Book Title: The Zionist Connection - what price peace?
Author: Alfred M. Lilienthal ©1978 Publisher: Dodd, Mead & Co. ISBN No. 0-396-07564-9

129, 130 ---- Housing Policy in Israel

132, 133 ---- �Brown Jews� Object of Discrimination

163, 164 ---- Israeli Soldiers on Rampage

168 ---- Israelis Worse Than Germans

169, 170 ----- Israelis Spray Arab Crops With Defoliant to �Teach a Lesson to These Villagers�

178, 179 ----- Palestinian Arabs Tortured During Interrogation

364, 365 ---- Israelis Seek to Destroy U.S., Egyptian Relations With Violence

369 ---- �How Israelis Started the Terror by Post�

372 ---- Israelis Down Libyan Jet

389 ---- Atrocity in Lebanon

461 ---- Holocaust Kept Alive as Weapon Used by Zionists

474 ---- Media Keeps Holocaust Alive �Whenever Jews Will It�

474 ---- Holocaust Resurrected Only to �Prick the World Conscience Anew�

574, 575 ---- The Israeli Attack on the American Ship, �Liberty�