These excerpts are compiled from the following books:

Jewish Criminals and Their Activities

The American Jews: portrait of a split personality
Author: James Yaffe ©1968 Publisher: Random House Library of Congress No. 68-28553 ISBN No. N/A

61, 62 -- Jews Fear Headlines Exposing Jewish Criminal Activity

Book Title: An Empire of Their Own
Author: Neal Gabler ©1988 Publisher: Crown Publishers Inc. ISBN No. 0-517-56808-X

304 -- Put Ficticious Jewish Hero Into Movie: Stone

Book Title: Esau�s Tears
Author: Albert S. Lindemann ©1997 Publisher: Cambridge University Press ISBN No. 0-521-59369-7

66 -- Eastern European Jews and Criminal Activity

The Rise and fall of the Jewish Gangster in America
Author: Albert Fried ©1980 Publisher: Holt Rinehart Winston ISBN 0-03-021371-1

Dust Jacket Introduction

18 -- Pimps

25, 26 Fagins and Fences

95, 96 �Black Sox� Scandal

103 Dutch Schulz

234-238 Meyer Lansky in the 30s

241 Meyer Lansky in the 40s

261, 262 Going Straight?

286 The Present

Heil Kahane
Author: Yair Kotler © 1986 Publisher: Adama Books ISBN No. 0-915361-35-3

46, 47 -- Kahane & the Mafia

50 -- Firearms

51 -- Mafia Connections

63 -- Time Bomb

65 -- Kahane Chutzpah

68 -- Serious Incidents

Jews and Money: the myths and the reality
Author: Gerald Krefetz ©1982 Publisher: Ticknor and Field ISBN No. 0-89919-129-0

112 -- La Kosher Nostra

114, 115 -- Unzer Shtik (Our Thing)

129-139 -- The Bernard Bergman Saga

Dr. Fleck, the first Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Health summarized Bergman�s activities:

Book Title: �The Rest of Us�
Author: Stephen Birmingham ©1984 Publisher: Little, Brown & Company ISBN 0-316-09647-4

77 -- Beginnings

141 -- Among Jews, Jewish Criminal Viewed as Part of American Landscape

142 -- The Lansky-Luciano Connection

143 -- Crime As A Business

144 -- Prohibition

145 -- Prohibition A Golden Door to Riches For Lansky

149 -- A Canadian Jewish Connection

156 -- The Jewish Lake

285 -- Lansky and The Cause of Israel�s Independence

343, 344 -- Lansky Looks to Israel for Sanctuary

345 -- Lansky Reluctantly Heads Homeward