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Seated around Andrews' table with him at the weekly gathering were
five people who had jobs. The rest of those present stood around the table;
numbering about 10 people, Andrews called them his "Androids":
unemployed persons who lived in Andrews' rooming houses. We were told that
Andrews took the cheques they received, subtracted the rent and other expenses,
and gave them the rest of their money, making a big production at his meetings
of having them come up and get their money from him. Among other behaviours,
Andrews berated his people for not remembering certain acronyms, such as
OMS (one man show), during the tests that he administered
A significant event took place in April, 1989. Don Andrews conducted
a special meeting. His "Androids" were invited to his mansion.
The people present were introduced to a friend who had been in Toronto
for just a few days: Wolfgang Walter Droege.
Andrews paid for most of the rest of the trip by using money advanced
by Libya; this was likely arranged through a Libyan agent.
The right wing racists had to be separated from the left wing anti-fascists
for the former's protection. After the ship docked, the NPC group were
not allowed to disembark and only after several days of complaining were
they allowed to reside in Camp Kadhafi some miles from Tripoli.
Droege, and the others were told of the plan to wear uniforms and march
in the parade. Droege stood up and said he would not do it. At first, it
was sixteen to one against him. However, the Source did not want to be
videotaped in a Libyan uniform and so he stood up and supported Droege.
Ladas then said she would tell the Libyans and they would give the Source
and Droege a hard time. These words stimulated a groundswell of support
from those who agreed with the two dissidents, including Lincoln and Dawson.
Max French called the two dissidents every imaginable name and was most
disappointed with the decision, but he eventually received his uniform.
French denies this account.
The NPC members were arrested and some received threats from US officers.
They were strip-searched and had their body cavities probed for contraband.
The entire group, including the Source, were detained by US Customs for
several hours and subjected to interviews. The Nationalist Party of Canada
people, except Droege, were then allowed to go through passport control
and clear Immigration.
Tensions were high in the NPC after the trip to Libya, particularly
among those who had gone there. The entire group had worried about being
attacked in Libya, they were arrested in Chicago and they were subjected
to humiliating interviews and body cavity searches; people were generally
tired and fed up.
The Heritage Front was to have, in theory, four levels: the first
would be "the Brethren": Droege, Lincoln, and Bristow. The second
would comprise the Executive Council: James Dawson, the Brethren and rising
stars in the HF. The third would be the HF membership and the last level
would comprise supporters and subscribers to the new newsletter.
Prior to the confrontation, the Investigator said that he had learned
that Bristow told the HF people to settle down. George Burdi, a charismatic
speaker, was the person who addressed the crowd in the park before going
to Sneaky Dees.
According to Bristow, he absolutely did not tell Heritage Front members
to go down to Sneaky Dees to confront the anti-racists. George Burdi got
out a megaphone in the park before the confrontation and rallied the Heritage
Front people. He added that there was no confrontation until after the
anti-racists started throwing bottles at them.
1.) That I am the person referred to in the above text and in such have
knowledge to the matters stated herein, or that I have first hand knowledge
of the events that took place in the above text.
2.) That I know the following to be a false statement in the above text
corrected by me as follows.
a: "Androids" - This is strictly
a Grant Bristow made up sarcastic remark and not Don Andrews. Grant only
started using it after he left the NPC and help set-up the HF. The same
goes for the term "Necro-Nazi". I have never heard of it until
I read this report.
b: "'Androids' were invited to his (Don
Andrews) mansion". Another sarcasm, as Don's house is an average
semi-detached house, not a mansion. One again the term "Androids"
didn't exist at that time. Andrews, in different conversations with me
in private and other times in a group, sometimes referred o the members
who were constantly on welfare or social assistance of some kind as "Underlings".
These so-called "Underlings", would never be present when
the term was used.
c: The CSIS report states - Andrews paid for most
of the rest of the trip by using money advanced by Libya, this was likely
arranged though a Libyan agent. This is not true, Andrews never received
any advance money. The trip was already paid for and the only thing that
was received was the airline tickets. Also, Andrews wasn't the contact
person with the Libyans.
d: Partly true, but only after we landed in Libya.
There were different groups performing various entertainment on land to
welcome the boat and every one on board. Shortly after, I was one of two
members of the NPC and along with other groups selected to meet the "Welcoming
Committee". The next day all the people on the ship were taken to
visit Kadhafi's bombed out house. On return to the ship, word had spread
more thoroughly and with more certainly of who we were because of a woman
from Ottawa, that was on the first trip, was spreading the word all along.
Others had also noticed, a group of East Germans had read the registry
at Kadhafi's bombed out house (book for visitors to sign and make comments)
when a member of the NPC signed the registry with his name and after his
signature put "Nationalist Party of Canada".
The Leftist and Marxist East Germans were really turning up the heat. The
Libyans didn't want any incidents to mark their celebration. They were
angry with the Leftist's for bad manners and trying to dictate to them
about what to do with us. Once again, as on the first trip, they actually
did us a favour. The Libyan's took us to a posh place. This time it was
a county retreat for foreign visitors some miles outside of Tripoli. It
was not called Camp Kadhafi, that was just another name Grant Bristow made
on the spot. Grant had sarcastic nicknames for everything. I can't recall
the proper name fully, but it was _ _ _ _ _ Springs.
As for the uniforms, Grant Bristow was wearing the baseball hat and T-shirt
along with the rest of us when we went to view the parade.
e: We were only detained, not arrested as claimed
in the report. Only Droege was arrested. I didn't hear or receive any threats
from the Customs Agents, but did hear a couple of comments. I was not strip-searched
and did not have my body cavities probed for contraband. I was thoroughly
patted down, but with my clothes on.
f: We were never worried about being attacked
in Libya because they (Libyans) would not allow any violence. They were
very embarrassed by the way their invited guests were treating other invited
guests. They were the same on the first trip when almost the same thing
happened and we apologized for all the trouble our presence was causing
them. They said we had nothing to be sorry for as we weren't responsible
for what was going on. They told us we always acted politely, respectfully
and properly, unlike the Leftists. As they said, you don't go to another
country as invited guests and dictate to your host who you can invite or
who should be allowed into your country. This really incensed the Libyans,
as Arabs, it is important to treat all guests equally.
g: I never heard the term "Brethren"
ever used and never heard that the HF was to have four levels. Also, I
never heard of any talk of any illegal activities. Droege never hoped to
get cash from the Libyans, he knew that Andrews had the only two contacts
through two of his own members (NPC)
Why doesn't CSIS investigate the leftist groups from Canada. The woman
from Ottawa received $85,000.00 according to the Libyan contact and others
received large amounts of money reportedly in the five to six digit area.
It seems this would be more of a threat than a little $1,000.00 the NPC
got, with no strings attached. And the money the NPC received only went
into Andrews's pocket and certainly did not go towards any political purpose.
h: Within an hour after the A.R.A. trashed Gary
Schipper's house, on Grant Bristow's surveillance, word got back to us
gathered at Allan Gardens. Bristow in my presence said "We got
to go down to Sneaky Dees and show them that we are not scared. Wolf doesn't
think we should go down there. We have got to convince Wolf" He
said the same thing several times in similar words while pounding his fist
into his open palm. I had to leave shortly afterwards.
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