June 9, 1996

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

History is being made! This is the official press release to unleash "Zundelgate"!

The Zündel team worked all night putting the final touches on events that will begin tomorrow. Nobody knows how it will end. Those of you who have had some legal training will appreciate what this may mean.

The rest is now up to the people, the court - and the media!

The press release below has been sent to hundreds of media sources - in Canada and around the world. The legal arm of the Zündel team is now heading toward Ottawa.

Press Release June 9, 1996:

Ernst Zündel will square off against CSIS and SIRC in the Federal Court of Canada at 10 a.m. Monday, June 10, 1996 in the West Courtroom of the Supreme Court Building of Canada on Wellington Street in Ottawa.

Zündel will argue that the Intelligence establishment created a non-existent Right Wing threat in a pre-emptive move to destroy the criticisms of, and opposition to, ill-conceived Government policies emanating from Canada's nationalist Right by criminalizing and, thus, marginalizing the Right through the illegal activities of its agent provocateur, Grant Bristow.

Zündel calls a press conference at 9:30 a.m. on the steps of the Supreme Court to discuss his stalled Citizenship Application.

Zündel claims and documents massive bias by CSIS and SIRC in a 321 page "Apprehension of Bias" document filed with the Federal Court on 4 March 1996. He alleges politically motivated bias on the part of CSIS,. the Canadian Civilian Spy Agency, and SIRC, the Security Intelligence Review Committee, which is supposed to investigate the conduct of CSIS to insure non-intrusion of the spy agency into constitutionally protected and guaranteed areas of political advocacy.

Zündel buttresses this claim of "Apprehension of Bias" with another 91 page document which contains, among other matters, eight notarized affidavits by people intimately acquainted with the events and personalities of the Grant Bristow Affair - misleadingly labeled the "Heritage Front Affair."

Many of these eye- and ear-witnesses and participants in the events "documented" in the "Heritage Front Affair Report" contradict the statements and alleged activities of Bristow and CSIS as described. This highly politicized, emotional "Heritage Front Affair Report", released by SIRC to Parliament and the public on 9 December 1994, has already been described by wary members of Parliament and alert media pundits as a "government white-wash." Zündel will reveal additional, shocking material in Open Court on Monday.

Zündel claims that SIRC is in bed with CSIS and has painted itself into a corner through its own self-serving, ideologically tainted, slip-shod white-wash report, a Marxist-style document now used by the Government of Canada to deny him his constitutionally protected rights of freedom of expression, association, and the peaceful advocacy of his views.

Zündel asserts he is being scapegoated and railroaded by a powerful lobby who is nesting in the ears of the political establishment. He claims the aim of this Holocaust Lobby is to first criminalize him by the process now in progress and then to deport him because of his claim that the Holocaust is an extortion racket.

The Intelligence bureaucracy is to be used to silence him - and to accomplish what the regular, lawful Court system of Canada has, so far, refused to do.

Zündel urges the Canadian media, the public, and the political elite to take another, more critical look at the whole Intelligence apparatus and its KGB-style "apparatchiki", including the politically appointed "watchdog" SIRC.

His documentation is available for scrutiny on the Zündelsite, http://www.webcom.com/ezundel/english/ where he has posted the SIRC Report, the refuting affidavits and supplementary documentation.

Zündel asks that the Kangaroo SIRC proceedings against him be ordered stopped by the Federal Court and that a Royal Commission be set up to investigate the Intelligence bureaucracy, which seems out of effective control and threatens to undermine the constitutional order and the democratic traditions of Canada - before Canada becomes a Third World type dictatorship manipulated, intimidated and terrorized by "hired spooks" and government-directed "agent provateurs" running amok with the help of taxpayers' money.

(End of Press Release)

The count-down has begun! May our thoughts and prayers be with one courageous man, Ernst Zündel!


Thought for the Day:

"A faith that cannot survive collision with the truth is not worth many regrets."

(Arthur C. Clarke)

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