Dr. Robert Faurisson on the Web  


This long-awaited book was not actually written as a book, but rather is a collection of the writings of Dr. Robert Faurisson over the years, which deal with the Holocaust. Virtually all of these writings have been published, either in the Journal of Historical Review or elsewhere. Therefore, one is able to get an idea what will appear in Dr. Faurisson's book before it appears. However, each chapter in this book is being painstakingly re-edited and reconsidered before publication in book form.

Until this task is finished, here are some of the chapters as they originally appeared.

Table of Contents

The beginning of the revisionist controversy in France: 1974�1978

The mechanics of gassing

The 'problem of the gas chambers'

The testimony of Dr. Johann Paul Kremer

The gas chamber myth is dying

A challenge to David Irving

Revisionism on trial in France: 1979�1983

Response to a paper historian: Pierre Vidal-Naquet

The confessions of Rudolf H�ss

A Prominent False Witness: Elie Wiesel

'Shoah:' a review

Foreword to the first Leuchter Report

The Z�ndel trials: 1985 and 1988

My life as a revisionist: September 1983�September 1987

Anne Frank's handwriting

The gas chambers of Auschwitz

The gas chambers: Truth or lie?

Is The Diary of Anne Frank genuine?

The Auschwitz myth in pictures

Foreword to the Second Leuchter Report

Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers

The US Holocaust Memorial Museum: A challenge

Witnesses at Auschwitz

Jean-Claude Pressac's new Auschwitz book

The Warsaw ghetto 'uprising'

How many deaths at Auschwitz?

Why Did The Heavens Not Darken?: The 'Final Solution' in History

A revised preface to Auschwitz: A Judge Looks at the Evidence

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