Free Ernst Z�ndel!
June 28 - 8:08 pm EST

Persecution of Ernst Z�ndel


Who is Ernst Z�ndel?

Who is Ernst Z�ndel? Why is he loved by so many - and equally demonized and vilified by others? Get to know the one-man powerhouse Revisionist who has dedicated his life to clearing Germany of the blood libel of the "Holocaust".

Revisionism to the world!

Why is the government persecuting Ernst Z�ndel? Click here to see the Zundelsite Table of Contents

Attention Webmasters

We need your help in our campaign to publicize what is happening to Ernst Z�ndel. Add our Zundelsite logo to your homepage and refer people to our site

Take a look. And decide for yourself.

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Write to Canada's Prime Minister and complain over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.

Prime Minister Paul Martin
House of Commons 
Parliament Buildings 
Ottawa, Ontario 
K1A 0A6

Telephone: (613) 992-4211

Fax: (613) 941-6900

Email: [email protected]

"The martyrdom of Zundel will be of no profit to my peers of politics and finance: He has said all he had to say, and it is running all over the world."

R.D.Polacco de M�nasce
Docteur de l'universit� de Paris

Zundel Book Released

Setting the Record Straight: Letters from Cell # 7
$10 - 180 Pages

"This is beyond evil."
Judge Blais has ruled that Ernst Zundel is not entitled to find out and make known to the world via witness testimony who was behind his deportation, who is behind his brutal and inhuman incarceration without any criminal charges, how much CSIS knew about a parcel bomb sent to his residence in 1995 and why he wasn't warned, and what extraordinary efforts have been made for all of twenty years to deport him to Germany to silence him for good about his solid evidence that the beyammered "Holocaust" is nothing but a monumental fraud and lucrative extortion scheme.

For the first time ever!
From the heart of the Canadian gulag. 
Zundel reports from Solitary Confinement in Cell # 7

Get your own autographed sketches, drawn by Political Prisoner, Ernst 
[Visit donation page]

Send your support and greetings! 

Inspirational song written for prisoner of conscience - Ernst Z�ndel

Legal Documents on the Zundel "Security Certificate"  (Last updated - Dec 22, 2003) SOS:  CSIS vs. Z�ndel

Online Media
5th Estate, The Unedited Audio
CSIS's case against Ernst Zundel surrounds this 5th Estate show that was on CBC TV.  CSIS Of course uses the edited version and spins a web of lies about Zundel.  Hear for yourself what Ernst really said - Unedited!

[Listen Now - 1 Hour 27 Mins]

[Visit the Audio Archive]


All media interviews about the politically motivated imprisonment of Ernst Zundel - or interviews requested for Ingrid Rimland - will be given by Mr. Mark Weber, Director of the Institute for Historical Review.  Write to [email protected] or call (949) 631-1490.

Please support the Zundelsite - the most politically besieged website on the Net!