The Zundel arrest: Letters and offers of
help keep pouring in!

February 7, 2003

I have been deluged with interview requests from major media, all of which I turned down with relish. Let them all stew a bit! The Internet is where it's at - and we have barely started!

To say that the Net is ablaze once again with the Zundel struggle is probably an understatement. One ZGram reader wrote: "I am amazed at how much discussion is going on {in the newsgroups} over this. Great to see."

To which I replied:

"I think that this is yet another stepping stone toward historical truth. Ernst is a big, big hero on the world stage! Certainly more admired and loved at this time than his enemies are! You may quote me on that, if you like!"

I will keep you informed about developments to the extent that I can. Meanwhile, here is a smorgasbord of reader letters - all of them from people on OUR side, with the exception of the last one: the ONLY nasty letter I have, so far, received!

For how long have I said, "There's more of US than THEM"? That ought to be a bumper sticker slogan, don't you think?

My friends around the world, take heart! This is another painful blow. We are, however, going to fight this round like any other round. With honor! Courage! And conviction that we are right and have the truth on our side, while all "they" have is lies.

I'll do my part. You know that you can help and will be asked to help.

And to think I was about to quit my ZGrams, believing that they had gone stale? Heaven has interfered!

Here we go:


I just received your Z-Gram regarding Ernst's arrest and detention. This is truly a sad day for America when it starts to behave like Canada. I don't know what I could do, but if there's ANYTHING I can do to help from here, please do not hesitate to ask. Anyone I should contact? Notify? I'm not "religious" but my prayers are with you and Ernst.


I simply cannot help telling you that I am absolutely flabbergasted when I received your sad news. Up to this day, I was hoping against hope that, living in "God's Own Country" as people still keep saying with a certain amount of sarcasm, Ernst had a fair chance to escape this scandalous treatment."


This is shocking news and very unnerving. I hope you are bearing up and please know that you have many supporters throughout the world who will be with you in spirit.


Ingrid, My deepest condolences. We live in a tyranny that is growing worse by the day. Before long we may all end up in a camp or worse. Freedom and Justice have truly fled the land. Sorry you have to relive this again.


Ingrid I am very sorry for what has occurred with Ernst; however this is just another blunder by an agency of the government that has been out of focus for years. Our Borders, language and Culture have been in serious danger for quite some time, especially during the Clinton administration. Today my prayers will be for you and Mr. Zundel.


If you think of something that a regular reader can do, let me know... 


I think it is truly serendipidous that my small check is in the mail as of yesterday just as my wife and I receive this frightening news about Ernst. Obviously, there may be a need for much more activity on many different fronts in the near future. All prayers, wishes, and hopes for a positive resolution to this absurd situation as soon as possible.


If there is any address to which I can email protestations, please post on one of your Zgrams.


How Awful! Let us know what we can do to help!!!!!!!


I'll be doing a lot of praying for Ernst. I imagine you won't mind that. It's the best and only thing I can do from here. If there is anything else I can do, please let me know. I'll help in any way I can.


I am distressed to hear about this. If there's anything else I can do, let me know.


I just read this news. I relate to the awful feeling you are going through. Perhaps someone overreacted and the arrest was in error. Hopefully it will be over soon.


I am very sorry this has happened. I am ashamed of my country sometimes and how it operates. This is like the gestapo! This is anti-american! Red Army behavior! If there is anything I can do let me know.


It's very sad. I am with you in this worrisome moment. I hope that Ernst will be free as soon as possible.


Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Ernst in these trying times. I hope everything will sort itself out speedily.


Thank you for following through and notifying all of us--despite what must be for you personally, a very overwhelming experience; If and when you receive more information (including contacts for those responsible for this mendacious travesty) so that we may raise our voices in support of Ernst, and against "those" responsible, please keep us abreast. We wish you courage and hope. No capitulation!


Our hearts go out to you and Ernst. You can be sure you both will be in our prayers. I'm sure this will get straightened out and Ernst will soon be home with you.


Please, when events allow, let me know what I can do. It is strange to have _just_ gotten your optimistic note in the post, and then receive the terrible news of the modern NKVD ("INS") pouncing upon Ernst, a man who is an asset to his country and his people in every 
sense of the word.


I was very distressed to hear the news, and no doubt there are political machinations at work. This is incontrovertible confirmation that our bureaucracy serves another master, as if we needed more evidence... From what I know, an arrest for this de minimus violation, EVEN IF TRUE, does not merit this response, in and of itself. In any event, we will do what we can, and a response to your recent appeal is forthcoming.


I'm sorry to hear about this, but not terribly surprised. I would like to help. Can you confirm your mailing address?


This is the most horrible news I've read. If the government gets away with this, there's no limit to far they will go to squelch any opposition to their plans for world domination. I'm ashamed that we, as a country, have let our government get so out of control, and so far from being representative of the people. I fear things are going to get really bad for anyone who has the courage to speak out against the outrageous policies. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help. I can send money, broadcast your messages to all on my list, 
put up flyers, whatever you think might help.


Good luck to both! Best wishes. Passing the information on.


The Stalinists have started. There are enough of us out here who can raise the money for bail. We cannot let this thing stand. There are a zillion mexicans here in California - does anybody care? Truly, a jewish set-up. I wish you well. Put out the call for funds- you have many friends.


Keep me posted. When you have the right numbers to call, let me know. We will start putting some heat on them so they know that this has some risk to them. If nothing else get me a local immigration number that I can call to see how they bob and weave to some simple questions.


My thoughts and my heart are with you and with Ernst, our hero.


Hang in there Ingrid; Pharisees love to harass people. Take good care!


It's a shame that this nation cannot close the border with at least Mexico where millions of illegal aliens are pouring across, yet the INS can come to your home and demand certain things for one person!


This must be a very difficult time for you. Clearly there must be some specific intent here on the part of the bad guys. It is a pity that you could not have walked out with a digital camera and got a quick photo of all of the participants and that document. My suspicion is that this is basically organised harrassement.


Wow. Astounding that 1) no-one apparently informed Ernst - or you - of the specific law he had supposedly violated, 2) that you were not given a copy, 3) that you were not told precisely where he would be taken, 4) that he was forced into signing something he may regret, and 5) that you could not call a lawyer. May God give you both strength and courage through this trying time.


I am shocked. Keep us posted if you can, but more important, keep your own feet on the ground and your courage up. That comes before keeping us posted. I feel that it will be alright. So far I don't have any better advice but I'm thinking hard on it. I know you are 
so courageous, but in your shoes I would be no good! This is all unbelievable! Just shows how Ernst is always so clear-sighted in his "Power" letters!


I am very sad about the arrest of Ernst! There is not a lot I can say but I want you to know my heart goes out to you and I feel like crying. I sense you are strong and I know you have already dealt with very trying situations in the past. How tragic!! I am so thankful for you and appreciate your keeping us informed of events around the world. I have not been able to support your efforts financially because I am one of those seniors who has been caught without being gainfully employed and without a retirement. What a mess we have become. Please update us on the situation. We will pray for Ernst. Bless you, dear one.


We just read about Ernst's arrest and I must say, we were shocked. The enemy of truth and freedom stops at nothing to achieve its evil objectives. You must be swamped with e-mails and faxes, so I'll keep this brief. Meanwhile our thoughts and prayers are with you and Ernst. We pray for his swift and safe release and that you may gather the strength to withstand the pressure and stress that this situation must surely bring to both of you and thousands more by extension. Ingrid, if there is anything at all that we can do to help, besides offer our prayers, please let me know.


This bad news indeed. I feel sorry for you, and for Ernst. A great fighter, yet a man of peace. I hope that this is merely a routine matter--but I tend to agree with the immigration lawyer: this is some deal to placate the scum in Canada, who doubtless have plans to hand Ernst back to the scum in the Bundesrepublik.

My advice would be to attempt to make maximum publicity out of this--including attempting to enlist civil liberties types. It's a cause all revisionists can and should rally around. Since the Nat Hentoffs and the ACLUers have long been beating the kettle drums for aliens held (unjustly or not) by the INS, they should be approached (if only to shame them if they refuse to help a pacific man whose only "sins" are exercising his right to free speech. I'll do what I 


Thus wrote my friends. As I said above, so far there was one filthy letter - and I mean filthy! I'll spare you the details and only give you a whiff:


You mention the first ammendement (sic) of the United States and your address indicates that you are living there. So why are you living in the very country that defeated your hero? Shouldn't you be living in Germany or France or in the Arab World? Surely if you hate the Jews so much you should get your fucking ass out of Israel's strongest ally.

Also, do you hate Einstein, the Jew who ended WWII with his genious, (sic) creating the ultimate weapon, and who was the greatest scientist known to humankind? Or do you believe that some Nazi invented the atom bomb, or an Arab or a low-life frak (sic) like 
yourself? See, the problem with Revisionist history is that if assholes like yourself get a chance to tamper with the facts, you canb (sic) ruin history for the rest of us with your lies and anti-Semitic crap.

I pray that you join your friends in hell. That way it suits all of us!


Now I ask you: Which side would decent people want to be on?

If you can help now by sending us support, please do so. If not, I may ask you again next week. We will have to set up a legal defense fund. Here is the address once again:

Ingrid Rimland
3152 Parkway, Suite 13, PMB 109
Pigeon Forge, TN

I will keep you informed of developments, and will help to organize a publicity campaign that will make our enemies' ears spin! I am better known now as an Internetter than I was in 1996, and you and I gave the Truth Haters a fine run for their money that time - didn't 

Let's rally again! There's more of US than THEM!



"Rimland" is the name by which I am known to the public as a novelist. "Zundel" is my legal name by which I am known to close friends.


Ernst Z�ndel Defence Fund


Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Z�ndel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


Please support the Zundelsite - the most politically besieged website on the Net!