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Friday May 2nd: The Zundel Immigration Hearing

April 29, 2003

ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny: Now more than ever!

Here is an update on Ernst Zundel's illegal imprisonment by the Canadian government, taken in part from our regular Power Letter to supporters:

As you will remember, there is going to be another immigration hearing on Friday, May 2nd. This time, Ernst will have legal representation - something that was difficult to attain previously since there seems to have been a concerted telephone campaign by his detractors, meant to intimidate and perhaps even terrorize any legal firm or individual attorney who was contemplating taking Ernst on as a client. This was backed up by some vicious media - and I mean, really vicious! And, sad to say, it worked!

All of us who know, respect and love Ernst Zundel have worked day and night behind the scenes, and I am glad to say, prospects are slowly changing in his favor.

For a start, there will be some picketing by Zundel supporters at the hearing this Friday. If you are free and in the area, consider joining. For further information, go to the Zundelsite,

If you are not in the area, you can still help. Write, fax or email to the Immigration Minister. Remember, he's the one who thought nothing of prejudging this case - he is the one who threatened, to please the Shrill Minority, that he would see to it that Ernst would not be allowed to stay in Canada and would, instead, be deported. His exact words were: "Watch me!" Not biased in the least - right?

So write him, and give him a piece of your mind. No need to be lengthy. Be classy. Be clear and to the point!

Here is the contact information:

Immigration Minister Denis Coderre 
House of Commons 
Parliament Buildings 
Ottawa, Ontario 
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 995-6108
Fax: (613) 995-9755

We have two carefully researched legal actions initiated in the United States. We are feverishly involved in exploring half a dozen other avenues to bring relief to Ernst. We have spent a lot of money already, and huge bills are looming, but the brutal truth we cannot afford to ignore is that Ernst is still being held in maximum detention in Thorold, a small town near Toronto. It's now been more than two months since his unlawful arrest and the subsequent leg irons and other restrictions - and I still can't quite believe what happened, given that he was guilty of nothing!

He wrote to me, referring to the bizarre claim on the flimsiest of "evidence" that he is a "security risk":


They claim that falsely, but they have made their claim stick so far, that I am in fact "an enemy of the state of Canada" - so "dangerous" that two guards take me everywhere I have to go. Every half hour, day and night, a guard comes by my cell and looks into this brightly lit cage and then writes down what he sees me do - eat, write, sketch�That's the new reality for your gentle husband and friend.

The guards here are far more human, polite and professional than they were in that disgusting Blount County Jail, but their orders are, Ingrid, that when I want to take a shower, again two guards have to stand by the locked shower door. I have to call them to unlock the metal door to the shower to lead me back to my cell. Those are their orders, Ingrid my dear wife - it's not their fault that they are cruel; they do their job. Everybody has to follow orders.

If the security chief of this jail needs to see me to discuss something with me, or bring me papers, mail etc., this high-ranking official has to ask the guards on duty to open either my feeding slot or my cell door. I have to endure this until such a time that some Canadian judge or a group of Appeal Court judges end this, for the Jews in CSIS and at the Prime Minister's Office have the power and use the taxpayers' money, as they have always done in my case, to punish me mercilessly because I am a German who will not bow down to their lies about our father's generation.

For the moment, I am in their total control. If the present trend continues, I am working myself into a niche in history like Rudolf Hess. Maybe that's why I always had such empathy for that tragic figure of German history.

I will try my darndest, with all the brain power at my command, to see what I can still do with my reduced possibilities in legal moves and, sad to say, the diminishing legal help at my disposal. Do not be disheartened, my lady, by setbacks, delays, hurts, unfairness and chicanery. Get advice, but decide inside your heart and soul. Thank God we are no longer teenagers - that this crisis has come along at this time in our lives!


To which a supporter replied:


I felt I should give you a different perspective on your above thoughts.

Ernst is indeed a threat to the security of Canada, but of course not in the way that the Canadian government stated it. More than that, Ernst is a major threat to the entire New World Order, and the globalist overlords know it.

The main pillar of the New World Order is that the Allies were the forces of good and the Nazis were the forces of evil. Therefore, this triumph of good is the justification for the globalist agenda and the United Nations and all the other international organizations and agreements that flowed from the Allied victory.

The chief "evidence" for this is the alleged Nazi gas chambers. From this follows the Religion of the Holocaust, which is the dominant religion of our day. [This Religion] does not tolerate dissent, and it has transformed Christianity into Christian Zionism.

Ernst's work threatens the main ideological justifications for the New World Order. I do not have to explain why to you. So, in a way that the globalist overlords will not state publicly, Ernst is indeed a major threat to them and their system. They do not dare to state the real reasons why they seized him. They now have him in their grasp, and since they did not capture him by law, they certainly are not going to release him by law. They simply have the power to take him, and they decided that now is the time to do so, precisely because they see him as a threat in the context of their ongoing agenda to remake the world.

Law has nothing to do with it, and therefore a legal defense for Ernst is irrelevant. If the legitimate laws of the United States and Canada were in effect, Ernst would still be in Tennessee. Or better yet, he would be in Canada with Canadian citizenship, never having been forced to leave. But in that case, the New World Order would not exist.


I replied immediately, arguing that I did not agree, since trying to free Ernst by means of legal strategies is really the only way we can effect a change. We cannot bust him out of jail. The legal way is all we have left, and it is by no means a futile effort. The violation has been so egregious that I cannot imagine an American judge not seeing that something needs to be done - that a man should not have to be locked up in maximum security, be shacked with leg irons and handcuffs, and be prevented from being reunited with his family for 20 years for having "missed" a bureaucratic appointment his attorney had asked to be rescheduled!

I am working with two attorneys here. We are in touch with two other attorneys in Germany. As I alluded to above, Doug Christie, Ernst's long-time Canadian attorney, was able to free himself from his other commitments for a few weeks and is consulting with Ernst in Ontario on our next legal move even as I am putting the final touches on this letter.

I feel we have started to take back control.


Please do your part! If you can, attend the rally. If you can't, call, write or fax! Once again - here is the contact information:

Immigration Minister Denis Coderre 
House of Commons 
Parliament Buildings 
Ottawa, Ontario 
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 995-6108
Fax: (613) 995-9755


Write to Canada's Immigration Minister and complain over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.

Immigration Minister Denis Coderre
House of Commons 
Parliament Buildings 
Ottawa, Ontario 
K1A 0A6

Telephone: (613) 995-6108

Fax: (613) 995-9755




Contribute to Ernst Z�ndel's Defence


Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Z�ndel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


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