Countdown to D-Day # 10

April 10, 2004

ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny

Yesterday far into the night and until almost 4 p.m. today, my volunteers and I printed, stuffed, stamped and sealed thousands of additional letters which will go out to Zundel supporters to the farthest corners of the English-speaking world with the request to fax, this time, an urgent plea to Anne McLellan, Deputy Prime Minister of Canada and in charge of CSIS and other monster brews right out of Stalin's satanic kitchen that deprive decent people of freedom.

I am a bit squeamish asking the readers of this list yet one more time to put their shoulders to the wheel, but I KNOW we ARE making progress - and there is no question that even Canada is getting tired of the Talmudic vengeance a handful of Holocaust devotees think they can wreak on Ernst Zundel. Believe me I know!

I will be seeing my representative, Congressman Jenkins, early on Monday. Important things will be decided then. Since he agreed to see me finally, technically this means that I could call off the hunger strike I planned to hold in front of his office. I achieved what I set out to achieve - I will be seeing him and, so we hope, get his cooperation. However, I am not saying my campaign is over yet - it will depend on how that meeting goes. Right now, unless there is a major and credible break in our favor, I am preparing to move my hunger strike to Washington, D.C.

Therefore, April 19 as my deadline is still on!

Now I would like to brag a little. I took to Congressman Jenkins a pile of endorsements and testimonials, about two inches thick, from good people all over the world. Some are still faxing and calling. If you are so inclined, the place to apply pressure right now is Canada. Apparently Prime Minister, Paul Martin, is shipping all the letters sent to him up to his Deputy Prime Minister, - and her vital stats are as follows:

The Honorable Anne McLellan 
Deputy Prime Minister Edmonton Office 
12304 - 107 Avenue NW 
Edmonton, Alberta 
T5M 1Z1, 
Telephone: (780) 495-3122 
Facsimile: (780) 495-2598

Please fax one more time! Make it a real Fax Blitzkrieg! Tell Anne McLellan about my plans to expose the shameful star chamber tactics of our no longer respected neighbor to the North, and ask her how it will look to the rest of the world if Ingrid Zundel is choosing the Canadian Embassy, let's say, to stage her gent(i)le hunger strike. Don't think that I am joking.

Below is a sample of the kind of letters I compiled and will take to Washington authorities also. No one can claim that we don't have the support our struggle deserves:


Congressman William Jenkins 320 West Center Street Post Office Box 769 Kingsport, Tennessee 37662

Subject: Ingrid Rimland Zundel

Dear Mr. Jenkins,

I am writing this letter in support of Ingrid Rimland Zundel. I realize that, by now, you have some idea of Ingrid's dire plight. What has happened to Ingrid and her husband is almost beyond belief (well actually it is beyond belief).

I am an executive with one of the largest aerospace companies in the world. I am responsible for the quality of all of our components. We have 200 facilities world wide and 20,000 employees. Two thirds of every jet engine in the world, military and commercial, is made by the company I work for, and I am the one ultimately responsible for their performing as they were designed to perform. I mention this only so you know that the support for Ingrid and Ernst comes from people from every walk of life.

To realize that something like this can happen in the United States---the land of liberty and of freedom is so terribly frightening. Ernst Zundel's kidnapping and illegal incarceration undermines and violates the very essence of what our form of government was predicated on. Congressman Jenkins, I am not a starry-eyed idealist, I know that everywhere in the world, including our own country, there are injustices and betrayals and special interests that steer certain events contrary to what is right and fair. That, unfortunately, is life, and we are lucky that we have less of that in the US than in many other places in the world. For that we can all be so very grateful.

But Mr. Jenkins, this abduction of Ernst Zundel would be considered outrageous in any country in the world. For this to have happened to anyone in the US would be a tragedy-for it to have happened to a man such as Ernst Zundel is the greatest travesty I can imagine. I have spent a great deal of my adult life seeking out and trying to understand the truths of this world. I read all I can about the great figures of our past and present-I learn from them and they help guide me through my own journey in life----I have learned so much from reading my books on Lincoln and Washington and Jefferson and Kennedy and others in our history, and I place Ernst Zundel in their company for the wisdom and honesty and clarity of his thoughts and the purity of his heart. This is a peaceful and wonderful man-who deserves to be honored for his contributions to mankind.

Please Mr. Jenkins, do everything you can to assist Ingrid to work through the system to help free her husband. Yes, he is in Canada, but the US government can make the special difference in righting this terrible wrong. Please use your contacts and congressional powers to intervene in this vital matter, in whatever way you can----if we do not free Ernst Zundel, I fear we begin a downwards spiral that may never be arrested. Our way of life is at stake, our form of government is at stake and most importantly, this gentle, artistic and insightful man is being kept from his loving wife-oh how can we allow this to continue-they need each other and deserve to be allowed to live out their lives in peace.

Mr. Jenkins, I feel so strongly about this that were it necessary, I would lay down my life for this man and woman, because of who they are, of how special they are but also, how important this principle is-what is right and what is true means everything to me.

Thank you for your consideration and your efforts



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Help free Ernst Zundel, Prisoner of Conscience. His prison sketches - now on-line and highly popular - help pay for his defence. Take a look - and tell a friend.



Write to Canada's Prime Minister and complain over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.

Prime Minister Paul Martin
House of Commons 
Parliament Buildings 
Ottawa, Ontario 
K1A 0A6

Telephone: (613) 992-4284

Fax: (613) 992-4291

Email: [email protected]



Contribute to Ernst Z�ndel's Defence


Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Z�ndel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


Please support the Zundelsite - the most politically besieged website on the Net!