Second Day of Zundel Hearings

April 14, 2004

ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny

I have been waiting for the conclusion of the April 13-14 Zundel hearings in Toronto to see where our NO SURRENDER front will move next. In tomorrow's ZGram, I will summarize my changed strategies about my hunger strike which will move to Washington, D.C. if all goes well, but will likely have to be postponed for a week, as I will further explain tomorrow.

Up-front, I have a request for you from a very angry reader, [email protected] , who would like to give a sadistic Canadian lawyer, Alan Young, a piece of his mind. As you will remember, Young had written that people like Ernst Zundel ought to be tortured into accepting the Holocaust Dogma. My French friend wrote to me:

"I know how busy, to use a mild term, you are, but this man Alan Young must have his nose blown with sand paper. I have got "the Toronto Star" on a site but not its ADDRESS. Please get it for me and If you want I will send you copy of my letter to this high flown scoundrel."

My computer is still agonizingly slow and crashes often. I don't have the time to look up this information. Please do it for me and send my friend not only the Toronto Star email and address but also the address and e-mail of Alan Young. Thank you.


Here, now, is Paul Fromm's write-up of the first day of the two-day Zundel hearings. I need to add that this day was far more dramatic than the write-up suggests - Paul Fromm must have been very tired.

According to various reports, Ernst was again at his best, reading points into the record that are crucial. In fact, Ernst's testimony has been described as so powerful that the opposition declined to cross-examine him, for fear he might say even more that they don't want him to say.

As far as I know, this happened previously only once, when the feisty German-Jewish writer, Joseph (Ginz)Burg, a man who hated lies, testified on Ernst's behalf in one of his Holocaust-debunking trials in the 1980s. The Jews never forgave (Ginz)Burg for that testimony and, in fact, in typical Talmudic hate beyond the grave, refused to allow him to be buried in a Jewish cemetery, and it is one of the sublime ironies of history that it was up to Ernst Zundel a few years later to read the eulogy at (Ginz)Burg's coffin in a Catholic church, right beneath Christ's cross. ((Ginz)Burg was an avowed atheist!) Ernst insists he heard some rumbling of approval coming from the coffin! I always loved that story, and it is going to be in my Zundel movie script.

Now on to the write-up:


TORONTO. April 13, 2004. Forty minutes into publisher Ernst Zundel's national certificate hearing in Toronto, this morning, defence team lead counsel Peter Lindsay dropped a bombshell when he announced that he had subpoenaed investigative journalist Andrew Mitrovica who wrote the book Cover Entry: Spies, Lies and Crimes Inside Canada's Secret Service.

This book contains a powerful chapter exposing CSIS's widespread opening of the mail of Canadian populists and their special attention to Ernst Zundel in 1995. Even more shockingly, the book reveals that CSIS knew a pipe bomb was headed for Mr. Zundel and, while it tried to warn its mail-opening snoops not to touch packages from B.C. return addresses, it did nothing to warn postal workers, Air Canada employees or, of course, the intended assassination victim, Ernst Zundel.

Today's hearing had been scheduled to begin at 9:00 but was delayed until after 9:30. For security reasons, Peter Lindsay had been denied access to Ernst Zundel the day before at the Metro West Detention Centre. He had had to meet with him behind bars in a court holding cell in order to take instruction at court this morning. "I'm not criticizing any of these four men who are providing security for Ernst Zundel," Mr. Lindsay told Mr. Justice Pierre Blais. "I had to consult with Mr. Zundel in a locked jail cell beside a toilet. Surely, in the seven floors of this building, we can provide a private place for attorney-client consultation," he said referring to the ongoing deprivation and degradation inflicted on the German-born dissident.

Mr. Lindsay filed newspaper reports and court documents relating to the staying of charges against David Barbarash and David Thurston, accused of mailing pipe bombs to people such as Ernst Zundel in 1995 and of mailing razor blades in booby trapped envelopes to hunters and fur industry people, as well as Mr. Zundel. The charges were stayed in 2000 when the RCMP decided it would not comply with a judge's order to provide disclosure for fear of jeopardizing other investigations and informants and foreign intelligence agencies.

Thus, the alleged perpetrators of the 1995 mail bomb assassination attempt on Ernst Zundel's life were never prosecuted. Indeed, Peter Lindsay revealed, "Thurston's lawyer Michael Klein confirmed that they were never charged with anything relating to the attempted murder of Ernst Zundel or to mailing dangerous substances" to Canada's most famous political prisoner.

As has been his habit since he took over the defence from Victoria lawyer Douglas H. Christie, Mr. Lindsay asked presiding Judge Pierre Blais: "Have there been any secret hearings since last time?"

"I had one," Mr. Justice Blais replied. "I was asked by the Minister's counsel to have a meeting. I expect to have some information that I'm still waiting for," he added, apparently referring to some sort of additional secret documents.

"How many sessions were there and how long did they last?" Mr. Lindsay asked.

"He has no right to know," snapped chief Crown attorney Donald MacIntosh.

An increasingly impassioned Mr. Lindsay argued: "I take this very seriously. These secret proceedings have been criticized by judges. I don't think it compromises the secrecy of the evidence to know how much evidence is heard in private. Was it half an hour? One day, five days?" he asked.

"There's no obligation to disclose this. You should not disclose this," MacIntosh told the judge.

"I will not go further than what I said," Mr. Justice Pierre Blais said, picking up the cue. "I met with counsel for the minister >and received evidence," the former boss of CSIS told Mr. Lindsay. "I will not give more information than that. For security reasons, when or how long those meetings are, I will not say."

Mr. Lindsay questioned the catch-all "national security" that has been used to curtail even the most innocuous questioning in this extraordinary case. "How is security compromised by my knowing how many days of secret evidence was heard?"

"We're here to hear the case," the judge snapped peremptorily.

When Ernst Zundel retook the witness stand, he was asked about a January 3, 1995 letter from Janice Dembo of the Toronto Mayor's Committee on Community and Race Relations. She "was a Jewish lady from South Africa," Mr. Zundel told the court. The letter was sent to Marion Boyd, the then-NDP Attorney-General of Ontario. "I have never seen a letter from a bureaucrat on how to harass a person," Mr. Zundel said. The letter complained of the "lack of legal action against Ernst Zundel." It recommended sales tax audits, visits by various municipal code inspectors, and removal of his mailing privileges under Sec. 43 of the Postal Act. It concluded that, as Mr. Zundel had applied for citizenship, "deportation may be the most expedient method of ridding Canada of Mr. Zundel's noxious presence."

"I do not know how to spell out an invitation to a vendetta better than this letter," Mr. Zundel testified. "There were dire consequences for me. For 10 years I've been hounded." He explained that he'd initially been told that he had to remit GST only on sales of books or tapes. This ruling was cancelled and some time after Dembo's inflammatory letter, Revenue Canada told him he had to remit GST even on donations -- the bulk of his income.

In the spring of 1995, Mr. Zundel testified, he was visited by a string of building inspectors, fire inspectors and even a soil inspector, as well as various tax auditors.

Mr. Zundel cited a 1995 comment by Prime Minister Jean Chretien addressing a Yad Vashem meeting in Toronto: "There's no place in Canada for holocaust deniers."

"It's a vendetta," Mr. Zundel said forcefully. "After my house was firebombed, a policeman called from 51 Division and said: 'Ernst, there's a virtual vendetta against you. Be careful when you go out. Don't go to the same restaurant twice. Go out, if you must, with bodyguards. We can't protect you all the time.'"

His voice rising, Mr. Zundel said: "It's the same method they used against Francois Beaudoin. He faced a Superior Court judge in Quebec, but he didn't face secret hearings and secret evidence." Mr. Zundel was referring to the former head of the Business Development Corporation. A Quebec judge found that he's been hounded and mistreated and his life ruined by Chretien operatives who resented his refusal to grant a loan to one of Mr. Chretien's business cronies.

Mr. Justice Blais interrupted the testimony. "Those cases are before the courts. We'll not tolerate that. We're not here to hear speeches" from Mr. Zundel.

"Some latitude should be given to my client to express his theory as to what's happening to him," Mr. Lindsay argued.

An increasingly angry judge snapped: "I made the ruling about that."

Both Donald MacIntosh and Murray Rodych repeatedly interrupted both Mr. Zundel's testimony and the subsequent questioning of CSIS spokesman Dave Stewart with objections of "We've already heard this before."

Both the Crown and the judge seem in a rush to judgement. After Mr. Zundel's examination in chief was over, Murray Rodych declined further cross-examination: "On instructions of the minister, I have no more questions," he told the court.

At the end of the day, the judge warned: "I'm not afraid to start earlier and stay longer. The closer we get to the end, the longer we'll stay."

-- Paul Fromm


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Write to Canada's Prime Minister and complain over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.

Prime Minister Paul Martin
House of Commons 
Parliament Buildings 
Ottawa, Ontario 
K1A 0A6

Telephone: (613) 992-4284

Fax: (613) 992-4291

Email: [email protected]



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Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Z�ndel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


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