ZGram - interim message - Very important!

February 11. 2003


This is a very important message!

In one of my previous ZGrams I named the five agents who came to arrest my husband on visa violation charges. I thought it was important to document for all to see who was involved in the arrest.

I spent all morning trying to find out the chain of command because I wanted to get a telephone campaign going to the responsible authorities. I even told one of the agents, who was extremely hostile, that I intended to do that. I did not provide the telephone numbers of any agents to this list, simply because I did not have them yet.

It seems that some people took it upon themselves to start calling these agents on their own, allegedly even at home, because I had given out the names. I was just informed by my attorney that the government is planning to charge me criminally with harassment.

It never even occurred to me that people would make unpleasant calls to private homes, or that it was wrong to make these names known to put them on the record.

I urge all of you in the strongest terms possible not to call agents at home and not to make threatening calls. Please wait until I have a strategy and know what I can and cannot do. I didn't think it was illegal to organize a campaign of citizens to make government agents know that a wrong had been done.

Was I wrong in thinking I could get our supporters to call in an organized fashion? Our enemies do it all the time!




Ernst Z�ndel Defence Fund


Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Z�ndel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


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