Valentine's Day, New World Order Style

February 14, 2003

Frantic action is an understatement here at Tennessee Zundel-Haus. We have all kinds of legal moves going behind the scenes - as, I am sure, have our enemies. The story is still breaking.

Here is what I have found out so far:

  • There is no arrest warrant. None! This is described as a "civil arrest." Welcome to the New World Order!

  • Yesterday, against the greatest of all lawyerly odds, we managed to file a petition for "estraordinary relief" in Federal Court - and did not even get a hearing. A one-sentence judgment by Judge Jarvis: Denied.

Now comes the weekend, and not much will get done. In the meantime, there seems to have developed a three-way tug of war between the US., Germany and Canada - who will take him and inherit the publicity? As far as I can tell, this sadistic brutality was planned to have taken place on the sly and handled very quietly, but the Internet saw to it that the story broke - and from there it was media mayhem all the way. Some of my readers thought that I did make a mistake when I restricted my interviews only to alternate media. Let me tell you I was right. Far and away, the media write-ups and broadcasts HAD to get their info from the Zundelsite, and so far it has paid off in advertising millions. For instance, NBC is said to have run it - I am not sure when, but somebody sent me a tape. But I have never EVER seen such fair headline news reporting. As soon as I come up from under, I will transcribe the script. They showed the Zundelsite. They showed some very good titles. They No yammering Holocaust survivor. They even showed the Sinking Auschwitz cartoon. This was prime news. The only "negative" anchor comment was that I had gloated about all the attention I got. This time, at least as far as the media is concerned - they didn't run us. We sat back and forced them to be a bit more polite and civilized. WE controlled what was put on the newscast by forcing them onto the Zundelsite. It was a sweet revenge.

For instance, I refused an interview to the Globe and Mail, taking advantage of the opportunity to lecture the reporter on ethics - or, better, lack thereof, of Canadian media in general! Here is that article:

Globe and Mail, Toronto, Canada

Deportation to Germany threatens jailed Zundel



Thursday, February 13, 2003 ? Print Edition, Page A9

Ernst Zundel could face deportation to Germany and that country's powerful antihate laws, after making use of North American civil liberties to deny the Holocaust for more than 20 years.

Mr. Zundel, a German national with permanent-residency status in Canada, had long confounded this country's efforts to shut him up. But on Feb. 5, he was arrested at his Tennessee home by five U.S. immigration agents who came with a deportation order alleging that he overstayed a visa.

A spokesman for the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service said yesterday that it appears Mr. Zundel, who is in jail, will be sent to Germany soon.

Temple Black, a New Orleans-based INS spokesman, said that unless Mr. Zundel files a refugee claim or uses some other legal tactic, he could be sent back within "a couple of weeks."

"We have to wait for the paperwork from Germany; that's the way it normally works," Mr. Black said. "And then he'll be deported back to his home country."

Canadian Jewish groups, which had been worried that the United States might try to send Mr. Zundel to Canada, are overjoyed at the prospect that their long-time adversary soon could be in Europe.

Germany has strict criminal laws governing the spread of hate, meaning it would be very difficult for Mr. Zundel, a self-styled freedom-of-expression activist, to spread the message there that he has from North America.

"In Germany, he will be literally out of business. That's something that will make most people breathe a sigh of relief," said Bernie Farber, spokesman for the Canadian Jewish Congress.

During a visit to Munich in 1991, Mr. Zundel was charged with slander, offending the memory of the dead, inciting racial hatred, public incitement and possession of illegal Nazi symbols. He was fined about $30,000, though the amount was reduced to $9,000 on appeal.

In 1996, German Internet-service providers were investigated by the government for providing access to Mr. Zundel's Toronto-based Web site.

Mr. Zundel immigrated to Canada as a teenager in 1958. During the 1980s, he became a familiar and notorious figure.

Reporters would flock to Mr. Zundel's news conferences, where he would complain of persecution by the justice system -- while wearing hardhats or skull caps, or in blackface or strapped to a crucifix. His Toronto home became a library for the like-minded and the site of many protests, arrests and the occasional bombing.

Mr. Zundel twice attempted to obtain Canadian citizenship. In the late 1980s he was convicted of the little-known law against spreading false news, but the decision was overturned by the Supreme Court of Canada.

In the late 1990s, the issue was whether his Toronto Web site disseminated hate. Before losing that battle, Mr. Zundel ceased to defend himself and headed south. "It is perfectly clear to me that the courts of Canada have simply decided that Ernst Zundel has got to go," he said at the time.

About three years ago, he and his wife, Ingrid Rimland Zundel, moved to Sevierville, Tenn., a community of about 12,000 best known as the birthplace of country singer Dolly Parton. Using a Web site, the couple continued to make their views known.

Shortly after moving there, Mr. Zundel said in an interview with The Globe and Mail that he was enjoying the U.S. South. "America, obviously, has a 225-year history of freedom of speech," he said at the time. "I mean, they mean it. None of the things that I've been dragged through the courts for in Canada would have brought me near a courthouse in the United States."

He added: "You have all kinds of intellectual people here in the United States who do and think and write and speak about the topics that I do, and have absolutely no problems with the authorities."

His wife said yesterday that he is "doing okay under the circumstances."

She would not provide the name of his lawyer.


The condition in Blount County jail are inhuman. I received a 12-page, tightly written letter from Ernst describing some of his observations and thoughts, and I am getting brand new insights into the way Ernst Zundel thinks. When things calm down, I have to do our newsletter, and since it is written in English, I will just take the personal comments out and have it translated into languages other than English to be used as the occasion warrants. Those twelve pages are a masterpiece of political thought and what is in store for America in this powder keg right at the brink of war.

Just a brief glimpse of the man millions have been taught to hate:


Hi Ingrid,

The following is the reply I sent to the Mountain Press in response to their story of Feb. 12th. I hope they publish it -- your neighbors need to know what kind of man Ernst really is!


This is a very sad story.

The very idea that Mr. Zundel would deliberately break any law is simply preposterous. I've known him for over fifteen years and in all that time, I've never known him to do anything even remotely bordering on illegal.

I've never seen anyone so meticulously law-abiding and fair in his dealings with officialdom, business acquaintances and friends alike.

This is the man who scrupulously weighed his mail and if it was so much as a gram overweight, he would insist on paying the next level of postage. This is the man who always insisted on buying expensive, legally licensed copies of computer software rather than allowing friends to give him free copies on a "burned" CD.

This is the man who promptly paid all parking tickets, even out-of-state or out-of country. This is the man who, in spite of the hectic pressures in his own life, was never too busy to help his friends and neighbors in Toronto and around the world.

If Mr. Zundel says he was unaware of any hearing date that he missed, you can bet your bottom dollar that he never received any notification to attend any such hearing.

This gentle man's detention in a jail filled with criminals is an injustice that sullies America The Beautiful.


This writer is right. I have taken calls from many parts of the world, and I have heard grown, even old men weep.

A strange fate has now befallen us. Just as I am finishing this story, our attorney gives me a call. He has heard in Knoxville in a court house from a clerk that Ernst will be deported Sunday. I don't know if it is true. Nobody told me anything. My second one-hour visit since his arrest, I was told, has been re-scheduled for Monday.

Herewith I bid you good-bye on Valentine's Day 2003 - the very day when, 58 years ago, Dresden collapsed into ashes, holocausting hundreds of thousands of Germans, mainly civilians. I once saw statistics somewhere. I may be wrong, but I remember that, in the City of Dresden alone, the victims included tens of thousands of babies under the age 6.

Ernst Zundel was then a youngster then, not yet six years of age. He watched one of the many Allied terror bombings in his vicinity near Pforzheim, a city close to where he lived. These bombing raids targeting civilians were done to force the Germans to their knees. Robert Lenski in his description of the Second Zundel Trial in 1988, described how Ernst remembers a similar Holocaust, February 23-24, 1945:

". . . which Zundel will never forget, when "golden" Pforzheim was firebombed and consumed by a red cyclone. Though the Zundels' house lay 12 miles distant, the sky above was brilliantly illuminated, and huge neighboring connifers bent toward the city center as if in a gale of wind. The Pforzheim fireball was sucking oxygen toward itself from throughout the surrounding countryside. Zundel, not yet six, watched mystified as millions of leaves and branches were sucked violently skyward, with a howl and a roar."

As the entire world knows by now, "Anne Frank left us a diary" - a manuscript which, incidentally, proved highly questionable as to its authenticy. It was partly written in a ball point pen - a gadget not in general use until 1953.

There were lots of bombing raids in the early and even late spring of 1945 when the war was already technically lost. More than 5000 casualties of the Allied "W�rzburg-Holocaust" were incinerated in one of the last massive bombing raids of World War II. These German victims' wartimes stories are not known. They left no diaries. They perished in the flames of the devastating inferno of March 16, 1945 - among them the following women and children named "Anna":

  • Anna Maria Katharina Adler, geb. Steinel, Amalienstra�e 2

  • Anna Baadsch, Ursulinerstra�e 13

  • Anna Baetz, Marktplatz 6

  • Anna Barth, B�ttnerstra�e 3

  • Anna Klara Barz, geb. Kinzig, Nonnenfeld 22

  • Anna Basel, Pfauenstra�e 2

  • Anna Bieneck, geb. Schaneng, Sicherstra�e 31

  • Anna Maria Bieneck, Sicherstra�e 31

  • Anna Bischoff, geb. Breunig, Theaterstra�e 20

  • Anna Margarete Bittler, Franziskanerstra�e 14

  • Anna Maria Bittner, geb. H�hn, Franziskanerstra�e 14

  • Anna Blank, geb. Fleischmann, Arndtstra�e 33

  • Anna Braun, Steinheilstra�e 4

  • Anna Lina Breunig, Marktgasse 7

  • Anna Br�ckner, geb. Lukesch, Friedrich-Spee Stra�e 32

  • Anna Diem, Sanderstra�e 7

  • Anna Katharina Dietz, Theaterstra�e 9

  • Anna Dinckel, Gerberstra�e 21

  • Anna Maria Margarete Dursch, geb. Fuchs, Neumannstra�e 8

  • Anna Sofie D�rr, Sanderstra�e 10

  • Anna Eckel, geb. Sdrzalek, Domstra�e 19

  • Anna Maria Luise Elzinger, Rotkreutstra�e 21

  • Anna Eppler, geb. Wagner, Traubengasse 19

  • Anna Maria Eyssen, Herrnstra�e 9

  • Anna Faber, geb. Petres, Weingartenstra�e 24

  • Anna Stephanie Federl, geb. F�rter, Ottostra�e 10

  • Anna Feser, Peterplatz 3

  • Anna Fieger, geb. Lamm, Steinhellstra�e 12

  • Anna Else Emma Berta Fick, geb. Schultze, Augustinerstra�e 22

  • Anna Josefine Rita Firsching, Burkarderstra�e 24

  • Anna Flach, Randersackerer Stra�e 10

  • Anna Forst, Ursulinergasse 5

  • Anna Fretz, geb. Bodmann, Steinheilstra�e 39

  • Anna Barbara Freitag, geb. Reuss, Herzogenstra�e 11

  • Anna Fr�hlich, Oeggstra�e 1

  • Anna Frosch, geb. Hartwig, Bibrastra�e 6

  • Anneliese Funke, Altes Gymnasium

  • Anneliese G�rtner, Franziskanergasse 4

  • Anna Gebhard, Arndstra�e 6

  • Anna Gehrling, geb. Amend, Schenkhof 3

  • Anna G�bel, Ludwigkai 9

  • Anna Franziska Gotthardt, geb. Ott, Pleicherpfarrgasse 6

  • Anna Maria Gottwald, Zwinger 22

  • Anna Grail, geb. Zeitz, Weingartenstra�e 15

  • Anna Granacher, geb. Weingart, Am Pfarracker 20

  • Anna Josephine Grimm, geb. Sendelbach, Haugerkirchplatz 9

  • Anna Gr�tsch, geb. Prechtl, Am Pleidenturm 6

  • Anna Therese Maria Grosch, geb. Keil, Friedrichstra�e 19

  • Anna Dorothea Grossberger, geb. W�rrlein, Ottostra�e 10

  • Annemarie Haag, geb. Hirth, Otostra�e 14 Anneliese Haeckel, W�llergasse 6

  • Anna Hahn, geb. Brehm, Oswaldspitalgasse 15

  • Anna Emilie Hain, Randersackererstra�e 12

  • Anna Emma Hain, Randersackererstra�e 12

  • Anna Dorothea Haufmann, geb. Gropp, Schiestlstra�e 3

  • Anna Heilmann, Friedenstra�e 44

  • Anna Maria Heinrich, geb. Fischer, Domstra�e 38

  • Anna Hem, geb. Gr�newald, Semmelstra�e 24

  • Anna Maria Herbert, geb. Schellenberger, Arndtstra�e 6

  • Anna Herzog, Sanderstra�e 33

  • Anneliese Hess, Moltkestra�e 10

  • Annastasia H�ller, Domerschulstra�e 5

  • Anna Margarete Hoffmann, geb. Scheid, Gerbrunner Weg 50

  • Anna H�ge, geb. Ohlsen, Schl�rstra�e 2

  • Anna Maria Hufgard, geb. Dumproff, Neumannstra�e 16

  • Anna Illig, geb. Ackermann, Fichtestra�e 19

  • Anna Keller, geb. Liebst�ckel, Steinheilstra�e 5

  • Anna Elise Kimmel, geb. K�chler, Oswaldspitalgasse 17

  • Anna Kinzig, geb. Kuhn, Gallstra�e 1

  • Anna Karolina K�hler, geb. Schmitt, Matterstockstra�e 17

  • Anna Kr�mer, Textorstra�e 13

  • Anna Krines, Herzogenstra�e 7

  • Anna Katherina K�bert, geb. Hummel, Sanderstra�e 4a

  • Anna Kuhn, geb. Kuss, Gromb�hlstra�e 47

  • Anna Berta Irmtraud, Winterleitenweg 16

  • Anna Leimeister, Kapuzinerstra�e 4

  • Anna Lieselotte Lindner, Theaterstra�e 23

  • Anna Lippert, Neubaustra�e 42

  • Anna L�hr, geb. Badum, Prymstra�e 13a

  • Anna Lotter, geb. M�nch, Fichtestra�e 18

  • Anna Maria Lutz, geb. Heimer, Neubaustra�e 38

  • Anna Meinberger, geb. Geiger, Neubaustra�e 7

  • Anna Theresia Mark, geb. G�tz, Klosterstra�e 25

  • Anna Markert, geb. Bayer, Ingolstadter Hof 4

  • Anna Metz, geb. Alzheimer, Weingartenstra�e 18

  • Anna Moser, Riemenschneider Stra�e 9

  • Anna M�ller, geb. Wittstadt, Maxstra�e 9

  • Anna M�nch, Domerschulstra�e 2

  • Anna Barbara Mulfinger, geb. Wolf, Neumannstra�e 10

  • Anna Nauer, Korngasse 22

  • Anna Nieberding, geb. Dietz, Theaterstra�e 9

  • Anna Oeffner, Sanderstra�e 27

  • Anna Ortloff, Ludwigkai 9

  • Anna Ostberg, geb. Wallrapp, Sanderstra�e 27

  • Anna Pfannes, geb. Gerber, Haugerkirchgasse

  • Anna Pfeuffer, Martinstra�e 13

  • Anna Margarete Pf�lb, geb. Beck, Oswaldspitalgasse 15

  • Anna Rausch, beg. Nusser, Steinheilstra�e 33

  • Anna Rheinthaler, Erthalstra�e 2

  • Anneliese Reiter, Steinheilstra�e 24

I would like you to honor and remember these German victims of a deliberate Allied policy with genocidal overtones with a few moments' worth of silence. That's what Ernst Zundel is really all about!

Ingrid Zundel



Ernst Z�ndel Defence Fund


Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Z�ndel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


Please support the Zundelsite - the most politically besieged website on the Net!