Sixth Circuit Court turned us down!

February 15, 2003

When this incredible nightmare started, I had just started on a diet - I need not have worried; I am down almost eight pounds. My neighbors are bringing me food, as though we have had a family funeral. If this keeps up - and if and when I get my hero back = I'll be a stunning beauty. (Not that I ever was, but there's always a first time...!)

There was another court decision yesterday. We had less than a day to prepare an appeal for "extraordinary relief", as it is called in legalese - but there simply was no time to tighten up the petition. We were turned down.

We are regrouping for more. I just wanted to let you know that I am still around - and that this is a fight to the bone.

Here is a copy of the latest:


Ernst Zundel, Ingrid A. Zundel vs James Berrong in his capacity as Sheriff and Chief Executive Officer of the Blount County Jail, Blount County, Tennessee, Immigration and Naturalization Services, an agency of the United States Government, by and through Gary Slaybaugh, its representative.

The plaintiffs filed an action in the district court challenging the imminent removal of Ernst Zundel from the United States and seeking an injunction against such removal. The district court dismissed the action by order of February 13, 2003. Asserting that Zundel is subject to immediate removal, the plaintiffs have filed in this court an emergency request for stay of removal and/or injunctive relief.

This court may exercise its discretion to stay an order of removal. Bajjani v. INS, (unreadable on my fax) 670.688 (6th Cir.2001). However, requests for such relief are evaluated by the balance of several factors: 1) whether the applicant has demonstrated a likelihood of success on the merits; 2) whether the applicant will be irreparably injured absent a stay: 3) whether issuance of the stay will substantially injure the other interested parties; and 4) where the public interest lies. Id. The motion presently before the court fails to demonstrate any basis for the requested relief.

Therefore, the emergency motion of stay removal and/or for injunctive relief is DENIED.



Through the grapevine, I have been told that Ernst will be deported on Sunday - media reports say either to Germany or Canada. May be old information that slow media are only catching up on now. My next visit is scheduled on Monday. I may not even get a chance to see him one last time.

There may be a ZGram later in the day if I can manage it. For now, take just a look at the man for whose freedom we are all fighting.

From a close friend:

"Well, Ernst, I'm sorry I dawdled so long before visiting. Now it looks as if I may be dropping in on you abroad--though I hope not. I do what I can right now, approaching "civil liberties" advocates on your behalf, working with a revisionist publicist or two to get a stronger message out to our own people.

"Your present circumstances, awful as they are, are of course a badge of honor awarded to the best of our leaders in this most crucial of struggles, since on it depends everything we hold dear. You are in heroic company, through our kind's age-old struggle for truth, freedom, and right, without which mere existence matters little for our kindred peoples.

"At such times each of us does well to look to the special exemplars of our traditions, so today I looked anew at the lives and teachings of the Irish freedom fighters of the 19th and 20th centuries, who endured every sort of brutality in jails and prisons in Ireland, England, and Australia, and the saying of Padraic Pearse, executed for his leadership in the 1916 Easter rising, reoccurred to me: it is not those who inflict the most suffering, but those who endure it, who will triumph. There's one for your kind and gentle jailers to contemplate.

"I hope you don't suffer too much, and I'm sure you will triumph.

"With friendship and all admiration - "


From a long-friend who hates Hitler's guts and with whom I have fought many a verbal battle for some 20 years telling him that demonizing Hitler is one of the stronges psychop weapons where the enemy can count on us playing the poodle who is jumping through the hoops:

"I have never been more disgusted with my government. Due process??

"What a crock of &*@#!!!!"


From a Professor in France - NOT Dr. Faurisson:

"Dear Sir,

"I have just learnt that M.ZUNDEL has been arrested.

"I have known M.Zundel these last 20 years and as a Jew I felt compelled to check what he said and published. I became conscious of the fact that he was a most distinguished mind, that he told the truth and that I could understand why my all powerful peers did not like him!

"I feel that a country in which he resides can be proud of having him.

"On top of everything as he is married to an American lady there is no problem if one wants to avoid tricks just to harm him.

"Please give him back his liberty in the country of liberty, and keep away from the totalitarianism of my worst peers who think they have all the rights because of their financial and political power."


Again, those of you who have my phone, please don't tie it up unless it is absolutely necessary! I need to keep it open for most important calls.

I'll be around.




Ernst Z�ndel Defence Fund


Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Z�ndel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


Please support the Zundelsite - the most politically besieged website on the Net!