February 23, 2003
ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny: Now more than ever!
I had an interesting experience yesterday. A radio scout
called me and was particularly persistent to get me on the air. I told him I
was through with doing lapdog media, and to go to my website for
enlightenment - or else, call my interim spokesperson. The scout would not
give up, and inspiration struck. I said I would be willing to read a
statement that I had prepared for a press release if he promised not to
interrupt me and not edit anything out.
He agreed, and I had my say. I must say it felt good to be
in the driver's seat that way.
here to Listen to Ingrid On Peter Warren]
Here is what I read - uninterrupted:
My husband is a German-born national who immigrated to
Canada 42 years ago, when he was 19 years old. He does not have a criminal
record either in Canada or in the United States. He has to his credit a
number of highly publicized trials - in fact, spanning decades - initiated
by individuals and organizations with a financial and emotional stake in a
concerted campaign regarding what they call "the Holocaust". My
husband did not ask for these trials - they did. In his own defense, he was
forced to find out some facts regarding allegations that his father's
generation went on a genocidal rampage to "...kill six million Jews by
gassing." My husband has forensic and documentary evidence disputing
these claims. I should also add that my husband financed and paid for his
own defense, whereas he adversaries had the taxpayers of Canada and Germany
finance theirs.
My husband and I met in 1994 and married in 2000. We are
mature, responsible people. I am a naturalized citizen of the United States
of America. My husband came to live with me on a visitor's visa, but we
filed for what is called "Adjustment of Status" - in other words,
permanent residency because he is married to a US citizen. We carefully
followed the letter of the law. As required by the INS (Immigration and
Naturalization Service), he applied for, and obtained, a Social Security
Number. He had himself fingerprinted. He went to have a physical and had
himself immunized. He obtained a work permit. He has a valid driver's
licence. We own a home in Sevierville. We befriended our neighbors - all
lovely, helpful people who can vouch for our lifestyle. We were weeks away
from opening an art gallery because my husband is a sensitive, award-winning
artist who looked forward to merging with this community in a peaceful,
civically responsible way.
When we applied to INS for "Adjustment of Status",
we received a letter advising us that the paperwork required would take as
long as 36 months. We had done all we were required to do - the only thing
left was a hearing with an immigration judge who would ascertain that ours
was a legal, bona fide marriage. We had one date for such a hearing, June
12, 2001. Our immigration attorney could not make it to this hearing and
asked in writing to have this hearing re-scheduled. He never received a
reply. After waiting for a year, in May of 2002, he wrote again, asking
again to have this hearing re-scheduled, this time with a certified,
return-receipt letter. Again, he received no reply. We have copies of these
letters, even the date-stamped envelopes.
The INS officials claim these letters never reached them. Do
they still exist in the INS files? Were they stolen? Were they destroyed?
Were they lost due to clerical sloppiness? We don't know. We know that
nobody warned us that, allegedly, our INS application had lapsed. We had no
way of knowing.
On June 5, without any warning of any kind, five government
officials appeared, arrested my husband. He asked if he could call his
lawyer. He was told that he could not. I asked if I could call our lawyer. I
was told that I could know. My husband was frisked like a common criminal,
put in handcuffs and led away. He was thrown into maximum 23 hour detention
in Blount County Jail. Not one government official saw fit to give me a call
and explain. Not one INS officer has talked to me about this kidnapping of a
law-abiding man with the help of government officials. We have not been able
to get a judge to hear our case and determine what happened on the basis of
the evidence we have. Two days ago I found out that a judge has signed an
order barring my husband from returning to the United States for 20 years.
For what? For having missed a hearing before an immigration judge that INS
never saw fit to schedule?
I now find out that it was not a "criminal" arrest
- that it was, as it is euphemistically called, a "civil" arrest.
There was nothing civil about this arrest. It was a terrifying, frightening
Through mainstream media we have learned that deportation to
his native Germany is imminent. Germany has very strict laws against
questioning any aspect of the Holocaust. They are called "defaming the
memory of the dead." The penalty is five years in prison and huge
fines. An accused is not allowed to bring his evidence - not even expert
testimony to make his case. He is not allowed to present forensic evidence
that many of the so-called Holocaust claims are false, since science does
not lie - not even for a "Nazi." If an attorney attempts to defend
an accused, such as my husband, the attorney is criminalized, too. If a
judge rules on behalf of an accused, that judge will lose his licence -and
his pension. It is impossible to get fairness on this loaded topic in
Germany at the present time. If my husband is deported to Germany as a still
German national, a conviction is a foregone conclusion.
What has he done except spoken his mind based on careful
research and facts he knows the world should know? We were not hiding out in
Tennessee. We bank and shop at Kroger's. We celebrated Christmas with our
neighbors. We have never made a secret of the fact that we, as Germans and,
both of us, as former war-time children, have a different point of view on
certain aspects of World War II. We are not obligated to adopt the point of
view of our adversaries who benefit financially and politically from having
people believe a World War II and post-war propaganda myth we Germans, can
prove to be false - if we're allowed to have a public forum. We have asked
for such a forum - preferably a global forum - where we could lay out our
evidence and our enemies could lay out theirs and have the people judge us
on our merits and our evidence.
What I would like to know is this: Is the Constitution still
in force? Is the Bill of Rights still in operation - or is it merely a
platitude? If this country makes room for millions of illegal immigrants,
does this country allow a man such as my husband, to live in peace where he
can speak his truth as he has studied it and knows it? His only weapon is
his fountain pen and a burning desire for justice. Or am I going to lose my
husband for life - because he holds politically incorrect opinions and
speaks as his conscience dictates?
I will be showing two videos on Sunday, 2 p.m. February 23 -
one day after Washington's Birthday! One video explains my husband's civic
activism, and one video is about my life. I have room for about 60 people. I
ask all people of good will to come and inform themselves on what the
Zundels are about. The videos are 90 minutes each, and there will be a
coffee break. I am not sure I can arrange for chairs, but there is a brand
new carpet - so bring a pillow; we may have sit on the floor.
Ingrid Rimland, Ed.D.
Almost immediately I got some feedback:
Just heard you on the CJOB 680 Radio talk show hosted by
Peter Warren. You did an excellent job. Although Warren classified it as
"B.S." and propaganda, when he opened the phone lines to his
listeners, the majority sided with you!
Its working, Ingrid, people are getting fed up with the
" chosen people." Warren was telling people, which sided with you,
that they were "full of it." So much for objectivity.
Warren finally stopped taking calls because he was getting
clobbered in the opinion poll. Didn't look to good either for the
Keep on fighting Ingrid, people are noticing!! Will be
sending a letter to our minister of immigration, Coderre...
This item is in reference to the two polls, cnn and ctv,
where our people, for once, showed unity and quick action. Both polls were
suddenly pulled when Ernst had won around 46% of the vote.
A friend put the nail on the head, referring to Ernst:
He certainly deserves to have a fair hearing and the right
to return to his home in Tennessee, however, he is the king-pin in an issue
of global importance and if he is deported to Germany he will have an
opportunity to have the issue debated in the centre of Europe, where he can
hold his own quite comfortably I should think, and perhaps bring millions of
people onto the side of Truth and Justice, especially Germans who have
suffered far too long in imposed silence under the burden of Zionist
anti-German hate propaganda and lies about the origin and events of the
Second World War.
The more he is persecuted, the greater will be his stature
and credibility, and the greater his impact in the life-or-death struggle
with the Forces of Evil. To many, he will be seen as a hero. Please let me
know if you come across more related items. All the best.
The Zundelsite is down again, due to lack of bandwidth. We
paid for extra bandwidth, but it is a weekend, and no one there to fix it.
But we did exceptionally well. We had more than 1 million hits in 12 days,
and in ranking we moved from a respectable 190,000th to a smashing 20,000th.
Finally, I did a little community event for our local people
- about 10 people showed up, among them a retired judge and a Jewish woman
telling us she was a Christian. It was an interesting experience. I showed a
video of Ernst interviewing me on Lebensraum - one of my favored videos. I
learned a thing or two. This approach has a lot of merit. I actually got a
hearty bellylaugh out of the group when I said, "...now let me quote
the F�hrer..." How easy it really is to de-condition people of their
Tomorrow is an important day because Ernst will be before
immigration. Ontario is snowed under, and I don''t know if there will be
time to get the documents he needs. With dread in my heart, I hope for the
I'll talk to you tomorrow.