February 26, 2003
ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny: Now more than ever!
I talked briefly to Ernst this morning - he usually can only
call for 10 minutes per day. He has been denied bail - supposedly, he is
AGAIN considered a "security risk to Canada", according to his
Jewish detractors, and facing interrogation from CSIS, the Canadian Civilian
Spy Agency, kind of a mirror brother to Mossad.
In 1996, if I am correct, this story of "Ernst the
Terrorist" was first cooked up by , but it came in the wake of the
arson and the bomb meant to kill him, and there was more than just a little
suspicion by people in the know - and even in law enforcement! - that the
Usual Suspect not only knew about these terrorist acts AGAINST Ernst but
might have had a hand in it. (Readers please take note that in 1995, there
were 7 major terrorist attacks in Canada, TWO of which were directed AT
Ernst, NOT caused by Ernst! In more than four decades of his adult life,
Ernst has NEVER engaged or endorsed ANY kind of violence! EVER!)
A hardcover has come out recently, titled "Covert
Entry" written by a Canadian investigative reporter, Andrew Mitrovica,
that talks about CSIS, this nefarious Canadian Civilian Spy Agency, knowing
that a parcel bomb meant for Ernst Zundel was in transit via commercial
airline from the West Coast. CSIS warned their own undercover agent not to
touch that parcel - but did not see fit to warn Ernst - or, for that matter,
the unsuspecting airline passengers! Only through divine intervention did
Ernst not open that parcel. He sensed that something wasn't right. This is
the kind of story that will be shown in the movies one day - and by no means
has it dropped into the memory hole!
Now SCIS, Ernst's arch enemies, are going to interrogate him
once more - in camera, which means that media or observers will not be
allowed. Ernst will not know the charges against him, nor will he know who
made them. Stalinism, pure and raw. That the Canadian authorities will allow
this is possible only because of decades of Zundel demonization by
mainstream media - and a backlash is already building, as you can read
between the lines in the Kurz article below.
Marvin Kurz, well known to us from previous Zundel trials
where he plied his trade as a Talmudic attorney, did the kind of slime piece
I am referring to on Ernst in today's issue of the Globe and Mail. As you
read it, consider the source - Kurz is national legal counsel of the League
for Human Rights of B'nai Brith Canada.
Wednesday, February 26, 2003 - Page A15
Globe and Mail
The recent barrage of publicity about Ernst Zundel and his
ludicrous claim for refugee status calls to mind an old joke.
Two elderly Jewish men were sitting on a park bench,
discussing current events. The first man, Sidney, sighed and said: "I
don't listen to the news any more. It's too depressing. All I hear is news
about war, death and terrorism. Worst of all, Israel is blamed for
His friend, Harry, shakes his head. "I read the
papers all the time," he says. "The Arabic newspapers from the
Middle East. Every day, there are stories about how the Jews control the
banks and the newspapers. We even secretly rule the world. When I read
that, I don't feel so bad."
This little tale illustrates the most profound irony in
Ernst Zundel's return to the news. Forget the fact that his application
for refugee status makes a mockery of Canadian sanctuary for the
persecuted. Forget that he previously renounced his Canadian home. The
real irony is far sadder. His latest brush with fame coincides with the
first anniversary of the horrific murder of journalist Daniel Pearl, a
Jew. Mr. Zundel did not kill Daniel Pearl. But Mr. Pearl's murder was
caused by a hatred of Jews that Mr. Zundel and his ilk have eagerly spread
throughout the Muslim and Arab world for decades.
Mr. Zundel is notorious for denying the Holocaust, but
what is not so well known is that he was originally tried in 1985 on two
separate charges of spreading false news. The better-known charge
concerned the publication of a Holocaust-denial booklet. The lesser-known
charge was for his pamphlet titled "The West, War and Islam!"
Mr. Zundel distributed this tract widely, from Morocco to Pakistan. It
alleged a Jewish conspiracy "against the Islamic peoples" and
called for Islamic nations to mount a campaign against "Zionist
disinformation and hate propaganda."
He has luridly described Jews as "a rather paranoid,
shrill, whining group of shysters, common racketeers, distorters of
history, falsifiers of documents who created a gangster enclave in the
Middle East called Israel."
Sadly, Mr. Zundel's Islamic project has succeeded far
beyond his deluded dreams. In the past decade, Holocaust denial and
anti-Semitic conspiracy theories have become part of mainstream thought in
many Muslim and Arab countries. Mr. Zundel's relentless pamphleteering and
Internet propagandizing have powerfully abetted this process.
A look at the anti-Semitic Web site, Radio Islam, is
instructive. It displays several quotes from Mr. Zundel, links to Mr.
Zundel's "The West, War and Islam" pamphlet, and proudly shows
photographs of the works of Mr. Zundel and French anti-Semite Roger
Garaudy, on sale in prominent Cairo bookstores.
On his own Web site, Mr. Zundel attests to the
authenticity of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the most dangerous
hate-propaganda tract of the past century. Its fabricated allegations of
an international Jewish conspiracy inspired Hitler to write Mein Kampf and
call for the extermination of the Jews.
The Protocols were available in Egypt in the 1950s, but
eventually fell out of favour. However, new editions have been published
since the 1990s. After the events of Sept. 11, The Protocols has taken on
a life of its own in the Muslim and Arab worlds.
This past Ramadan, a 41-part miniseries based on The
Protocols was shown on Egyptian television. It described the founding of
Israel as part of an international Jewish conspiracy. Newspapers in
Pakistan, where Daniel Pearl was murdered, and throughout the Middle East,
recalled the conspiracy theories of The Protocols when they blamed the
Israelis for the events of Sept. 11.
There can be no doubt that a corrosively anti-Semitic
ideology motivated the fanatics who murdered Daniel Pearl. With no
interest in a ransom, they singled out their Jewish victim for kidnaping
and murder. In the year that has passed since Daniel Pearl's murder, Mr.
Zundel has remained unrepentant. He continues to operate his Web site in
defiance of the cease-and-desist order of the Canadian Human Rights
Tribunal. The hatred that he has spent decades spreading continues to
On the other hand, Daniel Pearl's family has created a
foundation in his memory. Its mission is to "promote cross-cultural
understanding through journalism, music, and innovative
communications." Remarkably, Mr. Pearl's father has emerged as a
voice of reason and reconciliation. Perhaps the final irony is that the
Pearl family understands the need to move beyond hate, while Mr. Zundel
remains obsessed with disseminating it.
While Canada does not need the likes of Ernst Zundel,
neither does the Middle East nor the Muslim world. Better that Harry has
nothing good to read about, than more of Mr. Zundel's lies.
Needless to point out that this article contains a number of
lies, but what is much more telling are the omission items. What Mr. Kurz
neglects to say is that Ernst was cleared of the charge of "false
news" pertaining to this four-page article, "The West, War and
Islam." The jury did not find him guilty. The essay itself makes the
point that the Arabs ought to buy historical information rather than guns,
bullets and cannons. He wrote and distributed it more than 20 years ago. A
terrible suggestion, isn't it - when Israel howls for war?
Now I let Professor Countess address himself to another
article that appeared in the National Post that tries to smear both Ernst
and Mark Weber with the "terrorist" brush:
Dear NP:
I have grave concerns about your implications that Ernst
Zundel, and now Mark Weber, are somehow tied in with Islamic terrorists,
especially since you do not present hard evidence.
However, since the modus operandi of many media outlets is
to LAUNCH a story with slime against a target-sort of like Stalin and his
fellow-Bols were experts at doing-and then, if necessary, post a minor
RETRACTION of the story in fine print buried somewhere in a section not
normally read by the same people who would read the major slant story in
the first place.
Since "A free press belongs to the man who owns
one," I cannot manage to prohibit your paper from engaging in this
sort of Mossad type smear journalism, but at least I can register my
Mossad, Victor Ostrovsky wrote in his BY WAY OF DECEPTION
book a decade ago, can take YOUR or MY fingerprints off a restaurant
coffee cup and place them at any crime scene it wishes to. THUS, neither
you nor I am safe from skullduggery by evil people and evil organizations
of the Mossad ilk.
While I am pleased to indicate that I have known Mr.
Zundel for over a decade, I would criticize him or anyone else who might
have "ties"--as nebulous as that may mean to journalists-to
Islamic terrorists; but then, I would criticize Elie Wiesel and Edgar
Bronfmann and Abe Foxman and Sabina Citron and the Farber ilk for their
clear ties to Zionist extremists. Terrorists and extremists are to be
condemned in my book, regardless of their ethnic designation.
Since Mr. Zundel is a known pacifist and since I have
conversed with him many times on many subjects, I have always noted a calm
and rational presentation of facts and opinions he offers on politics and
history and racial problems and, of course, the Jewish Problem. Canadian
journalists have jumped on a bandwaggon of calling him a "nazi"
or "neonazi" or worse and in doing so, without evidence, have
joined in smearing this highly intelligent, gifted, and humane member of
the Homo Sapiens species.
Canada could hardly do better than to grant immediate
citizenship to Ernst Zundel today and get this horrible period of
persecution behind it, but since the ADL would not permit-repeat: NOT
PERMIT-the government of the People of Canada to act so graciously and
humanely, I see only years of added turmoil ahead for him and for the
taxpayers of the Dominion.
Deportation? Better to deport the entire ADL staff and
membership to their beloved primary nation of 'Eretz Yisrael" than to
deport Ernst Zundel to the German Gulag system for Orwellian "Crimethink"
Canada deserves better than you journalists who have no
real yearning for complete stories and hard evidence. Canada deserves what
a noted French Professor, Robert Faurisson-almost murdered in broad
daylight by three Jewish criminals in 1989-EXACTITUDE. Appears to me that
the National Post is not committed to pursuing and printing EXACTITUDE but
rather VERISIMILITUDE instead.
What a shame for a modern nation that prides itself on
being a liberal democracy!
-- Robert H. Countess, Ph.D.
Ancient Greek
email: [email protected]
28755 Sagewood Circle
Toney, AL 35773 USA
Phone: (256) 232-4940