Prisoner of Conscience Letter # 79

June 18 2004

ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny

In this Prisoner of Conscience Letter to "Curtis", a young Texan who has recently become intrigued by the Zundel Affair, you get a glimpse into the volatile Sixties, when most of us, who now carry the struggle for a return to sanity, were young - and many of us were in the wrong camp:


I have not been given my mail again for ten days, so no mail was going out either, and it is beginning to pile up in my cell. Do not be surprised if you get four letters all at once. It is not that I am coming down with a case of extreme cabin fever - I try to space letters out by collecting a few clippings to save on pencil stubs, because often, a lot more can be said with small print in a newspaper article than I can say with my stone-age pencil from my cell.

Let me first touch on the Svend Robinson case of May 16, 2004. That fellow, apparently a good-looking Aryan belonging to a socialist party - Commies too cowardly to admit that they were/are Commies - set this party and its forerunner up in the 1930s, morphed it in the 1960s with a less offensive, not-so-leftist name, and called it the "New Democratic Party". It always got the organized labor vote, which, of course, was backed up by Union Commies in place since before WWII in this country.

Svend Robinson has always been extremely condemnatory of me, because like all unhealthy specimen, he had a good instinct for who was healthy. These types have an unerring radar for non-deviants. Of course, as a crypto-Commie, and a leftist, he inherited as his political baggage an inborn dislike of National Socialism, which was clearly anti-homosexual, anti-deviant and pro-normalcy. [National socialism], in fact, did brand these people as a menace to society and controlled their activities. That is where the pink triangle came from, prominently displayed on their "above the heart" chest on their uniforms.

I told you that as one of the first public health measures, mental health was dealt with by the Hitler government in 1934 when, for instance, manic depressives were diagnosed by a panel of experts - with careful checks and hurdles to avoid abuse by relatives or wayward spouses, who wanted their mates sterilized or removed to an institution to maybe [fool] around with someone else. Sterilization became the policy from 1934 til 1945, a logical measure, since these people have such poor impulse control in every department, and since these types of diseases are passed on by heredity. You do not "catch" psychopathic conditions, schizophrenia, etc. from a dirty toilet seat.

Svend and his ilk would have a knee-jerk reaction every time a "Nazi" or "Neo-Nazi" would appear on their radar screen. Thus, no love was lost between Svend or his Jewish lawyer Clayton Ruby [and me]. Ruby lived just down the road from me, and I would often see him in the neighborhood. He always defended [homosexual] publications and leftist causes and endorsed what Dr. Bugwig called "anti-Mensch" causes. How fitting!

One of Svend Robinson's claims to fame is that he has just passed an expanded "Human Rights" hate legislation bill in the Canadian Parliament, which includes "sexual orientation" as a special class [to be protected]. It was before the Senate, waiting to be passed, when conveniently the swastika smearing and toppling of gravestones took place in Toronto, which, needless to say, dove-tailed neatly with the "Robinson Bill." It was, somewhat to my surprise, semi-filibustered in the Senate by [a Black] woman, Anne Cools, whom I met at my old Alma Mater, Sir George Williams University in Montreal, during the Jewish-Marxist oriented student riots there in 1966-67-68.

I reported on that in my articles and my own column in the evening student newspaper, [aimed at mature students], at the time. My column's title was, appropriately enough, titled "Politics: Past, Present and Future!" I was assistant editor of that paper, which had a circulation of 18,000, as well as a producer/reporter for our University's internal television news program broadcast into all classrooms, professors' offices, and student and commons rooms. The University was in gorgeous new quarters, with a brand new state of the art electronic communications/production department where I learned my skills, later put to use for my own mini media empire in Toronto. That work is what got me "in here." It really teed these people off.

At the time, Anne Cools was eventually arrested, along with about 60 to 70 radical Blacks from the Caribbean, and their Jewish agitator leaders. They had occupied the IBM hole punch computer center of the University, turned on the internal fire hydrants and opened the hoses, destroying files and vital University documents. Despite this fact, Anne Cools was elected to the Senate during the years of Pierre Trudeau, which were Marxist-leaning. Her prior criminal record proved no impediment to becoming a Senator.

This is why I was surprised to see her, of all people, speaking out against the Robinson Bill.

[Ingrid's comment: Ernst told me that Senator Cools now wears the Christian cross on a chain around her neck, which probably indicates a religious conversion. I checked her out on the Internet; she seems very conservative and responsible now in the bills she introduces and sponsors.)

Because you are relatively young, Curtis, one more tidbit of information: I corresponded with J. Edgar Hoover and the head office of Rand Corporation, after I had sent an analysis about these student riots, which caused over 2 million dollars worth of damage to the University. I suggested remedies, preemptive in nature, to the FBI and Rand Corp. I was ideologically against the war in Vietnam and never believed it was "anti-Communist" - after all, Cuba was communist and less than a hundred miles off the shore of the United States. Why fly 18,000 miles to fight Communism when it was literally at the doorstep?

Now listen up, Curtis! I do not know if anyone ever mentioned this to you before or not, but the immediate reason for the Vietnam War was to secure the Golden Triangle and monopolize the opium growing and production areas in South East Asia. The long range goal, however, for Johnson and his cronies was oil - yes, oil! That is why Vietnam was fought over so fiercely by Johnson - after the assassination of the non-oil power based Kennedy.

Benjamin Friedman, the Jewish convert to Catholicism and friend of Joseph P. Kennedy, told me about President Kennedy not wanting a full scale war, because he believed in General Gavin's (demoted and put out to pasture) and Douglas MacArthur's policy views, which were not to get involved in Asian land wars. But Johnson, who was a lifelong patsy for the Military Industrial Complex, much like Bush is today, wanted to secure the potentially vast oil resources, off-shore of Vietnam. Look at a good map. You will see that the area off the Vietnamese shore looks uncannily like the Gulf of Mexico. Ha! Ernst is not just a pretty face, Curtis!

That is another reason the wily Vietnamese in the north, Ho Chi Minh and General Giap, stayed away from Communist China and instead relied on the USSR. Oil was the reason! The Chinese are starved for oil as much as Hitler was. Oil is China's true retardant to military and industrial greatness. It is like it was for Hitler, an Achilles heel.

I have been keeping an eye on this South East Asian area for a long time! Few people know that the French did a lot of test drilling in Vietnam. After the defeat and withdrawal of U.S. military forces, the Vietnamese invited their former "colonial masters" back to continue test drilling, and Vietnam is now providing an increasing amount of its own needs from the very oil reserves Johnson attempted to acquire.

It was essentially Communism's Fifth Column in the US that subverted and sapped the American Will to Power in Vietnam. So, all of these idealistic "flower power" kids, as Eugene McCarthy called them, and the liberal crowd supported the right cause for the wrong reasons.


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Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Z�ndel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


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