Amnesty International: Readers Respond

June 19, 2003

ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny: Now more than ever!

Once more about Amnesty International - straight from the Horse's Mouth:

"Amnesty International has no political affiliation, endorses no political party, accepts no funds from governments or any political party. Amnesty International is impartial. It is independent of any government, political persuasion or religious creed. It does not support or oppose any government or political system, nor does it support or oppose the views of the victims whose rights it seeks to protect. It is concerned solely with the protection of the human rights involved in each case, regardless of the ideology of the government, opposition forces or the beliefs of the individual."

You realize you have just heard a sick joke!

Below is a cross-section of letters where irate readers take that hypocritical organization to task, with copies of their letters sent to the Zundelsite for our bulging archives. Several of these letters made me laugh out loud because of some eminently practical applications of how to teach these unctuous folks a lesson:


For some time now I have been responding to AI support requests by refusing to contribute, citing their double standards regarding revisionists. I use their post paid envelopes and forms in my response. You should encourage your supporters to do the same and to mention Ernst's case specifically. I have also written them directly on Ernst's case alone. They wouldn't know a prisoner of conscience from an elephant. One last suggestion: while I would call them hypocrites of the first order I wouldn't call them marxists.


I am writing for information on Ernst Zundel . Ernst has been deported from the US for missing an immigration hearing that was not scheduled. He has been barred from reentering the US for 20 years, although he is legally married to a US citizen. This alone should raise hackles on any human rights organization. As I understand, Amnesty International Canada has accepted the charges of a politically motivated minority as fact without further study. I believe it is your responsibility to look into this matter. Did Ernst Zundel just start making accusations out of thin air or did he in fact respond to numerous accusations made against his country and his ethnicity - accusations which have, in fact, often been proven to be exaggerated if not outright false?

Ernst Zundel is a lifelong pacifist. He came to Canada because he did not want to carry arms, Canada had no draft.

If you will look at the record, it is not Ernst Zundel who is guilty of hate, but his accusers. It is an old saying, the way you shout into the forest is the way the echo comes out. Let Ernst's accusers explain and prove their charges.

The reputation of Amnesty International is on the line.


I find it difficult to believe that an association like Amnesty International, which is so devoted, I believe, to fighting torture, whether physical or psychological torture, can, to such an extent, neglect or refuse its support to the Canadian revisionist Ernst Z�ndel!

Here is a man who, OK, is disliked by the Jews because he challenges the story of the Holocaust, but who is an actual peaceful man, a man who constantly complied with all his duties as a Canadian resident, and who has now been kept in jail for four months while waiting to be maybe deported to Germany, a country where you know perfectly well that there is no freedom for those who challenge the official version of World War II.

My impression is that, by doing nothing to help liberate Ernst Z�ndel, you are practising social EXCLUSION, as if that man were a social outcast who doesn't deserve being defended for not thinking the proper way.

Wouldn't it be that Amnesty International is afraid? Afraid of getting some reproach from the Jewish community? Yet, is it not high time now for you to show that you are a free association, that you do not depend on anybody and need no advice from anyone? Are you not grown-ups?

One expects from Amnesty International that you defend the rights of a man like Ernst Z�ndel whose elementary rights are scorned by the government of Canada by keeping him inside a jail and practising against him an unbearable psychological torture at least.

I know Ernst Z�ndel personally. Never in my life have I ever met such a good, peaceful, decent and altruistic man. I'm relying on you and expecting you to show some courage in that matter.


As a member of AI, I am outraged at Amnesty's position on the brutal incarceration of Ernst Zundel in Canada.

I am forwarding a copy of Amnesty's position as reported to me below. Amnesty's position appears to be nothing more than a slick example of doublespeak.

Amnesty knows full well that "Hate Speech" is nothing more than a catchall term used to persecute people for being politically incorrect.

The term "Hate Speech" is a cleverly crafted term used in place of the word "slander" which according to my Funk'nWagnalls means "to injure by maliciously uttering a false report". However, it is well settled law that truth is an absolute defense against slander. Therefore, in Canada, they had to invent the term "Hate Speech" so their "Kangaroo Tribunal" court was able to rule that truth is not a valid defense against it.

There is a HATE CRIME being committed in Canada and it consists of the brutal incarceration of senior citizen Ernst Zundel by political stooges in the Canadian Government.

In the interest of human rights and concern for the integrity of Amnesty International, I strongly urge your reconsideration of your position on the Ernst Zundel matter.


Amnesty International, What's with you people? I have been waiting for months for you to at least speak out on Ernst Zundel's behalf and have heard nothing about you speaking up for one of the most blatant exercises of repression to come to the fore in recent memory.

Your reputation for defending the free exercise of human rights could very well be disappearing. Surely you aren't just an extension of Zionism?


Maybe you should publish this: 1-800-AMNESTY.

It is the 1-800 # for Amnesty International (In USA). Since they don't spend their donations helping political prisoners such as Mr. Zundel, perhaps we should help them spend money on their telephone bill.

Just a thought.




World wide there is growing concern as regards human rights in Canada. A certain Mr. Ernst Zuendel, a law abiding, innocent citizen, married to an American woman, was arrested without a warrant, kidnapped and shipped to Canada. It is rumoured that he is to be deported to Germany where further political persecution awaits him.


It is alleged that he holds political opinions which are unpopular with the powers that be. In pre-apartheid South Africa this kind of persecution was a common daily occurence. Strange to say, Canada was one of the nations which helped to erradicate this scourge. Must we now accept that in Canada you can expect the same treatment, once so rigoroussly applied in South Afrca?

Surely all agencies, to whom this appeal is being addressed, should seriously question the treatment to which an innocent, law abiding man like Ernst Zuendel is subjected.

E-H. Schwacke in South Africa where freedom of speech and opinion is no longer violated.


Dear Sirs,

I would like to know why you have done nothing on behalf of Ernst Zundel. He is legally married to a U.S. citizen. He has been convicted of no crime. He has been secretly spirited across an International border. Held in poor conditions. All because of what he thinks. The only injustice greater is your refusal to help.

I see on your site you are concerned with the disparity of race among death-row inmates. This suggests a course of social engineering. What is your mission statement?


For a non-profit outfit, taking membership money from members who believe in your integrity, your organization is shamefully politicized. Your information officer's verbose ready-made answer to my letter from May 20 proved to me that this is the frightful reality.

To see such a well-known relief agency dive for their fig leaf the moment they spot a "Holocaust Denier" who might need some protection from self-serving pressure groups is a terrible sign. It is a sign that you and your organization today are nothing more than another big puppet petrified in the face of nefarious power.


Amnesty International is a joke upon the duped, deceived and deluded, don't hold Your breath until they respond...they are jew controlled jerks from the word go...


This organization is a communist front organization which has a political agenda to make communists look good. Since you and Ernst are the perfect red herrings to deflect the attention from the atrocities of the communists, what ever would make you think they would take up the cause for Ernst? They are being perfectly consistent.

Your only possible allies would be Americans like me who believe in the right to believe what ever you want and to say what ever you want. Ernst's deportation is an affront to the Constitution. I see Canadian socialists as loving to have Ernst to trot out as an evil man who will take the spot light off the atrocities of their own form of government.......


If there ever was a political prisoner who deserves the kind of help your organization was founded to give, it is Ernst Zundel. His treatment by the American and Canadian authorities reeks of vindictiveness driven by a politically powerful pressure group.

Zundel was arrested without a signed arrest warrant while residing legally in the United States, married to a US citizen. His papers were being legally processed. He never received any official notice that his application for residence had been "abandoned". Yet he was accused of an immigration violation and thrown into Maximum Detention like a common criminal.

Zundel is now barred from coming back to the United States for 20 (!) years - and he is in imminent danger of being deported to Germany where he will be jailed for at least five years if not for life for opinions which he published legally in Canada and the US.

Please prove that Amnesty is not under political control of the same pressure group that is persecuting Zundel by giving him the kind of assistance that is your stated purpose.


Here in Costa Rica were are regularly informed about people condemned in Cuba for expressing views not officially allowed. In the 'democracies of our western world', we are taught, the human rights for free speech are respected.

My friends and I, just before going to our knees to thank for living in one of these democracies, heard about thousands of people imprisoned for politically incorrect views in Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland and - most recently - Canada, where your husband is held in maximum security custody under the most ludicrous of accusations: destabilizing this poor shaky country.

I suppose Fidel Castro is proud to learn that his methods - secret hearings, solitary confinement, 'threat to national security' claims - are exported to the 'western democracies' , instead of democracy being imported to Cuba.

Mrs. Rimland, we support you in your admirable struggle against Zionist arrogance worldwide.


Let that be enough for now. One day we'll flush 'em out - guaranteed! For now, below is that list, one more time - you have proven that you have an effect. I told that to the National Post reporter yesterday! Write - and give them another piece of your mind. They can use all the help they can get!

Here is that Amnesty International list one more time:

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],



Write to Canada's Immigration Minister and complain over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.

Immigration Minister Denis Coderre
House of Commons 
Parliament Buildings 
Ottawa, Ontario 
K1A 0A6

Telephone: (613) 995-6108

Fax: (613) 995-9755

Email: [email protected]



Contribute to Ernst Z�ndel's Defence


Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Z�ndel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


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