It was certainly nice to wake up to some good news for a
change! This just came in from Paul Fromm who sponsored and coordinated
yesterday's Zundel Rally. And this is only the beginning - trust me!
By the way, again I haven't heard from Ernst for more than
three days. It always worries me when there is silence. I hope he will call
me today.
I am keeping the write-up below intact, but I want to add a
word of caution. Paul Fromm is giving out the address of Ernst's prison.
Ernst has asked me repeatedly not to give out the prison address since his
enemies pose as his "friends" and write filthy and violent letters
which the prison authorities (and others) can use to make life difficult for
If you write, identify yourself clearly and refrain from
irresponsible statements. Please! It does not help to behave the way our
enemies are known to behave, and the way they would like us to behave.
Here is an account of what happened yesterday - and if you
write, tell Paul also how much you appreciate his efforts - and support him
if you can! [email protected]
REXDALE -- Over 50 people from across Ontario
rallied today outside the Metro West Detention Centre here to protest the
continued detention of German-born publisher Ernst Zundel. Protesters
demanded an end to secret hearings that have marked part of all his
previous detention hearings. They called for freedom for the man whom Paul
Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, labelled
"a political prisoner."
demonstration, with more than a dozen large Red Ensigns, the flag of the
old pre-New World Order Canada, snapping in the breeze, began with the
launching of a small kite. The kite, made in the form of a Canada Goose,
soared in the crisp wind and displayed its message: "Hi Ernst."
The demonstration, organized by the Canadian Association
for Free Expression, Canada's leading free speech advocacy group, drew
supporters from other groups around Southern Ontario. Representatives were
present from the Canadian Heritage Alliance, the Northern Alliance, the
Nationalist Party, HF Niagara and the Freedom Party.
Speaking to the protesters outside the prison, Paul Fromm
reminded thanked them for being there to bear witness. "We're not
going to let this peaceful writer and thinker rot in a Canadian jail and
be mistreated," he pledged. "The eyes of the world are upon
you," he shouted in the direction of several wary guards who stayed a
good distance away.
Fromm explained the degrading conditions the jailers had
kept Mr. Zundel in when he first arrived on May 16. His toiletries
--toothbrush, soap, towel -- were kept in the grimy hall outside his cell.
He'd have to ask for them each time he wanted to use them. "In a
place that is now shut down to all visitors because of SARS (Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome), such filthy treatment is degrading and
dangerous." Mr. Zundel was denied the use of a razor for his first
five days there: "Maybe tomorrow," he'd be told by guards. He
was allowed one phone call in the first 48 hours. For the next three days,
requests to make a call drew the standard, "Maybe tomorrow,"
answer. Most of Mr. Zundel's legal papers were also kept in the public
hall outside his cell where they had gotten wet and damaged. He was
allowed to have one sent in at a time.
May 21, Mr. Fromm protested to prison authorities and Minister of Public
Safety and Security Bob Runciman. Conditions improved somewhat. Mr. Zundel
is now allowed more regular phone calls and all his legal papers are now
inside his cell.
Still conditions are demeaning, Fromm explained. "Mr.
Zundel is not permitted to have a pen or highlighter, despite having to
mark up and co-ordinate piles of legal documents several feet thick. All
he's allowed is a stub of pencil, like the one you'd use to mark a bowling
"They're trying to break him and get him to say, 'I
give up. Send me back to Germany.' We're here to say, 'No you won't' to
Canada's corrupt political establishment and the minorities they
serve," Fromm vowed.
Wolfgang Mueller, who has done invaluable translation work
in the detention hearings, spoke briefly in German for our overseas
Internet audience. Melissa Guille, head of the London Branch of the
Canadian Heritage Alliance, also declared support for the cause of Mr.
Zundel's freedom.
"We don't care whether the press covers this protest
or not," Fromm told cheering supporters. "We have our own media
and that's the Internet. People will see photos, video and audio of this
protest around the world by tonight," he promised.
The protest ended in a spirited rendition of
"Hope" a new song and the protest's theme led Blago Simeonov, a
talented musician from Bulgaria, whose lively song ended the protest on an
upbeat note.
Friends of free thought, Ernst Zundel really
needs your help.
1. If you live abroad, write to the Canadian Embassy in
your country and demand Zundel's release and humane treatment.
2. If you live in southern Ontario and wish to visit, call
ahead to Security: 416-675-1806 Ext. 4220. You must be on Zundel's
approved list. He didn't know he was supposed to submit a list of visitors
he'd like to see. You can also get directions, when you call.
3. No matter where you live, why not send a card or letter
to encourage Ernst Zundel. Write Prisoner Ernst Zundel, c/o Metro West
Detention Centre, 111 Disco Road, Rexdale, ON., M9W 1M3.
4. We also need your financial support for Mr. Zundel's
We have a number of delicate colour-pencil sketches by
Ernst Zundel done in prison. Each is dated and signed. Each is a nature
study. Mr. Zundel has long been a paint and sketch artist. He had returned
to his love of art before the U.S. I.N.S picked him up and deported him.
If you send us a cheque for $100 or more, we'll send you
one of these collector's items, a thank you sketch by political prisoner
Ernst Zundel.
Mail your donation today to CAFE Box 332, Rexdale, ON.,
M9W 5L3, Canada or e-mail us your VISA number and expiry date. On your
cheque or an accompanying piece of paper, note: "For Zundel Defence
Fund." ___________________________________________________
With less than 36 hours warning, the protest had received
letters of support from around the world, from Australia, Germany,
England, Scotland, France, Portugal and from people in 8 U.S. States and
four provinces.
Here are brief excerpts from the support from around the
"Bravo, Paul. Please give my warm regards to Doug
(and to Mr and Mrs Zundel whom I've not met). 'Yours in comradeship' (as
say Brit veterans - eyewitnesses in Palestine 1945-48)" -- Michele
Lady Renouf, London, England
"The great Scottish poet, Robert Burns, once said,
'Here's freedom to him who would speak, Here's freedom to him who would
write, For there's none ever feared that the truth should be heard, Save
he who the truth would indict.' True then as it is today. Free Ernst
Zundel, and remember, the TRUTH WILL OUT. Jim Burns, Glasgow, Scotland.
"The Canadian governments unjust treatment of Ernst
Z�ndel gives rise to great concern. It reminds me strongly at the real
conditions we have in Germany now. A small minority of zionists, organized
in "Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland", watches carefully
every spoken and written word concerning the so called
"Holocaust". According to the laws in force you will never get
the chance for a fair trial. No judge would dare to counteract the orders
of the zionist lobby. So Mr. Zundels fate would be definitely prison for a
long time without a chance to be released on parole - thats only for
criminals like murderers, drugdealers and so on. You would be surprised to
find out that there is no pardon to expect - e.g. many eyewitness, old
people of eighty and more years were sent to prison only because they
stated in written or even oral form I didn`t hear, experience or see
anything like that during the war as stated by the many Jewish
"testimonies" even if they contradict the known principles of
science. So please dear Canadians be on the watch and try to do everything
as to prevent something similiar to the real conditions in Germany. Fight
for the freedom of speech before it is too late.You will do something real
good for all those people suffering under the present conditions. Who
knows maybe the fate of Mr. Zundel will be ours too if we dont fight
agaist it in time. All my best wishes for Mr. Zundel and his wife. God
will be with you." -- Heinz-Otto Lehmann, Wilhelmshaven - Germany
" It seems that Canada has joined the unholy Germany
where there are by now uncounted political prisoners languishing in jail
for not agreeing with the history preached since the end of the Second
War. Ernst Zuendel is held hostage without a proper reason. He is a man of
peace and it is a travesty of justice [if there is any semblance of
justice left in this country] to hold him in the most inhuman
imprisonment." -- Helmut Becker, B.C., Canada.
"This is to register my dismay that someone would be
prosecuted/persecuted for his historical research. This
prosecution/persecution must not be considered as against one man but
human kind and liberty per se. But one man is now taking the brunt. Irnst
Zundel. Is it not ironic that those who charge Zundel are the most guilty
of that which they accuse him? " -- Robert P. Kelso Professor
(Ret.) U.S.A.
"Free Zundel, the freedom fighter! Free Canada and
the world from zionazis." -- Tomasz Iwanowski, Mississauga,
"I believe that the man Ernst and the woman, Ingrid
have a vision to see their beloved land once again freed from more
insidious chains than communism. They work tirelessly to this end.
Ernst is a dangerous man because he has ideas that could
bring the holocaust shrine to the ground, that the world would see it for
the atrocity and hollow, rotten structure that it is. They fear this, who
love and live off the shrine. They are afraid that their hatreds and
deceptions might be revealed. And they will be!
Ernst is the tool now. He is being forged in the
disreputable jail that has become his home, being honed for perhaps a
larger battle, a greater purpose, and he is not alone. We are with him. We
in the states, in Texas. We are with you, Ernst Zundel, and I personally
appreciate you. Thank you for taking such a stand. Thank you for the
spirit of freedom we all believe and need for Germany. If Germany is
freed, then we will all be freed because the ugly shrine of the holocaust
will have shattered, come down like the Iron Curtain did. Thank you for
hanging tough. We salute you." -- Diane King, Cushing, Texas
"What in the world is going on in Canada? The
Canadian government's mistreatment of Ernst Zundel is appalling to say the
least! Mr Zundel is a pacifist who has been a victim of terrorist attacks,
not a perpetrator! The Canadian governments actions resemble those of
Stalinist Russian, rather than that of a free democratic judicial system.
You Canadians should spend your time and energy finding and exposing the
real cause to Mr Zundel's problems than terrorizing this innocent
The whole world is watching and your actions will speak
for future generations to see. Perhaps George Orwell was correct when he
wrote his fictional account of Big Brother - perhaps his visionary insight
was into the Canadian (and US) government being run by the paranoid few
who were compelled to suppress free speech and the truth it exposes.
The whole world is watching!" -- Heinz H. Bartesch,
San Rafael, CA
" I request that Ernst Z�ndel immediately be
released from unwarranted detention, because he was persecuted for his
ideas. WE ARE NOT A COMMUNIST STATE, where we can't express our mind, are
SUPPRESSION!" -- Louis Horvath 56 Hungarian Freedom Fighter.
Toronto, Ontario
" I support this courageous and decent man
wholeheartedly!" -- Linda Ashenbach, Lorain, Ohio
"Z�ndel is a dangerous man only because his thoughts
might liberate millions of Germans, including myself, from the self
serving assertion made by Jews called the "Holocaust". From the
millions and millions of people who died before, during and after the
second World War, only a much inflated number of Jews matter, the rest of
the victims are forgotten. Is this how you want history to be written?
If you value free speech, the foundation of any civilized
society, then you will not want to ship Ernst Z�ndel to a country like
Germany where the laws in force today are still those established over
half a century ago to suit the victors, including Soviet Russia. These
laws were not made for the German people. For example, to this day there
is no "free speech" permitted for Germans, the main reason for
the efforts to send Ernst Z�ndel back to the country of his birth! I am
also appalled at the way the Canadian government and some of its agencies
have treated one of its own long-term residents. Ernst Z�ndel has never
harmed anyone! Ernst Z�ndel has no criminal record! Ernst Z�ndel has
never been a burden to the Canadian taxpayers! Ernst Z�ndel is a good
man! He was also a devoted husband and family man! Please make every
effort to free Ernst Z�ndel. He is already a 64 years old and may not
have many more years left. Please enable him to go home to his loving wife
in the foot hills of the Smokey Mountains in Tennessee and allow him to
live out the rest his years in peace." -- Friedrich Adam
Fayetteville, GA
Pictures of the rally are now online. ALSO, about 15 minutes
of video and 18 minutes of audio are on-line, which people can download and
see how the protest went.
Please spread the word so people can go and see the largest
"Free Zundel" protest yet!