Yesterday's and today's ZGram come back-to-back - these
days, it seems I cannot ever catch up! However, they belong together, so let
me run them together.
The Zundel letter below [very slightly edited and shortened]
was written almost a month ago - a lot has happened since then, and I will
fill you in as time permits. It was addressed to Dr. Robert Faurisson,
Europe's foremost Revisionist and also a victim of multiple legal and
vicious physical attacks by eager aficionados of the orthodox Holocaust
story who are forever yammering that they are being persecuted. If you want
to see what such attacks on a perfectly peaceful revisionist scholar look
like, go to
This letter is relevant for today because right now I am in
the process of collecting and shipping the testimonials regarding Ernst's
responsible activism from supporters and admirers all over the world for yet
another hearing (?) on June 5. I am not even sure that Ernst or his attorney
will be allowed to be present. I can tell you right now that these letters
will appear on the Zundelsite afterwards so that the world can see how Ernst
Zundel is perceived in the eyes of his supporters and admirers globally.
And I may juxtapose those restrained and dignified letters
to the filth and threats of mutilation and even murder that are the daily
fare our enemies see fit to send to Ernst - and others! Let's let the world
Here is Ernst Zundel writing to one of his most important
European advisors:
Dear Robert!
I am lying uncomfortably on my prison bed, propped up on
my left elbow, trying to write you this letter - after just meeting with
an Immigration Canada Enforcement Officer who served me with more
"fig leaf" forms and papers by the Canadian Government meant to
camouflage their despicable acts with a veneer of "due process"
when, in effect, their booting me out of Canada has the same guiding hand
and intelligence behind it that was behind the ruthlessly efficient
expulsion from the United States.
The Immigration Services of both countries have been the
butt end of every comic of television because of their inefficiency and
constant slip-ups, [such as] sending the extended student visas to the
four alleged terrorists in their "flight school in Florida" -
after they had been on the front pages of every American newspapers for
about a year! No such slip-ups in my case! Mine was efficient to a T.
Arrest, handcuffs, leg irons, maximum security prison, 24-hour lockup, no
fresh air or exercise in 10 days, 2:30 a.m. wake-up call, shower, shave,
kick-out-processing - without giving me one single cent of my money for my
trip to another country - and on a jet we went! Knoxville - Atlanta -
Buffalo - Niagara Falls! No slip-ups, no mistakes. There they handed me
the decision that I was barred from the US for 20 years!
Not once was there a single word uttered in any of the
official documents about my high profile holocaust denial they like to
bandy about endlessly at all other times! If I wanted any proof It was a
Jewish high level operation - this "the-dog-that-did-not-bark"
scenario of Sherlock Holmes fame was the proof! Not a word!
In Canada it is virtually the same thing! They invented
that incendiary bogus charge of my being a "national security
threat" to deflect away from their angry vengeance - for being the
one to send Fred Leuchter to Auschwitz and having had the chutzpah to
produce his findings in open court. I would hate to think what they might
do to you, for these vengeful people will never forget and even less
forgive that you were the architect of their ultimately being exposed. I
played the minor part of raising the money, organizing the trip,
orchestrating the presentation of Fred Leuchter and his report - but they
knew and know that without you, this disaster for them would not have
occurred to their racket.
I knew we were marked men when Fred walked towards that
witness stand, put the hand on the Bible - and [Judge] Thomas nearly had a
heart attack right then and there! Ahhh - what a moment to remember, as I
lie here in my cell. A moment to be proud of till we die - both of us!
I will never forget the momentary hush in the courtroom,
and then the hissing as if we had poked a stick into a pile of coiled
serpents. "Jury out!" shouted Thomas, his head the color of a
ripe tomato. Then arguments, recess - and the decision not to let Fred
show his Leuchter Report to the Jury! Had these jurors been people of
character and of human caliber and quality, they should have rendered a
non-guilty [verdict] unanimously for that underhanded slight of hand right
there! But alas, the poor quality of people that live on planet earth in
this era made them do what they did. I just wanted to recall that [moment]
for you and me, for the benefit of the censors and for history, and state
one more time in the words of my least favorite Englishman, Winston
Churchill: "Never have so many owed so much to such few Revisionists
as at that moment in history!"
Now to my own case - as the countdown is clicking. You
have undoubtedly heard about the Government of Canada dropping its
pretense of giving me the benefit they extend to any Somali, Sri Lankin,
Tamil Tiger or Congolese - a fair series of hearings where I can make my
case, and later at a Refugee Hearing allow me to show why I should not be
sent to Germany for further prosecution.
Here is why I believe that pretense was abandoned by the
highest level of the Canadian Government:
After my totally unexpected return here, I had difficulty
finding competent legal representation. [Attorney Doug Christie], with
whom I had kept in touch by friendly letters, cards, color photos and
phone calls, was busy in court with a war crimes extradition case in
Vancouver. I called to find out if there was going to be a change in
Doug's schedule, in the meantime hiring two Toronto lawyers - who were
frightened off and dropped me within weeks, leaving me stranded, fending
for myself in one of the most complex cases involving, in a way, America -
where Ingrid and my source of finances are - and Germany, which had
already issued a new arrest warrant and had policemen standing by to pick
me up in Toronto. I did not even have to pay the plane tickets for my two
bodyguards and myself - which was very considerate of them!
I fought for time and more time to see if the situation
would clarify itself somewhat, searching my brain for an answer. Those
were trying weeks! There are few Christies in legal circles! And when no
other attorney could be found, Paul Fromm and I limped along, trying to
buy us some time to organize the shattered remnants of my former team.
Suddenly there was a break in Doug's trial schedule in Vancouver. He flew
to Toronto to file an important Judicial Review in Federal Court for me -
which is still on track as far as I am aware - using the transcript of the
March 31/April 1, 03 Detention hearing where Paul and I one more time put
my history and case, as much as possible, on public record via the
Internet! I am sure it was not good law - but it was a good and
emotionally presented public information campaign. It was not known
generally that the Government was going to hold these hearings behind
closed doors.
Three of these, where I was alone, had already taken
place. The Toronto Star and the CBC wanted open hearings. Their lawyers
wrote to me in jail, sent me their documents. I wrote handwritten letters
of my agreement and consent to the Refugee Board Chairman, the Star and
the CBC, advocating and supporting open and televised hearings. It was
this series of surprise letters to my [media] enemies, who have always
smeared me, which once again allowed me to come into the living- and
bedrooms of Canadians via TV news and to the breakfast tables and the
subway readers/riders on their way to work. One more time my jiu jitsu had
worked - there was anger in Ottawa, anger in the Jewish community because
there would be massive media fall-out even as they were trying to boot me
Doug arrived April 15th at Thorold Prison at 11 a.m to
make an affidavit with me for that Judicial Review. I asked him if he
might have time to represent me on the 2nd of May Continued Detention
Hearing. He said he would see if he could juggle some court dates. He
would tell Ingrid as soon as possible. [The next day] he filed the papers
for the judicial Review in Toronto because only large metropolitan areas
have federal courts. He called Ingrid on the 21st of April that he could
indeed represent me.
That was the break I had been waiting for - for two
I had prepared for the eventuality as best as one can
while being on 24 hour high security lockdown in jail. My problem now was
that I had to use the monitored telephone brought by the guard to my cell
and passed through the little "feeding" opening in the cell
door. I was like a field commander who knew the enemy was listening in as
he gave his orders. The [enemy] would know about our plans for 10 days
ahead of time, but we had to prepare and disclose documents to them in
less than 5 days. I decided to roll the dice and called [my legal team] -
and at the end of the conversation said: "Now that they know our
plans, lets see the merde hit the fan!"
While my helpers geared up for battle on the outside to
give the government forces the first professional cross-examination, which
could well have collapsed their house of cards, I lay idle in my cell,
waiting for the key piece of evidence, a book about the Spy Service in
Canada I [had] raised in the transcript where the author details that the
spies let the parcel bomb through to me, with only one intent possible:
For me to open the parcel and to be killed! The book never came! And now
this same spy service supplied the only accusation that I - whom they had
intended to assassinate in that method, endangering hundreds of Canadians
- I was a danger to Canada! Not they! I think I really said it well in
that transcript!
I had an ominous, foreboding feeling in the days before
the scheduled hearing. I told Ingrid about it repeatedly. I could not
force myself to sketch or to do much writing - I was in what I call
"soul turmoil" without having any apparent reason for it.
Then, on 1 March '03 at 6 p.m., a guard came to my cell: I
had a visitor from Canada Immigration!
I was taken to see the man, who had on the table before
him several official-looking faxes with big Government of Canada crests
and seals. He told me the Government was aborting the hearings in favor of
booting me out of Canada on a Security Certificate signed by two
ministers, the Solicitor General and the Minister of Immigration. The
Certificate was signed by Canada's Deputy Attorney General - Morris
This was foreseen by me. I had discussed it with Doug on
the 15th of April. He just gave me one of his haughty looks and said:
"Well, they have not done it in two months..." Who was right?
Ernst the peasant!
After the May 2 canceled/aborted Detention Hearing, I went
back to jail and Doug went to the Federal Court to find out the next steps
and court dates in the railroading procedures of Ernst Zundel. He spoke to
Department of Justice lawyers in Ottawa, then to the French-Canadian Judge
Blais who was given the Certificate Thursday afternoon, shortly before I
was given the faxed copy.
Blais held his first meeting and review of the Spy
Services' secret, in-camera evidence neither Doug nor I are allowed to see
and examine. He will not hear any submissions from Doug or me, and his
decision is final and cannot be appealed to a higher court. If he rules
against me, then the Certificate turns automatically into a
Deportation/Removal Order to Germany - unless there is still some glitch
somewhere! Which I doubt!
This afternoon at 3 p.m., a lady Immigration Enforcement
Officer came to see me, delivered more forms about Pre-Removal Risk
Assessment which is supposed to examine if I am subject to persecution or
torture in my country of origin and for membership in a particular social
group or political opinion - which I am as a Revisionist and a German
Nationalist. I will fill out the forms, buttress it with the appropriate
news clips, texts of friends, maybe a letter from Fred Leuchter, Hans
Schmidt and Fredrick T�ben - and do what I had intended to do with the
Refugee Hearings: point to the dismal record of the German State when it
comes to Freedom of Speech. And that would wrap it up.
My final material must be in the hands of that Board
looking at my case by June 5, '03. Their decision will undoubtedly not
take long. Germany is considered to be a "democratic" country,
with a "fine legal system" - and I will get a "fair
trial" - and that's that. Another minimum of 5 years in prison there
- more like 7 or 8, I would expect in the end.
There could be one fly in the ointment: If Doug's plan of
the Constitutional Challenge is allowed by the Supreme Court. He gave them
written notice of today. Then this could delay things somewhat.
I will undoubtedly be held in custody until that hearing
because what judge in his right mind would or could let a "national
security threat" walk the streets freely? They no longer make judges
like that.
That's what I will be doing tonight: copy and mail those
testimonials and supporting evidence. Now I would like you to compare the
treatment given to Ernst Zundel to the treatment of the next "Canadian
Immigration Case"!