Free Ernst Zundel Rally on Sunday

Nov 20, 2003

ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny

This morning, I finished reading the transcript of November 7, the last day of the Zundel bail hearings, which includes Doug Christie's summation. I haven't yet received a write-up on what happened yesterday in the Ontario Superior Court, but i understand that it, too, was masterfully argued.

Will all this make a difference? In a dictatorship it won't.

Consider this: in a normal bail hearing, where there has been a legal arrest and an official charge for wrongdoing, the average bail hearing lasts only an hour. In Ernst's case, it has now lasted more than six month and has not yet been decided - and there IS NO charge whatsoever!

It is now coming down to the wire!

I am thinking of ways to put this to the American people. I have a few ideas. All will involve the fraudulent "six million" phrase.

For instance: Isn't there an election coming up? In a nationwide campaign, with the help of the America's alternative media, the voting public could be asked in poll after poll after poll:

"Is it okay with you if I, a naturalized citizen who has survived four dictators, now trade your hard-won freedom of speech to the Kanadian Kommissars? I have fought for the Zundelsite since 1996 - most of the time, alone! They want my American website. I want my husband back. If it's okay with you, why should I care? If it is not okay with you, here is the dotted line. I need 6 million signatures to send those neo-Kommies packing."

That is one way. I can think of a few others.

A Six Million Dimes Drive to launch a public action suit to get the Holocaust out of our schools? I am a child psychologist - I am willing to put myself right in the line of fire and ask: "Just what, exactly, IS the Holocaust? History? Or Dogma? I say it's child abuse! If it is history, it must be scrutinized, like any other claim in history. If it is dogma, it has no place in public schools. If it is child abuse, what parent would allow it? Let's put all the facts on the table, once and for all!"

A chain made out of six million queston marks for photo ops such as a Wrap-Around-the-White-House?

Six million postcards, perhaps, for Nervous Nellies to distribute on the sly that ask the simple question: "Why?" ( )

We'll see.

Meanwhile, here's something where you can participate if you live in or near Toronto:






Nov 23, 2003 2 PM

Metro West Detention Center 111 Disco Rd Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Ernst Zundel is a political prisoner being persecuted and prosecuted for no crime other than expressing his views on the Second World War. At the behest of the powerful and vindictive Holocaust Lobby, Mr. Zundel is being held, without bail, in solitary confinement at the Metro West Detention Center. He is being treated worse than a common criminal, denied even the basic amenities provided to other prisoners.

In surreptitious, Star Chamber hearings, held behind closed doors, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), relying on the questionable testimony of highly-politicized government agents, concluded that Mr. Zundel - an avowed pacifist - is a "security threat to Canada." Mr. Zundel was not allowed to attend, or present evidence in his own defense at these secretive proceedings. He has been denied the right to face his accusers and their accusations.

Mr. Zundel came to Canada in 1958 and by any standards, was the model immigrant and citizen, first putting himself through university in Montreal and later becoming Canada's premiere graphic artist. His artistry graced the covers of Canada's top national magazine and his paintings - which invariably reflect his pacifist, nonviolent philosophy - adorn the walls of some of the finest homes in the country. In his profession, he provided meaningful employment to countless Canadians, both young and not-so-young. Literally thousands of people - of every race, color and creed - are proud to call Ernst Zundel their dear friend.

Ernst Zundel has never been convicted of any crime in Canada. His only "crime" is a passionate defense of freedom of speech - the right to defend his own German people against the libelous accusations of a very vocal and powerful lobby. For his noble efforts, he has been beaten, bombed, slandered and even thrown in jail by a shameful system, all too willing to do the bidding of these special interest groups.

For over ten years, Ernst Zundel defended the rights of Canadians to freedom of speech, even taking the battle to the Supreme Court of Canada, where he ultimately won a victory for all Canadians in 1992, with the abolition of the archaic, "False News" law.

Now Ernst Zundel needs YOUR help. Show the world that his fight for the right of free expression was not in vain. Join freedom-loving people in defense of our rapidly-eroding rights.

First they came for Ernst Zundel and I did not speak out because I was not German.

Then they came for . . .

WHEN: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2003, 2 pm.

WHERE: 111 Disco Rd, Toronto Ontario. Disco Rd and Carlingview Drive.

WHY: For Freedom and Justice.

Watch for frequent updates on the Zundelsite



From Downtown Toronto:

  • Take GARDINER EXWY W to 427 

  • Take the HWY-427 exit- exit number 139- toward HWY-401. 

  • Merge onto PROVINCIAL ROUTE 427 N. 

  • Take the FASKEN DRIVE exit. 

  • Turn RIGHT onto FASKEN DR. 


  • Turn RIGHT onto DISCO RD.

From The United States (Niagara Falls Border):

  • Take QEW Toronto. 

  • Take the HWY-427 exit- exit number 139- toward HWY-401. 

  • Merge onto PROVINCIAL ROUTE 427 N. 

  • Take the FASKEN DRIVE exit. 

  • Turn RIGHT onto FASKEN DR. 


  • Turn RIGHT onto DISCO RD.

From London/Windsor (Detriot Border crossing):

  • Take HIGHWAY 401 East Take the exit- exit number 348- toward RENFORTH DRIVE/ HWY-427/ AIRPORT. 

  • Merge onto HIGHWAY 401 COLLECTORS E. 

  • Take the RTE-427 N/ HWY-427 N exit on the left toward AIRPORT. 

  • Merge onto PROVINCIAL ROUTE 427 N. 

  • Take the FASKEN DRIVE exit. 

  • Turn RIGHT onto FASKEN DR. 


  • Turn RIGHT onto DISCO RD.





Write to Canada's Immigration Minister and complain over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.

Immigration Minister Denis Coderre
House of Commons 
Parliament Buildings 
Ottawa, Ontario 
K1A 0A6

Telephone: (613) 995-6108

Fax: (613) 995-9755

Email: [email protected]



Contribute to Ernst Z�ndel's Defence


Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Z�ndel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


Please support the Zundelsite - the most politically besieged website on the Net!