The CDL Report
A Publication of the New Christian Crusade Church
Published by the Christian Defense League
P.O. Box 449
Arabi, Louisiana, 70032
Issue 111
October 1988
By Eustace Mullins
Modern Jewelry, a trade publication circulated to the nation's jewelry
stores, is not a magazine generally read by American anti-Communists. The
June, 1988 issue carried a fullpage advertisement featuring the former
Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger. Paid for by the Diamond, Jewelry and
Watch Division of the United Jewish
Appeal and Federation of Jewish Philanthropies, the advertisement headlined
an earnest Henry Kissinger's appeal to "Demonstrate
your solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Israel."
Solidarity, of course, is a key word in the lexicon of Jewish international
socialism and finance. That is why international agitators in Poland
named their movement "solidarity". Solidarity has always been
the watchword of the American labor movement, in which American workers were
compelled by law to pay a tax, called union dues, to international Jewish
socialist organizations allied with the lowest and most vicious underworld
UJA chairman of the dinner, to be held
at Marriott Marquis on Broadway in New York City, was Andrew H. Tisch, of the
family which now owns CBS and until recently dominated the U.S. Postal Service.
Kissinger was to receive $35 000 for his charitable workout, but not to
worry; UJA expected each diner, a wealthy jeweler, to make at least a ten
thousand dollar donation to the UJA, tax free, the tax burden to be thrust
later on American workers, Think of that ten thousand dollar donation the next
time you stop in at your friendly local jewelry store.
Although Henry Kissinger never advertised
his solidarity with "our brothers and sisters in Israel", while he
served as Secretary of State and head of the National Security Council under
the unlamented Richard Nixon (who was actually under Kissinger, even though he
was President of the United States), the matter was never in doubt. When
Nixon named Kissinger Secretary of State, Israeli Ambassador Abba Eban and the
world's leading terrorist, Prime Minister Menachem Begin of Israel, openly
exulted, in public quotes, "The appointment of
Dr. Kissinger as Secretary of State has as much significance as the United
Nations vote to create the State of Israel."
Kissinger, a long time friend of the
notorious Anti
Defamation League of B'nai B'Rith, the most active terrorist
organization operating in the United States, reassured the Zionists of their
faith in him by making public speeches at some twenty-five ADL fund raising
events while he was serving as Secretary of State. He also pulled off an
outstanding public relations coup by "requesting" that his ostensible
boss, President Richard Nixon, make a public fundraising speech at an ADL
national convention.
During the 1930s and the
1940s, the ADL was generally filed by intelligence groups under "KGB
operation". Its
activities in the United States were largely confined to harassing,
intimidating and defeating for public office anyone who publicly criticized
Communism. Kissinger himself was described by
Communist defectors as a longtime KGB agent whose code name was
"BOR", recruited by the Soviets while serving in the U.S.
Occupation Government in Germany after World War II. His handler in the
U.S., a Dr. Helmut Sonnenfeldt, also emerged as an influential government
official, participating in the highest levels of government intelligence
operations as a "consultant" to the Department of State. There
was considerable speculation that he also functioned as a
"consultant" to various other governments, but no serious effort was
made to find out. Certainly Kissinger felt at home with the KGB-directed
ADL organization. After the State of Israel was
established in 1948, the hardline Stalinists and KGB operatives in the ADL were
either weeded out or died of old age, allowing the ADL to reemerge as the
official unregistered lobbyist for the State of Israel in the United States
(tax exempt, of course).
Because its KGB operations had always
been sub rosa, the ADL's tax-exempt status as a terrorist organization
dedicated to blackmailing, intimidating and harassing American citizens had
never been challenged. Now that it suddenly reemerged as an illegal,
unregistered agent for a foreign power, the State of Israel, Kissinger advised
its leaders that its tax-exempt status needed shoring up against possible
government scrutiny, however unlikely that might be. None other than the former commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service
(under his leadership, the IRS was popularly known as
"the Israeli Revenue Service"), one Sheldon Cohen, donated
his services to rewrite the U.S. tax code to expressly give the Anti-Defamation
League permanent and irrevocable tax exemption, the code revisions also being
broadened to grant all Zionist underground organizations in the U.S., some
seven hundred groups all told, the same tax exemption. By some
legislative legerdemain, the revised U.S. tax code has
since managed to deny tax exemption to any group in the United States which
criticizes the State of Israel, or which tries to defend the American worker
against the unconscionable assaults on the U.S. Treasury by the rapacious and
insatiable Zionist representatives in Washington. Sheldon Cohen's
charitable endeavors were inexplicably rewarded when his Washington law firm
became the highly paid private representative for the State of Israel.
As President
Nixon's righthand man in Washington, Henry
Kissinger ran amuck. Not content with
"cleaning out" the State Department, that is, getting rid of the few
oldtimers who still grumbled about American tax support of the Soviet Union and
Israel; he moved on to build up the National Security Agency as the nation's primary
intelligence group, superseding the Central Intelligence Agency. He
managed to serve simultaneously as head of the State Dept. and the National
Security Agency, quickly building a circle of young protégés who have since
dominated the Washington scene; such now familiar names as Lt. Gen. Brent
Scowcroft, Gen. Alexander Haig, Robert McFarlane, Admiral John Poindexter, and Col. Oliver North. Col. North
hired a handsome secretary, Fawn Hall, who lusted to become a nationally known
model. She was the daughter of Wilma Hall, longtime private secretary to
Henry Kissinger. Ben Bradlee's book about North, Guts and Glory,
notes that when President Reagan formed his Presidential Commission on Latin
America, naming Henry Kissinger as its head, Kissinger brought in his protégé,
Oliver North. Observers noted that "He (North) hung out with Henry
-- more often than not he was at Henry's elbow." Kissinger had
obtained for his protégé the position of deputy director of the National
Security Agency, of the political-military affairs division, in charge of all
military programs for Latin America. This set the stage for the
Iran-contra deal.
Amazingly enough, only one American
publicly announced his outrage and disgust at the taking over of the United
States government in Washington by the power-mad "Bor", or Henry
Kissinger. This was the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Elmo
Zumwalt. In his book, "On Watch", Zumwalt described Kissinger's
"secret agenda" of which the American people had remained blissfully
unaware, "the Nixon administration's perversion of the policymaking
process" and "its ignoble outlook". Zumwalt continued,
"Its contempt for the patriotism and intelligence of the American people,
for the constitutional authority of the Congress, and for the judgement of its
own officials and experts, reflected Henry Kissinger's world view: that the
dynamics of history are on the side of the Soviet Union; that before long
the USSR will be the only superpower on earth." Kissinger's solution
was "to proceed as cleverly and rapidly as possible to make the best
possible deal with the Soviet Union while there is still time to make any
deal." Thus the survival of the American people depends entirely on
Kissinger's ability to "make a deal" with the Soviet Union, a grim
prospect indeed.
Although Kissinger ostensibly
functioned as a "bridge between the two super powers", the Soviet
Union and the United States, he also became the bridge between the two Communist parties in the United States, the
Democratic Party, which had been openly converted to a Stalinist philosophy of
government in 1933 under Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and the Republican Party,
which had become entirely dominated by the "anti-Communist",
"neo-conservative" Trotskyite Communist Party, operating through its
primary front, the League for Industrial Democracy, when the Reagan
Administration took power in Washington in 1980. The Republican Party was
totally committed to the State of Israel, the world headquarters of the
Trotskyite Communist group since 1948, and, as such, was palpably
anti-Stalinist. Thus the American stage was set for two diametrically
opposed Communist parties, the Democrats and the Republicans, to face off each
other with genuine disagreements about how much of American workers taxes
should be given to Moscow and how much should be given to Tel Aviv. In
this situation, the British Secret Intelligence Service, SIS, Mossad, the
Israeli Intelligence Service, the FBI, the CIA, and the KGB, operated in an
often confusing tangle of plots and counterplots, allegiances and broken
promises, betrayals and occasional assassinations. One factor remained
constant -- the American taxpayer continued to pick up the bill for the
globetrotting activities of the various James Bonds who were working for and
against each other, usually under the far-off supervision of the ubiquitous
"Dr. Goldfinger" Henry Kissinger.
As the world representative of the
Rothschild-Rockefeller financial operations, Kissinger formed a consulting
firm, Kissinger Associates. His partner was his English counterpart, Lord
Carrington of England, former Minister of State, and now head of NATO, the
unofficial world government operating in Brussels, headquarters of the
Rothschild money machine. Carrington was a Rothschild family relation,
his ancestor, Lord Rosebery, having married Hannah Rothschild in 1878, the
first Rothschild marriage outside the magical circle of "cousins".
Although many Americans breathed a sigh
of relief that Kissinger had seemingly left the government to engage in various
moneymaking enterprises, he was never far away, resurfacing under Reagan as
head of the Presidential Commission on Latin America. The machinations of
this operation soon brought the entire government of the United States to a
screeching halt, as revelations of Kissinger's protégés in the Iran Contra
scheme came to light. The government has been totally paralyzed ever
since, resulting in a massive stock market crash on Oct. 19, 1987, and the grim
outlook for a lengthy recession in late 1988 or early 1989. The attention
of the American people will be diverted one more time, by the sideshow of two
Communist parties frantically struggling to elect their nominee to the
Presidency of the United States. Once this dumb show is over, the American
people can settle down to a steady diet of bread and water, as higher taxes,
more government paralysis, and the "Kissinger effect" reduces the
once proud American republic to the world status of an India or a Zimbabwe....