First Alwaysclearly
identify your target and what is beyond. An arrow can travel quite a distance
if it misses the target. Alwaysconduct
yourself in a responsible and ethical manner at all times when using a bow.
an arrow, or draw a bow when facing someone.
The Bow
are seven basic steps involved in becoming a good archer. The following steps
are for right-handed shooters, reverse the directions for left-handed shooters.
Or Stance
- Position
your body at a 90 degree angle to the target. Spread feet conformably apart
with your body weight equal on both legs. Your shoulders should line up with
an imaginary line drawn from the center of the target.

The Bow - The
bow should be able to move freely after an arrow is released. Proper bow grip
is achieved by forming a "V" by the thumb and forefinger. To get a relaxed
grip, many archers use a bow sling to prevent the bow from falling out of their
hand upon release.

The Arrow - Hold
the bow in the left hand with the arrow rest up, and the bowstring against
the inside of the left arm. Lay the arrow shaft across the arrow rest with
the "cock" feather at right angles to the bowstring. Draw the arrow toward
the bowstring until the string sits firmly in the arrow notch.

The Bow - The
bowstring is drawn back by the first three fingers of the right hand, with
the arrow notch held lightly between the first two fingers. Draw the string
back until the index fingers on the right hand is "anchored". The same anchor
point is used each time you draw the bow. Using different anchor points will
result in poor shooting.

Aiming - Either
the instinctive aim or the bow sight aim can be used. With the instinctive
aim, an archer views the target with both eyes open and releases. Using a bow
sight, the shooter aligns the sight on the target and releases.

Release - The
bow is held at full draw long enough to achieve accurate aim. After taking
a deep breath and holding it, the three draw fingers are relaxed, allowing
the bowstring to be released smoothly. Again, to ensure consistency, the same
form of release must be used at all times.

Through - As
in any other sport, follow through is important. To become accurate, the bow
hand and string hand must remain where they are until the arrows hits the target.
Practice this discipline to shoot well.

methods may vary slightly depending on the equipment you shoot.
I say Practice I don't mean practice. Not going down to the hangout and spending
your time jabbering with your friends and shooting a few arrows... (although
that too definitely has it's part!). I mean shooting good arrows. You have
to concentrate in practice otherwise you might as well not be there. Work on
something every time you shoot. Back
believe that it is essential to have good back tension. In order to draw and
hold a bow while you make a shot it is necessary for your body to do a lot
of work. Trying to do this work with arm muscles, even for the bodybuilders
is nearly impossible. The back muscles are multitudinous and large so why not
use them. Shooting with just your arms and you WILL collapse after the shot,
maybe not always, but sometimes. RhythmA
good shooting Rhythm will aid accuracy. Shoot with a continuous fluid action,
if you stop it will take a lot of effort to get the rhythm started again! Research
has shown that the longer you try to aim the less accurate you aiming becomes.
You are at your most accurate early on in your shot cycle. I believe a cycle
of 5 seconds is more than enough and over 7 seconds is too long. If you cannot
shoot in such a rhythm there are several possibilities: - You
are over-bowed (bow too heavy)
- You
have a basic technical error (e.g. bow shoulder collapsing etc)
- You
are not pulling continuously
- You
are over-aiming (in archery your aiming does not need to be that precise!
cannot emphasize the importance of drawing smoothly. Never stop pulling! If
you stop pulling then you have to start again which will be jerky and inconsistent.
If you never stop then all your actions can be smooth and refined! Watch the
top archers shooting, they pull all the way through, no stopping and starting
again. Relaxed
Drawing HandIt
is essential for a good release that the fingers that draw the string are as
relaxed as possible. If you have a lot of tension then the string will clear
them with a jerk, therefore proving inconsistent. If your fingers are more
relaxed the string can just push them aside as you relax the holding tension.
The key to this is IMHO a good deep hook. If you support the string on the
tips of the fingers then the string is well away from the line of power, exaggerating
the holding tension. Your finger tips which are in front of the string are
rigid. With a good deep hook your finger tips can be far more relaxed, the
only tension in your fingers is the minimal amount that will hold the string.
When I say "deep hook" I mean past or near the first joint. To some extent
it will depend on the shape of your hand. I prefer to be past the joint on
my top and middle fingers and in the joint on my bottom finger. WARNING:Shooting
form the joints may cause joint damage and possibly increase the risk of arthritis. Relaxed
Bow HandThe
bow hand is the last place where you can influence the arrow. If you are torquing
the bow-grip, then as you release the string the bow will begin to rotate or
kick. To minimize this effect you must relax your bow hand, this will improve
consistency from shot to shot. To maintain a relaxed bow hand follow these
steps: - Rotate
elbow so that joint is faces the string.
- Make
a V shape with your bowhand (Thumb to forefinger)
- Place
hand on the base of the grip and slide up into the throat.
- Relax
thumb and forefinger.
you must check that your hand does not make any contact with the grip to the
bow-side of your lifeline (on your palm!). If you start with your hand and
fingers like this you should be able to maintain that position through the
draw cycle. Relaxed
you do actually anchor, most archers pull into their face way too hard (me
included). Keep your head up (stand tall you slob!) and draw into anchor. Keep
your head and neck relaxed and allow the head to move a little when you are
at the full draw position (backwards of course!). This is much easier and more
comfortable than pulling the string tight onto your chin bone! Body
aim with your body almost as much as with the sight. It is important that you
find out what works for you. Areas to be considered are: - Stance
(open or closed, if open how open)
- Shoulder
(set back, pushed forward or just natural?)
- Rear
Elbow (in line with arrow tends to be best)
- Body
must be upright
- Balance
there are plenty of rights and wrongs there are a lot of correct possibilities!
You must experiment and decide for yourself. Never copy another archer. Everybody
has a different physique so there is no definitive way!
For The Beginning Bowhunter Only
by practice will you be able to become a proficient bowhunter and increase
your chance of a clean kill. Practice on the archery field to get your bow
tuned and to determine your effective shooting range. Practice regularly and
under every weather condition. This will allow you to shoot under more realistic
hunting conditions and sharpen your skills as an effective archer. Improperly
judged distances are a major factor in missed shots. Thus, proper range estimation
is a must for successful bowhunting. Range estimation can be learned through
experience gained from stump shooting. Note that after every practice shot
taken the actual range should be taken as to learn and adapt.
And Wind To
help disguise your natural human scent just before the hunt, try this method
taught to me by a true (old-time) woods-man. When your warming up next to the
fire on that chilly morning just before daylight, before putting out your fire,
lay a large portion of fresh cut GREEN pine needles on your coals. When they
start up a good cloud of smoke, start jumping through the smoke several times
while in your hunting clothes for the day. Be sure to close your eyes when
doing this, as the sap smoke may burn your eyes a little. The pine sap and
odor will coat you and your clothes with a layer of pine scented residue. The
odor is pleasing, and if you have a very light sticky feeling (which shouldn't
last long before drying) the sap smoke has done it's job. Be sure to coat your
boots real well by holding your feet in the smoke about twice as long, as it
will wear off quicker while walking to your ground blind or treestand. Even
though this may be effective and help you elude the animal longer than it would
usually be possible, it is not an excuse for ignoring the wind direction. The
keys to staying undetected are keeping your movement minimal, making the least
noise possible and preventing the animals from detecting your scent. Of all
these, scent is the one that will usually give you away. This is because you
have less control of your odor and no control of the wind. It is important
that you stay downwind of your pray to decrease its chances of detecting you. Bear
in mind that the wind direction can change and keeping track of such changes
is a must. There are many ways to determine the direction of even the lightest
breezes. Some hunters use butane lighters, others use a fine scentless powder
that will float with the wind, while others attach a small feather onto a string
of floss and attach it to their bow. Any method will do as long as it is quite,
requires little movement and releases little or no scent.
Scouting In
order to complete a successful hunt, you must know as much about your prey
as possible. You must learn of the animal's habits, food sources and travel
routes. Scouting a good portion of the year is a trait associated with many
successful bowhunters and they will tell you that the information and experience
gained from this habit is invaluable. Also note that over scouting an area
can have a negative effect on the wildlife and you may end up pushing the animals
out of the area or may become nocturnal, not be seen or heard from during hunting
Safely Archery
is probably the safest of all shooting sports, yet accidents do happen and
it is up to you to be prepared. Broadheads are sharp and should always be
protected, do not leave the sharp edges exposed. Treestands are notably dangerous
and have even been the cause of death in some bowhunting accidents. The use
of a harness is a must if you plan to hunt from a treestand. Always carry
some emergency supplies in case you get lost or hurt, this includes your compass.
Even if you follow every single safety precaution, there is always a chance
that something may go wrong. Whenever you wander into the wilderness, be prepared
for the worst.
Not Over Hunt An Area Just
like over-scouting, over hunting an area can also have a negative impact.
Every time you go back and forth from your ground blind or treestand, you leave
a scent behind that can alert passing game. Too many hunters in one area will
eventually scare the animals out of that area or force them to become nocturnal. To
minimize over-hunting an area, try to have more than one possible location
for your treestand. Deer can adapt, if you use the same site every day they
will associate it with humans. Once they associate a site with humans, they
will avoid it and warn other deer as well. Try to avoid areas where hunting
pressure is already great. Don't forget to always keep your scent to a minimal.
So don't pass a game trail on the way to your treestand or walk parallel to
existing game trails.
Skills Getting
a shot on an animal is one of the greatest accomplishments for a beginning
bowhunter. Unfortunately there is still much work to do after you release that
arrow. Finding the downed animal is one of the most important of them. Tracking
the animal can be a challenge in itself, but add that to a rainy day, falling
daylight or a bloodless trail and then you could end up with a nightmare. Try
to bring in an experienced hunter to help you locate the animal. With his
experience you increase the chance of a recovery and learn valuable tips while
doing it. |