people can build a campfire, but not everyone can build a respectable fire
in the midst of a rainstorm. I am going to teach you how to accomplish this.
My methods are guaranteed to work in a down pour, provided that wind velocities,
accompanying the rain, do not exceed about 20 mph.You
Will Need The Following Tools Dry
small knife.
if you must chop wood, an axe. The
Best Wood Is Dead WoodIt's
dry and if it's raining it's dry on the inside. You
will need to cut some shavings from small sticks that are lying around. Dry
paper will help if you have it. Put the shavings in your pocket, near to your
skin for warmth. Remember, it's raining and you must have dry tinder in order
to light it with your dry match. Try putting it in your shirt. You need about
two handfuls of dry tinder. You can now proceed with the rest of the agenda
while the tinder is drying out. Methodology- Find
about a dozen logs18" in length and 2" - 4" in diameter, anything close is
good enough.
- With
the logs make a square on the ground and stack them like a log cabin so that
gaps for air flow are formed, this is extremely important. Do not, under any
circumstances, stand the logs up on end like army rifles in a civil war camp.
- Build
up the levels like a pyramid by laying down successive smaller squares on top
of each other. Leave a hole in the top.
- Get
a bunch of twigs and sticks about 18" long of varying diameters of 1/4",1/2",
1",etc. Now stack these down in the hole like a Tee-Pee in the same manner
as they stacked civil war rifles.
- Now,
hunch over your creation to block the rain and insert the now dry 'stuff' from
your shirt inside the
formed by the sticks and twigs. You should be able to get your hand past the
big logs where you left gaps for air.
- Light
the dry shavings with a match. The fire from the shavings will dry and ignite
the smaller wet twigs, the twigs ignite the sticks which in turn will ignite
the logs.
- This
chain reaction should be unstoppable in even a heavy rain. You may have to
protect the fire from rain at the beginning. The big logs shield the inside
from most of it.
do not have to tend this type of fire as often as fires that have been built
by just throwing logs on top of each. This type of construction usually allows
the logs to fall in on themselves and is thus self maintained. |