The Majority is ALWAYS Wrong ...

'Enter ye in at the strait gate: for WIDE is the gate, and BROAD is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because: strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it' admonished our Lord Jesus Christ.

A multitude of counsel might be wise in warfare with another nation, but in the Spiritual battle we wage with Satan, the Minority: ourself and the revealed Word, is always right. The Christian walk can be lonely because you cannot walk with your mother, or your husband, or wife. 'How can two walk together except they be agreed on the Word'? You must walk alone with God. If they are in the faith, they will be walking the same way, with God.

The 'way' is the section in the center of the road that is raised, so that when it rains, all the dirt will wash away. The sides of the road carry this uncleanliness and go off into fanaticism or apathy, but the middle of the road will be cleansed. The entrance to the Kingdom, or new birth, is the 'strait' way. In other words, it is narrow and deep, like a navigable passage connecting two seas, turning neither to the left nor to the right from the one true faith. So the way to God is strict and safe but bound by rocks and shipwreck for those who chart a man-made course or try some denominational passage of convenience.

Jesus said the broad way leads to destruction, and that the majority of confessing Christians are trying to meet Christ that way: believing creeds, catechisms, baptisms in Titles, and so-forth. This morning, I attended a denominational church which was recently issued a new prayer book by head office. Howbeit Jesus said, 'When ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking'. Jesus never told us to 'say a prayer'! He said we should 'pray'. And in the 'Lord's Prayer', Jesus was instructing His disciples how to pray, not furnishing a form of words for us to recite.

Do you see the distinction between the broad way which leads to destruction, and faith? It is Eternal Life. In this prayer book was the Apostle's Creed (so-called), written two hundred years after the death of the last of the original apostles at the founding of the Roman Catholic church, it denies the strait way of Bible faith. But in this prayer book, the Apostle's Creed had been rewritten according to the New International Version, the most UN-holy Bible yet. It says Jesus Christ is the ONLY Son of God whereas from Genesis to Revelation, the Bible instructs us Jesus 'brought MANY sons unto Glory, and is therefore the captain or forerunner of our salvation' (Hebrews 2:10).

Jesus is the BEGINNING of God creating Himself into the Form of His Glorified Family, the true New Testament Church, LESS than 2,000 years ago. And the true Church is the continuation (or offspring) of the SAME creation, as Eve and her offspring by Adam are the continuation of Adam.

Jesus said, 'Fear not, LITTLE flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom'. So when we see organizations claiming to be the Christian Church, with millions of members, we know of a certainty, their doctrine must be wrong for they cannot possibly be the 'little Flock' of the Lord Jesus Christ, and must represent the majority, who are always wrong, on the broad way which leads to destruction. strat011.htm

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