CLASSIC VERSION Once upon a time there was a little red hen who lived in a big farm-yard. She had three fluffy yellow chicks. One morning as they were busily scratching about the yard, looking for something to eat, the little red hen found a grain of wheat. "Look!" she said. "See what I have found. Who will help me to plant this grain of wheat?" "Not I," said the duck. "I must go down to the pond for a swim." "Not I," said the cat. "I have some visitors coming in a few minutes." "Very well, I will then", said the little red hen, and she did. After a while some weeds appeared among the stalks of wheat. One day the little red hen asked: "Who will help me to weed this wheat?" "Not I," said the duck. "That sort of work doesn't agree with me." "Not I", said the cat. "I would not be able to tell the weeds from the wheat". "Very well, I will then", said the little red hen, and she did. After a while the wheat began to ripen: "What fine wheat we have," said the cat and the duck. "Yes, indeed, it is time to reap the wheat," said the little red hen. "Who will help me to reap this wheat?" "Not I", said the cat. "Not I", said the duck. "Very well, then I will", said the little red hen. She cut the heads off the grain very carefully and put them in a bag. Then she called to the cat and the duck and she asked, "Now, who will take this wheat to the mill to be ground into flour?" "Not I", said the duck. "Not I", said the cat. "Very well, then", said the little red hen, "I will take it myself". So the little red hen trudged off to the mill, and in a few hours she was back with a sack of fine flour. "Now, who is going to make this flour into bread?" asked the little red hen. "Not I", said the duck. "Not I", said the cat. "I will, then," said the little red hen, and she did. Soon the loaf was ready for the oven. "Now, who is going to bake this bread?" asked the little red hen. "Not I", said the cat. "Not I", said the duck. "Very well, then", said the little red hen. "I will do it". So the loaf of bread was baked and it was baked, and it was beautiful, golden and crusty. The little red hen put it on the kitchen table, and the cat and the duck came into the house and looked at it longingly. "Well now, who is going to eat this loaf of bread?" asked the little red hen. "I will", said the duck quickly. "I will", said the cat stepping close. "Oh, no, you won't", said the little red hen. "I am going to eat it myself". Then she called her little chicks together, and they ate the whole loaf of bread. Not a crumb was left for the duck and the cat.