![[ICO]](/icons/blank.gif) | Name | Size |
![[DIR]](/icons/back.gif) | Parent Directory | - |
![[SND]](/icons/sound2.gif) | 01 Musical Excerpts (2nd c. AD).mp3 | 5.6M |
![[SND]](/icons/sound2.gif) | 02 Lament (2nd_3rd c. AD).mp3 | 3.1M |
![[SND]](/icons/sound2.gif) | 03 Fragment 1 (2nd c. AD).mp3 | 5.8M |
![[SND]](/icons/sound2.gif) | 04 Paean (3rd_4th c. AD).mp3 | 3.0M |
![[SND]](/icons/sound2.gif) | 05 Trochaic Fragment (3rd c. AD).mp3 | 1.8M |
![[SND]](/icons/sound2.gif) | 06 Four Settings From Menander's 'Epitrepontes' (3rd c. AD).mp3 | 2.9M |
![[SND]](/icons/sound2.gif) | 07 Excerpts Mentioning Eros And Aphrodite (2nd_3rd c. AD).mp3 | 8.5M |
![[SND]](/icons/sound2.gif) | 08 Musical Excerpt (3rd c. AD).mp3 | 5.9M |
![[SND]](/icons/sound2.gif) | 09 Hypolydian Excerpt (2nd_3rd c. AD).mp3 | 5.3M |
![[SND]](/icons/sound2.gif) | 10 Fragment 3 (3rd c. AD).mp3 | 3.7M |
![[SND]](/icons/sound2.gif) | 11 A Zaluzi To The Gods (Hurrian Hymn 6) (c. 1225 BC).mp3 | 7.0M |
![[SND]](/icons/sound2.gif) | 12 Hurrian Hymns, 19 And 23 (c. 1225 BC).mp3 | 2.9M |
![[SND]](/icons/sound2.gif) | 14 Hurrian Hymn 2 (c. 1225 BC).mp3 | 2.3M |
![[SND]](/icons/sound2.gif) | 17 Hurrian Hymn 4, 21, And 22 (c. 1225 BC).mp3 | 4.6M |
![[SND]](/icons/sound2.gif) | 18 Hurrian Hymn 7 And 10 (c. 1225 BC).mp3 | 3.5M |
![[SND]](/icons/sound2.gif) | 19 Hurrian Hymn 16 And 30 (c. 1225 BC).mp3 | 4.0M |
![[SND]](/icons/sound2.gif) | 20 Musical Instructions for 'Lipit-Istar, King of Justice' (c. 1950 BC).mp3 | 1.3M |
![[SND]](/icons/sound2.gif) | 21 Trumpet Call, After Plutarch (1st c. AD).mp3 | 1.0M |
![[SND]](/icons/sound2.gif) | 22 Isis Sistrum Rhythm, After Apuleius (2nd c. AD).mp3 | 1.0M |
![[SND]](/icons/sound2.gif) | 23 Harp Piece (A) (6th_7th c. BC).mp3 | 3.6M |
![[SND]](/icons/sound2.gif) | 24 Harp Piece (B) (6th_7th c. BC).mp3 | 3.7M |