Welcome to the “World Lending Library”

[DIR]Parent Directory -
[SND]24 Bar, Tijuana.wav 23M
[SND]23 Street Market, Tijuana, Mexico.wav 27M
[SND]22 Traffic At U.S. - Mexican Border,.wav 16M
[SND]21 Bowling Alley, Santa Monica, Cali.wav 26M
[SND]20 Dockers' Bar, San Pedro.wav 17M
[SND]19 Oil Derrick, San Pedro, Californi.wav 12M
[SND]18 Freight Train With Siren Passes I.wav 15M
[SND]17 Crowd At Heritage Festival, New O.wav 28M
[SND]16 Soul Food Restaurant, New Orleans.wav 41M
[SND]15 New Orleans, Louisiana - House Fi.wav 23M
[SND]14 Crowd At Garden Party, Eunice, Lo.wav 11M
[SND]13 Bar, Mamou, Louisiana.wav 34M
[SND]12 Counter And Till In Delicatessen,.wav 23M
[SND]11 Delicatessen Restaurant, Philadel.wav 43M
[SND]10 Traffic With Horse And Buggy, Phi.wav 41M
[SND]09 Independence Hall Bell, Philadelp.wav9.0M
[SND]08 Street, Downtown Philadelphia, Pe.wav 26M
[SND]07 Roadside, Fort Kent, Maine - Star.wav 50M
[SND]06 Niagra Falls - Close Perspective.wav 33M
[SND]05 Goldens Bridge, New York State -.wav 40M
[SND]04 Busy Street, New York - Afternoon.wav 28M
[SND]03 Terminal, John F. Kennedy Interna.wav 40M
[SND]02 Times Square, New York - Afternoo.wav 21M
[SND]01 Broadway Traffic, New York - Mid.wav 30M