Welcome to the “World Lending Library”

[DIR]Parent Directory -
[SND]16 Busy Dining-Room In An Hotel - Ev.wav 45M
[SND]15 Small Zoo And Aviary In Recreatio.wav 33M
[SND]14 Large Open Square (Cadiz) General.wav 55M
[SND]13 General Atmosphere In Built-Up Na.wav 34M
[SND]12 Fountain In Busy Square, Close Pe.wav 45M
[SND]11 Noisy Café - General Chatter Youn.wav 54M
[SND]10 Café, General Chatter From Older.wav 42M
[SND]09 Noisy Bar - Fruit Machine Singing.wav 29M
[SND]08 Children Playing Outside School A.wav 32M
[SND]07 Crowds Milling Around Outside Spa.wav 17M
[SND]06 General Chatter Of Expectant Crow.wav 31M
[SND]05 One Horse Being Exercised In Outd.wav 32M
[SND]04 General Atmosphere In Small Squar.wav 19M
[SND]03 General Atmosphere - Countryside.wav 33M
[SND]02 Busy Street - Mostly Traffic (Lot.wav 37M
[SND]01 General Chatter And Clatter Of Cu.wav 40M