Sony Pictures Digital
Numina II
Numina II is master sound designer Jesse Sola's second contribution to the Loops for ACID loop library catalog, following his successful ambient / cinematic debut, Emotional Peak Sounds for Cinema (2002). Numina II reflects and augments its predecessor while showcasing this developer's continuously evolving personal style. Lush, slowly evolving soundscapes, deep rhythms, and sustained, stackable sound elements with varying degrees of tension are the main focus of this collection. The sounds themselves stay faithful to the ambient / cinematic art form; high fidelity source materials and a large soundstage production approach prevail. Evocative yet unobtrusive, the Numina sound covers a broad range of moods and emotions that will appeal to visual media producers as well as creators of trance, tribal, and experimental music forms.
162 (522MB) original, royalty-free loops.

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� 2004. Sony Pictures Digital Inc. All Rights Reserved.