Taken from their mammoth shows in June 2004, Live in Hyde Park captures the Red Hot Chili Peppers at their very best. The scene was set by changeable weather, the Godfather of Soul, James Brown, and Chicks on Speed being unfairly jeered off the stage. Heralded by a tense intro, the funky, fists-in-the-air sound of "Can't Stop" cutting through the ether is one of those moments that make live albums so compelling for those who were there and those who weren't. The Peppers go on to play through 2 CDs' worth of favorites from By the Way and Californication plus newer material such as "Fortune Faded," "Rolling Sly Stone," and "Leverage of Space". It's difficult to pick highlights, as the level of musicianship from the four was high as ever but unexpected, quirky numbers such as John and Flea's rendition of Donna Summer's "I Feel Love" stand out as memorable euphoric moments. Sadly, the only pre-Californication songs were old favorites "Under the Bridge" and "Give it Away," both sounding fresh despite being 13 years old. Live in Hyde Park is definitely a worthy addition to any record collection. It's amazing that a band in their third decade of success can release their full debut live album, but the Chili Peppers prove that they've still got it (now, more than ever) and will be around for a very long time to come. --David Trueman