------ Audio ------ Joseph Campbell and Jamake Highwater - Myth and Metaphor in Society By Joseph Campbell Published by Mystic Fire Audio in 2002 Tags: nonfiction, mythology MP3, Abridged, English (156176941X) Joseph Campbell discusses a wide-range of topics that relate to culture, myth and faith with the renowned writer and critic Jamake Highwater. This provocative conversation challenges many popular conceptions of what constitutes accepted systems of beliefs from religion to art and more. An excellent primer for those interested in following the works of Campbell. Joseph Campbell, renowned mythologist and scholar, was a much sought lecturer throughout his life - not only for his encyclopedic knowledge but also for his warm and accessible style. His books are among the classics of both mythology and literature. His television series, Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth, has been shown around the world and is available from Mystic Fire Video. Jamake Highwater is internationally celebrated as a novelist, poet, essayist, critic and commentator on music, dance and the visual arts. The author of more than 25 books, Highwater has made a virtue of being an "outsider" while encouraging alternative and multi-cultural approaches to moral, political and artistic attitudes. . Joseph Campbell Audio Collection Vol. 1 to 6 Title Joseph Campbell Audio Collection (Series) Language English Vol. Number Series I Creator Campbell, Joseph Co-creator Watts, Mark (producer) Publisher HighBridge Company Pub. Year 2000 Length 30 hrs. From the Star Wars trilogy to the lyrics of the Grateful Dead, Joseph Campbell has had a profound impact on our culture, our beliefs, and the way we view ourselves and the world. Provocative and exhilarating, full of wit and wisdom, these lectures are windows into one of the great minds of our time. The six volumes (of a projected eight-volume collection) present over thirty hours of Campbell's most wide-ranging and insightful lectures. Always at his best as an impromptu speaker, Campbell shines in these lectures, both as a scholar and as a master storyteller. Volume One: Mythology and the Individual Volume Two: The Inward Journey: East and West Volume Three: The Eastern Way Volume Four: Man and Myth Volume Five: Masks of Myth and God Volume Six: The Western Quest . Joseph Campbell - The Grail Legends Posted by the now defunct website "Future Hi Media" from their personal audio collection. These recordings were likely from the Esalen Institute. Three cassette tapes converted to six 128kbps mp3 files. . Joseph Campbell - The Hero With a Thousand Faces The Hero with a Thousand Faces: 4 Cassettes, 5 Hours (Audio Cassette converted to eight 96kbps mp3 files) Language: English Creator: Campbell, Joseph Co-creator: Blum, Ralph (reader) Publisher: St. Martin's Press, Inc. Publisher 2: Audio Renaissance Pub. Year: 1995 Edition: Abridged Category: Audio Length Abridged Catalog/ISBN 1559273305 Campbell has transformed forever the way scholars, historians and psychologists view mythology, uniquely interweaving traditional wisdom with the modern struggle for identity and spiritual depth. Campbell's unique perspectives examine the world's complex and interwoven mythology, folklore and religion, providing an understanding of the essence and genesis of humanness. Blum allows the listener to focus on the content of Campbell's words. NOTE: This highly abridged reading of Campbell's seminal work is interspersed with audio drawn from Campbell's lectures. . The Lost Teachings of Joseph Campbell Between 1975 and 1987, Joseph Campbell recorded a series of interviews with long-time friend and National Public Radio host Michael Toms in which he talked on a broad range of subjects, from mythology and religion, to literature, science and ancient cultures. Some of these interviews were released in highly edited form as "The Wisdom of Joseph Campbell." "The Lost Teachings" represent a more complete sampling of the Toms/ Campbell discussions, with an overall run-time of nearly 14 hours. "The Lost Teachings" are a nine volume series with each volume ranging from 1 to 2 hours in length. The titles of the individual volumes are as follows: 1. Myths, Personal Dreams and Universal Themes (2 hrs.) 2. Mythological Musings (2 hrs.) 3. The Myth of the Fool and Other Tales (2 hrs.) 4. A Conversation with Joseph Campbell (2 hrs.) 5. Joseph Campbell: Man of a Thousand Myths (1 hr.) 6. Myth as a metaphor (1 hr.) 7. Ancient Voices (1 hr.) 8. Call of the Hero (1 hr.) 9. Beyond Dogma: The Vision Quest Experience (2 hrs.) . World Mythology and the Individual Adventure I The Function of Mythology 1 1/2 Hours Campbell speaks of how, in today's society, we face a unique problem because belief in our myths has broken down. We have failed to recognize that myths are psychic in origin, a vehicle of communication between the conscious and the unconscious mind, and that when we destroy the vehicle, we alienate ourselves from psychic reality. Campbell goes on to explore the four functions of mythology in a society. Mythology East & West 1 1/2 Hours Campbell illuminates the differences between the Oriental traditions, which are primarily matriarchal, and the Occidental traditions, which are primarily patriarchal. The dominant theme in Oriental mythology is an awareness of the transcendent and immanent nature of all being. The mystery of the individual's being is identical with the mystery of all being. In Occidental mythology, there is a basic split between the creator and the created. The individual is not considered to be identical with the deity, but rather exists in a state of relationship to the deity. India & Yoga 1 1/2 Hours Campbell describes the fundamental principals of Tantra that are involved in the chakras or lotus ladder of Kundalini Yoga, a form of yoga that developed in India during the 4th and 5th centuries AD. Campbell also traces the wanderings of the spirit through the various states of awareness, which the different chakras symbolize, described in the Tibetan Book of the Dead. China & Buddhism 1 1/2 Hours The religious and philosophical spirit of China, Campbell tells us, presents a strong contrast to the spirit of India, being less concerned with metaphysics and more concerned with the problems of everyday existence. Chinese Buddhism has been heavily influenced by Taoism, with its emphasis upon flow and non-interference with nature and by Confucianism, with its stress upon correct social relationship and ritual. Western Psychology 1 1/2 Hours Campbell explains that the chief difference between the Occidental and the Oriental concepts of the ideal human being is that the Occidental ideal includes a strong and well-developed ego, where as the Oriental ideal is the abolition of the ego. Even though the Western hero may seek and find mystical experience, he is expected to remain an individual and bring back the fruits of his endeavors to share with his society. World Mythology and the Individual Adventure II Jungian Psychology 1 1/2 Hours Campbell addresses Jung's view of myths as verbal mandalas, personifications of the individual's attempt to throw off the limits of social conditioning and attain full self-knowledge. The Jungian concepts of archetype, self, introversion, extroversion, animus. anima, ego and shadow are discussed in detail and related to mythology. Thomas Mann & fames Joyce 1 1/2 Hours Cambell focuses on the work of Thomas Mann and |ames Joyce, two authors who have combined mythological themes and symbols with a naturalistic style of writing. For Mann, the contradictions of life are resolved through the attitude of "erotic irony", the loving but critical acceptance of reality as it is, whereas for Joyce, the resolution is to be found in the conscious creation of artistic symbols that transcend duality. The Grail Legends 1 1/2 Hours Campbell discusses the Grail legends and their concern with the conflict between the free spirit of nature and the organized structure of society. In these legends, the Grail, a symbol of spiritual freedom and enlightenment, is hidden in an enchanted castle. Campbell describes the quest of the knights in King Arthur's court, who seek to release the Grail from its enchantment. Man & Myth Through the Ages - I & II 3 Hours Campbell describes how mythology reflects culture, and how one of the best ways to understand the changes humanity has gone through during the last two million years is to look at the evolution of mythical symbols. Our present culture is experiencing alienation because the scientific method has stripped our mythology of historical and cosmological significance. . The Wisdom of Joseph Campbell - In Conversation With Michael Toms For the past two decades, Michael Toms, the host and executive producer of the nationally syndicated New Dimensions interview series, has been exploring personal, social, and global transformation through his work as an electronic journalist and writer. Over a span of 12 years (1975 to 1987), Toms recorded conversations between the late Joseph Campbell (author of The Power of Myth) and himself, during which they developed a close friendship. On this compact disc, on which Campbell brings us in touch with our mythic heritage, he and Toms generate an infectious excitement as they explore the far reaches of meaning and thought. In these stimulating conversations, central questions in humanity's quest for meaning, understanding, and knowledge of the spiritual universe in which we live are explored. Topics such as "The Eternal Quest," "Mythic Horizons," and "Following Your Bliss" will provoke imaginative thinking and an appreciation of one's humanity.