Histories of the Kings of Britain, by Geoffry of Monmouth, tr. by Sebastian Evans, [1904], at sacred-texts.com
Geoffrey's PrologueOftentimes in turning over in mine own mind the many themes that might be subject-matter of a book, my thoughts would fall upon the plan of writing a history of the Kings of Britain, and in my musings thereupon meseemed it a marvel that, beyond such mention as Gildas and Bede have made of them in their luminous tractate, nought could I find as concerning the kings that had dwelt in Britain before the Incarnation of Christ, nor nought even as concerning Arthur and the many others that did succeed him after the Incarnation, albeit that their deeds be worthy of praise everlasting and be as pleasantly rehearsed from memory by word of mouth in the traditions of many peoples as
To Robert of Glouchesterthough they had been written down. Now, whilst, I was thinking upon such matters, Walter, Archdeacon of Oxford, a man learned not only in the art of eloquence, but in the histories of foreign lands, offered me a certain most ancient book in the British language that did set forth the doings of them all in due succession and order from Brute, the first King of the Britons, onward to Cadwallader, the son of Cadwallo, all told in stories of exceeding beauty. At his request, therefore, albeit that never have I gathered gay flowers of speech in other men's little gardens, and am content with mine own rustic manner of speech and mine own writing-reeds, have I been at the pains to translate this volume into the Latin tongue. For had I besprinkled my page with high-flown phrases, I should only have engendered a weariness in my readers by compelling them to spend more time over the meaning of the words than upon understanding the drift of my story.
Unto this my little work, therefore, do thou, Robert, Duke of Gloucester, show favour in such wise that it may be so corrected by thy guidance and counsel as that it may be held to have sprung, not from the poor little fountain of Geoffrey of Monmouth, but rather from thine own deep sea of knowledge, and to savour of thy salt. Let it be held to be thine own offspring, as thou thyself art offspring of the illustrious Henry, King of the English. Let it be thine, as one that hath been nurtured in the liberal arts by philosophy, and called unto the command of our armies by thine own inborn
Praises of Britainprowess of knighthood; thine, whom in these our days haileth with heart-felt affection Britain as though in thee she had been vouchsafed a second Henry.
Britain, best of islands, lieth in the Western Ocean betwixt Gaul and Ireland, and containeth eight hundred miles in length and two hundred in breadth. Whatsoever is fitting for the use of mortal men the island doth afford in unfailing plenty. For she aboundeth in metals of every kind; fields hath she, stretching far and wide, and hillsides meet for tillage of the best, whereon, by reason of the fruitfulness of the soil, the divers crops in their season do yield their harvests. Forests also hath she filled with every manner of wild deer, in the glades whereof groweth grass that the cattle may find therein meet change of pasture, and flowers of many colours that do proffer their honey unto the bees that flit ever busily about them. Meadows hath she, set in pleasant places, green at the foot of misty mountains, wherein be sparkling well-springs clear and bright, flowing forth with a gentle whispering ripple in shining streams that sing sweet lullaby unto them that lie upon their banks. Watered is she, moreover, by lakes and rivers wherein is much fish, and, besides the narrow sea of the Southern coast whereby men make voyage unto Gaul, by three noble rivers, Thames, to wit, Severn and Humber, the which
Of Duke Æneasshe stretcheth forth as it were three arms whereby she taketh in the traffic from oversea brought hither from every land in her fleets. By twice ten cities, moreover, and twice four, was she graced in days of old, whereof some with shattered walls in desolate places be now fallen into decay, whilst some, still whole, do contain churches of the saints with towers builded wondrous fair on high, wherein companies of religious, both men and women, do their service unto God after the traditions of the Christian faith. Lastly, it is inhabited of five peoples, Romans, to wit, Britons, Saxons, Picts and Scots. Of these the Britons did first settle them therein from sea to sea before the others, until, by reason of their pride, divine vengeance did overtake them, and they yielded them unto the Picts and Saxons. Remaineth now for me to tell from whence they came and in what wise they did land upon our shores, as by way of foretaste of that which shall hereafter be related more at large.
After the Trojan War, Æneas, fleeing from the desolation of the city, came with Ascanius by ship unto Italy. There, for that Æneas was worshipfully received by King Latinus, Turnus, King of the Rutulians, did wax envious and made war against him. When they met in battle, Æneas had the upper hand, and after that Turnus was slain, obtained the kingdom
The birth of Brute.of Italy and Lavinia the daughter of Latinus. Later, when his own last day had come, Ascanius, now King in his stead, founded Alba on Tiber, and begat a son whose name was Silvius. Silvius, unknown to his father, had fallen in love with and privily taken to wife a certain niece of Lavinia, who was now about to become a mother. When this came to the knowledge of his father Ascanius, he commanded his wizards to discover whether the damsel should be brought to bed of a boy or a girl. When they had made sure of the matter by art magic, they told him that the child would be a boy that should slay his father and his mother, and after much travel in many lands, should, albeit an exile, be exalted unto the highest honours. Nor were the wizards out in their forecast, for when the day came that she should be delivered of a child, the mother bare a son, but herself died in his birth. Howbeit, the child was given in charge unto a nurse, and was named Brute. At last, after thrice five years had gone by, the lad, bearing his father company out a-hunting, slew him by striking him unwittingly with an arrow. For when the verderers drave the deer in front of them, Brute, thinking to take aim at them, smote his own father under the breast. Upon the death of his father he was driven out of Italy, his kinsfolk being wroth with him for having wrought a deed so dreadful. He went therefore as an exile into Greece, and there fell in with the descendants of Helenus, the son of Priam, who at that time were held in bondage under the
Brute's youthful prowesspower of Pandrasus, King of the Greeks. For Pyrrhus, the son of Achilles, after the overthrow of Troy, had led away with him in fetters the foresaid Helenus and a great number of others besides, whom he commanded to be held in bondage by way of revenging upon them his father's death. And when Brute understood that they were of the lineage of his former fellow-citizens, he sojourned amongst them. Howbeit, in such wise did he achieve renown for his knighthood and prowess, that he was beloved by kings and dukes above all the other youths of the country. For among the wise he was as wise as he was valiant among warriors, and whatsoever gold or silver or ornaments he won, he gave it all in largess to his comrades in battle. His fame was thus spread abroad among all nations, and the Trojans flocked unto him from all parts, beseeching him that he should be their King and deliver them front the slavery of the Greeks; the which they declared might easily be done, seeing that they had now so multiplied in the land as that without making count of little ones and women they were already reckoned to be seven thousand. There was, moreover, a certain youth of high nobility in Greece, by name Assaracus, who was no less favourable to their cause. For he was born of a Trojan mother, and he had in them the fullest affiance that by their help he would be able to resist the harassing persecution of the Greeks. For his brother laid claim against him in respect of three castles which his father when dying had conferred upon him, but
Brute to Pandrasuswhich the brother was now trying to take away from him because Assaracus had been born of a concubine. The brother himself was Greek both by father and mother, and had rallied the King and the rest of the Greeks to the support of his cause. When, therefore, Brute saw how great was the multitude of fighting men, and also how strong were the castles of Assaracus which were open unto him, he granted their request without misgiving.
When, therefore, he was thus chosen their Duke, he summons together the Trojans from every quarter and garrisons the strongholds of Assaracus. Howbeit, Assaracus himself, with all the host of men and women that were upon their side, occupied the forests and hills. Then Brute sent his letter addressed unto the King in these words: 'To Pandrasus, King of the Greeks, Brute, Duke of them that are left of Troy, greeting: Whereas a nation sprung from the illustrious race of Dardanus deigned not to be treated in thy kingdom otherwise than as the purity of their nobility did demand, they have betaken them into the depths of the forests. For they held it better to live a life after the manner of wild beasts, to wit on flesh and herbs, with liberty, than to be cockered with dainties of every kind and remain any longer under the yoke of bondage unto thee. If this offendeth the loftiness of thy power, they are rather to be
Brute's first victorypardoned than held to blame, for of all that are in captivity it is the common aim and desire to recover their former dignity. Be thou, therefore, moved to mercy towards them, and deign to bestow upon them their lost liberty, allowing them to inhabit the forest glades that they have occupied to the end that thus they might flee beyond the reach of slavery. But if this thou wilt not, grant them at least that they may depart unto other nations of the world with thy good will.'
When Pandrasus, therefore, had learnt the drift of this letter, he was beyond measure amazed that they whom he had held in bondage should so abound in hardihood as to address any mandates of the kind unto him. He therefore summoned a council of his nobles, and decreed that an army should be levied in order to hunt them down. But whilst that he was searching the wildernesses wherein he supposed them to be, and the stronghold of Sparatinum, Brute issued forth with three thousand men, and suddenly attacked him when he was expecting nothing of the kind. For, hearing of his arrival, he had thrown himself into the said stronghold the night before, in order that he might make an unlooked-for onslaught upon them when they were unarmed and marching without order. The Trojans accordingly charged down upon them and attacked them stoutly, doing their
The Greeks defeated best to overwhelm them with slaughter. The Greeks, moreover, suddenly taken aback, are scattered in all directions, and scamper off, the King at their head, to get across the river Akalon that runneth anigh. But in fording the stream they suffer sore jeopardy from the whirling currents of the flood. Whilst they are thus fleeing abroad,. Brute overtaketh them, and smiteth down them that he overtaketh partly in the waters of the river and partly on the banks, and, hurrying hither and thither amongst them, rejoiceth greatly to inflict upon them a double death. Which when Antigonus the brother of Pandrasus beheld, he was beyond measure afflicted, and as soon as he could recall his straggling comrades to the ranks, returned and charged swiftly upon the raging Trojans. For he was minded rather to die fighting than to make a craven flight only to be drowned in the muddy whirlpits of the river. Marching, therefore, in a solid battalion, he exhorted his comrades to resist like men, and hurl back the deadly weapons with all their might. Yet did it avail him little or nothing. For the Trojans were accoutred with arms, while the others were unarmed. Pressing forward, therefore, all the more boldly on this account, they inflicted a grievous slaughter upon them, nor did they cease to harry them in such fashion until they had slaughtered well-nigh the whole of them, and had taken captive Antigonus and his comrade Anacletus.
Pandrasus besiegeth BruteNow, when Brute had achieved the victory, he garrisoned the stronghold with six hundred men, and then sought out the recesses of the forest wherein the Trojan folk were expecting his protection. But Pandrasus, in sore tribulation over his own flight and the capture of his brother, spent the night in getting his scattered forces together again, and when the morrow morning dawned marched with his reassembled people to besiege the stronghold. For he thought that Brute had again set himself therein together with Antigonus and the other prisoners. When, therefore, he came anigh the walls, he examined the situation of the castle, and distributed his army in companies, and disposed them in divers places around it, telling off sonic to forbid all egress to them that were enclosed within, some to divert the course of the rivers, and others, again with store of battering-rams and other engines to shatter the fabric of the walls. They all obeyed his orders to the best of their endeavour, devising in what manner most cruelly they might annoy the besieged. When the night came on, moreover, they chose the boldest of their number to keep guard over the camp and tents against any stealthy attack of the enemy, while the rest, worn out with fatigue-labour, refreshed them with undisturbed sleep.
Brute's cunning deviceThe besieged, on the other hand, standing on the top of the walls, endeavour with all their strength to beat back the machinations of the device enemy by counter-devices, with one mind busying themselves in their own defence, now flinging down missiles, now lighted brimstone torches among them. When the wall was undermined by sappers working under shelter of 'a tortoise,' they compelled the enemy to retreat by Greek fire and a shower of boiling water. Suffering, howbeit, from scarcity of victual and the daily travail, they sent a messenger unto Brute, beseeching him to hasten to their assistance, for sore were they afeared lest they should he reduced by weakness to desert the fortress. Brute, therefore, anxious to come to their succour, is sore tormented inwardly for that he hath not enough men to adventure on delivering battle in the field. Howbeit, taking crafty counsel, he maketh resolve to attack the enemy's camp by night, and by deceiving the sentinels, to slay I them sleeping. But, for that he knew this could only be done with the assistance and assent of one of the Greeks, he called unto him Anacletus, the comrade of Antigonus, and, unsheathing his sword, spake unto him on this wise:—
'Most noble youth, thine own life and that of Antigonus are already at an end, save thou faithfully agree to execute that which I shall command thee according unto my will. For it is my purpose on this night following to attack the
A perilous stratagemcamp of the Greeks in such sort that I may inflict upon them an unexpected slaughter. But I fear me lest their sentinels should discover my secret intent, and that thus the enterprise be brought to nought. Wherefore, seeing that it behoveth us first of all to turn our arms against the watch, I am desirous of deceiving them by means of you, so that I may have safer passage for attacking the others. Do thou, therefore, acting warily as befitteth a matter of such weight, go to the guard at the second hour of the night, and allaying the suspicions of any by words of feigning, say that thou hast carried off Antigonus out of my dungeons unto a combe in the forest, and that he there lieth hidden among the under-wood, being unable to get any further on account of the fetters wherewith thou will feign that he is shackled. Then thou shalt guide them to the issue of the forest as if for the purpose of setting him free, and there will I be with a company of armed men ready to slay them.'
Anacletus, therefore, scared all the time by the sight of the sword, which during the time these words were spoken had been raised ready to slay hint, made promise by oath that he would execute this command on condition that longer life were granted unto Antigonus as well as himself. The covenant was at last confirmed, and at the second hour of the night, which was then just at hand, Anacletus started on his way towards the
But a successfulguard as he had been commanded. And when at last he arrived anigh the camp, the sentinels on every side who keep eye upon all the hidden corners of the places run up and ask him the cause of his coming, and whether he hath come in order to betray the army? Unto whom he, feigning the greatest joy, made answer: 'Of a truth I come not here as a traitor to mine own folk, but as one that hath escaped from the prison of the Trojans do I thus flee unto you, beseeching you that ye come with me to our Antigonus, whom I have rescued from the chains of Brute. Him, indeed, hindered by the weight of his shackles, have I but just now enjoined to lie hidden in the underwood by the issue of the forest until I could find some whom I can lead thither to set him free.' Whilst that they were still doubting whether he told truth, came up one who had known him aforetime, and after saluting him, told his comrades who he was. They thereupon, hesitating no longer, summoned the rest who were at a distance to come as swiftly as might be, and followed him as far as the wood, wherein, as he had told them before, Antigonus was hiding. While they, accordingly, were making their way through the brushwood, Brute, with his armed companies, cometh forth, and charging upon them soon inflicted a most terrible slaughter on the panic-stricken guard. Then he marched on to the leaguer, dividing his comrades into three companies, and commanding that each should approach the camp at a different point, prudently and without noise, but that after they had
A deadly signaleffected an entrance into the camp, they should refrain from slaughtering any until such time as he, with his own special company, had taken possession of the King's pavilion, when he would blow his own horn as a signal for them.
He further instructed them in what manner they were to do everything that was to be done. Forthwith they lightly make their way into the camp, and after fulfilling all that they have been commanded, await the promised signal, which Brute tarried not long to give as soon as he set foot without the pavilion of Pandrasus, which above all others he was burning to attack. When the signal was heard, they unsheath their swords as swiftly as may be, rush into the sleeping-tents of the drowsy enemy, redouble their death-dealing blows, and march in this wise, all pitiless, throughout the camp. The rest waken up at the groans of the dying, and are stricken helpless with dismay at the sight of the butchers, like sheep seized of a sudden by the wolves. For nought of protection did they think to find, seeing that they had not even time enow either to lay hands on their arms or to take to flight. They could but run without arms to and fro amidst armed men as sudden impulse might lead. But all the time they are being cut to pieces by the onslaught of their enemies. He that escaped half-alive, hurrying forth in his eagerness for flight was dashed to the ground
The King's life sparedamong the rocks and trees and brambles; and yielded up his unhappy soul together with his red blood. He that was furnished with a shield only, or other covering, dropped down through fear of death among the same rocks, or swiftly fleeing through the darkness of the night, fell, and in falling brake a leg or an arm. He to whom neither of these mischances befel, not knowing whither to fly, was drowned in the rushing of the neighbouring rivers. Scarce one departed unharmed without peril of any mishap. They within the fortress, moreover, when they knew of the arrival of their fellows in arms, issued forth and redoubled the slaughter that was wrought.
Now Brute, when he had obtained possession of the royal tent, was careful to bind the King and to keep him safe. For he knew that he could attain the object at which he aimed more readily by the King's life than by his death. But the company that were with him ceased not from the slaughter they made, which in the part of the camp they held had wrought a clearance that was nought less than extermination. When the night had thus been spent and the light of dawn revealed how mighty a loss had been inflicted on the people, Brute, in a very tempest of delight, now that the carnage was over, gave permission to his comrades to deal as they pleased with the spoils of the slain.
Mempricius speakethThen he entereth the fortress with the King, and there awaiteth until he should have distributed the treasure. When this was all allotted, he again garrisoned the castle and gave orders for the burial of the dead. He then again collected his troops and returned rejoicing in his victory to the forest. The tidings filled the hearts of his men with no less joy, and the doughty Duke, after summoning the elders, made inquiry of them what they thought ought to be demanded of Pandrasus, for, now that he was placed in their power, he would grant any petition they might make to the utmost, provided he were allowed to go free. Some of them at once proposed one thing, and some another, according to their inclinations. Part exhorted him to ask for a portion of the kingdom for them to dwell therein; part for leave to go their way elsewhere and for whatever might be of use to them upon the journey. And seeing that after a long while they still hesitated, one amongst them, Mempricius by name, rose up and besought silence, when he spake thus in the hearing of the rest:—
'Wherefore, fathers, do ye hesitate about that which, in my opinion, is most expedient for your own welfare? There is but one thing to be asked for, to wit, leave to depart, if ye desire that yourselves and your children should have lasting peace. For if it be that ye grant Pandrasus his life on condition that ye obtain a part of Greece, and so be minded to sojourn in the midst of the Danai, never will ye enjoy an enduring peace so long as the brethren and
His counsel takensons and grandsons of them upon whom ye inflicted the slaughter of yesterday remain intermingled amongst ye or are your next neighbours without. For so long as they remember the slaying of their kinsfolk they will hold ye always in eternal hatred, and taking offence at every the merest trifle, will do their best to wreak vengeance upon ye. Nor will ye, seeing that your host is the smaller, have strength to resist the aggressions of so many indwellers of the land. For if any strife for the mastery should arise, their numbers will wax daily while your own will wane. Mine opinion, therefore, is that ye ask of him his eldest daughter, whom they call Ignoge, as a wife for our Duke, and along with her gold and silver, ships and corn, and whatsoever else may be needful for our voyage. And if so be that he will grant her, we will then with his leave go on our way to. seek out other lands.'
When he had made an end of this speech, with more to the like effect, the whole assembly signified their assent, and counselled that Pandrasus be brought into their midst, and, save he should be favourable towards this their petition, should be condemned to a death as cruel as might be. No tarrying was there. He is brought thither and set in a chair on high, where he is instructed, moreover, what tortures he will have to suffer in case he refuse to do
Pandrasus yieldethaccording as he is commanded. Whereupon he made answer on this wise:—
'Forasmuch as the gods are against me, and have delivered me and my brother Anacletus into your hands, needs must I grant your petition, lest in case ye should meet with a denial we lose the life which ye have the power to give or to take away as ye may choose. For nought hold I better nor dearer than life, nor is it marvel that I should be willing to ransom it at the price of any outward goods and possessions. Wherefore, albeit against my will, I will obey your orders. Some comfort, nevertheless, seem I to have in this, that I shall give my daughter unto a youth of such prowess, whom the nobility that doth now burgeon within him no less than his renown which hath been made known to us, do declare to be a scion of the house of Priam and Anchises. For who but he could have delivered the exiles of Troy, the bondsmen of so many and such mighty princes, from their chains? Who but he could have urged them to successful resistance against the nation of the Greeks? Who but he with so few would have challenged to battle so mighty a host of armed warriors and at the first onset have led away their King in fetters? But sith that a youth so noble and of so mighty prowess hath been able to withstand me, I give him my daughter Ignoge. I give him, moreover, gold and silver, ships, corn, wine and oil, and whatsoever ye shall deem needful for your journey. And if it be that ye turn aside from your present purpose, and be minded to abide
Brute weddeth Ignogewith the Greeks, I yield ye the third part of my kingdom wherein to dwell. But if otherwise, I will fulfil my first promises in deeds, and that ye may have the fuller assurance, with you will I remain as hostage until I shall have done all things whereunto I have pledged me.'
The agreement thus confirmed, envoys are directed to gather ships together from all the shores of Greece. These, when they were assembled to the number of three hundred and twenty-four, are duly presented and laden with provision of all sorts. The daughter is married to Brute, and each man, according as his rank demanded, was presented with gold and silver. All his promises exactly fulfilled, the King is set free from prison; and at the same time the Trojans depart from his dominions with a prosperous wind. But Ignoge, standing on the lofty poop of the ship, falleth swooning again and again into the arms of Brute, and with sobbing and shedding of tears lamenteth to forsake her kinsfolk and her country; nor turneth she her eyes away from the shore, so long as the shore itself is in sight. Brute, the while, soothing her with gentle words, at one time foldeth her in a sweet embrace, or at another kisseth her as sweetly, nor doth he slacken his endeavour to comfort her until, weary with weeping, she falleth at last on sleep.
In the meanwhile, what with these and other matters, they ran on together for two days and a night with a fair current of wind, and drew to land at a certain island called Leogecia, which had been uninhabited ever since it was laid waste
A deserted cityby pirates in the days of old. Howbeit, Brute sent three hundred men inland to discover by whom it might be inhabited. Who, finding not a soul, slew such venison of divers kinds as they found in the glades and the forests. They came, moreover, to a certain deserted city, wherein they found a temple of Diana. Now in this temple was an image of the goddess, that gave responses, if haply it were asked of any votary that there did worship. At last they returned to their ships, laden with the venison they had found, and report to their comrades the lie of the land and the situation of the city, bearing the Duke on hand that he make repair unto the temple, and after making offerings of propitiation, inquire of the deity of the place what land she would grant them as a fixed abiding place. By the common consent of all, therefore, Brute took with him Gerion the augur, and twelve of the elders, and sought out the temple, bringing with them everything necessary for making sacrifice. When they arrived they surrounded their brows with garlands, and set up three altars according to immemorial wont, before the holy place, to the three Gods, Jove, to wit, and Mercury as well as to Diana, and made unto each his own special libation. Brute himself, holding in his right hand a vessel full of sacrificial wine and the blood of a white hind before the altar of the goddess, with face upturned towards her image, broke silence in these words:—
[paragraph continues] After he had nine times repeated this, he walked four times round the altar, poured forth the wine he held upon the hearth of offering, laid him down upon the fell of a hind that he had stretched in front of the altar, and after invoking slumber fell on sleep. For as at that time it was the third hour of the night, wherein are mortals visited by the sweetest sleep. Then it seemed him the goddess stood there before him, and spake unto him on this wise:—
[paragraph continues] On awakening from such a vision, the Duke remained in doubt whether it were a dream that he had seen, or whether it were the living goddess herself who had thus foretold the land whereunto he should go. At last he called his companions and related unto them from first to last all that had befallen him in his sleep. They thereupon were filled with exceeding great joy, and advise that they should at once turn back to their ships, and while the wind is still blowing fair, should get under way as quickly as possible full sail for the West in search of that land which the goddess had promised. Nor did
A voyage of adventurethey tarry. They rejoin their comrades and launch out into the deep, and after ploughing the waves for a run of thirty days, made the coast of Africa, still not knowing in which direction to steer their ships. Then came they to the Altars of the Phileni, and the place of the Salt-pans, steering from thence betwixt Ruscicada and the mountains Azarae, where they encountered sore peril from an attack by pirates. Natheless, they won the victory, and went on their way enriched by the spoil and plunder they had taken.
From thence, passing the mouth of the river Malva, they arrived in Mauritania, where lack of food and drink compelled them to disembark, and dividing themselves into companies, they harried the whole region from end to end. When they had revictualled their ships, they made sail for the Columns of Hercules, where they saw many of the monsters of the deep called Sirens, which surrounded the ships and well-nigh overwhelmed them. Howbeit, they made shift to escape, and came to the Tyrrhene sea, where they found nigh the shore four generations born of the exiles from Troy, who had borne Antenor company in his flight. Their Duke was called Corineus, a sober-minded man and excellent in counsel, mighty in body, valiance and hardiness, insomuch as that if it were he had to deal with a giant in single combat he would straightway
Corineus goeth a-huntingoverthrow him as though he were wrestling with a lad. Accordingly, when they knew the ancient stock whereof he was born, they took him into their company, as well as the people whereof he was chieftain, that in after-days were called Cornishmen after the name of their Duke. He it was that in all encounters was of more help to Brute than were any of the others.
Then came they to Aquitaine, and entering into the mouth of the Loire, cast anchor there. Here they abode seven days and explored the lie of the land. Goffarius Pictus then ruled in Aquitaine, and was King of the country, who, hearing the rumour of a foreign folk that had come with a great fleet and had landed within the frontier of his dominions, sent envoys to make inquiry whether their demanded peace or war? While the legates were on their way to the fleet, they met Corineus who had just landed with two hundred men to hunt for venison in the forest. Thereupon they accost him, and ask him by whose leave he hath thus trespassed into the King's forest to slay his deer? And when Corineus made them answer, that in such a matter no leave nor license whatever could be held as needful, one of their number, Imbert by name, rushed forward, and drawing his bow, aimed an arrow at him. Corineus avoided the arrow, and ran in upon Imbert as fast as he might, and with the bow that he carried all-to-brake his head in pieces. Thereupon the rest fled, just making shift to escape his hands, and reported the death of their fellow to Goffarius. The Duke of the Poitevins, taking the matter
Corineus: his prowesssorely to heart, forthwith assembled a mighty host to take vengeance upon them for the death of his messenger. Brute, hearing tidings of his coming, set guards over his ships, bidding the women and children remain on board, while he himself along with the whole flower of his army marcheth forth to meet the enemy. When the engagement at last began, the fighting is fierce on both sides, and after they had spent a great part of the day in battling, Corineus thought it shame that the Aquitanians should hold their ground so stoutly, and the Trojans not be able to press forward to the victory. So taking heart afresh, he called his own men apart to the right of the battle, and forming them in rank made a rapid charge upon the enemy, and when, with his men in close order, he had broken the front ranks, he never stinted striking down the enemy till he had cut his way right through the battalion and forced them all to flee. Good luck had supplied the place of a sword he lost with a battle-axe, wherewith he cleft in twain any that came next him from the crown of the head right down to the girdlestead. Brute marvels; his comrades and even the enemy marvel at the hardihood and valour of the man, who, brandishing his battle-axe among the flying host, added not a little to their terror by shouting, 'Whither fly ye, cowards? Whither fly ye, cravens? Turn back, I tell ye, turn, and do battle with Corineus! Shame upon ye! So many thousands as are ye, do ye flee before my single arm? Flee then! and take with ye at least this comfort in your flight, that it is I who am after ye,
[paragraph continues] Goffarius vanquishedI who ere now have so oft been wont to drive the Tyrrhene giants in flight before me, and to hurl them to hell by threes and fours at a time!'
At these words of his a certain earl named Subardus with three hundred men turned back and charged down upon him. But Corineus, in raising his shield to ward the blow, forgat not the battle-axe he held in his hand. Lifting it overhead, he smote him a buffet upon the top of his helmet that cleft him right through into two halves. After this, he straightway rusheth in amongst the rest, whirling his axe, and a passing furious slaughter he maketh. Hurrying hither and thither, he avoideth receiving a single stroke, but never resteth a moment from smiting down his enemies. Of one he loppeth off hand and arm, of another he cleaveth the shoulders from the body, of another he striketh off the head at a single blow, of another he severeth the legs from the thigh. All dash headlong upon him only; he dasheth headlong in upon them all. Brute, who beholdeth all this, glowing with love of the man, hurrieth forward with a company to succour him. Then ariseth a mighty shouting betwixt the two peoples—the strokes are redoubled, and passing bloody is the slaughter on the one side and the other. But it endureth not long. The Trojans win the day, and drive King Goffarius and his
[paragraph continues] A battle nigh ToursPoitevins in flight before them. Goffarius, escaping by the skin of his teeth, betook him into the parts of Gaul to have succour of his kinsfolk and acquaintance. At that time twelve kings there were in Gaul, each of equal rank, under whose dominion the whole country was ruled. They all received him kindly, and with one accord did pledge them to drive out from the frontiers of Aquitaine this foreign folk that had arrived there.
Brute, overjoyed at the said victory, enriched his comrades with the spoils of the slain, ant after again forming the ranks in companies. he leadeth his host inland with the intention of sacking the whole country and loading his ship, with the countless treasure. Accordingly, he burneth the cities in all directions, fire after fire, and ransacketh their hidden hoards; even the fields are laid waste, and citizen and countryman alike are subjected to a piteous slaughter, his aim being to exterminate the unhappy race to the last man. But after that he had thus visited with bloodshed well-nigh the whole of Aquitaine, he came unto the place where now standeth the city of Tours, which, as Homer beareth witness, he afterwards himself builded. Finding after diligent survey that the place was convenient as a refuge, he there decided to pitch his camp, so that if need were he could betake him thereinto. For sore misgiving had he by reason of the
Goffarius boastetharrival of Goffarius, who had marched into the neighbourhood along with the Kings and Princes of Gaul and a mighty host of armed warriors to do battle against him. When his camp was fully finished, he awaited Goffarius for two days therein, confident alike in his own prudence and in the hardihood of the young men whereof he was the chieftain.
Now, when Goffarius heard of the Trojans being there, he advanced by forced marches day and night until he came well within sight of Brute's camp. Gazing grimly thereon, yet somewhat smiling withal, he burst forth into these words: 'Alas! what grievous destiny is here? Have these ignoble exiles pitched their camp within dominions of mine? To arms, ye warriors to arms! and charge through their serried ranks! Right soon may we take captive this herd of half-men like sheep and hold them in bondage throughout our realm!' Forthwith, all they that he had brought with him leapt to arms, and marched upon their enemies ranked in twelve battalions. But not after any woman wise did Brute range his men and march to meet them. Prudently instructing his troops as to what they were to do, how to advance, and in what order to hold their ground, he gives the word to charge. At the first onset, the Trojans for a time had the upper hand, and fearful was the slaughter they made of the enemy, for nigh
Corineus: his stratagemtwo thousand of them fell, and the rest were so daunted at the sight that they all but turned to flee. But where the numbers of men are the greater, there the more often doth victory abide. In this case, therefore, the Gauls, albeit that at first they were beaten back, yet being thrice so many as their enemies, made shift to form themselves again in rank and charged in again on every side against the Trojans, whom they compelled after much bloodshed to take refuge in the camp. Having thus obtained the victory, they beleaguered them within the camp, never thinking but that before they departed thence the besieged would either offer their necks to the fetters, or suffer a cruel and lingering death from the pangs of hunger. In the meanwhile, on the night following, Corineus entered into counsel with Brute, and agreed with him that he would issue forth of the camp that same night by certain secret byways, and would lie hidden in the neighbouring forest until daybreak. And when Brute, issuing forth just before dawn, should be engaged in battle with the enemy, he himself with his company should attack them in the rear, and charging in upon them put them to the sword. Brute applauded this device of Corineus, who, cautiously issuing forth as he had proposed with three thousand men, betook him to the depths of the forest. Accordingly, when the morrow morning began to break, Brute ordained his men in companies, and opening the gates of the camp, marched forth to battle. The Gauls straightway set themselves to oppose him, and disposing their troops in battle array
How Tours city was namedcame to close quarters with him. Many thousands of men are at once cut down on both sides, and many are the wounds given and received, for not a man spareth his adversary. It chanced that a certain Trojan was there present named Turonus, a nephew of Brute's, than whom was none more valiant and hardy save only Corineus himself. He with his single sword slew no less than six hundred men. Unhappily he was slain before his time by a sudden onslaught of the Gauls; and the foresaid city of Tours acquired the name thereof by reason of his being there buried. And while the troops on both sides were in the very thickest of the battle, Corineus came upon them of a sudden and charged the enemy at the double in the rear. Straightway the others, pressing forward from the front, renew the attack more hotly and strain them to the utmost to complete the slaughter. The Gauls were aghast with dismay even at the very shout of the Cornishmen as they charged in on the rear, and thinking that they were more in number than they were, fled, hot foot, from the field. The Trojans are on their heels, hewing them down in pursuit, nor cease they to follow them up until the victory is their own. Brute, nevertheless, albeit he were right glad at heart to have achieved so signal a triumph, was sore grieved by anxiety on one account, for he saw that, whilst his own numbers were minished daily, those of the Gauls were daily multiplied. Wherefore, seeing it was doubtful whether he could any longer hold out against them, he chose rather to retire to his
Brute landeth at Totnesships while the greater part of his army was still whole and the glory of the victory still fresh, and to set sail in quest of the island which the divine monition had prophesied should be his own. Nor was there any tarriance. With the assent of his men, he returned to his fleet, and after loading his ships with all the treasures and luxuries he had acquired, he re-embarked, and with a prosperous wind sought out the promised island, where he landed at last in safety at Totnes.
At that time the name of the island was Albion, and of none was it inhabited save only of a few giants. Natheless the pleasant aspect of the land, with the abundance of fish in the rivers and deer in the choice forests thereof did fill Brute and his companions with no small desire that they should dwell therein. Wherefore, after exploring certain districts of the land, they drove the giants they found to take refuge in the caverns of the mountains, and divided the country among them by lot according as the Duke made grant thereof. They begin to till the fields, and to build them houses in such sort that after a brief space ye might have thought it had been inhabited from time immemorial. Then, at last, Brute calleth the island Britain, and his companions Britons, after his own name, for he was minded that his memory should be perpetuated in the derivation of the name. Whence afterward the country
The giant Goemagotspeech, which was aforetime called Trojan or crooked Greek, was called British. But Corineus called that share of the kingdom which had fallen unto him by lot Cornwall, after the manner of his own name, and the people Cornishmen, therein following the Duke's example. For albeit that he might have had the choice of a province before all the others that had come thither, yet was he minded rather to have that share of the land which is now called Cornwall, whether from being, as it is, the cornu or horn of Britain, or from a corruption of the said name Corineus. For nought gave him greater pleasure than to wrestle with the giants, of whom was greater plenty there than in any of the provinces that had been shared amongst his comrades. Among others was a certain hateful one by name Goemagot, twelve cubits in height, who was of such lustihood, that when he had once uprooted it, he would wield an oak tree as lightly as it were a wand of hazel. On a certain day when Brute was holding high festival to the gods in the port whereat he had first landed, this one, along with a score other giants, fell upon him and did passing cruel slaughter on the British. Howbeit, at the last, the Britons collecting together from all quarters prevailed against them and slew them all, save Goemagot only. Him Brute had commanded to be kept alive, as he was minded to see a wrestling bout betwixt him and Corineus, who was beyond measure keen to match himself against such monsters. So Corineus, overjoyed at the prospect, girt
New Troy foundedhimself for the encounter, and flinging away his arms, challenged him to a bout at wrestling. At the start, on the one side stands Corineus, on the other the giant, each hugging the other tight in the shackles of their arms, both making the very air quake with their breathless gasping. It was not long before Goemagot, grasping Corineus with all his force, brake him three of his ribs, two on the right side and one on the left. Roused thereby to fury, Corineus gathered up all his strength, heaved him up on his shoulders and ran with his burden as fast as he could for the weight to the seashore nighest at hand. Mounting up to the top of a high cliff, and disengaging himself, he hurled the deadly monster he had carried on his shoulder into the sea, where, falling on the sharp rocks, he was mangled all to pieces and dyed the waves with his blood, so that ever thereafter that place from the flinging down of the giant hath been known as Lamgoemagot, to wit, 'Goemagot's Leap,' and is called by that name unto this present day.
After that he had seen his kingdom, Brute was minded to build him a chief city, and following out his intention, he went round the whole circuit of the land in search of a fitting site. When he came to the river Thames, he walked along the banks till he found the very spot best suited to his purpose. He therefore founded his city there and called it New Troy,
London and King Ludand by this name was it known for many ages thereafter, until at last, by corruption of the word, it came to be called Trinovantum. But afterward, Lud, the brother of Cassibelaunus, who fought-with Julius Cæsar, possessed him of the helm of the kingdom, and surrounded the city with right noble walls, as well as with towers builded with marvellous art, commanding that it should be called Kaerlud, that is, the City of Lud, after his own name. Whence afterward a contention arose betwixt him and his brother Nennius, who took it ill that he should be minded to do away the name of Troy in his own country. But since Gildas, the historian, hath treated of this contention at sufficient length, I have chosen the rather to pass it over, lest that which so great a writer hath already set forth in so eloquent a style, I should only seem to besmirch in mine own homelier manner of speech.
Accordingly, when the aforesaid Duke founded the said city, he granted it as of right unto the citizens that should dwell therein, and gave them a law under which they should be peacefully entreated. At that time Eli the priest reigned in Judæa, and the Ark of the Covenant was taken by the Philistines. The sons of Hector reigned in Troy, having driven out the descendants of Antenor. In Italy reigned Sylvius Æneas, the son of Æneas and uncle of Brute, he being the third of the Latin kings.