Hello Dear
Family & Friends! Xin chao!
(Hello - Vietnamese Kinh)
"Sometimes your
joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the
source of your joy."
(Thich Nhat Hanh
-Vietnamese monk and teacher)

When landing in Hanoi, capitol of
Northern Vietnam, it was as if the tape of our lives was suddenly
switched to fast forward. Beep, honk, beep! This never
sleeping city keeps you on your toes, as thousands of 'moto' bike
drivers get you in their sites and barely miss you while crossing a
street. Traffic lights mean nothing and if there is an empty
space someone quickly fills it - even if they are coming diagonally
across the intersection, in the wrong direction. After waiting
in vain for a safe time to cross one soon discovers that there isn't a good time. Like
Indiana Jones on his last crusade, you have to just step out into
the void, knowing that you will get caught up in the flow and burped
out on the other side. Wandering through the haven of the many lake
side parks and side
streets with descriptive names like Chan Cam - string
instruments, Hang Dao - silk dyers, Hang Mam - pickled fish, Hang
Ruoi - clam worms, Lo Su - coffins, or Thuoc Bac - herbal medicine,
is a fun way to explore Hanoi. This once elegant city, with
sights such as the Confucius Literature Temple (founded in 1070A.D. -
30 years before Paris was incorporated) or the ancient art of Water
Puppetry, was barely visible through the haze. We woke up coughing
each morning, the price of modernization as everyone has traded in
their pedal bikes for a new shiny 'moto'. Luckily we found our niche and blended into life in
a quaint side alley. We would sit out on our French Colonial balcony, like
birds on a wire, watching the comings and goings at all hours.
Just across the triangle 'intersection from Hell' was the big area
market with everything we needed, or didn't. It got so that we
would make eye contact then step into the wave of traffic, always
bobbing up on the other side. I soon discovered that the
eldest generation of Grandmas adjacent to our guesthouse asked the
same exorbitant price for everything - whether it was a single
potato or a whole bag
full of produce. The winking of the younger family members clued me in
and they became our personal next door market. All four
generations gave me a hug or clasped hands when we left and a chorus
of "Good bye Madame" was heard from all the 'moto' bike drivers and
the baguette vendors as we rolled into the sunset. Hanoi has a
lot to offer but take a big, deep breath of clean air before you arrive.
Having bought a six month Vietnamese visa in Laos
we have time and more time to explore this fascinating country.
Taking the slow, arduous route around northwest Vietnam found us staying in
Son La, Dien Bien Phu, and Tam Duong. All with the feeling of
frontier outposts they were connected by miles of winding, bumpy roads
meandering through scenic mountain landscapes. A rare
combination of high altitude and tropical latitude, the north is
rich in biodiversity. After dusting
ourselves off and finding a decent hotel for a hot shower, we would
spend time exploring the town, the markets full of bright ethnic
outfits, then expand to the surrounding villages in the
countryside. Often the buses themselves were crowded with hats and
dresses of all descriptions and we would have hours of fun just 'smoozing' with our new traveling partners. When the bus would screech
to a halt and pick up a passenger at a remote village they would get
on, staring at the apparition before them. One friendly black
hat Thai
woman, named Bu Hu sat next to me, practically on my lap and held my
hand tight for over two hours. We exchanged the usual info on
age, how many babies, showing our photos, etc. and I ended up giving
her a bracelet off my arm when she got off. Her warmth and smile still
paint a vivid picture in my mind. It is so easy to have these
close encounters on public buses. It is perplexing why
tourists pay exorbitant amounts to cram into a tour minibus of fellow
westerners and get carted out to a nearby "remote" village to have a
"genuine" experience with the tribes people; snapping photos in
mass, as if visiting a zoo. Find out where the closest weekly
market is. Catch the local bus there and share experiences
like bargaining for vegetables or buying supplies elbow to elbow at
the many stalls. Do what the locals do. They love it
when you walk around with bags full of fruit or vegetables; later
sitting down at a stall for a cup of tea or on a rock next to the
colorful lady selling fresh roasted peanuts. It takes a
minimum of 10 women, for instance, to help you find where to buy
more green beans for making sprouts. By then you have shared a
common experience and they are proud of their new friends, often
inviting us to sit down with them or have a cup of tea. It's
so easy, even without a common language. Give it a try.
Experience their life and their country. It works both ways;
give the locals the gift of a positive experience with
a foreigner.
After 10 days of only seeing two
other travelers we were surprised to be dropped into the beehive of
Sa Pa. Joseph found us a wonderful room
overlooking Mt. Fansipan, 3143m., the highest in Vietnam. As the
mist rolled back and forth across the mountainside we caught
glimpses of the steep rice terraces and what treats were in store on
a clear day. Supposedly a
good time to visit this former French hill station, the weather
didn't cooperate. Downpours made the trails to the villages
ankle deep in mud. Still the warmth and friendliness of
the local ethnic villagers and the colorful market made up for the
cool, misty weather. We were lucky enough to be there for
the gala Children's Autumn Light Festival. Music and dancing
on stage in the town square at night was followed by a parade of
large, intricate floats of all shapes and sizes (some 20 ft. high)
lit from within, reflecting the excitement in the air. The following
day began with a royal procession of elders in elaborate costumes then a full day of games
such as tug of war, crossbow shooting, pole pushing; pitting one
village against another rival village. The crowds went wild and we spent hours
just soaking it all in. There is a rare combination of old and
new in Sa Pa as the new infrastructure provides good restaurants and
hotels while the tribes people from surrounding villages hang out
selling their handicrafts. If you say "No, thank you" and
smile they get the hint without harassing. One fun thing is that even though the
pillbox hat Black Hmong
girls aren't educated past grade 6 (After all why do wives need to
be educated?) they have taught themselves good English just from
talking to the tourists and love to practice it. We spent many hours visiting with the
girls and finding out about
village life while hanging with them at the market, sharing fruit, or walking around the lake together.
These ingenious women grow flax for their clothing and can be seen
continually spinning the fiber by hand. This thread is woven
into strips on hand looms and dyed with natural dyes such as the
dark blue from the leaves of the indigo tree. It is quite
comical to see their hands bright blue, green or yellow from a
recent dye session, not to mention an occasional tie-dyed tourist in
the rain! The clothes are then stitched by hand and months
later decorated with intricate embroidery and silver beads.
Maybe that trip to Ross's or your favorite department store doesn't seem so bothersome after
Several of our young friends,
at 15, were all dressed up and heading to the "Love Market".
In their finery the young girls are suddenly surrounded by a circle
of young men singing songs, playing lip pipes or stringed
instruments and giving gifts. If the girl is interested in a
suitor she will give him a small gift of acknowledgment. She
is later 'abducted' from her family home by her suitor and his
friends. Taken to his village she spends several days with him
and the family. If all is well she is returned home and the
husband-to-be begins preparations for their upcoming wedding.
Sometimes the girls are matched by parents to future husbands but
they told us they always have the final say. These rituals may
seem a bit odd to us but can you imagine how strange internet dating
with perfect strangers, often thousands of miles apart, might appear
to them?
Many fascinating ethnic groups call
Northern Vietnam their home. Coined the Tonkinese Alps by the French, most of this rugged area was first explored by Jesuit
missionaries, who were thankfully unsuccessful in their attempts to
convert local tribes. The Hmong who migrated from China during
the 19th century come in all flavors: black, white, red, green, and
flowery, all proudly sporting different hats and costumes.
Most tribes are king of the hill and inhabit the higher altitudes,
cultivating dry rice and medicinal herbs (including opium).
The Red Dzao (Zao, Dao) in the same region are noted for Ban Ho, the
worship of spirits (not
Uncle Ho the country's idol), at times
involving animal sacrifice rituals. The women shave the front
of their heads and the long flowing hair is wrapped in large red
turbans. They wear their wealth in the form of coins and
silver beads sewn to their handmade costumes. Other northern hills people we
were able to enjoy were the colorful La Ha, Big Ban and Pu Peo.
A surprise at every bend, you simply never knew who would walk onto
the bus or be waiting around the corner, all as fascinated to look
at you as you were with them.
We are market driven. The lure of
better weather, down out of the clouds of Sa Pa, brought us to Bac
Ha, for yet another surprising Sunday market. Completely
different ethnic groups were represented, with the colorful Flowery Hmong being the most numerous. This incredible market was a
flurry of activity as tribes people from the surrounding villages
walked or rode horse carts to buy or sell goods and catch up on the
latest hilltop gossip. Girls wear their best costume and hat,
in hopes of attracting a glance from young suitors plainly dressed
in hand made outfits, sporting new bowl cuts and a bright pair of
mud friendly
plastic shoes. As in Sa Pa, on Monday the tourists disappear along with
the hand full of weekend market tour buses. The town was deserted
and all ours midweek. We walked and walked in the surrounding
countryside and valleys, keeping to the new narrow paved roads and
avoiding knee deep mud in places. We met several tourists who
insisted on trudging through the goop to have a village experience.
Not necessary, we found many villages up the side valleys and quickly acquired a new found respect for pavement or concrete.
This development has freed hills people from the annual curse of
being knee deep in mud. While on our best hike up a mountain
past Ban Pho Village (keep to the paved road) Joseph helped a jovial
ethnic woman bang the dried corn off the cobs, boys were riding
water buffalos to an impromptu soccer match, and a whole school yard of
little tiny children were whirling about in brightly colored miniature outfits. We followed the road
through the misty mountains until the pavement ended. There we were
invited under a tarp set up by the side of the road. With a
warm "Welcome to my home", we were greeted by 5 men and 1 woman and
served a piping hot cup of tea, followed by 3 or 4 cobs of freshly
boiled corn. The hospitality in these primitive surroundings
left us speechless. We cut a pomegraten from our bag
into 8 sections and our new friends slowly savored each seed.
With over 4 miles back to town before dark we had to leave amid
strong pleading that we share dinner with them. We have so much to
learn from these simple, generous folks.
While on an early morning ride
through the misty mountains from Bac Ha
to Can Cau, we saw the glow of the sun rising ahead. The brilliant
burst of color was in actuality a collage of brightly colored Flowery Hmong women bustling about in the
mountain top market.
Their outfits are exquisitely embroidered, with layer after
layer of hand work making the full skirt and matching top one of the
most elaborate we have seen. Like walking kaleidoscopes these
lovely women waltz around resembling hollyhocks with babies strapped behind,
toddlers in tow, tiny young girls walking alongside and baskets
overflowing with recent market acquisitions. We walked with
villagers back along the road towards Bac Ha and caught a sardine
can posing as a bus, which was
absolutely jammed packed with market bundles and hats of every description. Four
to five
to a seat and aisles packed we laughed and jostled our way back to
continue our week long stay in Bac Ha.
Our most notorious price gouge to date
was an asking price of 240,000VND ($15USD) for a kilo of carrots.
I just laughed in disbelief and walked across the aisle to a young
honest looking girl named Heiu and purchased our large bag of
vegetables from her; carrots 10VND (75 cents) a kilo. Each afternoon for
a week the crooked vendor across the way got to watch longingly at
her missed business. I would sit with Heiu before buying
vegetables everyday and
teach her a little English. When we left we gave her an English
book of 17th century Chinese short stories, a romantic comedy DVD
and a photo. With tears in her eyes we said goodbye.
Honesty has its rewards.
admit that Vietnam may be a challenge at times for the faint of
heart or thin skinned traveler but don't listen to any
disgruntled reports of this stimulating
country. Spend some time with remote country folk before
passing a verdict. As the Aboriginal peoples of Australia say,
"Observe and Allow." Go past the tourist weary touts and find
the smiles hidden around every corner. There seems to be a
rule of thumb in Vietnam that tourists have money and thus should be
charged double the price of a local. If they were creative and
only added 10-30% they would have more success.
Practice your bargaining skills before arriving. We ALWAYS get
the price of a bus ride from the ticket office, and even have them
write it down if they won't sell us a ticket. This we compare
with other passengers before boarding, as the whole bus gets bullied
into saying the higher price once the charade begins. Armed
with this information we turn our potential upset into a game,
wagging our fingers at the bus sidekicks and laughingly conveying, "You are a real
'scalawag', 'bad monkey' (a term we call each other) or whatever.
We know you can't help yourself, but
this is one tourist you aren't going to cheat! Here's the
25,000 VND you deserve and No, you can't have double or triple that
amount!" Pouting, they acquiesce and the whole bus often
bursts into laughter. If we ever run into an English speaking
person we ask prices for everything and get them to put it in
writing. It cuts down on hassles. Traveling in Vietnam
makes one pay more attention. Hopefully you will never adopt
the 'weary tourist mode of thinking' that compares prices at home
and just pays whatever is asked. Flashing money around only
destroys the economy and promotes future corruption, not to mention
encouraging begging. People start expecting to get paid for
their help or kindness and the days of simply lending a hand fall by
the wayside. As one travels it is easy to encourage or reward
honest business people in many ways. Be creative. Maybe those
prone to cheat will realize that tourists don't like it, it hurts
their business and will turn over a new leaf. A traveler
recently told us that his friend's impression of China was that all
the shop keepers tried to charge you double or triple the price.
(All entrance and transportation fees are set and posted in China;
wish they were in Vietnam). Once you understand the Chinese
culture you realize that they start with a high price and expect you
to counter with about one third and bargain hard until the final
price is settled on. In Vietnam bargaining is the norm but all
within a closer price range. Also they will say take it or
leave it, and turn away like an aloof cat; something that rarely
happens with the astute Chinese business people. Once you figure out
what a fair price is for an item shopping gets easier. Understanding the culture you are
exploring helps alleviate misunderstandings. A dislike of
bargaining, the expected norm, causes problems when visiting many
countries. Some travelers we have met would rather frequent
the trendy little fixed price shops and pay two to ten times the
going amount just to avoid the hassle of bargaining. Money
goes into the pockets of these bigger businesses rather than the
small vendors who really need it. To each his own but when in
Rome... And so it
Northcentral Vietnam. As usual it is great to hear from you,
even a few lines are appreciated. Glad you are enjoying
tagging along on our travels. Until then Keep Smiling and pass
your joy to those around you. Take care.
Love, xoxoox Nancy & Joseph
Travel notes:
$1.00US = 16,000 VND
Vietnamese Dong
Visas: Always keep
asking until you get the answer you want. Answers to
our enquiries on Vietnamese visas ranged from only one
month available for $60US - to 6 months for $130, after
the 3rd phone call by a travel agent. Agents can often
arrange for special visas, charging a little payola fee
on the side. This saves having to go in and out of the
border for renewal, which definitely costs more.
Embassies are often by the book and time consuming.
Malaria: Take the
responsibility of your health into your own hands. Do extensive
research before taking dangerous immunizations or chemical drugs for
traveling. Concentrate instead on building and keeping a
strong immune system. (See March 06 for ideas). This is your
best prevention. For mosquitoes cover up at dawn and dusk and sleep under nets if
necessary. Although in much of Vietnam there isn't a problem
with malaria, they, along with China, produce the new, effective
Artemisia herb based medication that is in high demand world wide
(unknown in the U.S.). Unlike all the usually prescribed
chemical prophylactics with horrible side effects, there are simply
no complications. We searched high and low and thanks to the
good folks at the Bodega Hotel finally found a supplier. Keep
in your first aid kit and take for 5 days at the onset, possibly in
combination with Doxycycline. (Artesunat or Artemisiad:
$4 per prescription versus $9 a pill for Malarone, or $100 for
Larium, or similar. Walk towards the lake on Hang Bong St.
(number 119), from the Bodega Hotel.
A small modern looking pharmacy on the
corner, same side, 3 or 4 blocks down).
Bodega Hang Bong Hotel,133
Hang Bong Str., phone # 84 4903 1771, Five minutes
from Hoan Kiem Lake, the staff is very helpful. Quiet, air con rooms
only, $7-12(some rooms without windows) (dorms also).
Guesthouse Tam Thuong, in the heart of a
busy alley, 37 Yen Thai Str., phone # (844-4) 82827417, $7-$10 a night
for the newer right side,
get a room with a balcony overlooking the alley (2nd
floor) or quieter 3rd floor. Very helpful,
friendly, honest and they can arrange tours.
Com Chay Nang Tam Vegetarian
Restaurant, 79A Tran Hung Dao phone # 04 9424140.
(Give the supposed branch cafe in Old Town a miss).
Sa Pa:
Anh Dao Hotel $6 a night
phone #0913360037- across from the Delta Restaurant.
Quijen, Dao, and all the girls will make you feel at
home, although English is limited. No. 402 has wooden floors,
old fireplace and fantastic mountain views.
Bac Ha:
Suoi Hoa Guesthouse -
Dentist, fine men's clothing, film and watch repair,
guesthouse and Karaoke. A real full service agency. #301
is worn but
overlooking the market. 80,000VND.
Can Cau:
The perfect market to visit by public bus. Take the 8am bus from Bac Ha town square to
Can Cau.
Catch the same bus back about 11:30 or a later one about 1pm. |