There is much to be said
about these kinds of experiences. My experience with them has been
one of pure and total submersion into creative intelligence, love and universal
potential. As far as I am concerned, the out-of-body experience is
a very real experience. If you have had them, you will agree that
we are the occupants of a physical body. The out-of-body experience
gives us what most religious faiths cannot. A peek into our eternity,
and a taste of the after-life, and a truth seeking potential unlike anything
I have found physically in my life.
My view of the future is
one where we are spending more time as a collective race of beings who
are both physically creating in this reality, as much as we are sharing
in all the wonderful gifts that existence brings to us as consciousness.
The first out-of-body experience I had was completely spontaneous, and
it is connected and related to everything in this course. Out-of-body
research is a wonderful tool in personal investigations with one's self.
An out-of-body experience
is a state of being where the non-physical part our human consciousness
no longer occupies the physical body and has seemingly unlimited potential
for exploration of both the physical universe, and the non-physical universes
which we all occupy.
From my experience, and my
opinion. Once we close our eyes to go to sleep, we begin to phase
outside of the space/time physical universe into the non-physical universes
where dreams, out-of-body experiences and our final destination after the
physical body is no longer functional. The out-of-body experience
tends to be clearer than lucid dreams. A person usually knows or
senses the shift outside the body into the non-physical states associated
with this experience.
Lucid Dreams are a way for
our current conscious mind to comfortably accept existing in something
other than physical waking reality. Since the dream territories exist
outside space/time and touch on other aspects that are accessible via an
out-of-body experience. Lucid Dreams are a more comfortable way to
say one is out-of-body.
The first body is like a
perfect jelly mold of our current physical form. This body is most
common to all of us since we associate our consciousness as being a physical
body. This body also encompasses some of the dream qualities we have
in a lucid dream. The body has limitations, is affected mildly by
gravity and electromagnetic currents and tends to have limited range.
The second body which I
have some experience with, is void of form. It is more to who we
are as a system of consciousness. This body can appear like a small
ball of light or just a humanoid blob if we desire it. This body
is more a state of pure consciousness and really doesn't require any spatial
form. We can move to higher layers of consciousness in this body.
Time/space travel is more optimal for long range travel through time and
I recommend reading
Robert A. Monroe's "Far Journeys", as he tends to create a clear picture
of what the layers are. Whatever I have experienced while in a clear
out-of-body state, seems to support his claims. Therefore, I recommend
his books in addition to just reading this course.
R. A. Monroe paints a very clear, detailed picture of human experience
in this book. The layers that he observes vary depending on where
you are in the non-physical territories. The higher up you go the
more outside of time and space you become.
This is something that
we will work to understand. For now, we will focus on a our total
conscious self as one of these beings that we work more intensely with.
There are other conscious beings out there that are not human, but we all
share similar trends in the fact we are all conscious beings with the ability
to think/communicate and share in our experiences. Our universe does
not just cater to human experience. The majority of beings you will
deal with will be human, even advanced human.
I have had a few experiences
with alien intelligence's which I tend to rather avoid because they so
far have seemed self-absorbed and neutral. The one's that I have
interacted with which were somewhat nice just liked to play fun games.
They didn't stick around to tell me any secrets. The beings I have
dealt with the most are usually my friends who have come back in time to
greet me as their total self. Which I think is interesting.
Others are my friends again in various stages as I am in various stages.
People who are deceased
might seek you out. I have dealt with a few people who kind of hung
around me for what ever reasons and just tried to guide them upwards to
the more advanced layers where they can find more help than me. One
man had died in a car accident and heard me talking to a loved one about
my experiences. He was so determined to reach me that every night
I would go to sleep, as I neared the OOBE State, he would start talking
to me.
Finally, I left my
body to meet him, but he wasn't quite prepared to deal with that realization
for some reason, and when I phased out, it really frightened him.
This made me sad because I really wanted to help him but fear sometimes
becomes the biggest barrier we face.
In my experience, we can.
For the most part we recognize them in a dream since we associate everything
we do when asleep as dreaming, until we become more aware of the process
that is ongoing when we sleep at night. I encourage you to seek them
out if they are someone you really want to contact. It helps to re-assure
a deceased loved one that they are ok, and you know they still exist and
you love them.
That is for you to explore and
verify. For the 26 years I have experienced life, the out-of-body
experience, and dream experience has played a vital role in who and what
I am. Having the experience and the evidence for you is more powerful
than any claim, or hearsay rumors.
Everything we have been doing
is related to the next step that we take in our advancement as an evolving
consciousness. The Out-Of-Body Experience still follows the same
procedures as our regular dreaming techniques. Just this time, you
are willingly directing yourself to knowingly enter this state.
Stage One: - The initial pre-sleep stage.
The stage we program our affirmations and intent.
Stage Two: - The journey towards full
waking consciousness in an out-of-body state still
passing through hypnogogic territories.
Stage Three: - The actual Out-Of-Body
Stage Four: - The moment we wake up
to record the out-of-body experience.
If you think shared
dreaming wasn't advanced enough as a step towards more aspects of your
non-physical consciousness, the Out-Of-Body Experience just heightens and
adds to your freedom in this collective universe. The OOBE is very
safe, and we all go out-of-body when we sleep at night. The only
difference is this time you will be conscious for it.
When going out-of-body,
much of the same effects of "Hypnogogia" may be experienced.
If you do a lot of lucid dreaming, you might find yourself releasing from
your body, and rapidly moving towards a dream state rather than an out-of-body
state. This is normal; we are accustomed to accepting ourselves as
dreamers. Not as a spiritual beings since we lack the perspective
of what it means to be spiritual.
Out-Of-Body experiences
are very detailed and you can verify physical places, events and so on
through a progressive systematic journey. In my course, we are crunching
what should be one year of out-of-body experiences into a small seven-day
adventure. The major events that I am focusing on are to establish
more sense of you as a non-linear total consciousness system. You
exist in both past, present and future. Not only just in these three
states, but in a variety of physical, and non-physical layers. Dreams,
lucid dreams, and mutual shared dreams are all evidence to this part of
your reality. Just expand from there.
My goal is to help
you recognize and work with your total self. The "Total Self" is
still you, just you in a state that is not hindered by a time and space.
This part of you tends to exist in a future contexts and is what you will
eventually become as you evolve. We are now getting into time travel,
and some very advanced stages of experiences. Becoming your "Total
Self" is a very beautiful step. You'll find that you are your "Total
Self" at all times, just you observe it linearly and you are masked by
the focus of time/space awareness.
Imagine yourself as
a "node" in a computer network. Now you are linking up with your
"mainframe" system and accessing all your other "node's" which are scattered
through all time and space. Instead of being just a singular computer,
you network and access an unlimited potential of your own self.
The first OOBE is just to
get you comfortable with the state. We will now change our affirmations
to accompany our total system of consciousness and help you strengthen
this connection with yourself, since you know yourself better than anyone
else does.
Before getting into bed.
Make a mental map of yourself as a waking consciousness. Extend this
awareness now to the fact you exit in the past, the present and the future.
Extend your awareness to the fact you exist both here in waking physical
reality, and in dream realities. Now be intent on allowing yourself
to explore yourself in the out-of-body stage of your consciousness.
"I know that I am fully awake
and alert. I am aware that I exist in the past. I am aware
that I
exist right now, and
I am aware that I exist in the future. I will allow myself to consciously
experience myself
in an out-of-body state. I will connect with myself as a whole, that
is, with
both my past, present
and future self. I will allow my total self to act as a guiding/teaching/
loving force to help
me as the waking conscious part learn and know what I desire about
Prepare your focus to go
What is my name?
What is the Date?
What is my Phone Number?
What is 2x5? [Any simple math question]
"I am allowing myself
to be fully conscious while my physical body is fully, deeply asleep.
I am
allowing myself
to experience with full consciousness, my out-of-body self. I am
myself to connect
with my total self-knowing that this will be my total self. I will
myself to explore/experience/learn
and grow from this experience. At anytime that, I may
need guidance,
assistance or protection, my total self will aid and assist me. I
also allow the
total selves
of my loved ones, friends, family to teach/aid/guide and protect me should
desire to do
It is my experience
that a lot of our friends and family do help us in this state but at a
super-conscious level since it's usually their non-linear "super evolved"
future self that drops by from time-to-time. If you are religious,
you can call on the guidance and protection of whatever belief you ascribe
too by adding that to the affirmation. This course is non-religious
and not bias towards any race/creed/religion/society/government.
It is an unconditional opportunity for you to explore yourself at deeper
levels of consciousness.
The out-of-body
experience does hint towards ourselves as an eternal, unending, consciousness,
by showing us we can and do exist outside of a physical body. As
to what this may imply to you is of your own discretion. Should you
prove through trial and experience that you can exist outside your body,
and if you get through the time/space barriers then you might see glimpses
of your future, which should also indicate a sense of eternity. The
nice thing it does is gives you personal evidence that you are more than
just a human.
INTENT: - "I am just observing myself in an out-of-body state,
I will look at my bed and
observe my physical body."
Continue to move consciously
towards a mind- awake/body-asleep state through hypnogogic territory.
If you get strong electrical surges, vibrations and other tactile phenomena,
this is an indication you are ready to leave, this time instead of entering
a dream, try to softly roll to one side. Move slowly, and if you
spin several times in one spot, you are out, but still somewhat connected
physically. I sometimes reach out an arm and grab the bed and pull
myself out.
Recall your Logic Test,
and your Intent.
If you phase out successfully
and feel the shift out of the body. Stand up, look at your body and
observe the room. Do not go anywhere. Focus on yourself.
Be aware that you are what you see yourself to be. Moreover, be open
to your self as a completely organized system of consciousness. Stand
and pull your past, your present, and your future you to your center.
Allow yourself to connect with this state of "knowing". After you
do that, and if you are still out, then do what ever your heart desires.
If you do roll out,
but find yourself not in your room, our your bed has no body. Do
not be alarmed. Sometimes the shift can cause you to be in a layer
that is dream orientated. We are more accustomed to dreaming so sometimes
our natural function is to dream. Still recall your test and your
intent. Think or say, "I am connecting with my total self.
I am focusing on my past and future parts and moving into a unified collective
state with all that I am." Then ask yourself aloud, or mentally to
show you your body. That will help clear some of the dream distortions.
Also, sometimes you can
slip out of time/space and end up a little in the future, or the past.
That is why I try to get you to balance with your total self since it keeps
track of time/space naturally for you. Your "Total Self" is the greatest
assets when exploring this state.
1.) How long do you estimate it took before you fell asleep?
2.) Did you notice any hypnogogic effects?
a.) Color, images, flashes of light?
Please Describe.
b.) Faint sounds, music, noise? Please
c.) Vibrations, physical sensations?
Please Describe.
d.) Did your thoughts change to abstract thoughts?
Please Describe.
e.) You don't remember you just fell deep
asleep? Yes / No
3.) Give a small detailed list of what you can remember before falling
4.) Did you have an intent before sleeping? Yes/No
5.) What was that intent?
6.) Did you remember dreaming? Yes/No
7.) Were you Lucid in the dream? Yes/No
8.) Did you phase out of Body? Yes/No
9.) Did you recall your logical test? Yes/No
10.) Did you experience your desired intent? Please write down
your desired intent.
11.) Please describe in as much detail what you recall of your out-of-body
I can't stress the
importance of this evolutionary step. You are the most vital component
to yourself. Without you, there can be nothing for you. If
you are progressing in this course then to progress further, a strong connection
with yourself on all these levels is vital.
Love, patients, understanding
and a willingness to learn with an open mind opens so many doors for personal
investigation. Consider this a journey of self-discovery and self-realization.
What you make of this journey is who and what you are. Your not going
to end, you will just move from experience to experience, your total overall
self is beyond space/time, beyond death, beyond limits, beyond imagination.
It is both creative and intelligent on many levels. Being more this
part of you means, you are progressing to new stages of consciousness growth
and evolution. I always like to drive across a desert with a full
tank of gas. I always connect with every aspect of which I am before
I leave on any journey. I recommend you try to think in terms of
a continuum of self that transcends the ideologies of space/time.
If you can connect to this
through experiencing it, by actually having the experiences. Then
you are well on your way to newer horizons of love and experience for both
yourself, your loved ones, and the universes that you love to embrace.
After all, love is what brings all these layers together. I view
it as a rainbow passing back through a prism becoming a solid beam of light
again, rather than the layers it once was.
Follow the same procedure from
day Twenty-Two. Replace the old INTENT with a new one.
INTENT: - "I am connecting with myself as a whole, utilizing
every aspect of who I am on all layers
of my consciousness. I am allowing love to bring all these layers
together so I will
become more one with who I truly am."
Follow the same procedure
from day Twenty-Two.
Recall your logical test
and your intent. Then just ask focus on connecting to yourself on
a more multi-dimensional level.
Use the same questionnaire
from day Twenty-Two
In this exercise,
you will be accessing the non-linear aspects of who you are as a person
who exists both in a past tense, present tense, future tense both in a
physical reality, a dream reality and many other layers of what you are
as a total system of consciousness. The main goal of this exercise
is to have the total system that you are a part of, start to guide you
and direct you through accessing a state we call the "Know".
The know is
a state where all of a sudden, you have a major realization about yourself,
and you can recall information that you normally held subconsciously.
It is a very powerful and enjoyable thing to experience. It becomes
easy when you start to work on all the layers of consciousness at once
by focusing and utilizing yourself as this total system.
Follow the same procedure
from day Twenty-Two. Replace the old INTENT with a new one.
INTENT: - "I am connecting with myself as a whole, utilizing
every aspect of who I am on all layers
of my consciousness. I am allowing love to bring all these layers
together so I will
become more one with who I truly am. I am allowing myself to go on
a guided tour by
my total self."
Follow the same procedure
from day Twenty-Two.
Recall your logical test
and your intent. Then just ask focus on connecting to yourself on
a more multi-dimensional level.
Use the same questionnaire
from day Twenty-Two
As in our Mutual Shared Dreaming
segment. We can connect with people in an out-of-body state who are
also out-of-body. However, the purpose of this exercise is to connect
you more closely with the people who you share the most love. I view
our evolutionary cycle, as a group experience with many loved ones.
Any sense of family you have every had, the love you have for your mom/dad,
children, wife, husband, friends should show you that love plays a vital
role in all we do when we work in groups. This same kind of love
is expressed by our total selves to each other on all these layers.
We are connecting with a
more advanced part of you, we will connect with the more advanced part
of people who you genuinely love and care about. In this exercise,
we will allow our total self to extend your love and connection to these
people at all states in their development. Think of it as a gift
at Christmas. A gift of pure unconditional love.
I focus on love a
lot when we deal with the out-of-body states, shared dreaming states.
The love is not a sexual love. Do not confuse survival drive imprints
with the kind of love which forgives, embraces, accepts and understands
those you care about in a non-judgmental, peaceful way. We can really
progress in helping each other through love, and knowledge.
If you are of a particular
religious denomination, extend your love towards the God you worship, also
extend it towards everyone else in your life to whom you love and care
for. If you have any grudges against them, or any past issues, resolve
them through love, forgiveness and acceptance. Tell them in your
mind and heart that you accept them for who they are. Forgive them
for any wrong doings and tell them in your heart that you sincerely love
them. Radiate this love with feeling, and send it out to everyone
that matters to you.
Myself, when
I do a love meditation, or extend love outwards, I send it to all life,
all levels, and all things. I hold nothing back, and judge nothing.
I just let this unconditional love move through every aspect of everything
that exists, as well as me, knowing this type of love has no limits.
Follow the same procedure
from day Twenty-Two. Replace the old INTENT with a new one.
INTENT: - "I am connecting with myself as a whole, utilizing
every aspect of who I am on all
layers of my consciousness. I am allowing love to bring all these
layers together so I
will become more one with who I truly am."
Follow the same procedure
from day Twenty-Two.
Recall your logical test
and your intent. Then just ask focus on connecting to yourself on
a more multi-dimensional level.
Use the same questionnaire
from day Twenty-Two
The entry station is a good
place to begin pre-life and afterlife quests. When I was first aware
of this station, I was very young and at the age of 2 years old.
The reason I was aware of it was that I remembered coming from this Entry
Station before I was born. It is the earliest pre-life memory I had.
As to why I recalled or remembered this when I was born here is still a
bit of a mystery to me.
The experience was, I had
died suddenly in a trench during some war. The last physical memories
I had was of blood dripping near my ear making this sick water dropping
sound. The memory of that sound would send me on a rush of memories
where I would be in a state of shock. I would be a full-grown adult
male, and confused as to where I was, and what had happened to me.
Then this being of pure light would grab me and guide me into the "void"
that I recognize later from out-of-body experiences to a sparkling field
of energy.
This field of energy
was like a valley or lake of souls. I perceived each soul as being
small circular shapes about one centimeter in size. They were like
clear water droplets with clear visible rays emanating from them.
As I would move through these souls, the being of light would tell me in
clear English, "You have to go back!"
I would argue, "I
don't want to go back. I don't like it there; it's crazy down there!
Everybody is killing everybody! Don't send me back!"
"This time it will be different!"
the being would say as I was suddenly forced through a tunnel and I would
wake up a small young child confused and scared by the powerful memory
I was reliving. During that age, I was aware of a guiding voice that
was trying to calm me and have me accept my new reality. My previous
memories lost in the veil of darkness that a new human incarnation brings,
the echo's of a traumatic past life death haunting my "knowing".
From what I can remember, I always knew as a child that I was someone else.
For me at that age,
I recall the majority of my experiences in the early stages of my development
being surreal, both my dreams and physical reality at that time were clouded
by confusion of what I had become. At the age of five, I remember
looking in the bathroom mirror, and I had a strong "knowing" that I was
someone else, but was now a child. I accepted who I was, and the
memories of that previous life soon became just a dream and not a reality
to me until I had another awakening period at the age of 15.
When I was 17,
I went back to the Entry Station, and observed for the first time what
I knew as a young child. The same field of souls was present.
There were humans moving towards the Entry Point and I "knew" with full
knowing that we were reincarnating. I would walk around and just
observe the massive numbers that were present. From that point, I
started to gather smaller pieces of who I once was.
I would access
memories of parts of my old life, broken memories of friends and family
would be recalled ghost like and faint. I would remember a photo
album that I took with me when I left for the war. They were some
of the last memories I would have before my death. I have to fully
recover these memories, but I know that on some layer of my consciousness,
they exist pure, clear and intact.
More evidence
would arise where I would notice my present self-while in a clear out-of-body
state, moving back in time to an alarm. The alarm was when I was
younger and in a state of emotional turmoil. I would send love, and
support to my past self. In doing so, I would clearly remember how
I felt then receiving that support as it calmed my emotions down, and I
recognized myself. The familiar pattern of who and what I was.
More out-of-body experiences
would reveal that I was indeed assisting myself in the past when I was
ready and able to do so in my current evolutionary level of consciousness.
In these very odd and non-linear experiences, I realized that I was as
eternal in a past tense, as I would be in a future tense. I recognized
the bright being of light, which told me to go back as myself in a future
tense. The new radiation of familiarity created a strong link to
all these aspects of me. Moreover, never had I ever felt so comfortable
with life/death and eternity as I would in knowing that we all exist beyond
what most today would imagine. Evidence of eternity was amounting
up, and I was clearly starting to understand the process of my human experiences
through self-realization.
Other investigations
into me would reveal that my first human incarnation was that of an African
American male. My first lifetime was a struggle with extremely heavy
out-of-control male emotions. I recall that I couldn't handle my
anger, my rage and my fear. I was controlling and abusive to my girlfriend
at the time. My first life ended in violence where I shot and killed
my wife, and was later shot by police in a confrontation.
The second lifetime,
I would again choose to return as an African American male. This
time, I wanted to be rich, and have more power and influence. I ended
up having a nice car, money, and plenty of women at my side. I was
still out of control with my emotions and ended up dying in my mid thirties
in a drug related shooting.
The third
and fourth lives I would have after that, I still wanted to be an African
American male, but in these lifetimes, I started to recognize love, and
identify with love and spirituality. These lives would be the turning
point of my life course on earth where I began to explore more family,
love, spirituality and other races in the human experience. Each
memory of these lives connected for me a cycle that I had created for my
experiences and what I wanted at that point in my first few tastes of human
You may not
agree or accept reincarnation. I do not expect nor desire you too,
as my understanding of truth is one of self-revelation and eventually we
all face truth. If we do reincarnate, it is for the benefit of our
souls because there is a refining quality in being a human which teaches
us to love on a more spiritual, unconditional level for both those, and
ourselves around us. Having these insights and knowledge of me has
simply added more connections to who I am outside of being just a one-time
deal. This it has totally eradicated any fear of death in me.
The Entry Station is a definite must on the out-of-body tour list.
Working with a refined understanding that you may indeed go back in time
to lend loving support to yourself, and guidance is an encouraging factor
that for your future, you may encounter much more assistance by the more
complete part of who you are as a total system of consciousness.
It is important to start at the beginning to find that there was more,
and more… I still have not found the beginning since I have only
gone as far as my first incarnation, and not what was before that.
I am seeking out that information in my future explorations.
Follow the same procedure from
day Twenty-Two. Replace the old INTENT with a new one.
INTENT: - "I am connecting with myself as a whole, utilizing
every aspect of who I am on all
layers of my consciousness. I am allowing love to bring all these
layers together so I
will become more one with who I truly am. I am allowing myself to
be guided to the
"Entry Station", where I first came before I was human."
Follow the same procedure
from day Twenty-Two.
Recall your logical test and your
intent. Then just ask focus on connecting to yourself on a more multi-dimensional
level. Focus on the Entry Station and allow yourself to follow that
"knowing" should you get a cue. I assure you that during these stages,
if you desire it, you will be assisted by many who have always supported
you, and to whom you have supported.
Use the same questionnaire
from day Twenty-Two
If we exist outside space/time
reality. Then we have to recognize that we have an eternal past,
present and future. Therefore, if coming here was of our free will,
then there must be an original source of who and what we are. In
this session, we will direct our attention to this original source.
The purpose of this is to find points of origin where we can further our
exploration of which we are to come full circle in our human experiences.
When I have moved towards
such concepts, the power of moving to these layers have brought me closer
to this source, but not fully realized of it. Still pieces and parts,
but enough of the puzzle to start to see the image that is forming.
In knowing, you have to recognize that the most part, it is in knowing
yourself and who you truly are. This has always come through seeking
truth by asking questions and searching for answers within you. You
contain all your memories, your goals, your loves, and your passions.
It's erroneous to think someone else is going to reveal to you what you
all ready know.
Follow the same procedure
from day Twenty-Two. Replace the old INTENT with a new one.
INTENT: - "I am connecting with myself as a whole, utilizing
every aspect of who I am on all layers
of my consciousness. I am allowing love to bring all these layers
together so I will
become more one with who I truly am. I am allowing myself to seek
my Original
Follow the same procedure
from day Twenty-Two.
Recall your logical
test and your intent. Then just ask focus on connecting to yourself
on a more multi-dimensional level.
Use the same questionnaire
from day Twenty-Two
This course
is designed to be an evolutionary progression to more advanced stages of
consciousness through experience and growth. All the areas of experience
we are sharing are related through one stage to the next. The Creative
Process is no exception to this rule.
If you
are a newbie to all this kind of experience, you really must be shaking
your head. This is good, before I had any sort of experience later
in life in these matters; I was the most arrogant skeptic on planet Earth.
It was when I was 15; I started to experience precognitive dreams, and
lucid dreams. This woke me up to the reality that these experiences
were more than anything I understood at that time. The reality of
the experiences also returned all the memories that I repressed due to
lack of better understanding during my early childhood experiences.
My encouragement to you is know that you are more than just a physical
body. You are a conscious being that has both waking, and sleeping
consciousness. If you progress towards more awareness and these events
spontaneously occur for you. Having read this course may help you
adjust to what was for me was a much-unguided frightening initiation into
who and what I was.
The Creative
Process is about as advanced, as my course will get for the time being.
If you are a person who experiences a lot of déjà vu, or
precognitive dreams on a regular basis. The Creative Process may
hold some of the insights that you are looking for. I explain the
Creative Process in more detail in the next segment on Lucid Precognitive
Dreaming. The Creative Process deals strictly with our human experience,
and it is something we all unconsciously participate. Through experience
and understanding, we can be fully conscious while in the Creative Process.
Follow the same procedure
from day Twenty-Two. Replace the old INTENT with a new one.
INTENT: - "I am connecting with myself as a whole, utilizing
every aspect of who I am on all layers
of my consciousness. I am allowing love to bring all these layers
together so I will
become more one with who I truly am. I am allowing myself to observe
the Creative Process."
Follow the same procedure
from day Twenty-Two.
Recall your logical test
and your intent. Then just ask focus on connecting to yourself on
a more multi-dimensional level. In addition, allow yourself to connect
with your total system of consciousness and allow yourself in that totality
to assist you in exploration of the Creative Process.
Use the same questionnaire
from day Twenty-Two