When addressing yourself as a physical human.  One of the ways I view the physical body is that it is a biological machine, which uses electricity for the majority of motor functions within the body.  It is a simple look at physics to realize that our body produces and holds electrical fields.  Walking on carpet generating static electricity just adds to the evidence that our body acts like a mild electromagnetic coil. 
         This biomagnetic field has long been observed as either a myth, or just a natural product of a biological machine.  The Aura is a common new-age term to address this natural field around the body.  Some Chinese martial arts incorporate Qi Quong, which uses breathing and exercise to generate and move this field around the body.  What ever you want to view it as, it exists.  I have one, you have one, and we all possess a natural field of energy, which collects around the body. 
         Pranic Healing is another belief that incorporates removing unhealthy energy causing illness and replacing it with vital life giving energy.  Much can be said about this field and what its uses are.  I have many ideas and theories about this energy field.  I have observed that we can sense it, see it quite visibly and even send a field of energy directed by thought towards another person.  I have still to fully investigate this area and it's potential.  I hope that time and practice will allow me to explore it more efficiently. 

        This is easy to do.  I find that the main reason that people cannot see it clearly is that they are trying to observe it in unnatural light and with too much luminosity.  The best way to observe this field is by using a pitch-black background, and low-level luminosity.  Try using just near dark light, so that there very little of a light source, soft moonlight is good for this if it is shining through a curtain.  Even too much moonlight can be too much light. 
        If it is too dark, this can also be a factor in not seeing it.  Now place your hand in front of the black backdrop approximately one foot away from your face.  Move the hand at the wrist in a slow upward and downward motion.  Observe the fingertips, and observe one inch past the fingertip.  If you can see the small, grey beam then you seeing it.  Take both hands now, and just use both index fingers, closing the rest of the hand in a fist and move them about two inches away from each other. 
        Move one hand slowly up and down.  The small grey beam of energy is magnetic in nature and tends to arc between the fingertips.  Watch as it moves and follows the fingers.  Then extend the middle finger of one hand to form a triangle.  Experiment with all the fingers; get used to seeing this field from the fingertips.  Then move to observing it around the hand. 
        To feel the energy, move one hand slowly 2 inches away from the opposing hand.  If you feel a small tingle, vibration or heat that describes much of what it feels like.  Try this on plants as well, a variety of pine needles, furs and broad leaf plants do emit a soft field that if you are sensitive enough, you'll notice. 


        Things that I have experimented with are inducing a variety of effects on people using different frequencies of this energy by envisioning heat, cold, blue electricity, color etc.  This field seems to respond to our thoughts and can be directed from the center of the body, through the arm down to the fingertips and to the recipients hand. 


        Breathing with visualization helps.  Lucid Precognitive Dreaming makes a significant difference.  Building up a large ball of energy using breathing and visualization surrounding the whole body is another way to generate more of this energy.  I have not really explored this much as much as I would like, but I have had enough success to say it is worth investigating as it does show some potential. 

       This form is an optional form that you can fill out and send to the address below or e-mail it to [email protected].  Your feedback will help in any revised editions of this course and will help with some additional research.  Further more, the future may have newsletters and articles in addition to this course, as well as supplements for this course.  If you are interested, you have the option of being on the potential mailing list in the near future. 

Name:_____________________________________ Date of birth:____ Gender:____ 
City:______________________________ State/Province:_______________________ 
Zip/Postal Code:____________________ Country:_____________________________ 

How often do you dream at night? 

[ ] I do not dream 
[ ] Less than frequent 1-10 minutes a night 
[ ] Average 10 - 60 minutes a night 
[ ] Above average 1 - 4 hours 
[ ] More than 4 hours. 

How often do you remember dreaming? 

[ ] I never remember my dreams 
[ ] Less than once a month 
[ ] Once a month 
[ ] Once a week 
[ ] 2-3 times a week 
[ ] Every time I sleep 

Do you dream more from practicing this course? 
[ ] Yes 
[ ] No 

Have you ever had a lucid dream? 
[ ] I do not know what a lucid dream is. 
[ ] I never had a lucid dream. 
[ ] I have had a lucid dream. 

How often do you lucid dream? 
[ ] I never remember my dreams 
[ ] Less than once a month 
[ ] Once a month 
[ ] Once a week 
[ ] 2-3 times a week 
[ ] Every time I sleep 

Did you start to lucid dream because of this course? 
[ ] Yes 
[ ] No 
Have you ever had Déjà vu? 
[ ] I do not know what déjà vu is. 
[ ] I have never had déjà vu 
[ ] I have had it once 
[ ] I have had it more than once 
[ ] I have it quite often 
[ ] I have it almost every day 
[ ] I am having it right now. 

Did you have Déjà vu when you read this course? 
[ ] I do not know what déjà vu is. 
[ ] I have never had déjà vu 
[ ] I did have déjà vu while reading this course. 

Have you ever had a dream come true?  I.e. Precognitive dream 
[ ] I do not know what precognitive dreams are. 
[ ] I have never had a dream come true. 
[ ] I have had it once. 
[ ] I have had it more than once. 
[ ] I have it quite often. 
[ ] I am experiencing a precognitive dream right now. 

Did you experience any precognitive dreams when you read this course? 
[ ] I do not know what precognitive dreams are. 
[ ] I have never had a dream come true. 
[ ] I had it while reading this course. 

Have you ever had an Out-of-Body Experience? 
[ ] I do not know what an out-of-body experience is. 
[ ] I never had an out-of-body experience. 
[ ] I have had one out-of-body experience. 
[ ] I have had more than one out-of-body experience. 
[ ] I can go out-of-body at will. 

Did you have an Out-of-body Experience because of using this course? 
[ ] Yes 
[ ] No 

Have you ever shared a dream? 
[ ] I didn't know we could share dreams. 
[ ] I have never shared a dream. 
[ ] I have shared one dream. 
[ ] I have shared more than one dream. 
[ ] I share dreams all the time. 

Have you shared a dream because of using this course? 
[ ] Yes 
[ ] No 

Have you ever had a Lucid Precognitive Dream? 
[ ] I do not know what a Lucid Precognitive Dream is. 
[ ] I have never had a precognitive dream. 
[ ] I have never had a lucid precognitive dream. 
[ ] I have had one lucid precognitive dream. 
[ ] I have had more than one lucid precognitive dream. 
[ ] I have them quite frequently. 
Did you have a lucid precognitive dream because of using this course? 
[ ] Yes 
[ ] No 
Did you try to influence a change while in a lucid precognitive dream? 
[ ] Yes 
[ ] No 

Did this influenced change occur as it did in the lucid precognitive dream in waking physical reality? 
[ ] Yes 
[ ] No 

Did this change occur as a result of using this course? 
[ ] Yes 
[ ] No 

Please describe in as much detail the lucid precognitive dream, it's effects on you, and the effects of the influenced change if 

Did you find the Lazy Man's technique effective? 
[ ] Yes 
[ ] No 
[ ] I do not know what that technique is. 
Did the meditations help you in any way? 
[ ] Yes 
[ ] No 
[ ] I do not know of any meditations 
Please discribe:__________________________________________________________ 

Did the cognitive mapping enhance your dream quality? 
[ ] Yes 
[ ] No 
[ ] I do not know what cognitive mapping is. 

Did you experience the Hypnogogic Territories during this course? 
[ ] Yes 
[ ] No 
[ ] I do not know what Hypnogogic Territories are. 
Please discribe:__________________________________________________________ 

Did this course help you in any way? 
[ ] Yes 
[ ] No 
[ ] I read the course, but did not apply any of the advice or techniques 
[ ] I did not read this course. 
Would you like to see more courses like this one? 
[ ] Yes 
[ ] No 

Was there anything about the course that you liked? 
[ ] Yes 
[ ] No 
Please discribe:__________________________________________________________ 

Was there anything about this course that you disliked? 
[ ] Yes 
[ ] No 
Please discribe:__________________________________________________________ 

Did you find this course easy to read and understand? 
[ ] Yes 
[ ] No 
Did you find this course confusing and hard to follow? 
[ ] Yes 
[ ] No 
Please discribe:__________________________________________________________ 

Do you have any advice for future courses? 
[ ] Yes 
[ ] No 
Please discribe:__________________________________________________________ 
Would you participate in any experiments in the near future? 
[ ] Yes 
[ ] No 

Is there anything negative about this course? 
[ ] Yes 
[ ] No 
Please discribe:__________________________________________________________ 

"Mutual Dreaming", by Linda Lane Magallon. 

        This is the first book I have read where that has been a serious look into shared dreams.  Linda Magallon is getting on the right track.  I think she's touching a good nerve in the fact we can share dreams.  The book is one of   the very few books that I have read which I feel give you a good look at some of the possibilities. 

"Seth on Dreams and the Projection of Consciousness", by Jane Roberts. 

       By far one of the best dream books I have read.  Seth is channeled  information which I tend to stay clear of, but in this case, I made every exception.  What Jane Roberts reveals with Seth undeniably reflects in my life, and in the lives of others.  It is no coincidence that this book was written, it's a valuable resource for us all. 

"Journeys Out of the Body", by Robert A. Monroe 

       Robert A. Monroe, Founder of the Monroe Institute in Faber Virginia is a pioneer in the scientific and rational way of observing the out-of-body phenomena.  This wonderful book illustrates his earlier experiences and some of what he has experienced here is later clarified in his later books. 

"Far Journeys", by Robert A. Monroe 

        Far Journeys is an excellent read.  It probably is the best of his three books as it explains much of the human experience, the different layers in the out-of-body experience and some data from the research of the Monroe Institute. 
"Ultimate Journeys", by Robert A Monroe 

       This third and final book by Robert A. Monroe further captures his experiences is the  previous books.  It is a nice wrap up for his life experiences and pushes us further into the realities we face as consciousness.  I highly recommend reading all three of these books as they are an excellent resource for learning and reference. 


This web-site is the credited to Richard Wilkerson who has a tremendous amount of resources available on this site.  We can only thank Richard for his time and efforts to organize such an extensive list. 

Richard Wilkerson's Dream Related Sites on the Net can be found at: 


       Founded by Robert A. Monroe who's dedication, passion, experience, and vision lead to one of the most valuable resources in the exploration of human conscious through mind-awake, body-asleep research.  They are a fantastic organization of which I give my love and support for their kind words and efforts. 
       The Monroe Institute was founded in 1985 as a 501(c)3 nonprofit research facility, educational center, and membership organization. 

The Monroe Institute 
62 Roberts Mountain Road 
Faber, VA 22938-2317 
(804) 361-1252 FAX: 361-1237 
E-Mail: [email protected] 

The International Institute of Projectiology and Conscientiology  
      IIPC is an independent, private, non-profit institution of scientific research and education.  IIPC was founded in 1988 by a group of researchers, led by Waldo Vieira, who is a physician, dentist and a foremost scientist on the study of paranormal phenomena and consequential capacities. 
IIPC is dedicated to the development and dissemination of Projectiology and Conscientiology, which are the sciences that study the consciousness through Out-of-Body-Experience and Near-Death Experience. 
       The IIPC has presently 64 offices throughout Brazil, Argentina, Canada, England, USA, Portugal, and Spain. 

Head Office Contact Information 

Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 572 - 6 andar 
Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22410-002 
E-mail: [email protected] 
Phone: (21) 512-9229 
Fax: (21) 512-4735 

        PSI TECH applies a technique known as Technical Remote Viewing.  I did not cover any information on Remote Viewing in my course as I am not trained nor qualified to do so.  Remote Viewing is a trained skill that allows you to remotely access information through a process of controlled rigorous techniques.  I highly recommend visiting their web-site and educating yourself on the technology they teach. 
        PSI TECH, a New Mexico corporation, currently employs an expert group of professional remote viewers in its commercial operations, administered from corporate headquarters in Beverly Hills, California.  Technical Remote Viewing instruction conducted by Major Ed Dames is available on videotape format, produced and distributed by PSI TECH. 

P.O. Box 3762 
Beverly Hills, California 90212 U.S.A. 
Tel: (310) 657-9829 
Fax: (310) 659-9193 
President, Ed Dames [email protected] 
Vice President, Joni Dourif [email protected] 

       My name is Ian Wilson.  I was born in Cranbrook BC Canada and I currently resides in Penticton BC Canada.  Since the age of two,  I have lived a very differnet style of life then the people around me. Dreams have been more than just a doorway to another world for me, rather a new direction that humanity as a whole can embrace towards newer levels of conscious evolution.  My goal is should this course even  help a person reach .02% of their dreams and potential, then I have helped them gain that much more of what they are. 


        If you found this course beneficial to you, and you feel like contributing to more projects like this from me.  Please feel free to share in your dream experiences.  In the future, I will be conducting dream research projects and will need people to volunteer some time and effort to complete what ever that project may be. 
        Secondly, if you are experiencing lots of phenomenological aspects of dreaming and want to share, I will be setting up more courses and additional resources like this one where by you contribution of experiences, suggestions and input will only help add to this growing progressive course so that others may benefit from gained knowledge. 
         Thirdly, if you would like to donate directly to me to help me fund my education, my research, my web page and other resources like this one.  I am raising money to help continue my education, and my current part-time minimum wage job will not net me any capital past my living expenses.  I do not mind spending the time and effort to produce a large project freely of my own will.  I never look for donations from people who cannot donate due to financial difficulty.  If you can donate, and want to, please forward checks or money orders to 

Ian Wilson 
102 Andrew Place 
Penticton BC 
V2A 6J6 Canada 

          Fourthly, I am setting up a small dream-research laboratory and foundation.   If you are interested in sponsoring this foundation directly, you can send sponsorship donations in care of "Cognitive Technological Research Foundation." All proceeds that are direct to this Foundation will not go to me, rather to build and start the foundation.  I will have to hire some researchers, purchase office equipment and build the sleep units.  The office is currently located at the following address. 

Cognitive Technological Research Foundation  
 #203-275 Main Street. 
 Penticton BC 
 V2A 6J6 Canada 

          Do not send any cash, just checks or money orders for your sponsorship and donations.If you have any old computers, printers, or monitors which your office or home is not in use of, and can donate this to help myself and the volunteers who will be gathering and sorting data with these computers, please contact me first just in case I have already filled the offices with equipment. 

 Feel free to contact me via e-mail at [email protected] or [email protected] 
    Write to me by mail at: 
     Ian Wilson 
     102 Andrew Plc. 
     Penticton BC 
     V2A 6J6 Canada 
 Visit my web page URL: