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The Secret Super High Mileage Report

Chapter 2

The History of Super Carburetors

Numerous times over the last sixty years, both mechanics and inventors have either stumbled upon or through diligent experimentation on vapor carburetors obtained fantastic mileage gains. These systems used either catalytic cracking or fractionalization. According to the many patents and books on these, most did not recognize that it was accomplished by more than just vaporizing or boiling the fuel. In most every instance sabotage or suppression has blocked the research and development needed to get it to our market. There are records that show the oil companies now own many of the applicable patents. I have also found that if the oil companies do not own the patent then T.C.C. was not understood by the inventor and could be easily sabotaged by gasoline additives. Therefore they did not have to buy the idea, They just would let the additive poison the system leaving the inventor wondering why it did not work any more. His invention still was boiling the fuel but with no mileage gains like when it was new.

The world's oil companies are very wealthy institutions that wield incredible amounts of power. Behind the scenes power brokers can create fuel shortages to choke out independent operators and increase profits. Their power is legendary. Much has been written about The Seven Ugly Sisters as they've come to be known. These top seven international oil corporations have helped control the political agendas of many of the most powerful governments of modern times. Everything from wars to ecological disasters have been the results of their greed. Abuses of their power have been documented and discussed by the scholarly for many years. The shear complexity of their dealings, combined with outright suppression has kept the magnitude of their corruption out of the media spotlight. Unfortunately, they have done an effective job and information on this idea is scarce, but still available. There have been many who have tried to share what they learned.

For all the oil spills and secret toxic dumping grounds, the oil companies' worst crime against the environment has been the suppression and sabotage of supercarburetor high mileage technologies! Had the Pogue system of the 1930's not been sabotaged by gasoline additives such as lead, and had it been explained and developed, we would not have the global warming problems that have caused the starvation of millions and battles over the remaining good land. I believe the weather patterns would not be as violent, such as the floods, and the storms.

If you think it is just C.F.C.s affecting the ozone layer that cause these problems consider this - the average person uses just ounces a year in spray cans and refrigerants, but thousands of liters of gasoline.

In 1933 Charles Nelson Pogue made headlines when he drove a 1932 Ford V8, 200 miles on a gallon of gas during a demonstration conducted by The Ford Motor Companies in Winnipeg, Manitoba using his super-carb system. In fact, many people attested to these mileage claims as The Pogue Carb went into production and was sold openly. However, one of the crucial factors of these systems is the use of "white" gasoline, which contained no additives. It was at this time oil companies started adding lead to the fuel. Lead is an anti-catalyst that rendered Pogue's carburetor as inefficient as a regular carb. In his Patent, ( found on page 32) it is obvious he did not understand TCC and in my research have found his system constantly needed readjustment and importantly got the fantastic mileage on wet days.

I have talked to Brad Dennis a combustion engineer from Minnesota. He said that Pogue did understand TCC but not until many years later. It has been shown time and again that many of the additives in todays gasoline actually retard high mileage in vapor carburetors that use catalytic cracking. These additives coat the catalyst to a point where it becomes useless after a period of operation, the length of which depends directly on the additives in the gasoline. Some of the newer additives help bond the molecules to keep them from decomposing in storage. This defeats the purpose of any TCC system because its purpose is to speed up decomposition or what is technically known as pyrolysis. The oil companies say these additives are necessary to keep our environment clean and they do help a little with the regular old carburetors and fuel injection. However they help keep the real environmental solution off the market.

It has been recorded that "Supercarbs" were used in World War 2. In his writings, Nazi General Rommel credits the allied victory in Africa with an American top secret high mileage tank that used some sort of vapor carburetor. Rommel had a brilliant plan, retreat into the desert to his secret fuel dumps. When the Americans ran out of fuel, he would attack. They did not run out of fuel and caught up to him at his third fuel dump and won the battle. John Pogue, Charles' brother has stated publicly that he himself helped with the project that installed the carburetor in tanks and jeeps that were used there. There are many documented accounts of army servicemen confirming this. Right before his death, John admitted to a news crew interviewing him that his brother had "sold out for millions". I am sure the army had no trouble getting clean, additive free gasoline.

The list of inventors that have pursued this technology is long. Many did not understand and were granted useless patents, there are hundreds on file. Some did and were bought out before it ever was patented. Some could not be bought, not wanting it to be put on a shelf and were eliminated in mysterious circumstances. Tom Ogle of El Paso Texas is the prime example.

Tom, a 24 year old mechanic drove 200 miles in a 1970 351 ci. Ford on 2 gallons of gas. Other mechanics and engineers checked for hidden tanks, none were found. Reporters and a camera crew went with him 100 miles out and back; 200 miles 2 gallons. He claimed from the beginning that he did not know exactly how the system worked, just that it did and he proved it time and again. He had hoped other engineers would help to explain what he was doing. I have seen three different news articles on him and reprinted here for your understanding. One states he turned down $ 25 million from backers that would keep it off the market. He had a hard time getting backers that had integrity. Everybody wanted controlling interest and he knew it was going on the back shelf. Tom resisted and tried to get it on the market. Later he was shot and survived, only four months later he did die of an overdose of darvon and alcohol with no suicide note. Nobody explained what became of his idea. A patent was issued Dec. 11, 1979 # 4,177,779. Four months after his death. ( Reprints of newspaper and magazine articles on Tom can be found starting on page 24)

A man named Ray Covey developed a system that achieved 70 M.P.G. in a 400 ci. Chrysler. He said he could not find financial backers because of legal problems that a long list of similar registered patents would present. Mr. Covey put together a manual with plans and his research. According to Bob Hiederich of Foyil OK, many were sold and built. Bob said his Cadilac was getting 75 M.P.G. They even made improvements and always got excellent mileage at first running but mileage gains always were lost as time went on. They thought it was something in the fuel, but did not understand TCC. Interestingly it was stated in his manual that when it ran it smelled like it was on propane. Also in his manual he gives formula and statement and list of patent owned by oil companies, along with extensive testimony on Pogue and many other quotes from Scientific American and the Society of American Engineers.

He also states that any financial backers that they contacted have wanted full control with no promise to market it and wanted him to stop in his sales of his manuals. Sounds like suppression to me. He states he was offered up to $1,250,000 but refused it promising to do all he could to get it on the market. His book was published in 1984. It worked great when new and as time went on mileage went back to normal. Most people eventually gave up on them. ( an advertisement for his book can be found on page 37 also some pages from his manual.

The many hundreds of patents on this technology are mostly owned by the oil companies now, and it is their main means of suppression. If you can not get a patent you can not get investors because you have no guarantee that any body will give you anything for the invention rights or further development. It's kept in a catch 22 situation.

And yet the worst tool of suppression is the publicity laws that have many an inventor trying to keep his idea a secret so that not only no one will steal it, but also so he does not lose his right to get a patent, therefore there is little sharing in many initial developments.

Another tool of suppression, this one used by EPA In Washington State, it was to continually harass an inventor with paper work, regulations, and impossibly high testing fees. This was how Larry Wagner, a very successful businessman, high mileage carburetor inventor and author was driven into poverty, despair and is now homeless. He also did not completely understand the additive problem. However, his system was getting 85 M.P.G. in his 400 c.i. Buick. He did understand TCC enough to call his system an "under the hood cat cracker" on page 32 of his book, "The Elusive High Mileage Carburetor". His ideas center around vaporization and not much leaning to natural gas. His system is similar to Ray Covey's tubing set up, filled with screening that would act as a catalyst. His book is filled with extensive research that agrees with my findings.

George Wiseman of British Columbia marketed a manual and kit parts for a cold bubble unit that claimed to double mileage. I purchased his stuff and gave it a try. I found it worked up to 50% gain but was too unreliable because of the set up. He was trying to make it simple enough to be marketed. He does explain somewhat how he ran a 292 c.i. engine at 1200 R.P.M. on 4 tablespoons of gasoline per hour, and how he states it would cost thousand of dollars to reproduce. He wanted to keep anything he marketed simple. I know it can not be simple, but it is possible with mass production to keep end of the line costs reasonable. In his book, The HydroCarbon Oxgenator, he sights the Guinness Book of Records which documents that several people have achieved over 5500 M.P.G. He calculates that proper use of fuel generates 2600% better mileage. I know there is something special to the dynamic effects but I do not think it would go that high. Energy can not be created or destroyed only transformed, the problem being when it is transformed there are loses as it is not being 100% transformed into what you want. The point is, it is possible to get much better transformation than what we are getting now with our fuel injection or carburetor systems.

I am no stranger to these stumbling blocks that have been placed in the way of people who are trying to work on this technology at the grass roots level. I have been ignored by politicians, of all stripes who have told me candidly they are aware of the situation but that their hands are tied. I have been told by invention development groups the system is great and possible, but since I published my book in 1987 detailing my work without first acquiring a patent. I can no longer get investors. "You can not make any money so why bother trying," I was told. I was also told my ideas were now public domain and no money could be made by investing in them. I have been told flat out by government bureaucrats and representatives that "it was and would be suppressed." Not a threat, just kind of matter of fact-a "so don't bother me with it" attitude. As for the guys in the patent office, some were very interested in it and others sympathized, but the law was the law it didn't matter what was good or fair.

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