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The Secret Super High Mileage Report

Chapter 4

Applications, implications an possibilities

This technology can be applied any where an internal combustion engine is used today, including diesel with some modification. Now consider that this system offers 5 times the gas mileage with 95 % less pollution. The economic and environmental consequences of this technology being put into practice are mind-boggling. Environmentally, our auto exhaust is by far the biggest contributor to greenhouse gases, city smog, expanding deserts, famine and global warming. If the Pogue carburetor had been helped rather than sabotaged years ago, the drought and desolation that has killed millions would never have happened.

There is an evil upon our society that is corporate greed. Think what our world would be like had the people that sold ice prevented the refrigeration system from getting on the market. No refrigerators, salted meats, no air conditioners, and warm beer. Sounds like hell to me. What the oil companies did by suppression of this technology has killed millions, poisoned billions and started this planet on the road to destruction. And they are draining extra money from every person on this planet. The corporate way of thinking that if they do not make money then don't bother trying. Bottom-line-thinking has made this worse for all.

Some have advanced the theory that "the-powers-that-be" are moving slowly to "phase in" the changes that this technology would bring, so as to not create economic upheaval with large scale jobs loss all at once. It is becoming obvious that this is not the case. There is no movement here. Fuel injection is only 10 % better than any good carburetor. The only other improvements are due to downsizing, less weight, proper gearing and aerodynamics. No basic improvement in anything using TCC has been marketed.

This deceit is happening on such a large scale to all society that it has taken a long time for more and more people to realize what is going on. I have been told there are other similar situations happening throughout society, such as nutritional information and naturopathic healing not getting through to the medical profession. Such as cures for cancer that go in the waste basket, so researchers keep their jobs. The many spectacular uses for hemp products that could save our forests and clothe us without killing the land as the cotton plant does. Facts like Queen Victoria used marijuana for muscle relaxation. Hemp was suppressed by the actions of newspaper media for lumber and chemical corporations, for industrial reasons as paper processes that utilized lumber tracks. Hemp rope was common and great but nylons rope replaced and billions of dollars in other drugs. It had been widely accepted as an important medicine. The seed was ground up and used to feed the poor. Gruel was a very easily digested protein that did not get anyone "stoned".

There are government and corporate banking policies that create debts and keep feeding off those that do produce something. There are many books and institutions that explain the injustice and stupidity of these banking regulations. If we "all the countries" are in debt to who do we owe all this money. There is an organization called "MICHAEL". There publication from 1101 Principle St. Rougemount Quebec J0L 1M0 explains the principles of social credit that explain a utopia that all {except a few of the top bankers} could be blessed financially just by following our constitution as far as the creation of the printed dollar. These banker do not want to lose there gold mine so they suppress the truths or spread their own propaganda. The suppression of the long term effects of pesticides and other toxins in our environment is another example.

I have heard of an invention that used a digitylised recordings of horny female mosquitoes. They amplified it to attract males to a high voltage electric bug zapper. They killed males for 4 miles radius, and in this area the females did not bite as there were no males to mate with. Sounds great but here is the catch, the patent is owned by companies that make bug sprays and they are not too interested in marketing it right now. Wonder why they bought the patent rights? The parent companies are they the oil companies?

Corporate ownership of the media by the most powerful financial interests is now almost universal so it is next to impossible to expose people to injustices by the powerful through the mass media. These people are not telling us what we need to know. Anytime any local paper did my story they always left out key information and the proof, to make me and this idea look unbelievable. These points I believe should be looked into in order to ensure a free and right society.

I do know about this fuel system and that the only way for it is for everyone to know these ideas so that complete development of it comes as soon as possible.

The frustration of dealing with our world system has sent people into apathy and despair. We must take back our lives to our control, for the betterment of all.

It has been my faith in Jesus Christ and his Father that helped me through all this; helped me to stand with integrity for this. I am not alone. There are hundreds of people working quietly on some version or other of supercarburetors technology. There are thousands of people who are aware of some of the earth shattering deceptions that are being told to our society. There is a growing movement and I hope you will become a part of it. People are sharing truths. People are telling what they know to those they care about with confidence that the truth will win out.

It is up to each of us to do their own searching and learning to challenge what we are told. It is more important that you search yourself to know Jesus Christ than anything else. What does it matter, to gain all and to not accept GOD. or to follow after God in total ingratitude of what he has given. Many problems in our world are because of greed.

Educate yourself to what is going on with our world today and understand that you can help turn anything to the better by your involvement. Get righteously angry, take responsibility for what you know and pass this information on.

I challenge all of you who understood some of these things to pledge your commitment to help bring the changes that are needed now. Maybe you knew this idea was real but could do nothing about it. Now you can. I have initiated the HIMAC Research Foundation to further publish and develop this technology that all may benefit. I need your help to do what is right, Please make a donation. I do not think the world owes me a living. I would be about $ 75,000 wealthier and a lot less frustrated had I said "let some one else do it". I did it because I care, I hope you do too.

The next few pages are photocopies of some articles about Tom Ogle and his demonstration, as well as various patents on this idea. Understand this, one does not patent something that does not work. There is only value in a patent if it works.

Why would ownership of these patents be by big oil and car companies if they knew that they could not work ?

Why you ask? The car companies would also be part of the suppression? Yes because this system runs so clean that you would run 400,000 miles before a tune up and 1,000,000 miles on your engine. That takes away the profitability of the constant turnover of carboned up gas hogs. Note the article on Tom Ogle where they ran a dirty spark plug for 1 hour in his system and it came out cleaner..

You read and you be the judge. Page 25. I did not start this idea but with your help we can change it.

J. Bruce McBurney

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