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This book is an abridgement of our much larger, 3-volume, 1,326-page, 8½ x 11, Evolution Disproved Series. Students and researchers will want to use both this book and the larger set (now on our website), in digging deeper into the subject and in the preparation of study papers.


Survey the field, narrow your search, and select a topic. Browse through the material in this book. Use the table of contents to help you. Locate a topic of special interest. Read the chapter and related material which most nearly deals with that subject. Decide how narrow or broad you want to make your report (that is, how many different things you want to include).

Deepen your research:

Search the index in this book for further information on key points mentioned in the chapter. Look up key words about your research topic. They will lead you to other key words to check on. For example: Index fossils might lead you to trilobites which, among other things, will lead you to evidence that humans lived during the Cambrian period when trilobites did.

Go to our website ( and search there. It contains data not found in this book,—especially the appendixes at the back of each chapter, which are filled with quotations by scientists.

From time to time, special new articles are added to our website. So you will want to check it every so often.

Download sections which you can use into your computer or, without downloading, use your computer printer to print out sections which you think may help you in your research. Include data from this book, to help you write your report. You have our permission to copy anything from our website.

Go to the section on our website which lists other Creationist Organizations. Following those links will lead you to source material they might have, plus books they sell. You might also wish to join a nearby Creationist Organization.

Later use of this important information:

Now, or in later years, you are going to be confronted with evolutionary errors, whether or not they are in the field of your research project. Therefore it is vital that you keep this book as a permanent possession! Become thoroughly acquainted with it. Show it to others. A small case of these books costs very little, and you can give or sell them to your friends. They need this information too. Write for current boxful prices. Our address is given at the front and back of this book.


This book includes several reference helps:

1 - *An asterisk before a name indicates that the person named and/or quoted is not known to be a creationist.

2 - Underlined portions are especially helpful in focusing your attention on key points, especially those which directly disprove evolutionary theory.

3 - (*#1/19 Scientists Oppose the Explosion Theory*) Example: This reference is found in our chapter on the Big Bang. Go to the same chapter title on our website. Then go to its Appendix 1. You will there find 19 more quotations, plus other data.

4 - A very helpful Subject Index is at the back of this book. A good index is always a great help in finding things.

5 - The Table of Contents contains subheadings which, along with the chapter title, quickly indicates the main point of the chapter.

6 - The 260 illustrations in this book will greatly help in clarifying the facts. They are listed on pp. 6-7.

7 - The 30 nature nuggets, at the end of chapters, provide convincing proof that the natural world was created and did not evolve. The pages where they are listed is at the top of p. 973.


Going to our website,, you will find that we have greatly simplified your search for material. Both this book, and the 3-Volume set are completely on our website. Using the table of contents, you can quickly turn to the sections you are looking for.

A source list of Creationist books and evolutionist books written by evolutionists against evolution, evolutionist periodical articles, and special collections are also on our website.

In addition, you will find a fairly recent list of Creation-Science Organizations and how to contact them.

Lastly, there is a bookstore on our website, which lists our various creation/evolution books, with information how to order them.


The following material, which is omitted from this book, is included in our 3-volume set and on our website:

Chapter 11, Cellular Evolution. This material was omitted from this book. Although it described some of the marvelous intricacies of the cell, it was actually a "design chapter" and not replying to specific evolutionary claims.

Chapter 30 - The Scopes Trial. Only a brief paragraph of this excellent coverage is in this book (Chapter 1).

Chapter 31 - Scientists Speak. Only a few of the large number of statements by scientists and evolutionists are included in this book.

Chapter 34 - Evolution and Education. More will be found on our website than is included in Chapter 31.

Chapter 37 - Philosophy of Evolution. *Karl Popper is the leading "evolutionary philosopher," and his "testability" definition of true science rules out evolutionary theory.

Chapter 38 - Fallacies of Evolution. Fallacies of logic are discussed here, and they apply perfectly to evolutionary claims.

Chapter 39 - Chronology of the Ancient Near East. The researcher might find this list handy. An approximate list of dates is given, going back 6000 years.

Chapters 4 - Matter and Stars. The last part of that chapter, on stars, galactic systems, and a section on space travel is not in this present book.

Also omitted from this book are nearly all the large collections of material in the following chapters in the 3-volume set and in our website: Chapters 8 (The Earth), 12 (Plants), 16 (Invertebrates), 20 (Amphibians and Reptiles), 24 (Fish), 28 (Birds), 32 (Marsupials and Mammals), 36 (Man), and 40 (More Wonders of Design). These are all "design chapters," and show what is actually the most powerful argument of all for Creation: the "argument by design." The wonders of nature not only testify to the fact that evolutionary claims and mechanisms are fallacious, but they clearly point to the fact that they were created by an Intelligence with massive capabilities. These design chapters essentially consist of a large number of "nature nuggets," facts about some of the many astounding things in nature which testify to the Creatorship of God. The "argument by design" is actually the most powerful evidence that God is the Creator.

The following information, not in this book, will be found at the back of both the 3-Volume set and our website collection:

Biographies of Creation Scientists

Creation Classics

Creationist Books (scientific aspects)

Books by Evolutionists against Evolution

Creationist Books (Biblical aspects)

Evolutionist Periodical Articles

Special Collections


There are many areas of scientific study which disprove various aspects of the theory of evolution. If you wish to prepare a report based on a single field of study, the following source list may help you.

In the following listing, (Pprbk and web: Chapter 2) means this: Evolutionary problems, as they relate to the field of astronomy, will be found in Chapter 2 of this book. On our website, the main chapters in our 3-volume set, dealing with astronomy, will also be found there.

(3-volume set: Chapters 1-3) means that, for those using our 3-volume printed set of books, evolutionary problems in astronomy will be found in Chapters 1-3. If you do not have access to that expensive printed set, ignore this part.


Astronomy - The study of planets, stars, galaxies, etc. (This book: Chapter 2. In the 3-volume set on our website: Chapters 1-3).

Astrophysics - The laws of physics, as applied to stellar facts and problems (This book: Chapter 2. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 1, 3, 2).

Cosmology - Speculative theories about stellar origins and change (This book: Chapter 2. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 1-3).

Natural Law - The basic laws governing the entire creation (This book: Chapters 18, 1 back. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 25, 3 back).


Anatomy - The study of the physical structure of animal life (This book: Chapters 7-8, 15-16. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 9-11, 21-22, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32).

Anthropology - The study of mankind (This book: Chapter 13. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 18, 36).

Archaeology - The study of materials and writings from ancient times (This book: Chapter 21. In the 3-volume set: Chapter 35).

Biochemistry - Chemical analysis of plant and animal tissue (This book: Chapters 7-8, 15-16. In the 3-volume set: Chap. 9-11, 21-22).

Biology - The study of plants and animals (This book: Chapters 7-8, 9-11. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 9-11, 13-15, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32).

Bioradiology - The study of various types of irradiation, as it pertains to life forms (This book: Chapter 10. In the 3-volume set: Chapter 14).

Botany - The study of plants (This book: Chapters 11, 7-10. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 12, 15, 9-11, 13-14).

Calendation - Human calendars, chronology, and time-measurement systems (This book: Chapters 3-6, 21. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 5-7, 29, 35, 39).

Claudistics - The study of plant and animal types (This book: Chapter 11 / 3-volume set: Chapter 15).

Cytology - The study of cells (This book: Chapters 7-8. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 11, 9-10).

Dating technologies - The science of determining dates from nonwritten materials (This book: Chapters 3-6, 21. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 5-7, 29, 35).

Dendrology - The study of tree rings (This book: Chapter 6. In the 3-volume set: Chapter 7).

Design factor - Structure, function, interconnections, and appearance in nature shows they were produced by a super intelligent Creator (This book: Chapter 2 back. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 3 back, 4, 8, 11-12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32).

Ecology - The study of plant and animal relationships and mutual dependencies (This book: Chapters 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32).

Egyptology - The study of the ancient Egyptian monuments and its civilization (This book: Chapter 21. In the 3-volume set: Chap. 35).

Ethnology - The study of races and cultures (This book: Chapters 9, 13-14. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 13, 18-19).

Genetics - The study of inheritance mechanisms and factors (This book: Chapters 8-11. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 10, 13-15).

Graphology - The study of writing, ancient and modern (This book: Chapters 13-14. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 18-19).

History - The study of past written records (This book: Chapters 1, 19, 12-14, 25, 31. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 29, 33, 17-19).

Legislative history - The study of earlier court decisions (3-volume set: Chapters 34, 5).

Linguistics - The study of human languages (This book: Chapters 13-14, 4. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 18-19, 6).

Logic - The study of cause, logical analysis, and fallacies (3-volume set: Chapters 37-38).

Microbiology - The study of plant and animal tissue, using high-tech methods and extremely powerful microscopes (This book: Chapters 7-8, 9-11, 15. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 9-11, 13-15, 21).

Philosophy - Speculative thought regarding origins, existence, purpose, and destiny (3-volume set: Chapter 37).

Physiology - The function of plant and animal cells, tissues, and organs (This book: Chapters 8, 9-10, 15-16. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 11, 10, 13-14, 21-22).

Prehistory - The study of human life, thought, and activity, prior to the advent of written records (This book: Chapters 12-14, 4. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 17-19, 6, 39).

Sociology - The study of the interaction of people in small and large groups and cultures (This book: Chapters 1, 19, 21, 13-14, 25, 31. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 33-35, 39, 18-19).

Speciation - The study of plant and animal species (This book: Chapter 11. In the 3-volume set: Chapter 15).

Taxonomy - The making of plant and animal classification systems (This book: Chapter 11. In the 3-volume set: Chapter 15).

Technologies, ancient - The study of ancient artifacts, technologies, and achievements (This book: Chapters 13-14, 12, 4. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 18-19, 17, 6).

Zoology - The study of animal life (3-volume set: Chapters 16, 20, 24, 28, 32).


Chemistry - The study of the interaction of chemical compounds (This book: Chapters 7-8, 10-11. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 9-10, 14-15).

Climatology - The study of climates (This book: Chapters 4, 7, 12-14. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 6, 9, 17-19).

Geochemistry - The study of substances in the earth and the chemical changes they undergo (This book: Chapters 3, 12-13, 7-8. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 5, 17-18, 9-10).

Geochronology - The study of time-measurement patterns in rocks and minerals (This book: Chap. 5-6. In the 3-volume set: Chap. 7).

Geology - The study of rocks and minerals (This book: Chapters 6, 12, 3, 2. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 7, 17, 5, 26).

Geophysics - The study of the structure, composition, and development of the earth (This book: Chapters 3-6, 20, 12. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 5-7, 26, 17).

Georadiology - The study of radiation as it relates to the earth (This book: Chapters 6, 20. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 7, 26).

Glaciation - The study of glaciers, their movements, and effects (This book: Chapter 14. In the 3-volume set: Chapter 19).

Hydrology - The study of water flow and pressure (This book: Chapters 14, 12, 6. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 19, 17, 7).

Meteorology - The study of the weather (This book: Chapter 19. In the 3-volume set: Chapter 14).

Mineralogy - The study of minerals, including iron ore and uranium (This book: Chapters 3-4, 6, 12, 14. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 5-7, 17, 19).

Mining - The study of digging, coring, and drilling into the earth (This book: Chapters 3, 6, 4, 20, 12. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 5, 7, 6, 26, 17).

Oceanography - Mapping and research of ocean currents, contents, shores, and floor (This book: Chapters 20, 14. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 26, 19).

Orogeny - The study of the origin of hills and mountains (This book: Chapters 12, 14. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 17, 19).

Paleogeography - The study of the past geography of the earth (This book: Chapters 18, 20, 12, 14. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 26-27, 17, 19).

Paleology - The study of ancient materials which have since been recovered (This book: Chapters 4, 13-14. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 6, 17-18).

Paleomagnetism - The study of earth’s magnetic core, reversals, and magnetic poles (This book: Chapter 20 / 3-volume set: Chapter 26).

Paleontology - The study of fossils (This book: Chapters 12-14, 6. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 17-19, 7).

Petrography - The study of rocks in general (This book: Chapters 3-6, 12-14, 20. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 5-7, 17-19, 26).

Physics - The study of physical laws and their applications (This book: Chapters 18, 2. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 25, 1-3).

Plate tectonics - The theory of gigantic continental plate movement (This book: Chapter 20. In the 3-volume set: Chapter 26).

Stratigraphy - The study of rock strata in which fossils are found (This book: Chapters 12-14, 6. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 17-19, 7).

Volcanology - The study of volcanoes and volcanic action (This book: Chapters 20, 12, 14, 3, 6. In the 3-volume set: Chapters 26, 17, 19, 5, 7).


There are several different blackpoll warblers, each of which travels to different places. The Alaskan blackpoll warbler is an intriguing little creature, with abilities which baffle scientists.

He doubles his weight twice a year, without adding any fat. In the process, his tiny body goes from 1/2 oz. to 1 oz. in weight.

In the autumn of each year he begins a 5,000-mile journey to a far distant land, without the use of any maps to help him. The entire trip is made non-stop by a one-ounce bird!

While still in Alaska, without knowing what the word, "barometer" means, the little fellow waits for a low-pressure weather system to arrive. Of course, high- and low-pressure weather had come and gone throughout the summer, but he knows just the right time to pay attention to this one.

When it arrives, it brings with it a wind from the northwest, and off he goes! Flying steadily for four days and four nights, our little friend flies 3,000 miles and arrives at the New England coast.

But he does not stop there, but flies on and on. However, this time, he changes his flight plan: Heading south over the ocean, he flies higher into the sky—increasing his altitude to nearly 16,000 feet! Most humans cannot suddenly go to that elevation—3 miles high—without needing to recuperate for a time before doing anything strenuous. For 40 hours our little friend flies on and on, without map or compass over the trackless ocean. It is bitterly cold and there is almost no oxygen. Scientists believe that, at night, he may look up at some of the stars for guidance! Eventually, he arrives in Venezuela where he winters over. Next spring, he will double his weight again and make the return trip, following the same route to Alaska—another 5,000-mile journey.

By the way, what do you think he eats in order to supply him with the energy to travel 10,000 miles a year? Bugs that he catches. It has been estimated that, in relation to relative amounts of "fuel tanks" each has, an automobile would need an engine which could provide it with 720,000 miles per gallon—in order to accomplish what this tiny bird does.

Evolution requires haphazard change and haphazard activity, in order to produce the intricate things within our bodies and amazing things that all of us can do.

But what about the tiny Alaskan blackpoll warbler. Who told him to do what he does? Why does he do it?


Each bird has the type of feet it needs. Land birds have short legs and heavy feet; wading birds have long legs; swimming birds have webbed feet; perching birds have slender legs and small feet; scratching birds have stout feet and moderately long legs.

Each bird has just the type of beak it needs. Seed eaters have short, blunt beaks; woodpeckers have long, sharp beaks; insect-eating birds have slender beaks; ducks and geese have beaks fitted for gathering food from the mud and grass.

Birds are designed for lightness, since most of them fly, and many need buoyancy in the water. The bones are hollow and filled with air. There are large air sacs in the body. Feathers enclose more air spaces. All the air inside a bird’s body is heated 10-20oF above that of a human body. This heated air gives added lift and buoyancy to the bird.

Because the air in a bird’s body is lighter in weight than anything else, birds balance by shifting the air load! A bird is able to automatically shift air from one body air sac to another, so that it can maintain its balance while flying. If a bird did not do this, it could not maintain its balance in flight.

A bird has rib muscles just as we do, but it also has flying muscles. When it is resting, a bird breathes by its rib muscles as do other animals. But when it flies, the rib muscles cease operating—and the ribs become immobile. This is because the strong flying muscles must have a solid anchorage on the rigid bony frame. How then does the bird breathe while it is flying? The wing muscles cause the air sacs to expand and contract, and this provides oxygen to the bird in flight; since its lungs are not operating properly due to locked ribs. It tood a lot of thought to design that.

Birds that feed out in open fields will tend to be more brilliantly colored. This is because they can see their enemies at a distance. Birds living in the woods and thickets will tend to have protective coloration, since they cannot as easily escape from enemies.

Water birds spend much of their time floating on the water, so they have thick, oily skin and a thick coat of feathers which water cannot penetrate. Diving birds have a special apparatus, so they can expel air from their bodies. In this way, they become heavier and can stay underwater more easily.


The water ouzel (oo-zul) looks like a normal robin. It has no webbed feet or fins. But, flying to a rock on the edge of a river, it jumps in and swims underwater—even when the current is very swift. Landing on the river bottom, it turns over stones and eats water creatures. Then it flies up and out of the water. When it is time to prepare its nest, the ouzel flies through a waterfall and builds it on mossy rocks behind that cascading flood of water. Each time it goes to and from the nest, it flies through the waterfall.