Impaired Health

A Repudiation of the Conventional
Treatment of Disease





Revised Edition


People are beginning to understand that their
discomforts come from morbidities,
both mental and physical

J. H. Tilden, M.D.


Mokelumne Hill, California



Copyright, 1921
Copyright, 1945
Copyright, 1959
Revised 1938 By J. H. Tilden, M. D.






   Dr. John H. Tilden, the son of a physician, was born in Van Burenburg, Illinois, on January 21, 1851. He received his medical education at the Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio, a medical school founded in 1830 as a protest against the allopathic and homeopathic schools of medicine of that time. He was graduated in 1872, with the degree of doctor of medicine. From the best information we can obtain, his father was a Dr. Joseph G. Tilden, who came from Vermont in 1837 to Kentucky, in which State he married.

   Dr. John H. Tilden started the practice of medicine at Nokomis, Illinois, then for a year at St. Louis, Missouri, and then at Litchfield, Illinois, until 1890, when he moved to Denver, Colorado. In Denver he located in the downtown business section, in an office with other doctors. Later he established a sanitarium in an outer section of the city. This sanitarium and school he conducted until 1924, when he sold the Institution, for about half of what he had plowed back into its development, to a Dr. Arthur Voss of Cincinnati, Ohio, intending to devote himself to writing and lecturing. However, he soon became discontented without his school and after a period he bought two residences on Pennsylvania Avenue, in Denver, united them into one and opened a new sanitarium and school, having to borrow from a friend a part of the money with which to make the purchases. This probably was in 1926. This school continued until the Doctor's death, on September 1, 1940.

   It was during the early years of his practice in Illinois, that Dr. Tilden began to question the use of medicine to cure illness. His extensive reading, especially of medical studies from European medical schools, and his own thinking, led him to the conclusion that there should be some way to live so as not to build disease, and in this period his thoughts on toxemia began to formulate and materially develop. From the beginning of his practice in Denver, the Doctor used no medicine but practiced his theory of clearing the body of toxic poison and then allowing nature to make the cure, teaching his patients how to live so as not to create a toxic condition and to retain a healthy body free of disease. An uncompromising realist and a strict disciplinarian, the Doctor wasted no time on those who would not relinquish degenerating habits, but to his patients and disciples he was both friend and mentor.

   In 1900 he began the publication of a monthly magazine called "The Stuffed Club," which continued until 1915, when he changed the name to "The Philosophy of Health," and in 1926 the name was changed to "Health Review and Critique." His writing for his publication was almost entirely done in the early morning hours, from three until seven. The purpose of the publication was not to make money but to spread knowledge of the Doctor's teachings. In time it attained a wide circulation, not only in this country but also abroad, even in Australia, but it never produced revenue, for the Doctor refused to make it an advertising medium, as often urged to do by advertising firms. As his death revealed, after sixty-eight years of practice, the Doctor had accumulated only an exceedingly modest estate. His life was pre-eminently one of self-sacrifice and of devotion to service, searching after truth, with an indomitable will and with an intense fortitude to adhere to the truth when discovered. In his day the Doctor's thoughts received no support from the established medical profession but brought the strongest of opposition and condemnation.

Frederic N. Gilbert




Publisher's Foreword

   Prior to his death, in 1940, Dr. Tilden revised Volume II of his work IMPAIRED HEALTH. He died before its publication.

   The revision has remained in the Doctor's archives until recently, when a patient and disciple of the Doctor learned of its existence, obtained the revised volume and, in gratitude for the benefits received from the Doctor's treatments and instruction, has provided for its publication and also for the publication of the unaltered Volume 1, in order that the two volumes may conform in size and printing.

   To obtain a full understanding of Dr. Tilden's medical thoughts and his health philosophy, his work TOXEMIA EXPLAINED should be read in conjunction with the two volumes of IMPAIRED HEALTH.

June, 1959
Health Research
Mokelumne Hill California




Author's Foreword

   As the majority of the readers of this book have been educated to recognize the naming of diseases as necessary to an understanding of them, and an inability to name disease as evidence of ignorance, I have decided to indulge this fallacy by treating of the various diseases under the regular nosological classifications. If I had pleased myself in the matter, I should have written this book from the standpoint of my belief; namely, that there is but one disease-Toxin Poisoning, or Autotoxemia.

   The names given to pathological processes are really nothing more than classifying affections; the real disease being simply crises--explosions, so to speak--of this constitutional derangement--disease.

   All diseases may be likened to a string of beads, the string representing the true disease--toxemia--and the so-called diseases, which should be called affections, being represented by the beads. Break the cord, and the beads are lost--correct the toxin, and affections subside.

J. H. Tilden, M. D.



Diseases Brought On From Toxin Poisoning

   1--Typhoid Fever
   2--Relapsing Fever
   3--Small Pox
   4--Chicken Pox
   5--Scarlet Fever
   8--Whooping Cough
   13--Rheumatic Fever
   14--Cholera Morbus
   18--Rocky Mt. Fever

Diseases Due to Chemical Poisoning and Sunstroke

   1--Lead Poisoning
   2--Arsenical Poisoning
   3--Ptomaine Poisoning

Diseases Peculiar to the Gouty Diathesis

   1--Arthritis Deformans
   2--Chronic Rheumatism
   3--Muscular Rheumatism
   4--Diabetes Mellitus
   5--Diabetes Insipidus

Diseases of the Digestive System

   1--Diseases of the Mouth
         1--Acute Stomatitis
         2--Ulcerative Stomatitis
         3--Eczema of Tongue
   2--Diseases of the Salivary Glands
      A--Hypersecretion (Ptyalism)
      B--Xerostomia (Dry Mouth)
      C--Inflammation of Salivary Glands
   3--Diseases of the Pharynx
      A--Circulatory disturbances
      B--Acute Pharyngitis
      D--Ulceration of the Pharynx
      E--Tuberculosis of the Pharynx
   4--Diseases of the Tonsils
      A--Acute Tonsilitis
   5--Diseases of the Esophogas
      A--Acute Esophagitis
      B--Spasms of Esophagitis
   6--Diseases of the Stomach
      A--Acute Gastritis
      C--Dilation of Stomach
      D--Peptic Ulcers
      E--Cancer of Stomach
      F--Hemorrhage from Stomach
      G--Neurosis of Stomach
   7--Diseases of the Intestines
         1--Chronic Diarrhea
         3--Chronic dysentery
         4--Amebic disentery
   8--Diseases of the Liver
      C--Cirrhosis of the Liver
   9-Diseases of the Pancreas
      B--Acute Pancreatitis
   10--Diseases of the Peritoneum
      B--Chronic Peritonitis

Diseases of the Respiratory Apparatus

   1--Diseases of the Nose
      A--Acute Coryza
      B--Hay Fever
   2-Diseases of the Larynx
      A--Acute Catarrhal Laryngitis
      B--Chronic Laryngitis
      C--Edematous Laryngitis
      D--Spasmodic Laryngitis
      E--Tubercular Laryngitis
      F--Syphilitic Laryngitis
   3--Diseases of the Bronchi
      A--Acute & Chronic Bronchitis
   4--Diseases of the Lungs
      C--Pulmonary Hemorrhage
         1--Hemoptysis or Spitting Blood
   5--Diseases of the Pleura
      A--Acute Pleurisy
      B--Purulent Pleurisy
      C--Chronic Pleurisy

Diseases of the Kidneys

      A--Movable or Floating Kidney
      F--Acute Bright's Disease
      G--Chronie Bright's Disease
      I--Tumors of the Kidneys

Diseases of the Blood and Ductless Glands

      C--Hodgkin's Disease
      G--Diseases of Suprarenal Bodies
         1--Addison's Disease
      H--Diseases of Spleen
         1--Movable Spleen
         2--Rupture of the Spleen
      I--Diseases of the Thyroid Gland
         2--Acute Thyroiditis
         4--Exophthalmic Goiter
      J--Diseases of the Thymus Gland

Diseases of the Circulatory System

   1--Diseases of the Pericardium
   2--Diseases of the Heart
      B--Functional Affections of the Heart
         3--Rapid Heart
         4--Slow Heart
      C--Angina Pectoris
   3--Diseases of the Arteries

Diseases of the Nervous System

   1--Diseases of the Spinal Chord
      A--Locomotor Ataxia
      B--General Paralysis
      C--Herpes Zoster (shingles)
   2--Diffuse and Focal Diseases of the Brain
      B--Affections of Blood Vessels of the Brain
         1--Cerebral Circulation
         2--Cerebral Hemorrhage (apoplexy)
      C--Tumors of the Brain
      D--Inflamation of the Brain
   3--Diseases of the Peripheral Nerves
      B--Neuritis in metallic poisoning
   4--Diseases of the Cerebral Nerves
      A--Lesions of the Retina
   5--General & Functional Diseases
      A--Paralysis Agitans
      B--Acute Chorea (St. Vitus Dance)
      C--Infantile Convulsions
      I--Raynaud's Disease


   1--Acute Alcoholism
   3--Chronic Alcoholism
   4--Delirium Tremens

Diseases Due to Intestinal Parasites

   1--Ascaris Lumbricoides
   2--Oxyuris Vermicularis
   3--Tenia Saginata
   4--Tenia Solium