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Abstracts For Protocol

The Life Extension Foundation's cancer treatment protocol incorporates a wide range of therapies designed to boost immune function, inhibit cancer cell division, induce cancer cells to differentiate into mature cells, inhibit the ability of cancer cells to metastasize, prevent angiogenesis, and modulate the effects of hormones on cancer cell growth. The studies substantiating the Foundation's protocol are impressive, but more aggressive therapies still need to be utilized to achieve a long-term remission.

Every cancer is different, and there are new tests (immuno-histochemistry) available that look for specific mutations in the individual cancer cell in order to help determine the best conventional and alternative therapies to use.

Whole-body cytotoxic chemotherapy drugs are widely used in an attempt to kill the metastasized tumor cells. However, conventional oncologists are failing to incorporate newly published findings into their chemotherapy regimens that could make chemotherapy more effective. Chemotherapy destroys immune function, thereby condemning the cancer patient to the likelihood of a recurrence of tumor metastasis, along with life-threatening infections. If the immune system is unable to recognize and destroy metastasized cancer cells, then the chances of achieving a permanent remission are remote.

In the 30 years that cancer chemotherapy has been used, it has proved effective for relatively few cancers. The cancers that chemotherapy has been shown to benefit include testicular cancer, choriocarcinoma, Hodgkin's disease, leukemia and lymphoma. For the majority of cancers, however, chemotherapy has been a failure. The Life Extension Foundation has identified methods of making chemotherapy more toxic to cancer cells and less toxic to healthy cells. Please refer to the Cancer Chemotherapy protocol for suggestions about making chemotherapy more effective and how to protect healthy cells against injury and death from highly toxic chemotherapy drugs.

When cancer is first diagnosed, the primary tumor often is too large for the Foundation's Cancer Treatment Protocols to be effective by themselves. In these cases, conventional cancer therapy (surgery and/or radiation) often is necessary to eradicate the primary tumor. However, surgery and radiation place tremendous stress on the body that severely weakens immune function and can put the body into a catabolic (wasting) state that leads to noticeable weight loss. The Foundation's Cancer Treatment Protocol provides nutritional and hormonal therapies that are needed to mitigate the damaging effects of surgery/radiation therapy. Conventional cancer doctors seldom include any of the nutritional support that is so desperately needed by the cancer patient.

At this time, the Life Extension Foundation does not have a good alternative for conventional therapies when it comes to large primary tumors. Even the advanced therapies used at offshore cancer clinics are usually not potent enough to shrink large, primary tumors.

It is crucial for cancer patients to monitor the effectiveness of any cancer therapy they are using under the care of a physician, preferably an oncologist. Blood tests should be done monthly that measure tumor markers in the blood and measure the effects of immune-boosting therapies on specific immune components of the blood.

We cannot overemphasize the importance of monthly blood testing for all cancer patients. Every patient responds differently to both conventional and alternative cancer therapies. The results of blood tests provide critically important data to evaluate the effectiveness of these therapies.

Some of the blood tests commonly used by doctors to evaluate different types of cancers are:

Type of Cancer Blood Test

Ovarian cancer CA 125

Prostate cancer PSA and prolactin

Breast cancer CA 27.29, CEA, alkaline phosphatase and prolactin

Colon, rectum, liver, CEA, GGTP stomach and other organ cancers

Pancreatic CA 19.9, CEA, GGTP

Leukemia, lymphoma, CBC with differential, and Hodgkin's disease immune cell differentiation and leukemia profile

Lung cancer CEA, CA 125, alkaline phosphatase PT, PTT and D-Dimer of fibrin

Dr. Emil Schandl's Cancer Profile, which has had an excellent track record for more than 10 years, is strongly recommended for all cancers (refer to the Medical Testing Protocols for in-depth information). For cancers that do not have an established blood tumor marker test, one should use MRI, CAT scans, and other imaging diagnostics every 30 to 60 days to determine whether tumor shrinking is actually occurring. This will provid some evaluation about the benefits of whatever therapy is being used.

While you may have to rely on conventional cancer therapy to treat a primary tumor, the nutrients and hormones in the Cancer Treatment protocol improve the chances of bringing metastasized cancer cells under control.

Melatonin may be the single most effective alternative cancer therapy because it boosts immune function, suppresses free radicals, inhibits cell proliferation, and helps to change cancer cells into normal cells.

Nutrients that have an inhibitory effect on cancer-cell proliferation include Vitamin-A (and synthetic Vitamin-A analogs) and such phytochemicals found in cruciferous vegetables as sulforaphane, 3-indole-carbinol and isothiocyanate. Soy contains numerous anti-cancer agents such as genistein and other isoflavones. Vitamin-d3 inhibits cancer cell growth and induces cancer cells to differentiate into normal cells.

The best example of the effectiveness of Vitamin-A and beta-carotene in inhibiting cell proliferation is in patients with cancer of the mouth. Vitamin-A or beta-carotene supplementation puts most forms of early stage mouth cancer in remission as long as these nutrients continue to be consumed.

The Foundation's Cancer Treatment Protocol is for most forms of cancer, including metastasized prostate cancer.

This protocol assumes that the patient's primary tumor has been eradicated, at least partially, by surgery or some other treatment. However, it may be followed even if the primary tumor has not yet been eradicated.

Here is the Life Extension Foundation's Cancer Treatment Protocol:

Step One: Arrange for monthly blood tests, to include:

1. Tumor marker test-The type of cancer dictates the type of test used. Some cancers do not have a specific tumor marker test available. The CA Profile is not organ specific and has been shown to be effective in monitoring the progression and regression of cancer.

2. Immune cell subset test (This is an expensive test.)

3. Complete blood chemistry - to include all standard liver, thyroid, heart and kidney function tests. This is a low-cost test.

These blood tests must be taken on a regular basis under the supervision of a physician in order to follow scientifically the Foundation's Cancer Treatment Protocol. It's the best way of knowing whether what you are taking is working, and/or whether significant toxicity is developing. This is no time to guess!

Since you will be having these tests performed monthly, you should price-shop for the best deal. The Life Extension Foundation now offers these tests at discount prices.

Step Two: Total nutritional support

1. Life Extension Mix -The standard daily dose involves three tablets, three times a day. Also available in powder or capsule form to be taken in three divided doses.

2. Life Extension Herbal Mix-powder only. One tablespoon early in the day.

3. Super selenium complex. One tablet, two times a day.

4. Green Tea capsules (decaffeinated)-Four to 10 capsules a day in divided doses.

5. Coenzyme Q10-oil filled capsules, 200 to 400 mg early in the morning.

6. Garlic- Kyolic Galic Formula 105, four capsules a day; and PureGar (high allicin Garlic), four 900-mg capsules a day with meals.

7. Essential fatty acids-Mega EPA fish oil or Udo's Choice Ultimate Oil. Highest tolerable doses. Suggested dose is 12 Mega EPA caps or two tablespoons of Udo's Choice Ultimate Oil daily. Some studies suggest not taking these oils if you have prostate cancer.

8. Vitamin-C-Capsules or powder. Highest tolerable dose of pharmaceutical grade Vitamin-C to be taken throughout the day.

9. Phyto-Food powder. One to two tablespoons daily. Juicing organic vegetables is an alternative to Phyto-Food powder.

10. L-carnitine capsules (600 mg)-Four capsules early in the day. Use Acetyl-L-carnitine if affordable.

11. Curcumin-four 500-mg capsules daily.

12. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)-10 500-mg capsules in two divided doses

Step Three: Boosting immune function

1. If the immune system is weakened enough, cancer cells can survive and multiply. The most critical part of the immune system is the thymus gland, a small organ just below the breast bone that governs the entire system. There are two products that promote healthy thymic activity:

a) Thymic Protein A has been shown in laboratory and animal experiments to cause the T-4 lymphocyte to mature, thereby initiating a specific cell-mediated immune response.

Thymic Protein A is a protein that has been shown to be a stimulant in animal models for the production of interleukin-2. Interleukin-2 production by T-4 cells is the benchmark measurement for T-cell maturity and initiation of immune response.

A daily dose of four micrograms of Thymic Protein A may strengthen the immune system through its T-cell "programming" role. The more T-cells that are properly functioning, the more immune response may be mounted against metastasized cancer cells.

Initial reports from those undergoing chemotherapy indicate that Thymic Protein A has maintained their total white blood count at acceptable levels during the therapy. (It is well known among oncologists that chemotherapy and radiation often will induce a drop in white blood count to dangerous levels, which may dictate cessation of therapy.) Healthy people can take one packet every day or every other day. Those with disease whose treatment is dependent on a strong immune system may need three packets a day for several months.

b) Another product, Thymex, provides extracts of fresh, healthy tissue from the thymus and other glands that produce the disease-fighting cells of our immune system.

The primary ingredient in Thymex is immunologic tissue from the thymus gland. Also included in Thymex is tissue from the lymph nodes and spleen that produces the white blood cells that engage in life or death combat with invading organisms in our bloodstream under the "instruction" of the thymus gland.

Thymex is a synergistic formula that contains herbal activators and a full complement of natural homeopathic nutrients, in addition to fresh, healthy thymus, lymph and spleen tissues. Thymex is a professional formula normally dispensed through doctor's offices. Thymex has been extensively used to amplify the immune potentiating effect of DHEA replacement therapy. According to a physician most familiar with DHEA, thymus extract is required to obtain the immune system-boosting benefit of DHEA.

2. Cancer patients usually have elevated cortisol levels that can suppress immune function. Take one to two tablets of KH3 daily on an empty stomach first thing in the morning, and one or two KH3 tablets in the mid-afternoon on an empty stomach to suppress the damaging effects of cortisol.

3. DHEA can also suppress dangerously high cortisol levels while boosting immune function via other mechanisms. Doctors usually prescribe at least 25 mg per day of DHEA for their male cancer patients and a minimum of 15 mg a day of DHEA for females. Your monthly or bimonthly DHEA-S and immune cell subset tests and tumor marker tests will determine if DHEA is producing a beneficial effect.

Do not use DHEA if you have prostate cancer or estrogen-sensitive breast cancer.

4. Melatonin boosts immune function via several mechanisms of action. It also exerts an inhibitory effect on cancer cell proliferation and induces the differentiation of cancer cells into normal cells. Melatonin should be taken every night in doses ranging from 3 to 40 mg.

CAUTION: Some doctors are under the impression that leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, and lymphoma patients should avoid melatonin until more is known about its effects on these forms of cancer. If melatonin is tried in these types of cancer, tumor blood markers should be watched closely for any sign that melatonin is promoting tumor growth.

5. Show your oncologist the information in this book regarding the use of the FDA-approved drugs interleukin-2 or interferon and melatonin. Studies document that low doses of interleukin-2 or alpha interferon combined with high doses of melatonin (10 to 50 mg nightly) are effective against advanced, normally untreatable cancers. Ask your doctor to prescribe these agents:

a) Interleukin-2 at a dose of 3 million units injected subcutaneously six out of every seven days for six weeks.

And one month later:

b) Alpha interferon at a dose of 100,000 to 300,000 units injected subcutaneously six out of seven days for six weeks. Subcutaneous injections can be self-administered at home.

CAUTION: Breast cancer patients should not use interleukin-2. While low-dose IL-2 and high-dose melatonin have been shown to be effective against many forms of cancer, interleukin-2 could promote breast cancer cell division. Breast cancer patients are encouraged to take 10 to 50 mg of melatonin nightly (See the Breast Cancer protocol).

This immune-boosting program should be adjusted if the immune cell subset test or the CA Profile fails to show marked improvement in the patient's immune function. For example, if there are too many T-suppressor cells, 800 mg a day of the drug Tagamet (now available over the counter) can lower the T-suppressor cell activity. T-suppressor cells often are elevated in cancer patients, which prevents them from mounting a strong immune response to the cancer.

Step Four: Inhibiting cancer cell proliferation

1. Water-soluble Vitamin-A liquid in doses of 100,000 to 300,000 IU a day should be used for several months.

CAUTION: Monthly blood tests can help ascertain if toxicity is occurring in response to these high doses of Vitamin-A. Do not take Vitamin-A if you have thyroid cancer or suffer severe thyroid deficiency. Refer to theVitamin-A Precautions before taking vitamin A.

2. Melatonin taken to boost immune function also inhibits cancer cell proliferation.

3. Mega Soy Extract. Five 700-mg capsules four times a day. Soy may be effective in treating certain cancers. Genistein is the most substantiated soy isoflavone that produces multiple cancer-inhibiting effects. Genistein has been shown to work especially well against certain leukemias and cancers of the skin, prostate and brain.

CAUTION: For most cancers, the determining factor of whether soy may work is if your cancer cells carry a mutated p53 tumor suppressor gene, or carry functional p53. If functional p53 is present, then soy genistein will probably not work. In small-cell lung cancer, however, it was recently determined that genistein's growth inhibitory effects were independent of p53 function. Only specialized tumor cell tests (immuno-histochemistry) can determine the p53 status of your particiular cancer.

Estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer patients should avoid high doses of genistein.

4. Whey protein concentrate powder. 30 to 60 grams a day (one to two scoops). Whey protein concentrate inhibits cancer cell glutathione levels, making cancer cells more vulnerable to free radical destruction than normal cells.

Step Five: Inducing cancer cell differentiation

Cancer cells are aberrant, transformed cells that proliferate (divide) more rapidly than normal cells until they kill the patient. Inducing cancer cells to "differentiate" back into normal cells is a primary objective of cancer researchers.

1. The Total Nutritional Support protocol supplies nutrients like beta-carotene and the phytochemicals found in fresh fruits and vegetables that induce cancer cell differentiation into normal cells and inhibit cancer cell proliferation.

2. Melatonin , which boosts immune function and inhibits cancer cell proliferation, also induces cancer cell differentiation.

3. Vitamin-d3 and its analogs may be the most effective therapies to induce cancer cell differentiation. Vitamin-d3 can cause too much calcium to be absorbed into the bloodstream, so the monthly blood chemistry test, which includes serum calcium levels and kidney and liver function tests, is crucial to guard against Vitamin-d3 overdose. A daily dose of 2,000 to 3,000 IU of Vitamin-d3 is suggested. Increase Vitamin-d3 if blood tests show blood calcium levels are not being affected and parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels are not suppressed. Decrease or eliminate Vitamin-d3 supplementation if hypercalcemia occurs. Underlying kidney disease precludes high-dose Vitamin-d3 supplementation.

Note the importance of competent, professional guidance by a physician. Monthly blood testing is mandatory when taking high doses of Vitamin-A or Vitamin-d3.

Step Six: Preventing cancer cell metastasis

Modified citrus pectin interferes with cancer cell communication, enhances killer cell activity, and inhibits cancer cell metastasis. Suggested dose of this powder is 15 grams a day.

Step Seven: Call the Life Extension Foundation

If following the above protocols does not result in significant immune enhancement, improvements in blood tumor markers, tumor shrinkage, weight stabilization, and an overall improvement in well being within two months, please call the Life Extension Foundation at 1-800-544-4440 or order OnLine for other, more aggressive options.

It is impossible to fit a description about the mechanisms of action of all the nutrients and hormones in this Cancer Treatment protocol. That would require a separate book. What follows are some recent reports that substantiate some components of the Cancer Treatment protocol. The inclusion of certain nutrients in the following descriptions does not mean that they are more important than nutrients like Vitamin-C and selenium, whch are not discussed because of lack of space.

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has been shown both in vitro and in animal models to have strong anti-tumor activity. Particular effects have been observed on the growth and metastatic spread of mammary tumors. A study investigated the effect of dietary CLA on the growth of human breast adenocarcinoma cells in immuno-deficient mice. CLA inhibited the development and growth of mammary tumors. Moreover, CLA completely abrogated the spread of breast cancer cells to lungs, peripheral blood and bone marrow. These results indicate the ability of dietary CLA to block both the local growth and systemic spread of human breast cancer via mechanisms independent of the host immune system.

CLA has been shown to inhibit initiation and promotion stages of carcinogenesis in several experimental animal models. A study of mice with skin tumors showed that CLA inhibited tumor yield. This study confirmed previous studies showing that CLA inhibits tumor promotion in a manner that is independent of its cancer-prevention effects.

Genistein has shown significant cell-inhibiting effects in many different types of cancer. A study was conducted to examine the role genistein played in growth factors such as protein tyrosine kinase and thymidine incorporation into cancer cells. Genistein suppressed protein tyrosine kinase activity and the subsequent growth stimulatory incorporation of thymidine into cancer cells. The scientists speculated that genistein has potential value in the prevention and treatment of some tumors in vivo. In other studies, genistein has shown anti-angiogenesis properties, cancer cell adhesion-inhibition properties, estrogen-receptor blocking properties and apoptosis-inducing effects. An investigation into the effect of soy genistein on the growth and differentiation of human melanoma cells showed that genistein significantly inhibited cell growth. Some studies suggest that genistein may enhance the efficacy of certain chemotherapy regimens.

Curcumin and genistein both have been shown to inhibit the growth of estrogen-positive human breast cancer cells induced by pesticides. When curcumin and genistein were added to breast cancer cells, a synergistic effect resulted in a total inhibition of cancer cell growth caused by pesticide-induced estrogenic activity. This study suggested that the combination of curcumin and genistein in the diet has the potential to reduce the proliferation of estrogen-positive cells induced by mixtures of pesticides or estrogen. Since it is difficult to remove pesticides completely from the diet, and since both curcumin and soy genistein are not toxic to humans, their inclusion in the diet in order to prevent hormone-related cancers deserves consideration. Curcumin appears to function via several different mechanisms to inhibit cancer cell proliferation.

Genistein appears to be especially effective against prostate cancers. One study showed that genistein inhibited the proliferation and expression of the in vitro invasive capacity of tumoral prostatic cells. In a cell culture system, genistein appeared to be cytotoxic and inhibitory to PC-3 cells. The more aggressive the prostate cancer cell culture studies, the more genistein was effective, both with respect to proliferation rate and inhibition of growth factors.

Angiogenesis (new blood vessel growth) is a key step in tumor growth, invasion and metastasis. To date, a number of anti-angiogenic agents have been identified. In animal models, treatment with angiogenesis inhibitors has proven anti-tumor effects. Early clinical experience with angiogenic inhibitors indicates that optimal anti-angiogenic therapy in the future will likely be based on their long-term administration to cancer patients in adjunct to surgery, radiotherapy and conventional chemotherapy.

Differentiation-inducing agents such as genistein, retinoids and Vitamin-d analogs inhibited tumor cell induced angiogenesis in vitro and in vivo. Simultaneous administration of retinoids and 1,25-Dihydroxy Vitamin-d3 led to a synergistic inhibition of tumor associated angiogenesis in mice. Recently, these compounds have been shown to induce and act in concert with natural angiogenic inhibitors such as interferons.

A study was conducted to determine if genistein can induce human breast adenocarcinoma cell maturation and differentiation. Treating these cells with genistein resulted in growth inhibition accompanied by increased cell maturation. These maturation markers were optimally expressed after nine days of treatment with genistein. Both estrogen receptor-positive and estrogen receptor-negative cells became differentiated in response to genistein, which is a crucial step in inducing cancer cell apoptosis (programmed cell death).

Despite this study, we do not recommend that women with estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer use soy genistein because of the following evidence.

The Foundation has made a preliminary determination that women with estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer should not take soy supplements based on evidence that an estrogenic growth effect could occur in some forms of estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer. Until more is known about the effects of soy phytoestrogens in this type of cancer, compounds such as genistein should be avoided in those with estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer.

One study tested the effects of naturally occurring flavonoids on the proliferation of an estrogen receptor-positive human breast cancer cell line. Genistein inhibited cell proliferation, but this effect was reversed when estrogen was added. The flavonoids hesperidin, naringenin and quercetin inhibited breast cancer cell proliferation even in the presence of high levels of estrogen. These flavonoids apparently exert their anti-proliferative activity via a mechanism that is different from genistein.

Women with any type of breast cancer should test their serum estrogen levels to make sure that too much estrogen is not present if they are taking high doses of soy. Estrogen can combine with the phytoestrogen genistein to cause some breast cancer cells to grow faster. Other studies, however, show that genistein blocks certain types of estrogen-receptor sites, thus inhibiting the proliferation of these types of breast cancer cells.

Cancer patients whose tumor cells have a mutant p53 oncogene are far more likely to benefit from soy extract supplementation. Only a pathology examination of the actual cancer cells can determine p53 status. An immuno-histochemistry test can help to determine the p53 status of tumor cells. The following laboratory can perform this new test:

IMPATH Laboratories 1010 Third Avenue, Suite 203 New York, N.Y. 10021 Phone: 1-800-447-5816

IMPATH Laboratories measures mutant p53. If the test is positive, you have mutant p53 and are more likely to benefit from soy extracts. If the test is negative, this indicates that you have functional p53 and are less likely to benefit from soy extracts. The Foundation realizes that many cancer patients seeking to use soy supplements may find it difficult to have an immuno-histochemistry test performed to ascertain p53 status. In order to find out if you have p53, please contact your oncologist and ask him to request this test from IMPATH. IMPATH is unable to provide information about the likelihood of p53 expression on an individual basis without samples and test requests from your treating oncologist.

Because all cancer therapies produce individual responses, the Foundation reiterates its recommendation that all cancer patients have monthly blood tumor marker tests to determine whether the therapies they are using are working. If, for instance, tumor markers were to continue to elevate for 30 to 60 days after initiating soy extract supplementation, discontinue its use and seek another therapy immediately.

Fish oil may enhance the effectiveness of cancer chemotherapy drugs. A study compared different fatty acids on colon cancer cells to see if they could potentiate the effect of the chemotherapy drug mitomycin C. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) from fish oil was shown to make colon cancer cells more vulnerable to mitomycin C without affecting normal cells. The scientists found that EPA induced alternations of the fatty-acid composition of cancer cells, which made them more vulnerable to chemotherapy destruction. Although preliminary, these findings imply that EPA specifically enhances the chemosensitivity of malignant cells. Fish oil has been shown to specifically induce apoptosis of pancreatic cancer cells and to inhibit metastasis of breast and lung cancer cells.

Garlic is a well-established cancer preventing nutrient. A study investigated aged garlic extract in an effort to determine whether it could inhibit proliferation of cancer cells. The proliferation and viability of erythroleukemia, hormone-responsive breast and prostate cancer cell lines were evaluated. The eyrtholeukemia cells were not significantly affected by the garlic extract, but the breast and prostate cancer cell lines clearly were susceptible to the growth-inhibitory influence of aged garlic extract. The anti-proliferative effect of aged garlic extract was limited to actively growing cells. This study provided evidence that garlic can exert a direct effect on established cancer cells.

Aberrant hyperproliferation is a late occurring event that precedes mammary tumorigenesis in vivo. A study conducted on pre-cancer cells showed that EPA, indole-3-carbinol (broccoli-cabbage extract) and green tea extract resulted in a 70 to 99 percent inhibition of aberrant hyperprolifertion.

Whey protein concentrate has been studied for cancer prevention and treatment. When different groups of rats were given a powerful carcinogen, those fed whey protein concentrate showed fewer tumors and a reduced pooled area of tumors. The researchers found that whey protein offered "considerable protection to the host" over that of other proteins, including soy .

Whey appears to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells at low concentrations. One clinical study with cancer patients showed a regression in some patient's tumors when fed whey protein concentrate at 30 grams per day.

As noted in a related protocol, but worth repeating in this context, this led researchers to discover a relationship between cancerous cells, whey protein concentrate and glutathione. Glutathione is an antioxidant that protects the body against harmful compounds. It was found that whey protein concentrate selectively depletes cancer cells of their glutathione, thus making them more susceptible to cancer treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy.

It has been found that cancer cells and normal cells will respond differently to nutrients and drugs that affect glutathione status. What is most interesting is that the concentration of glutathione in tumor cells is higher than that of the normal cells that surround it. This difference in glutathione status between normal cells and cancer cells is believed to be an important factor in cancer cells' resistance to chemotherapy. As the researchers put it, "Tumor cell glutathione concentration may be among the determinants of the cytotoxicity of many chemotherapeutic agents and of radiation, and an increase in glutathione concentration in cancer cells appears to be at least one of the mechanisms of acquired drug resistance to chemotherapy."

They further state, "It is well-known that rapid glutathione synthesis in tumor cells is associated with high rates of cellular proliferation. Depletion of cancer cell glutathione in vivo decreases the rate of cellular proliferation and inhibits cancer growth." The problem is, it's difficult to reduce glutathione sufficiently in tumor cells without placing healthy tissue at risk and putting the cancer patient in a worse condition. What is needed is a compound that can selectively deplete the cancer cells of their glutathione , while increasing, or at least maintaining, the levels of glutathione in healthy cells. This is exactly what whey protein appears to do.

This research found that cancer cells subjected to whey proteins were depleted of their glutathione and their growth was inhibited, while normal cells had an increase in glutathione and increased cellular growth. These effects were not seen with other proteins. Not surprisingly, the researchers concluded, "Selective depletion of tumor cell glutathione may in fact render cancer cells more vulnerable to the action of chemotherapy and eventually protect normal tissue against the deleterious effects of chemotherapy." The exact mechanism by which whey protein achieves this is not fully understood, but it appears that it interferes with the normal feedback mechanism and regulation of glutathione in cancer cells. It is known that glutathione production is negatively inhibited by its own synthesis. Since baseline glutathione levels in cancer cells are higher than that of normal cells, it is probably easier to reach the level of negative-feedback inhibition in the cancer cells' glutathione levels than in the normal cells' glutathione levels.

Molecular Oncology

CAUTION: The following information is extremely technical. The cooperation of your oncologist is vital to most cancer patients who seek to use the following information in an attempt to save their lives:

- Determining RAS mutations.

The family of RAS proteins plays a central role in the regulation of cell growth and integration of regulatory signals that govern the cell cycle and proliferation. Mutant RAS genes were among the first oncogenes described for their ability to transform cells to a cancerous phenotype. Mutations in one of three genes (H, N and K-RAS) encoding RAS proteins have been intimately associated with unregulated cell proliferation, and are found in an estimated 30 percent of all human cancers. The frequency of RAS mutations appears to depend upon the specific tumor type analyzed. For example, 90 percent of pancreatic carcinomas contain a mutated oncogenic RAS protein while RAS mutations are rarely found in breast carcinomas.

Approximately one-third of liver cancers harbor a mutated RAS oncogene. Pravastatin, an inhibitor of the rate-limiting enzyme of cholesterol synthesis, inhibits growth of liver cancer cells. One of the possible mechanisms of pravastatin inhibition of cell growth is that pravastatin may inhibit the activity of RAS proteins. In a recently published study, patients with primary liver cancer were treated either with the chemotheraputic drug 5-FU or a combination of 5-FU and 40 mg per day of pravastatin. Median survival was 26 months in the combination therapy group, versus 10 months in the mono-therapy (5-FU) group.

The highest incidences of RAS mutations are found in adeno-carcinomas of the pancreas (90 percent), the colon (50 percent) and the lung; in thyroid tumors (50 percent); in liver tumors (30 percent); and in myeloid leukemia (30 percent). If you have one of these cancers, you should consider requesting an immuno-histochemistry for the mutated RAS oncogene or a biopsied specimen in order to ascertain if the combination of chemotherapy and a statin drug may be effective.

- Determining p53 status.

Another of the most widely studied molecular changes in epithelial malignancies is mutation in the p53 tumor suppressor gene. A p53 mutation has been found in approximately 50 percent of solid tumors. The p53 gene product is regarded as a cell-cycle checkpoint, arresting progression through the G phase of the mitotic cycle in response to cellular injury and allowing time for repair of replication errors. Mutant p53 allows tumor cells to bypass the cell cycle constraints that facilitate repair or promote apoptosis (programmed cell death).

P53 dysfunction promotes the spontaneous emergence of mutant cells and encourages progression of cancer. Mutant p53 might restrict therapeutic efficacy since many cancer drugs and radiotherapy operate via the induction of DNA damage and p53 dependent apoptosis. Clinically, the presence of p53 mutations is indeed associated with intransigence to treatment, and both in vitro and in vivo studies with human cell lines and transplantable tumors have demonstrated enhanced survival of p53 mutant or null cells in the face of normally lethal concentrations of cytotoxic drugs and ionizing radiation. A determination of p53 status, by an immuno-histochemistry, can help to ascertain whether genotoxic chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy are likely to work, and can even help determine whether natural therapies such as soy genistein will be effective.

In a recently published study, genistein was shown to inhibit growth and induce differentiation in human melanoma cells in vitro. The effects of genistein were regulated by cellular p53. Functional p53-containing cells were not suppressed by genistein. However, mutant p53-containing cells were significantly more sensitive to genistein's inhibitory and cell-differentiating effects.

IMPATH Laboratories, cited earlier in this protocol, can ascertain immuno-histochemistries which will ascertain RAS and p53 status.

- Determining thrombotic risk factors.

In patients affected with different tumors, disorders concerning blood clotting are frequently observed. The biological processes leading to coagulation are probably involved in the mechanisms of metastasis. About 50 percent of all cancer patients, and up to 95 percent of those with metastatic disease, show some abnormalities-a pre-thrombic state-in the coagulation-fibrinolytic system. Thromboembolic complications are seen in up to 11 percent of cancer patients, and hemorrhage occurs in about 10 percent. Thromboembolism and hemorrhage, as a whole, are the second most common cause of death after infection.

In a recently published study, subclinical changes in the coagulation-fibrinolytic system were frequently detected in lung cancer patients. Five conventional and one new test of blood coagulation-that is, platelet count (P), prothrombin time (PT), partial thromboplastin time (PTT), fibrinogen (F) and D-Dimer of fibrin (DD)-were prospectively recorded in a series of 286 patients with new primary lung cancer. A pre-thrombotic state (depicted by a prolongation of PT, PTT and increase of D-Dimer of fibrin) was significantly associated with an adverse outcome.

Anticoagulant treatment of cancer patients, particularly those with lung cancer, has been reported to improve survival. These interesting though preliminary results of controlled trials lent some support to the argument that activation of blood coagulation plays a role in the natural history of tumor growth. Recently, two studies compared the effectiveness of standard heparin with low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) in the treatment of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). In both studies, mortality rates were lower in the patients randomized to LMWH. The analysis of these deaths reveals a striking difference in cancer-related mortality.

Cancer-related mortality of patients treated with standard heparin was 31 percent, versus only 11 percent among those treated with low molecular weight heparin. This difference cannot solely be attributed to thrombotic or bleeding events. Because large numbers of cancer patients were included in the studies, it seems unlikely that ones with more advanced tumors were present in the standard heparin group. Although it is also possible that standard heparin increases cancer mortality, such an adverse effect has not been reported. These considerations suggest that low molecular weight heparin might exert an inhibitory effect on tumor growth that is not apparent with standard heparin. The evidence of lowered cancer mortality in patients on LMWH has renewed interest in these agents as antineoplastic drugs. If your oncologist will not test for thrombotic risk factors, contact the Life Extension Foundation at 1-800-544-4440 or order OnLine.

- Assessing immune function.

In order to assess the effectiveness of immune-boosting therapies, a complete immune cell subset test could be performed bimonthly in order to measure CD4 (T-helper) total count, CD4/CD8 (T-helper to T-suppressor) ratio, and NK (natural killer cell) activity.

CD4 T-cells have been shown to differentiate into TH1 or TH2 cells, with different cytokine profiles and functions. TH1 cells produce interleukin-2 and gamma interferon, activate macrophages, and cause delayed type hypersensitivity reactions, whereas TH2 cells produce interluken-4, interluken-5 and interluken-10, cause eosinophilia, and are more specialized in providing B cell (antibody) help for immunoglobin production. The differential development of these immune system subjects is a major determinant of the outcome of physiological as well as pathological immune responses to cancer.

One of the soluble factors secreted by monocytes, interleuken-12, is a major cause of differentiation of T cells towards the TH1 type, while suppressing TH2 cytokine development. The capacity of interleukin-12 to stimulate growth and gamma interferon production in T cells and NK cells is probably the main reason for its TH1-inducing capacity. Another product of activated monocytes, prostaglandin E2, has been shown to be an important regulatory factor in inducing TH2 responses. PGE2 affects T helper responses opposite to interleukin-12: the synthesis of TH1 cytokines (interleukin-2 and gamma interferon) is much more sensitive to inhibition by PGE2 than TH2 cytokine production (IL-4, IL-5, IL-10). Because TH1 and TH2 cytokines negatively cross-regulate each other's production, the selective inhibition of TH1 cytokines by PGE2 could result in dominant TH2 responses. These findings provide opportunities to treat patients with dominant TH2 responses by selectively inhibiting synthesis of PGE2 during therapy, as this would increase interleukin-12 production and cause a shift toward TH1 cytokine production.

Many human tumors, including gastric, colon, estrogen receptor-negative breast, prostate and lung produce more prostaglandin E2 than their associated normal tissues. The mechanisms and implications are not fully understood, but PGE2 may act as a tumor promotor in tumor angiogenesis, in cachexia (wasting syndrome) and in the suppression of immune function.

Prostaglandins are synthesized from arachidonic acid by the enzyme cyclo-oxygenase. There are two isoforms of cyclooxygenases: Cox-1 is expressed constitutively in most tissues and helps maintain gastric mucosal integrity; Cox-2 is inducible and is associated with cellular growth and differentiation. In a recently published study, PGE2 was shown, for the first time, to up-regulate the MRNA levels of its own synthesizing enzyme, Cox-2, in four human cells lines. In this regard, it is conceivable that cells continuously sustain their growth in part by using extra cellular PGE2 that they themselves produce and release to up-regulate the expressions of Cox-2 and possibly other growth related genes. Elevated Cox-2 expression may make cancer cells resistant to apoptosis. Inhibition of excess activity with Cox-2 specific non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs might restore the cell's ability to die by apoptosis and so cause tumor regression.

Super aspirins that selectively inhibit Cox-2 are being developed by several drug companies to try and avoid the side effects of NSAIDS. The currently commercially available NSAIDS are nonselective Cox inhibitors and are associated with peptic ulceration in the stomach. Nimesulide is a novel NSAID that is one hundred times more selective for Cox-2 than for Cox-1. In a recently published study, patients received either nimesulide or aspirin for 14 days. PGE2 formation fell markedly in the nimesulide treated patients, whereas aspirin had no effect. In contrast, nimesulide had no significant effect on Thromboxane B2 which was suppressed by aspirin. Nimesulide suppressed Cox-2 in vivo with no detectable effect on platelet Cox-1.

Nimesulide has been commercially available throughout most of the rest of the world for more than 10 years. It has not been licensed by the FDA for use in the United States. The Life Extension Foundation has identified sources that will ship nimesulide to Americans for personal use.

There are several thousand studies that substantiate the anti-cancer potential of the nutrients listed in this Cancer Treatment protocol. Please refer to the References section for additional studies.

Product availability: You can order Life Extension Mix , Life Extension Herbal Mix, selenium complex, Thymex, DHEA, Melatonin, Vitamin-A emulsified drops, Vitamin-d3, Mega Soy Extract, Green Tea caps, Coenzyme Q10, Garlic, Vitamin-C, Phyto-Food, carnitine, Acetyl-L-Carnitine and modified citrus pectin by calling 1-800-544-4440 or order OnLine. Ask for the names of companies that will ship nimesulide and other cancer drugs to Americans for personal use.

For some forms of cancer, you may be able to get in a free program utilizing experimental cancer therapies sponsored by the National Cancer Institute. For information about experimental cancer therapies, call 1-800-4-CANCER. Make sure you do not enroll in a study where you may be part of a placebo group or where the potential toxicity of the drug may kill you before the cancer does.

Abstracts For Protocol

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Created: Saturday, September 27, 1997 Updated: 11/28/98